HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-12-22, Page 3Ntw SbDtrtistments. CHECKERED STORE./ Market Square, Goderich. THE SUBSCRIBER 11A3 JUST RECEIVED IDS WINTER STOCK OF GROCERIES, LIQUORS, kc., bought et tins BEST MARKt 7:Y, sompriaing TEAS OF AIT KINDS ! From bOete. TOBACCO -a Full Assortment I From lbcta. . CC)ll 1 1i S : Rio, Jaya, !equine and Ceylon, Pooh, Roasted and Ground. SUGARS 01' ALL KINDS! 1 %V Yt`RLrl ' M. R's. Raisins, Sultana and Palentis Raisins, Potreo Carrsnts, Figs,Feunaa, kc. IN iia' : h. S. Almonds, Filberts, Bruit and new English Walnut.. CONFECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. LIQUORS • • Hsoeev s, Martill•a, Jules &.bin k (7o., and Itennault's Brandies, in Wood and Bottle, San derman's u1d Port. Duff Oordoa a and Pewanin's Sherries, DeKinrppour's, Hollendn and Booth's Old Tom Gin, Old Jamaica Bens, Seoleh, Irish and Misr Wlaakles, Ginger Wile, te., de. LOCIIFINE IIERRING I11 KEGS! No 1. Matikerel in kit, Table Cod Fah, de. Sauces, Spices. Lobsters and Salmm.n in raps, Sardine, ke. Everything in FAMILY GROCERIES ! Kept asis.li at the LOWEST PRICE. THF HIGHEST PRICE MID TN CASH FOR ANY QUANTITY OF SHEEPSKINS. air Agent for LABATT'S London Ale and Porter. J. Y. S. KIRK. •'GODERICH, December 1Sth, 1663. w•iO SHERIFF'S SALE 07 LANDS. 1•rt rel Count lee of )UT ewt•P of 1w0 Write Huronand !truce./I• r.-- Brno1'u Wit: Laid • er Fienrseise ..wed one of Her )tiystMy'a. l'oun of Cumlaea I lea. and to vee directed against the Iand. and ix -newton of Henry C, ramble. Jobe (fall In Lew,. and Thorne. Part. at the suits of Malcolm Me Phut.., ibeCrrnmerrul (tank OfC'anedaand the liana of l'pper t'nnada. 1 hare merged and talon on exerutwn all the nebt, tale mot interna .,t ,:,e rad dek•Mlants to and to Lot. Numbers 931, 'er and 930, on the hI.rket 5q.ohre, w the'toon c t U,dene h ad County d Horon ; ale.. Lois Som- ber... um- Irn!em on the mouth ode of -the Huron Read. in I be tad town of&o.k:rtek and County of Huron; wbiel. 1 .hall offer Inc tub a1 my office m the (•n.-1 blow. in the 110.1 of Gadcrkh, on Teen- esc the Twelfth lar of _Mowry next, et the hour .d I .'eine 01 the cluck, n. on. JOHN-MACDONAL!). Sherd 11 it B- oy S. Potlot'a, Deputy Sheol. Soerfd's otter, Goderrb t • - Dee. 111,, 15113. < w4l SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Ito the Flee and Ind dent Dii(sipid e - tors of the Town of Goderich• • GalTLwaa,- T beg to iatiasete to yos that I as a emadidate for the Awe of Mayor for the Zara u( l:udarich, and respectfully solicit your suffrages. Baring fur several yuan talen an inter- ."' in Municipal matters, you will be pre- pared --without any kngtueoed remarks ea my part ---fur a cumpetcutdecision upon sy elliciaxy to 611 the civic chair. I trust, however, you will allow me to stab that ley hightet ambition will be, (ifclec- tcd) to perform tare duties of the office to which I aspire in each a manner as will not impair the usefulue a nor loosen the dignity of a position which hue been so nobly sus- tained by my respected predecessors. Life and health permitting, I intend not to retire from the candidature, but I will await your fair and Igeally csprtased decision. 