HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-10-12, Page 13By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN
working for
Charlie MacNaughton has achieved an outstanding
record of effective representation for Huron
riding. Just a few highlights:
• Centralia Industrial Park
• Agriculture & Home Economics School
• New Schools • New Roads
• More hospital beds
• More senior citizen facilities
• Point Farms Provincial Park
• Support for a Community College Campus
Charlie MacNaughton expresses the common-sense
attitude of Huron Riding at senior Government level
• Realistic level of total taxation to continue sound growth
• Stress on economy and efficiency in government operations
• Equalized industrial opportunity for slow-growth areas
• Support for farm capital grants program
Re-elect Charlie
October 17 Your date with progress
Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association
Times-Advocate, October 12, 1967 Page 13 Area folk host visitors Surprise pair
on annivorsary
Flowers decorate Woodham service
The annual fall Anniversary
of the church was held Sunday
with the Rev, Hugh Wilson of
Exeter as guest speaker. Two
anthems were rendered by the
choir, The sanctuary was dec-
orated with fall flowers and fruit
for the occasion.
and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rohde and
family of Mitchell spent the week-
end at the leriner's cottage at
Barrow Bay.
Brian Thomson spent the week-
end with Mr. & Mrs. Bill. Rohde
and boys of Thames Road.
Visitors during the weekend
With Mr. & Mrs. Wrn. Dickey and
family were Mrs. Harry Ford,
Mr. Clarence Ford, Andy and
Larry of Kitchener and Mr. &
Mrs. Gerald. Morley and Danny
of Exeter,
Miss Rhea Mills visited Sunday
afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Thomson of Parkhill.
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Gordon Johns and family
were Mr. & Mrs, Gordon, Bain
and family of Don Mills, Sunday
visitors were Miss Ruth Lince
and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Cole of
St. Marys.
By .MRS. HEBER pAyis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
were guests recently with Mr.
and. Mrs. H. A. Mullins, London,
who had arranged a surprise
35th wedding anniversary dinner
for Mr. and Mrs, Carroll.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
Heather and Mrs. George Mc-
Falls, .Centralia, spent three days
recently with relatives at CHO,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and
boys spent the weekend visiting
relatives at Richmond Hill, Mr.
and Mrs. JIM Leslie and M. and
Mrs. Len Snook,
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Tindall and
girls were guests Saturday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs,. Bete
Sovereign and boys, Liman.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Donald accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest, on a
week's trip to visit Mr. and Mrs,
Ed Burke, North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
Heather attended service at
Grace United Church, London,
Sunday and were guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lilley and
Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis and
Michael Davis were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Barker and family. Michael re-
mained for the holiday and the
Davis' were Monday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston,
C entralia.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Dianne and Doug spent afewdays
at EXpo last week.
Warren and Perry Wilson of
Lakeside spent a few days with
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith while
their parents attended Expo.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber en-
joyed a trip to Beaver Valley Sun-
day and also called on friends.
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson
attended the Ott-Grieve wedding
in Sudbury Saturday and were
weekend visitors with their aunt
and uncle, Mr. & Mrs, A. T.
Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson and
family, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roger
of Kirkton and Mr. & Mrs, Fred
Doupe visited with Mr. & Mrs.
Don Brine and Cheryl on Sunday,
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson
Students create Interesting displays
Grade six and seven students at Exeter Public School have made their history lessons more interesting
by creating displays of the Indians of North America. Tom Creech, John Dobbs and John Musser created
this display of Eskimos, complete with an igloo, polar bear and an authentic skinning knife.— T-A photo Mark event
at Greenway Women at Thames Road
hold Thanksgiving event
The 70th anniversary of the
building and dedication of Green-
way United Church will be ob-
served Sunday, October 15 with
services at 11 am and 7:30 pm.
The guest speaker for the oc-
casion will be Rev. A. E. Holley
of Highland Road United Church,
Kitchener, who is a former min-
ister of the Grand Bend-Green-
way charge.
At the morning service, Mr.
Holley's subject will be "The
Church In the World" and in the
evening he will be speaking on
"Christianity To-day".
Special anniversary music will
be rendered at the services by
the junior and senior choirs. A
special welcome awaits mem-
bers of former years.
Mrs. Clayton Smith spent
Thanksgiving weekend with Mr.
& Mrs. John Cutting and family
of Kingston.
Miss Lynn Paul of Toronto
University and Mr. Ray Switzer
of Waterloo College spent the
weekend at their respective
Mr. & Mrs. Burns Blackler
and family visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Simmons and fam-
ily of North Branch, Mich.
Miss Rosanna Ho of Hong Kong
and Miss Dawn Blackler of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with Mrs.
Maurice Blackler.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roundell and
family cf Caistorville visited on
the weekend with Mr, & Mrs.
Garth Blackler and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Irvine were
Monday evening guests with Miss
Myrtle Rathburn of St. Marys.
