HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-12-31, Page 4vatfriffirtir *41111111P` deli Da* a s era 41.-ausettri. whiettera=trrdst "A 'TAILORING I' Vhrr=rtt.t't *pea tea XX AL. EA AL 311I JIN dm' Ablit '‘• °Id' 10 DIII1VItalf 1116 MOST 11111e10111 THANKS 1011110181. 8170 gel litsPmml, Al re, Ms very lo• boo Id 11=, afallsee•My felt "eorerwmadeesies enneateased bedew* £..3s*. ork, sot berg ead esemos wet uownoill ▪ eatepingai boimisd fur. Ow wide awned su how isel inalna Wiring r.d.c.... err plua. Weeds ems Issilf lio Janine to the i&tearose easels of .. . losoirent. It would level spire sod dome Ste tar* wad shahs sober of .tiorme to their foeadation By &a MI etiolo- gies of • lit lime "mato, of powder sham Oat eassed, an 'aura iimarter sii. the coy 0: Loydem was destroyed in 1307, and 150 pet - nese perseheJ is dee tninA 41110•14ttatia ollp like ., w.lineinoiet*A-The Loador; name, In Me oily anis& November let& says that "the a4.us from Fiankfort mate that sem lialterediu that city hos nut witnessed such bAl Preceldiad this ItelAtut war tbe • paste ma now prevalent there. Spe, m's tore mid capitalism alike seasilder the Congress proposed by Diastases ooly • preliminary mop for *az, sad essinot be shake. this belie( eves by repoo‘neung the difficulties el the promo peritioe of the Beek of Franco, e nd tbe inany c: implications tios Einperor et Frauce •Iready has spun ha hands. A ostrian Ards biros buten, since the speech became kometa, ahead Are per oast, aed *woo most solW snick, such aa the shares of the Fraukfort Beak, &slimed from 137 to Ill." Neoax er • hears.- A Washington roe- reepon4eut my. Om President to -day pardon al Alfred Ruben; • young Hoglisheams of 11141i tremors for baying latodool a • secesh privateer at S.. Francisco. se 0e1141. lair, and sentenced to tee years and • due of $10.900. The pantos was so& cited Jetts Bright through Senator Seas - nee, and the Peseideet in the body of it ez- presses his hi4h gretificittion at harbor bees able to eblige • &noted English fraud of tie Union. Tis Doss or Neweaertm.-The publie will learn with regret, says an English paper, Illsat the Duke or Newcastle is so seriottely ill ;bat be has been ustabie to attend the neater. 9411101Ainet Cueneile that have base held of lalle,sed las Maass has assessed snob a chronic tons that be will ha,. te mat ap, it a hared. the Seals of the Colonial office. A rumor, indeed,las prevailed during the week that his Gyamt had usually mairied. Tim lose at mach • mamma a a statesman of Gm first • elms, wito to euniamit abilities, adds greet moral power in the country, is 11111 event very stitch to be regretted. Terre are few mem- bers of the peerage more highly respected them the Dube of Newcastle, in bat pa ilk as • 11,011 se ia laie private capacity. . r Nice CITY' To Lisa is :-Tbe Indianapolis Se. listed says •-Manders, sadawinal tow, e !onJ ebot assaults robberies, burglaries. thiering and piehpoeketing, sprinkled 'with ` seise arson, are now the regular amusements of the eke* in ledianopolia. Our eitizeia am knocked doe. with runiderees weapons w ightlr ou oar streets. Their domiciles are sometimes bred. They are robbed while ly. leg detemteles. And the most mordrerous implements kaown to 111040111 warfare am w ed. Ax hoe Eirto.-In Dresden *dere Use iron egg, the history of which is tomething like this young prince sent this iron egg 05 lady to whose he was betrothed. She meets, •ed A in her band and looked at it with dis dain. In her indignation that be should seed her such • gift, she cast it to the earth. - When it fetched the ground • spring, cun- 101110,0 Maim is the egg, opened, &ad • silver • toile rolled out. She touched • secret apring in the yolk, aed • golden chicken was reveal- ed ; ebe toothed a spring in the chicken, tied M crown was found within; she touched • 'grind in the crown, auel with:a woo di.. %rood marriage ring. -There is moral to the story. ltd• Squire C -in his old age took to hissailf • yostag and enterprising wife,who te- tras', aftet being isistalled es mistress of '3 household tat herself to accomplish the e Herculean task of "patting