1 have the honor to bo, Gentlemen, lour moat ob•t. servant, JOHN V. DETIA1I. Godericb, Dec. 4, 1863. sw27 Geulatcn, 3.1 Dec., 1463. To JANES WATSON, Esq. S1 a, - We notice in the Signal that our respected Mayor has determined not again to become a taod date for the honors of tke Civic Chair at the forthcoming Election. You are an old settler and have dune much to improve our town, and, feeling confident that you are in every way competent to fill the Mayor's Chair. we respectfully an. you to aliow yourself to be put in nomination for the sante, end in the event of your doing so, we asule Ion, we shall use every fair and honorable means to secure your e'eetion. We am, Sir, Poon, respectfully. Wei. E. Grage, George Cattle,' Geo. 11. Pa:sunt, . Dsrid McAl.i.ter, O. X. Davis, Jar_rn Watson, A: tetroti, - .Wal. E. Leo-ard. J. B. 6eidoe, Ilubert Parkes. Hobert Domed'. J. J. Wright, 1). Shads Gooding, T. Meet ie, - Juo. R. Dar's, Ed. in Robt. Owen, R. W. Wallace, John H.1den, Jr., George Hobson, .11. Co:erick, A. Y. Potty, (trophy. E. Honker, Donal Cummings, Neal 1rKnoaOn, ' Thomas N. Dancer{ Samuel l'rut'ur.l, Thoma Kneeshaw, John Henry, RobertMeKsy, • Jo',n Mitchell, • Franco Femmes,. William Wallace, 'James Donaldson, Tho.. hark, Fd.• (iitmiI, 1). !1elnnea, Jr., Hebert.Siurgeoe, •Richard Itrtnlo,mey.'„ Ilaeth'w Seymour, jr., Jobs McDo.ssld, W. M. Savage Thema. Dixon; Jacob Seegy$ii/1er, Jr., Thos. W. Saunders,, J. ljeale, Matthew Manhcwson, A. Letarge. Richard Harris, George Vidian, George Hates, Thos. P.utaon, Michael Commit, Jas. Caine. M fs. SliggTit, John Hiiliard, Itobrrt cla-an, Joan Vidian, Lewis Elliot, Richard Finn. Abraham Wilton, Peter Gillies, Elijah M ,ore. Libert•Chacd'er, )William Moon. John Mitch. I1. William Gihhors, George Jessup, Alfred Collies, Peter (J'IG•roke, Philip Cbatey, M. J. Wright. William Mills, A. Doan1(h, Riahnrd Fourier, Frederick Naar, Chas. Horten, ('rated Count :ea o(( 1) \" Vvole of a Wnl of Yon- Monet!' McLeod, Huron and !race, l ]chum Expense adhere T.. Hutton, T. till : I Fa. n. for Residue. tv.uerl James l:ialett, out .1 Her Moie*ir'a County Court d the (ended Countnn of Huron and Broce Charles Widder, Thoma l'omhenl. William MIPs. Ill•:11'1,V'. and t,. n'e ,hreeled •gamnl the Land: and tene- ment. of lane Bann, at the nut ,f Joiner. Jnn,e- aon, I hive seised and token in Executor,. ell the right, title and interest .4 the nil Defendant, .n god to Lot Twenty, to the first conereoon. S. D. K. in the low.ah.pol Brant and county of Hon.; tlkhirl tants and tene,nentn 1 .hall ells for nee my 0111. .n the ( n .urt Hohn, the Town of _uderieb, os Tuenlay' the ) weedy -second day 0l ►eimbee meat, at the hour of Twelve of the ,ock,ors.. JOHN MACi-)NALD. Sheriff, 11. k B. y S. Pot.raa, Deputy Sherif. C'he,e's (Mire. Onkrieb. f 1611. nor., 1163. 4. w44 ..----- Tin alines sale is poolroom' will Tuesday the h Inmost. Shena's Oftee, Goderich, l land Dee. 1163. t . IT SHERLFF'8 SALE OF LANDS. Coifed ('minuet 0f 131 cc of two Wal. 1uron and Bruce, LI tcyniccynicm e•dnwni Ripostes owl T.. w -ti : ( Fen. Feces for end.e• .n- oed out of Her Marwye Cottony Coen of the 'meal Cooed, of Huron and Bruce and to Inc riveted agsln•t the Iand. .Ml tenement. of Isaac enn and Ellett Flacon n the unit of )oho Brom, have tamed and lsken :n esecishoo d1 1ho nghi Ostend ,merest of the sed drkds..tsm gad in .ol number eighteen to the first eorcea•wo.anoth f the Durham Road, to the Tow....p of Brent ad ('.uaty of Brow ; whet 1 ritual ogre f. sale t Wire 1M Court Howe ,n Me Town o my torkrieb. .n Tosd.y Iha told day of Dec•alher est, at the hour 01 Twelve oflhe ekrk, noon. JOHN MACDONAI•D. °hent, H. nk B. y S. Po,.1.a-e, Deputy Sle•if. Sheriff tro l tare, Godenok, Nor. 1151, t B SALE OF LANDS. IT. ti.6 'omnis ofY vides w • end al Mores re 1rneee. )} 1) Tes aiani Hepar end Te wt :)P sttrea tar male. ward am Maw M•Pwt'• Loewy Lore of am Gaited Cesomi•e of ars sad a ■ld to me dors.. weer aha Iamb •dternsmenu rd Joseph R.rnn. w tilea.w Mameel Mr11rny. I Nva ass' ed team ow erweatlee ail the n,hi. tete .d o iwl.r. a( abeam ;alt rahm a •‘,.1or Int No. Foerwaw, o the line ..._. L., N I) R.... the Toven.hrp of .nor. w IM Cowry .f 14nr, rnotmnS an terelawnarms eIsm ; which lawawl ,...mead. nae11 e►k este sem)) HMO. ,n .Unuel Ho I. 