HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-06-29, Page 13Competing against 22 other contestants, Geraldine O'Shea, a Grade S pupil at St. pa.trick,.s School, wnose picture appeared in last week's T-A, as the winner Of the Essay, "Why MY Mather is the Hest Mother in Canada", was again judged the winner of the essay "Why my Dad is the Best Father in Canada". As a result Mr. and Mrs. O'Shea will both be crowned at the big Street Show, July 7. WHY MY DAD IS THE BEST FATHER IN CANADA By GERALDINE O'SHEA A politician, explorer or any famous person can not hold the importance of ray dad. He is the hero of our family whom we all depend on. I don't imagine being the father and pantry shower at her London home and Miss Carol Haskett of Lucan held a miscellaneous shower attended by Miss Has", kett's Many Lucan friends, ',lire choir of Holy Trinity Ang- lican church of which Miss Has- kett was a member, presented her with a silver cream and sugar and tray, After the rehearsal, Friday evening, the groom-eiect's par- ents, Mr, and. Mrs, John Eady of London, entertained the bridal Party, INN ANE A PEW OF Ws MAO LOW rditr-EIR TR(T PLUS rittt GOLD BOND 'STAMPS.. WITH EVERY PURCHASRI • • .• • Gt.Pkg Size 070 TOP VALU White or Whole 4 z. 47r theat.„ 15, SLICED BREAD 2 / 39c TOP VALU let GRADE Creamery Butter Loa Pi GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR gas 64 c; 41: TOP VALU (Atsorted Flavors) ICE CREAM '''zetr, 830 TOP VALU PARCHMENT MARGARINE ip.ikbci. 25 DETERGENT 2T L E I R a G Ut E ID NT tomato Ketchup ,t,3xt;t:i lnaesrtsic 690 HEINZ lia* 21 MAXWELL HOUSE (Special Pack) INSTANT COFFEE 6 t: $9 2 Vint 250 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP ALLEN'S UNSWEETENED APPLE JUICE 4 KELLOGG'S 1 ,681:k. 0:n; 2359: CORN FLAKES TIDE POWDERED DETERGENT JAVSX Liquid Bleach s corita ner 1c 390 KRAFT* SALAD DRESSING: MIRACLE WHIP t2,-',,' 53c ape Milk 2 Tine" 31 0 Evaporated GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQU TA BANANAS 2 LBS. 29 U.S, NO, "SWEET EATING" CANTALOUPE 4 FOR 9.9g N. 1 California U.S. No. I Oranges 2doz. Watermelontoch 89 HOME GROWN STRAWBERRI S ARRIVING FRESH DAILY! Prices Effective June 18 .• July 1 inclutive HAIRDRESSING Large Size Tube 67' CURAD MEDIUM Plastic BANDAGES 3 'Y'e%::z.e 88' TEK HARD OR MED. TUFT TOOTHBRUSH 2 for 88' RI cAiki AnliDE ODORANT t 111 SmomonesimirsoalsommlissImialsmissmisaisaismossmirssimsissme WESTON'S FROST 'N SERVE SHORTCAKE 9.0z. 35 In honour of ter risuighter,Jaci- ith Merle, whose marriage to Mr. John Cameron Eady, will take Place Saturday, July 1, in. Holy Trinity Anglican Churcn, Lucan, Mrs, Calvin Haskett of Alice St. entertained, Saturday evening,- with a trousseau tea. The groom-elect's mother, Mrs. John Eady assisted Mrs. lia.skett and the bride-elect re, ceive the guests. pouring tea at a lace Covered table, centred with an arrange- ment pf white shasta mums, pink carnations and pink candles, were Mrs, James Cameron, grand- mother of the groom-elect and Mrs. Jack Davies, great aunt of Miss Haskett. Serving in the tea. room were Mrs. Brent Bamford and Miss Brenda Ca.verhill and assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Jack Cummins, Mrs. Jack Graham, Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. John Dualeavy. Miss Betty June Eady, dis- played the wedding gifts, Mrs. Barry Morley, the trousseau, Miss Carol Haskett, the shower gifts and Miss Carol Osborn, the personal articles, • Miss Haskett was also honour- ed with several pre-nuptial events and showers, The groom-elect's grandpar- ents, entertained with a dinner party at the Latin Quarter and presented the couple with an electric coffee maker. The staff of the C. C. car- rothers school (where both teach) entertained at the Glen Allen Restaurant, London and made a presentation of a silver gravy- boat and stand. Mrs. Barry Morley entertained the bridal party and close friends, at her Lambeth home and pre- sented the couple with two large lamps. Mrs. James Angood and Miss Carol Osborn were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower