HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-12-17, Page 3r : r $e*. Oe 71rs1al, th. luta tet , the wide of Me, W. T. Cw, of the INgsnaf Ogee, of a na. TUN MARKETS. themastsr Dec II U, 1063. Pall Newt,. •...11..81 (d, (AfW04..i...... hie ft', ... 0:30 (a, Horley, 0:60 (4, May, V tis ... .,• 7.00 (b Wool 71A!. ..... ...r W1M (;ft' 1'.ne .. ., . o:s7li iii Pork ... 4:110 l!t Heel. .... 3:00 (gi Trsimk eller ....... i ... 0t4. (s limes, du ...,.... 6.30 ((fj Cbic1.=, lipid'. • ...... Orlb 0:10 (,,�- Mucks, de ..... •0:40 ear ,'llelse b ) •. urn . 0:25 !�m3 01242d (9 111.11.............. o,184 (Sl rooms,. ..v•LW im Vood .••.•. 0:88 0673 6,35 0.64 8.00 0:113 0.46 4.26 4 Od WWI 0:45 0.30• 011e 0:00 0:00 0:16 0:15 0:43 0:06 Siteloarn, Dec. loth, 1863. Fall Whesl, 10:77 (4 0:84 tdptiN 7t' Mat, ... 0:6d 0.71 Feu 0:40 ( 040 °els 64174 (4 0:40 H•,,,y . 0:66 m 0:70 Toao.ro, Dore. 14th, 1863. Fall Wheat. ..... . ...10:80 (M6696 Brims Wheat......... 0:75 ( 0:80 Barley .. 0:70 (4 nett York; 4:76 (* 4.80 ?sisal III lAwitsrllar rats. LOST.. Maio: DarMTW1fl,r c.o.m L4116 Qei•hc, 40i Mesa e, IK>C NUTICE hent' given that is arlsesdeacs i with -- Order fa Counsel, Elul 1Nk November, 1663, all departs of public .ler les, t►ru.gh.lt the Prudes, ow eel after THE YIRST JANUARY, 1884, Meet be mads Ia the Beak of Montreal ur its Ageaciea W1L MLDOUOALL, Cummirilmsr. 30.,66ppp-1 the Cemetery, on the d.7 of Yr. Rey1 L Deed's Funeral, a DMA Jec . Any per - mea leaving the same at the 'Signal' Urns will be suitably rewarded. $2000 TO LOAN ! ON G11d deed Promissory Note% y:' JM.k,t dates. Atw. • l $800 TitItr.'ia err of= WOO ort Mortgage on improved 0alpepeer• Apply res D. SHADE GOODINO, 8.li n .r, teal door to IIS tilamoN Hsra,We.e stn Oederkh, limb Ike., 1.65. senoof t30Ii00L flal Family Libraries ! Lamle C►sldera'a Library Ch,Wrs■'• Library 11. Tooth"' Cabman Twang Peopte'• Lowery Moe Hoes L :hoary Y•ath•. Lavery TM Eoe gelaul Family 16 vol•...... Library 6.00 The lterer m s er Pastor, Weary 26 rot. 12.00 Tbeafove ate as eatrrapamy tatted. cambered sod Wed. 'telly be ere, sad (excepting the three Ramon mson art pet up :a seat crow, 24 vol. 50 yob 76 rob 30 rel. 1160 300 6.00 640 IoW 17.00 Educational Works, Theological Works. Medical Works, ,.n STANDARD EDITIONS or Works in General literature ! -♦IJ)o,- PRIVATE BILLS! pABT1138 in Canada West intfding to make application to the Legislature for Private or Loral Hills, either for granting exclusive pririlegea, or conferring corporate powers fur curntcxrti.l or ether purposes of proal, for regulating surveys or boundaries. or fee doing a.ythinj tending to affect the rights or property author pet -ties, are here- by notified that they arirreds red by the bird and fullv.n::- l(ulesof the Dsgiaiative Council mad L.grhuha Assembly rsapcctissly,(whieh are Published in 1u11 ;it the Canada Gnzelft,) to gin TWO MONTHS' NOTICE of the application (steady and diatiactly specifying its nature mod objedt), in the Caea&a Ga. Idle, and also in a newspaper published in the Wanly or Union of Counl.eaafected, sending copies or the first and I..t of such notices, to the Private Rill Office of each House. All Petitions for Private Bills matt be pre tented within life first !An t