HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-01-14, Page 4..' •- ■ a x MmmCIl ] M AaaNMf+•aNtibase of madye'. b bbo M *lo •tTMe ..ull•il 'qu sawifm .r The MdlmAwmem tisk u" war PAP do ! yearIklwr a great dome%, both in qme, . ]id. l j4sdyre w\a PO&W e/1 jWMM'kk cone, aaAlaial.r e'»a seat► I:= if a Lrdei Sete!. Rbc 1•rs1 add nAAiwti the OMWA" foes" [ha ht almtlk , I A regeetallT Nhrel w somotLW Sol, e M r lodai 11r other day b, shins W ►iasoslf order the M rliwer of a can Ides with fear or fey tura ira& The ]I" of the Gnw6 baa workless to tbaoadaadm:!kob eblai.t« on his eawwieam to do witthe so ml tsymwla sasses mosrwsd beads, . Moo - Rioter mow Piece.' > Yeele4a] tbmai of wealth ad loiwuk diad is C. a day or two •face from *A of rtya IS i t►sas►t, of a Idwwr 4tie4 blew, whiele be remivisd is she ]ad f o --e and w kh a ►anw of Ill isme. A semi", dimalisfied Qelmg pleeails a F. Mmi W mare tmbelow of this people sea vtamsrug far war. but for IN astais■ernt of shot ohjees or wit► whet EeroPC" POW" ae Das arpsan to uadclmmLd. The "Ons are tvewmmewdimg whiskey boob" aOnce and Is, ecentelive ut diptheria. The ready in po pa'ar, and the immemlrr sb%iso that medical aciou" is mmkdag in the art of prevervimg Vile, am generally •daliued. A tall fellow, stand,ng in the pit of a .beet I% was repeated:y chaired to art down. but womld out; Otos a roiA from the upper gal t-Ited:: r [At bias aMmo, be's a tailor, M' 1.{Img ►in"E' An appotthecary, who p6ded weself on his karwlsdge of dru^ asserted in co weraay that all bNta things were hot. ' No,' rid a ten- *vRoop cat, 'then is one of a very diDbe- ,aa ily; a biller cold day .I A West Indian, who had a remarkably fiery essay leasing t:;km sale" is W stair, a ne. pm hay who was is wutrag o!hr= S saw 4s1M bvering rosined Ilk flea. Qimkr eyed lie. ,t req attentively; at Iasi be Yw it bl Rot on Ira summer's s idir, and isalundy R ort egain. ' Y.h, yah,' he exclaimed .i9 great glee, •min bony glad to see you bars your fut., Lwel. Tiorar of the 32nd NXItt Infantry, Pslwood Garriorw. who walked 60 miles be, tomo Prestao Anal Lancaster in 20 boon, witb 41110 fill aeeoMremenis of a private soldier, to .11lepkaAPbe' last, s -w now matched to alk from Narwlek \poo -Tweed to the I^od•s Sod for a Nei large sum of money. lies, to walk 40 ase perdaye-mecutively mild the whole ` , . beg pamoda. carrying LtCOYlnme,.ts Dr, Thompson, a celebrated physician in ]is day, and egual4] remarkable for the slow- eW min of Ins perm, dmdd not endure the night of muf6.a, and is bis medical rapacity always sp,.ke of them" very unwholesome. On his breakfasting ones at laord Yelcomoe's. when Garrick am present, a plate of mufliew wag irtsoisced, when the doctor grew native, goose, Sad vehomrntlJ called out, 'Take aawn the mucins r-' No, no,' rid Garrick, 41a ► T r° rtgllMtl.r Sematta mateeg0 the loser part of Broad way, a he=at o vlt to ] wicked city, I aaaios—V i rd saw followour ian disiogws be twae• a 4-80W " looking Irish woman and a follow-eousteliMa, who had apparently just come over fegm the old sold: 1Yell, "Yiothor Morphy, ye tell me that Y, think of.gatlia' into the doling [tradinJ] way here," mid the Lady, with that patruniz- ing ■Ir skw\ys sasewd stoward late arrivals by the oyld resideathers. " me m, T was thinking something about it I acd ra like to have your advice, r pMr. poo it, if y'd phase," homLly "Tab my advice, thin," said that female o,Lcle "and thry the provision bsinuaa. Mo- they 14arphy, its always lookty, mad always mile. Calicoes Lad coats gits out of rmhiom, sad lift ,r your hamis often; butwhe ever heard G11 the cot of a ham, or shoulder of beef, or Jig of astU* cbhagW' Y' Mr. Mutephy's countenance brightened up at the oaiiirinality of the idea suggested to him; sst aby this time he is rvrly to supply all Diss sumers of ham, beef, and mutton on resaco able terata. Dusllicss Dircdoru. • - - ----- - 37w 1Ht.sakes-4 PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Ac ()Am .NI ,PA.W -Al Was. Ac"xD'.,- MO Mlma, Cod.Peh. I sw30 LATH OF STANLBK -CLTVTON, HU wn Rood. (Mr. Thwaiw►•s former store Jai? 1, 'ea 1R. 74clntoers, P4. D. O. M.. PITYRICrAN, SURGEON, Ae., (gr•dmsb