HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-12-22, Page 1V. T.001, Editor and Proprietor.] The Greatest Poasible Good to the Greatest Possible litumber.'• $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! • Putott IODEECE!, C. L. DEC. 18. 1863. T. DAVID'S WARD. Tea starrtreo ON TUltaLlAY !Tient°. On Tuesday evening - last • very large awned gathered at the Huron Hotel to bier speeches on that all -absorbing topic- :httwForalty. The hall was filled to Besides electors and nonsleetors of the town, we noticed that nearly all the members di the County Oesscil were present. No doubt our Worthy reeves were anxious to hear a little " ally " eloquence, and, we are happy to say, they were not diaappointed. Mayor Cameron was milled to the chair. He explained that the meeting had been ealled for the purpose of giving one of the candidates an opportunity of defining his position, and rebuttiag charges brought against him. He was sorry to see only mu of the candidates present, as, in his opinion, there was nothing better calculat- ed to elicit truth than to hear both sides of a question. Mr. Watson had lived in Godevieh for twenty yeas, led, as they were aware, had acquired a snail' kind of sputatiou in the town. Mr. Dedor had not been here so long, but his residence in the place was long enough to enable the skates to judge of his knees for the posi- tion to which he aspired, and it war for them to say whether his course had been each as to entitle bitn to be Mayor of Gederich. (Applause.) Withost, ia so easery words, saying whieh was the best sisa, he would state that he had assiated with Mr. Deals for five years in varies capacities, and he had always seen him sines a desire to "deluxe the interests of the town of Goderich. ( Applanse.) After Miring hun it was for the electors to say whether they would give him their suf- frages. Mr. Dods then came forward and de- livered a lengthy address, which we do not consider it pummel to give in full, at it weir ettbstantially the same es that of Thursday evening hat, published in our columns. We will only say that, on this occasion, the speech was listens to atten- tively, and that it evidently produced a favorable impression. When Mr. Dells had resutued his seat there were loud cries of '' ‘Vataon ! Me- mos 1 Wawa 1" Mr. Watson, it appeared, was not pres- ent. Mr. Crabb was then called for and ea me forward. He said Mr. Dells had defivered what he would call a good moral sennoo. He should have taken for his text • pasaage in the Old Teetameut- [oonfusion and cries of " shame,"1-the text be alluded to was " Render ueto Cesar the things that are Caesar's due.' [A voice, " that's in the New Testament," great laughter.] He expected Mr. Dedor would have Itzpithied kis conduct during the past year, bat thatead of thatthey had lietened to a good moral sermon. But., said the speak- er, gentlemen, you don't want to hear moral sermons when you wish to know how much taxes you will have to pay next year. Neither sermons nor morality will advance the isterests of this town (1) [Hires and great confueion.] I defy any man to say, "Crabb, you are sn immoral namsa 1" [Continued hissing.] Sermons ought to be kept in their place and politics In their plain. [Couftuion.] The chairman interfered mid ordered those who were making a disturbance to keep quiet. After the tumult had sub- sided Mr. Crabb proceeded. I will just allude to the 75ot. a day charge against Mr. Defier. I am rodeos the man who beard the statement from Mr. Detior.s own lips. [bond mite of " Produce bit.? produce him 11 1 eta, myself, vouch for the correctness of the charge second -handed - [laughter] -but as the man himself hes Isflt tles couatry--[Flieses.) If Mr. Dotter had pawed the matter over quietly I amid not have maid a word about it. - Wise a uses ease Imre sad seeks so meth shoot morally Feu pot no daps - dens is hies Ile gem en refuting chases of partiality in the discharge of him duties as a magistrate that have ewer been brought agaimat him. If them slurps luid seer been made, till any gestienten piss% ever heard them 7 ["jus," those several siege] When • man tuns to trefirte a thin &foes it has bsen made these samit be some foundation for it. I have aillreptdemed It as, sad I MS as eld sel beeltellenese easela or 11., Warn m mat deg ssers, lima Mr. Deis [Laughter, esA emm of '' That's en 11 I bane Ms. *mon is the best maa, &Waugh we NM nog* best of friends. When he hed • aildwal saner to ream hem the piss smi s smspler wilderness, mut be helped to Wan ths hiss He !weight sews stews err en other man in town • leg it it. Bach are Nets. Mt Dein evoke of die great ships and ors - SON & Gerd Melted% out tit& this. • 0410.-farstaritk.4.0t what has *alp lb is olds %Mit? I sea will 1443trisrsemilit the 1 dalla% 810 41141640410/41411111/i4 Me. D1144441dir IOW 14 tbst awn 4 not a lessi Me at the Besmell Board. I has the homer to sit at that Board - [langhter, " oh 1 oh 11--aud I don't cossider myna( an learners! mu. [Imo lases merriment,2 Mr. Wankel, by his economy and perseverance, has acquired kis present politico in the town. He is the most pable postmaster we ever had. Mi. HtlettaLl..-But you were getting up a peti*.ion to have him turned out of the post office I [Cheers.] Ma. Casell.-I deny that such Was the came, and I defy any man in the room to prove it I I wait, for • reopens I Ma. HrMeALL.