things to rights" Old was shiest daring the &routing process, Aid on his return judge of hisdamay upon discovering that his kVA] ieformer had eroded from the walls WI his ' book -accounts,' Where they had been ciphered in chalk for . glare peat Her prideat her great achieve. meet was therefore momewhot dampened by his exclamation tido she had ruined hhn, for those were hie charges satirist his customers. She encoamged him, however. to attempt to recommit these to the walls from los memory. Adler bis long and laborious test was corn. • to:edif, she natured timidly to ealt hie) if he evidently with great satisfaction to thostebe hs boil dot thank all dash. Me re- plied; very Slowly and deliberately: "No, I 40111'.1 think I base quite all; but then I think Jim,* rat them against better folks!' - -MONEY TO. LEND! /,‘PPLY to D. SHADE GOologO, Solicitor, &o., West &rem. Ocideriek. Mee next door to the Oleogow House. Nevem brr 3018 , 1863. veldw116-if I • T• he Canada Company WILL apply at the next Session of Provin- vv Mal Parliament for retain amendments to the Acta relating to the charter oft* said Compeer j. ancissacm Witiont Nadia Company's Office, Tomato. Nov. 34th, 18U. w44•91p: 4040 W It 1:0 QTMA TED Owe the ribseriler, 4 deep, r 1...7 1 inn. will two ewe Iamb* pew oar r .81 o er, len ear slit part of slit cut of. Any mew geed( web le formatio• se will lewd to Mem mese- dry erM mem VI. If tor letter, seldom@ Cada./ .0. FERDINAND WEISE. (Whore+, Diar. 1.1. 184. wraMisSOtlex C • W. B. Holstein' Notice of Dissolution %NMI perhieretip heretofore edema betwe• 1 tie onleenbers, as tannem. bee bee• threedv- elf le outer oeseseit, ea the 1111k ef Neessaber, add: Wm. MURRAY. JOHN HILLICK. • Ceiberee, nee ab, ad& STRAY 14 ER. CAMR INTO TEE 11 MISES of the 1.-.14aboledrale: Wiest 30.0 WS ism, • set HOW 'Wag ids poem old. YU nosed. =illitemtweg. * V** Fffililffl1. PRY talitstet• oat ABRAHAM COIL • 111160.41, Owe. HI, ISM we7 ETRA Y morric-Oliss Imo lb. rem wase ehlatiriluor, Let IA Neithaeal eon., Chadwick, about tlet mod of October lea, erd7.6"1 bee6r* II. "est 1. " NOTICE TO CHOPPERS aow sommid derloom 101 Carrying on Business Extensiyely, OODER1(711 ilgiti* EliterWg. WAGON 111111.NINNIIMess. Wea 8.4yagin lomat Aso deresr, T _ATE OF A Ear- 'CLINTON, H U: .11.4 505 Rada. (MA ThwaioW• Sumner Mow Jute I. IR lit. Beelawbooph N1. j).('.M.. aad employisi owe bet linemeses tredwoise. VIIIHYSICIAlif SURGEON. Ar., (ormdmIte And oro D. A believes be tramways di Cutter or R. MeOil*.Coilkia* likratniel Din ammo. d irosel suove is Me Proviem, Wows .,nod,. • 105111 Namara extedmvoly mad is principally arm. leas mielomere, hay oy, hems ( mart is one of the Principal &sato immerses llohaihergh, klemlord, he loarlsWy dome to • dincerniess pub* ;bat CLOTHING/ CAN BE MADE at his saidasineens equal to the best k..siablati- meet .Toruola as elmaresl. CoderseklatAll, to 3. awl:NO.1y HARDWARE. OARDINER & GO. 111 El (1 the only excluevo Hantwore Itiore theCousity, me supply V•rment. Builders, sul lasehende Ai much lowcr rates time any awed mew la Tow. They have ait present ois hand • lull asnortonent or Shelf and Heayy Hardware ! Corlatallaa or Iron of •Il eon*, Steel La sill kinds. Led clones. Glue did ?WV. Dd., - elms, Anvils, ova, •Il kinds of Coupe.' Toola Spades end Phovele ; Powder mid Shot ; News ; Itopie ; Brash..; Headstones; and various other •iliele• too nonnerous mention Broad OW ('bopping Axe., al • celelinied makers. Saddlery -Hardware, Coil Oil I2mps. El- In leo everything that should be impt in • Hardware Stern. Agents for the CO:IIMER('IAL APSUR- A NCA C'0. of I memo. See advertisement Oridericb, November Nib, DAS. w43 MAIL CONTRACT I q7.1•INDERN ndilregeed to the Pestenaster ••• General, will lie received 61 Quebec until Noon,mn. Friday, 22nd January, 1884, For the moveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contmet for four years, six times per week each tray, between °ODE - RICH •ND KINCARDINE. on aod from the let Febnlor, next. Conveyance to be made in • Vehicle in Summer and Sleigh in Winter. The Mails to leave Goderich every evening (Sundays excepted) .1 0000 as