Md.di College, Montreal I) Locamow. •1611031 A. Ir. mteinbon. M. v., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, SUP o•on, Are. Re hisomee at Mr. T. ET1 .b/7, VraMsvir sump, Contest. eA. T. Vow, M. V, I rides t Tem. N 1r m dances; Jomx ELLIS. M. D.. Beat Ya Y112. A. WORTHINGTON, PHYb[CiAN, 8URONON, be., will P wad, pparlol ^errlyI be ... to disease a of and ourgtet Mawt\A rY..a. ILD. 14 1 , Iwdl-Ir \Vino— T'r..er, ML. 0 Cervvyaseer. Ale. TTO11iNRY-AT•LAW, SOLICITOR E aha•wrTPef&-noso •,f abs. tion tbyly 1 Irbo ws '%Veatborwld, /"anti, INGIVERR AND PROV[NC1A] V Lind pow I I(4- Odkv W Residrwsv Nomfbos 84me, (leir,w-. •1643 aLa' ,nahmbir 4k aaw.ctr.mr CIVIL KNGINHRR'l PROV[N117,1A1 LAan t "Tama.,&& 096 -Katy iP-k Oaiwm►, Weld ■ad ober Lands sRRomed aw . s. U Keaaor. P.4 HTpemAN. MYNWN __ _ ,w. his v. _ _ PROVIV(ITAL LANDINIRVRYOR ANT Ciel Eagiowr,Cliator. Jefy I, -el. _ Jobs, Ylsenamem, . ,P80V[.a1CIAL LAND SURVRToOOR, t7=*** ...IP Yee .•d'" -Mesiad r.r.l FWM. . 11 L.Sw e *** :d ami wtasd. rar.r. NRI w61 vly2r V W=.401119111, .40 11 a Q vt2krwlTMw RTO L s1. -- as. 'X' r . rased s 08- -0 .. _ LIN DRAi.M IM rRUi1 and dres..I Tress, IN- " ,lo. (b lap ersail to I 1 riNgL'#,N.RtAl,!4.)I)XJIIKq[OlgaAnRvT mitea".& tress. Nr. Iit -40060 ifor am ONO,n4 stn.d s tv. I" -sake Iatasmw, IN rult COURT OF y =9; LLLL ['atloling l iiorlak l f I MUCH DUNLOP, Laza W,TMOa DD, PPloyRRSPWMILLY 1NFORh Ploy pablie a drarlyrick sad the aoryu.ds.6 gas 7 4h. be iM oprd r Ne abo" Ira, r Ae Prmrr y ompm b Mr. F. AI. Hellin, OI WEST STREET, Marhwl W;._ nal ho/ a I'rar•P(Is••w iw kAwaae-W e/a Ialruw.,e. HUGH DUNLOP clodwr►, Aprn 17. 1 b wl l-Irr UYST11 IEFOT rI'O'Ir f3. f luitsl fancy Goods, Tobaccos, 0e ALL \.nm. MUSICAL INSTRUMIZINTS ! Are, as No CIGAR STO*E OF Its WrTCHE, Wena Stre.0 Gdieeieb. Phan Oysters, Sardines, L .aura, d'c., olw.,e so bead. awa4 STORY do DAVZS ( ANVFA(.'TtrRk:RS AND DEALERS IN j\1 A-0, PYra6a and C= of r -T d. p n. T 1' sad ,beet Iron Wen, •1 16. bwva Dnm4 rrww tMrM. undw.gc. U.-- OOAL OZL, grCesl lAl Lome. &a, Are. ON 1—. Cow Ian. Ilrsm, Rye lad Bbyypekir mien I. ex. o ase, 14.4a T. B. MONTGOMERY, AftIFURt3ICAL 0E6NARl2AL 77L4'NTIF4rip, OfMe"--Orer the Neilleal Hall, f7 EOa to Inform the Pubiw that he will pert - 11 an OpM tknw that ore tmrYMl W blm 'a' ALM. wils".er. - Art.ic,a feeth iM.,teJua Vulean,sed Rubber O.IW, "drat, a.d Cnen„U„r. Uum-weak. P.rt.ul.r .ttronon pail Io the regulation i ."".'A teem, a.d live pr --.1l,,. Lal IN, ..lural .000. L%,rge• M.1.,av e..d d/ 1r ,L 11 is -w.! T4RAti.. CIVBFE. It. H. -A "uwm..t wpply of Tooth P-1, tam ,.n h.rd. OW, 60 cea. urn tL,.. 11 ISAAC FREDRICKi el I 4- IVATCHMAKFIt .IND JEWELLER VMST ST.. GODlRIC11, Nczt door East of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery WATCHES, CLOCKS AND IEWELRI RKPAIRE:U 001 ABORT NOTICE: In the best Style 6 Warranted .,x.. sa,. A.rrrramv ,w MoldaM Platted Jewelry, WrittAet Le., ae., dorulaW, s rM awe ,r.reased oo he wir r-f—wi r a.. raw.,, -(--"it. (kd.-h. Irl assessabyr. Ira .16.31 DAYS' HOTEL OR Tsa ORLTRL ROAD, NEAR WROBETER, INHE wlele,ober, Is ret"Mor thaaks to to JL public hie the very liberal pslronsge Lento - .d apno haw 9r whit. bn b,wra ww an wn6n "bah Nuke l 1,s bppunapt] of 94 pnnag he man frwah and the pp rh tJ gener.D' :nm tM fact that b. bons a.. =II -I. - dation dation infers- to aarw i. sA, C-wv, and Ili - few rive.+r, that by a prop- attention to Iwak.es he w111 aril menO6e Ahare d Pstnr.4 61 6.'" beeowal up.n him. Lel nn y1.,-.-- ,ab ..tier -ted td.rJwl pervundy you talo the bel. thaw Is all the " got 1. W roReN areas, bece.w Mishahe@Mes nut is W place, but w S mare ss a sot, by .or card 1 hat I- In els Pir, sod Il -lose trevelkn prir8 to Ilelnrr TerswaterI Walkerton, &c. wl0 find " Dar H,wad"oe the move ,ravel real, ■Innis, a auk b vaw.l the finger band platin6 ,, W -,c1,1, ■, "■n.apw•t reverNN acs. mm drtia and a hear nrlear st any lour of . ay •xr naht (our Na hog w the moat r rmm,.l. r iso the mw.nty (r. h,+elo, pem-lIees "relM.l ) For a yaw of II Is a Air R W'. Heratou, R. Ma.I.n a,.d L. N ton'. New M■pof the C..D,rty. tis -be prurdal m tlmvinaer, fur Lu list" funds. CHARLES DAYS, -4& 1 ...r.,•+era CASH FOR wool aT Till Goderich Wool Factoq THF. wh.rnher, ■ relurm t tk■nke 1. 