HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-10-05, Page 14Tiorm-Advocote, October 5, 1967 Pogo 14 4E1ESI ll I l SEWIMNINH4.4444144444441.44144444410144114IIIIIINIllitiliiimmonmillioNwilistiNN ttttttt 4 4 /4 4,14WHIIMININNE Lucan Personal Items oo 4 tt NM; tt 44 tt t 44444411444444414444444.1441441444144.411141111111IIHNOINSIIIINNNIIIINIMIIINI111101411.111 000 o Nu 1111 Lucan and district news Correspondent Miss Line Abbott ed from a two-week visit in Tor- onto, where she was the guest of Miss Florence Groam. "Miracle Story" owned by Dr. Harvey Revingtort of London and driven by Mr. Leroy Revington of Lunen, was a winner last Thursday night at the London raceway. Mr. A. M. Iledden, who was taken to South Huron Hpspital last Thursday is making satis- factory recovery. Phone 221.44$ Bazaar and Bake Sale Mr. Aline Culbert, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's HospitEd for the Oast week, Is making satisfactory recovery. Mrs. Alice Devine, London, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Clare Stanley, who is on the sick list. Monday, Mrs. Alex McFarline was taken to St. Joseph's Hos- pital, by the Haskett ambulance as the result of a fall in her Beech St., home. After a two-week visit with mrs. Eldon Hodgson, Mrs. Ed. Meyer has returned to Hamilton. While here both visited friends in Stratford and Exeter. and Mrs. Henry Mooney and five-year-old Andrew spent last weekend InBrampton, guests of Mr. & Mrs, Tom Skelton. The Ladies of the Bin, WI and friends had an enjoyable bus trip to Yorkdale Plaza and Black Creek Pioneer Village, north of Toronto, Saturday Sep- tember 23. Mr. & Mrs. John Knight and family of Kintore visited Lucan relatives last Sunday, Dr. & Mrs. Walter Rice of California, who have been guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Jack Sprowl, are spending a few days at Expo. Mrs, Sprowl will again return with them to spend the winter in sunny California. Mr. & Mrs. Albert McMillan of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Rev. & Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster. Miss Holly Martin of London was a weekend guest of her sist- er, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins. Mrs. Helen Smith has returned to St. Thomas after spending a month with Mrs. Wm. Aylestock. Mrs. Clarence Hudie, son Har- old Hudie of Walton, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Triebner of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Robinson and family of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Evan Hodgins. Mrs. Alma Price has return- Lu can Arena Friday, Oct. 13 8:00 p.m. Deanery event attracts 78 UC hosts Catholic ladies Fun for all the family, Home baking booth, Re- freshment booth, Sewing booth, Children's booth, Home-made candy, Penny Sale, White Elephant & Parcel Post Sale. Prows for Philishave Electric Razor, 54-piece set of Stainless Steel flatware, Electric Alarm Clock. Last Wednesday, '78 delegates from the London CWL Deanery, held their annual fall deanery, in the Lucan United Church, from 10 am to 3 pm with the members of the UC W Evening Branch, pro- ed by parents in assisting their children. Mrs. Ralph Bingham of Am- herstburg, social welfare con- vener, spoke on how the CWL could assist the aged and under- privileged. Mrs. J. J. Gardiner of Ilderton, report form con- vener, spoke on the importance of submitting yearly r epor t s, properly made out and on time. Mrs. Ferris filled In for some converters, who were unable to be present. The theme for this year's deanery was "Special retreat program and promotion of the Canadian League Magazine." Admission Free Sponsored by C.W.L. of St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph. 4\ Th YOUNG, PRE-DRESSED, GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, FROZEN 6-9 lb. Size CANADA GRADE 'A' BROILER ALL TAILERITE MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED lb. '1 Et • Village boasts prize winners Several times a week, Mrs. Russell Thompson Francis can be seen wheeling her twin daughters Jane Marie and Jean Marie, down Main St. She is stopped many times so Lucanites can admire her bonny lassies. Last week she entered them