-I positively use that you .poke to rne one day about the desirability of having • change in the postinastership, as you didn't think Mr. Watson • fit person for the position. - Whether it was (rem political motive* or otherwise I am not prepared to say. [Sen. satioe.] Ma. Cassia. -I did say so -[immense cheering, laughter, applause, Ste.) -1 said Mr. Watson should not be postmaster and merchant at the same time, as he might sometimes know the eciatenta dour letters as well as we do ounolves-( renewed cheering and laughter)-thae is, I mean with regard to protests. When asked by parties betow as to .the standing of mer- chants in town, he would be iu • position to injure them. (Some one in the crowd, " bah !") Now, gentlemen, I can tell you a little thing. It is well known that (lode - rich is 'the oldest settled phoe in the coun- ty, and if there was any indulgence shown it should be to Goderich-(hear, hear, )- and no other place ahotild have advantages over it. For some reaeon Got:tench has not reaped the advantagoi it ought to have done. There is one little ease iu my memory. I allude to the small town of Wingham. Prior to Mr. Deets assuming the office of deputy reeve, there was a move to build a bridge over the Maitland, but, through die influence of Mr. Wallace, who was then is the council, Ii was kept back. Mr Dells voted the supplies for that bridge over Wingbam-(inerriment) -over the Maitland at Wingliuu, I moan, and ocw the traffic goes to Clinton instead of coming to Goderich. (Applause.) I have lost myself throsgh that operation to the extent of $2,000 if I speak the truth. (Roars oflaugtiler.) I believe my t.r-r- (ben) Mr. Wens is just an moral a man as Mr. Detlor and has a stronger claim upon the electors. (Exeunt Mr. Cribb amidst immense cheering from the opposition benches, and roars of laughter from the "ministerial " side, as he would call the Detlor men.) Mr. Gibbons said this was the emend Ward Meeting he had attended, and he was sorry not to see the opposition candi- date on either occasion, Were he running he would feel that they had %right to hear au expressis of his views dinch an occa- sion. He wondered that Mr. Watson, being a Seotchman like himself, did not hoist the thistle and come out.. Ile thought such remarks u Mr. Crabb's sadly out of place. Ile (Mr. G.) would speak of the municipal eoaduct of both men. He had sat in the Couped with both for about the same length of time, and he had decided to take the one who had done his ditty. - (Applause.) Ile had sat with Mr. Detlor at both boards, and had never known him to !serve from his duty. (Cheers.) With regaid to Mr. Crabb's remarks about the Wingharn bridge, that gentleman might not be aware that the gravel road to Clin_ ton wee built before the bridge was requir- ed at all. And besides, he could not ap- preeiate‘Mr. Crabb's logic. Ilere were six or sets hundred people who wished to cross the river, and for all be (Mr. Crabb) eared they might swim it, if they did not prefer coming to Goderich.- (Cheers.) Mr. Detlor, as he before re- marked, had been faithful in the disharge of his iintiee, while Mr. Watson, during the last two years he was in the Council, left them io the lurch. He did not blame Mr. Watson for attending to his private buinems, but he considered that the fact he had mentioned militated against him in the prevent contest. He, (Mr. G.) had given his reuse for supporting Mr. Het- lor, and he wan prepared to stick to him to the and, (Cheers and A plans. ) p\ii Mr. Wm. Wallace eame ferward and tatered into some implanatiott about Mr. Giblese's disks to him, bus am th• point st ass wee of no earthly importance one way or moodier, we will not trouble oar raiders with the dimension as to wheelsr he wee or was not Reeve or deputy in a particular yesr. Three restsiag Assn for the Oyes terminated the proesalinte Not. CIODERICH, C. W., THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1863. VOL xvi.--No. 47 cosign:sr 0011/10IL. As mated in oar lest, sis United Cosa - ties' Covell Eau os Tuesday Mat, the Wszdesi in the chair The following geatlemen WPM present : Messrs. Mallough, Dutton, Whitehead, lluosey, Dedur, Piper, Churchill, 51e1)0n- ald, Mitchell, Knell, Cue, Morrow, Mor- gan, Gibson, Strong, Downey, Wilson, Brown, Adamson, Anderson, Gidley, Yearly, Chesney, From, Mosier, Bishop, 11. Hunter, Mathes, Cook, Howe, Lamaden, Karr, Brockelbank, Walker, McLellan, McKean. Irietter, Persil!, A. McIntyre, Gillis Piokertos, J110. Hunter, McLay, Millar, J. P. McIntyre, Sutton, Parris, Ruby, Conaway. Parsill, limiter, Fisher, Iirockelbauk, (abilities to bear epos the Foreigu Socre- Pinkortoo, Purvis, Chilies, Kerr, Meted- ' tary. Measures of' retaliatioe for what is, hick:yrs.-12. has been termed the " °De -aided pentrali. Report of the Gaol Committee was re- " ty - of Knighted suggest themselves to the.Southearol:to eo resithdent.; but he does not peirtel, read and adopted. O ref" buryness on Thursday. It carries • conical Repuirt of School Committee do. do, I viftrewre , Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by ... pretei.joi„,, • ii,,,sa ,, • undeniable nght toythes, exwereta pse:fy thalleig . cpm,..,(6,,eora.,1.01:11,4,e‘teat .1 ordt.,,ry,„,...iiivructieonio d' h" h • " `'‘ " " Mr. Downey, That the &ens of the Ip 1 •• er, worthier of us asil our cause than to seei,fhing 600 pounds and :amble of contain• of Grey be allowed to speed • part or " revoke our adherence to principles that oiofgpoawbduerstr. tug Tchh:ircgis.roofe nuoscles°,d oil": T'114u0nidalbs;' the whole of their County Road monies on ,.