reeks of the Shanxi. J. E. DOUCET, A. TODD. CYE. Frames Bile. ;C4/. Gal. Prisma Bite Office, L. Cams.L. dm.Yp. Oahu, lith Dee., 1863. ..3114 A large Assortment of JOIEIIILE STORY 10018 ! At the SIGNAL Odoe, odd nook! Serfcs.iy $iom. AUCTION SALE OF LEASE OF TOLL GATES 11 rue County of Huron. • G. M. TRUEMAN 10 THE 8H►REHOLDERS or INC To the Preesad Iidepsa. t dent Zunieipal IIeo- toq.. of the town of Oodertch• 0 MITLttelcte,- 1 bag to iatiatate to you that 1 am a candidate for the oasis of Mayor for the Tuwu of Uuderiok, and respectfully solicit your suffrages. Having for several years taken an inter- est in Municipal matters, you will be pre- pared -without my Mngtoead remarks on my part -fur a competent decision upou my *Meiene, to 111 the civic obair. I trust, however, you will allow me to state that my highest ambition will be, (if elec- ted) lectted) to perform the duties of the ultra t0 wbieb 1 aspire in each a manner as will not impair the usefulness nor lure the dignity of a position which has been so uubly sUs- taiued by coy respected predeceseon. Life and health permitting, I intend not to retire from the candidature, but I will await your fair and legally expressed decision. 1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most ob't. servant, JOHN V. DETLO11. . Ooderich, Dec. 4, 1863. sw27 GuDraica, Std Dee., 1863. To JAMES WATSON, Esq. We notice in the Signal that oar respected Mayor has determined out again to betome s candidate fur the bottom of the Civic Chair at the lo:thcominl Election. You or .1 (eco u:d settler and have done Canada t t .r Assurance w moth to Improve oar town, and, feeling confident that you are in erery Ctlatea, Barparber and Grantor. FOB •tent to fill the Mayor's Chair, we To tJao tots of tine Ooderiah. Qvrt;+ur,- Aa the names ear repoly appuachrg I whose yon • df be called up.• to soma tem Caedid.tw dee the ofh= or Myer of the rear o! GodetiC1, (or the sr autos year; and ED, STORE I blaztei, Scare es 1 de ale Mend W "meter the Mai W caning rosiest, 1 tab this male of Meowing • w& my uHenuus, w order mat abrades( op ill amh,u. pontoon teal be l ye... d los, i• maria] • i 111 011101 ulectiva north/ u) uraerv= ad wort► the high kraus that awaits the mercury!: competitor. lour yearn ago, after a Leen and spirited I contest, the boron of the Maroralty fall to my lot. Uu th:wsalwquent uccMiuoe, you, g,.tlemen, kindly and wnbuut solicitation, renewed the confide.= then reused in me Thus, tor a period of four yeah, 1 have, tbn I your .uffrages, occupied the highest office to the gift of the municipal elector, and during that period, by the assistance since operation of abuse .rociated with m. alt the Board, 11 trust 1 have been, io some small degree, in• strome,tal in adbancies the materiel prosper it/ 0: the Town, and i. austau.ing the boour and dio.ity of the position yea plated as in. In now retiring from the fold of municipal politico permit me gentlemen, to thank you VI oO iciA...4v4 .i Onit "CO3RIUBICC LIIE" - 'ilIj� anninit3 NOT 13F.ING SO F4M11.1AR AS SOME OTHRRs *ITR TIIF. Buser 7'ruits of human Nature, The undersigned W had the misfortune to loss by one of the lass akedadlen, and having yet A HIGH OPINIQN OF MANKIND IN GENERAL, lie hu revolved to throw the Meade of Charity over the whole, se tied very sincerely and very cordially be ILe many The Good and special marks of your confidence and,. consideration extended to me during the foto years that 1 bare occupied tin "Civic Chair." 