HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-09-21, Page 10ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT #3, STRATFORD 581 Huron Street, p. 0. Box No. 8 Require trucks for winter sanding, Loaders for loading winter sand, salt and snow removal at Exeter and Grand Bend Basic Requirements: TRUCKS must have Department of Transport license. 27,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. Cab to axle length 84" or 102". Accessories to conform to Highway Traffic Act. LOADERS - Rubber tire or track type. Minimum 3/4 c.y. bucket capacity. All equipment subject to approval of the District Highway Equipment Supervisor. Rental agreements available at or by mail from the above mentioned address. Closing date for tenders 12:00 noon, September 29th, 1967. J. G. Tillcock, District Engineer WE CAN HANDLE AIL OF YOUR f 11101INSS Electric Outlets Expertly Installed We'll bring your home up to date, electrically , at low cost, 255 HURON E EXETER ELECTRICAL WIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS THE ALL IN ...4:44104! 24 Tenders Wanted Page 10 16 Properly For Sale 9 Services September 21 10 Livestock For Sale 13 For Sale 24 Tenders Wanted 4 Female Help Wanted Classified Rates PIGS - 11 chunks. Phone 229- 6394. 21c ter of 1967-68 in the Township of Usborne, Description of equipment is requested and price submitted to be per hour while working and also standing time, if any, to be quoted. Equipment to be of adequate design and in good state of re- pair. Work to be done under the direction of the Township Road Superintendent, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply Tenders for Fuel NOW OPEN in the Grand Bend area, a valuable territory for Avon cosmetic s. Customers waiting for service, Act today! Phone collect, Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541. 14:28c ELGINFIELD restaurant. Ap- ply in person, between 10 a.m. and noon. Phone 227-4101. 8;31tfne SADDLE - Nearly new, $50.00; corn picker, fits Massey Ferg- uson or Ford. Phone 235-0187. 14: 21 ; 28* VACUUM CLEANER Sales and service for all makes. Robert K. Peck, Zurich. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. 4tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. '23tfne FORD FERGUSON tractor, step- up transmission, motor over- hauled in April 1967. Good tires. Apply Cecil Desjardine, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2713. 21c EXETER - 3 bedroom house, good condition, large lot, close to school, immediate possession. Phone Grand Bend 238-2585 or 238-2042. 9:7tfnc IN RUSSELDALE - 3-bedroom brick house, 3 piece bath, fur- nace, cupboards, etc., with 3 acres of land and a small barn. Harold Pridham, Crom- arty, Phone Kirkton 229-6243. 9:1440;19c CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within 8 days First Insertion 4 0 PER WORD (Minimum 800) 10 BEEF CALVES, with or with- out cow. Levi White RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 293-3092. 21c 30 WELL STARTED weaner pigs. Phone 234-6232. 21c PINTO PONY MARE - Apply Lorne Johns, 229-6587. 21c Marked Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the supply of light furnace oil fuel (No. 2) for the Usborne Central School for the heating season of 1967-68. Quotations must be on a firm price basis, Tenders close Wednesday, September 27, 1967, at 6:00 p.m. A. GARNET HICKS, Sec.-Treas, Usborne Central School SET OF STUDDED 14" baby crib with mattress. 235-0753. tires; Phone 21c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate s e r v i c e, always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, phone 227.4254 or 227.4312 col- lect. 10:4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2031 or 238-2166. 8 : Stine 50 ACRES - N. of Lot 9, Concession 19 Stephen Town- ship. Phone 237-3237, 14:21:28:5* Second Insertion 11 la 2 0 PER WORD (Minimum 700) to: MUSCOVY DUCKS, 1 week old to mature birds. Lloyd Reynolds RR 1 Hensall. 235-1917. 21c SUMP PUMP, in good condi- tion. Phone 235-2447 after 5 p.m. 21* 11 Poultry For Sale BABY SITTER for last week in September and first week in October for 2 pre-school age children. Phone 235-1913 afternoons. 21c NOW AVAILABLE - An open- ing with Avon products in Bid- dulph Township. Call collect to- night while still open. Mrs. Millson, London 451.0541, 21:5c A GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework and baby sitting. Five days a week, live in. Phone 294-6964 after 5:30. 