HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-09-21, Page 15PERSONAL The beef barbecue, sponsored by the Biddulph Council at the Lucan Arena Friday drewa large attendance. Mx'. & Mrs. Ken Brock and fam ily and Mr. Murray Abbott of Centralia were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Walker, the former Beryl Dennie of Moose Jaw, Sask. were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Langford. Sunday guests with Mrs. Eva Henson included, Mr. & Mrs., James Taylor and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Howarth of London and Mr. & Mrs. Walter Short of Brampton. Mrs. George Patrick is re- cuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Bigham of Toronto. T"LYE SEPTEMBER 22-23 (Double Feature) (Colour) THEDFORD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 108th Annual School and Fall Fair At THEDFORD Tuesday and Wednesday, September 26 & 27 PARADE — Headed by Thedford Silver Band— Leaves school at 12:30 MONICA McKINLEY, Dairy Princess of Lambton will open Fair at 1:00' SPECIAL — Baby Show, Pie Eating Contest, Freckle Contest, Balloon Blowing Contest, etc. — 4-H Achievement Day with Dairy & Beef Calf Club. AMATEUR CONTEST — 8:00 p.m. 14 years and under - Prizes 15 years and over — Prizes — Entries to be handed to Sec'y not late: than Monday Sept. 25, 10:00 p.m. VARIETY CONCERT — follows Amateur Contest. DANCE — After to Roger Quick and Orchestra. Admission to Concert and Dance. Adults — 75*, Children 10-14 — 50*, Children under 10 years, FREE ( if accompanied by parents). Exeter Teen Town presents: "The Copper Penny" Friday, Sept. 22 8:30 — 11:30 At the Exeter Arena N o Slacks Admission: $1.00 We reserve the right to refuse admission •••••`..::: • '::S.:A7-).Xr.". Orel(gfri IN MEMORIAM— ALLISON — In loving memory of a dear husband, Gordon Allison who passed away September 23, 1962. Nothing but memories as I jour- ney on, Longing for a smile from a loved one gone; None knows the depths of my deep regret, But I remember when others forget. — Always remembered by his loving wife, Violet. 21c DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Preszcator (newly-weds), Friday September 29, Londesboro Hall. Jim Scott Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. 21c TAG DAY — The Women's Aux- iliary of South Huron Hospital, will hold their annual tag day on Saturday, September 30. 21c TEESWATER FALL FAIR— Come early on Saturday Septem- ber 30, to CANADA'S LARGEST RURAL FAIR. Horse races, Klompen dancers from Holland; Mocha Temple Motorcycle Corps; Bands; Log-sawing contest be- tween candidates in forthcoming election; Auto show; Horse show; 4-H; famous Silver Dollar Com- petition; Rides; Excitement and thrills; All and more at Tees- water on Saturday, September 30. FREE GRANDSTAND. Stage Show and dance to The Debon- naires in arena Saturday night. 21:28c SENIOR CITIZENS will hold their first meeting, Tuesday, October 3 at 8 pm, at the Exeter Legion Hall. Everyone is welcome, the program committee consists of Mr. & Mrs. Herman Powe, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lindenfield, Mrs. Frank King and Mrs. Frank Taylor.2lc CENTENNIAL TURKEY SUPPER at Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall, Oct. 5 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Adults $1.50, children under 12 75C. Sponsored by the Ladies' Aid. 21:28c RUMMAGE SALE and AUCTION sponsored by Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital will be held in Exeter Legion Hall, Sat- urday, October 14, 1967 com- mencing at 1:00 pm. 21:28:5c CENTENNIAL HOBBY FAIR and TEA at Stephen Township Com- munity Hall, Crediton, Wednes- day, October 25, 2-5 and 7-9pm. Adults 50C, Children 12 and under 25C. Sponsored by Crediton Wom- en's Institute. 21c BAZAAR and TEA, sponsored by Crediton UCW, Saturday, Novem- ber 4, 1967. 