1 c1=a a hr taw liberal w M ext." 1a him .n the W." Cyrdosir, CIA Aho Dwarng rl Manufacturing Inwnes, w.whl Int so+,air I► w cap..- hal been (tar arson) .pared is th jag op rveryt i..a in first rls.e un4r; .ad haws w goal I he srrv.s. d esperwa"v.l weak car.. l wall M.1.1., fiom IN. date, W erT.elrle lrnier. Lay a•ramt a The els bornw.a. w ellLar vis! oft" Ix.nrb.•.. Part", as les v .Fara, r„m.rhr fro a dstanro, will rkh.n Ail in ,tilling Their ears crrd,d the mine Jay, in ones to M"T home ear. there. The highe.l market price wJl t. p..d m r.' car cloth 6r a naatity ,+ Rawl, cl_.a Ww1, In from bur., std well....,d. THOMAS LOGAN. Oode-h bulb, lith May 1063. rlfinlf FARM FOR SALE. 100 ACRES. i OT 11 13, 91h e• csme..m, %4 awsn-b.Crm1 ly of Moor..,%I-. ",les fn^n Ooderir•ls.' this leAalinr card t., Llrkinw,,me mrlr mot a he fry" 1M■ Mr•Rotie9 t■TWe. The t.ah M mita brim gndity. high, dry and well watemd. Thy, r. sfxlag,-reek with a War- Pr .N,1jr with,. (a- tab d nae V-vv4 card. Thew M • Jars ooYysa w owe ,, . 11_1 I"g WNW. two Mr 1% a y,sas ew•ititdee Lae premsee, H be.%".1 pN QOOD. wwwomb, emph.lhr moss. tang. sm-w MONEY TO UND I PPI -Y il. A041e, PnBeita I Nr., WNnins+ ,Iryvt,wass lJadr•r.•A.lwtoUtke \m d,ww w The OL.guw, Hlww. weer b1w"p 3011hIMfi. Tw44dwor tiff MON TO ATru Der etirt IWWF.Mo \ pmdvaive PARI R (WoLia . Apply to S. V. VANKOUGHN1rT. Rmer-of , T►ronr. Tommie, I*b Kew , for Wo" $700 TO LOAN ON FiRST-CLASS, MORTGAGE APN2 N JOHN DAVISON r B+rr+ tea. O_isoowe, )woe tad. a m. ew.*r CONEY TO BB LBS oM 0000 Invroved Farm s -fR.rkw sh a. .. han k was w4m etpTM w , ~ ,I. J10111111111 GALT. alt gr-- abn, sPnamw. Oran, yeas • waarb. 1: •M'rgm PRIVATE BILLS! PARTIES in Canada Weal inteatdiug to make application to the legtalsls.e fur Prirale or Local Bills, either fur graartiug exclusise pimleges, w cooferriug ourponu powers for cum¢rrtial or utber porpaes Lal profit, for n:gn:a"I.g "mere Lar buu..da.te's, or for duiug anyd.ivig tetdrg to oie. Ilia rights or pmo,rrt of other parties, are ben by notified that they aro reyu,rld b] 11:,, 31,d uPd fulluwi.q; Calr.ul tLc largsiatice Council and Leaulnlire Asaembly c"r.-clively.(wloicl .re rLli.lr-,I in lull io if.. CuwetAla (Aisdir,; to give TWO MONTHS' NOTICE of th- appliraiiun (clear!) orisi dstirullJ spredyPe, Its -lose rd objeet). In the CUsailks ba zest, and also in a nesesir her publahed i. the Cuuoty or prion of Colloues .dectvd rer.liog copies of the first cod Inst of awl ootit'eo, to the !'.irate Ifill Office ofeacl 4 tome. All Petitions for Private Rills mutt be pro ed within tire first thr,s uteyks of LbsZal.m. J. B. DOUCF.T, A. TODD. Ctt. P,~- 1:.U., C4J. ('14. Pn.wr. H,11 Ofr. L. CA.a .sf. L. Aa...,Afy. Qtwhec, I Ith Dec., 1863--a.3o-td Chancery Ndice to Creditors C . 1 -Xqpi IN CHANCERY, GETWEEN Ann Yeria Fabner, wife of the defer dant, Tubi*%Fahaer,by Oewwge Rrowr be. neatfritIA Yfuint p Axe Five Ran, Cklistilu Ran, Frederik Runt Philip Ran. Christopher Ru Nrrdlltn and Charles &h.ii., infants ander. the age of tweutyon yeu'Lby Samuel flume Black, thei Ges"Issn, and Tobias Falser, Delenodaatr 1 R.IUANT to the deem made in thi cause by the Court of 1•ha irery for Uppe Canada, The creditors of the siud Jacob Her into of the Towrship of Stephen, in tk Count) of ffumo, Furmer,(the testator in lh Plrwin_s nnm,d) deceased, who died on c about the ninrt•rutbGiar of .May, IrtG2, an hofore tan of the cluck in the forenoon ( Saturday, the thirtieth day of Jantmry, lKG to come in and prove their dehts before to the u!.d,-rsigutd rtm,sler in Ordinary of th said C..urt'at my chambers in Osgoode, flat in the rtv of Toroulo, or, in defudt there( they Will be pen•mptoriiy excluded the benef of the al.id Ower. Aud t• -n of the clock in the forenoon e Wednesday, oh,• third day of February nes' at my tiid thambers.is apppointed for pri ereding uppamI the said claims, Lad if not the allowtvl,tlnr mime rill he heard avid adjudica ed upon at Puy said chamfer+, at twelve ( the clock, noon, ufTueal,y, the ninth day ( Fetrruary oral. . Disler! the seventeenth day of 1)ecembei IBG3. I (Sd.) A. M. BUELL. w494t STRAY HEIFER. CAMR INTO THR PEWMISES of the wl-sher..1.r1 Ili. Mob of Orloh- 1.44, a Is Red Hs -kr rrdax two wan old. The owsen. rgamisd w Pnr1 property. Fr -' a owss aved a 1rh. hw s -.y, ABRAHAM COX. (i0" b, Dec. lit, IND. -47 I WJ&NTEDY AR AGENT to c^oerm 1w McGria's "Tax. ....river the Cwmry of Hsron. The i. . nee rbance lax a g.