HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-10-19, Page 9MON., OCT. 16 to SAT., OCT. 21
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TimlwAcivocote, OctiD4er 19, 19.67 Page 9 Many visit in community Teachers learn
science method
The local unit of the Federated
Women Teachers' Association of
Ontario entertained all the teach-
ers of the inspectorate at the
first dinner meeting of the season
in James Street United Church
Thursday evening.
Guest speaker was Mr. Paul
Park, London, who outlined the
Nuffield approach to the teach-
ing, of science in the elementary
Mark anniversary ,at Thames Rood
H ear speech
about tension
'vim Ralph. 'Vander Burgh of
Toronto were guests Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs, Jeffery,
Rey. Stewart and Mrs. Miner
attended church anniversary ser-
vice at Winthrop ,Sunday. Rev,
Miner was the guest speaker.
They later spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Trewartha
of Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs. William Johns
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Webber and family Sunday, the
occasion being the twelfth wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Webber and also the birthday of
Mrs. Webber.
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayer
of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas Jeffery
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Jeffery of Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight
of Exeter were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Knight and Mr. and Mrs. George
Webber of Detroit, Michigan,
called on Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Knight Tuesday evening last.
Mrs. F. Russell of Toronto-
spent the weekend with her grand-
daughter and grandson, Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Jeffery. Mr. and
Rummage sale another success
The fall rummage sale conducted by the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary, Saturday, was another success.
As usual the sale of books was brisk and these area ladies are shown picking out their reading material
for the long, winter months ahead. — T-A photo
Auxiliary projects success
James Street UCW unit 2 met
Thursday afternoon with the
"Anglican Church Women" of
Trivitt Memorial and Main Street
UCW as guests. About 60 were
in attendance.
The speaker was Mrs. M. C.
Fletcher who spoke on "Ten-
sions of 1967". She compared
tensions of life to a thread in
a sewing machine; when the ten-
sion is too tight the thread must
break. She stated ill-health may
not be caused by "what we are
eating" but rather by "what is
eating us."
Mrs. Fletcher counselled that
"we should reserve more time
for things we would like to do
rather than depleting our energy
on things we think we have to
do." She held the attention of
her audience throughout. Mrs.
H. H. Cowen moved her a vote
of thanks.
Mrs. Rufus Kestle presided
for the program. Mrs. Warren
Brock led in the worship ser-
vice and Mrs. George Sereda
sang two solos.
Mrs. S. E. Lewis conducted
the business in the absence of
the leader, Mrs. Earl Shapton.
Mrs. Altna Thar of London
With Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ether-
Mr. and. Mrs. James Miller,
Betty and Bob of Woodhull were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Miller,
Tyro Boys group will meet
Friday evening, October 20, at
7;30 pm in the church basement,
There will be no SundaySchool
or church services Sunday, Oc-
tober 22 owing to Elimville an-
Those who have attended Expo
recently or are attending now
are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and
Judith, Beth Passmore, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Margaret
and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
Alan and Connie visited with
relatives in Sarnia Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. William Mayer of Fergus
Rev. C. Britton of Seaforth
was guest speaker at the anni-
versary service Sunday, The
flowers on the altar were placed
there in memory of the late
John Selves and Mrs. Jack Cann.
Mrs. Dan McLeod of Exeter fav-
ored with two solos. The choir
sang an anthem.
Some of those attending the
service and spending the day
with friends were: Mrs, Jae.
Rodgert of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hoggarth of Staffa, with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross ilodgert;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair
and girls of Centralia, Mr. Ray
Mills of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Fisher and Glenda, Mr.
and Mrs. William Rowe and Lar-
ry, Mr. and Mrs, Brian Wed-
lake of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Rennie and Brenda of
London, Miss Shirley Johns of
Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Rowe with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Smale of Seaforth with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney;
Mrs. Ruth Knight of Seaforth
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym;
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy pepper of
Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde;
Mrs. John Selves of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rate of
Shipka, Mrs. Gordon McCarter
and Gerry with Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Webber.
Rummage, tags raise cash
A film Stand By For Life
depicting the many services of-
Gerald Godbolt also attended.
The fifth graduation of South
Huron Hospital Training school
for Registered Nursing Assist-
ants will be held November 17
in James Street United Church.
The Exeter unit of the Cancer
Society reported services being
given to 17 patients.
The next meeting, November
14, will be the annual one and
the year's reports will be given
and officers elected.
A cup of coffee was served by
the social committee convened by
Mrs. Harold Taylor and Mrs.
Walter Davis.
fered in a modern hospital was
shown at the quarterly social
meeting of South Huron Hospital
Auxiliary last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Glen Mickle convened the
President Mrs. Delmer Skin-
ner conducted the business. It
was reported that donations on
Tag Day, September 30, were
better than last year—to date
$680.06 has been reported with
several communities to hear
from. Grand Bend WI tagged in
that village realizing $150,75.
Mrs. R. E. Russell convened the
project assisted by Mrs. Harold
Skinner, Mrs. William Cann,
Mrs. J. Pryde and Mrs. R. E.
Mrs. Walter Davis and Miss
Marion Bissett reported on the
regional meeting held at St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, Guelph. Mrs.
A good crowd eager to buy
attended the Hospital Auxiliary
rummage sale Saturday after-
noon. "We were nearly mowed
down with the customers but it
was all over at 3.30" said Mrs,
Wellington Brock who was co-
convener with Mrs. Robert
Over $1,000 was realized al-
though the definite amount is not
yet available. The auction of
furniture and other articles by
Bill Smith, Crediton, brought $96.
