HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-01-14, Page 3(-
on 'may De► alt, y the Bow. W.
J. Hrkw, w.1 .. Ni,ir., e( Cliow , Mr.
wt". paesawa r sire 1Vaaa JAn
At ter Oeticeka w 168 rt► Imes,
by pew. rr. Ye i/r I{r. CaAu,a I1110tra►
Too, r Mia An BtN lrD of Cu(►ara.
Is the township of K arriy w P,Wyr Job.
Ise, 1064, Yr. Samuel liW-, aged 1510stre.
At Gobrieb, a the N► fstetaws. Albert
If_kluh rain%sem of the Hari N. F. Let
r bAitMyOw. —a ■m Al t.. RaESH TEAS, EX. "LILY !» LAND > S Y. .
J. 11. Gut.tJONt Iterahafat Taalorl >_
....art — 1 * t . A
--'-- - - BY YIR?Ut d • Pmw.fa.l....e.i.d Am W thakfewee !liar,, AW 1
D ea
or ewnoN•
, , Agflq!l >ttat 800iety
•• hada Is else 110V
Dew. -At hi■residenta■ is tie Township 119 ANNUl L MEETING rf the melw-
ef OederMh, its the might of the ant of Jaaf ken of the able" aodr4y wW take felse. ON
" , 1a", of dic'''e of the heart' Harry Tuesday, January 10th, Instant,
Dend want to bed about *ley" u at VARUS HUTSL, I■ tke
,dghti ease his pular ere, and when his TOWN O F D O D E R I C H,
toted, Mr. R Rich, who war ail► hiss. roe
he the morning, his eempanion esu quite o-raewauty al Ir u'eluei, awn, far tae Perp.
mad, bawling, apparently, panned Almy til►• of eMrir=u ethensers, mmirlag arp.Ae rmrw
the Bruce bocm.lrl.. late., lar the t rre lar
eat a MrMle, hr position Min`, a seemed, O. E. T1tITEBAN,
•tsbamgd since IM Woe of W miring to
tees. He bad eompWned during the day, Goderich. Jan. GO. 1864. M W50 W
and spathe ad ase dint for Dr. Cole, but chAla3-
ed W mid. His ,.mane were interred on 1►IEETI1 TCi
the 6th, at the Goderich Cemetery, the fune-
ral being attended by very (many of the name- or
Iles d"g of IM departed gdelace Also who Go r COUNM
lad Garin come sus' re.rlMor:e is the U u
4iwny, gained the •euem of all who koew
Islas. THR COUNTIES' COUNC.1, for the
Mr. LAke died unmarried, leavtag relations A. L'aaed Cwetnre el
i. Prglard. An iagoeit wait held by the HURON and BRUCE !
Coroner, Dr. McDoegall, but ,len esu no ..c
detbt r to tbo cause of death, soli • verdict WILL SMT Is cwt
waaaandeved accordingly.
ewdw&A-it P +wwh..rhassM.;..e, - Couut Court Room, GODERCH;
•' N J Yerrw a.a hi ..wwan .err
• >• ew a.w: mer w-J►wfel, baa,,
• IM r • •aAas, 'fill" r A..m♦A..• •• oa
Tuesday the 261b flay of January, Inst.
THE MARKETS. Otder,cb. January IP. It. RITC If IF•
8th, le61. C„unties Cl,•rk.
Oo ssucts,Jamtmry 12th, 1864. - -. - - - 'rte''
The Prodoce Market leu been ectrernely
brisk today send yrmrdy. Tkor who
,.neatly aeeerted that the bark eowntry ked JOHN FAIR tilt. CO.
I•aem already drained of wheat must be pleee- WILL eauw,
amtly dirppoisted. The receipts of the post On SATURDAY, the 17th Instant,
i wo days have been very heavy. Pork, Oath
Rey, be., we coming in freely, and find rf A cuoict Assortim"T or
yen Whet prices.ive ........ PARIS & 1.010011 BONNETS.
i'aU Ahs ..•0:85 ret 0:8i
do ............. 0:70 rr 0:72
................. 0:371 s 0:10 (Jedermek, IG►(let.. 1863. alas'
}■ 7 ................. O:Go (S OAS
7f■r. 11 tD........... W 7:00
meas P lb ............. 0:32 (4 Das -- --- - -- - -
Irma .................. 0.40 l4 a.4s The $our & the fan
Rwk...................4:50 f 4:75
llmf. ................ 3:00 4:0.)