may be after arrival °CB. & L. 11. Railway Train from the East. and to deliver the snail at Kincardine by 6 o'clock thee following morn. ing. To leave Kincirdine every afternoon itt 4 o'clock, and to deliver the Mails at Gode- nch by 6 o'clock the following morning, serv- ing the Post offices at Port Albert, Kintail and Isogon, each way. Printed notices containing further informa- tion sis le conditions of propi lied Contract may be seen, and blank forms of Tender Ina, be obtained, at the Post Offices of Goderich and Kincardine, and at the office of the sub- scriber. GILBERT OttIFFIN, P. 0. Inepector. Poet Office Inspector's Office, tandOn,C. W.,Ist Dee., 1843. w46 It CASH- FOR WOOL AT THE Goderich Wool Factory. A. ye. bitetashoft. M. II.. QUEUPATUIC PHY,SICIAN, gra a.i wow, dec. Ilteeelmitet et Mr T. Ewe- domPo, Vimone Wow, Crow. A. T. Oits., hi. U. louden ; ridOs. Niknok, 113.11..1ffiemesee cute Ilaate. M. 0., flew You nt4-0.e. _ Tat. A. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Ac , sin •t. mad, particularly. to dasems al andp.rasurgical Marelici *3.1111. (we& I v NVIllmom lerwsee. A TTORNEY-AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Olwarerw,'Oneveyaacer. ace. Weafiern, Oen el Rowe' tayiy .1110Oraan Wiesso•rald. CIVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Lead &weever. there and Reeideem, Hiundoe Moses tiode.w.. .15•3 - '11" samprorl olimei, WAIRX r"ZiPri-772.1 . ain 11 ,• Ed a 11 * a t css-Nr THarabacriler would witirmoit le the pew, 01 Hume Bed Mem list he Me On base Sad era make In °oder Caernaa, W Han now, arc , rime bo eheapirtab •pproved costa. JOHN PASSMoss 'Victoria Mena. Gednekb. remit 15, web - cpwiNt R. RUNCIMAN dr, CO • , CANT, BLISTER, GWEN &SPRING STFalls, ir Easy, r.' pewee, • Mope -.3AN • py ant OFFERA FOB awe* of Rar, Rid, Rand, and Hasp Iron Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, liulay and Sadh Saw -Kills, • STS,A1 ETICIHI3 MUM • SVERATORS AND HORSE POWERS, M011ruldr and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, , NIZOO'XiTriNTALTC,Ntis, PrW1D"GUEEMII, L Keaspas & ess.,ara..... J. LI base Castings made, aud Blacksmiths' work doue in a neat and substantiel moaner, rt I V 1 I. ENGINEERS, PROVINCIAL . • .1 it Ciatiap any desatiptiuu mad* to order. Also, all kindif of istocbiluirl k.JLoss 1ln .11. Olice-aCar's Mork. . repaired on short notice. A large stock of Dolma -14 Wild and other Lands exammod aid i valued. 1... Kamm% I'. IL HINDMAN. aw111•34 01110172 CAZADLIIII 'AMBIT 4111",14 On head, Seger Kettles, Wagoa and Pipe Boxes. As oar patterns of tbe above ere Si the most swayed kiad, we would solicit an inspection of our stock before machining offering the above et the lOweet remunerative prices for cash, or or sp. metal, Brims, Copper, and taken in exchange. Ooderich, October. M. WANZEIIIIM;COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, SEWING MACHms pROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AND Ciril Hsgioser, Chigoe. July I, II. Have taken the First, Prizes John Llemadva. A 7 THE PROVINCIAL EX 11DHOVINI'IAL A LAND SURVEYOR, IL Civil Engineer, /W. Nurveving of every 1.718, pea, ore, all others; aed a he m the Pm. description, and Anbitoeural Plans vas -ruled; 1, midi examined did Valriod. mecsal t.thibition he'd to Kingman. 8.14....bo, 31. 1441111r sidt33.7disara.Moririwil...d1118,renal n, 1iL warded hinete as ststhrso IlAyrist.n. 1863. Provincial Exhibitme tick' in Tomato ie Illamed . lo. 11. Hamlin. al Ms Proviscial Exhibitios held ne Lambe ta CVIEIENOINEER AND SURVEYOR 1861. MIMS& Atom mid Conveyancer, KisciTloor prices have,, been Greatly R e d eem! 1H. T. eurotedd Ilic Co.. , B. III. WARMER 1. 8100..iht... IVIIRSERYMEN, DEALERS IN P1117171 LI aed Osiamesital Trees, Mears kn. I* ATilitAH Aid SMITH, Ageont„ re protemly attended to. tl Dolerieb, Nov 11, 1863. ."5.44 izraJoh, n0C0.miammipsis..1.II,N .AenErI F-- R "-- ORG.2,.,S.,lls1AFII Wlhmota,Convevatioolu., 01. le;onTroed way,VillsgeoKincerdine.C.W. t9 ! - IN John }came, GODER ICH TOWN8.131P OSIMISSIONER IN THE COURT OF • Queen's Benich,ConveyenLier,3te. A Reg- FREE OF STUMPS. wry kept of Perm and Town Lots for Sale; per- t's.. haying Iota for gale, or desiring tu punlaare, will please send full poilealara THAT valuable taw, lot 13, atio conceimee, Dungen non. Feb. 10:1867. 