-.1 eanvaseer, u ezrluare r swellorr will be gays. . Adalrem, Wis. PALMER, a General A,,,I, awwtfl --- - Naz 1436 T. -iso,. FOR SALE. d A LOT AND WFLLFiN[SHF.D I hope, No. 642, a hoose with P. A: rooms, near the railway station I d to rl r DAVID LAWSO\ Jr. d Gedonch.7lhNnv.,1uC.3. aw20'3taesx K $2 REWARD. I- . g srn,rl:nr",misrpen..a.,r.rm n,.ma lis .. N A.har ,L .., -r at..ul the am ,.r .A.,url ha.. IM .vara ..,r N Ura r two ,ea. i- ,-, ,. a N. real ,air. wish 4 e,.ye .W., bre, 'h, .his,, rrrr..•.r r `a - hes P+mr aid ml aro VdiM A4. -1s,nrn.•.r N rh,w a 1-1 npw ew sag.mt ,n,l.hh.-.b I. rb wad heir e.L a Iwo, I.PM bNy ....1,.,4ar.-,e.1,. -!...I .Phare. A., Para., .I.. .;-41 car 1 w h tb a M 46rrd re". aeP .or 011.11 111.n W. 6,as. 1 by ..fr..us ,lis „wan r..r sir J,rn %1, R-- mml_ kreryr. th Ia..1 r. " ,cul art Iwo aAss. rawwd AM Ped f., W o' .Ih tsales. 1.JAMESHOWARD. November 25th. IA0 - r,4i'4t d NOTICE. d - rjaHti umkmeoned iar'.1; Itvn appmnteJ Erie. I- 1 anon d PM haw Will .@I T, std n ^r a+ she If Pate J. . H.■aT. ( Waw. -iii hm-0h' yrs m,ar the all hr Maxtr.:.,. NMr.N )1. n.(, Ar- e n.sa, tis., k r.. are at Mr. J„h..to.Ie ( lace, r i- the (!,ort Homs,. when all pay."", 4, h. I. ^ made a■d .11 t-sv-tnswct.d Mr. J,.h.eur'. 14 reer.pl. .,If be milk - b Itl6 JOHNSTON, 1 PATRICK NUGENT. G-isr-A, October glob. 160. w39 - --------- - ATEACI1F.R hr -t,hr ,l S No. t,Hnllett .4, ,and cfa.., Normal 1 -famed Ad.!re. or apply to Truteea. ROBERT BEACOM. HODERT PHILIPS. n^Ik11, Der. nth. IRs. w4&31/ P. $2000 TO LOU ! I ON Geed Endom, Promissory Motes r AtIhI 4his A6,. $800 4. ih errs a" 04 N,"C.ge - "I,,,,M them F -P -Y. .Alpti ", D.87[.',is, OOODT\O, r 1 hi tt ' °ane door to Ili* is j 0-6, w•h, Imo Dec., 1-43 Huesv,-.2&ff': Farm tar Sale ! THE .ertk i of I--* P, I.Ake It af, E. errov+ I g mm. Cultrwo. he them+. 3J elwwii .d vnd A•seed, Frame R.r■e, [.It H,w_, wnh wet.., p hop Dal a .mall Mena n vsm, ..,n.g,d --it M cloy a md, domes.. Pits► rind t -Art %"flat A. f:,tidw >; f r rmomer. A(■ f, , to O. M. TRUF.JIAN, Am. is—, ('odrM•■. M In TH011Ai GRUNDY, d•lhme.. R.., -",, saw o Ia ss- Pt . LANDS FOR SALE. A GREAT BARGAIN l ro r le east Pon Met 17. tmw•wmm 1l, / eMs a1Te.a6.vn_ ,esaaiwly thd,m I.0 p +lies d IM rd ks4orglaw h, who rsa gib .. amt Ikelb-hes{ A ( w rn►ar+l6ar is i s I I"■oat om wF.Y►w aswy .r Ptsima •oft A Air m , ' BWWW Judy hk loss, wlow hy A kA OR - «)-,---------- TAIL -- - TAILN D,l1H sc W"64MBE n, nsas 1tIs., 8 Hilt Kwawre/ ,TwiMt h hx Ike rerJ fia11.m4 k•r•O tia6.li• issil As h, Law ►e.set•bb' w .sertdy avis emw.b k a Lac wdera Ix.rvW w ►.a IN' f.\oso i have@ .Law ,r,..,o i ,". oe AL; 2sa Carding on Business Ezteasireh,me 02-32= 4 ZL 142: AL 40 it o -wens i.L=" .'=-I. — Aal av u i '^ r nye M aare4tl sA THR wOaeeNrr woaH Yeoar■ M tM TakW ==Z=:1`. lh. r . w•'e d' limn and eeoo toes he W w Mad al wa. lid1T r Uam leAi and wl7 mrM In Dealer C M Rao- ,c.1a111 ar.l .'I•••''uNwuera, a havay beM c.mew'. yna\, 1'wtra ,. iae.. ti,e Pn.,.,P■1 "Absn.►raltNs m mowy &ate -Wmb will M OW ebwp 6r o er tsdrl+rM, S."'fo d, Lc less blI aatw M a pw `"'+L JOHN PAbBI[pBli, diens., Puk, ,bat QRSs,t► I l Trterr street, CLOTHING CAN BE 1[ADB Ian ue3. .r .. s1 to, esuNuhuxal,,,,.I to the hem E.lak4,►- mesa As J'ur..nbs Lar 3t.wtrsil. g„k,r. I. Ca. w, In 3. sw17w40.1y t HARDWARE. io- ,,11 EL DIDEM, & Cos BEI\r: 16e,rly ,.0tr,iTe Ha.dwam dew r t he ('uu.,,r, can .apply r.rnksm amadeo% .aJ Nc•h.mcr a mw► Weer now Ilona say Gr„er.l 'T, m .t pre T K Ths, k.rr ut on hand a WI a..lrbaeat M Shelf and Heart Hardware I o .