at Exeter Fair. If you have not read the result and seen the pictures look on page 3 of last week's edition. But the Thompson twins were not Lucan's only prize babies for Linda Jean Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson, Main St. South was awarded sec- ond prize in the 8 to 12 month class. Speaking of twins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henson have one and one- half year old twin girls, Shelley Colleen and Sherry Lyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Joh Brand have five year old twin boys, Mark and Jeffery, who are alike as peas and who, no doubt are giving their kindergarten teacher difficulty in figuring out which is which. Young Pre-Dressed Govt. Inspected (6.0 lb. Size) CANADA GRADE 'A' C --"-FRESH BROILER TURKEYS 47 , lb. Honor daughter on confirmation Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hender- son of Main St. North, whose daughter Julie, was among those confirmed at St. James Church, Clandeboye, Sunday held a con- firmation dinner in her honour following the service. Guests included Julie's grand- parents Mr, and Mrs. James Henderson of Bothwell, her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hichmott of London, their child- ren Dannie, Wendy, Reggie, Hughie and Andy, also Miss Line Abbott who has be en Julie's League of Loyalty teacher for the past eight years. Mr. Hend- erson is the superintendent of Holy Trinity Sunday School. Julie was presented with a number of confirmation gifts. Former teacher dies at age 81 William Henry Tuke 81, of London, passed away suddenly in his summer cottage atIpperwash Beach, Thursday, September 21. The body rested in the A. Mil- lard George Funeral Home, Elm- wood Ave., London, until 2 pm Monday, September 25, when the Rev. R. G. Story of Byron Unit- ed Church, conducted f un e r al services. Interment was in Wood- land Cemetery. He is survived by two daugh- ters and one son, Madeleine (Mrs. Harold Dukelow) of Blenheim, Margaret (Mrs. Harold Briggs) of Toronto, Mr. J. Frederic Tuke of Western Springs, Ill., seven grandchildren; also one sister and one brother, Mrs. EllaJones of Florence, South Dakota, and Mr. John Fred Tuke of London (father of Mrs. Glen Haskett of Lucan). Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Tuke, he was born in. London. He taught in the Lucan High School 1903-1907, also at Brampton, Halleybury and Nor- anda, Quebec. His wife the former Jean Ma- deleine Dearness, taught in the Lucan High School at the same time as Mr. Tuke. Both board- ed at the same place on Alice St. Mrs. Tuke also passed away at the Ipperwash Beach summer home just two months ago, July 23, 1967. viding a noon luncheon. The chairman for the meeting was Mrs. Joe Whelihan of the St. Patrick Counsel, Lucan. Rev. F. J. Bricklen extended a wel- come to the visiting delegates. Rev. J. L. Hennessey of London, Diocesan Director, discussed the need for social action in the community and suggested the use of the Canadian flag at all meet- ings also Bible reading and a study Club on Vatican II. The Diocesan President, Mrs. Henry R. Ferris of London, gave many suggestions on league work which was followed by a general questionnaire. She also reported on the National Convention, which she had attended at Montreal and of the nation-wide centennial pro- ject to raise $100,000 for the Vanier Institute of the Family, and of its fulfillment. The following other conveners spoke briefly, spiritual convener, Mrs. W. V. Lovich of Strathroy spoke on the retreat program; Mrs. Fred McDermott of Inger- soll, a past president, urged the promotion of the League Maga- zine. Mrs. Lawrence Howard of Lon- don, social action convener, spoke on woman's place in the community. Mrs, G. 0. Ruther- ford of Windsor, public rela- tions convener, spoke on the im- portance of prompt and properly compiled press reports. Mrs. J. F. Fallona of London, Education convener, spoke on the value of education and schol- arships and the part to be play- Saturday Dannie Avery, three- year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Avery, cut an index finger very badly with a stick. As none of Lucan's three doctors were available he had to be taken to emergency at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. 