„..T.e.' wetawpiperodirie.,;he conNuableitioautotef ratzereamwoosof a „tit .hut cm 70 lbs., with .611 60 lb.. By side lines 25 and 26 of said township, the time immything was ready the interest of is bal. The. currency has been mere** the ;mouton had reached the highest pitch t• leading out to Carronbrook Station, us it much beyond the beano* requirements of the and it tees amid exclamations of surprise and is impossible to open the town -line betwecu Conf,deraey. The usual result is to be seeu wouder (tom even veteran artillerists that the Grey aud Elute, the Goverianeut having -Pri`ete eFeeelatime and the hemPering of men Sertio4 11. gun put tutu it and rammed the Government. Mr. Doyle recommends • home liret the powder, looking like • toler- abandoned the nam, -Carried. Sundry steps wet ken towards incur_ out,,utit requited by the buena* of the Coon - compulsory reduction ur the earreney to the bollowbeaded Ora, measuring trearly thirty able bolster, an i Ilvit the eunical cast iron tug an Agency of the auk of 5lootreal strhy.,liatihth.ta.millt:,oluguet thbesteu.ndeeeder iedio ci: rtes.damthetatuices.. Mehra in length, hy 14.31u. in diameter. The she is filet placed in a enithe and lilted to the in the Co. of Brace. petition of seat taxation as '' shall distribute - the burthen aniformly and impartiollf oo mouth of the gun by means uf moveable sheer $120 was granted to waist in the erec- legs provided with blocks and pullers. The '• the whole property of the people.' The tion of a drill -shed in Kincardine. oilay ii believed to be,in all reyects. in better nettle binges un to a coupleof hoof., on the mouth ot the piece. and hold* the ponderous Moved, by Mr. Gillis, secomied by Mr ronditi b than at any previous period of the in , shot the proper positioo for being rammed Brocelbank, That the bridge across the g.r, andsuggestiotto are ma,de by which it ta home. TLe goo was given one degree of hoped "the ranks of the army will be no elevation, and the word pasted that all was river Saugeen, oo the town -line betweea - strengt*.ted for tile missing campaign as ready. 'The lust burle call au sounded, and Brant and Elderslie was likely to have -l. to rut st detainee the utntoriCetforts ef the the great guu w is fired for the first time. The been lost on account of ite being uutlennin- " enewr. ' To the ‘• barbarous policy " ut ponderous shut heist from the mouth of the the FeTerals is attributed the non exchange mece with a teinhc rush and roar, striking ed bylhe water. He it therefore neolved, or 'Maniere. The Southern navy is being the sand at about 700 yards from the aLore, That the sunt of $200 be refundedto larAely incremed. The President cooelsadeend leaping mid daehing onward. recochetting five Brant and Elderslie, for repairing it, the .164 MtInguaira'hilh io'i,wp,.."lbic.:117e'sh ibuii ;hen ",i40, or as times, and finally bury's, itself nesr same to be charged to the funds of Bruce. of Scutheri; re°81:tance. It is an able State the 40U0 yet da target. After nine rounds had been tited with the solid idiot three rounds -Referred Finance Com. paper, and contrzste strangely with The were fired with blind shell, and the range Mitred by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Tfaialdl."'t,iiiiiii:.ifrotedwilli:lab'mpli'' worded1211170 tee Cook, That the Treasurer be and is here- Southern President hy a few days -Leader. obtaiiied was the first shot 1.800 yards, and tha second 1,1490 yards, thetteliavation being five degrees. The steel shells which are to by authorised to pay to Mr. II. II. O'Con- be employed for the gun, and which will nor whatever balance ho finds unpaid upon pastas penetrating power superior to onli• New Yunc.-rA rebel Secretary of the nary solid shot, will contain 15 tbs. of powdcr, an order given to Michael 'Westrope for Tremurrk report says the entire debt of the or about eptal to the charge of powder for a the SUM Of £103 I 4s. Id. Intl dated Confederacy, in round *whets, $1,000,000,• 68 -pounder. This monster gun will be able 000, ot which dat10,000,000 are treasary 3Ist Dec., upon Mr. O'Connor furuiahing notes. and $71M,In10,1100, of them notoi are to *end tine of ttehie steel shells a distance ot Westrope's receipt. -Carried. in circulation. The Secretaey .SYS that the 1,800 yarda, and. on striking an ohjeet, its effeeu will, it is said, be equal to that of plao. A motion to grant 1200 from Bruce amount nenieJ to earry on the nifeleracy in the muzzle of • 68 -pounder chase to or to the 30:11 of June, 1861, 475,000,000 through &ship.* lade or fort and firing into it funds for the erection of a bridge at Sin- elates mina was referred to finance own- %elides the amount withdrawn appropriation with the futl service charge. Notwithstanding of the last Congreas, which reaches 5476. mittee. do do for 8100 for making a road from :Lao: to'; hi:Iiiid.:ret.1:rehe 'lret ;70o0f 01464,ahticit that th-ac men were new to the gun, it was worked with compirative facility, and. alter the first two or three roundo,tbe time required 000,000 : uad if the estionatm are exteuded a bridge now being built at Southampton says tie hopeful seerete;y, emirs° 'is for* for loading and tiring was ten minutes. Twen- ty men were sufficient to move, wesh, lusd -Referred to finance nom. ally called ou to pnivide. And so it the lege ..ed ere the piece. The rec,„it rs„gt.g free, The Finiume Committee Reported, re- out' Itt:t.'00:iifeodrezynleuart To861u1 hong, it will tete* Vit. to 9ft. 6 in. The resuit-ot the trial was commending payment of seconnte. he.- dein of $2,500,04,003. kr. Mommenger conaidet ed eatiefactury in tht highest degree. Taking into account the weight of the gun, The Council went iota Geom. of the Whole, 1 razes that the reduction of. the currency sill and of the projectile, the comparatively small Mr. Defier in the chair. In reference te tredhesi.70,7-fe:beincuarri:::„.;". ,...