Tarbes, each ............ 0:45 0:60
t'A.k:t■.Vp .........0.30 0i4S BLANK BOOKS,
tl r ........ 0:25 0:30
(fxks, do aA..... 0:40 (r4 0:50
I dee (green) .......... 5:00 0:00 Account Books. Day Rtwla, Ld,yen, Jutu-
Visrrols, V bus` ........ 0.25 0:00 I nols, Minute Books, Cask l)ouka, lud•aes,
9 tulip ................ 0:12 tit 15 Memorratilluni and P: ss 1lojoks.T t
bit tat ................. 0:12 rJ 0:15 A FULL LL ASSOR 1 i4i11Y 1
Pt-(atDa .............. 0:40 (Q 0:45
N xd.............. i:0o Lrw 000
In the above now on hare 1, stud
alaAeasat, HAarrataT alio EomoaDwll.LS, L 39 D 11i30T T
J IILh,1844.
P.If Wheat . ............10 87 90 Lowest
{ ,AT
Print .Wheat.. ....... 0:68 00: flo Lowest 11*ae Nde , I
l ru .............. ,:40 0:00
t 4eee ,..........:..... 0:37 0:40
........... ... 0:48 0t70 FOIL O A S I L
4:00 4:60
r. ,alter ...... 0150 o -so NOW 18 THE TIRE
IWen, ppeerr 101020 ....... 4:50 4:75
Rhet,.ekiae ._......_... 4:110 1:371; To subceribe tothe
t fhr ti ry..........1:« sin ! 1=1811 IND 1<E 00
ra.dwod, dry.......... l:so :Oe
V.4wecd, Crews ........ 1:25 (ot •:06 MA(dAZIN3CM I
It,Itw ................. 0•.421 Ono
N fee .................. 0 11 (ti 000 And the Placa u this
Teaexvo, l•a.■ry t1*11ML I Signal ONce Book .&. Stl tianery Stott.
Fru What...:r....... 10ttt0 (1 01115 Goderich, January Ist, I"1. W49
Fl tint Whots......... 0:75 (a; 0:80
r•, ry................. &70 4:N0 WASTED IXIUDIATELY:
r. rh..... _.......... 4:00 4 s
l`Ier..,..._..tct....•. eneral
•:40 (J} OfS A GOOD HL. ustbe. go to do 4horse-
job worL•. Mast M good hand at borne.
shoeinZ. Apply, if by letter, post paid, to
q* HNtlil>kl gtf. PATERSON BROTHERS Slue"ins, Dec. 21. 186.1. ■w33-2te
J%r.kNIED. a smoodoss Y Miller.M see
604""pweaee. T iSSE63o(THRCAN ADACOMPANY
D J wee acv drwre w pay up .-sirsend to nh-
PARTNZRS P Notlyj , tel. then deed• g, pre tare r prep tar• reaaoeaWe
TR.6Kifli.lr Non hem. by ■OPfrwa (if 1r; letter prepaid) to
J. H. MORRIS. Solicitor.
iw • MwtgeOo Ilsirde y Result AROrm, of MAN=31 tIAuA1 GODItITI , seM daM+sa.IlYn.Wei giMsbMR fat
the '1'uwrrhip ttF A.mk.+, b Ib■ awt7 0( hall] vrt.ia,ri-I • lama. and wens-kane4 -- _
Brow of the eat part ; Rg11M Aaa■ kr (3 C. t
wl(e, of the aerawd part : mad Taw C— aJ .,.reit of y;yy w e , r
dost, of the Vii kip 4011 Q/ NITER p1iYSICIAlf BUBO
Count, of Hrwne, rmndw, et 1ALI m1V VI.1 .=rc , U. . -- tr.'e•'rT .i•
.uG by We ed d T►stns (:weedAle arl iad I 1'Ywl. 1 •. mLii.mmm. 1ti. >P.i !
W ThuuY rr1 wasex"eJ 7J a". FI Y 9 1 el A M. 81111 3 . 1}d+ (br
' puha will (Jrfwlt began Mtb m u■ C O O D B . p
l Huuw LhvF•w. Kw.t« b iiw.11^
dao, pry■neut thereof.) will taxi w Aid ■ ..rr,v w r ear AAMve. se, Y Orr We - At Ale►✓a Rwd.r( 11.+M.
_ J- .0 • Iawe0W0 4:adw■rik c. A..'
fnda the I Ih_ day of February, sblPt., Collapse Nocktlea, cAh, ft Low"
Arris 2•!•1 _ kc.,se RARRIS k ivh
T A. D, 1861, 1: delae11. a mos, at the Arctwrm *ikkk M id Fee red map O B . Las it awe- *T, Ce.•'r1
Irl Part tel Cork. 1^ r_^ •Gwis own 7Mwae wk• :riireWi•1 • W
• +- -- Wesara. Small} and Thomson, tliwieb,Mo. 10tIdIL r- ►♦.i
(: .r f wod.