21c 21c CRIB AND MATTRESS in good condition; Lloyd stroller, like new. Phone 227-4469. 21c ROASTING CHICKENS (dressed) 400 per lb., average 6 lbs. Phone 237-3324. 21* W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 21:28c Summertime is running out.... but anytime is classified time 17 Properly For Rent APARTMENT - Furnished, all utilities paid; use of washer and dryer. Apply Harvey's Taxi. 9:21tfnc 1110111••••••11, Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. 1/2. cent per pound for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 85 C 67 We go any place any time. 3:16tfnc HELP WANTED 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 60 INTERNATIONAL t r u c k, power train, A-1 condition, Dial 238.2618, 14:21:28:5c 9 Services 1926 CHEVROLET truck, recon- ditioned. Best offer, Phone 262- 2114 Hensall or contact Lloyd Salter, Hensall. 7:14:21:28c 18 For Rent ROOM -& BOARD - Preferably young lady. Apply 11 Sanders St. E. Phone 235-2975. 21* ANYONE from Gidley St. North interested in Avon Products contact Melba Walper, 235-2306. 21* FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc Production Workers '61 STUDEBAKER, 2 door, 6 cyl. automatic. Phone 229-6214. 14:21:28* MIXED GRAIN STRAW-Apply Gerald McFalls, 235-2313, 21c DRY FURNACE WOOD-Phone Gordon Ratz 237-3307. 210 COMBINE - No. 64 McCormick, with bean attachment; M - M corn picker. Delmar Miller 237- 3348. 21 : 28c GIVE AWAY - 2 part Persian kittens ten weeks old. Percy McFalls, 353 William St., 235- 2686. 21c NEW IDEA side delivery rake on rubber, $150.00., Phone 235- 2657. 21c HYDE PARK poultry feed cart for stair step cages, $285.00. Phone Mitchell 348-8287, 21c SUZUKI 250 Hustler, showroom condition, burgundy. Phone 235- 1345 after 5 p.m. 21* 20 Wanted To Rent Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum two inches, accepted only in multiples of IA inch. 4-BEDROOM house in country. Modern conveniences, reason- able rent. Phone Zurich 236- 4765. 21* 20 0 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. 1961 CHEVROLET 2-door in good condition. Phone Zurich 236-4168, 21:28* ONE OWNER, 1963 Mercury Meteor V-8 2-door hardtop, au- matic, radio, whitewalls. Ap- ply Gerry MacLean, day 235- 0160, evening 235-1286. 21* 56 DODGE CAR, best offer. Phone 227-4687 Lucan after 6 p.m. or on weekends. 21c Classifications ROOF SHINGLED AND REPAIRED 3 BEDROOM house, modern conveniences, approximately x/2 acre of land, with option to buy. Apply Box J B The Exeter Times-Advocate. 21c 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house in Exeter. Contact Herb Blue, 82 Main St., Exeter. 21* FREE ESTIMATES 10 Years' Experience Work Guaranteed PHONE 234-6307 JOE REGIER CREDITON 5:11tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy CUSTOM COMBINING, swarth- ing, bulldozing and backhoe work, Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensall. 6: 22-10 : 13* INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 489 Main St., Exeter. 235- 2263 after 6:00 p.m. 9:740:12c PIANO TUNING and repairing. Alf Denomme, Zurich, Ont. Phone 236-4855 evenings or write RR 2 Zurich. 9:1742:28* COMBINING BEANS - Frank Dielman, Dashwood. Phone 237- 3338. 14 : 21* BEANS COMBINED - James Drummond, Hensel]. 262-5481. 14:21:28c 22 Notices required for Mobile Home Plant Attractive rates of pay and fringe benefits 1, Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 13 For Sale GOOD LOGS and standing tim- ber. Phone Lucan 227-4536 or Ilderton 666-1555. 9:21-10:26c SERVICEABLE 10" New Hol- land hammer mill with belt. Phone 237-3965 Dashwood. 21c Apply in person to General Coach Works of Can. Ltd. AN AMATEUR radio operators' course will be starting Septem- ber 28 in Clinton. This course is open to anyone who would like to obtain their amateur radio licence. Call 262-2434 (eve- nings) for details. 21c Hensall, Ont. GOOD CANNING tomatoes - Bring your own containers and pick your own. Andrew Diep- straten, 237-3536. 21;28:5c PROPANE WATER heater with roof stack and pipes; galva- nized funnel for over cooking stove, about 6'x3'; 4 counter chairs, Apply Albert Gaiser, Crediton. 21: 28c LAST WEEK of tomatoes. Pick your own, John Rutten, Mount Carmel. Phone 237-3277. 21c YOUNG MAN'S SUIT, size 18, in good condition, $15.00. Phone 262-2395 Hensall. 