-=„ce,711.4,, iLtZed charge of powder, the range and accuracy the petition from the inhabitants of so of 5500,000,000, as he proprees, Gov- attuired, the War Detail mem have full rem.. wi:Ihnve just that much _less to pro- W tai wished with the gun. The GOO -pound - Hetrick with record to tolls, it was re- "*""'"'"t er'e u'tiniate range with higher dexter, of SIR WILLI.k Si ARMSTRONG'S 600. FtrUNDEkt GUN. Thi moister gen-ehich weighs ahoet 22 mar la 15ft. long over Mt, and hoe • bore a 131 incline -was submitted to • trial at Shoe - The Warden addremed the Council shortly, explaining that at the present meeting the moat important burliness would be the winding up of the year'. affairs. A petition from Mr. Nairn was read and referred to the School Committee, u were also a nuuaber of Reports from local superintendeuts throughout the Counties. A memorial from John Galt, Esq., ask- ing Err the use of the room at present oc- cupied by the County Attorney, along with that at present used as Registry Of- fice, was referred to • committee. Letter trout the County Treantrer, the most important portion of which will la published in Tueseay's Petition from the Executors of the Es- tate of the late John Hawkins, was read and ordered to be fyled. The County Engineer was instructed to advertise the male of Toll -gates in the Moved by Mr. Gibes, seconded by Mr. Messer, That a oommittee of five be ap- pointed to take into consideration the subject 01 noo-resident taxes on unpatent- ed lands. --Carried. The Committee was decided to consist of Messrs. Gibson, Conaway, Achuneon, Whitehead and Mathers. Mr, Robert Kerr was allowed to take his seat as Deputy Reeve of the township mean:4 that stare tickets be granted of Arran. to persons going over the Co. Roads, to Four petitions from the inhabitants of last tor two days only. the township of Howiek, wita referees to Moved in amendment bY Mr. Adamson, the alleged harship suffered by them in That the tolls be let same as last year an FaYiag fuli "in going and returning from that no reduction be made. -Carried. For market, whereas Pernnig nearer mirk" the Report :-Messrs. Case, Strong. Gib - could go and come in a single day. son, 3lessar, 3lcDonald, Cook, Morgan, ferred to the Finance Coin. Wilson, Mitchell, Brown. 10. For the teassas well es speak the various bieguagese the keowledge ut • Mee iittetnalloowl tattAW course -a•wayll increasing- ie becoming as absolute tecemisy. 4111•11, 0 - The Death ot Lord Elva. The lam steamer from Europe briags intel- ligence that . telegram hawil bora received al the Lithe House, in London, anuounciag that on the 1415 u'l. Lord Elgin's ltle had been despaired of. With the remain ettergy which marked his whole °dieter canser.he is reported to have taken • a jcurney tares the mountain. its %bespeak's of the year moat unt turel tor travelling. end thue liestened his Math ny a heart complaint, Irma whit h be MIS log been au& lug. Moved by Mr. Adamson, seconded by Mr. Knell, That the Treasurer be request- ed to furnish to the Council at his earliest convenience a list of all the monies the respective municipalities have received upon the credit of the non-resident Deben- Pretreat' ol the Coal War. tures, and what amount each or any muni- Special to the Trtbase.-Washin;ton, Splay may be indebted to the United Dec, 15. -Gen. Schofield te on the Way to Counties on account of the noo-resident Washington, and is expected to arrive to. ight or to -morrow. There is no nein that debentures. Referred to Com. cite be published from the army of the Po - A motion to appoint Rev. Mr. Simms lomat. There is no present prospect of a rhatage of commanders. That the army will Lanai SnFerintendent of' School. instead sigma start fot Richmond this Till is highly of Dr. Pritchard was carried. impropahle. A letter reeeivtd here from a The Report of the County Engineer Walt ab ri°1 s'.e.607r b .N:t:te.""hetb.tfi'theg'Ionrnrbedialse°,, of 1: read and referred to committees. mutiny are gathet Int fast among, the sailors Moved by Mr. Adamson, 'wooded by °film men-of-war in that harbor. It seems Mr. Anderson, That this Council take in- Lh7tonliegreat madnyof these sailors enlisted to consideration the neceesity finishing the parin theirntbeing hpasre.e.:sire,r, mbeunt the Bayleld Harbor, Or grant a certain was obliged -to time an order that no milors sum for this purpose, as it is apparent that be,..reall°,7cediremde°Teathi on.' if the.h. dt'mbe the township of Stanley is unable to esam- others. clis order it asi'd wtoen-tio* mfellt -vet; plata this harbor, suppose we have now ex- Setrdly by a Porli'm or our sailors, and the pended the Rum of $28,000, and as it is a nice,,,ri,;n°,...yrobeie jefetha uemit (rare that an important cheek on the Railway, it im Special to the Irorl&-Washitigtnn. 15th. of the utmost importance to nearly the your correspoodeot telegraphs from the whole of the Co. of Huron that it should ler tethrsatintheitgarenPrey btu, 001i:rovennindto Prebawinter be oompleted. We would move that a it will not do so. °1117. tieri.and are very err oommittee of five be sppointed to consider 1 tr°114koome- The statement recently published by a the matter. --Carried. coutempomry, that large numbers of desert committes_..)terses. Gibson, White. ere from liee's army were availing themselves of the President's amnesty, is • fict,on.