I?IItECYI` r`ROM CI LINA ! xinr.t.ru Street, aaderieh; - -T - ARRIaTE +wL stow R, A7 rolb
rhe (ullow... 4 properly, ,Mt u W Y•. teat e"*.60.1 O„denrb, If. W.
PURCRASED AT THE r:ert).,,,r,.e, to Owawwiue I., the Tawu NEW BCiOI 8 — ----- 1`
hi. of Arsnb♦I, in the Couch eOBrw•e, rust 1 tat. -w estaaeOW,
C es Wa also SALE w • _ f I4,i , ur ror Ism,HTo. One 1. De d L ARRISTEoss, 9ULICITU , ths,. u?
'v! (l 1V\ ,'B Le, i•ie•, nun r lar. Twrma ne lhrJ ` i awmma, dfo. tideless
ADDerI Ib/rR !' t. Jr, ItN kw s tlw, (i.rbur►, .aJ Qwest tltrrw)
g under I'o.er of bale. p rmr mal. a'.
Y C. CAMERON. t- 8TO11EWILLw + . . a tltrat..arae+w I A•enAw,6 Nino mA
8u:isit■r of Ami1rN4s. JOHN FAIR 1.74 Co.11 -- -
'[ H8 8U$SL'RI8ERS u at fur Sale tin Contents of Diet eighty packages Preah ws0 td -- -- I THE SOtW sltwrtamru As MoDwnnot.
i • AR813TRBR, AT1uItVEY-AT•LA0.
Tear purchased for us mild selected with ),•meat care by OWa(la Kwan, Esq., nor . H►VE SU*T' urrcraD AN AMOSINtwi n RRISTI Plrkra, bo. War tRwwtfn►k'f
ror over thirty years its the trade, and whin, we rFuak advisedly, u a judge of Teals, Sd .SIPFt$ Or I'A ' us• If'HLr.ASO,. iF SseNr.tls e ' mel
whether as reptile tushe, yuslitl or value, hoe perhaps no supuriur iu Westeru u■n.J(..,,nlrrof p ]Y 'let" d two moue+ • a, Dwrea.ow,
i analis Hrun anJ Brrw. I7 TNsdttwal Qapon .Illi r r r AT BUT%=a's.
'rte ,art: '1 Fier+ re,... 2=d ew LONDON MAN I LESS I+ TTo t,ri..►w. SI►L11f•rroR IV
1 • i H c r Male ♦ I,r • CtwA d r o raon A C ■ mina - lite. O Mrv. Market RgYra•.
We Base ourClaims to Pahl ic F><t 'or 1rra, t n+ (' bA w Ile t rra,y PALETOTs JACKETS, ` gal "1i C• s' t ••''t►udwrick.
Wrlr•Iw, Fnd Cured• U u -i df lab tlditw Cone- Qodry'a, Leall.4, &hili Peteruuu'e, Gtr - -'
FUR SALE UP UUB 7BAS CYUN un tar 41.,hia and tlrwe ■+td w me dieauad Y.tawww■.
.run' nee wnde end T'+amawt.rrfJstlnn Mor IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES!
`eecir`Jt A iY&AT-I A'Ws
rw.,a, JYhq Ik•nalme ■J Hach Uihwon. rt W ' -- - AT jBQirLSS'R. B Noetic - .M`''
Grp r-7 l I win Of.,•Iner H•rtky ,'hilt MdJry and WJ- •„ . ♦!
`. 1• Iry .Alf {j . 11J,.1J 1r j j \j 'I,un Mr Kev. terve wrrwrJ ■nJ I■kaa Ile r:avav- ,re►T nAmt AIJO Of a.fY A a p taV•O ••r•
1VI ../ 13' \ V u ,j (k',J j .i U ■11 tLr n hl. w!e tad mlsrcn w the earl Oe• ii i ,
feedawt■, to and w IAM N".,. too krinh awes \ .FoAa H. fiaa•jaai:
FIRSTLY: 'Iw"'t" W'"."' n(tmew, °°•'"'""'" • MACNIRICENT STOCK W. BOLICrniR t1
1-0,4 r. r. trN Jet, is the .e rr.J .r.. e,.iw CONVE ANCIlVGF A CiasYEY-AT-I.A
♦ Cram+.n Notary PeMr ,;weeaerysa •r.