9:9 liodent h Townakm, about Peter 1111.*FIde. 41 MILES FROM GODERICH ! .L.ORW A RDF.11. A N D COMMISSION Mob about 1.1 srm cmangi a (mum, oflood • Mershant 1 tntn. C. W. Noses and II -Winn*. There is good ander on thepedlar*. Arrotints collected. Boomed a any kind em The above farm will be sold cm roommates tennis. trusted to ban will receive prompt mientios. , Apply to . n40.*,$0.1 JOHN FINLAY, Stan River, P.O. Huron, November 3n/, 11413. w40-3sa Tailoring! lailoring!! HUGH DUNLOP, LA =CO, TO101To, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORli country that he has opened in the istsue Ilne. is Ihe prenitem- . f-117114.6.1 peet allot 11..110neklenlan Lk...- Lately °envied by F. W. HOBS,. (1.4pship,6.0,0f. wfunith.histanv.d. aanb.40.tairtigitagathouto th.titurea,m, Alexander Becket) WPoiniag the Iloweedeg Ira - 021 WEST STREET, lase of Zelland. In comemelpee af tbe hods re - Seeped door *roes the Market Srmore, o nd hopes Wm, out Mlles Preemie, tilihmobwriber /it Ir- by tenet attention and poontsitude 0 busiorsa to greeted to lake $7 per acre, essili, or • Mal merit • share vf public patronage. advance for pert ear& and taalsoce secured lay HC/III DUNLOP. , mortgage, running over 3 to year.. rade. Thai decant' bargaill, in the Winn ar• 01"eXCIDNII Godenee, APril 13, 1803. and very elisituated. quality Apply to gibly the whim Goderich and the mammal* LANDS FOR $.*$.*A GREAT 13111,41N! G. m. TaumnAN,= Auctioneer, Apr, &e. oysTER pEpoit Goderieh, July 7th, 1863. 9C° 0 lir El t. TO REIT OK SELL! Nits, Fancy Goods, Tobaccos, TA VANEtxIr lSTAND! r 01.1 amok. CONSISTING OP TWELVE BOOMS, with MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! 1. thael r.'.%%18.atagebleotsbed'shwraier.""ip :fluderTant: &.- , 0 the herrr.and known hy the name of BLUE- . ,,„,.., ..., ,............. ,....., ..., VALE WI THE ouhricober, n lemon g thanks to ti, a IL;Ilia.11 b11.111aO 1.f.C• F. NITC111, . TEL, and in the. OritiOliot 0 .1. customers tor Lae loberal gupoort tate 1 the proprietor, H. C. Prod: The properly to him is the Wool Cenling, Cloth pieeongale„„-T " has large additions mad • ,. ., ;.; ., _ ., ..j la Old MI D'orit Street. fiaderii h. llnoufsctunng Lowness, would beg to ramie if. Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, &T., smoky the notice egg, aldbffieffilliallteffill41 oda/wham as proved Crylit. no expense ha. been ((b).tmen.) apared fitt- ing up everythin• in first clew tole,; and having engaged the service. of experiences1 workmen, he grill he Mlle, fermi this date, to execute orders to any amount in the above business, in •Il its earl - 003 branches. Parties, e• bereionire, ciarang boon • dietasee, will widow find is genie' their 'wool canted tee saute day, to time to cdiv home with hem. The highest market price will be paid se cards metab bern qunatay ol good, clan Wool, leer Solt burs, and well arataned. THOMAS LOGA/g. tiorkinch 848 May IMO. • 16a13 min:yeas Isea. horse. 41, swot VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! Land Scrip for Sale, wiT•Fir,i) Oetober 8th, 1863. /1.4/1411.1 w374f EXCELLENT FIRE f"e • FOR sale. cheap, XXI scree or erasollee( Iasi. Thew •re , nearly clear of slump, (Food &renal Sanl bare. Id) apple Pees. 80 braehtlf. Immm68" fann sokt if desired. It is vrialie side of the lake Led, mid Mere ere grist sad Ind adlIN. e ksern, whorl boom, reerr Ord. Apply to .1. If. 00111,D011. Oollevarh. or to HENRY BROWN. .teig hems lot• 4 anal 5, moi. 7, W. D. of 100 acres cleared40 or whiri are October ei, 1603 - OH A LIBERAL PREMIUM 1.,IVEN on 200,000 VOLUNTEERS! meement• whiela ran lo insole to the Crew, Lead. Illapnryinent in Land Fell) Nee earl in another eoluian. to buy Boots and Shoes. HENRY GRIST, Godericb, Dec. 4, 18K3. Farm for Sale .., HEADQUARTERS T FOR BILE, MY ILEIP F ARIA nf IOU acne Of land. ni ini4a from r• thiCENIt'll, 00 sena cleared, with good med. Imam/ ilwrno Tone will Ire given for • huge ponies it the purchase mosey For for - thee printouts's •pply fol. B GORDON, Esq, thabootor, loodrood, Oslo N M. SEYMOUR & CO Onslench. 