'Ogre 1•e of elea.,Mb, n• Totted. the abed rhy Ire molter th. brew M cowl.* rd the Arab, new.. JOHN MACDONALD. 1A...t� w►..n , s. 4 B. Mt aRbeelPnL a 1 bibs, Ttoa.rs. 661. 11ow.. lat.1 .*t am sate ora. r pnopemad well Tuesay 1M tied Ia.arl. %tea ♦ (tort Oralcerb. 1,41ea•l Dee . 1P0 and The shore tale Is palpated 1,11 Taewhy, the r'r•I, tenant. Sheriff•• (Mie, Goderrh, 1 Mynd Der..IMi3 t w41 Sheriff's Sa1e of Ltnds. 1 relied Corinne* of DY virtue 01 / west ret flume and Rewee. 1) Velohlnnll Exp,., all To wt : and Fen Facia for rradm•, owned or, of Her /trey'. Count, Come of the ',tined Connive. ver Huron ad timer, •rel In Inc n,•I.I •ire ew . Inde and tome n.enta of J ('ataennn, at the t of the Herron Rodding Soy rrd ,1 have son,' taken In Eire - cub.. all ,hd ml nett, e and Int reel of the ad tMndant, in red m tar. another Seven nod Dom le IN lia ruff, soot of the Danbaw BMW ,, the Towtah.p M Ure.nnek and Cowie M seus, coetani.g by dme•sarearet Filly slap of Lad. esrh. be the woe roc. or haw htroth 11. kwp • INn.a.rw4.d, Wh.h I.nbaed dew. meso I shall oiler for wk at m. More t, the Oamt Hose in the rove. M (fodna•h, on Taswlay 11a, Mk day .(1oaw.ry west, at the San.' Tway. d Ih. e` rt. sero. JOHN MACDONALD, Nar(f, If. 4 J ars. Pot.tax+, t4,pwty anent Bkenf'n OM.. (Lde*Ieh, ort _� D. 1e. IOC ` wet A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1o04) Aere. In (line fto„•k. Ase.m.c Iwpwoeen .la reennwsty R1..r n.aaw+, rnsi:e4/A a •e(.M ana d 4. ?...1,111r7.WA4. •.d rho fl I.4 tnnaafwL a.k•err Imre Ninon Rwrwr, I• w A,ply d •., 1rm1 1'••• rate 1 A lfRDI!t. Egy swM 0.111551. 0011141141 r IA Ju., McFarlane, John Porter. Wm. McCaig, I)enia McCarty. Ed. Shannon, Mat. 51. \Yeatherald, Rolm t Dcroth, James Maluor, Win. 'A,drena, Gabriel Lewis, John Butler, Fred. Clarke, Samuel Furse, J. W. I;itf, Donald McDonald, SS'db. .n Itnbrrtion, 1). C. Mcft:•y, Geo.ge Swanson, Richard UJlow, Samuel Coletick, H. Fiddler, •Isseid Forsyth; Henry Colutey, John Barnes, James Smiod.n,. tsonceici, tea Dec., 1463. To the tor. ' 'a,‘`T.11-4y !"�� I A . Goderich. _ Ccattarri), ._ tM l,ai somasaw „mlr : hN yes Bill be ea..sd .pea M weasinarat '4 c •eadidues .. Ser taw gym at Seta tees of Goderich, for the esssiag leer; endas lamed do set wud to •• *nun the b be the Wooing modest, 1 take the mole of u,t•ss ke r such my ;filmdom, its older 0.1 abuodurt op Pc' nuo,ty may be afforded you, m mak.ag **lemma worthy of yourselves and aunty alb he bidh honor that amens the succ-wfal vivaria.),vivaria.),Four yearsago, after a keen and apiriied 1 outran, the lemurs of the M.yorslty fell te tiny lot. On three sutleent neesua, aio, ye gentlemen, kindly and without solieitatum, renewed thecollfidrne. then reused in me Thus, tor a period of four yearn, 1 Lave, thrli.• our suffrages, ocupied the highest ualee in he gilt of the muntcil.l electors, sett duriag bat pelbd, Lr the aauamuce and co olerst cry GREAT f doer am°eiated with nig at the hoard. I rust 1 have been. in slime small de.'rte, lar trumental in ad. a.ncin; the material prosper ty of the Town, and in sustaiuiue the honor and dignity of the j.osition you placed me in. In now retiring from the field of musielyel po'ities, permit me, gentlemen, to thank Too very *Memel,' and very cordialiy f.r the many drn and aperinl marls of your contce and consideration extended to me dieing Ilm four yea's that 1 hare occupied the•• ('i,ice Base our Claims to Public Favor Cieir.' 