•retro or Ina "(.It aorto, Steel of all krd., Lal cka,as. Oros and I'venV, itis. Pass., olars, A., de, Pres, Rama, all k,rd. of co..peri Toot IN I W !z6ow1A; t,•w,lrr and Ski+•Tvsl Re,w, flnoi.s; Or"A-lora; Lad eaflam ober sro,A_ taw aemvweam mea1n11, Broad d Chop:• Asea, a .r WPI u.akers . Clddlery-Iiardya[e, Cal Od Lap. Ir In wi errnthdrg that Shashi be sept m ■ H.,Jwarr SIL. Aram. Cr this CoM,URRCIAL A.wBUA- A \'f Yi CC/. p1 1.wWoa, See a vurliaa•m•L 6-1,-h, \uremt.erfilth, 1x63. w43 — - ins f OLLOWIRG PROPEBTES IRE i <>It SALE o9 Very Reasonable Terms! LOTS N",. 117, Ila. 119, t110, 1311, 141, to W nswg Villain of Riveradele, r the (:.vary is, flruee. Thu Village is sitrmtmi on the mein road brtweeS K,aranhae and Walte.sos, the Cvuety Tow. of Brw r. Los Nnmbes N, Bomb vide d MooLmWW Areooe, n the eau d Kmealdim.•■d 4E, 0, 60.61, 6A .od 53.,e the Tillage of=. dole, ales 73 sad 76, Wert ase of Vis"mfs ab.a, ,. the'ruw. of Km(ardmo, County of abew. L t. N ambers 3, 4. 6, " the Nm"b artless lay Lam Market Syissm, m the Vigo" - ----County'.( Brice, cosmaiming eNlmveke► 4t me Pre „( lend each, -ilk the akeeeso Also L.uu 6. 6 aad Son the f3trhsm dist. and IN ii, oa the N,xtb sde of TM Daubs" bad, i tM Tow. -hip of Karsisis e, oasmmwg a Sam each, partially eleare1. 6,O31 .cad 33 on Wes( aide • @►om stress in the T".. ,. Kincardine. For parlrul.s apply lu IRA LEWIS, D26 Barrister. Goderkl SAWwMII1tL & FBI 1 OR 94-ALLE. THE whin, Ther l,deorrova of moving a peed Watav Saw -Mill, Nloatrd an 1,,e an. (IN m ars), So Ln.o ie Lre, lakes Sh,'sanailej, 7 da below Bsvf.hl The Ind! se is Am moo roniop „tiler, amt 0wre sot plentiful apply dim6m re rhe "wki-hood. It s and by a goad s,raog c,rek. Tlwm are SO wren o+ Sm e4sored hand n -vor". n wuh the mit, whir.\ wJl be wild arm n d ale _1 bis .be pomhasm. Them r r Essexm h.,d on the I„t. Fur pantmd■w, prom, los .P14y on thy: premaes to WILLIAM MARTIN. Stanley, Oct.3, 180. , wu NOTICE TO CHOPPF.ItB TiI1; cul.scriber issirmi-rvas of bSVi g lieu Iota MI o,” el,.md .nd sommei, m let lto lo, alb a.m. d,u■ley ✓ls, "- ism" anJ 14 mak. from Seafaw4 the gjtSk ,r_.,.h.-L' toIt-theairdd. law fin, I ,.1 inn,. la be agreedN1pOv r re ru r!rr ,.sit a-ul■n . PTIA. Tru the area 3?Oour. (B.TsW0p - . UII R(iIi YCDALD. Stanley, N.r. R. lb43 441e1oaz SHERIFF'S 5LE OF LANDS 1'r , 1 Count- of) DT gas of rim aria H,.ron amt Brisee,} B /.r/ rerir resod Town: )d HM N%%@r,"• Covsf (',sat o1 the C,osly d6wT NW be we art nu tux 1. .1. sad leweemeaN alrAmm at tLr .oat .4 Iherid Matnh and Tlomm Boat. have r,ad sad takes r eaueatim the pn.pe*,rr via: Part of park Ma mos m *- k M lt-a Street Horth. w Ili* TmL!g• PnAler. wtdmv.W by Sbvme CIeMM line" L4, I. 13, I3, U, 17 sad an, Qwun awn, ran .a. L.. 1, A s, a a T. a , 1, 14, M.m rot. rel,. 1a1 1 .M t orad ween view =of .elk airh.,71.h,.tsaas, Ta,1&D.ItlaI Ia It 1'. IA la. w N„n► meas. welb.o sed ba t It T1Ia I7.1, la mark ar..r, Wft ran,rw Ia onm. A FA4er,Ma mill.4 a. Im SM boa arm h+ a. Mirk . we. M own book r t I,_ hare. h. la N -Is M r t6. year, n. all .a,hr C,r.t, N were. WblrhLdr o w a, 1 .M;I..drr..sals a wT=ioovLtwn the T„rn •r rh.krirh. res TesaiI tm Md dor Fr!. mry .1I. at 16e t.., ,A T -P- d rot JOHN MACp J.JIL n, S. Adl.rk. Ilypery'herlt m/m tis s Slemr. uw.w, o.,drvi.b, . Yew. to r I40 I we Sloriff Is IW* of Lands. I'n,"A1•,matrs of r straw d s levA Ifanm and sa see,} Is ran rocks -sow Ta .Il : )at Her Mmf aver 6 Cmw Gorron.r Ples., and to mm t' a . k11 Sod telwmcnw d'rboslM.. a a ` of *--in Nrla,., 1 han riar6ssssii IlSs areoS eoVNw at IM rights ash IN-, . to, Firm N u. -d", Loa thaw, n the Pira Cwenlatiwh.,VL rT "met.. the (:wary 1 i .% _ arms b Ivod, ft r kn.( rmNim_i lil , .hash tow nor plot a e '/`aaw'i T- taw A Oodmamb.. tb bi Twelae d 1►vdoek, . vera JOGN MA m.wa By AL 017- rat 131k Ilya,. INO. Ra Md WANZER&COBS OWMI CANADIAN PATENT SEWING MACHINES Havetakenthe First Prizes AT THE PROV'IN4 IAL EXHIBITION beta to Messnd,$Opewber 14th, 16th, 16th, sad 17th, ISO, over ash ulhen; and ala, at the Pro- Tumud fishy hoe held in Kingston, Bepernler Used. Shod, and with sod 2kh, ISO. I'nres of a .maim character wave al.. sw■.ded to use at the Prowesemi E.h.6.unn I,rW m Toronto in IW2.snd at the I'vi rrte.