HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-01-07, Page 3SCHEDULE. OF CONVICTIONS, Made by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of Huron and grditt FJuau the Sr•I/letaller lu the Detcmber Scooiona, 1663. y /M■m■ I p#wwumF. ( iv ws d Dvfrrd.nr. Nairn of t%wS . ' Ilwu d Cwrwiaiww. \ werJ irw... ria ,r All-out r)/ fplr.akS, Nio.i T, M , r r b n oSsee i/_ettM t B dl A 6 A:41. or a Yrs iadwe. m.■n• I 1 Tw■ • a dddt, each to be improuded 21 dal■. sebwoabw........ oho McDIsooM ....... Steel ini material eve-ISspt. 2O, 1663 ........ M C Cameroo Mq ..... 2A Cisdam■S a1 Twnor•r-w William McDonald roeI u a fence 2A .t a 3 50 IT A■gust Massimo, sd 25tr n 26cAllan Mterey 236 a 2Sc ,P H• ....... lea......... Violation of Market B SePL 12 .............. J V DeQor......... is 65 Cmp .......... F milk ............. L jaf.ult of immedisu p.Tmenh hnrriasF pCos..on(;cul. Jones Copp........... Thoaw Potter ........ Atwult T.'Aagmt "al ........... :1 fie* ............. fo . 6 ..............ownsh' Treassser.... Rrtsrn h made on yer'ouat of thepr6lawobs Cburcbill ........Mous ConYictiun being Aplrslyd aOwnat oo' that 1 did not meri.r the Fine at the time of coswiolioo. (S.') John Churchill, COST. Jus. kilos McDonald....... Lewis Grout .... Nu■ Perfu' co of Seat Auj 10.. < George Cox Esq,....... .......................... • • •..... 1Tuwnskip ('Jerk ..... . Paid. litelelpttr I - N'ifl.am Piper L"I ' ubu Churchill .........L%; ............... Jain Carne ......... James Loodaboroogh Driving agaiwt a Ruggyioct 9, ......... .. .. Peter I .MOOT FAq .....I$4 3Tja dsnsasr, and Bi,ht dal, W.womiderbab parties tnhlamr. D. fetd■.t George Sproat Fly S 800 (rotate t0 PAy Damw6t a. PLi. tiff to i,ty the pods. t 15 John Purvis .. OI .................IOoo reek ...........rete Ftelar ....... Hee. T►ompwn ...... Arwlt ........... P do,s Hoart Tbompoov IJohn Nc•Keuoey Fig 1 Oct 21 .... ID Scutt 12 50 ............... November 1 .......... William GaryiD........ Jonetbau Mere . ..... Alter;aa • rig ..... ..., ........ Laq - . . IP McWnafd 12 50 Ir)ct 26 ............... William Hrlluu h L land evaL ...........Ow .eek of paid. C R Howe ........... Jams Bork Refusing to pay Toll ...1 oho Says • F x 1 C R Bows ........... ■swb Crozier R.}haioz to pay Toll ,IUetober 26 ...........'William Yuloeg6 Fit.. SI and costs .......... Uos week. ............................... pard. Juba Svage F'aq ' Jobs k David Maxwell Wager Oct 10 I ............ Promevtor ... ...... Cots e3 50- id. .......... ..... ............. . William Mooney Esq ... Pa ate"""' "' :::::::Oct 10 .............. 'William Mooney Fi'1-..'SO taup ........ 14 dose •.........'Carts O2 50 ... \a,+id. C4iaopbaa Lwr........ht Hannah. Assault ......... lube HwooA ... lb. 2 so .. ....... \a paid. Sera► [tea.......... John G*mmill .... Assault; ........ ..... Now 2 ...............IRoben Ifeecl F..q .....1$1 fie )Kea 2 Towm►ip'rrewer ... . !laq o0 Cents 14 d■ Tbomu Gibson I Ili6 Balker Thomas list Tavern Henryl acke .... Sellnu wblfMey in a re Nov 3 . ....... IN'iui Woods E .. - 1520 and cos. ...... Ots JON \ow .......... ......... list paid lrpettoorr ■' 7 ace exd ►Nae L eeiviva pay file `for Castor Norman R McGregor ... IRicha,d Yauning ...... Distar ins a School.... Nov 4 ...............IGeorg Wille Ess'..... ISO c n.ts cow ...... • Fes4►uitb ....... .... ScLwl Treasurer ..... . George Mcleod tsy I ' William Case l;sq Norman R McGregor ...IJutn Southeott .......Distmbino a School.... Nov 4 ............... James Lobe 11, ...... 25 cents ...........:. ...,................:ebool Treasurer ...... (Thomas Gidte7 Fid Robert We FAq Thomas IZ■idia........IJohn Yz laky ......... Dogging Hogs. Sept 30 :...... :.:..: J ii !tip ha Fiq ...... iS 75 ................ o laps ............. .................... NM Tet Paid. . li J 13 RitchieA.....I S 7b ............. Poi/ ...... .......... IC. dismissed. Plaintiff laid cats MurdochNie►olaon...jWilliaa rundl ......Forctbtepumeuwn.....lNot JFAal .....••••••••.••.... Hubert Pinkerton Esq lliaan Donald McDonald.....Joho McLeod Trespass.. ........... Oeb 24 (Dona d McLellan lay....... not suslau,rd. Iwo 1 Lena N. ked win. Cnels. UewP D... . am" Gedda .....IAssault...... !doe 10 ............... John knit Fr`1- - .. .... _.... •'Cate 1 • • •' ' ' IIMnrld Yelellan I:aq James 71 om Thome Kearney ...... Assault and battery ...:'Oct 30 ........:..... Chalrs Parker Eaq ....ISI • , ,...... .. ..,Oe or before lith Suyelo ICoasly Tnasnsw ...... - pros ...... lJohn NcKe . Feq Iber IC Corbitt FAq I ' c Jam" Than....... ewes Aitkina. ...... As suit mad h.uerw .... Oct 30 ........... • Colin McRea F Fiq ....x10 ....:........... ase or LeCure fill, \nasus Cu.otT Treasurer, ••, rC Corbett On or before fit., \.rem WRliam little ...:'.. Awvlt sad Mtu.....IOet 30 Charles Parker Esq .... eS v, ...:........ County Treasurer ...... Jamoo TbenspDea t... _ ,iohn litrRe. Eaq her IC, Co beta Jobe Fallow. _ ........ Arthur BristA ......... Assault sad bate..... SeF1 la John Giliics„Fi l $1 ; E1 90 ensu ..... Forthwith .... Paid to Yu•ci,rlit T John Comberlasuf ..... obs F.11om .......... Assault and battery Ritpt 23 ..............lobo Gillies F.tq ......Il Costs $'t for Ikfevdmot. ICaar drmt.rd wltk.costs,--in tiF4ait 13 dais . Jam" Lake (imprison wrrttt. Josedb sparks ...... Hash Yitcbell ........IAwault ......... _ .... Nov 4. ..:: • • •• • ....IThoress Orchard Eoq... 26 Cents 5oe.........'. 10 dap ......... .. ....::.............. 'Not Tet Paid- - John Gillies FA, - James Ysds ..:....... amen Saurt..........IFrcio■s dnvia, .. • • - ... Sept 29 „IGeorge limes La 1 ..:. I . . .................. C.00 dismiescd. Imre Joshua ........ Walter Andrew .......IViolation of By-law .... !Sept 7 ....'.........'J -ph Whitehead FAq., 91 .................. Forthwith ............fVillaPs Treswrr......I Thomas Stoddart....... Violation of BY Law .... ISept 7 ..............Joseph Whitehead Esq.. i ........ Forthwith ...... _%. Villa." TrrsSarer......I Of w,sm ...........:..,Jor►a Smith . ......:..IDrtnnk and disorderly. ISe 17 ...............Joseph Whitehead F I .................. Fombwilk ............ Village Trewrer..... J T . ..! Joseph Whitehead • 1 - Forthwith ............ !Not Tet paid. Party .l.sconded. William Cote ......... ohs Yardill ...........Drunk and disorderly Se 17 .............. p Esq• • ................... NN 7 ... Pt • ... ..•"'" -"'j _ Ii10.Pd over to keep the yeah. mmom ottarom::..:::q:M Olerom ........ Breach of Peace.......Ioc't 30 ............. Joseph Whitehead Fill.. .......... . ..... 11 ....'Jawpb Whitehead Fag.. "'Round over to keep the poser. Yrs Merced ..:"...... I aetor Mcleod........ Breach of Peace.....:. Det 30 .......... II4nt et d. Yrs waw McDowall .... Assault.... ......INov 20 ..............'F Wilson Esq ........ =4 ....:............,Ten dqe . T W, _ l[ ... ....'_.. J DP '1 2p ... . Ntt etp•d.-Wa esnticttlCdbewaen them. ittal issued Josses BeU ........... William Sba ase. ..... Assault ...... ........IUet 2................I cures ata I Esq.. 6 O ansabro dais ....... W scud to Gaol. D Yarsi:l ion pard Jeba [rw3a....... ..... William Sbearsr....... Asmult..............I.....................Fsq........ ... .... ; ................ No Delves• IF' H 'James D 11ars Esq . .• .• •••••• .Srph Juan D Panill F No Conviction. Case dismissed. YryAa.Cooar ... :HarkleT ..... .IAswultwitb intent.... ..... ............ s'1 ...••••••••..••.....•.••••.... •. •••..•-'.... Margaret Taylor , use Cameros ........ Bysatoo of Tali docs ... New 30 ... . .........IDavid Walker Fiq . ...;1 ....:................ ......: .. Croaky Tteaaater . John P Key k;oq Jobs MrLy .......... [hale! YeKesw Asrult sod thrcaN..... Sept 12 ..............IGeurge Sturgeon Eaq - - - F2......... , .........L ........:...:... .... Log," Tdaesror . to keep the Peace month. • • • • • • Robert Beard E.q Boned Z yon..............$opt 1S ..............IJobn McLay FAq ...... .......................... ............ mplaial d mord-Complunant fading to .... Alex YeLeso Co a Y . Jess f.p si, ... W i0mas Hall ..:: * - .: IRobs, t Beard Fs l PPaar. Baboum Georgic Sturgeon Esq Rick" Keyworth ..... I i rhe Heywortb...`..... Henry Si. Laws ....... • r Job. Mashrous .. .. . I i I Alex Donnol;y ....... William Domsolly...... I' Robert McIntosh.....;: ' Robert Holter........: Joe. Ho1Mr ........ McDoo Denial Bruns. J . , .... I 4 .... (..................... • ..... Treasurer ... . William Yorrieowo ....., P T r al SO els. T (sae rcmantkd to Qwrter Sewioos, ALatsadw Rai4 .......IBobart Brown. Jsar..,. Having porcaon of .$ept_24 ........ R'il;itm Sutwn Fol.... son sto en kagm OnMm ........II Arthur Jul.astoe....... Aarultland Therms ....IOM 27 h a1-ff Sturgeon Sutton • rgan.T T reuvrer ..... . Jobs Meleed ......... Me6enaia..... Assault and battery .... Now 21 ............ Grose a atugeon l IDosnd over to keep the peace 12 months. Robert Beard FAq Nathaniel tro ult IS Robert 02 . Forthwith Jain osbenie..... oLore Prr i* Field .......Tor Wages s batt....... Oct 17 . .............. Hubert Leech Fiq .....'g •••• Forthwith .:.... ..•..IHaIfloCotr l..anm tr kohl $/try Todkey......... Job Johnston ......... Tresparl ..... ...INov 22 .............. [label% Leech hwL ... a \ot Tet paid. I' to T.w Ab.p Treasurer 1 Ie.i Witmer .......... Sonwi Worthington ... Assault and bailer] ....'Doe 2 Robert Lerch FA, ..... $2 • •........IForthwith ............ -_allh,p'w E Leonard ....... - Captain Joules .. ..... Violation of the Lord's.Uet 20 ......••...: .KCCamerou Fiq.. l .....'........ . Furthotth ........... o.. Tmawter .......i Mr. Jones, First Mate. day.... :.-:: .. . ... . Yr. Taylor, Seenod Yate 1 .... • •••.... --all of the Prwpel'r Sao Trustees d s. G So" SDeer, Watson....... Assault on Pupils ...... INov 16 .............. Paul rov Esq ........IES ................. On let Dreembu:..... • • • • • •••• • • • • •• • • . ,DeGndant failed to ys. )weed Warrant of Ne. 0, CdrOsL ICom •ut for 30 T William Graham....... Themes !:onions ...... Assault ......... Non 19 .............. J 11 Ritchie Esq ....... Si ................. IForthwitli ............ . • • • . •• ... i •• • • • • • .. 'Not pad. May Harris .......... James; Heradse........ Assault and battery ....'NO, 17 ............. Malcolm McLetuun FAq. $1 18 doss womb........ • • ....... Not Tet paid. Esbsrl Rwiaa......... Joba Me [*ad ......... Abusive language ...... IUM 12 ........:..... Job& Yowls FAq .,, .... 2 95 eoo:D .......... ...............:.... Cow divided. Wiliam Withers F'.q James Y Rebinem..... John Shewfh Judy .... Thre.•tening language ..I' .................... John Yooely I* ...... 6 filsa i Si IN emb... ................... ••-• \ot paid, but in tis* hands of Co. AtkereT. T►smr C Rseklad,... Ralph Y Bay .......... Stooling World ....... Oct 29 awes Somerville Isq.... -1-1 ....... ' • • • • •• • • • • ,Committed to Quarter Se.um.s. Richard Malk "IS ..... Samuel Blair.......... Fars .. ISept 12 ............. H It O'Connor Esq .... I<lA ............ In 21 LTs o pow . ......... Ransad oM L me ............ Cruelty to Animals .... Oct 30 [I B O'Connor FAq .... i ...:.............Forthwith _ ... • • : • • -• • . • • . • • • • Time extended to 14tb De. ember. JJ ialsad .. obs Yivroe. ....... Riotous, drunk and disor- Dee 1 .............. H B O'Connor Esq .... I I . _ ..:............ On lst January, 1064... . • ..... derly Assay Winona ...... William McIntosh...... Cruelty to animals Sept 16 ............ Robert Pinkerton FAq ..1132 damages with col; S..1161k October ... mplaio►nt .......... Paid. William Ream .. i..P_ .' ... .......... County Treasurer ......! wilLam igh....... Nell Melbea tbmies las sea ......1.$e t 23 ..... Robert Pinkerton F $I and costs .....ISe tember 30 Elm.. !ides• ......... Oliver BYoer ........ Te Larceny .. Oct 43 ............. IG bert Pmkerroo i2 fine aud ewlt Fwtbw N.:::. _ .. ,... sure ' ... •.. Dismissed -Complainant to P"T onus. ... gra. P p A1atm FMathar... ....... paw ....... t:a9 Coany Treasurer ...... Il'aid. 11smesCurRtasa....... imam,q .... .......... ...Di•miewd. Ya. Perjury , Novov .... oowda wine .......... obs Gil.oy........... Nonpayment of we .. Now 28 .............I Robert Pinkerton Esq ...511.76 with rows ...... 21 days Comf lainast ..........I Paid. ..' ...i Not Tei paid-wmrnwt woad. Robert .... amus Co..al Clam for •aR•a ... Oct26 ...............I(i•orfe Guard 538 .................... . • .... .. ............... oo kaY .. .... • . • • e . , , ! 35ets and coop ...... I.. . Rsew ......... saes. Pwc.......... Awash and BsuerJ .... Aar pt l7 ............... Chrlcs Burrows .......... • .. • . . ................... M40il . .... win Meto"mm........ AssaultI y F .... $3 Tom days ............. only Treasurer..... " ...... Archibald Ito' ' • Coes dismuwd. Magistrate John, Emit► eM Rao■Mot ........ Desecration d.$abbatk.. 7 Archibald l:o •T. ... .... r ................................ oo `.... Archibald Bi F ................................Cooney I rrsserer ......Ne4ePw. ohn McKsebwa 101 ..........:... R,ben H y .... a1$7la MelteeMis thank lid dirorderly ... ow 18 T Esq I- Rebels Hays *Esq ltl ... ......... ... Forthwith ............1 County Treasurer ......hiW Tet paid. Yrs Johnston ........ William YrIYaT ...... Aarslt....... .. I Treasurer ...... Macy Jeboot......... Robert M•iay ........ kmwdt .......... Sept 10 .............. Ruben H ... 51.... ... September 24 County Treasurer .. a ..,Not Twt paid, thesis Downer Hal.. Jebm i*4 ...... Robert MtKsy ........ Assault ............. Sept to ........, fasbert Hays bsq it September 24County ;xN yrs paid. •••Fiq Densis Downy) WAlisns , Clerbe .... Arsadt t .... ........ IOct 4 Robert Hays FAq ...... $1 ................. 10 daCounty 7 re.wrer...... Pail. William (aarke .......wages ............... Oct f ................IRobert Hays FAq ...... .30 ............... 21 day ............. Plamtig 1... _....... Paid. Yarwia amts C Coulon ......wage. ..............rOn 14...............lRobert Hays Kiq ...... ........... 21 days ... .. .... )'IalellF laid. Tb. Ke. ........ Thomas Dsu.wne ...... Te•opsss . !Ont 24 ..............IRobert Hap Kat .... N ...... .......... November 3 ....... .maty Tretwrer...... lNt4 yet prod T T Dolmas ......... J 14opletos ....•....... Roars from Bailiff ....'Now I l Robert Hays $1 ......... .. December 11 ......... my Trewu.er...... Not tat raid e Dennis Dowell if a C696M .......... las McIk4ow..... Dittrvyiag growing tin I11•e 20 Robert Hap Saq ..... s2 Sai sssls .......... [keomtw 1st ny Treasurer ..... Appsalad Akz Y*D ,n*M Mr I Peter Ramwty Fiq Dowid neattie, sommi road Korean B7thw o J solo 9. -bsao II 1 Neensw Menne ► ............ P Rwla osDisturbing ... ...... iclad Ffrksr Fartbwfb .......... tanner 4k See No 6 .Paid 1< ........... Mae" ...... pw sol 8ua• Sl • ........... . Mkww /YM iq - . iW . • • • • •. • • • . •. • .... • . • • • ........ . • ...... • . Not paid- Ot old and iwe neo blo y Ybrlatd Gloom ........ Ytlnes....... skinnsg • 1 ham sats or 14 ............... Yjebuel FrberRa ... ............. N pay salon diva and east■ 0111 bell tiaSSasr. , x Am•I . Aamaft toad naq .. T ............. . Mleh■sl 7n11r i1tM:1 M war' r+w .r >• ..... w f Trasamw Ordered Ids nsaetls inspriDoameat, with 1. ia. Qnew w ... Menhon....... basslemast mber 9■s4°■a 1063 ......... .... 1...... . •;' I ttasntbftbr.d at bud Wer in Com• IL The Queen, w .... Tonsil. dn; I.................... ......... ... ... ............. iron Uosi q one brit Faemb Imprisonment is tens- bor a. !as Qmua .. .. Relaxed.. - .. .I . ................ ate F............... .. ............... l..d -as laborim s is arunet is sem. Sheen to 1W eta! faw115as r M • Irul• rally, of all tbLaMs d Convictions whish lave taloa Stall b" my$a"w JMas► Ms b" to1DOlaalaar Cwet_et O•rW s1a aM es rMrnd y r Annear fie Rwteaslrw b abs tlawta asSlltlaq as Cella OMNI" Or ■mw ofd Bram, VAMC 1,1Z A1104 ala of do a.i of ala Puree, t •sirw 1 Tr Dono6w, 1 S tladl trt%tlasas 3311 trail Cling Notice k Cam! ISIffy, 10 a -. IXFa Is #Knonyo 19ONIff TO LOAN BETWYR.Y Aj a r ;%st mfm a'./. tt.adlmlOJ FAllad' Ane Koala Fellow, writ, d tbe' ASM• d MOfais r1, spit, r dna, 7'obiW%bow,4 U%wciAwnrn L F. TAIlt"unk"'t, barrgaat Irr,4 P41tw1j/ wr..w. t...&* AAXISTa,•s1w 1f.v . Sabi .. Are R . CbriNiaa .. ..J.rib. Raa. 1'bGy Iiw, Ch•iesupbmr u.vidRes aro t7borN lfwitdN, OBEY TO L T inlawls malar the ase* of rbs..tl Vre yeamhT Samwl Ht.me Bieek, talc T } E&611T"CANAPA COMPARY G..rrdia, . sd "Tobi.. Fsl.arr, 1./ wt» .t dwoar r r►J I)c/eau fa. tai. t , E. e.w pw,•r.v r..rJ dtJ (rAMdMld . Wit- .%.N 1' w .he Alar av made in thu wba b aPplJri ,=Z, h! 4tre laser t1 P cause b the Cou.t of Clusarery for C r . H. YURRiq ;•..{ itrr. T pas N.. 1 Wrau*t..a Ctembrss, Craatbh the aedil.,.s of to rid -Jawb Has. J.rdrw tr..w, Tt.r.st.v (lata of flet Towrek.p of Keepb..., in the To. -.fn, ft% Dec. talks. tr484P County of Its- Fs. are, (the testator in the L L w Ploadin_a son") deceased, who died an lir WAAMr +Li 01AT ! ` y•T J stoat eke moot-rutb day- ,4 May. I1462, tae, before tun of the clock is to fwvrww of ODUI) BLACli9M1 I , to alb FpMra) Satlyday, the Nirtioth oaT d Jawlaq. 1664. won. Ynst M •Rad baa% N bear to come on and pru.o their "a bdlore tree. abApply. if by letter, Pow pasts Y the undersigned at -ter in Ordia.•► of the PA'rSR80-4 BROTHRIK Said Court, at my ebambrm in tot,," Halt. xi.eardine, Dao. 21. 