1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your bumble, oted:t nen-4, ((1 c e vrei, •l.'r..- sereleer i•nN1wNb+_ ....:-. u,Jta(,^.ale DIII FST I' 11 :)1 I ("NJ j A_ ! PURCHASED AT THE CARGO SALE IN MONTREAL ! THE SUBSCRIBERS offer for Sale the Contents of orer eighty packager fresh Twperchaaed for us and selected with great care by GMMUS Kaaa, Esq.. now for over thirty years in the trade, and who, we .peak advisedly, as a judge of Teas. whether as regards make, quality or value, has perhaps no superior in Western 1 GExTLEaEN., in conlptinnce with the above requisi- tion T beg to offer myself a+ n eandid..te for the Mayoralty of the town of Godrlieh. and pledge myself, if elected, to endeavor to dis- charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Thanking you, gentlemen, for the cont deuce you seem to repose in me, I remain, Yonra. faithfully, a.27 JAMES WATSON. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANE t'n.lwd C5.Mws of DY melts of two wl It. of Hurt. asd Dearer } Vednrnnl Expnnasand mors: ))heti Fara, nn.nd out Iter Mortar'. C,,nty l•nort of the Untied Cessbd. of Huron and Drier. anti to me directed gain the Land• and Imien 'nl.01 Solomon Rorer.. at the wt: a Alunlocl Gordon. r • •ntnnrnt oiJ)onshl o.1 I will and r ver le I*w F.xr m (iorAs, dere.wd. Al ilhnm kIn ,a,rk, John fia,dner and Kohn Id. Ga,nlwer. Executors w the Met wdl .ad tn•me,l .4 TNo.na (1sldner, dereaa.I, ■nd A51xaoM, Cantor., 1 hare setsed and taken to Enecutn,, al. the right, Hoe and ...- ten. of the wid defendal in and to Lot Month. Two. Range I,in the rowaNup in Sia/ler and Mon - 11 Hnn1n. containing 10. acres, more or les: yeast Wade sed I.wemrnl. 1 'bell offer Ger rale ., my ones is the Lowe Hoare in the tows of Gode- etch, ow Trw.day the Filth d.. n( Jaa.ory n ext, at the hour o Twelve of the cinchona. JOHN MACDONALI), r ' 4atJf, Jj 4w s. ens.t.er a, napery %hent. I ! r ift's Oar., lledsneh. 1 Dae.. w+a III lab 118111. SHENI!F'P'S SALE OF LAND. l-nterl Coontiea of) I)T ,,rine of torarena nra of H uron ad Rowe. }I To iris:) i r.rnduwn. Expona Ad Fen Faris.mooed . rd t of Her Mai este,• Chert a teem.tem. P1..., 1'n*mt Court M the Cnnnly M V.,.rtee d Coeval! (.n.1of the 1:•isd..s M n- tof Heim •,d levee. ad h, armed dhed • we. ' 'be Landa end TrnrrorFln of ).rues Bwr• e.e, Jan,r. 151,1.1 old Haigh (idmore. •t IN mho 0Jan..n Hmektn. Ilia,4.. Hrn.ery and W,w laM MOR... 1 tore worm! gad taker. a Fleece - dos an the .gat, Iola ad .vena en the seal D.- Rrdant.. In sad to L.•• Nary m tto fourth conr•ew- al.m of rhe lowahip of 1.'..'. on.Iatniae rue bunched se,..: 1.4 one on ,hr .,-nMl eonewion M nasi tnwn,lo p, c o ot...tor Ally seem ; •leo M Fiflaer n the ung lh rnn,e•,rw. M the lowl,h.p of Carnet ....Wow's., font • .'r aha int 17 i. 11, the enecewyon,ad I.,s S4 •MI VI In the 7nl r .ere raw, h. D. R of ths tow...hip of Prawt, ront.lning nor hnnrhel and !lits swoops; 01 is the moony of Rime i ...eh 1 s,A• and tewen.at• I N un nfe, for ogle or tiny enure In the Conn HMV!Hnn w 111. Tow, of ffwilo irh. 'dor nowt.) the 1101 day of !savory neat. at the hoer of Tared. or IN eleeb, .ns. JOB! MACDONAT.D. N •,1r.tt.