018 November. Itatia 541-11 FARM FOR SALE. 100 ACRES. f (7T73 13, 1111k asoecerrovor, U • yr•nosh. retie 14 ty of NORM, Manta roar. fn.in Goterielson the dishes road vo Lock now, tosi nide and • boa Nem John bli•Rootse'r tavere. 'f lend ni r4the bee aplady, dila, dry mid well watered. TWO, as • wring creek with a Wooer Priviianor withm • lbw redo Wilo rowel road. Thom as • MIR riervag, • foul lug lamge, two loam, III pee, embed ea tbe prose**, bwring Sot .101111 GOOD. Wowed:W. mope -roller Ind. 1813. Smote WANTED, 4TIKACHIta for Nebo.* 3.",.. 11,Hdtett,Se,. or ere, oreeri pesterrs4 Aber far se Towed. N elda, Doe. 1111, HA& ROBERT BEACOM/ molly ROBERT PHILIPS. 545.3(5 TO BE LENT IIE north 1 of Lee 3, Lake Rowd, R. soder in...Colborne. 60 wren, Soldwred mid web fel, Frame Horne. Log Howe, with ellell sad IT p aod a emit tworing orchard, • eprlegsed creek on the Med, dans," r)T-TI•TCA./•T'S Great Boot and Shoe Store Foga wed miles /rose Gedfrek sorra SIDI Irtilit PTitty, n...Tomo,..,crod.rApplb....y 101.0. 1111. TRUMAN, kw rcy.. 146711. 6.0arm.IntwouDi...Y, XITHEOE you will find the larrel Mel V led stock r4 FALL AAD WINTER XITS AND SliDEN, itt boom pores thee ext., intend in Golena below, Partimilor nuentios ped to Carom Woolf - Had./ wend Ike drown et pod workiww. •vd by using the bed matorealo, he roar mamma, tyre •• angel* that cannot he.gurrarsed. 113. Beinelliner die plate -Kaye Mork. Wild t4".1.13.111.--Iteciatotes none win mamma •n.I yekb. Wm. DUNCAN. 0011inien, Beni. 14, w33 $700 TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGE:I. Apply to JOHN DAVISON, Eutaw', 4.. Nosestenasee Nth. *NC Farm Lot tor THE advertiser effiete oak lb. Mb" 2 hewn( Lot ▪ lioirsoli. SS seem tadas, 047405 oe chopped. The la "PA see hood earl reword. Heed...r.„.••••_L •"""'„2 rosy •orl es Ord ilerset:-.W rig be hose*, •nd red hobos ply cm the premien to 1110144° ffil• fiale. JOiN ELLIOTT. Prom 011 INN. w41 -110-111•41.11w TO REtrii THE 8111110111888 oboe 11110 dB Lames frieworry roe -4.0W by J. rasa*. - lien., ,eirowsk Vtiotn,P,"•01P- P er wow. ate. JN *Wit Prninnil On, charges sea take her - INFIX sehervilsee ritlinkran of beerier Avon CHAS. WALTER/1. io ts dere reamed derwl, nu cal No. w it 11 make Wm Seelorth, the porno. wawa', mfmreommld worded t I ON 0000 Improved Farms! 2 8 0i1, woke Re4m IleyA1rld T W V y" m l mam h t.. iwe de.* w47 -3t v t tira.a rrraemerr, NM=/r t ed ievide Ao cos11.0..'. m 1oe- A(warybeKMbS Thisee o•••ra M ,-.a.___,Ilen, res. WPALMER elssallaWI f. 017 zrailar LANDFOR SALE .ia4ig...lsowa..rse ,o.ww..o..r.ks,.y. lg1.o.o4wstewreye, rd raolg ,.7 - 1•= .- "-h4 ,m:ir „ :m4, i. .e. ^ vMeeintgaoih. e w ,‘O 101. 111 .P ,,r.h....6..•. ohahwf the Med1r• 1.: Z15. siey. Nom. 0. Min • :„,.., 4:61ies peyoe'sPe.„40•neit.,r:._::L ,oT m.g.olk..a..sb.s...I.,.io rwww .„.,„. r aowh ell n w ,m one-.4prmeeingad m eadreged.Armo betL0amo awsn Mi e r e or : e m oo or. • dn (ftram1•w5001 d e -51 RN, SEED OATS. VALUABLE YA .ea. LD JOHNGALTo1,sn.sThe les • else' • v 5,are Old f ,e .4- se 4/-41e. o*: S31, <rip t raal ' TABLE TOPS, &C. / \ ODERICH c.w. 18$11 ." r sr' AlkElf all kinds of produce .39 CABINET WAREHOUSE -a (THE OLD43T IN THE COMITY.) D. GORDON, C.MOBIATErr !KAMER AND UNDERTAKER, • Raoul...tures as hes sow on Imode seiwpfete ad assortment or Furniture, at kis,Wareattentd. 13 WEST STREET, GIMMICK, SUCH in -Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteeds. Hair, Cane and Wool.seated Chaim, ON Moulding and Looting Glasses in variety. of POWER'S PATENT, 1II0• 3, DM. THE VICTORIA WASHING MACHINE! Ilome Manufacture and Imported 1! D. G. has alwavs on band a complete ae, sortment of COFFIN& Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. . , Vre Lumber and Cordwood taken in ex- DR. Iifil.t'S chance for Furniture. Oodeneh, T7th Oet.. 1863 . w17. Obmined the Filial. 