Applications for Enrollment
in an additional course in
Conversational French
will be accepted at the school on
Thursday, Oct. 19
7:30 p.m.
Resort women
will pack bale
The afternoon Unit of the Grand
Bend UCW met Thursday with
Mrs. Emery DesJardins leading
the Thanksgiving worship ser-
vice assisted by Mrs. Alex Barn-
ilton and Mrs. W. Gill, her theme
being "The Home".
Mrs. Alex Hamilton presided
for the business. Mrs. Wm Slur-
devant will be accepting don-
ations towards a Christmas box
to be sent to the Irwins in Korea.
A bale will be packed Novem-
ber 1, all good used clean cloth-
ing to be brought to the church
not later than Oct. 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Dorman
and daughter, Mrs. Rosa Grigg,
Mrs. Mabel DesJardine, Mrs.
Bud Becker spent Thanksgiving
weekend with Mrs. Cliffe Rus-
sell at Bobcaygeon.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grigg,
Carl and Martine of Strathroy
spent Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. Rosa Grigg.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gill and
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Gill and family at Bramp-
Mrs. Raymond English, Mrs.
Gordon Woodburn, Mrs. G. E.
Morrow, Mrs. Ray Patterson and
Mrs. W. Gill attended the County
Fair at Silon United Church,
Fanshawe, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mitchell
Wayne, Dennis and Michael
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Kowalchuk, Larry and Reed.
Star elects
E theringtons
— Continued from page 8
gown of peau de sole with lace
sleeves and empire waistline. A
lace train fell softly from the
shoulders. She carried a cascade
of red roses.
Mrs. Tom Swindalles, London,
was matron of honor wearing a
full-length A-line dress of rose
lagoda crepe. She carried a bou-
quet of pink carnations.
Gary Wedlake, Waterloo, was
best man and William Rowe and
Morris Wedlake ushered guests.
A reception was held at the
Duiferin Hotel, Centralia where
the bride's mother received
guests in a chocolate brown dress
with matching accessories and
the groom's mother assisted
wearing blue lace.
For travelling to South USA
the bride changed to a royal
blue walking suit with black patent
and royal blue accessories and
red rose corsage.
The couple will reside at 90
Victoria St., Exeter.
At the October meeting of Ex-
eter Chapter No. 222 Order of
the Eastern Star Mrs. Archie
Etherington was elected worthy
Matron and Mr. Archie Ether-
ington, Worthy Patron, for the
coming year.
Other officers elected were
Associate Matron, Mrs. Robert
McKinley; Associate Patron, Mr.
Earl Campbell; secretary, Mrs.
Wm Middleton; treasurer, Miss
Kathleen Hay; Associate Conduc-
tress, Mrs. Lloyd Lovell.
During the meeting Mrs. Elgin
McKinley was presented with a
Life Membership in Exeter Chap-
The conveners of the various
committees gave their annual
reports. One special benevolent
project was a most successful
Tea at the Blue Water RestHome
Zurich, the proceeds donated to
the Home.
Mrs. Margaret Bryant, London,
held the lucky ticket on the cradle
play pen donated by Mr. Rollie
Choose officers
for girls' group
Officers were elected at the
James Street CGIT meeting last
Wednesday evening. President
for the whole group is Linda
Bourne; vice-president, Pam
Sereda; and secretary and press,
Carol Lynn Shapton.
Mrs. Roy Stover is leader of
the senior group, "Stovepipes".
President is Pam Sereda; vice-
president, Janet Ecker; secret-
ary, Dianne Shapton.
President of the intermediate
group, "Talkative Teeny Bop-
pers" is Gwen Mills; vice-pre-
sident, Lynne Farquhar; sec-
retary, Tess Romaniuk. Leader
of the group is Mrs. D. A. Ecker.
The junior group "The Mini
Girls" have as their leader,
Mrs. George Sereda. President
is Janice Davey; vice-president,
Marilyn Hamilton and secretary,
Sandra Shapton. 704414t °7aftie4
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. White
and family of Ottawa visited over
the weekend with the latter's
mother, Mrs. Verde. Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis of
Port Credit visited Sunday with
Miss Verna Coates.
Mrs. K. L. Werner, London,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt
are attending Expo this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer
and family, Woodstock, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Witmer were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Herborth and family Stratford.
The Local Association of
Guides and Scouts met at the home
of Mrs. Robert Lirxton Thursday
and plans were Made to hold a
cookie sale Saturday, October 28.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Blair of Andrew St. are
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson of
Aneroid, Sask. Mrs. Watson is a
Sister of Mrs. Blair. While having
a sociable game of cribbage Mr,
Watson was dealt a perfect hand
which seldon happens.
kinettes model fashions
Exeter Kinettes used everything but the kitchen sink to prepare the
hats and other attire they modelled at the auto show, Friday, The
Styles were suitably described by the commentator, Andy Bierling.
Standing from the left are; Mrs. Bob Callitigham, Mrs. Gib Dow and
Mrs. Glen McNabb. Kneeling is Mrs. Bill Lain. T-A photo
Mrs. John Coward spent the
weekend at Expo.
Miss Kathy Hern of Clinton
and Miss Ruth Horne Of Exeter
spent the weekend at their hornet
in Winchelsea.
Colin Gilfillan and Bar-
bara Visited Friday evening with
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Smith and
Penny of Crediton, celebrating
Mrs. Gilfillan's birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dayrnen
and family Of Kippen visited on
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Wm.
Walters and Danny.
Mr. & Mrs. Rueben phelke of
Moncton, and Mr. & Mrs. Percy
Felker, Bruce, Mark of Elmira
Visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs4
Sanford Hutton, Dennis and