21c Roller Skating Clinton Community Centre Every Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. evenings 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Skates For Rent Presentation and Dance for MR. & MRS. WILLIAM WORKMAN (nee Laura MacMillan) Sat., Sept. .23 HENSALL ARENA Music by Bluewater Playboys Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch RECEPTION AND DANCE for HELEN DIETRICH and RENE BOOGEMANS (Bridal Couple) Sat., Sept. 23 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by Ken Mittelholtz and the iwylites gveryono Ife/coma Dancing Nightly At The SHILLELAGH to Lea Shane The Profits At the SHILLELAGH Lucan's Only Night Club Licensed with No Cover Charge. The Shillelagh on #4 Hwy. In Lucan 227.4411 8:30 p.m. Adults $1.00 - Children 500 Sponsored by the Biddulph Township Area Parents- Teachers Club. Refresh- ments served. Lucan, Arena Sept. 29 BARN DANCE at Irvin Lunn's new barn EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6 miles north of London 4 miles south of Elginfield on Highway 4 MODERN & COUNTRY MUSIC Cafeteria Lunch Admission $1.00 Beginners Class starts Oct. 2 at 8:30. Registration will still be open Oct. 9 & Oct. 16. $1.00 per couple. Earl Bowles — Caller FUN DANCE EXETER ARENA September 30 - 8:30 p.m. $1.00 couple Coffee & Donuts Sponsored by Exeter Promenaders Square Dance Club KIRKTON Fall Fair THURS. & FRI. SEPT. 28 & 29 PARADE FRIDAY — 1:00 P.M. PRIZES: CENTENNIAL QUEEN IN COSTUME CENTENNIAL COUPLE IN COSTUME DANCE FRIDAY 9:30 P.M. ABERDEEN HALL ROGER CHRISTIE'S ORCHESTRA NO* 15 Thnes-myocat, Soptembor :21, 1967 RECEPTION rwiwiamagwowimmfoRgimmiliw .for Pci per rive AND .DANCE ExETER LIQN$ CLUB SHIRLEY JAQUES and JIM WILKINSON Sat., Sept. 30 1:00 'P.M. (Bridal Couple) SEPT.. 27 Music by Thank You EXETER LEGION HALL Jim Young & The Country 5 • Pr Lucan churches busy as fall activities start ANNOUNCEMENTS Exeter residents may have paper picked up from street by placing papers out by By MISS LINA ABBOTT UNITED Guest speaker at the 11 o'clock service was the Rev. Neville S. Neil of Jamaica recently returned from Czechoslovakia, Germany and Britain. For some years he was associated with the pastor in Jamaica. Flowers in the church were in loving memory of Alan John Ready and Mrs. Myrta. Stanley. VIEW FILM The September General UCW meeting was held in the school- room last Tuesday withthe pres- ident, Mrs. Wm. Froats in the chair. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Duncan McPhee followed by a skit entitled "St. Peter Looks at Me", staged by Mrs. Jim Lockyer, Mrs. Duncan McPhee, Mrs. Sheridan Reving- ton and Mrs. Charles Sovereign. The film, "Frontiers that Call Us" was shown by Mrs. Murray Hodgins. A request was read from the Canadian Mental Association, asking the UCW to participate in presenting gifts to the patients at Christmas. A buzz session was held to discuss the December bazaar. Refreshments were served. HI C Sunday evening 28 Lucan-Clan- deboye Hi C members, Rev. G. W. Sach, Rev. Neville S. Neil and Mr. Ed Melanson, met in the school for the Hi C meeting. The worship service was taken by Linda Smith and Sandra Abbott. Mr. Neil told some of his ex- periences, while in Czechoslo- vakia and Jamaica, which was followed by a question and ans- wer period. Elections of officers was held. Co-pr esidents are Linda Smith and Bert Walker; secretary, Pat Smith; treasurer, Betty Park. The executive, for last year had charge of refreshments. PENTECOSTAL The pastor, the Rev. Gordon McDonald had charge of both Sunday services. Next week the Young People and WA will hold their first meetings. ANGLICAN Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Mrs. Myrta Stanley. Twenty-one members of the Irving Masonic Lodge attend- ed the service. Mr. Charlie Cor- bett read the lesson. Owing to Harvest Home Ser- vice at St. James Church next Sunday there will be no 11 o'clock service in Holy Trinity, nor Lea- gue of Loyalty, but there will be Family Communion at 9 a.m. and Sunday School as usual. PLAN BAZAAR The Ladies' Guild met Wed- nesday evening to finalize plans for the annual bazaar and tea, Friday evening, Sept. 22. Portraits of the Past Fashions BIRTHS -- BAX Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bax, RR 1 