'Vat at the Provincial Ex- 1.01Q173:11:0 • bibemie ta Loedoo,isr 1861. AL.T..a.T..a 33.11‘711:31/31 CAN' . ZAT NT I Xa ID Tiors, Mows, littsks sad monis mai Heed Mammese, 1131,40aVV M U )0-4 epodes At lloralia, lam AllessCesitMatrai GLASS, PlinR, PAINTS, Mta COLOURS, GOA, Tespeexase, Lead Prntipe, Wedindtg mod Hone 111•11•1 Tee• a hats Rubber Puking A Belting; Malone and Coaster Seeks; Mniey, Crime -cut. Cireelar, Pit, sod Bead lama; Cabinet -Maker's Hard ware ; C rooster's mid Joisim's Tool.; Boring Meade, Howe Puraishiuga ofall kind.; RAW, Wads, Doon aad /duukbegs; Chopping, Broad & littnd Axes nein Wood mid ober celobrited makers Area for Gamey a Co.'. PLATFOlUlt sad COUNTER SCALES. Witle the Largest Stock of SHELF HARDWARE al TOR animism renewed how the Man unoctureft, and for Set 81 W. E. GRACE. °attends May Is. DM. •14•3111 WIPE TORONTO COLLEIDN. C. VP TH18, NSTITUTION, talented is the Maier - off lafroore, Threase, Ism pest bees enlipi o BRYANT, STRATTON Of Ctra. chain 'of Commermal Colleges'established i• New York, Brooklyn, Pheadelphia, Albeey. Tow, Wollele, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago sod 74. Lour The obnect of these Coliegeo r to impart IS Young Men mid Ladies thorough mid precticel lostrut ion in - replay, t.o.nmere,sI Law, onimercial Arithmetic, Openeenan Swine. Penmanship, C . . dm, .5111 ahmsafor say department of 'Waned they dry choose. Solielerships kaailed in Candle enO emote tin student le complete lir ecotone in any Coidge am the chow, and doe tows, 5,18051 sidetieeel charge. Ile College is oars day aad inverag. JAMES E. DAY, Hestoorr.Potscieol- For further information pketer esti 51 18. COI. lege , or lend (Or C•ia)0/13tinl andrCirelnar, alir4anang ;ethst er amp. Added avow., thrsaf ion an Co. Torero. Jeri. I. rarer ly • THIS 1,1101JR-SHING MEE Tires tested bv the Borreei et Airiest* isreard 77 destered to be the boot yet brought ease tbeir moues astraple et its coestructirm,easily Irorked, •nd nod subject to Net out of repair. The cleansing pruned or effected by the rapid milieu of the water in the Machine, •nd not by prevent or male', theteby avordieg the slight - .0 injury to the deed Wein, with • notch less quantity of soap thee under the h•nd-washing =7. Pergolas who have toed them are nits - 17•1 the nischine as capable of doing as much work in two hoarse. alln be sccomplietied in • day by the ordinary process, thus SKr* 4-5 of the time and labour Abed neresitirei ef the Seep greiorelly wed. The 1 persons machined Ma- chines. and baying Mires them • MU trial express their maim intaifactioe J. J. Wright, Hume Hotel; lame Ftedenek, Jeweller; W. 7, Cox, signal Ace; Mex. Na- mpa; H. aortal, hog ; Peter Nolikni'D. Cum - Minas; Reis. llibbona, Esq. Warden; Peter Cul. Is. It. Runconan, Esq.; Rev. Claw. Fletcher. Many other names might Id added, if newcomer. CASH PRICE ONLY $840, - The Noteenber having purchamd the ratent Rights for the County or Huron, now propered to supply the machine.of whichhe imbeds wet, feeling immured that all who tent it will lei pleased *08 18. rapidity oedema, with Which on other- wise tenioom and .abonous west; performed. - Ladies w1II confer a favor by allowing the me- alier to he tested mama. regidence, to which it *111 8. weveyed by the proprietor.' od removed agars should it not be purchases. All tbe sub. ember deoires.bat the merits °Abe Machine ihotild be thoroughly tegard. -Parties wishing to try et will coaingunitme with p afrienee, A. COUVE yER, einpton November 3rd, 1863 UedWerill ZYLOBALSAMUIPA, viren=s1=6:Ed=sibr WteaattP._ Arsk".44,154 esneat oder le to. W. 1.1"1.11 r bra PAM I e aseaare great Miser re ijs'Vaal 1111.1110151Calar AIL -ha akot a. ▪ aft===.0..0 ow. ots. =taw sea twee= ep=to11 Tor 1,041:haa taaA. Cka‘Ave" vim sr, mildros Orris Orris O. iJ Hee 'rem. 1110PCIPAI. WAS 05710M Ind, In -Tort my. asiare, RinrAiti) e l n . o"Cs1m7.Wa1i1dlW deit ei=:r JiadzkhrionzAs lmar1ia,.bik-seo..l.w . ."e w.0.AM74, •,resI. towtAaH•hs aD EiLWt\es8r0ra.24tS,toJiorl. Ea . whIi*fsokpothmoeo*ttiso.rpoeetritehz„asefartt1a1tt 10 . dooRam • ewoeme*n Poift WwOi!.t Q1..3ohTuerermouhlapl ealAa,m.. FsrRr , A m t e•re. 10.1.