I vel luru.e.P, cywtaw■a alts vrv; al.0 I r as Xr., d,,e.. O, LDada v%.e.
k Minn in the elcnlL cun. +wlun w Ike Wrn•h.p
Theme Testa have been purchased at oonf•sisedlythe best )[arket, vis ! [Pint head w dlmlla .iia of W atrww, thrrdaeor an- IM
;II'Vor., k, .vnnurmgf ryl a e• 1 shim 1..N th is - HEU>DF.aOI:\EU will Jn,w mt.•edr t;,,st.la,r,w agave.
bdderq] and upon tier best terms offered to the Canadian Icrchauts. r toJ r...t....na...al IA" u slid J5 ra raw 3rd Qt\ C lett Q Cr\plf . i T ■a •+Driest. •mil ■read +o the pryer a■. r -----
n, . D. R. of " IOW.ekrp .+f 1 real, 1 + rut.,a Dobe .a.„r, re.Jy tw ref, ar•twdr lu tit {1►tlrs.am T rad mr.
SECONDLY: c"ul.mmg nuc huudrerl •"d star acres I .0 rte the From whin•\ they w:11 Make to omusr• to ■u• ! fulluw.ng rale., v;a: y t i'ii ,
aonnly tel 8. u. r; moth La■d. ■rd tewu,rrur t ayl. dareJ. Dead• .................. 81>dn I t tfRXdY-AY• 1 W. 7ULtetT•.rr '
shall udrr ha e-i • an dlaa t ,w title C-11 Houle Cta.remrm iuter rbg0,iC-vwy.sts4e: w•
These Teas have beim selected by a person of great experience, without Dealing the b the J'uwhtutl:a•k a. 't l,aldey tMM kit klurtgag m ' "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V. Oudww►, O• rh -4fR+• e+wh afia.•f 1W 't
Subseribere one cent fur expense attending safe, commission, or else, [freight only Jar ufJrnu.ry dt•al, at tub Nucor d'Cwclr.of Owlerbty file Oct, 1887. (1(hcrdrvureataal egoaw W►agwwe. wwdrnkwrfdr.DsR'at4ael. 'tome
. r_ a
rhe cl.rl, oast, JOII\ GALT, •boA. c4cwk nob
excepted.]. L .
T. H I R D L Y : JUfiY 31ACIXt .j A n. aariatry (Nett,Gtlho h, /
a llieNr► N.A•. B Vevcm,ar&b, 1.07. ( weH7mH TTOHNKY gQL.[CITUN) Af:: tiuwk•
By S. Par.l.ncs, Deputy. Mrtir. W.-Orrw-n s RplkY n Walww•{
These fess being imported direct from the Celestial Empire to Montreal, all danger I Leri&h lfk.•.,'18 7 irk' ( w4i - tao.4 owes el t eal►aat+ Ftr4 Oiiur •'•'t "f
of adulteration Taniahee, for whatever the rittaGly when it left China, it remains the I A]<E\ IiL I' ( i2 I!!'1 • Yee Ha+r.
same. DEPARTMENTAL Isoearc NtDlvd.
The alr,ve nit u psweponed till TuraJmy, IN Ay B AaCa a. adirilur a U►■rj!-iF tarry
IR►d.y.l Ja.rrry. (tf4, at roma hwr.nJ plasm I i arliamen Agent,
e. Urrrca-u Cobb'. New Bloc (iud+mreli/
In view of our determination of building up an an exclttze vh business, it u t w wtsayrOv
manifestly to our advantage to be Y reasonable in our charges as possible i therefore, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. I tQII H 4
Ilur.m anJ 6ruee, L) tar Yrs.Jnurol Ealn.nu p1 (. n1M11 [.■.rb ■nJ dbrr Gove-elasi s. - 1
Te N'd: end . tk'ra tel Fan F•rus an s . 1 Tes 4.brpv ,wt of- rl• Lr Invealw,a the
D K E R RJr.of Her • CwA rf C-.,.. IJnD. ■reel tats c.. &. .twee.• &. lunar the
leer)'' :....moo, ,lee., Sec.. kv . fur PrA irw nrdrwa is
Do 1 lea. uhJ lar me Jlrea leJ seine, the Iao.L anJ
CO.?•y tq,er L'auaJa. tar drrl,ew. ale HmA
Ooderieh, 20th Nov., 1863. tenrinenuurtln.ry U. Gattoo John udq Its - -- -
Iew- as n, the of Per.. at Ike w+ta rf Mak n se
- MrfTerwn, the Comnhemlal flank of CAYJ. anJ .