- head, Adamson, Morrow, Mailers. There are few desertms from Lee's army now Moved by Mr. Case, seconded by Mr. than .me before owing to the strict wateh madam, That , gy4aw be panda at this kept cm the disaffected ; no* but malignant meeting of Council to prevent and punish troops ars placed% oo picket amendment, 18. The Report was otherwise amended and finally 'pulsed. gilelde 1111411144 1.Sideodis, Ism we* oe Marty INS seed Joseph Hall esseedthed vein& by &earning. The Conmer's key Ism& thet he ecanakeed tie set sew do Yams. ci laity. wes • Wire 04 1,. and mended mar Potashes' nabs retativleg to Masan. Bo wee a men la somewhat entafortable etroswataness, sod well reepeeted by hie erriglabors mad, with the sceeputo fiessimes tete...leg trouble Itie IOW ahem relive= isattma wee the led lams people ...kr hare aippood likely to he delves te laity. Ts • muss et risseit visemed, sad the ea- fertioase are wrainsal lis owe db. - Ire ban set best NSW bs ase Ian a faselly. $ 12r As hasikirsissl sew Oar Ye bass hr will is feses. vide fur inc imtmence of the depreciation in elevatiom, and with 75 lbs. et powder, may, i" Pe". Theeell'eme ProPcwed .1•6111”6" says the Aloraing Port, be safely set down , ea ielthic .hort by two or the present rebel curreney indiscriminately. at 10,00e re„1,,, Ile treasury notes now in circulation have Ili, lie„thea yer,L, 0„1, a six mil,,,. ..hia, states that they are receive- aaticer°t'o'illuti ic Mies. This scheme iznotes llerentirely: AS! WM bit used fiu nothing - bet intestm'n"" the 1°1" Amd ArtAr the 144 The agitatani in Germany in regard to eludes m follows :-." The continuanee of the claim of the Pritiee of Augustenburg -to the notes as • circulating medium to their the Dukedom of' Holstiew appears to be or. present extent involves the ruin of public and the increase. Austria and Prussia are said private. credit. mid will deprive the Govern- to have raised objections to the claims of and pniperty of its citizens. If the currency (Prince's claim were being held in Hamburg, F10 -t. .kPiortrunce.6,ifisalet,etings in favor of the went 'of the means of defending the lives remains in its present expanded state, no t Hanover, Le., almost measure of relief can be made effectual.- daily and the foimation of voluuteer corps Prices must advance,aud the means of the w..us Openly advocated. h Ls said that the Government to pay tbese pricer mint daily t ian governmtnt, had agreed to send lom effiCiettcy .and laacome worthies; by pe into Hotatien immediately, whae the ✓ iont of depreciation of the money, two great German l'uwets are to place • anny.can neither be paid, clothed nor 2.17 8. upporting army corps in motion at once. - arms and monitions of war could no longer The London 71mes admits the possaidity of be supplied irdlicers of the Government can- • a ful itinsurrection in Holatien ; but n ot longer lie saitpurted, and :he country it calls on the great Powers to demand that Inuit succumb." The Germano -Danish Question. 41. The following is an extract of • letter of Oen. Meade toe friend in Newark, New iler. sey, wittiest juin 'rehire the teat movement of the Army uf the Pumoiarte 1 fulty *me' of the anxiety in do pub:ic mind that something should *done. I aui recept of many letters, mime from pee eons ia high positiota. telling me that had better bare my army destroyed and the coun try filled up with the bodies of the so'diers than remain Mactive. Whilst 1 do nut cuff myself to be influenced by such communica- tions, lam and have been mom anxious to effect *emitting Malmo detertubted, at every hazard, not to attempt anything unless my judotieet Molinaro • probability of aceoni. plishitig some object etimatensurate with the destruction of Ide *creamily ineolved. wou'd rather a thousaitd times, be relived. charged with tardiness or ineorupenmey, than have my cooacience burdened with • watittin slaughter, useiessly, of brave men, or with having jeopardized -the groat cause hy doitig what !thought wrong. ot April next, not for that- The report eon - Sulking of the Iro_n-Clad Weehawk3n. Ily the arrivit: of the steamer Fulton from Port Royal, we have Ric ititelltgence of the Ims ot the monitor iron clad Weehawken, which aunt at her anchor inside of Charlemon bar. on tbe afternoon of Sunday last. Four of her *sewers and twenty-six of her mew were drowned. A furious gale prevailed at the tine. hilt no &mare was sustained by the rest of Admiral IGhlgrena fleet. An account °I,,,IShrel drituy ttchre"‘\a'ee' Itawkea labored *mil; in the ase, which kept her decks constantly sultmergtal, and which frequently swept in Matters and Things In Ireland. Imp roeste iito her forward hatch. To- erards noon tbe grew commenced in pay nut The trade of the gre-at town of Belfast - chain to tame. ini,, hut. arcumoroed as they the caoitel of Ulster, front which I write -is were in every ;;111.e to the thipping of such in e condition of prosperity elm.* unparlil- mas, 513 believed thet they hod grown confi. Idled. The linen trade -which at the begin - dent snd careless of danger, and paid ao bled .aing uf the American war, and long after. to the cocroacitior waters mail tit was too wards. litigulithed sadly -is now brisk inii thriving. Linens, fespecinily the brown lin• flastieTortoiyarestili.t.th;A::isno:. no per Oil' the *Yee had ens,a, ars in eager demand at even advancing all tie them. Then, when priers, and the linen merchants of Ulster are it was knovii for • ceratinty that the *mei mo•e and more concentrating their houses ol was to he het, • panic of fright and fear be businese in Belfast. Tho ainouitt of money numbed them, and the terrorstricker crew turned over every month is a *tithing, *or - below bed little power to help themselves.- mule A rneriean buyers, together with foreirn• There were men in irons between decks, and era, are constantly m the market. 1 an. in the sergeant-atarms rushed frantically away the office of • frieud this morning, .a Phila. aoY ParaY or Pill" who may Plaoa oh- datinerartannestern, .D'ise"r8. lea.oyrke :111 ci•idn' they all weut delphta merchant, (tot Ins agent,) just strut:dims' upon the C,ounty Ro.dn, by say for • certainty that tbe reports sent Notth d:::31,4w"nt..4.,aaat.,,T1.4erhemiare:kwieltre;:: i:nutrra:111:iodas:inietnhet sibiackibst..y,. achrria.e.ved, and about to maOe extensive pur piling oordwood or any other material._ by the New York correspondents on Folly Gilead to me effeet that Admiral Dehlgren ord, who never retunied. There were fire- l'he flax crop hos been a boon to the North Carried. bus nearly decided Dot to operate frith the men at the furnaces, to whom vain shrieks a Ireland. ot priceless value. It hat saved Moved by Mr.:Lumeden, sesonded by in:70We erns to Charlenton Harbor, but for a helping hand et the 'lumps were trade. the humere from ruin ; a !tarnishes the hum A few of the confident were rushing to their mills erith yarn ; end instead of 1141)4,14 /IOW Mr. Gillies, That two fairs be beld anon- twail,walndf /lea' 87°,6.61h;rrihr*rs. to MAYe'f. e‘ rtuarts11 to save their effects, jostling the valued it/ it was some two an.,ntl. tince. nt ally at Starks Corners, Co. of Bruce, on • real sy.