• ,1 0 ,i L aIisleos tVesi FOR RAT T811 For Sale,Cheap "rAOTWLYNIMD.1Stea•helooksge) 01 oi14a wth11, se Aromatic Physic AN Tmportant Family Medioin• 7011 the rum addressee 01id) LIVER AND STOMACH, Birds , anti Fourrooted Anhnals Stuffed, Indirstion, /Miens affection., Paipitseine 51 Preeerved end set up in the momnra1 waitron. the Healti C0M1Tentla of the Bose* Sa- to order. Cash paid for all kinder( birds •nd an. Headache, Piles,Jaandice. mid all other geese St mad for lading, Mr. McINTOSH'S-Den- where an opening gentle physic a tequila& smith. wlISI6nto. THri MEDICINE ,&goT Ulnis, &c., Ar. V' Co CONTAINS NO MERCURY latZ• OR ANY OTHER DELETERIOUS IMMO. it AND MA DE TO ORDER, NT . c. Opposite the, Ilarke;. All Ueda of cpairing d- oor, cnahle terms. on isnot rev 5037 LANDS FOR SALE! THE following Lends we offered fur s•Ie on 1. very advantageous terint ONE-iiin ONLY! Or TN. MIMI! NM 11 3111 IT 8111 N MORN *05 0.1 KAIAK( It 10 Nine Equal Issas, Lestalmests, with .nteress at 6 per rent. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: South 7 3. 1.3 South 8 in 108 South II 30 211 South 21 in 3d North 20 in 4b North 21 tot 4h North 23 in 41t 006.,60 acres, con., 50 acres, con., 100 acres, COO., 100 acres, cow., 100 scree. eon., 100 saes, eon., 100 bre. TOWNSHIP OF HOWICH Lots 2. 3 and 4 in 15th con., 100 acres each T')WNSHIP OF GIOAY : • . 26 in tat eon., 105..,-.., Lots 34 and 15 in 4 eon., 100 terminal, 1.1. 31 and 32 le 6 eon., 100 acres eaeb, Lot 26 in 4 con.. 99 scree, Lot 32 in 3 ton-, 100 acres. Lot* 33 and 34 in 10 eon., 100 germ ebb TOWNSHIP OF TLIR'IBERRY - 1.1. as in 1 oeic, 00 *wow A poly to C111111.11WIDDIDI.Klel., oderiels 01 tts Abe owner, B E I N G i.E R Y P A L A T A B E . refl a r aa s m i r ioe wrn r o It will answefor de mte Imeles, ofi d t tre a oad l. 11t1 amply a hepmate to name. Mvg awn an• helhy advm tothe Sornsb, the lfe wence the body derive(0 0100. Th. Mdcine bem way phal letheee. mum become very popuar wrthMune mea& wve •ve been sckened inb naueamLa lg,Aloes, Rhoherb. ac. Wheeverrthas bee . uodneeit he with pest ncem, ansliey 10 55,.....4. 041 other merres. • good anWowed plyed. AGENTS: Corm; F.Iowam.sad thetrade emeelvse7 DIVLSION COURTS HURON & BRUCE. OCTOBER, 1883. b let 1031 251 530 611 Ilth le 10th 2,34 5th fih 7b " " b e e .L e h Div., Goderieb, Monday 12th. Clinton, Tuesday, 138. Harpurhey, eedeasisy, 14h. " Exeter, Thursday 1510. " Dungannon. Toeda 20h. DECEMBER, 1883. Wroxeter, Retards), bth. . Godereb, Tnesdar, 15t0. " Clinton, Wednesday, 16t8. " Harporhey,Thursday, 17h. " Exeter, Satuday, 19h Dungannon'Tueday 22n11. Barfield, Ssdnday, 2334. AlatTimA.M. R. COOPER, . m i t r s o e e ,p p r e e eeby artily the above to he a copy ohe °reinalm enteed of Iffier dn day, purunt to the Satste. DAN. LIZAFM Clerk of he Psos Heon arl Bene. 06oe otheCle0)' 38. Pee,Gedsrleb,28th&rt,193. 1 *II ayrica EnessiWftre oor Kr- 1ewereIle 5*850.517....,' We re leerMese oWvebbear, etre sanerelIe BeneSerAr soIe eanJl. r . e s e u M o e , a ilemoe So Oo wbs e.r"wi s a .n W I l b o i em el esn n ble n rbe ' PATH= Obs MkO THOMAS GALT, lbw, r o o k e O U n i lg FOR SALE D LOTS 13 am19, lat Rage SmiTtdh e a r Ma Hok Lks LOT Ne. 37, ed (7..e(7..e51*,.., Teweelap o,f Kinker DT Pa , .+ ..11 O t. i .t LOT No. OR, leRoom Rooth NAME Rdgi."a. LOTEia33 md33, 3.40siuNoeh %ia 8*04. Elsartlims. • LOT 41., fah Oanar, Woes "- Tim EBONY aw1.?, 8.515. Oneemca, (Winn. " 11 IS CUM 1I11 A r.o,r Th e g• ee. w E2 1V l.74 " . I 3 emn3 r = a l Ia. R em 01JA101%LCCIAS0 rFS P t o r E R T I E aA b oB r i s O a a y 40. eWM.de lnowt rei*raHe0no l laaMCi s rir t d sufti ,Ba E m araA 6srl re. .smy. l .we.a.mr.t t r ar 1 t 1 1 4 . mmm e w1 ilf 8 'irydylebritrte"n• IlDrHso w• Sheriffysls ti"oeri.mrt•r...gr.rr.md jw".CrlenWr pmareobfHelSriemit1ri barMor eernreeriprl& rsewroleh ores n3ioe msn ZPEs ys" 1l,iIeosaseL . ,saetrllAw^Oe.eetboermft.eneeO eolo,saeogwetd sed1alHue1Diaem.sHtaoeralyi or.e ..esse. r lis temm o at , ieaOs1oabrd .le o eNl0• bemoa. wm.fei mees 0. .1 ra1 Oirmr rho=1e wlMrn1rI1eo r,s 1inbsoia0e toswleisAete ig anas ieotededm ingh o idniA teve IA* e*Jcistam y8Pours',DpsyarerswademOaroa1ornoemnask fe,r letN e e,IwoiA.rdlbdg6eeoI lbrbie.oLrairaseafl1eegnnrlbtD1ilH.todi erDi .neet 9n bio4•nedms1tsd e e,Oo1omIe,r anAgw 9a 1a,i lf e Wreoldr .bmlllwil f .Iet th.lsaCmaazmid61ddlItM,m1 r eeUymolese o mtlie;re bee elwr eWb terokteriOris 81:. P.41r" r-.1116nib4"= 6 re LiiNrbe;;.M.N."1limt:k1"4"664rC4"N s7t:7kibeiteCemet1rsre 0.1.04,0, es rabao ay sow, at the hr Tve eA JOHN MACDONA:z.OiWer4beeoe.7 8y81gaDeteg 8r(24,= 1.WI 0., LAM UgiedeweeefPT 984 Hems emHoes1JCPoFro:w1Zwlsr oHeleree coscaseo0.7.0 sseeme==o eapwoeeslnro Meene &tg•1a mNBoeietthnjDaMarl e bar eioretree xrothe se Pert r r rdeeQurbort Ner. r the Mp 51Perry. robodey Wee Orul. kro 1445IS10,I,17rIk Orr rio O annig, ,easa05,1••••114 rrrme1 *4101 Qm. Mm o ant ttaiseKolrek . 