-lal hAh,Uan b.W at L loo, ,u 1«I. Prices bate bean Greatly Reduced I R M. W ANZER &00., Ham,ltos. A101"Als B7t[ITII, Agent. .Sonja", Nes. 27, 1863. ewS6wM FARM FOR SALE I. 1N QODEBICH TOWNSHIP ! FREES OF STUMPS. THu tsle.Lle tmo, lot 13, ,501 Doar•eonoo, (lO,knt6Tuwaahip, about 41 MILES FROM GODERICH ! With about 66 acres cleared. a quantity 4frood Twit taw.. Thera• s good wairr ,m the premises. The abuve form will be wild on reaseo■ble terms. Apply to JOHN FINLAY, e,w River, P. O. Haran, November 3rd. 191U. -404m HURON TOUNDRY m al• " 1111M R Z do IRS .0 1 If, A. RUNCIMAN & 00., .' K nufadurers of Grist and Flouring IM Circular, Mulay and ,Bash Saw-Xills, TJJL1R.A,IS1-1X TC1- M_I.CIITPTEIJ, SEPERATORS M HORSE POWERS, Mowing and Reaping Machined, Wood Sawa, gZvsC>33 [i, CJrBNGir X-, OI `t $ , borrow Castings made, and Blaeksmilhe' work dgas is a omt aid solslAntial manner, N Castimgs of any If pptiuu trade to order. Ak», all kimb of otasbiiAor] repauar ou short advice. A large stook of COOKING, PARLOUR AXD BOX STOVO Always w hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon rest Pipe xea As oar patrrr of the alleee M of the most approved kind, we would solicit W Inspeetiw of oar stock befoes pmdtily elsewhere. r we are offering the abort at the Mlwest remmrevskive Prior for , M ug 61 proved Credit. Oki most:, Efrain, Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in axda■ge. Ooderieh, October, I"L was S G4pD ER=C7S CAUU W s 'rr ., a , C vt P .q i, ., W ' + "- 0 1 0 t` . 11,4hf 1 ir sj C_,; ; _ ^I do A i 1, a ? ep 1 i I (TQE OLD rr T ISI THE COUNTY.) D. GORDON, \ TABLE TOPS, AC. I '_ t` VUJINLr1 IAK1Ei2. d A MERICN i AND UNDERTAKER, a Cr W. / , wV hta.ufacteres am bas pow m bead a oomph" \ - - _ ase.rtmeot w Furonure, at his ■reroow, %s WEST STREET, GODERICH, n SU :8 AS -_ - ______ -'--- Sofas, Bmroaw, Tables, Bedsteads, flair, Csne ams Wpolomted Chairs, Gilt Noawng a1Pi Lookiwg Olamea is Variety. oe - home Manufacture alld Imported 1 ! I POWEN'S PATENT, AUG. 3, IN& THE VICTOR Laud Scrip for Sale, MIASHN MACHINE . Ubuaed The nz,y ins ze o the Pl111. d Ez- llli A LiBRRArr PRRIPUM GIVEN on ►II.Ii" lm L.wd r,i■ Ibe1. lvJ pp•Y u which ca■ ba, made to the Cn.w^ I ii Q] 11TZ■'rTH1IS ( mMaDr naw r Vd E.sip 8w mod... LlBOIIR-l76 t AL\Y Vl rather rwlvm■. HENRY GRIST, Qaehee. AS Nested by be Bw w../ CkAwiebI ve& 4, lila! w45.VM vV declared to be the beta ,et M ^ dr tbelr solea It oomphse is ■orw.cr.-oA%nly worked, mod not wb,ect to ret cut of repair. The .kissing prones r efierwd by the relied ■flim dthe water ,,, the Moolre, and sot by FOR 81,E YEET CHEIP eso i. jw I ni efin L tali, .w id . the s, , res iejery I. IM fin sL tdxlc., with much quantity.( amp .tors .under the band-waabsng AFARM d IW ■errs d lads 61 miles from erwem. possesses who bare used them are@ svvvosv •Ii nDERICH, W acnes of -mil, with 6(P d lied that the machine I c.osWe of.hong u much rends leading thrreto.. Time vri0 be given fur . stark in two boon as Ivo 4 accomplsshod no ■ large portion of the j•+rrh.w money. For fur- day by the ordinary pnxrse, i6as that panuvttsrs ■ppy wJ. IL l7URDUN, Esq , Souris.,4inderisi,orIo Saving 4-5 of the time and Labor W M. SEYMOUR a 00. Moievick. lob November. INC. -41-If A.d twotAinss of tA. amp gvwrdJy used. - undermentioned rsoas mha The pe pn oed Me. VALUABLE FARIls ch,nra. and having Myers them a full tnat a:pre. /yam their rutin setafa,-lwn : FV3 Sale Cheap J. J. WniiJ 6t Hawn Hotel; J. Frederik, Jeweller, tA. 'It. Cos, %; Pel rhNois Alex. Na- y .myth; H. Rut", Ep ; Peter Noise; U. Curve- . Rob. Oibhoo., Esq. Warden; Pa+- Cil. SCK)IR'H I ■If .(I_ 37, a•oeeemur■ 3, to the i" R. Yuncimao, Esq.; Key. Cha,. Fletcher, MI 1-p cal' Maxru. Apply ,o Many other rosiness might be added, if neve■wry. JOHN KA1, Ainleyrille, R YQALiCK, Morris, CASH PRICE ONLY $6-50. Or GEORdFa CROOKIt on the Premises. TIw Subec"I r baring polls -1 the Pates. Morris, November fish. IoW. wr40-If Rig6a fur the C'.aanty of nroe, 'r now prepared TO RENT wpply stye mschiall of which be adwcits a .Cal, fo,4ie( a.urM twt all who lea it will M plowed with 1loE npilimy and earn with .Lich 4, other wife te,t"us ad ..honors wuh I. perf,m od - Ladles w•11 confer a lnvor by allowing the ri THB St,•BACHIBER ofievs to reel o ,see the ,.line to be tented at their reeidenee, to w6wb it Twimre firmer!r orrapied