Woodham, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, September 13. GIBBONS — Bob and Arlene Gib- bons (nee Desjardine) London, announce the birth of a son, Robert John, at St. Joseph's Hospital, September 6 -- first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Desjardine. LOVE — Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Love announce the arrival of a son, David Anthony, at Sud- bury General Hospital, Septem- ber 11 a brother for Danny. SCHROEDER Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schroeder (nee Bloch) Zurich, announce the birth of a daughter Kelli Lee Anne, at South Huron Hospital, Septem- ber 15 a sister for Vicki. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Main St., Lucan, will be holding a trousseau tea, Saturday, Septem- ber 23, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm in honor of her daughter, Nancy Anne, bride-elect of September 30. All relatives, neighbors and friends please accept this as an invitation. 21c Mrs. Norman Jaques will be holding a trousseau tea at her home on September 23 from 2- ,5 pm and '7-9 pm in honor of her daughter, Shirley Jean, bride- elect of September 30. All rela- tives, neighbors and f r i ends please accept this as an invita- tion. 21* The Happening Anthony Quinn, Michael Parks (Colour) The Texican BAYFIELD FALL FAIR Tues. & Wed. Sept. 26 & 27 PARADE 1 P.M. WED. 4-H CLUB • PONY CONTESTS TUG OF WAR MIDWAY ON THE GROUNDS ARENA OPEN TUESDAY 7-10 P.M. iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii I iiiiiii I iiiii 11,111111t111111111111111111111111.11.1MIllt1111111111111.111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Audie Murphy Everyone Welcome (.414.4.0,INNINNI.44614,714P.P#4.4411,11.94411. BROWNIE'S DRIVE -IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY — DOUBLE FEATURE — Country Western Music in "SECOND FIDDLE TO A STEEL GUITAR" Showing at 8:30 All Star Cast of Top Western Music Stars In Color — Plus "The Poppy Is Also A Flower Showing at 10:15 Yul Brynner -- Senta Berger Jack Hawkins Color Cartoon Coming Next: Fri., Sat. — Sept. 29-30 "DEVIL'S ANGELS" (Restricted) and "Trunk To Cairo" COMING: SEPTEMBER 29-30 (Double Feature) RAGE MYSTERY OF THUG ISLAND RAIN or CLEAR First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars FREE JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SHIPKA NNIt2NZVgtt 4:"".4N:ANND4;%1INNN-'4„. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clarke of RR 1 Crediton are happy to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Patricia Anne to Beverly John Hirtzel, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Hirtzel, Centralia. The wed- ding to take place Saturday, Oc- tober 14, 1967 at 2 pm inCredit- on United Church. 21c Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Den- omme, RR 3 Dashwood, are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Mar- lene Violet to Mr. Peter Den- omme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Denomme, Zurich, the marriage to take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Saturday, October 14 at 1:00 pm. 21* CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Brady, Seaforth, Dr. Cam- eron, London, FatherKelly,Sist- er St. Paul and the staff on four North East. — C 1 n.r ence Ayotte. 21* The family of the late Mrs. Fred (Helen) Dawson, wish to convey their sincere thanks to their friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards, contributions to the Mult ipl e Sclerosis Society, Rev. Miner and Hopper-Hockey F uner al Home, during their recent ber- eavement. Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Miss Claypole, the nurs- ing staff of South Huron Hospital and all who visited and helped in any way during her lengthy ill- ness. A sincere thank you. 21c Many thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for gifts, cards, flowers and visits on our 25th anniversary. A spe ci al thanks to all who helped at the house. Clifford and Beatrice Ersman. 