HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-10-05, Page 13Davies Grant & Patterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m to 5 p.m Sorority display hippie fashions The dress was as varied as you'll see in any hippie domain at the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority hippie party, Tuesday. Seated is Mrs. Bob Pooley and standing from the left are: Mrs. Ted Jones, Mrs. Bill Belling, Mrs. Peter Raymond, Mrs. Ross Tuckey and Mrs. Bill Batten. T-A photo Staffa WI hear address view display of antiques NOW IS THE TIME! Stand up for Lambton! GO LIBERAL VOTE WILKINSON CLARENCE WILKINSON I earnestly ask for your support at the polls on October 17. Let's build up Lambton together, Lambton has been for- gotten under Conserva- tive representation! Now is the time! Go Liberal! Stand up for Lambton. Vote: * Community Leader * Farmer * Forest District High School Board * Parent * Warwick Central School Board * Air Force Veteran * Tax Payer CLARENCE WILKINSON See- Hear Robert Nixon, Sarnia Collegiate, October 6, 8.00 p.m. Experience plus skill make the difference in TV re- pairs. For quick service call us today. 255 HURON E. EXETER ELECTRICAL WIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRONIC SERVICE Let us fix your TV as it ought to be fixed -1! thony Breit and Richard and Mr. & Mrs. Eric Norris, also attend- ing Expo. Guests from this community at the Scott—Eyre wedding in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Saturday were Mr. & Mrs. Reg Finlayson and Mike, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Finlayson, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Coiquhoun and Gordon. Miss Isa bel McCaughey and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kerslake. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Rev. Geo. A. Hamilton of War- wick, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hamilton and family of Stratford were Sun- day visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mrs. Alvin Crago broke her wrist and is a patient in St. Marys Memorial hospital. St. Paul's Anglican Church ob- served their harvest service Sun- day morning. The guest speaker was Rev. Geo. A. Hamilton of Warwick. The choir rendered an anthem, the solo part being sung by Mr. Ken Blackler. 4n. egggeee4„.: raNiglECM reMUMMESPIMMENSEGIRSC •• ••••••• • •••••••••••••••*- • * • FROM BRAIDS iN DASHWOOD KING SIZE TIDE •••• • ••••••••••••••••••• • MIX'N MATCH SCHNEIDER'S MEAT & CHICKEN PICKLE & PIMENTO MAC & CHEESE DUTCH LOAF PORK LOAF HEAD CHEESE BOLOGNA 6 OZ. VAC-PACS COLD MEATS 5 LB. BOX 11.39 •• • 0 a • • • • • South Huron District High School EVENING CLASSES Typing Millinery Oil Painting Academ•ic Grade 12 & 13. Anyone interested in a grade 12 or 13 academic subject is asked to call the school (235.0880) and indicate the subject and grade level. Subjects Monday & Wednesday — Beginning typing Tuesday & Thursday — Advanced typing Monday Thursday INNIMION1110 Sewing — Intermediate 1 sewing — Beginners sewing — Intermediate 2 sewing — Advanced sewing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday This will mark the beginning of a graded sewing programme moving from beginners to advanced. NOTE: 1. The above courses will begin the week of October 16, 1967. A fee will be charged, 2. Persons interested in enrolling in ony of these programmes should telephone South Huron District High School between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. The number is 235-0880. The last day for telephoning will be Friday, October 13, LAST DAY: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 3, Courses in technical subjects cannot begin until the Technical Wing of the School is completed. Announcements regarding evening Technical subjects will appear in future issues of the Times.Ad. vodate. • • ". • boy •V• Delicious Dining Out . . . In the best traditions of Thanks- giving, we offer you a dinner that's an tuicomparable feast! SUNDAY, 4 to 8 p.m. STEAKS, SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN & HOME-MADE PIES Reservations appreciated DASHWOOD HOTEL Phone Dashwood 237.3671 Times-Advocate, October $, 1967 Ng. 13 Victor Tyler dies at 61 Dashwood men choose new officers were :Expo visitors. Mrs. Fro Miller, Brenda and Charlotte of Zion spent Tuesday with Mrs. IrVIn 'Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh recently. Mr, and Mrs, Hubert. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford of Bolton Mrs. Howard Klumpp was the guest speaker at Elimville UCW Wednesday, September 27 speak- ing on ''The Children's Aid". Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner Spent the weekend at Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. Pon Getteer. Mr, and Mrs, LeonapclSchenk and family spent Sunday at Walk- erton with Mr. M. W. Schenk and with Mrs. Schenk who is a patient in Walkerton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyle and family spent Sunday with Mr. and MrS. Wm Grey of Mt. Clemens. A number from Dashwood WI attended the Fall Rally at Creditor: on Monday. Mr. Glen Haugh of Solana. B ea_ch California visited his parents, By MRS, ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD Victor Tyler, 61, passed away at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Wednesday, September 27. He had been in failing health for some time. He is Survived by his wife, the former Adeline Fleischauer, three daughters, (Bernice) Mrs. Gordon Weinerg of Waterloo; (Mona) Mrs. Percy Watson, Lon- don; (Marion) Mrs, John Mac- Donald, Dashwood; three sons, Gerald, Carl and Douglas of Dashwood. The funeral was held from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral horne Saturday with Rev« E, E. Stein- man in charge. Burial was made in Dashwood Lutheran Cemetery. Pallbearers were Emil and Alex Becker, Fred Keller, Larry Baynham, Bernie Nauss and Elmer 'Desch. MENS CLUB The Dashwood Men's Club held their organization meeting for the coming season with the following officers elected: President, Jack Gaiser; vice-presidents, Joe Dietrich, Hubert Miller, Ralph Weber; secretary, HarryHayter; attendance committee chairman, Lorne Becker; Ron Merner, Har- old Finkbeiner; finance com- mittee chairman, Paul Watson, Victor Hartman, Emil Becker; program committee chairman, Ken Baker, Ervin Devine, Alvin Walper, Charles Marlene, Donald Bender. The club is planning a fowl supper for October 25. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter were visitors at Expo 67 last week. r M. and Mrs. Gerald Wolfe, Vernon and Evelyn, and Mrs. George Filsinger of Clifford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and family. Mrs. Louis Wolfe, who spent the week here, returned home with them, By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA The Historical Research and Current Event meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. George Vivian Wednesday evening, September 27 with 14 members and three visitors present, most in Cen- tennial dress. Mrs. Vivian pre- sided. Mrs. John Templeman intro- duced the guest speaker Mrs. Gerald Glenn who displayed many interesting keepsakes and an- tiques. She explained how she had become interested in an- tiques and what she looked for. Mrs. Glenn also conducted a quiz on 13 little known articles which was enjoyed by all. She was thanked by Mrs. Vivian. Joanne Templeman spoke on "The change in Agriculture in Perth County in this past Cent- ury". Mrs. John Templeman pre- sented a paper on the motto Treasure the past, but don't live in it. Roll call was answered by displaying a baby picture. This took the form of a contest with Mrs. Carter Kerslake the win- ner. Coven honors school workers Mrs. Ed, Chappel presided for the business with Mrs. Carter Kerslake acting as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Russell Worden. A letter was read from the Institute's sponsored child thanking everyone for her birth- day gift. Invitations to attend a Centennial Tea at Dublin on Oc- tober 5 and a meeting with Gould's Institute on October 12 were accepted. Members were re- minded of the Perth CountyRally at Listowel on October 19 and the Area Convention at London on November 7 and 8. It was decided to hold a cen- tennial dance in Staffa Township Hall later this fall and com- mittees were named. Material for the Tweedsmuir Book was brought by the members. Lunch of gingerbread and tea brought the meeting to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strang were honored by fellow Sunday School workers and teachers of Caven Church Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack pryde. Following a smorgasbord sev- eral tributes were voiced to Mr. and Mrs. Strang in appreciation of their years of work in the Sunday School and they were presented with a leather-bound combined Bible and Hymn Book. PERSONALS Mrs. Sam Norris and Miss Laura Balkwill are visiting in Montreal with Mr. & Mrs. An- Dashwood lady speaks to UCW Mrs. M. J. James of the Evan- gelical United Brethren Church at Dashwood was the guest speaker at the General meeting of Main Street United Church Women Monday night, October 2, She chose as her theme "Thank God at all times for everything" and also expressed pleasure over the fact that the EUB church and the United Church of Canada were uniting the end of 1967. The President, Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, conducted the business portion of the meeting and plans for the annual bazaar in No- vember and an anniversary sup- per October 28 were discussed. Mrs. Ron Bogart was in charge of the devotional period, assisted by Mrs. Art Clarke and Mrs, Julie Higgins. A social hour fol- lowed. This' N That —Continued from page 8 CHEESE POTATO BAKE 9 medium-sized potatoes 1 (1 1/2 oz) pkg dehydrated onion soup mix 2 tbl flour 2 cups water 1 cup shredded Canadian cheese Parboil potatoes 20 minutes. Drain, peel and cut into 1/4 inch slices. Arrange in 2-quart cas- serole. In saucepan combine soup mix and flour; stir in water and bring to a boil, stirring constant- ly. Pour over potatoes. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a 350-degree oven until potatoes are tender, 30 to 35 minutes. Broil until topping is lightly browned and bubbly. Wed(Jings ,— Continued from page 9 mums and pink rosebuds. For travelling on her honey- moon the bride donned a royal blue double knit suit with black accessories. The couple will reside inCred. iton. BRIDE FETED Miss Gardiner was honored with three showers, Hostesses included her aunt, Mrs. Murray Gibson and daughters, Mrs. T. Schendera and Mrs. J. Murray held at the aunt's home at Bry- anston. Mrs. Percy Passmore, John St., Exeter, was hostess to a miscellaneous shower assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Frayne Parsons. Mrs. Harold Skinner assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Jim Rundle, Mrs. Don Hooper and Mrs. E. Ross entertained the neighbors in Marilyn's honor. The grpom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard entertained the bridal party at the Gardiner home following the wedding re- hearsal. TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Melvin Gardiner honored her daughter, Marilyn, Wednes- day afternoon and evening with a trousseau tea prior to her mar- riage. The groom's mother assisted Mrs. Gardiner and the bride- elect receive the guests and Miss Gail Pritchard had charge of the guest book. Pouring tea from a table cov- ered with a hand crocheted lace tablecloth centred with an ar- rangement of pink and mauve mums spiked with pink candles were Miss Mary Gardiner, Mrs. Murray Gibson, Mrs. P. Pas- smore, Mrs, Gilbert Duncan, Mrs. M, H. Elston and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard. Serving in the tea room were Mrs. Ethel Cushman, Mrs. Nor- ene Pritchard, Misses Sharon Passmore and Wendy Elston and serving in the kitchen were Mrs. H. Skinner, Mrs. E. Ross, Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. D. Hooper, Mrs. R. Fletcher, Mrs. C. Hawkins and Mrs. J. Meikle, Displaying the shower gifts, trousseau and wedding gifts were Mrs. T. Schendera, Mrs, J. Mur- ray and Misses Sharon Davis, Elsie Miller and Norma Wei- gand. Vek.04(-6/4 Baskets of white mums and pink carnations decorated Rich- ard's Memorial United Church London, Saturday, September 16, for the marriage of Margaret Ann Orr and Roy John Wilson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Orr of London and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Wilson of RR 2 Centralia. Rev. Barry Passmore, BA BD officiated at the double ring cere- mony. Mrs. Fred Switzer of Kirk- ton presided at the organ and accompanied Miss Joan Switzer, soloist, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and the "Wedding Pray- er". Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride wore an exquisite gown of white imported peau de faille with empire bodice out- lined with Guipure lace applique which was also used on the A line skirt and watteau train. A matching headpiece held her elbow-length veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of white car- nations and deep pink sweetheart roses with trailing ivy. The maid of honor, Miss Mar- garet ' Bridle and bridesmaids, Miss Brenda McNeil and Mrs. Ronald Wilson, wore floor-length gowns of melon organza with empire look and flowing lace back panel with matching headpiece. They carried cascade bouquets of white shasta daisies and melon shade roses. Miss Carol Ann Orr of Tor- onto, cousin of the bride, was flower girl wearing a full-length gown of white peau de sole with melon shade at the empire waist. She carried a basket of shasta daisies and baby mums with mat- ching head band. Harry Schroeder was best man and ushers were Ronald Wilson, brother of the groom, and Gerald Ford. A reception was held at Collins Restaurant and the couple took a wedding trip to Montreal and Northern Ontario. On their return they will reside at 151 Cascade St., London. JAVEX BLEACH 64 OZ. BOTTLE 39 TULIP MARGARINE 1 LB. PARCHMENT 2/554 NIBLETS WHOLE KERNAL CORN 12 OZ . T I NS 2/43C KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 8 OZ, 3(A .4,4w4e :AnomwmInnw.:.4 wreRm KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 32 OZ,SPECIAL 59C SAICO ORANGE JUICE 48 OZ. TIN 39' ST. WILLIAM'S STRAWBERRY JAM 24 OZ, JAR 490 STOKELY'S FANCY PUMPKIN 28 OZ. tiNS 2/494