5 Varieties 49e TOP VALU MINCED HAM or VARIETY PACK COLEMAN'S READY TO EAT SKINLESS & DEFATTED TOP VALU 697b.wi,v4I 1-lb. S Vac Poe (WHOLE OR HALF) t1 COOKED MEATS SMOKED HAM BURN'S BOLOGNA ...-- 11401000 IS AIRP1 1114 1.9 \V S 101/41)t. N11.10140. t.t110101.1t1\S IVA )11 10. Sikt11/41. WatkIkS(.00 IAO01. SI\11 ,FOODS V1014 `LOUR ia.1 IGA S0F.R kAik0.. 1SNS VItVIDIal 10 ??,\CES 140 10. VOL Otik, *111i 1400. 0.01 9tPS F OCI011R VtAlk1011% ANL talfilkl) DO.\..Vilt. IttSt. SPEC" • • • Make home at resort SAVE 30c - TOP VALU SAVE 16c STOKELY FANCY PUMPKIN INSTANT COFFEE 10.0z. 9 9c JAR TOP VALU (ASSORTED FLAVOURS) SOFT DRINKS SAVE 39c CASE SAVE 47c - SHIRLEY GAY FRESH APPLE PIE OF 24 10-02 TIN 24.02, PIES 1.00 Lighted candelabra, baskets of white gladioli and yellow mums and ferns formed the setting in Holy Trinity Church at 4 pm Saturday, Sept. 30 when the rect- or, the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, officiated at the double ring mar- riage ceremony of Nancy Anne Haskett and Emerson JohnChar- lie Gill. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett of Main St., Lucan and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gill of Grand Bend, Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride wore a floor-length gown of white silk organza over silk lining. The bodice was high- lighted by a bateau neckline and empire waist, while a cape effect extended from the neck, to form CLUB HOUSE STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES 12J:. 59C (SPECIA TID E L. PACK)E POWDEREDR Pkg. Ki ngSize $1.39 990 43g 890 37C PRICES EFFECTIVE omen 4-7 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 48-oz. Tins 14-ox. Tins 19-oz. Pkgs. 18-ox. Pkg. i')I1EYCilTii.PAt;4KI)X Ctnrs. 49c Bag MIR 2 24-ox. Plast. Liquid Detergent HOSTESS i k,TO CHIPS 3 2 2 AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE .. STOKELY F AN HONEYPOD PEAS Dunc an es (A Flavours) CAKE 415i MARGARINE BLUE BONNET PARCHMENT lb. 63c Pkg. Facelle Royale (Aitstlirs) FACIAL reies"T"FOCreARPAST TOP VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE , 2 0I; 333 s3 59(1 Super Size 'Tube 6 6-oz. Tins Pkg. Tins KRAFT CANADIAN 8.0x, 35 _, Ocean Spray (Whole or Jellied) CRANBERRY SAUCE 4 14-ox. CHEESE SLICES g 88g 39g 990 990 .ONTARIO GROWN 'FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES . . . ss: 45g /PIGA OFFERS YOU EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON.N\ DINNERWARE IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND GENUINE ENGLISH "IRONSIDE" DINNERWARE NEW CROP NO. 1 RED (Size 96's) - CROWN ESSEX U.S. NO. 1 Seedless GRAPES ROYAL BOUQUET GRAPEFRUIT C UNIT NO. 1 CUP & SAUCER 10" DINNERPLATE NEW CROP SOUTH AFRICAN ORANGES site 2 Ibs, 49c D"' 69c ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 SE HOU Pint 29c HoT TOMATOES UNIT NO. 2 OR With Every BREAD AND BUTTER PLATE Moo I GA SOUP BOWL/FRUIT DISH .. Purchase FREE . ACCESSORY PIECES CREAM & SUGAR BOWL OR 14" MEAT PLATTER With 4 coupons frotn LIAR No, 2 package :Firs* of ilia 54esion*,Gksiorte4 COloini) POT MUMS ...I.. , 0.... 4" Pot $9c elbow-length sleeves. The gently controlled sheath skirt featured a detachable chapel train falling from under the cape and re- embroidered Chantilly lace sil- houetted the cape and accented the empire line and bottom of the train. A queen's crown of crystals held her French pure silk il- lusion finger-tip veil. She car- ried an orchid spray, stephanotis and ivy. Mrs. Dave Varey of London, as matron of honor, and Miss Susan Gill of Grand send, sister of the groom, Mrs. James Prowse of London, cousin of the bride and Miss Brenda Haskett, sister of the bride as bridesmaids and junior bridesmaid, were dressed alike in floor-length empire styl- ed gowns of emerald green peau de sole, with bateau neckline, elbow length sleeves and Chan- tilly lace trimmed bodices. The same lace enhanced the wide pan- els falling from two tiny should- er bows. They wore matching bow headpieces, adorned with crystals and cocktail veils. They carried sprays of white mtims and yellow roses. Frank Allister of Hamilton was best man and Bill Haskett, broth- er