1 have the honor to be, Oentlemett, Your humble, u►ed't isn't, may not be made to suffer with the Guilty Aod at the same time he wares the public tkat n'i fi 40' 1•'� *mere we 'it -4 t1 GOODS WILL If SOLD AT OLD PRICES', 11. C. CAMERON. (And Cheaper, if po Bible,) and Gudench, 30th Nut'., 1863. a.26 f3 A LFA or No Advantage taken of Recent Losses ! JOHN. FAIR & 00. HAVE JUt1T OPSILD AH *868*5 tan REAL ESTATE! TIIE HIGHEST PRICE PAID - - way c apt , iurdtow company, ...nen (ower .w •be D:rev- respectfully ark you to allow yourself to leOn FRIDAY December 181863 ��r Q Q j, Inra,ln their sa,rr.:e.i to suppress \II independent Oa. rttY...-Ai the r.etat annual meet- nnvesliget ie tele ts. spm, leg tbemd►e• •1 liberty to reireaent the proceedings wh:cu I have true J i• limes -my ra:maaf tothe red inure: eats of the company. Pleb•,. Os lest reply to this nH..latousot. a the nrnwnuakei.w Ad my teed wieners, written :n answer to. request of my owe 1 • espy e( each of shah a appeaucd for ywemlbir =tion. With regard to tbe general =Don of the 1'wnp•oy'e op:.., 1 .m convinced that the meqq,„, =gem em a RWM fir from wtrOartor). and 1hal some e( the mrM Ylausrble q•temea1. pat tura wand rt the bre mern■g tart r .ent:rl!y ua•ou:d, not to say e.ar,lrally untrue. l port this subject, however, I will not dwell at present, 1 m a con- tent to wet ,be term cl events end meanwhile condo. myself to the pane.br pass which re- late to the responsibility rata pianos 01 the Board = iilestratne of the general character of the by - 1 m eq.!. Juo. R. Urr'<, Fdnw Ito bi Otses,_ 1 •m. C n Tenni. It. W. Wallace, John 9adan, Jr., Test sere ob'oh eervaut-, IA. George llobson, 11. Colerick, U,)74ALD McDONALD. M. Pony, John Ilruphy. Termite, IIIb Nov., 1863. E. Hoeker, 11una:d Cumtoines, • a (COPY).' Neil McKinnon, Thomas N. 1lancey ...MESSRS. MUR ATP a MCLENNAN, JuhD H Robert Leta!, ' Franco Ferbbexon, Orsrtreex,-in the report by lbs William Wallace, 'James 1)on.ldson, ftwas6.rbimehmoftheCaamle L, Anunnee Thos. Dark, Sal. C'liffn.d, 1',,atmss se the mljon,.ed meow of the pn. D. Melees, to, ►ingest Sturgeon, urotore beide teed.a on the 27th &limo. the R:ckmd Bonbomey,Robert Seymour, )rti following rtetemees •pptam:-+gIo,,(M trootb o! " Jan06ry 6.11 the Hes. Deeab McDuunid led John McDoiatd, ' W. M. Snruge. "•hill a Chaeeeryopium McCoetran• and flows Dixon, Jacob SeegMiller,Jr., " several of the Urarlpesedr.g to compel them Thos. W. Sound rs. J. 1lcole, •' to make good' the tem whiwbesd,nunuel) anise Matthee Matlhe+eau, A. Leturge. 06 tektite over reapat.rrevb winch m "meet; Richard !lusts„ George Vidian, •: let Man any resp etaridwy for winch the meet- " ng. of Shareholders enr1 M Detebeo nal 1311 "'Denary 1.1., called for the rpeeal purpose of 11 onsidrneg the q.1ur.t:on, fill •Mdved them. •• *masers Mtge $.54 ..v. Wee lodged,end the •' Director cotenant .raise 11.t the eliberate •' 0,4:06 w the 5a•rehulde,.' meeting above re- • fend 1.n. -•a adopting t: a loss aid dnpoeng of •• n, wd1 he reined ty the Court .4 Chancery " 'rbu natrment u an:Meo cue, and :.ids to the in- k -reeve that the kill is direct':! wool the Con- i puny. whereas it ;.:n tact for *ale be.ebt of the Comp.0 a:aweigh the company n aecs=nly made • def.ndaat. W.11 you, as my £alienor in the calm, he good ena...g► to state shortly the obieo] of the 11111 :o question. 