►s P y !. Pnr.li•r•, Demur "hent "%era 'a Oars, l t.1d.re.be + lab Der., 1007 f *IT . M. C. CAMERON. • 4. ,(�',S Goderich, 30th No.., 1^63. a.4 DEPAataEit or CROWS LANDS, Quebec, 474 December, 1863. NOTICE is herby given that in accordance with an Order in posocil, dated 1b*h November, 1863. ail deposits of public mon icy, throughout the Province, on and after THE FIRST JANUARY, 1854, Most be m%de In the (lank of Montr.al or its Ageaciei, WM. IIIcDOCGALL, Commissioner. 30.wG•pf.l FOR SALE OF OCR TEAS:r1'ON FIRSTLY: mow Vick Ten, have been purchased at coufeesedlythe beet Market, via : [First hand holders.] and upon the bast terms offered to the Canadian Merchants. JOHN FAIR & CO. HAWN JUaT OP•n5D AN AI1.0a1MC*T 05' LONDON MANTLES, PALETOTS & JACKETS, IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES! • TIIET n..ya ►tau l0) .ala A NI (CENT STOCK ver IX°AA\4: \\ft 1Y4 t %. SECONDLY: From wlrieh they wit Male to (toter. m any style dmired. These Teas have been selected by a person of _rcat experience, without costing the Goierich, 6th Oct., 1963. Suhaerib,•r. one eent for expense attending sale, commission, or else, [freight only excepted.]. THIRDLY;: These Tet. being imported direct frau the Calestial }:spire to Montreal, all danger of adulteration vauisbea, for whatever the quality when it left ('hlha, it remains the same. FOURTHLY: • iu view of our determination of bulling up an an e,clusively cub buninenit it is manifestly to our advantage to be as reasonable in our charges as possible; therefore, W� CANNOT NOR WILL WE BE UNDERSOLD ! D. K E R R, Jr. & CO., PRIVATE - BILLS ! Gaieriell, :0th Nov., 18f,3. DARTiES in Canada West intending to •C make application to the Lecislature for : Private or Loral Bills, eider for granting; powers for commercial or other purposes of e;dusiveprivileges,or conferring corpnrat.1 ter. HAVE Jear REC'F.ITED A FRE+I( LOT w profit, fur regulating surveys or boundaries.! FRUITS, NUTS, SUGARS, PICKLES AND SAUCES, or for doing anything tending to affect lbe rights or property of ether parties, s e here- with a _encnl as-brtulent of Groceries of tiro best ,lit dity, which will be hold at very by notified that they are required by the S$rd j reasopable prices. aid following Rules of Logo:atiye Council d I.e.slatir. Assembly te.pectivel.. (which I D. L, Jr., CO. mid ate fltlblish•din.lull in the Canada (Jr.,egt:)! Goderich. '2CthNur.. lc,G3. to give •u t application (clearly and dogteeth specifying its nature and object). in the Canada Ga. zelte, and also in newspaper published in JONA' FAIR dt CO. the County ret Union of Counties a8:etrd, I T: ',woe tending, copies of the first end last of such ; notices, to the I'ricate Bill Office of each :On SATURDAY. th• 17th •Insttat, Haase. • -.: .. - i .a etbtrx AsaoRTMENT OF • All i»., ,Sas for Private Rills mrist be pre i • r rNo MONTHS' NOTICE f het Af0.1'Dd )• tAe fwentythiri doyrol' 1N CH.•51HER' : • Aaeero.r. in Ura . rilE('HA NChLLfIR: tnrntyatrenth year sonted. within the firs( thee- weeks of the J'E. DGccET. A. TODD. PARIS & 10N00� 8011 ETSt Ca: Protege Bill., CAJ. C'IL. Primer Hill OJi.r, i L. Cow well. /.. Awv.La. • G.derieb. Nth Oct.. 1563. - awe Quebec. I11h Dec., 1863. - 1.30 -id .L• EX.213II N.A.1•ION DEr1R]ni.st ver Cn yea Qwebee, Nor. 12th, vatn. NOTICF. 