„,,,..sot. ...gni tai,e1,.,,P7.1,7,ek"ntworl timid on their .ay to the deck to save them- .13,000,000. the estimate apertmehes et,000, the Isst Tuesdays it April and September mot leas this Department until the old fiag nelTen. It ws• in the mid't or i'v"e• Feu 006. The trade of flat a confined to Ulster. illt each year, and the smnetion of this "e•Adainiore,i0 Dtwkaives orr Char.tzt in or its ruins. them that the Weehawken sent down. I believe that none of the officers petinhed :elevates' alufitgene'tehratthione b,iesactitheeia4theerlxiGeontc.htsai7 C0000d ia harehl Oren f°• dot aotahliah- The rebel ram, still nitnain'aunider tw'hee.pro- save the four assistant engineers, who were Kaglith colonizathet of Ulster, the linen trade %Mktg, roam fans Of Vort JOhnStOn and overtaken by the flood before they eoraW has been the staple employment of a large ment of said fairei-Curnsd. Moved by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Mr.make am effort to tezape. Coontuander parte,. 0( sire poptilatUri, including the &hove the barb* ohetroctions, so that our illionitims cannot get at there. Sumter is Duncan had only taken command ot the weave.", with their %mall Mona. •11 over lhe Conaway, That • "'mil" a a" stem still saltjeeted to • heavy fire -shot and shell Weehawken on Satuday. havtug been de. c,,,try aisoicie. 1,, Gamer times every ben be appointed to &insider the advise- are Oddly flying through its rains. Our gees imbed from the Paul JOnei to reran. CNOl. t.trmn,'s h atse of the better e'n-A. had • now- h ere fall possession of the harbol, and not mender Calhien. Th': olficerM clothit.g, this It.. of Insh spinning wheel*: the tanner's bility of aiding in the repair of the har. a vessel or host is seas moving show ; in papossier's Nada, and the papers oldie aluip daughtero spun the yore, and. ot greater or that said oommitese consist ef Means. eon 6/91.6 leo"lOtai ea II oalite nt Hearne- The yeoman mei broaght, alire on board ihasia'agrii7g607.:...th17s knot "lb", iie"smiti.dotht:48""par- boll a Knalardine and S'uthamPtnai lad feet it ie deserted. Is the Sy at eight dude lank with her. ',unmade, Ildnesibenk, (kumwdy, Nadu, Pr& do duvet lamPa aro not lightcd, oe the flagship, but died in spasms • few minutes lor. 1 has the in*/ worn* of. the fated, light, either are allowed in 'Ira heess after afterieard. Various personi were tl.ted ap were able to pro. irk themselves sith dress. Mlowids au& by sit Osesreesaas Gael nibs:ltenils lag: le resol il theyam rarigdhotasetha, manasdaibtrani r taken wt0asthemu'ad: tit'. wtheiria.eiromfortev:3 or *tit: f,,,,,T.14 ;r7. "'Tan.' nidnibli,Y,,htoer,tiheening.walseel and the nover.--Carrisd. reeking but the rOwr of tuna sad the expire reSt.ration. Those of the cm. who were Ma slit disappeared. ani tro'inama n't it 55^ Inepeetor, in the visitor's book df the Gaol, n on of olo.mo`r ahona. Nothing Int farms, saved are noc scattered in small spuds asly he sewn in Mus..owtli. Or an the room set empowered te awry out the Gaol Teems tbe eity. Whitehead. That the (len Coalmine, be awed. All riser or MOW= IWO Owed in imit.17 aWndert.ht7k....tetn:.b.ly:iiirgo....dignhfisveourf:ststillermattaort.;:i. alimPaeeme.,minilx"";,,..,,,Lta.k.sel,...1",,,,mnr‘ripiLien:web„...ir:hli.csarenindlyedt.htth: wow by mt. Nam, elowded by air, Iniereviametesia" to:7 . aree1111.0Elnilitta07thaPnwPrmiiitary"k. teehmare atIlTireseat tht:'t g"Ithe *meal' I.o'intr.°1°Ihosebwillsolaw"me rim.sit onferseaof-th"eiin'eaohirlai'tdy n ' ,71 gentry. Steam were read, when it arse leaden Charleston would mem be serrem Ion. Men eaggestione no they think pessary. broeght up, no one can tell wills certsisty mid ..earefretnts esport„g to the United States, P112811511" DAY" 1.4 Milumtge is 'hi shaInasit 7.1r.for the apperently took is' ate the r.1,1111",...' isNeathmin7ranralr nt,Pse,re uchlwesnry thebe-Canisdnetsikasikinii():. iimitheiyinejimmryistippondimisiointiol.: ...koreeassieron: m.........,.....11:1....tomiirms."1 dionasaie; .1.2_,...,...rwreetkleg,. ult....,,,_....":::adde:_....77huiet b.ns: :vete:" aresit.eit..:pii_...1,:it rthe hi.:reine:eitafinionir themdamolfiliskeedimidsi:haseitg:tkoz. tharle.„4.164..m.n.r. 41.4.4:rg.47..taimisf.4.4..oldfa:Twtlineet:piii,..in.,:twieniiy.i.wintr„..Ohfie..11•,...:do.0.14LineW; 11.1.111111, resomeseding that Mee IletiOW epooks the teeth honestly, points 001 prmr, do he, mein toot. IRWI 11,01 pampa h' tat net whfieesse imbue annual eal over the WWII Harbin at Kinfordine and Soeshassossa, sa„. •11°Pi ths RV" "18 "116111/14. ea "" *Mire OW, Cnadiallartel It lawof bia iireily that the dem erlao,ti 00"1 Waver love will neWtre a r”rdial welcome to their Ibilmrias soli : Afh• • ilseelki aio•••10*. 6 moliim I° 66.a..fmtm-i". A larr-o 9°Illieen di' 1. e"'".° which Ma compartments ems Ilia& wimenk apk„it i ii..,, .. 