1 remain, Gentlemen. Your very obed't =errant, (Sid•;ed,) DONALDMcDOANI.D. Dene bra. -We 'egret having beer' unable •norwr to reply to mar favor of the 3rd .na•nt, re- nting us to state shin Cy the object of the Hill re- questing by s on your beb•Uin theCounofebaneer7 Retinal some of the Pirerton of the Company of the Canada We A,.nrsraw. We now beg to stale that the main oiled and purport of the pro; reeding. :n question are to compel the Directors who are named :n the Hill as deteabott pence - ally to make good to tie Company • stem of thirteen thousand della.. or there•bsrts alleged to Imre been lot to the Cmnpanv by the fault of those Directors, upon the occastoo of the transfer of the Savings tank business. We are, dear Sir, Yours truly, (Si,fned,) MOWATtMcLENNAN. ILon..J)onAl u McDoxatn, Toronto. put in nomination fur tbe come, and et the t 1 I I event of your doing so, we assure yon., we shall use every fair and ho.orab1e means to secure your elective. We are, Sir, Yours, respectfully, Wm. E. Grace, Georgie Cattle, Geo. 11. Parsons, David McAllister, G. N. Davis, Jazzes Watson, A. Lefroy, '% m. E. Leonard, J. 11. Gordon, Hubert Parkes, Ruben Moloch. J. J. Wright, U. Shed.' Gooding, T. Mackie, Srmwl Pent and, Thomas Remake., - err• 'ruroolo, Jobe llitelitu, WILL HELL BY AUCTION, on Mon- " day, nth Dseenwher, 1863, at 12 o'eNeh, tssom, IN CLINTON, the Lease of 19 Toll Oates belonging to the County of Berea. Particulars will be given in handbills and is Nat week's Signal. (Jsdeekh, Dee. 15, 1863. w46 Mortgage Sale ! VALUABLE ..PROPERTY T1f�� end by ranee of a Power d pale cos. LJ t21 i. 0 Mortgage mem b[CaaoT.Praa Sutranase, d the Township est Stanley, are 11. Ina Mary Sondem*, it wib,a(IM eerond w�apa`d`�Mia O.M6aer, a the TowrMp oaf Ore- tl',-i/em.d. L.goine, Odes third pan ; emelt bs,fsg beam mai is 1m eco riposte( tbese•f, cola 1.rld at tee AUCTION MART of X Ours. Small). & Thomson, 14./eaS stree'1, Uederteb, oe Weilleeday, 30(k flay of Decimber,Ilst., A114 oats•.L none, the 1.1111w1.6 Properly• Len Number Sadtem in 11. 7larwmntl Comm - nom, rem, Wa.1ey,,comsytng 106 sem of Mad men i,r lime Deed oder power d=1.. Full panic.- •rs ear be 1.d by applying to the Solicitors. CAMERON & ELWOOD, Marcher be Manage. Mortgage Sale ! VALUABLE FARM ! :t M. TRUMAN will sell by Medea, in w WI ROOMS IN 600ERICN n. Local Superintendent, 1 HAYS now held the oke of Lo, al 0nperin- tende,I to the °nervy Alf Offen yir . and perhaps pmt • re revues tree os me. and dente s cheep*. tot as 1 MI that Caere are invade who wish mea one, the Alan -and in b.