in London. Miss Betty June Eady, sister of the groom-elect, held a kitchen Give lanyards to district girls The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT met Tuesday evening, June 20 with President Heather Froats in the chair. The presentation of lanyard ceremony was conducted, by the president and superintend- ent, Mrs. M. H. Hodgins for Janis Freeman and Grace Smith. The members evaluated the mother and daughter smorgas- bord and the visit to CFPL's Act Fast, both of which were most rewarding. The gift of baby diap- ers was delivered and the family ;were most appreciative. A play- pen will be needed in the near future. The girls were reminded of the "Sweet 'n Junk" sale to be held in connection with the Cen- tennial Sidewalk Sale July 7, with each member being asked to con- tribute two full recipes in order to have candy for sale both after- noon and evening. Candy and "junk" is to be delivered to the church at 7 pm on July 6, with boxes. The group was unanimous in the wish to add a further five dollars to the $95 won at "Act Fast", for the Building Fund of the Church, and to reinstate the "Camp Bursary" for four top girls. To meet the requirements a member is to have received not less than 75% of the points available. Worship service was conducted by Heather Froats and the final meeting on "The Teen-age Girl and her relationships" took the form of a film strip "You and Your Crowd" followed by group discussion. M111111 llllllll n01111ifill111111fin0111 lllllllllllllll Lucan church news toilint010111110101m010Hilliumulliliniumil00 0 0 0 0 lllllll UNITED CHURCH COMMUNION SUNDAY At the Communion Service at 11 am Heather Froats, Nancy Young and Donna Walker, who were recently confirmed, receiv- ed their first communion and the following new members were wel- comed to the church, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fronts and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sommerville. CENTENNIALSERVICE A special Centennial Service will be held next Sunday with Sr. & Jr. choirs providing special music. PLAN RASPBERRY SUPPER The planning committee of the United Church UCW met at the church last Tuesday evening to plan a raspberry supper. A tenta- tive date of July 19 was set. COUPLES' CLUB The CoupleS' Club met in the church schbolroom last Wednes-, day with the Baits, Melansona and Lockyers in charge. During the business session It was decided to have no plenic this year, nor to enter a booth at the Street Show, July 7. Most of the tinle was spent in finaliz- ing plans for the Auction Sale, June 24. MESSENGERS The Messengers'final Meeting Sunday had td be held indoors. Gainea and refreshmentt were enjoyed, The promotion list included Brent Fronts, Jeff Young, till LOCkyer, Lynn finery and Judy McLellan. Display trousseau of area ibride•eilect Juno '29/ 1967 PA - 14 She plays no favorit Lucan and district news Now her .dad is best too you An idea of what .Canada's best dad is like. l'm -protid of dad and only hope he receives the title he deserves — "The Best Father inC40.00,00 „. Couple mark Cubs pay visit to Exeter lads Last Wednesday evening Cub leader Mrs. Laura. Morgan and 23 cubs were taken th Exeter in /oar cars, driven by meesrs. Ian Dallas, Jim Lockyer, Bob Taylor and Wm Froats. Although teeming rein pre- vented the scheduled ball game, a most enjoyable evening was spent indoors with games, camp fire (and new moon), and sing- song. Cub master Harold Sissons welcomed the group and gave a talk on safety and summer activ, ities and winning of stars etc. Derick Dykeman, on behalf of the Lucan cubs, thanked Mr.Sis- sons and his cubs for a happy evening. • Weather spoils group's auction Phone r27.4255 anniversary of six is a responsibility you could classify as easy* One thing for certain, he obtains an abund- ance of pleasure from his family. Without any .doubt dad has shown a successful example taus in anything he does. Our family consists of three boys and three girls plus mom and dad, Of the three boys all three have decided their occupation will be farming. This