1it". dw3Z-210 h, the c•ty u(Tu.oxto lir is dtfawls thereof --- Ti will las pereml.lurilT eicluokd els ltoa.at Of Tile e wad 1 T!rr. Amf t••n of the cl.w•k N tW forwo.w.. ort Wednesday, til third ,lay of Felwos y next, at my twill ebawhers.i. gfirp ri.64 for pfe Merchant Tailor• or.edlug ■poo t 4nd * .rid cls,ow aif nw thou I alluwed,tbe sa,ue lilt he hr" .04 .41jadi'st• I a0Ds1IC>i, ed spun atwv sold rhamlerti at twelve lit the clock. no e, tel 'Coad y, the amW day of F,ti we ra<ivd a Inge sad wellm■aorb Frhrwr dd suck d 1)atrd tab s.,snt aatk day of Da amber, 11tliJ. I 1ALIL (id.) A. M. BC k .4949 u LAND SALE I Under Poorer of Sale in N if tgaxe. B' VIRTUE OF A PONFIt OF SALE contained in a Nort:a.le made by Psoiel Henly, of the Town .f Owlerirh, of the first part; NarisHealy, his wife, f the n•cood part; sud.l o,eph !tear, of the same platy, Es luire, of thr thod-fwrt ; (& Ilau taei avg keno made in the Joe prymcut thee.,") rill In sold on ThuYsday the 7th day of JAN.,' A. D., 19111, Ln u'cl,rrk noon, at thn Auction Marl of McSSRS. SMAILL AND THOMSON, 1 Ki,.cetoo Street, Guderich. The following prol.erly. that in to tat. Gat 2. in the Godencb Office Reserve, ow,tsinigt 20 aerobes or Imnd, more lir Iced. Terms CAVA, 1),d und••r power of tide. CANERUV A ELWOOD, &l.cttu.s for Morteagoe. W48 td- ITheHour & the Man G3.OODt$. And a yar.ctt• ol racy Articles, Seen a Shirts, Collars, Neoictles.Capsr Ac., be. 11'bich he is pn+pared to a611 Cheap he Cash. (t,abria•h, `rept. IR, 1469 •11 NEW BOOKS ADDEY",11,11PE 011pi "STGREWILLw JIMON I 11 THE SOUTHERN WW ST IFULLARD, of Rlcttsa..e11. AT BIITLEs'L 3%XACl-A=XZQ Ma GudeT's, L.ealie's, and Peters0a'a, he (klober, all received. AT DVTLIMBL 19 REMOVALs 19 -PARER & CA• RAVI RRNOTaD TO TWO Eton form3rly occupied by fIwousy A 0d&&6 I AARP1437N V BLOaH, ddition to ilio uesal ►.any ••PPIy .f ihuirN IP me"m04 a<. fib ale on bawd a Lrae stsea d AGRICULTURAL SEEOS1 imparted directly from sae of do oldie t art.► sew rwl"k Maass is Glos.or tloodm . TYiT YATa ALSO notaltt0 a %A" ew /arm• TEAK, COFFEES & T084000M WMA& they a1Ar at awry Few pries AutA -VW r Z Z 3® St: Q .tesene r AL W= ZO 10 till OF4 -AM Far XWW IM d MMOOy asf GODLRiCH, April 9, 11Of we NOTICE 'BLANK BOO KSy hmgiven that parties "'`° b.»ser I aha.a-d .-d Lands from tab wftawibee, used .bm are to arrear, are requested to pay the came Account Books. Day Books, 1.•dlers, Jour- on or before the nals, Minute It ka Cash Books, ladexes, FIANT DAY Or MARC$ tet34. Memonsuduml and pass Books. WILLIAM HAWKIN& A ppORTI& tVrn I A FULLi Toronto.]Tth N's 1"& *4241to the above now on lire•;, and TOM ORB]= WILL ' n E SOLD = - GWD Talars &400C rem moW a land, AT .trarnat..m befush }[r anall (r mdW. 41c.. las,rtawr, weds me ante M we :Lowest Trade Price 1 F• u, *1 few,an "' """`'e °i"' `w w,lw. Draw r. mr F()It CAS H. ti.amsch. pn.y..tJ ■■Y or rested. 401, as tba p.etwrue, r . w11.LIkY toiii7sol0. I Dr•'r+nb.sF 7Mb,1 i. OeLab tab NOW I8 T H E TIME To Subscribe to the IND 1NBICIR ANG.a the r a sehrwt/w tatER6L[8H be SL C3. T.I\-Ir8 s. somd . pru.e pnrp.ny, sated#.- W amka am ow/. And the place is the I JOH14 SIAL"STIML j Signal We Book A. St 1 t iJner} Stole. rlrtw.►.. Nib. OWL Goderwh, Janvan lilt, 1`161. w49 I ' LICEILUl FAM "SUU I - - - - _- L`Ua miD. *ba.