1;S HEREBY C.IV e.N that ahem 15,000 acres of land in the Townships of Arthur, Minto and Luther, in the County of Wellington, U. ('.. will ,e offend for. rife by Auction, at the Mike of thi• resident Agent, A Genov!, Esq., in Elora,on the Second of FEBRUARY next.. Conditions : Two-fifths rah, and the remainder in three annual instalments, with interest. ' Lists of the lots can be bad nn epplieition to the 1)epartmeat or to she Crown Ind 'Agent. Wr. 1JcD OLG.tLi. Commissioner. .a29 Gt-g .1 Mortgage Sale ! VALUABLE nrPROPERTY ! UNDER anti l iAwtm• rd a Power of Sale con - twined in • Mona.. maoelw Cwatrnwnea S,nnrrnp., of the Town.hip of PIaner, re the 6rw part. Marc Sadenom. hl. wile,o(Ihe aerod portend John Gai,doer, of the Townahlp of Stan- ley. •Ibrr.al 1. E•querr. ref the th,rd pan ; default h•ring leen made on the due pa7meni thereto; will hold at we AI:C'1105 MART of J' essrs. Smaill & Thomson, Ame:too enreet, (L dero•h,,v, Wednesday, 301h day of Decenllerirst., cr SCHOOL TEACHERS! 'THE linitnl .t 1'uhlie. Itatrnction tor the. 1 ('rens:y of Huron will meet in the • COURT ROOM, GGODERICH, ox Tuesday and Wednesday lie 29th and 30thdars of DECEMBEIt inmant, both days at ten o'clock a. m., when rnndd:ter dextrous 01 obtaining Lernw+ to teach will then have an '11'1 plo ntmny rel dung examinal. the ,-nm,nni,ro n( Il,ow wishing Fires or Thad eta. certificates will be n Tweeter the 2rhh. and Set nd flan. on Wednesday the 30th. Candidate* heiore being admitted to as esam- manoJta•ern,lnd101.0•.51 teitiHwtea n(,:Md moral aha? rozze.gmal by a, cicr5yawa or JuKUrw o,fbe Pexe. D. H. RrrCjiIE. .�terorlry. Wrench, It. Dix., 1'•63. 10.7t tf4 WARDS }TRAYEDfrom the aibwnlwr,l .beep, sig: S ewes wt•► two ewe IawW, ps^ al r abt ver, 5111 car gin pan of .lit cm of. Asti meta. .rciaEsrer tep4isonir' Mtekrdaddlr.Cs11ow nary will ra.•etre t' 7- . G. FERDINAND WEiSE. Colboen•, Der. Ie. IS 3. aretestel.t Notice of Dissolution 1 THE pennernt in heretofore emoting hors., the ani.., lar.. n fanners. tea kern disorder- ed iwnM. ed hr mmltal eoi en1, on the 1516 M Aspaaker, 061. Wm. MURRAY. JOHN HiLLUCK. Colborne, Der.l:h,i5G3. w6►a1 At 11 o'clock. noon, the following pommy. via: .m r ,:tern .n I 'hirneenl C nneel► arm• Stanlev,cnatalatn. IM sem of mod mem or Ma Pent under power of Kale. Fall pent!*. a /►'• e•n he Od try applying to the . oG. non. CAMERON k ELW()OD. aw7o1 Panriloea for Mo,laeme. Let N h F the '1 L - MONEY ' TO LOAN T ten per curt iatrrr,t.on pr.luctlre FAR NI i 1 PROPERTY. Apply ,n 8. F. YANKO('GIINF.T. Rammer, Toronto. Tnronrn• gbh Non . 1963 - t4-41 $2000 TO LOAN ! Tp Good Endorsed Promissory Notes At short date.. Alw,. $800 To nn'in dorm o.(, MO ore %Innsage ae improved 51r. i property. App1 r to D. SHADE GOODING. dictn'wur, *est door to the I Have w 1lease, W...t O.darirh, Itlh ass., VAS. WANTED, Ax ACENT 1 a'ra.. McGee'. o Las- n.osn. • In IN Conroy A Hwrew.. The io a re..rhewee int a good runty►, M .1.erive r.rrelon will lot (prim. Abler, Wis. PALM Ra, (arval Newt. 1w141I • ant 116 Tama. STRAY STEER. 5YF. X0,0 rhe paean .l Ile •nl.wnh.r, ,n tJ Aril Irl.. '.leiter Hing three neon .51 - TN nwwr r rngne.rwl rw gee.* pep.rtf', pr N•.pe .d wee Ion swap. • R.\Ml"Ft. FTSTT'F.R I tt, row T. r4brr,. Oolsrlrb, 11nn". alb, 111. .64071 SEED QATB. fi1TIF. hserik•r has on band gaast.tr of JaL ver superior Black Tamanan Oat. (noticed is the "`nivel a Iew weeks ago) whirl' he isselline for seed et beets per beat' .1. Parties wishing to %refire some of it will lo well to paahaae at H. IIiN('FS, 4th este., Goderich. Novena -1d-, lets. w40 It C The anada Company W11.1. t r•elt �rnafna Pmvin• riot Par 'irmet�t for '*Sieramendments 1.n the Acta relating to the charter of the said Company. fr V PI"Ri. SVinora ♦ Cewmiririn%urs W. B. iin%l x, :ix office,' Toronto. New, weentpaa Canada Company 2411. 