•hh brine morb:mpweed-1 am settling still 1'owehmite Me duty ufaupenee,dent Re the townships that I have charge 14 et prsest, ■rd oleo for three el A.hlehl end Colborne. f would not snail, how- ever, to hold the ulum:aa •gam0 the opinion pe.,p1., and those friendly are thetelire JtolrvlN to potato's le my favor the Comity Council that meets -n J•nuarv, and alis, 11 wished, to recommend me to the Reeves. JOHN NAiRN. Goderieb, 7th Dec., *1413. web -2t J X tMINa .TION or SCHOOL TEACHERS! THE Board of Public instreetion for the County ofHuron will meet in the COURT ROOM[, OODERIOH, R'slltly. Sttb tieen►er, 184=, at 12 e'etsah. moo.. [brew POW EE OF MALE wtrwrd i. Mfrom ALMMAR sea A*I wR*D to Hour rieden .it and or ,{ by him IJ. to Barry Wee, ! 1, eon. 1. 2.11,1 fmmaMip.g+lyd1C.Ibww'b awrwm$ 111 Mao" MOM or l000 'Clas above ,utri ram' agetrlidoin agrint aims sea. r 1k Ch 1< , +cd.Mak Des.1111h, fee. • . treSed '0611• eellsygp�gpp,1*1 Il V as or 6-ewadeall�M' er�b r Win I BI eiw'`i�'a'``.tn.w •Itttgl.4ler rax George Hater, Michael Comask, ens Slight, Robert Mclean, John Vidian, Lewis Elliot, Richard Finn, Abraham Wilson, Peter Gillies, Elijah /doom, Libert Cbaod!er, William Mom, John Mitchell, W illiam Gdittoes, George Jessup, Alfred Collins, Peter O'Roruke, Philip Chid.ey, M. J. Wright, William Mills, t. Dono•h, Richard Foorby, Frederick Met.n, Chas. Horton, Kepnetb McLeod, Felwenl Hutton, James Bisset*, Cha lee Widder, Thomas Cowherd. Thos. Rutsus, Jas. Collins, John Hilliard, J.•r. McFarlat e, John l'orter, Wm. McCaig, Deno McCarty. Ed. Shannon, Mat. M. Weat:errld, Hu' .rt Booth, Jar -es Mrdu..r, Win. Andrews, Gabriel Lewis, Jobe Nutter, Fred. Clarke, Samuel Furse, J. W. Gill; 1)0, 1d McDonald, William Robertson, D. C. McKoy, (ieo.ge Seanson, Richard (•glow, Samuel Colerick, 11. Fiddler, 1arid Forsyth, Henry Culoskey, John Barnes, James Saunders, ItIl:YILY. (,obestca, 4th Ike., 11+63. In compliance with the above reques- tion i bed to offer myself an • candidata for the Mayoralty of IM town of Gorcrich, and pledge myself, If -elected, to endeavor to dis- charee the duties of the office to the beet of my ahilrtr, Thanking you, gentlemen, for the cont. deems you seine to repose in tee, 1 remain, Yours, b.iahftlle, JAMBS WATSON. 9 LONDON MANTLE* P iLETOTS & JACArrt, IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES! l --` car■ss■u.wuNuxoa MACNiFICENT 81'bCK o.'ik - Dtttru%ta. Flea who .8 they will Mate to 1w ay, ..r ovla Oederte►, ith Ort., 1863. • ',pit sieti.Jn •' a w ,ale ti q Merchant TA M �` ;. i,r1szsr *Ss= eoDss1 Isle. 1isa�„woo twigged wellealelies PALL. a .Wok il[Tt 1Mtr 0.i .ii Ws WritTwris,xd,ie)wsiest 11‘.04 Wild WI verge* M oil "eV' 61° CtMi�1 ' Odraj�.leet. Is. `ea bs�amp . CON YEYA (COIG r to U►DE11101111:07:4601114,0111 ... 1 N aw("gagv+an,y .vlr.. d t ha ea.oe, twdr ragtlKl i!L 4,rowl.s new, rift 9 Deed. w t Ashland Mortgosa.s .. .d'lVal. Ohm d eemwte at .o 5'1' IoM t £ IWO 1 Newel* MO. boil.•Weeury '# • W Y pEPAItTImi AN S BaL� . 1stags P, THtE 1 Crime ee P1w (T■out sad takes eku,p1 1�Ydurm(r (b1 gee.. bre., &46.4 Air.? *8 semanon in leermCisrtad.. or ebsm'br.. , •- . *IMO.. -a SHEEPSKINS, WILL IL 10I AT PL•ILIC ACCTIox, AT THE CLIliTON HOTEL ! DA,tRy PRQDPCEt &C%p TUE roI.t.owlx G 011 CMualt Lots and Buildings, viz 1. Huidieg L.4 No.9 06 the Central Square in Clinton with theihop and prenimes now oerw pied by Mr. Spencer as a shoe -shop. Tb,. u one odtbe mwt eligible Lue:ne*. heel. The beide gra nearly new. 1. The North pan of Lot 495 on V -:ton. Street is Clinton; la. Hie a (rootage W 421 Iona, with gird frame inure and dwelling lberrun,auw occu- pied by Mr. Lavv..c•k mid the Clinton Cot Rica tdlce; .tau the L.rbe:'s shop adjoeen.g. 3. Lot No. 18 on A. Robertson's survey IN Har;arhryy, with a frame Cottage thereon, sow 01,U by 51r. M,,A .her. saddler. 