4.0.00. tn.v.irera, .b.. AL- en ""' """"nall '" al". ."'aanda G""munant ueht been in their Pl"Ir Pl6teli lt 44 trite hisaket WM, etaideeted through their storks, - Flatiwal jowroola ha" ovorrod• lit management of those on board, tbet us ass th.,,A. of the eons, or the Leon, with their sal fk'0' reforlsetiols, bat ja 'rite 161061._,I "f. /1"sion,harhalt%athia: besithan"all'",tetalai ad the hen WW1 a eilitow, or* mow ef treat ern717 aad Pshh10 amillensed that Bart RerimIrs treenlemey (woo -red. al, at °fit sa•Pm•aollt• aa through the inatvntian, neglett, sal bed encemeere ikon Oa hitach.atida al"'`if aa* Maim Selby. Ossasary, Sunia, Is the North Ur Int us, ers, sA useeb. tattles. Them gentles* Elm their 901141 J. P. 1.414•yra, Wits', Hoes end lie ity is No Iv* opeol Mr I} The composer of the heeetifel Irish ....410g ohms* three who me intended fee a ememenr ettneatiort, and WWI. We isdastry, ingissadartiMeekany erior4.1 154 jaowled si„." Kathwlenoilh Mcaov.oereemer.denit.; ,ssis tassupeimiss haelemes„,meme earris."4„,....,sis Omuta vithethiconmayiierthe islitsi goes.to -4. Dula else all sbe Nar-illess. ltelstyra, Lassike. PARAGIUPSIST'll WONT. Kle The Pert Hops Ceimatiii6herperes the dieseeto ef gold is the vicinity el Nee A Boseox lior ta inc Fittsc• Tt•le BoltY,-The New York Dinars says :- Among the new members of the Freeth leisure Corp., whose election WO/ contested, is Mr. Saaittel Welles de Lavalette. He wail horn in Boston in 1834. /Ls father after- wards moved to France, where he died after amassing a forums in the banking ens, cone miasma tiuiiess. jiti widow monied the Marquis de lanartte, a leading French dip- lomatiat, who, under the ptheent dysasty, has represented his government at Cousteaummis at Vienna and Rome. The sun of Kr. Weller; has been adopted by his step-fatl er,. under the title of the Comet Wel* de L tva'ette, and it is wider this title that he has been eleeted to the Chamber by one of tba country districts. His .lection was contested on the ground of some infortualitae, which brought up the questiva of his beiug a forei;pver. Ile estab.islietl his right to hisses., ho•ever. Lam 1ea hes formed ko the rime at Quells% amd the korribt. mace tarry has agate Messes a partial seceseity. eye Oa Tuesday 'Inoue bat a led elms 15 years of ems wen drowned ia the easel as Edwardebergh. 11. 4.4 hese at • deem end had draak seaskierabie liquor. el- The Nee York imielivendest,Beeelosee religious" miper,devoses aim pages weekly to dm admittieensent of quack otedisinee el the filthiest kind. "Piro te •NOMteet yeas ago there vitiated • rowdy sod thieving orpniz.iii,o, in It.ltiionte Called the ', Plug. ugliea," which %PSI gIllity of all sorts uf mimes upon dm reaidents of that city. Tbe murderous band earl finally broken, and some of its members have found thcir way to Nort- her!. 11,e elrgroph Pays Several noted member% 01 the gang may be **easily loafing about vestibules, mid entrances to places ot 'Public resort. Whether their mis- sion is one of- robbery, murder or kidnapping we do not know, but from the emptily they keep with lending Federal& and Federal am- prithinets it is probable they are in a project to abduct lime enemy of the Federal govern- ment. We are glad to learn that the same - nun of the police has already been attracted to thee men, and thet thoir movements are carefully watched. It is hardly as possoble tor • second kiduappitig to be as successful as the first. as foreign relugees tem know their there shell be no Prussia', or fedena 111•111141, rights; but tbre may 001 know thst in ems on. The latest:despatch from London, dat of an attempt to capture or restrain theta 0 ed the 26th uf November. says :-The Hol- their liberty without the warrant of a Canadi. Mien question creates considerable uneasi an Court, they will be justified itt ktIling the nem. It ts rumored that Russia desires to paely en slumming if the killing appears intervene. It is etittod, Nor, 26, in the na pecessory to pnletvt,or to regime their liberty val intelligetice of the L iedou 'Times, that while on Canadian the Channel fleet will shortly sad from Sim - head to Copenhagen to do honor to his Ma- jesty Christian IX., King of DetiMark, ea occusiou of the coronation. The Lon- don .Vetnr. sods ti is reported that a 'timber of ehipe ore to * all at once brought forwatd for funegn service, including four or Inc frigates, besidm the User and Duecan line of battle ships. 4:". Tile annual reran et General nay nil abeake4r1 protaiemey 01 15. Bensit argil shows • satialamory improvemeet. la • be regiments a failing off in skill is shown. °leek man named Warddiving ..as Benda, has been naming some September san A bottle of whiskey wee the lam toompaalom mast with him. e- The Hamilton name says that Assn. vent of mese aud effect is that eiry bas nimarked that since the sausege memos commeneed dogs are muskies' somerme then formerly. 11:). Mr. Dunbar E. Rosa, seMef D. Roes, Q. C., of Quebec, died it; Weekieglea on the 27th ult., from wooed, received ha the Federal serene, in which he bed nolahly enlisted. fri• We learn from the Landes Prefolgye that • house of Refuge is about beteg emelt lehed in that city. As the ladies hare takes the affair la hoed, the project will uadoented. iy seemed. Ooe hundred and nineteen diamond mil frame ham arrived at New York wince Janie - ary leet. The number who arrived dherg tile rase period Ina year was forty ese demo aped. There am TOO life Inanneinee Camparine its the Cloned Kingdom. Lint yes, 1451. 5.0 bonne automated to 466,11115,440 mommli and the amount paid for °Win/ WWI Mons .0 11,000.000. • Scheoectady lady vas remedy relieved of • taps -worm, which messend *bum feet nine inches. The monster wie expelled 47 14. use 01a very simple remedy, neasely- pumpkin weds. Eleven ugly and *levee handsome men played a cricket, match at Tunbridge Wells the other day. We soder whether they classified themselves se am? The handeerell oats woo the match. A loaf of bread at diapers ia Now York WY IAMB int hag, tea iuthes thick, mutes* isitheenide.eed required a •hele barrel of Sam fer its saw struction. It wait needed. Great peak 1. 