the H.nk tel Clgror Can•J&, I here ort tart "'d
A taken In rtn•ulwr.lhtr' right, I'll. ■ad +alarrN IOOD As— In One 131ootr. AL 24)
i'i L E3CIO N Ila w.l Jrr•n.lnnle In andlU One Nuwaerr 9171. r ARr:FAX IMPROVED ar..7 r..nrentenrt ,.rW x". O
• I ar7 and 9:i0, .•n IIw• Harlot N,lsre.i" the Ww. Of L .k the lark,! rite Ron M.pW,q. .yr nr,M •,Suuceaaorto R. R. Rbthrtaii
li kh h sell l:aw.iy d Huron t ■kat. 1 nn, \ata- Tern.,( Ihdrtirk mint me I:.derkh 1%.u.•w .! rite 114 -
Wt HATE jusr Het'clTk:o A rn CyH Ltrt or WrAW9 1hr.outh..ferdlhe Hesoa Railwat im Wand lake lilt=. ItW l;. a.
Ikr ..dawn w (:u rmk snit Cwuty d ltmww : Artily. sf Truer,: F ti ,
FILUiTS, NUTS, SUGARS, PICKLES AND SAUCES, rhrk 1 share uRw kr maim a v ears ,. the a fuTRtwim. tmq =1t d i n Jl1 1 H ci
' Cwt H, w, tat the awn of ti"dench, ase Tor► rrr /nlhinnr, 11..t.r1e\ C. w.
with a rd s.vortment of Groceries of the brat ,alit which will be sold at veryda Ike irrum liar r l JYury aral, st lha ,mew Cara-B.rs.Jy+r,e, Owl.•e•d.
'ene quality, of twelve of the clue:►, •„o•.
D. gERR, Jr., Co.SI H. b ► I HE EMPORIUM
(iodeficb. 20th Nov.. 1363. 8y 5. Puera s, Ile my. Sherrill. traslaru,ated Ilapwterd
D i" n, law.`r.k ( wM I e (:3 t N U I N E D li U a I9
Market Square Goderich.
Thr b d y f A is pu sest. d until Tarslay, I
the l2th lies o(Apnl ,acct.
bboriS'a S t10 of L3.nds.
f n ,., (Denim, f? BY v Are of a *At of
11ur.,n arhl W.".. Yendhln,nl Expense
Tow": and Frewi Famns far
i..r<J raw w II►r Mje.,'ti Ceaaq
- -
V. D E T L O R & SON`
Colin of read CuaAltrdHerw Alai
Ctits U.
attar w me d.-wil age." its. !.sada■d ten'
roiswJet. C._",atthe Suit •,fthe lJorea
Invite Fanners, Mechanics, the Ladies, and all persons; in search of
tnnhhnr Sr rty,l navy •erred aid taken :n File-
cubuo .II dye nth,, aIle and la..b" d wed
N be
bargains, t0 CHII and ID=prCt their .eery large block of FALL and W1ing
TER GOODS, compris
Daknd.nl, In and ,o ,Aare .,,tern ins .eJ
ham Lath, dna tense, avtk lithe Ilr•ham Ruta
rn the 'f P r: mrrn end Cmwnati at
Latmaw.lw leo WILLIAM SWORJt
Ac., bouakt at the BES', 1ARKEIVp comprising
ta.", b n Silver
of L. a. -N hlb, by .11man•err -f Fdy aures
. 1 IWMI, r •h. M the Nmr nor. w law wait lb
Irnwnl" thrre+n -t1, ,,' Lich Le•d•and was.
H« a rbr l'ow. of (luderr•h, raw Tuesday If •
h ii1 `allndrrh.r.eleaamraiwrr,Tiestw
S,J.c .,tJwunry .eat, at tae boor Twelve
W the clot. ale..
From 60ota.
JOu)' MACD,if.I.4
CArri`, It. J
1. . Sher.O.
TOBACCO—a Full Assortment .I
By Por.Lu't, Deputy
Sb -d". 0,fi.<, Galerwh.
Dec. 16.180. 1 w47
Cutions fly Sugars,
To, alve sale is poetpatted IeetR Tuesday,a
Dress Goods, Teas,
the 26th incl
-- -
]iltitles, TobacCUS,
J. H E W R We
( LAEs r HARVRyAR , Acts., Acts.
Rim,Jaws, I.ToinaodCeyl.,., Fresh, Routed .eaGroena.
t'1,tml`ComOmnj s Office, Toronto Nov.