4. The Village Lam C'salon, on the London Road, djo.ning Mr. Dudewatb's builds,. earl- tinning .+awtinning three -,•.e his alae ricer. wih • Inure Cot - tare thereto, formerly occupied by &:beit Muco Moo :TN CASH -NOT IN B'_ORE `` SHIN -PLASTERS." • A COMPLI!i'F. ASSORTMENT or Te blh Ml�.tt11�t, jIs espevestt fw11 d vt1 , �:Alaettaa L. a`bwese r A. L.l:.:ertr treat . AMILY GROCERIES ! Otos-thin) cosh or by approvevl lotto Note et 3 month. with •tnterM, and tla residue in Ise equal annual mstalmcnb, will, tattn-st yearly ,m unpaid principal. Sale to Commence at one o'clock; P. M. For further pan:••ol•rs .pyla to the proprietor, Thomas ('.rant. (►.eon, H. H.b. (Tate., Tim. Rcox, Harpnrter ; or to G. M. TRUEMAN, Anon neer. w4lt0 Colmer►. Dec.4, '803. Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Ale, ►Porter, Pickles, Sauces, &c., &c.," -.ATA .A."‘"f4 Vii? LAND. J. Y. 8. SIRE. GODERICH, 23rd Octant, THE EMP-' I8 AGAIN REPL ESIIIR FRESH TEAS EX. "LILY!" Pt. • cw27 FOR, BALE • A LOT AND WELLFINISHF.D hoose, No. 549, a haus with 8 rooms, Dear the railway station. Apply roDAf iD LAWSON, Jr. Godeneh. 7th Nov., 11563. sw20•smosx Tuesday and Wednesday the 291h aid 30th days of DECEMBER i,atant, Moth d*yam at tee AMA a, m., whoa redalnw d=rew al o1Yatng Lttwamea to tawe8 wan them have an oppormney d brag maiwis a f1. .x.awtaem. of Mow s ah.pg First or Thad roam niters will he oe Tuohy,' be lib, .d h..yd (laic w W.i.shiy the MM. 47ameala ■ Mare being admamd to u etttaa- aattne ■-e ,-. *: ' ad InF et .ertt4.•alee attend,.oral r1recter, age.+ bbyy..krarmr or reales o11M Peace. D. A. arren1E. Overrun. lis:•neb, 7r Dhe., 1111. with Notice of Dissolution THE pa.rde 860.0. a 1Mng bstwea tb. ers,rre. h. beesardv- tN �ge,•abr, `Wet MVRRAY. J011I1 HiLUCK. Celle mb Dee. nth. telt .11 * akdrIli WA1RD! sitztow the . ..tela:, 4 ghees, N.: 'over wok tis* ewe Ism►44piers di' r 1d es. M won pert et alit cis eV.. A. t SI 0 ae w.S load m thew nam lewe bathe fror bow, •Aare. Clew R STRAYED. CAME INTO MY PREMISES, Lot 18, fah Coe. Waw.noah, an the Binh Novem- ber, Iter, • dark rte covalent!' a yeas ole, with hem. Wed is er the puma. The owner a re - homed welsh hs peopen, arid pay mxp1wam. ROBERT BOwE1tt, Udeei.b, Dee tab, AM • visa MOTE A ND W 1 DRR. law. 101. to, wul7.soe.g 872811.. M�.sdrun Ihe w+al.e• M '•e•. d• T1s 9oswMa Anse these yore au - `3ir� eish te prow p psev, P7 ea oyes •d tete se 0.roI• Plain tat see. 4. co... edges. Dee. ah, tab eTR:AY OX. Dcraarllr or Cwwx Lases. Quebec, Nov. 12x4, 1e63. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYP.N that about 13,000 acres of land in the Townships of Arthur, !Ointoand Lu*ter, Il( the County of Wellington. U. C., will be offered for tale by Auction, at the Office of the resident Agent, A. 0runis, Esq., in Elora,on the Second of FEBRUARY next. Conditions : Two-fifths cash, and the remainder in three. minuet insta:ments, with interest. List. of the lots can be hed on applicant= to the Department or to the Crown Land Agent. We. McDOUGALI, Commissioner. so 29 -6i -jot CHANCERY DII11:C'r FR01I CIII1NA PURCHASED AT THE GREAT CARGO SALE IN MONTREAL ! T1t.