21* CARDS OF THANKS— The family of the late Mrs, Margaret Gibb wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the cards and expressions of sympathy during their recent be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. P. Jansen, Dr. Gans and nurs- ing staff of South Huron Hospital. 21* My sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered me while a patient in Clinton Community Hospital,for cards, flowers, gifts and visits. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Seegmiller and the nursing staff of the hospital. All was appreciated. —Sylvia Henderson. 21c Mrs. Greta Lavender would like to express her sincere ap- preciation to all who showed their kindly concern during her recent periods of hospitalization and illness. Visits, cards, flow- ers and gifts were all much ap- preciated. 21c We would like to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards and gifts received on our 25th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to Professor D. and his staff. — Ralph and Nancy Rowe, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, Ont, 21c I wish to thank all those who remembered me with visits, cards, treats and flowers, while a patient in Victoria Hospital. It was much appreciated. E a rl Russell. 21* I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and treats and inquired for me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Stan Whiting. 21* IN MEMORIAM — BRODERICK — In loving memory of Mrs. Mildred Broderick, who passed away two years ago September 19, 1965. Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps her near; Nothing can ever take away, The love our hearts hold dear. — Lovingly remembered by the Broderick Family. 21* COLEMAN — In loving memory of our parents, Dad who pass- ed away, September 11, 1949 and Mother who passed away September 23, 1960. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps them near. — Lovingly remembered by fam- ily and grandchildren. 21c HENDRICK — In loving memory of Samuel Hendrick, who pass- ed away two years ago, Sep- tember 19, 1965. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and never forget. — Ever remembered by wife and family. 21* MOUSSEAU — In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Eric Wayne who passed away suddenly one year ago, Sep- tember 22, 1966. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness, The world can never fill. — Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad and Cheryl. 21c MOUSSEAU — In loving memory of our nephew Eric Wayne Mousseau, who passed away one year ago September 22, 1966. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer here our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there. —Sadly missed by Irene, Lee, Nancy and Roy. 21c Dr. Morgan Smith ZURICH FALL FAIR SATURDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23 & 25 Featuring: HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST HORSE SHOW Monday Night —September 25 — in the Zurich Arena 6 P.M. OVER $1,000 IN PRIZE MONEY M.L. "TORY" GREGG, Master of Ceremonies Friday Night, Sept. 22 9 p.m. FALL FAIR DANCE - Music by Desjardine Orchestra 11:00 p.m. "'QUEEN OF THE FAIR" CONTEST Open to All Girls Over 14 Years of Age Saturday Night, Sept.23 8:30 p.m. ALL-STAR VARIETY SHOW Featuring ... "The Paul Brothers & Shirley" and Local Talent. Lee Paul, Master of Ceremonies. Monday, September 25 1:00 p.m. - MONSTER CENTENNIAL PARADE Led by Zurich Centennial Band and the Zurich Lions Majorettes 1:30 p.m. * OFFICIAL OPENING By Robert E. McKinley, M.P. for Huron 2:30 p.m. - PET SHOW 3:00 p.m. - BABY SHOW Sponsored by . . Zurich Chamber of Commerce , al,.H CALF CLUB CATTLE SHOW Monster Midway WILL BE IN OPERATION Come and Enjoy one of the Best Small Fairs in Ontario Viet iiiiiiiiiii WE SERVE 5C11"R tioUs, CHICKEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Snack Pac 65¢ Chicken Dinner 1.25 Jr. Bucket (9 pces) 2.45 Family Bucket (15 pces.) 3.95 Party Bucket (21 pces.) 5.25 at the DERBY DIP Exeter II IIIIIIIIIIIIu 411111111, Says: "The Liberals are coming back in Huron' Published by The Huron Liberal Association ..,'•.."/•,,,,^V•r'•.e"‘",t.,' •