241k, tris. f44'9tpxx
fi gg•a
rTF.RY Dl:. CR1PT10t OF RtIPA)R-
E d warrented. J.wwaoa"NymboM
awM la
1.\ „der:aswt►a.e,beltsaar,a,.Wp.R
trrwem, fn ties ♦lilt
ram 1 Dec.185 ole (h.mfvn,
JtHa.r, Strrrt,Tonnttn.
Tomato, 28th ee. 1 P53. .49_3l-
ywDS of JEWz=RT,
Ladies' IIat-, t •
cora imp M .be tleetaatile
r t.set.....rr.rr.yl..wdar...fwAcS
_ _._
rm w•rLk
T 's
Ie urC S }ICCs
' 7
rt a ta, (taN♦d d W. Jaroed, M,yrre.ly.)
o tp p ( Tye
a Ye l!(a1JQ6arn V lAi %any
Latmaw.lw leo WILLIAM SWORJt
1P'RLiI'1[`tJ a
Boots and ►JhdcR4 ilttlt.C,
WILL ;.,Iy at the next Serioa of Provis-
- ----"--> -- ---
sial Pulin,went for certeinacxndmento
to the Acts relating to the charter of the said
N. R'a. Lyn, Sultana and Valestist ILiahr, Patru Cwraab, FV%PnooW it.
Ready Clothwg Oils,
H1I3U -*VFIlE1L1,
ti WUZ`lG4I
Pata.hos t41DDt.
W. B. kostteno Commiriosten.
( LAEs r HARVRyAR , Acts., Acts.
t'1,tml`ComOmnj s Office, Toronto Nov.
241k, tris. f44'9tpxx
f1. S Almonds, Filberts, Brazil end new English Walnuts.
rTF.RY Dl:. CR1PT10t OF RtIPA)R-
E d warrented. J.wwaoa"NymboM
DRY GOODS be found veru complete, end Israel
CONFECTIONS ons± KINDS.,,,-.i"o`"
ruuilly w as fr. dmrewstmahoaws.
adtkpl.,a ka.d;ari iw.u.,wt:o
than a8y heretoforr imported.
°` °z1.'T
I -W- The DRESS 000US ate• Worthy of rpr•cial attention.
t toderien
TS herebt ,nen that ties who have r
• chased Inde from the mb nbe,, and who
W Having Urchatted a large Ira of 10BACCO, they are enable(!
Trg(aigmo_,b.ndr.liiaWaYawillow mer
tidww h. 12D tons
am am eq.nsrd t2 pay the same
before w
bx►i a good article at iSctR. prr pl,undvwN
as". Law Mid Alp h
rr;Imes, keit L IoM, ■stir call haler. mew ad
"~iOrad nor,..,wemm.d.w ■.d .ell
Fest 1p't•^• 7
on or
t'1X.YT DAY OF .IfARCA, 1864.
Haaaery's, MAlrtall'c, Jules. Robin A Co., stud Rennrtt'e Brandin, in Wood and Bettie, San
Door. sad
. The subscribers wish thins early to intimate that all Nr+tes enc
!take. To
i i...t,rp..+e+r.
Jemam'. Deli port. Daft Gordon'sOordnn'. read I•amnrtlD's Sherries, Del{rypnr's, Hmsland'a acrd
Acconnls arc expected to be paid punetuallY and in sustair
Toronto 17th Iles., 1843. w414t
Booth% Old Tom Gin, Old Jamaica Rum, Seotrh, Irish and other whiskies, Ginger Wine,
/ 1 p lr
LgQSJt JO i® .
their credit, and to enahle them to sell for small profit., they are com
O4. arC. ss
•pedwrch, C. w.•,Jr.11, t•/. wfn..se
ygy 17 s
iV LEr OB11M..
palled to iasis, on immediate payment.
John McDonald & Co.
Caemwwb, Parins..r0,
tunic A`wotrr. nod PTmet Strmlaeia I I
'A.xm rr L% OOIAVA, inn wmwm
OAtPSN aasoa. A•.: atf.
Old.♦from Ydrn1 mea paaNnsst altKrb.r 1,•
at (L,",l".
141=11`11=0 P.aso.r,n•a♦ a'■t■M1 dmf.