21c PAIR OF 670 x 15, 6 ply truck tires. Good condition, used for only 800 miles. Phone 262-2718. anc 15 Wanted Notice to Farmers DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICE We now pick up dead or dis- abled cattle and horses in your area. Decayed animals not ac- cepted. For fast, efficient service call immediately collect. 14 Tenders Wanted TENDER COMBINING CORN - Phone Delmar Miller, Dashwood 235- 3348. 21:28:5c ROOMERS-Phone 235-2553 after 6 o'clock. 21:28* 16 Property For Sale Township of Usborne CUSTOM BEAN PULLING and windrowing. Call Gordon Ford 229-6167. 21* SAWMILL, in Hensall; main saw 54"; double-edger and cut- of saw; good condition. Phone 236-2618, Grand Bend. 14 : 21: 28: 5c Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 3, 1967, for supply, on rental basis, of trucks equipped with snowplow and wing to be used in snow cleaning operations for the win- 3 Male Help Wanted GRADER & OPERATOR avail- able to do custom drainage back filling and general grader work. Phone 227-4721 day or night. 5:4tfnc COMBINING and swathing of grain, beans and corn. George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 262-5282. 7:13-11:23c Ph 145-0838 Strathroy JOHN GRINSVEN GRAND BEND - Centrally lo- cated 4 bedroom house, mod- ern kitchen and bathroom, oil furnace, near IGA store. Phone 238-2410. 14 : 21c 4 BEDROOM house, 3 pce. bath- room upstairs, 2 pce. down- stairs, oil furnace, recently ren- ovated, Apply 114 Sanders W., 235-2977. 21:28:5* 1 FLOOR, 6 ROOM house, in- cludes living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, basement, oil furnace, hot and cold water, garage attached, 2 large verandahs, good sized piece of land for garden. Phone 228-6934. 21c HOME IN HENSALL - 6-room frame house with garage, stone siding, oil furnace, 3-pce, bath, within a block of public school. Phone 262-2020. 21c 5-ROOM BRICK house, electric heat, full basement, immediate possession. Apply 176 Main St., 235-0626. 21:28* License 68C67 7:13tfnc MAN TO REFINISH furniture. Experience would be helpful. Apply Don Webster, 235-0680. 9:7tfnc NEW IDEA corn 5he11er, 3 yrs. old, almost new. Phone 262-5172 after six. 21:28:5c TO SETTLE ESTATE - 66 Oliver row crop gas tractor; also 77 Oliver diesel tractor, both in excellent shape. Call Mrs. Kennon Fischer 434-6444. 21* ANYONE WANTING to have barns whitewashed contact Bill Watson, 237.3306 Dashwood. 5:11tfnc OFFERING year round employ- ment. Rydall Brick & Tile, 227-4721. 9:14anc RETAIL FURNITURE APPLIANCE SALESMAN Long established store, 15 miles from Metro Toronto has an opening for an experienced and courteous salesman (not high pressure), 25-40 years of age, knowledge of selling colour TV an asset. Five-day week $3,600 to $4,300 per year according to experience, plus commission on gross sales. Early advancement for the right man. Reply stat- ing past 5 years' employment and marital status to Box HE The Exeter Times-Advocate. ONE CALL DOES IT ALL Constant Consistent Advertising SINGER - Sales, Service, Rent- als - Your bonded authorized representative will be in Exeter district every Tuesday. Phone Walper's Tip-Top 235-0991 or G. Courtney 227.4884 Lucan after 6. Singer Co. of Canada Ltd., 206 Dundas St., London, 432-7193. 2:9tfne for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING HEATING EAVESTROUGHING MAINTENANCE, APPLIANCE & PUMP REPAIRS CALL PATRICK WILDS 237-3616 Dashwood 8:24 tfnc miles west of 84 Highway. 9:7tfnc suitable for pines. Phone 236-4735. 8:31-10:5c POTATOES - 3i Hensall on No. Phone 236-4038. SPRUCE TREES hedges; also large Alvin Gingerich, ASPHALT PAVING - For free estimates on all your asphalt paving requirements phone 528- 5203 Lucknow or write Robt. Symes, RR 3 Holyrood. THAT'S THE WAY TO MORE PROFITS Men-Women-Girls AUCTION SALE! ALUMINUM - Awnings, win- dows, doors, shutters, railings and columns, siding eaves- troughs, Phone or, write for free estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527-0032. Holmes and Mac- Lean, Seaforth. 7:13-9:21c BRUCE REFRIGERATION Sales & Service, Grand Bend. We sell the best and service the rest. New and used bulk and can milk coolers and all Kelvinator appliances. Phone 238-2385. 