14. New reek Agnew* of Mask, Theron, ingin-asee reefrieg,wasesst fanning, and 'Madre° seresanieg-ell beimam them wan an alarm of AA proosaruir foe a neighbonng bakeseop. g- It is said that Mr. Lorna Duress 01 St, Francois, Yamaska,diseuened a rick eels of eopper, lest week, on a lot of mead as r Wartelle's mill, sod that he Ira already taken out several hundred pose el Le ore. ,„ re try• A man is Meesghan, littelmed,„ Mete a can .04 .55 sesame& to to.. sure bemires meat. His wits appealed to the Lewd Limo. for • mitigatios of itt. pitaidueest as tie rased daub. bed lied three Sikhs at • birth. Haag eel Onset'. -TUG Detroit Frei Press has the folitmitig t-•• Ryan, the im- mortal aelober prophet, has arum opeord his mouth for the instruction of the people. He communicates to us the lot:lowing anti regard to the weather for the coming winter :- •Southwest and northeast ate the contending points of the wind till the 1st of March neat Southwest, will prevaiL Some west, north- west, then odd, inalthit change., doing sod undoing is the order for the winter. If we hove smith or southwest wind us the 715 and Sth of January, we will hate no good 'acerb. Ing for that month, but if we Dave northwest wind, cold, or snowing on throe sl tilt, we WCI hare eleightoe. Ths• 4th or 5th of February is the last chance for sleighing this winter, and these are the day* for the hebruary Ir -e'10 ma. Water coulees should be put in order for throe days. We are going to hare rather • mild winter. Boantiti,, ENT Or SUMTER.- Sinee the commenretoent o: the bombardment of Fret Satnt.r (on the 17t11 of Aerial) up to Thurs. dny, 1215 Nor., 15,5413 ohms have bees tired at Sod' whit h 12,302 it k. Of the garrison 27 have been kilted and 69 wounded_ The flag chain; the same time has been cot down thitty-tonr tin es. The averste weight of ohm hieing 200 tbs., the weight of iron .as 1,116,60011... or 113,43 • lbe. ofiron to each matt killed, 30,370 lbs. otiron to each casual- ty. If the ehargell uf porrder averaged 15 .e h:ive 2.13.74.; lbs. of powder as*, or 11,457110. of powder to each man killed. and 2,437 lbs. a powder to emelt aesualty. Sem ter in ruins leughe at tier euenty, who still feats to miss her boomed walls. Cnarlenton will hare • raluahle iron mine in the ruins a smatter, and even now, when ins 0 scarce and sells high, industry, at very little risk, might make • fortune. Great Crises. 1. To be • niereheat who ham raised bier elf to • position of ernes' saie 47415 OWII ex onions. Esample :-Mr. A. M. Smith. 1. In the eyes of the Opposable"' itemise a great crime to lees faith- le ciefee party, and take refers is mother. lir. O'Res is • culprit, but Mr. Cockburn is • nu. a. To be • toe& preacher is the Methodist' denonsisation is also • great crime; sad al- though Mr. W Hyena°, a regular preacher, became as Y. P. P., it was wished irs Mr. John Macdonald, • layman to fellow 41ee- 4. To be • ileottineso ems of the saes% therreat otheses. Iretampler-Gee. Perews. 5. To he tall, thie, and is &Mile health, is also • erne. (meeptiag Ili the moo of John 4. klandoeaWl.) Kiample:-Joite Seodfield Macdonald. 6. To be an Irishman who waives to Where te ths opinion' 04 18. party with whieh he has eeted. We geol. as an example 111r. Foley, ma 8.. Methre. 7. To accept an office of hemmer sad ne sponsibility under Her Majesty. became prof - feted by polities! 'Troupes!. Flagmen 's- ample Biretta.- trreselifer. Jenny Lind Coldeehesidt, wee se ran Paglend to I/1w satire hied, as • pima et reairienevi. 1.0117 and is eamery, sad e/ - ways plesseetly mid agreeabiy, the people are ni the seemast heish ef hearse kar toying Itweltilf and giving Omens. as ell h.r. Wes mid bit heabendt Orddechnsidt, hare lime midst( a praniasss part in • \arrest *wire', Mid M Musette's, in Nenhememehlies Altar the seemen. Gekbefissidt teeth his mat .5*45 cop" 11116115 Heddlar haat, mentheg by 41. meg a hereon %yule *gm • beet el and easels sneesped bp M. Geldasimik. 1,,emoiee says the Phitadelphta Age, emi- tters the barbarities still remised la wee te spite nf o.r eriviumed eimheauee, ewe th, f,„„„ani, p,peart,, of Albeit beker, who, aftee th• death of Mohammed. inverted Syria to entiv•rt the people who heel fallen mar ital. airy to the worehtp the tree tied. OS starting be addressed tes troop, all foil -"Warriors of Islam, attorel a moires'. lia41 lid*, in the meter*, which I me Ascot Se promote* to yoe foe *haw .04.5. 1. time ef oar. Fight 'rah limier, and Inyelly,- Never ton artifice or seddy sewn year enemies I do wet mutilate the &Dee em stay the aged *or dialers& ser the Irons I do not hunt the crot s ; do riot eat 11.1 freli tripes ; do not slaughter the animals, *veep* what will he eseseary tor yoeir eirarleltetnet, yos will finiLdoes leer mita mem NM ift is a tlitede, in meditation, in the etteeml n 54 Oak do there ao inkier --give dem so .1- Aare re/VIAL-1i hill, 17118 • mei Itt were being ie 41ci,Riterwel, abe hed lama married eighty owe yearn, the 411.54 Wag let and the Oh WI mere of age. At the Clierth rat so. CassetTheas, Itra • re use ot eighty dye we/ ssarrail 05 bu dab bosun'. Row re Mars 6 Ileissea ale tier. - Tim tombeed el • leash elk ere Ileghted. 41nog b kitie aill au 54 4. denims 01*4. part* se Of \i/ Emily sea, Sere 8. Owe. Tie Orerreierw 11We* Ire ••••••• er bee spowe's 1114 messerrn tad ben lior pew, neer maa hey' greefas se4 greedeq. 1650 egala sea dim all At MON" mid 1 lig eiikesid Ors 141 ma a lam pler• of rpe 45 the Aso's% sad se 1*, it ems a time 6104 tad a am tight se 1 'AM geese.41 Om I siuspel 41mei el& my ahorie miS few% ass, our Smes le mei anbtilt Communise 51111 qiebea.--ailp is C40. ories • "Ouse asylesawszeparit. fit err 15 rassagelre r '