Mrs. Olive Langtree and Nor-
man of Kitchener spent the week-
end with Mr. & Mrs. RoySwitzer.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine and
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine were
guests at the Eccles-Grierson
wedding in London Saturday.
Guests Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Parkinson and girls
were Mr., & Mrs. Bob Elston,
Wilma and Grant, Mrs. Alfred
Baker,George, Marlene and Ralph
and Mr, & Mrs. Jesse Elston,
Mrs. Ralph Bull of Port Credit
and Mrs. Reg Mills and Harrison
of London visited Saturday with
Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills
and Mr. Edgar Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller, Betty
Jean and Bob were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Constable
of Wellburn.
Mr. & Mrs, Malcolm Walker
of Caledonia were weekend guests
with Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby of
Kirkton, Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exe-
ter, Mr. Chas Brine of Baseline
and Mr. Ernie Vodden were Sun-
day guests with Mr. & Mrs. La
Verne Rodd and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Gunning and
family of Toronto were weekend
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Miller, Betty Jean and Bob.
Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mr. &
Mrs. Lloyd Jaques attended the
funeral of the former's brother,
the late Mr. John Selves of
Exeter, Monday.
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Webber of
Warren, Mich. visited for a few
days this week with Mr. & Mrs.
llarry Webber.
Mrs. Carl Mills and girls of
Exeter were Sunday guests with
Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family.
in the church basement Friday
evening October 27 at '7:30 pm.
Last Wednesday evening the
UCW Thank-offering meeting was
held with Mrs. Archie Ethering-
ton and Mrs. Carl Hume as host-
Mrs. Ross Hodgert, program
convener, was in charge of the
meeting which opened with the
Call to Worship on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Fleming Simpson and Mrs.
William Johns assisted with the
worship service. Mrs. Wilfred
Hunkin favored with a solo and
a reading ''Our Thanksgiving"
was given by Mrs. Jack Duncan.
A chapter from the study book
Into A Nation, entitled Challenge
In A Community was given by
Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde.
Mrs. Donald Kernick conducted
the business. It was decided to
see about getting stacking chairs
for the Sunday School. The Re-
gional meeting was announced
for October 24 at Greenway.
The UCW are entertaining the
Messengers to a Hallowe'en party
Can get tiring
When students from Huron Centennial school at Brucefield arrived
for their tour through the Centennial Caravan, the older students were
assigned to look after the juniors. Danny Kelly really took advantage
of the situation when he got a free ride around the grounds with
Laurie Kruse. T-A photo
and Michael of Elimville, Mr. &
Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert, Janet
and Ruth were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. William
Mrs. Whitmore of Brockville
spent the holiday weekend with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
& Mrs. Barry Jeffery.
Visitors over the holiday week-
end with Mr. & Mrs, Leonard
Harris were Mrs. Ina Nesbit,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harris and
family of London, Mr. & Mrs.
Art Harris and boys of Stratford,
Mrs. Beth Morgan of Toronto
and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Harris and
family of Windsor.
Friday evening in the church
basement at '7:30 pm there will
commence a Tyro group for boys
ages from 9 to 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hicks spent
a few days with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Romphf
and family of Ingersoll spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
McLinchey and family.
Miss Marilyn Scafe of London
Township spent the weekend with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elton Curts,
Miss Lillian Ulens of Windsor
spent the weekend at her home
Mr. Dean Brow!, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Brown and Alice, and
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn
visited Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull of Grand
Mrs. Lonzo Romphf spent a
few days at Expo.
Mr. & Mrs. William Johns,
Harold and Terry were guests
at the King—Skinner wedding at
Grace United Church, London
and the reception at the Belmont
Arena on Saturday.
Keith Passmore is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
A large number of people from
this community attended the re-
ception and dance at Russeldale
Hall on Saturday for Mr. & Mrs.
Brian Wedlake. Group No. 2 of the
UCW served lunch.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brazier, Mi-
chelle and Carol of Brantford
spent the weekend and Mr. &
Mrs. Case de Mooy, Sandra and
Shari of London were guests
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cann and
Cheryl spent Sunday and Monday
with Mrs. Peter Ferguson of
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rannie
and Brenda of London spent the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Har-
old Rowe.
Brian Thomson of Woodham
spent the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. William Rohde while his
parents attended a wedding in Sud-
bury on Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elford, Ava
Visiting Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Miller, Janet and
Edna and Mrs. Mary Miller were
Mr. Will Hocking and Margaret,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan,
Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Dianne and
Mr. Glen Elliott is home again
after a holiday trip to the west
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Duncan and
family, Kirkton, visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller
and family and Mr. & Mrs. John
Miller and family. Call Exeter's
For Voting Day
V Is your name on the voters' list?
V Where do you vote?
V When are the polls open?
or For Transportation
to the Polls, call
c co-op® FALL
Watch for your
Exeter District o.°r
Fall Sale Flyer Soon
Attit Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association