"tiederrio►. Jaa. fit fid,: M
;Basins i mull , LAMP Oft
For elle by
F. JOktD►?t.
Qales,eb, Jan. 17, IRM. 60
J &AX E tE3 1F3AI t L L.,
i ace iAl a ser sod ttamMhw K
gr (lase tl Grua Aar ` 1 Irl ,hTt7
ler. Slraay _
TA1iSTMIt a &VUB us,
Faedalr3seel Oommisiion lferohanis,
tiedtaAk aftAdsedt AAaRTS.
asal.aSA Ile
F1dar,Salt, Pork,Wllelty,t'eal,LamVr&,A
res Wrh asawles e• Se.
r•».a WYa►Y• +••. Russel u
Comndillaidu Herohwntel
[.male ARDI74(i sad Ustseral Areata, 26 !t.
l IV.111Y iftre.t, Montreal. As-*. kr reals
o W boat, Rowe, Althea. 8~, Purk-mod We••'
mal Prodw•e. Abu. les IM rerrka,",tl /Frw,rnr.:
Hardware. Urw.kwy and Q.awel Wow► Mt-
waAl"e mar=e Meeamaen r+ aWuw4b t%,
s Fill"K1tk, Ptt()PRIRTOR TrigiiJ. above i. N.A plemaottw Ntewd oil ve
amreerea ISO asst Nieb. oMHadM
and Lab Haws t -sea■
Il.wl Walk* suacbrl. award 11 pwM47. Mna'e
19aM we Rd.. tin alters. fOM --
r clot)"ravrro Stand, .•nrwPrwn,1 ■ rood.
YALUABLE FARM N. o omuamha.rer,op" Ard.dAv,.g•h.d GODF,RICA, 26th Sept., 1863. sell «! Va
-TO SELL te.,taaether Wilk on lewd lard, known as tee [ I MVI, COMPLETED THRIR NEW Hurou AuatiOII bra of r
Fanrwnr Aa, ale the Norman t3•awel Rood, bar No I. Mackerel In kit, Table C.d rob, Ae. S•oeeq, Spices. Lobsters and Salmon in cans I I r•t,nry, ■ e now pre„arrd r to" is -.den
n+4a learn AWV, w TM pn,peny wrll be Wyke Sardine' Ac. Ererything In In .nr ret. ret. .... the" ilea e.pevief e N tM
'®B TO BENT a Hard. A Wy, a W pwrm.e., b a.d n■•. r.parram ed ..k aAld •REMOVAL If Tot ati oa on ■svelte u.eaw Tnh
• WILLIAM ROBERTSON. ,N alar wt w mw h,rrry, ttwy aMser aFkt tw >StF
Doe mbar lth . M wiM aa. esu lees eta d., ns
OT N.. »,...w..rr• s.Ta••+d. deed► -- BTE8-4 -- FAXILY GROOERIES ! Data worms, ff'``11 / a+eaml M E wee..am ..r ..
L .rh, e;a=-.a Chill, •.baa,.i.my d Nl.b P R & CA AUCTION ASD 06Z31=161y
.Ala Ll r • rOr nen •1 eeafwanea, wit► • ant itept and told at the LO W EST PRICK. F•tUnsM
.slam mesa A . ma hem' belt and sine a1,aM, • Ara+r !i'•raY. 8 y
t ('t1Mk iMo the pra iaea d IM ■rb■rnM, 'M cork woeW .M mal to
M•0• a.clrai d be■," Fall east a MTe.•i,ihna 1 J 6, eon. 5, I/stnraa, m or about to. IIMh of
♦a mooing uMsafr fie led, edsoud klN,ared Nmr. TM n►wtM In HATE aamov RD TO Twt wow., v■.,eeaa,fty •dreg • Aare d pralrl
,4Rw the Tow. •d OaANkk. Fes 8•rI. • vaw.'vv `) 8{, 8{, t•No ®Jim. Ira "" AN a..ira rad i ■ley A ut+kd
.tmma p., yptr b IL C. C aasNo•. tiq , adr•i- Raw• PwMA1. w7ww0■N"■ •d lake Afro away.
feilm MNYemI•rmr■rsttbWaN.uh JOHN dAaLANTINIr la .l..,...nytwentwye dtme tormerll oacngied by h msy e (IBlaairF p -T l k.,,.k. t w;
D.a...a«tb, I1M0. - _ THE H.IGIAEST PRICE PAID +
fleeNfeh. Js•.Oth. I.M. sea STRAY STEM. I Minta, a •ddit:oa to their smut heavy supply of Drwf a. Potent Medicines, be., they have
_ --_- }AYMk T'bP
T6A6E SAIF IANOS 1 A irate l►a d ,row yea .b.., is
IN C"H FOR on herd a huge $tock er Ile,tarM►. -- --- -
y,,,,m,, ., 1',I,,,=,hrao swam? °" _ AI.L IN vs xwN v A G R I C U L T U R A L SEEDS! 0. m. T Ilia i1 0 M A N
...w naaamd as fwD•a "0" T. Par A" QUMITY OIt WOOL AND BHBEPSKllI . •,•f"'a"
eaargw ad take him •w hrFewawd dirwet ly from alta of the eldest and most reliable henere is Ob•gea', Seelhtrd. 4Art aOfielT.