1063. STRAY $*$F*Re C'IAllh IS 1-0 THE I'REUISiS the .nlrrrhrr. ahon1 IM 2OIh� (rieber wnrr n Red Hr t s two aw,, Pay etpa*•.s. W mirrored 1.. pr,,, r pn.p, oke Mr •w•.. ABRAHAM. C('1. nog lea, Dm. le, ISO. n1A1 Rigg G. A. HAYDON, F5t.tIi' V.x 7.1•rC Milliner & Dressmaker. (Lat1; r r'tI,, i w.•'ed for .N Ym . R-ppn� raw •• ad tb.wrsai.t. ••1 a0' for Plan. Sew.ep. Rnnrewwee -Gen., ..( i bwrab .red C4hww• e,� the f7e. ,5••. ren ! �fmA'w.l�rwl.l l,w( Ore. teal. IN CHANCERY NEW_BOO_OKS LrDaYto 1111: Oh w�w J ! it rwtf^[• SO� * A /, M MY !.Alen, K Ssenonoeid. AT s>sTia'e, MSGF.slaIZnnMIi (isdey'a, Lssli.'s, ami l' elms'* Air (Atbbr', all received - AT HTJTfaf ABRAHAM SMIT Merchant Tailor. IIAYIIZT SQ11*.U, OODIiRICII, hes' set received a large and w0I-esaort- ed stuck of FALL t WINTER GOODS', And • v.ne n of raacy Art.., sue% ea Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Ceps, ow.. Ac. Which he is prepared to sell Chap tot Cash. Ootnri•h, Sept. 111. !riiJ. X111 c,um - CONVEYANCING TRE CSDEBe1CNEt) wilt draw dire. an meet/arra sad attend •o the ;wopen ens mown of the tame, ready I,r reglrral.Da, at 16 an/owing rales, rte: Deeds` s1Jr1 Mortgages $1.10 Other duaemesia at sepals, low dooms. JOHN GALT, Registry teller, Gnkneh, 1 )lomanher 5th. IMO. ( wt1.3r1g HEPN-R' DEPARTMENTAL AAD Parliamentary Agents Q�37Sb1C7,, TRANSACTS BUSINESS WiTH THE Crown Lands and other Covemme.t the. �pr/acnwu.hn ; Take. out Nerds 1,1 lnr.mtnrna.- Deans awl take chows. s. of Private Ddb Mow" Sao So.•iost ie., see.. h* , h,r P.n,e. rwsrdas .. I; wet C anwla. or elwwlrere. ewlufi To School Trustees. A TRILCHIR. 36 mare of sae, with f mor, (1. wdb morn 7410 expresser. to to e%rae, denims • School. Salary as so ,rorh •w oiye.1 at pn•.ent a a. engsaew.at. Can procure lir. clwu tntttaontaa in lar rb•rtrter and ability. Addreee X. L. C.. Care Da. Partraaan .30 tt &boot Sopl.. rodnw 511.0. THE EMPORIUM1 Is AGAIN BEPLENI8HED WITH • nJthe reign nfHer Alnjeuy. Queen firto11531411 "AL�� ri.r. ono in the year of our Lord 1643. 01TW(EN *1 L'Ss%DLR McNID AND Jnnx Fine• Plaint Ales Trost AS 1_00.110; Axo AonacwLAwatc, 1 Defendants. Ti PON the sppl';.tion of the Plainlilfa and Uv it appearing by, affidavits, that afte- due diligence. the add defendant, Thomas Mnrri ewe semoot be found to be served with an ORiet'eopy of the Bid in thia.enuae: IT I3 OI1DERED. tbat.the said Defendant. 1'euaas M.sant,oN, do on or before the fifth day of Jenuary lest. answer or demur to the .aid Bill : ANI) IT lel ORDERED, that *copy of this Order„ together with the nMiee re. piked by the General Orde,, of this Court be published in the Huron Signal newspaper, p.iblished in the Town of Goderich, not 1esa than four weeks, before the said fifth day of tannery next. and to be continued Ince in each week until the said day. Anil itis Blether I IRDERED that an office copy of the said Till and of this Order Inserted upon the wile cfthe said Tnoass MDaalsuf. (id.) A. GRANT, Registrar. F nfered. (Sm.) fl O THE ABOVE DEFENDANT, 1 TiiOMAS MORRISUN :-Take Notice, th l if you do not answer or demur to the Hill puraunat to the abort order. lhr plaintiffs ray obtain an order to takb the Hill u con hosed ntainat you, and the Cou, t may grant tin plaintiff. Ruch relief as they mny Ir entitled to au their own abewint, and. you will not re .rive any farther nodee of the futu-e pro co dings in the casae. JOHN MACA RA. 41 Plaintiffs' Solicitor. rlortc age Sale ! V•ALLn ilt-UABLE FAR1I ! s N. 1 EMA \ alt! sell by .Suction, at � SALE ROOMS IN 600ERICH ! Tuesday, 291h December, 181111, At 12 o'clock. noon. 1"ml-•r T (IV, ER OF SALE. remained in \lortsgo from ,l,i nlsl nen .txiAxn to Henry Maedermo'I and as drned hy him to Harry iAke, l.ol 2. eon. 9. E. i)., Township of Colborne, eontaining 100 ae,.s, more or lest. The above land iR airuat.4 shoot SIN M1148 FROM 4)ODERICH, and adj,uning the Northern Gravel Reed. Terme of Sale. CASH. Goderiels Dee. 15th, 1843. 