}; SrBSCRiSERS offer for Sale the Contents of over eighty packages Fresh Teas purchased for no ar,d selected with great care by Groans Kum, Eq., Dow {W MOND .4 ) ; 't4 for over thirty years in the trade, and who, we speak adviaedly, se a judge of era, !L� fuewjp third dayof whether ss regards make, quality or value, has perhaps no superior is Western 1N C11nMREl(;, . • Aooen.b.r, ie the Canada; 111E CHANC ELIAIR: t.ecnfy.arren h r , t of the reign o%fler aj •a: y, Qsreem Vial. 1� a Buse our Claims to Public Favor rite, and in the year of oar Lord 1863. B}TW I EN ALEXANDER MC N•11 AND JOHN LslRti• C A M (4mei Mm+.bMRN u•.4 tbe r7., l 41, me. I, eine. tp.. sheet the nereder M )twsrM les • 10.11 mewed .10ine et sig years art. TM owner a requested to peeve property. ,y awes mil tau ham away. Wre HALL. Dan. telt, Mit web -at NOTION TO °HOPPERS um FOR MALI Or OCR TEAS PON Plaiafifs ` 111'01A30AND INU WIERI73 Tnur.e M.,asla,a AND AY DREW L.watli, De fendaols. Tj PON the appli_ati::D of the Plaintiffs and '- it appearing by affidavits that after dee dill, envois, the said deleodant, Thomas Moroi. soI. cannot be found to be served with an (Alice copy of the 11ii1 in this cruse ; IT 1S ORDERED, that the laid Defendant, fusions M.raatsox, do on or before the fifth day of January next, answer or demur to the aid Bill ; AND iT it' ORDERED, that a copy of this Order, together with the .mice re - gaited by the floweret Ord.. of this Court be pbtisbed in the Huron Si{rtal newspaper, pabliahed In the Town of Ooderich, not 1.1. than four week., before the said fifth cloy of January text, and to i,e continued once to each week until the saiJ day. And it is farther (ORDERED that an office copy of the said bill and of *Ilia Order be reread upon the wile cftbe said Torten Moaalsus. (9d.) A. GRANT, Registrar. E Wend. (V4.) A. G. e II 0 TNR AROVE DRRC'DANT, .1 THOMAS MORRINON :-Take Notice, th d if yoe do cwt simmer err Mer to the 11111 peraaant to the above order, t1. ptaintilh m y admin •• Order 1 take the Bei es eue- 8..d spirit yea, said the Cis nay trsat ter phiertilA.mmb ..lilfu they say he *stifled m ea their owe nh.wh7, and yea wall Dot re- ceive any farther ease. of the isles pro• w -damp le the sous. JOHN MACARA, w P1.iata' .chiseler. 'VTR **10. Yd"`'uasmell,of 408.1. tog Rum rs... w. N anti. a.0. awl."' /LONEY 1 O LOAN Alli *4 ,n .rfnn• cele • Is nttW hem ee•lrati, t1. Pee..=. o..d.nme- tag .w -h work to here the see of the teed dr • sem borer pinnas•: wendap )tto the tee. pa�tltaa'p toss ma'am t, IWRef t WeDUNALn. smile/. Nis. de )tis. ailerons T ma ors peon hn aeme ,w ..edwmive FARM it IORt1T T. Andy to Il F. VANK(rt'GH$iIT. aarnst«, TW NEM. Tenet•, sea Nee . 1110 aunt MID OATS. The Canada Company rig 1.Menle fee elm lewd a Lair of il, app► .n W reit Mahe of Pm.iw 1 1.pwiw BYeh Ta•tarisa therk meal P.