wirer s1 a Post of ask SAMM F}a1111M noel's & B ( fAel"
pBBwndby La. am. 6.Caft w. W Agent few LABATT'S London Ale and Porter. TOC8,tpe t111de N Twsr wArE ALSO ae(at.tn A for or Fttrt Oaan w.a.ewt tdlit ii
Y •irsd m a Mertgaga raada kT M•rlia fib. he. Orr. kOM. .4Mlt IfhM
ti ne w Tows and Oedwtea, Iof"n the J. Y. S. HIRE. A - TEAS, COFFEES & T O B A C C O E S TOrtba,
ALL ASSURING UPEIUL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR wORr. "'""'s'k'y nghr at 'cry )"' R'e.• A"'"• asz a Ye, nl>v11a II106i
t (M tb Fbe" of h.rTm rW-O" OODBA)CH, December 181h, 1961 w `ww I W 30 • A IV D L I 4 'Cr O XILM
gra wp Mto, the gnN oma'~~ke ow run T 6 R Y R, Fra Medical and Family w. A" ?
patlkttt Diafle0tloa IICRIM YaNOAaj& AOrl"Ieff, Apo 0. Isla' w•lawlbylr r71111 S,
f". tilt TW M all 81 Fdn•Ty, WITIT PROFITA PLAN j1 / r
8fetse do Mb mouse Wwh' ! T ►y 1 J j q ►
A.D.1mialsof 1"I 12 of tW al -1, wont at the OF AS Co. T~■ L4Vun~L A BA.Mgt Ar. ty AM. - -- - - - l8 rdrs lhrr iFMtr wwEa'+j
To MMU molt • LoatwaeutoaDe. Z da Ysawtwh.> A•s•N ttM. N M■
t wE te...a TNR seem• BMW m rhe wgmbm e 1 4 ADerlea ItafTr1t1111ef) C1. "#bulk"IS-s-itl
atavnr w
M. @Mau anti =► so>.r e( PWM sew? trace. (,le,..al, na0ldM0 ,s Awmr.Yrfl I.md, A• HA DOg
Witnesses amok Neis 4M W. t. NAM"T1 ei ►i, n. t1A0t and am.
i11SUaA1rOS. irw•wscww.amtns
ragw , delta b to OF. wY ewr ewi M wry Cl Blmmwwn t' b+ hrMF elemaN esm ait , .
is tial kalf efi i.ee Nada, xbla laadtai w ) 111` U6 A a1Ele Cas 1iii1 . r w .,, a,.. ,,. Ti11RI WxY AliNAU RA N(:R CAMPANT.
Ir as d1 Taw ag Yad,m 8[C11 y Afa ►+ Pr~ ns _"ice Y) s NNitk An 00 me (ram I kwwm.)
.dtr..l itb4:W beet1Nel 4 .(.a dtaM...A1. led.«. (v6.agTawr*w
g l as glor as
• TsEa W/w, ted trM r Agwtfertl.ata+' , . r wt ILW ee res M sea ab low , 's IS I is eokm% Wt nf er 4rAft an
sf ►w lar elm l P ytrMr p O .ptBaredu tress, rot, ►a• IN than zti.& o
I,MdllMlt dtisaiette:MweRlANls1r086Aast. MINrB•tYwM. WE here Bls.wrr. .fw..roh...a ..+ o.N..a.
. JOIT!t t(Aleft11'f,1►, AMA Ale Mot
^ VAept}O AL4 wW M' 00O♦Mk 7tl.let Ill.*
bs rlfalt f awOht) 1U11M BUTLEII 00shol k.?I-.fl. n+A +, ladQa M
t•'•e ' les. silk, 1 .
M bead ■ Is
fief (fief-Toeent0. A"ggM
Ulnas -ad aN
a.vsut. Na■aJelf(i. Mlwercaaaboo
' ."r.j r •a
KARM DaAHllrt T. r ,
Foo.M aw•e tared Alf ter lair... dl,am
♦ AIM 91111T A 111114lAM
bo s wAb. f'. w . left 4. tori amide 1 M■aNltt • M. law