was no matter of coincid- ence. Dad's example of progres- sive farming easily persuaded the boys to follow his footsteps. Dad plays an active part in the community. He belongs to many organizations and gives each one a great deal of support. Dad can make anyone who comes to visit us feel most wen- come at any time. I feel being a good host for company is a neces- sary quality and that dad has a large share of it. Whenever there's a show in town that we would like to see, you can count on dad to make sure we go, Then after the show, lunch at a restaurant follows. This is a change in the pace of everyday life and broadens our minds on the happenings in this swift world, Education is found in many ways. One way is by traveling. We go on a couple of trips a year and visit relatives and interest- ing places, Children who are raised and never see how other people exist in other places will not have the same enjoyment in studies as those who do, Here again dad took another step for the best, by taking us travelling. I hope by pointing out a few of my dad's qualities I have given IAN DALLAS . . heads Lions BIRTHDAY PARTY Last Monday Mrs. Ron C rozier assisted by her daughter Jane and Maureen Smith entertained twelve girls in honor of her daughter, Susan's 13th birthday. Lori Cox and Elizabeth Roving- ton did the serving. As several of the guests belong to the Pony Club, Susan's "Hello Dolly" and Mary Jane Culbert's new baby colt, "Wag-a-tail", were real centres of attraction. Many outdoor games were played including a ball game and leap- ing over the horse jumps. Last Tuesday night over 40 relatives and friends of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith of Centralia met at the home of their daugh- ter and son-in-law, M r. a n d Mrs. Hugo Theander of Beech St., Lucan, to offer congratulations and gifts at having reached their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were mar- ried in Brinsley Anglican Church, June 20, 1917 by Rev. George il Mrs. Smith was the former ElaseleeY Wasnidge, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Was- nidge. The couple have two child- ren, Irene (Mrs. Hugo Theand- er) of Lucan and Borden of Cen- tralia. Until 22 years ago, Mr. Smith operated a Biddulph farm, For a number of years after retiring to Centralia he worked at the Centralia airport. PAVING BEGUN The corner of Alice and Beech St. was the busiest spot in Lucan Alice Thur ssd ta..y as paving was begun on A large number of people ans- wered the appeal of the Couples' Club of the United Church for furniture, clothing and articles to be sold beside the Scout Hall, Saturday, to raise funds for the new educational Unfortunately the day was eX- trernely hot, with predicted rain, so the attendance was very poor. As a result good articles went for practically nothing but every- thing was disposed of, before the rain began. The net proceeds are not yet available. ATTEND SHOW The London Horsemanship Club held its summer show at Hyde Park Sunday forenoon and afternoon, with president, Mr. Ron Crozier presiding and the following other Lucanites attend- ing, Mrs. Crozier, Jane and Sus- an, Maureen Smith, Lauri Cox, Mrs. Mary Squire and daughter Mary Jane Culbert. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mueller, Debbie and Michael, of Waterford who came to see their relatives, Jane and Susan Crozier ride. GERALDINE O'SHEA . . . wins again tENTE SALE DA S 14" A 11 AFT& 1867 1967 —SAVE 22`---- BMWS PLAIN OR GARLIC —SAVE 11`--- TOP VALU (ASSORTED FLAVOURS) 4z. Jars 12-oz. Jars RELISHES 3 t 14 1 QUARTERED DILLS 3 131cK ,s • Bickcitilli • cu Bits • Hambur g • Sweet Corn • Hot Dog MONARCH ASSORTED DICK'S YUM YUM WAFER 9 -10-ot. 5 sir SOFT PICKLES DRINKS CAKE MIXES VALUTOP PEANUT BUTTER Burns claim victim of fire Mrs, Joseph Kenney, 2g, of Stanley St., Lucan, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Wed- nesday, June 21. She lay at rest in the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lunen, until 2 pm Friday, June 23, when the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster of Holy Trinity Anglican Church conducted fun- eral services. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye. Pallbearers included Messrs. Russell Kirk, David Kirk, Wallace Kenney, Wm Henry Dodge, Joseph O'Dell and Thos.Stonefish. Besides her husband, Mrs. Kenney is survived by a four- month-old daughter, Wanda, her parents Mr. and Mrs. McAlpine Stonefish, four brothers; Perry and Richard Stonefish of London, Thomas of Dalton and Wylie of Moraviantown; three s i st e r s, Mrs. Marie Dodge and Miss Berdine Stonefish of London and Miss Lucy Stonefish of Detroit. Mrs. Kenney was the former Wanittia Stonefish. She was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, since May 18, when she received very severe bodily burns at her Stanley St. home, In an attempt to extinguish the fire her husband and father-in-law had their hands badly burned also. Mrs. T. Ross dies in London Mrs. Thos Ross of 269 Simcoe St., London, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Thursday June 22. The body rested in the C. Has- kett & Son funeral home, Lucan, until 2 pm Saturday, June 24 when the Rev, Gordon Merkley of Granton, conducted funeral services. Interment was in Birr United cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs Thomas Dickinson, James Dick- inson, Allan Sinclair, Thomas Mitchell, Clarence M it c hell, and Glenn Jameson. Mrs. Ross is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Irma Collin of London, one son, Ivan Ross of Granton and three grandchildren. Mrs, Ross was the former Bertha Kemp. She and Mr. Ross farmed in London Township. Mr. Ross died in 1945. 88' 3 Lions instal new officers At a dinner meeting last Mon- day night, Lion Clarence Haskett installed the Lions Club officers for 1967-68. President is Ian Dallas (who suceeds Alex Young); vice presi- dents, Harold Butler, Don Black, and Norman Steeper; secretary- treasurer, Larry Hotson; as- sistant, Don Hodgins; tail twister, Bob Taylor; Lion tamer, Gary MoFalls; 1st year directors, Clare Stanley and Gerry Van Bussel; 2nd year directors, Glen Nevin and Grant Graham. Being the last dinner meeting until September, a number of business items were cleared up. It was decided a work meeting, at the park, will be held each Monday that weather permits. Retiring president Alex Young was named park Commissioner, with each Lion to be responsible for grass cutting for one week. The posts facing Market and Beech streets have been partially installed. Rubbish has been re- moved and the grass already cut twice, so the park shows a de- cided improvement. The door prize was won by Bob Taylor. Mrs. Don Anker's group of the Ladies Guild catered for the dinner in the Holy Trinity Anglican basement. TOP VALU CHOICE CUT 9-oz. Green or Wax Beans 4 1 Tins 880 TOP VALU 12" x 25' FOIL WRAP 88' 3 Rolls TOP VALU ALL PURPOSE 1111111111110 llllllllll 1111 llllll 1 lllll mm11111111 lllll 11111111111M/ llllll 1111 lllllllll 1 llllll 111 llllllllll 1111111i111111111 lllllllllll Lucan Personal Items 111411111 lllllllllllll 111111111111111111111111111 llllll 11111111111111111111M llllllll llllll 1111111111/11i lllllllll llllllllll 111111110111 1HZ. TINS 3242. JARS FRESH COFFEE T:13; 139 Mr. D. A. Ashworth left Mon- day for Ottawa where he will spend a few days with his daugh- ter and son-in-law, Rev. & Mrs. E. C. Attwell, TENDER & JUICY RED BRAND COUNTRY STYLE SHOULDER STEAKS or BLADE TOP VALU FROZEN LEMONADE (pink)or 8 .7 rn; DELSEY (Assorted Colors) BATHROOM TISSUE 6 Rolls FUNNY FACE Assorted DRINK MIXES 10 Pkgs. KLEENEX POP UP (Assorted) FACIAL TISSUE 3 boxes of 400 8.05. Pkgs, TOP VALU Plain or Pimento CHEESE SLICES 3 GOLDEN DEW PARCHMENT MARGARINE 3 880 880 880 88* 880 880 1.1b. Pkgs. LEAN GROUNDEGL F6UPATIrtHUCK 69t RED BRAND T AELE READY TRIMMED ALL TAILERITE MEATS PORK CHOPS Lb19° LOIN RE STEAKS ARE CrOVIRNMEHT INSPECTED CEb TOP VALU NO. 1 DUALITY SL SIDE BACON TOP VALU WIENERS By MRS, THOMAS HERN Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jaques and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns and family, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and family, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horn and family were guests at the Merner-Salmon wedding and reception at Dashwood Saturday. Mrs. Norman Brock, Mrs. Angus Earl, Mrs. Laverne Mc- Carter, Mrs. Carl Gower enjoyed the Kirkton Horticultural Society bus tour to Hamilton and other places of interest Monday, FRESH CUT Chicken or Turkey rsc LEGS or BREAST Lb ' FEARMAN'S SWEET PICKLED (I/2's) COTTAGE ROLLS HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Vdc Pcic lb, 2lb. Vac Pac 1-1b. Vac Pac nit 87' 63' MACLAN,S TOOTHPASTE sLarge Site 880 3 Tubes EiRYLC115.ENI We te$ervd the 60)0 to irtinit quenhiles. See this tvoeit's handbill Far mare out:fondles vaIett 4 4 Ii' DARLING'S IGA EXETER LUCAN BETTY & ART'S IGA GRAND BEND By MRS. WM. WALTERS Mrs. John Coward spent a couple of days at Stokes Eiay this past week with Mrs. Jackson Woos% at their cottage, Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Grubb and Michael of Farquhar visited Sun- day With Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Horne and family, Mr. & Mrs. George Fra.yne of Serishine Line attended Elimville Anniversary, Sunday and spe nt the day with Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny, Mrs. Rosa !Others and Larry of Exeter and Mrs. John Mathers and Murray and Michelle of London also visited in the afternoon. Miss Kathy Heft has takeri position at the Bank of Montreal in Clinton. She began Work Tues- day, Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. Elson Lynn attend- ed the bus trip to Hamilton, Niag- ara Falls, Monday sponsored by the Horticultural Society Of Kirk- ton. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Waiters and Mr. & Mrs. George Prayne Visit- ed Monday evening inGrand Bend with Mrs. W. 01, Beer and Miss May Skinner. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Anderson and four sons of London moved Sat- urday into the home of Mrs. Lou McFails on Alice St. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson Friday at- tended the graduation of her grandson George Hodgson at Mc- Gillivray and spent her birthday on Sunday with her son Jack and family. Mr. & Mrs, M. H. Hodgins were guests at the wedding of Miss Marcia Langman and Mr. Bob Cisek in Kenmore N,Y. Sat- urday morning. Mrs. H. S. Stanley is recuper- ating at the home of her son, Mr. Clare Stanley. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Price of San Diego, Cal. are staying with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Black, prior to moving to London. Miss Jane Crozier was a Wed- nesday overnight guest with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. & Mrs. David Maynard of London. Mrs. Cecil Robb, who hasbeen on the sick list, is feeling better. A number from Lucan attended the strawberry supper at Brins- ley last Wednesday evening, June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hodgson and Mr, & Mrs. M. H. Hodgins attended the family celebration of the 25th anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ainslie, St. Marys, Saturday evening. Messrs Lyle and Robert Drad- ley Of Sask. were Friday guests of Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Banting. Grade 7 pupils of the Biddulph Central school enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara last week. Sgt. E. J. Kuss, his wife and family from Huron Park, form- erly from Lticani have been transferred to 46RadarSquadren at Yorkton, Sask. Sgt. Kass has just returned home after nom- pleting his tour of duty at 15 Radar Squadron at Moosonee, °Maria. Mrs. M. 1-1, Bodgins and MiSs Eleanor Walker attended the Sun- day dourthelthr training tesSiolis at Camp Kee-Mq-Kee. Eleanor will caukthel at the Intermediate Girls' Camp, July 2,8 and Mrs. Hodgins August 13-19, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Graham Mid family, of Chatham, Mr. & Mrs. Jack CutiuninS and fatally of Ter- mite and Mrs. Jack Davies of Woddstoek were among those froth a distance, who attended Mrs. Calvin BaskettiS trousseau tea, Saturday.