� (.O4 e�j i. "gjal .. a len woi:eam 0p) where be in selling for wad at Meets par hash. et. Pardee wl.hieg te *mean wra d 1t win do well to perches* m omam. H niNels, _F IRSTLY: These Teas have been purchased at eonfbgsedlythe best Market, via ; [Finn bed holders,] and upon the hest terms offered to the Cmdian Merchants. SECONDLY: J. V. DET.LOR & R� ; Invite Farmers, Mechanics, the Ladies, sod alt persons 1* reroostra1 bargains, to tall and inspect Meir tory Targe stock of FALL end:WI:rs TER GOODS, coteprleibg ` IID !DI � OF T OINESS, These Teas have been selected by a person of great experience, without Meth* the Subscribers one exert for expense attending asks, commission, or cis, [freight only `xeeyltea.]. THIRDLY: assent for certain •maadm*.0 to the AJue related es the aharew Ode said °mar aiwcssars% Walesa CMtaisleaeal W. R. Ream. t Nit era , GnAarbh. clams. C.up:ay-a eek., Teams. Rea. )leggmbsr Int, 1063. w60 6t 24th, i813. treelltpaz NEW Cottons, Dress Goods, Mantles, Shawls, Ladies' Hats, Furs, Boots and Shoes, Ready -Made Clothing Thane Tea.. being imported direct the CmI ti11 EmpireMont,111*1 �t of adulteration vanishes whatever t&e q ) left China, it rumba Mme. FOURTHLY: T. FRESH Sugaris Tess, 'fobaceos, CoWee8, Rices, Spices, Paints, Oils, C>TLAfi4Sly IIArt I1WARF, dace., tScda f Their Stock (1f DRY (i(x1D1! will be found reti eomPlu, arid larger than sine heretofore iraporied. {1t''' The DRESS GOODS are worthy of special atferitiori. w,.� CW., Having purchased a large lot of TOBACCO, they ate 15 to sell a good ertacle at Bets. per ►retro to. The wb.Milleri wish thus early to i to iMacs that all Notes and At -coatis are e$p(�fed to be paid punctually and is fall. To sustain their credit, ami to enahte idem to sell for small profits, they aro taxa yelled to insist eh immediate payment. (ttili*RICH, Wish Sept, 1863. In view of our determination of building up an an exclusively cash betimes, if is manifestly to our advantage to be as reasonable in our charges u possible , th.nslq WE CANNOT NOR WILL WE BE UNDERSOLD ! D. K ER R, Jr. & CO., Gederioh, 20th Nov., 1863. ism MArd1 ear tHcttren A rates l.fre or FSuITS, if TTS. s'OARa, ?MOM AND SAUCES, with a prism seser<ammr• of lime res of the boo quality, what& win be sold at very 0edsrieb - 20th Nov , 1 81,3. WAWrBD, D. SER,R, Jr., & °o. 1AGENT IMCwer►•s. f Rtrwwow. - e1 Ahow?dr1s. a Wel e•anesnr. w rrvinrl_�M�'e' 'e. PALMI&, �Ya'`''' 114 �}/(1 MONEY TO It*N6' , yi ,... Mw r • per east 1 eels a µ I rod p..nad.w tows J"sre&Mrev�rr ."'14.41,"1 ciao in t T RE i3A111tER Mat T. mynas i OPAL. II arAr� TO 9111W`•••••••- etots formerly cccupie by 'l� 11Il i tis i AT. +.:T J'A1t 4UNt_+l' IILIICJ1..,,,„.1;: whim, ■ M tosser heal try Impplj df dew ;slant Medici.cib.B alik See 0. ae1s1. 4rp aloe of r y 'EII�t ��.er1l��e�1{ �i �IIIY1�1sm MYW heirs )apt.tad dlreetl# tole stere rte mart renal& hdbs is 014111Pf AGRiC�1�YURAL SE l moat Rare dt.rd isw-mev4w a g.,r err paltal- TEAS, COFFEES e . TOBAO Which they edge el ..v, led Whs. A5Ae. Married. tarn. f I r.," hrJ•0*. an her..► wr•Y SOW �%b- a..r e, Matt+ alt p00.lise, whom+ all Jebenbefilpataarls Welt ~ i hhlreMsaal(sgg6n, a memeri. M. '/ml.ta 0 Juf!e1tTOlf PRT1h1CR 1ruerri. d1!r1w tits, ttr61. eine • QP Z VT 3111 • A ?r7 ?+2Q'ix'kis.( For Medical sail lathy hfk. sr 4 GODERICH, April 9, 1843 s ♦ LOt or a . REWARD. Lt.$2 4 ale jt the r been r het mo Atavic h.loam LAND itG M z�y 11'T N l& i n.14, fly w7 .d■..� )