of the bride and John Gill, cousin of the groom, were ush- ers. Mr. Earle Terry of London, provided traditional wedding mu- sic and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Brent Bamford of London, Who sang "The Wedding Prayer" and 1,0 Perfect Love". At a reception and dinner at the Shillelagh Motel, Lucan, the bride's mother received in a gown of rose beige peau de sole, with matching hat, and pink orchid corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who chose a gown of blue crepe, beaded-trim matching feather hat and white orchid corsage, For a honeymoon trip to Ken. hicky and Southern States the bride donned a beige and White brocade suit with mink trim, and matching mink hat, and era chid corsage, 'The young cOtiple will make their home in Southcott Pines, Grand Send, • SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES BETTY & ART'S GRAND BEND DARLING'S EXETER LUCAN 4 Confirmed in St. James Church Fifteen candidates from Holy Trinity and St. James Anglican Churches were confirmed in the latter church, Sunday, October 1, by the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton DD, LLD. David Hill was the bishop's staff bearer. Top row, left to right are Rev. E. 0, Lancaster, Allan Kraul, Jacqueline Hodgins, Mrs. Eric Hodgins, Julie Henderson, Mrs. Bob Hodgins, Frances Elson, Margaret O'Neil, Brenda Herbert, Joan Lewis, Julie Hardy, Helen Lewis, Bishop Luxton; bottom row, Weldon Hodgins, Gordon Worrell, Harry Dickson and James Latta. . . . Engel photo Weight watchers drop 19 pounds When the weight recording was read at Thursday Tops weekly meeting, the member who had gained the five pounds and a little pig was happy to return the pig and to win the weekly crown, for having shed seven pounds. Most of the members, also lost weight making a total loss of 19 lbs, However there was also a gain of seven and one- quarter pounds so two little pink pigs went home with the gainers. The mystery box was won by the leader Mrs. Eldon Hopps. Receive cash The St. Patrick's CWL recently presented their $10 awards to the top grade eight boy and girl in the parish. This year's win- ners shown above were Alice Blemans and Paul Milne, Many view old fashions Those who missed seeing the portraits of the Past Fashion show at the Luca.n Community Centre last Friday evening, missed a splendid show. The event was sponsored by the Biddulph Township Area Par- ent-Teachers' Club, with two government officials in charge of the gorgeous costumes, Local ladies and children were models and singers, Mrs. Calvin Haskett was commentator, Mrs. Clarence Hardy, pianist, and Mrs. Russell Goddard was in charge of ad- mission, The president, Mrs. Jim Freeman, extended a wel- come to all. Following the program re- freshments were served down stairs at the Snack Bar, RETURN FROM TRIP Miss Muriel Carling and her mother, Mrs. Ira Carling have returned from an over 6,000 mile (accident free) motor trip to California and Mexico. While in California they spent a few days with their cousin Mrs. Ethel Anderson of Long Beach. They went the northern route and re- turned the southern, just missing "Beulah". Girl chosen to be model Last Monday and Tuesday the Stores in The Mall, London, spon- sored an interesting F ashi on Show. Forty five models were inter- viewed before 10 were chosen. Miss Nancy Watson of Lucan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Watson, was one of the ten choS- en, and was the first to be select- ed. Nancy attended the Paula Bricklin School of Charm and Beauty last winter. Area undertaker receives award Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy of Lucan and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stephenson of Ailsa Craig were among those who attended the On- tario Funeral Service Associa- tion meeting at the Holiday Inn Hamilton, last Wesnesday, Sept. 25. The owners of 35 funeral homes which have been in operation for 100 or more years were pre- sented with beautiful centennial plaques. Mr, Stephenson was one of the 38 lucky winners but Mr. Murdy missed out by just four years. 16-oz. L90 Vac Pac 6-ax. 250 Vac Pac By The Piece lb. 9 MR, AND MRS, DIvIEriSOK GILL photo by Engel