1416.tert0i pnd .AWN.AameuWWoed•MWm0.b. *001. W IWAm0A Wtanes *MpWM d. mirC. al O..Waeed I 1.s wn s ho Coe ar Two oWeee. e Tn l yed ffirffi a.*a. Neo0063.01 SKRIFFISALE 01 LAND. Ulss Gr asr ..r te• wae Hens ad Amo, 13 Vrtsi Laprtr 7. 80" lrs rcee fue Mrely% Crry Oret r Usr Cerlo oHar sabre, s br ArrawawIbe LW. esrere *5 1.. 4. 110114.11.0 Ore leerl* fttrlVe sld ls• ei ,d.Esorresrboa Db °eds, dd, leewi, Ars (reer arles Ossires tbowesofilese oe feeeee, NJ barw, I boe rsrs g000ohdrb.rem- ye „ ,., l t ooretbnaoa Leeber Too. Prot tea anoymhpw Ponev mn- tyoHws, mminsg nsay Olemt whreadrrrr54.5 11. oat myWires thte rrOwwsaCob nok. Teby ref Jy 53, 10. o• Trel etrer.•••6 JOHN MACDONAD b 8. 161165rrene ffisffes anank. HUDeeI147 riff's Saleof Lands. vsw lOSow ef • ob thee er re. Vaee Twle mFriPiro O or HBymeCarty Owe 1 ihe :seC . astor dryr ware be Wdsore eiAb Caoroa, etedaArs rftsra. Iowiisorss Zee- oo. tho tate srrerettbe Dlrst. is ed to Lu eseboHr areDeb. tbe Terp oenelaiarClmy aemeemeat ITis eLe& rb. br rrwerweb el th=eemd, Wid Limsl1MMIbeiNlo rehos ofrrvo er arfy sm,r o of he .0.8. .s. MACDONALD, 8.4, X." Ip 1. Aura, =Swl n. Ob., IDee. ism. v47 SiER. ULEF LANDS. *tuCoIn eni of M Howe d Be. oYealnExpossTWs• .55 .85,115* lien?sere of Ceres lar motore brMWadga meeeemonay C. tmbe, Jas Oe LewsendThemes Peel.eAms oMassi fficmreseMhCa the es oiptoe Lwmn. I barrwLW *eeWelel althe oW .Or ddsdrissbleifeee be, eMrode MarkeSoesse,te here et tenrk saCooaty of mes ad. LoeNow nMrere rdbetre Hae 1.51,8. tie rdteem tOeroCry efHeb ThaIAMMeOrrmylea he Meshe wOemirl,esT- see the ?ir oreery s.sdr ba otweve errek,sob JOHN MACDONALD, abrH.4O y b 8 i .o r e or s o e b se r , L ke er e y S s 1 . nri Des 1711. MM. r d a oaHMeSbe sie ramr sa ew•m de6re ir r d,s e rok e .es dek raoi ri :lw_ er, ul e 6 e .ne o ejae tiwoetsiL et rbea s Vrii o e i r M H y o e sw eL W BLeor bOie4tar i rsenWor arde wE wr Aeo w hRe bf b 8111117,8 SALE OE LIM OwCeetntottiY vee* 15. 5711 Abe ef ffer I••sy's Ced Plow, Couy Cwl eWdn D el e oe ik.t Wrr, r OrrorValdgz- weet Heanaeto mErrd the Lb& saTb ear ibrm, i... a.5 11a011..,., b beeeJre Harry, Wok?o85,1- 1501..,)breredr ere Air, rsom Md brs, ere LeHishe braebs oodvd*oma, easued n 41roreeaed P Mdahebe eversertry moair Let ed ndIrlielleer 8. tof leo heehip et r• erorabdneie Is Neer bere ob lada bloaksemy eae sbe Ceort rereOdstrb, nttity Orry t'os the dak, nen.JOHN MACDONALD. Br 8!SuerDnastM.& Oee, Odeek. adDe, MO • e eeem COUNTERFEITS bear tHt e o i a d i r r s r ePm s orr er m e e d m o e aemd• ret elhm Hwywwe&eoskr wb erebrelde beresl, el r =t tombrervrdm owWg hme roob~oI s ' w a k utsit@AA41z e*A•a555* 3 Very Reasonable Terni 6 ,,P. 1 n" d l i b snk k a l irn a l l "bl e a ll er B A oFr1ofeo b b o W b r i . r g Ier s111a fi m IpV b o /lr i te4l il. ere e isps a h w g s e ,A e s s O Y . THOMS L071 no 117MI.01,11014,s re rbs re ore CreytorereIs LHree, iebere brt wL,w r e s d1e i e r W o o i L rb.* Ae WI,ki.II,•eMI..= sew. .4* 0171051 BMW l a Wn S T e i e w n oo qe K i na,e a us d i . aComm,oBs Lt llr4,3,e ploot flo Oo eree = e r y rni f c a l iob e l o k 6 1 . . " o.r i s i a t i , ,z i e for."L=7wo - kxxta • • : T la b l e O o w e ) L i r o I bl o b b r i s s L E , 0 0 a4 0 0 2 . rM T te r e a4 s h 6 t 1s . 4 e s e a m m e s u m o a r e e 1 1 % T e r.h b 13" 4e7 • , n 1 , 1 1:4 ,l,. .A=ilve ..• • b ' w e d , ffi s e m e l k d a s d i a l ie•06.101419* OM e . A CeII.asM w o a akdell es&M ok. sJOMpowwo o pSinio n 1404t t.. •••to118,% "4Oork, r I A lmsao l l e r • . aws.Mseibrn Ebb . SHAWIleet=bir eaula oak