3 : 23tfnc DEAD STOCK FOR FRESH DEAD, DISABLED COWS AND HORSES WE PAY 1/2 0 PER LB. WEIGHING OVER 500 POUNDS Small animals also picked up. For the most prompt and cour- teous service in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License No. 390-C-65 9:14-11:9* DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 Our fall production requirements are up so we have jobs open in several departments. We offer steady work with opportunity for good earnings and advancement in modern plants, in both Mitchell and Stratford. DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons 10 Livestock For Sale Please apply at' N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235.2433 30 CHOICE SUFFOLK ewes and one ram. Apply Cecil Desjar- dine, Grand Bend. Phone 238- 2713. 21c At the SHILLELAGH MOTEL Downstairs in the Banquet Room LUCAN, ONT. Tuesday Evening - Sept. 26 - 13 p.m. sharp FURNITURE - A 2-piece Davenport Suite that folds out to a full 3/4 size bed with nylon cover and swivel rocker, a 2-piece French Provincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon cover. 3 other assort- ed Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions, 2 9-piece Coppertone or Chrome Kitchen-Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table. 2 '7-piece Sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with ' an inlaid top. 1 5-piece Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite. 3 Book- case Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mattress with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 Table Lamps to each set. 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables In an Arborite finish - other Step and Coffee Tables, 2-39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. 1-54" Continental Bed Complete, 4 full size 54" Spring Filled Mattresses, 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, 9 x 12 Rug, Hi-chair, Telphone Table, Kitchen Step Stool, Chrome Rocker. APPLIANCES and TV - A large Refrigerator with a full cross-top freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model. A Long-Skirt Washer with pump, Automatic Washer and Dryer - matching pair. Combination Radio Record Player, and last of all, 4 different Television Sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. All the Appliances in this Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY A large selection of Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING -Socks, Underwear, Ties,Sweat- ers, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Dress Pants, Pyjamas, TShirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts. FOR THE LADIES and TEENS - Double Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nylons, Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Seeks, Pyjamas, Slippers. BOYS - GIRLS - BABIES Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T-Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Gif.PS 3-piece Sets, Sleep and Play gets, 3- Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to mention, AUCTIONEER LEO E, BIRD TERMS CASH CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 5% SALES Tax Jjto-thee/6 DR. DON R. GRATTON DENTAL SURGEON D.D.S., L.D.S. 346 Main St. Exeter Phone 235.0601 Closed Wednesday Afternoon (Stratford) Limited DACHSHUNDS, TOY MAN- CHESTER and FOX TERRIERS. Large well-kept kennels. Tattoo- ing, stud service. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 4: 6tfnc POTATOES-For Ontario No. 1 Sebago, call 234.6488, Main St., Crediton. 8:24tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc CHIROPRACTOR 1030 Erie St. Stratford 271-3360 C. Harry Roder, D.C. 228 Front St., E. Strathroy, Ont. G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 235-1680 BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 FOOD SPECIALS THAT MAKE THE MEAL! amsgoomminummomemswe USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office --Exeter, Ont. Directors Martin Feeney RR 2 President Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Vice,President Science Hill William H. Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 CrOm arty Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Tim Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Hugh Benninger Harry Coates Clayton- Harris ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3592 SIDE of PORK SAUSAGE & LARD/CUT, WRAPPED & FROZEN lb. 3in NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER HAMBURG 2 lbs. 974 Lean STEWING BEEF lb. 59t BABY BEEF LIVER 16,394 McCormicks COOKIES 3 pkgs. 99C JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" MERNER'S LONDON EXETER Phone 235.0720 451-8630 Dublin Exeter Mitchell Sec reta ryATrea surer Hugh Patterson Exeter MEAT MARKET 237.3314 CUSTOM KILLING & PROCESSING All meat double wrapped To prevent freezer burn DASHWOOD