14414 O A it 17 TO THE LADIES'! MR8. TRELEAVEN. T11 \CRFT'1. TO HER FRIf:V Ih FOR their pee blend aoppon wtale th,uo oi.penumis to inform iters) awl the public fere- rally, that .be tin r..„mel Itte Mi 1irery and Dress -Waking Business. O J. V. DETLOR & SON nvite Farmers, Mechanics, the'Iadies, and all persons in March of bnrgilins, to call and inspect their very large stock of FALL andaW1N• TER GOODS, cotnprising 0 •11. t.p 1M. se,y. Waw Do,neta and flat. Cleaned and Altered im tt. latest fis.hom. Also. Felt il.t. clam. oft and altered 10 look a peel an new. Fr., - r,ntone h., ppm -Me Ib. rlaalelg Mine, .d tent door to the Martin Wart*. P 11 -Two Arprewtwe. 'ranted Apply ise- me.ea'ety. O_.Mnrw• 171h Fre .1040 w3141m WANTED, • ingiumgm OF I3L-SINESS. NEW - Cottons, Dress Goods, Mantles, Shawls, Ladies' Mata, Furs, Boots and Shoes. Ready -Made Clothing AT1 ACl4F. i a. ;4,4,4 a . 6,141s1,Deen. ,.red .t•n.. Pe renown preered. AMMON er RGHF.RT BRA'OY. R/)PF.RT 1111I.IP1. Helkst, Dar4111►, 1016!. tele lie FRESH Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Coffers, Rices, Spices, Paints, Oils, HAI1.1)W.A.R30, Scc., t191.-ra Their Stork of DRY GOODS will be found very complete, and larger than nny heretofore imported. tf' The DRESS GOODS are worthy of special attention. Having purchased a large lot of TOBACCO, they are enable,' to sell a good article at !Seth. per pound. SW dep. The subscribers wieh than early to intimate that ail Xofei and Accounts are rxlr. sled to be paid punctually and in full. To sustain their credit, and to enable thein to sell for small profits, they are eom• pelted to insist on immediate payment. JOHN T. DSTLOR et SON'. Gr)l1ER!( Ti, n_. Ih opr., 10G1. REMOVALS PARKER & CATTLE, .yr. RI nn)vtn TO Title Store formerly .occupied by TWomey & Black, I'AI2Kt) N moi' I3I A J1 Where, n addition to their nun! hear, /apply of Dregs, Patent Madiciwee, die., the, t,.ee on hand a large stork of ACRICULYURAL SEEDS! impnrted dir.ct'y from ane of the .!dant and most reliable houses in (ikaagow, !remien . THtY It%VT 11.40 aE(ltnen A Lr)T OP ►gibe TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCOES, 'Chit then offer at very low rte.. Alan. WIBCMIAB Ali- DITD IA IQtJoNIL fip For Medical sod Family tee. GODF;RTC11, April T, 1P43• w.t9w'J et $2 REWARD. QTa.I rx n howl ow p ws1s, M Yawn Homo* tar% 1 ..rerst .4 *ICA. A. a.e stem Mr fin, of August hse.•aw aM.ra. We A law r IV. ?i. ria ta•r 7rw,� Mei rent na.web wg. 1111.1 lett Iw 'e•re r..r be rwr ,tar par is.r optima Med Y �fat IS Md ad... •e,hw Atseutr• •.6M,,ora wla.. •w ever=1Mir.. fen wss.01 paved .100- h'-' MO ra•. r... h.r a erel t menet erectdd .. .4.0A 5 5.. A,., p.wwn ora.. mem easel wen 1e. Nee. by new d.*51 1 ata. 1h.. inns w .Icw. e. .40111 me awr_.r Mr 4.5. wawa. awe. bM..p., (lrtiw, P. O. men f0 too AI.A10 51104 mut prior Ir wean W... JA1 OIVPOWARPP. A Lar Ors =CUM? LAND FOR SALE IN EJ AL' 11 I' l I li of OT 1 Hw. 1. R a 10N 9'wwe(1� N 1. area 1 ill�mbo....TAiee1"'e,. wt.wd. 11 IMpe 68mIM ea,oer 1sr(Ilan NON of Oa paererrr wan atone, ba . or , h, dawl& ase roavaaasw•ritha 11i K 'r •hlsnl •