I,) Mr. J. Ft-,$- will be oarTeyed by the proprietor. a cad rerorM Irma Oorwor d &nags. asst Victoria strews. ■gni\ ■Mudd ,t oat be p■rolonas. An the mart. For le 181 .,apply to rater dsi(es a that t merits M the M•AiM JOHN ALLEY. .hooldb t tboroegsly tossed. Partes wihiag m clod -Echo Nov. MINN. IR3. wM try t wi oaoaunieste wish the r e,poe,orr. A. COUVELiEN A LOT OF EXCELLENT hbm LAND FOR SALE ,>,eM.I z iv is lr lc A l l i s N s 1 ROT Ne. l 1, North is the Towne" -1 d L IAevoa i ,be lass ores. valley, , ■ed bow s, • a ailig C*A esasing 1 b As • al nactb -4 Tie lar . ■.well 3l Mike gam we@. apses .Iowa, balance One U" n Is- slonew down, hr►reee r Eva asad s- 4' goeLmssMe, Apply to CASTOR WILLi8. Ali rmdirww,oel. nb. lmn. rww r - DIVISION COURTS HURON & BRUCE. OCTOBS3?- low. let ew V aaM wo a res► Oemy ./I IN,., O„dr ich, Monday 12th. I0th " Clint", Tuesday), 1111. tad Ir Harporhr]] h'ednmft7 14th. Mit sob Exeter, TAuney iN. is Ilungann". Toeodry 20th. or.,.. eo T6 wR: wwoo moal ant 4!r Hes ttlhwd ISM Ae m tltb flue., III401►,/.P416rda), 6th. la o.derieb, Torhdar, 16th. Im. " Clinton, Wednesday. 14th. Ind 1' HarpathrTT Th.radry, 171A. is Ryeter, !4'toeday, 11th. Stile Nb al ilung%nnnn, Tuivaday 22nd. Ir a Bsy old, tt odnrday, 23ad. .4Tt cat 71'n A. M. R COOPER 1 It A R I bloc►) M4;1 the shod to be a tres K low et1A wi m evilness of Heror _ t, the dry, pntt"Mnl u the flla•er. g DAtt. I.ey.lRf 1119,13! !16A*29 m l Cii Ohba Powe, Amen sad Brom. •..M fewer,.s M jBr w~ of fes AI'm twro..M B v us"ecd6cw 1aft1i**"* i, or.,.. eo T6 wR: wwoo moal ant 4!r Hes ttlhwd Wbh. "N asoo- IML all l -. - — —Wu ff TEBFLrP I kws ad w sea seem. «d sot nd Ybatt i Ptitd, - the orp lg it -Ah a fgmnrdb r 8._ ow' ody •^ - ' erg Im mty t8*r%== + idesso W delhanlRaik Isho WNW fel, er ss- lsalAw4 w Pea-- ti wwm w whim _WL__1 4tA/a r Awe" eeunlg- 4a.TIM .wb: w\ tNa• ' 1tNgn tral 140 1aaefifhawoIS . b. 4r4 ..do to,TrTpwr Allbovw. on .cath bw th hale sm dosh!f ~ w a yaiwg .Y 'e tbg,w"W FOMa. ►i wmm- a,,." fitwrswAM OO ~ ,4e1 a,,."- --MOO w MAR amnAmMAy. y*A-"@% .hAos, iN ` yr W" • tldt131r firer ilk" 1Fir41m DAL web, , Kvepw.e St., Ciodenrh. xovemher 3rd. 1`•67 w3S ZYLOSALGAMpM, asawbo r.qA ww ,arlls", Many. abb Lae a.e1ig so prm re mpmfrg a WTby sal n yowl cab r ins ow. K wwrs ?Ars I'* A"Core Sif'tr Am Ord~ Is'li T< %% was a Dya, w sea = qrw tM s.Sr.r an Ree, o.b4 .kms vA ud b m`h m: w*wot "emirs ism T or 'La3.dtNaa a,w& IIN6i,WArva now fir Dro w[me wasnoom as would PUOMW L B"M Orpm iN (i[IIgNIs ItrM, he-Tak f, . , 'n„ A . _, Ir 1 THE SUDSCK1130 OFFF.R3 FOR Bale, .1 rwmed loom, 4 ,IPT714 aossA., me" of gar, Rod, Band, and Hoop Ito CAST, B1-11ITER, AERW N & SPRIN STEEL, .ay.BtiV=Ls 7bM, $dbwg. ULeb /111. , Maine ead Hand U" mn% . I... I-X.dow lu c> u shape, 800" 41 Rmwvot•. lata Aakyeoel jl ions" • GLASS, PPITY, 1<A MSo 00Ar000A OJ(.g 2Lrpess\r I.md Ppa, wranmbS, Cwwand Ma!! dry Twa.M ad w'de+t . . Whin It\Mer Pasou" a idwoo rbmim fmd Crosrwr lte.l.., •+a YC. I C -M-. eL cf li It Pr, and asW Ca M.k-'a Ha w}nt C Lad Joiner, Toeb, M Ilws Fmeabiap don kmil en.6.. 1 - "a . Nlisda. mis.m .ad NouhLmgpl 3 Choppinp, Broad 6 Hand Axair r.em mm" mw cabs n.l.•ost.de sAme,.. Awm fir OEM .& 4: 1- PL4X#9" OW C OI J. R SCALE& Wish the Largeal ,tock of "0 '1 aHELF HASDW M . , u eat moat7ss. '1 I'milaesd tram the maaWrtunle,.ad Jnr 4, by IW. E. GRAMse Goshawk. May to. IPA. vb*M D. 0. bes always on hand a llrtmlleth as, sortment of COFFINS. Also, HEAR` ES TO HIRE. "- Lumber and Cordwood taken in et- change for Furniture. Gudasr\s, r" Oct, leas. w!7 F'a m Lot for &ale. P] i W orfiov for dale [lN0 Ne M offMri. wuafow, da. ft -see 1ihs std de.►6,et e{rwrnrtd Mod dX6 wor a orst Memmb'lkehe .W1=01v- nNY" res "Wha +t gP "We. sot res. .a-*-Soowoi* .it TAT. S30NTOi OF ql"Ir Birds old Feirfbotei Ash als AIM, Pm-vM and .et up is the ^.ail Isarsrrl Pastas. to mil" -CEA pale far all load. offensive min Mo. oi mAt Lersteinilg, at Mr. gel N RT(M IS --Oven. T 6110T GU1P8r p ' Ac., Aa N tl O R IB A. %-d 30 AND MADE TO ORDER, air T . c. N1C1Nrro1S.IU1 Opposito the Market. All kinds of'vFai^ag dors, a .ayes re" sable term\. wa37 UIIDS FOR SALE Is THE following lands omhsnd Ar alaso y.. sdTamagwsS savviest DNE - TENTH ONLY l yea Tme 'flum MMr Il CUB IT Tisa K naCm ..D Tat aAI.Aa.s III line Efleal_ANnal luta aftlify wish Lawn" as t per saw. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: Boat it 7 is l at los., 40 "rv+v South P m tat can., 6o acres, Booth I 1 is 24 eca., 100 scree, Beeth 21 is 3d over, i o6 aews, North 20 in 4b con., 100 Naas. North 21 In 4► Don, I00.Ams, North 1 23 is 4k con., 100 aeras. TOWNRHIP OF HQ7FTCK: Low 2 3 asst 4 is !bib roe, 100 acres sock T'JR-NBHiP OF 'GREY: o . 26 in 1 st eon. 100 uses, [ oto 34 and 36 in i con., 100 nates seek, Lots 11 W 32 is 6 teas, I66 sal mob, Lot 26 In 6 cos., "•cress, Lot 32 in P eon , IM hares, Lor p and 34 Is 10 eon., 100 germ •"lo. TOTRNSHIP OF TU BENRT N. 0. 4 43 im i teas "aeras. Apply to CSaar.ag Winner., Uag.,Goderie► hr to the _even THOMAS GALT, iVA9., WE"m LTf'Xa ..W rum ra sat MMule, ahoop, MA on" of crones" tow Ming IAP 4 sd A. w. 7, W. O. M A.bGW ham iY V Wind. A IS ;pekm mi is"&Oak "a dmml pad war mw Mw mm ay Mw()Wx. 4laifibr (sk Nr6 ~ Notice of DlaidnUon I ,.wces,gh kan.ew ."' .a orwArit VannIAII dealaty'da 4he real= 12,&.- ".16 „.la of rtralMAnoP'a TOE TOR ONTO COLLEG E6 U."11111111”' THIS INSTITUTION, Incased in fools A(*= a,,#1 lasnrrrr, 7W.w., ►as Law bee• •moi o BRYANT, STRATTON •L 'st oMfs.,1 Cumaoacal Collaggee., easWshd is N .1 Broutlya CIA's or Alhror. Troy . Clsim4Q, Deleot, Chicago sed M. L."i ..t. - The b , d thew CollaOw a la Young Men aid Ladies thorough Rad Il arnrti" in Book-kosping C I en m nshi Arithmetic, Zlpeocatra i, Rllfip penmanship, Carmselic, t1pecci key • Iterm for any delrrtme•t of baW"W 2 choose. ■ebolmehip• iamb es Cauda wam tOW OO todwt w eomplale li name u try • M the eh.• and -,r errs, wishes. r = k.Fgr. he r is op r dq sad eve•t JAl1ES E I)AY, Raatmlorr Pu=otr AL1yA For fonkr inf-re-tioa please can at the twel. lege, or wad for Catdogre sad Circo* ON" iett-tamp. Addr..a Bar.aT,ST■ATfoaw4lw, Townson. Jon. 1. Ilifa.7. sw3ow4i4r DR. HULL'S Aromatic Physte AN `mportant Family Yedia3i13sse FUR the rues ofd:sof tM LIVER AND STOMACH, Indig , ioo, Bdiw Ldeetimr, Pstlgjhat4ah sl Ih. Heart, ......eaftw or the Nalely disc• Headache, Piles, Ja•mdice, sw;aN 1lbmeser where •a *peaks OWIS pbyaioiaaapiaaL THIS MEDICINE CONTAINS NO MGM, OR ANY OTHER DELETERIOUS DRUG. BEiNG TERT PALATABLE, 11 well survive for de .sb femaav, or ehiMrwm UIt y amply a helpmate to nature, ifiTing ,.as" ■ brahhy M,.. In the Si. -ch, the apn■g of Ido whew,• the body Ill•'rlyaw m weew. - Th. Medelme. t rng rrry FF I,.not to the tots. mart become Tory poplar with lb,ar ks"Id. who I.gr"V'%'t9QC'CasS. rkned wntk ..aseawa C. (>u. AlorsR►el..rbdisc•. Wherever a W been .hdueod it bay. Mag with Md a IibOlP to "J&rWdsibd other med.elnes" a good and pleasant phyma. Aa>eISTR :J r PAs.cn R C.a-n.a ; F. JoamA a, and Iho geerislly. FOR SAU191A r LOTS IS and 19, 1 n Range Imh of 31, hap Road, Kialors. LOT Na 211, 2nd Concession Township 4d Kiabe& WT No. 7, lot Range, South Darh■m PAo4 Overstock. LOT No. 68, ist Range, South Durham Road, Kincardine. LOTS Nes. 38 and 39, Ind CdaeeotAOI Hoath Durham Road, lUamditm. LOT O., 8th Consemion, Bruce. THR FRONT Be Anne of Lots Nm. 6. 7, 8 and 9, NAWOod Condemioo, Colborne. AWA CBEAP AND ON Apply to X. ri . ew26 __ _ R 1,01,1111,10110"i TO R£RT OR 1. AN KXCXLL[IWT TAVERN STANDI CON[3r8T&NG t W TW ZLV11 Rtlps eQy, IS he ritV stabllageele SMd, pemp amok%Tne thrgb T8ww IS the Villa of ow"bi pj Tert and known by the name of the IfLfl6- w lXl'iE1., and, lkd ' The tin pwpalwory R. C. Prep[ .The bis large additions and improTemsvm ed wonhy the bolim of any male *be ilksu b a home. T R. tot. rue R. October Bub, 11111,113, wrr4r RoTiox OP Af1weN a I I U -c R N RRItRRT mrTRle 1161tr Jl. Moss d r6.A , ,,. hw ads Dian/ ,.! A a W sw4 etfi.4A rot IM the a ba rnd'o m. Aa pevlior, 4t a said Jsmr harm, -"Is 1. .nmo sad•r ism do m by Is u u.-Aanee me.esr waboo dory dm6eAvw J.4 llhnrt NO 1OL 04 RIcWA Z `s4 A rR0 Out*. wr/hNalbryP Pwx- yremW-4MW%tW& PW i f'slb.w^. Dw. let MM. i 6 nTs*atlre o`M_ - n AM To Ur"Am rief Pae we of 111111;il eliie tifall li'Nlier Cral.lo► N1e.1r.1 . "OWro-ow"NW111111h i.. k { wa►w,