►. fat mr.w .f emaaatmS hots► r I t.r.ytw.s..dAa..t.W.a. erA.IWfr Tierw ase tee area visional. 48, m darn m. lust! clear uf.rwrtgra O.d d•rerb■ .fid [Aar. ' JM apple tt.w., es trr . 1.4j aM 1/ta -= I JOHN FAIR A CO. --iindoldinw-A. 1► f .Z -r I.■ o and. err Uwe San Ono and ..m rrl p WILL ewe, torLw -b, Mawr bash, to w r m bar/ Ary{ sew J. Y 41Z41Oa. trrV•a o. tori BATIIRDAY, tLe 17th Instant, w r tSts'. aralMfly A reolC[ AASORTNUIT OF I tk eber". ase. PARIS & 1.0110011 BOIJJTSt LANDS FOR Rosas. Gotl.mk> !kith Oct.. 1867. -1 A GREAT BARGAIN 1 I - -- ---- - wt 17. •tmrtm.aa n rN moll parr aasew • r.ydTwnswJrwmsemaoa•ns a S 133 d p • • ^•aa d tab ser r, .on • +• txsD 4..rbr absetrt),a,ywrws■a ribs abw ni► CONVEYANCIN(l ,ser w TrtlaaL a r.wwlwrsa m trs■tm ..ata -4 Wr. A. -kmwam • • 0^1..pr-. a sons w,r .ear r tame .,r .rid trlai rwemd ks ail,... our port IT BEB.DEIt•k:N6U will Jos♦ .Medriw.+rs •a•..a.awwt T64 w.nlrapw'■.wdR :kfi amid try ser denet r* me119•9rs end a.r-W .oak ympec rat q •■ 1SI ar J Wil is eat.c.n .,(Ike .■,aur, re.JY lose roe .arau.m, .1 r\ tI PI IT W M. 1'HC 1{MI PO fulluwmr rate.. r... StAn AwctiSawr, AIrpsaor t lined Aa*aL M, n1.ap•......... ......•. dt W July 71b, iOia. w rgn■l, haw • Ulucr aw-,lrecou a gun+. -G.rdwie►. JOHN GALT, OFFICE. aetiMrT ory►'wv,Cal.ro-h, 1 Nuve.xh,Sth, Itf3_ ( w41JrOq - American P"W NOMY DF NI.t, Hl•`.\ few ( It1t3'r. at the e.►tes ser of raebws,r, I DEPARTMENTAL BY v1r. K. s1Ara8s, I Yuko voors, t3oJsr4•b- AND labs. 15. 14" eallwM Sm Parliamentary Agent, - - - Huron Auction Xart . QvMemav, TRANSACT4 HGSINF,i9 WITH THE yuaovsca.wauuvr uaDusytra (:rt,wa 1..bar .el. Sort ,MConus.-Sl 0- Pp■nm -1d. ; T.kr. set Patens k- 1.,Yen.rnaw _ erkk Stere e\ ITI Strood,t1rRR. seal sky .bw.e o(Pnvstr IAII. AnnSg the Nsa..row, tea, Ye.. Ste . Rn Par,b n.aLng sen owned by Y.0. Cameros. Esq., for l►. par. Uarse (; ■nad..welsewhere. .wlu5 _ - Mraa of,-.rrfi oa AUCTION AND COZZ1111111= STRAY STEER. IMSIlrWK IW.o,wl rropeeil"My anh'tt a -bare at y.Y" AME .nlrithe p -m- ret Ohl sefrrnlwr. of C Aprr11.0, . Steer mina thaw Jean old., y.oaowwR• Ah uaJM wd rlw m ey port arrbw 1:oaw(J P _a SellT alambJ w rax .Ir"a T%e1t Thr nwnrr is ii -,l h. pmvr pmpenl', Pay alover umat.b.ktrowa a■Ihe,Mt•wm iA.rewa Nwrr. resrfa. ■aduke boa ■w•r1.. 15AY('F.l. FISHER l JAMRRR1tAr1t,, !Arius L,al.m.. t. C„br,,,,r. T11Olr>y W and., It' roe. at.. IRU. vr4S631 4lewhrio St. IML- - 1141 19 REMOVALs 19 -PARER & CA• RAVI RRNOTaD TO TWO Eton form3rly occupied by fIwousy A 0d&&6 I AARP1437N V BLOaH, ddition to ilio uesal ►.any ••PPIy .f ihuirN IP me"m04 a<. fib ale on bawd a Lrae stsea d AGRICULTURAL SEEOS1 imparted directly from sae of do oldie t art.► sew rwl"k Maass is Glos.or tloodm . TYiT YATa ALSO notaltt0 a %A" ew /arm• TEAK, COFFEES & T084000M WMA& they a1Ar at awry Few pries AutA -VW r Z Z 3® St: Q .tesene r AL W= ZO 10 till OF4 -AM Far XWW IM d MMOOy asf GODLRiCH, April 9, 11Of we