HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-06-01, Page 15HOW CAN A WATCH CONTAIN FROM 17 TO 21 RUBIES k ~j 4,, A *** AND STILL COST LESS THAN A NON-JEWELLED WATCH AT $13? A jewelled watch movement costs from $25.00 to $150.00. How can it be less expensive than a $13.00 watch? The answer is simple. It lasts longer; more than 20 years longer and needs very little care. The $13.00 watch needs replacing every year arid a half. The jewelled watch needs a checkup every three years. At the end of 20 years (the average life of the least expensive jewelled watch) the non-jewelled watch at $13.00 has cost you $209.25, to replace each year-and-a-half. The jewelled watch has cost, including the purchase price, as little as $60.00. A remarkable saving. The $150.00 version of the jewelled watch can last as long as 75 years; an average lifetime. Think of all the watches you would have to buy at $13.00 to last 75 years. Think of how much money you could save by buying a fine jewelled watch now, IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE COPY - ASK Sari Campbell Exeter 235-27n YOUR JEWELLER ‘iniumomineommoimminimoomioulnimievaesiol 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Soles 25 Auction Sales 25 Anction Soles ' • and in first class state of cul- tivation. Parcel No. 2: 125 acre farm, Lot 9, Cop, 6, Hay Twp., 50 acres pasture land, remainder mixed bush; never failing wa- ter supply. TERMS of Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of this im- portant sale in following issue. GEORGE GRENIER, Adminis- trator for the estate of the late Hermes Grenier ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lc Timis-Advocate, June 1, 1967 Pogo )5 By MISS JEAN GQPEL.,ND family of Toronto. Mr,.,st Mn.s ClAYton Brook and family of Guelph were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dickey and family. fet; antique sideboilir0; ball rack; 2 electric radios; foot stools; electric lamps; folding, cot; mirrors; luggage; vibra- tor; heating pad; steel beds stead; 2 oak bedsteads; com- mode, dressers; commode chair; oak antique bedstead; 4 congoleurn rugs; Axminster rug 12x12; cushions; feather pil• lows; motor rug; bedding; lin- ens; bedspreads; quilts; blan- kets; sheepskin rug; braided & hooked rugs; drapes; curtains; books; variety of dishes; glass- ware; vacuum cleaner; Frigid- aire medium size refrigerator; 8 ft. refrigerated meat counter; drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; cupboard; Frigidaire 24 inch electric stove, recently pur- chased; medicine chest; couch; kitchen utensils; white enamel utility table; electric toaster & kettle; electric clock; deep fryer; New Corning ware sets; aluminum cannister set; set of dishes; antiques; sealers; welt- ing machine; 12 gal. paint; 2 lawn chairs; extension ladders; wheelbarrow; scythe;' garden tools, etc., etc. TERMS Cash William Balkwill, Ruth Ford, Dorothy Milliken, Executors for the estate of the late Sarah Balkwill ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 1:8c AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, House- hold Effects, Misc. Items On the premises It MILES EAST OF WINCHELSEA The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 17 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. JOHN SIMPSON, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lc 2$ Auction Sales chine; cooler and compressor; electric motors; 5 work tables; display islands; shelving; bolt bins; pipe fitting bins; paint display shelf; leueh carts; car- rying baskets, FURNITURE: 2 pc. chester. field suite; TV chair; occasion. al chair; rocking chair; end tables; 3 pc. bedroom suite; Mr. and. Mrs. dresser and chest of drawers; large dresser; cof- fee table; foot stool; antique kitchen cupboard; table lamps; glass bookcase; pictures; elec- tric train and tracks complete; rug 9x11; 2 rugs 9x12; rug 6X9; TV antenna and remote con- trol; child's encyclopedia; space heater; vacuum cleaner; power lawn mower; kitchen table and chairs; cooking utensils; dish- es: glassware. To be offered at 3:00 p.m. June 7: 1966 Ford half ton truck, deluxe cab, seat belts, tinted windshield, extra spare wheel and tire, only 9,000 miles. 1961 Studebaker Lark four door sedan, only 12,000 miles. This is only a partial list of the many items to be offered. Plan to attend this outstanding sale. Merchants welcome. No reserve — Terms cash. For EMERY'S GENERAL STORE W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE — St, Marys 284.3796 le By MRS. G. Hoorn Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanexan and Lisa of Waterloo, Mr. & Mrs. Morley Waugh of London were Sunday geusts of Mr. Leonard Thacker and girls, Mr, & Mrs. Waldie Bisbee of London were Sunday evening guests. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Langford visit- ed Sunday with Mrs. E. Trewartha of Clinton and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Norman of Holmesville. Michelle Robinson of Woodharn spent Sunday with Mary Lou Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson at- tended the church parade of Re- bekah and Oddfellows Lodge at Kerwood Sunday. Mrs. Sisson attended the birthdayparty Tues- day of Rebekah Lodge and was overnight guest of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Petch of Strath.. roy, Clearing AUCTION SALE of Appliances; Household Furniture; Antiques; Dishes and Glassware at LOT 8, CON. 7, BASE LINE of BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, 2 miles east of Woodham, on SATURDAY, JUNE 3 at 12:30 p.m. Woods 12 ft. deep freeze; International refrigerator; elec- tric washing machine; Singer electric sewing machine and bench; Electrolux v a c u u rn cleaner; floor polisher; bed- room suite complete; several beds, springs and mattresses; brass bed; several dressers, wash stands and chest of draw- ers; wardrobes; antique clock; captain's chair; antique chairs; child's rocking chair; love seat; china cabinet; odd tables; end tables; odd chairs; leather arm chair; rocking chairs; 6 dining room chairs; TV tables; card tables; large mirror; foot stool; table and floor lamps; hail rack and mirror; bookcase; pine box; cedar chest; large quantity of dishes and glass- ware; linen; chrome kitchen table and two chairs; step stool; metal kitchen table; chrome clothes rack; cooking utensils. Buggy; cutter; chicken brood- ers and feeders; 1956 Chev car; 1951 Chev half ton; 1951 Meteor car and many other articles. No Reserve — Terms Cash For the estate of the late A. Geneva Rundle W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE — St. Marys 284-3796 lc Surface temperature of the sun averages 10,000 degrees Fahr- enheit. Mrs. Bert Duffield Of St. Marys called on Miss Blanche Milisand Mr. Edgar Mills Tuesday after- noon. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler and David were Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hoff- meyer of Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis pf Fullerton and Rev. & Mrs. John Cooke of Thameeford. Rev. & Mrs. Cooke also called on Mrs. John Butters in the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Snell of Forest, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thomson of Parkhill visited Wednesday with Miss Blanche Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. The names of Douglas Smith and StephenHazlewood were omitted from the list of boys who attended the Boy Scout Camporee at Monkton on the holiday weekend. Sorry boysi Mrs. Harry Ford is spending some time with Mr. & Mrs. Win. Dickey and family. Mr. Wilson Dodge of Clande- boye visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett, Jacqueline and Geraldine. Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills visited Sunday evening with Mr. Ray Mills who is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Robinson and family of Stratford visited Sun- day evening with Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Brenda, Margaret and Janet of Baseline and Mrs, Edgar Rodd of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Rodd, Wayne, Karen and Eddie. Mrs. Rodd remained for a few days visit. Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb, Julie and Lori and Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend visited Sun- day with Mr. Jack Mann and clearing AUCTION SALE of Horses, Hereford Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Household. Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 21, CON, 14, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP le miles west of Dashwood, thence 1i miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, JUNE 2 at 1:00 p.m. HORSES: Percheron gelding; Belgian mare, good work team. HEREFORD CATTLE: 6 Here- ford cows due to calf in July and August; Hereford heifer rising two years old; Hereford steer rising two years old; Hereford bull rising three years old. HOGS: York sow with litter of 12; York sow recently bred. TRACTOR AND FARM MA- CHINERY: 1949 Case standard tractor; M.H. 2-furrow plow; McDeering 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Deering grain drill; McDeer. 3-bar side rake, new condition; McDeering horse drawn mower; 1V1.1-1. grain bind- er; McDeering hay loader; M.H. medium size tractor spreader; M.H. team scuffler; rubber tire wagon; new hay rack; gravel box; M.H. team cultivator; 2- furrow gang plow; set of har- rows; McDeering riding plow; 2 single plows; 2 cutters; buggy harness; set of sleighs; dump rake; 30 ft. ladder; fan- ning mill; heavy duty anvil; iron kettle; root pulper; chains; forks; shovels, etc., etc. 5 loads unthreshed beans. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mar- coni battery radio; organ in good condition; 8 day kitchen clock: coffee grinder; dry sink; Aladdin lamp and many other articles, TERMS: Cash No reserve as farm is sold. JOHN HECKMAN, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lc 25 Auction Sales Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228-6638 family were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. John Burleigh and fam- ily, Seaforth. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Ed. Chappel, Mrs. Ross McPhail, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. Cecil Bowman and Mrs, John Temple- Man attended the South Perth District Annual in Mitchell, Thursday, Mr. Gordon Pethick visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Hibbert township council held a dance in their newly decorated township hall Friday evening with the proceeds going to the Tornado Fund. Nelson Howe's orchestra provided the music for dancing. Mr. & Mrs. John Tempieman visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Miller and fam- ily, Munro. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, 64 Hereford and Durham Cattle, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Feed, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 19, CON. 10, HAY TWP„ 1/2 mile south of Zurich on paved road, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, JUNE 9 at 12:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No, 1. 100 acre farm, Lot 19, Con. 10, Hay Twp, on which 'is situated modern 2-storey frame dwelling with all convenienees.Well built bank barn with adjoining cattle barn; also silo, large implement shed. Land choice clay loam Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects being in the estate of Miss Anne E. Consitt, late of OXFORD ST., HENSALL, SATURDAY, JUNE 3 at 1:00 p,m. (In case of rain this sale will be held in the Hensall Arena) A few of the items offered for sale: Frigidaire stove al- most new; refrigerator; Spar- ton 21" TV; Duro pressure sys- tem, good condition; oval ex- tension table and 6 chairs; drop leaf table and chairs; small chesterfield; 6 horsehair chairs, platform rocker and settee; Duncan Phyfe style end table; bookcase, books, includ- ing old school books; needle- point stool; settee and chairs, Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 66 JOHN STREET, EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 10 at 1.30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 456 and part of 457, Town of Exeter on which is situated well constructed 2 storey frame dwelling. Main floor: large liv- ing and dining room, bedroom, kitchen, 2 piece bathroom and utility room. Second floor: 4 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3 piece bathroom; full sized basement, oil furnace; also small barn suitable for garage. Dwelling conveniently situat- ed and in good state of repair. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 3- piece chesterfield suite; 21 inch television; oak rockers; occa- sional chairs; antique writing desk; end and centre tables; magazine rack; roll top desk; dining room table, chairs, buf- AUCTION SALE of Schools and Contents SATURDAY, JUNE 10 at 1:00 p.m. PARCEL NO. 1 — Will be offered for sale by auction at 1:00 p.m. School S,S. No, 10 Tuckersmith Twp,, approxi- mately 1 acre of land, 3i miles east of Hensall. All schools have oil furnaces, pressure water systems, flush toilets, hydro. CONTENTS: 8 slate blackboards, pupils' desks, ta- ble, antique clock, radio, maps, pictures, fire extinguisher, PARCEL NO, 2 — Will be offered for sale by auction at 2:30 p.m. White brick school S,S. No. 9 Tuckersmith Twp., approximately 1 •acre of land, 5 miles south of Seaforth on Kippen road. CONTENTS: Wall maps, globe of world, electric clock, pictures, fire extinguish- er, garbage cans, pupils' desks, Captain's chair, 9 slate black- boards, books, step ladder. PARCEL NO. 3 — Will be offered for sale by auction at 4:00 p.m. White brick school S,S. No. 2 Tuckersmith Twp., approximately Vs acre of land, 1i miles east of Kippen and 1 mile north. CONTENTS; Antique clock, pupils' desks, 4 folding chairs, Morris piano, 2 wall maps, electric clock, 7 slate blackboards, step ladder, tower bell, 2 benches. TERMS Cash For further information con- tact Vern Alderdice, RR 2 Kip- pen, phone Hensel]. 262-5494, Chairman of Huron County School Area No. 1. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 1:8c re-covered; 4-poster bed and dresser; 2 washstands; Davis sewing machine, bill of sale 1887 with it; large bureau, porcelain knobs; clock shelves and knickknack shelves; small walnut chest of drawers; com- modes; blanket boxes; bed and dressing table; wardrobe; stu- dio couch; glass top cupboard with pie shelf; Boston rocker; many additional pieces of fur- niture. Among the dishes and small articles there is; Colored glass, some milk glass; toilet sets; several sets of brass candle holders and snuffer; brass bed- warmer; 12 place setting a Rodgers 1847 flatware in Re- membrance, complete with serving pieces; Limoges, Aust- rian china; complete set of semi porcelain including 2 tu- reens and ladles, teapot, etc.; 2 silver tea services; Bavarian china; crystal pieces; brass pieces; china tea set; lamps; pictures and numerous other articles. TERMS: Cash day of sale, House is sold and all must go to settle estate. HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer Alvinston 898.5330 le Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE of Complete Stock of Groceries; Hardware; Cloth- ing; Store Fixtures and Household Furniture to be held in the United Church Sheds in the WILAGE OF KIRKTON TUESDAY, JUNE 6 and. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 commencing at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 6 at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. HARDWARE: Large selection of nuts and bolts, all sizes; nails; rope; glass; paint; heat lamps; plastic and rubber hose; light bulbs; shovels; sledge hammers; pipe fittings; forks; step ladders; snow shovels; tool boxes; rubber floor matting; stove pipes; hammers; grease guns; wrenches; wheelbarrow; jig saw; bicycle; hand tools; pipe threader; logging chains; handles; pails; brooms; cook- ing utensils; cow chains; lime; salt. GROCERIES & MISC: Canned goods; cereal; preserves; pol- ish; waxes; cooking supplies; cigarettes; tobacco; candies; novelties; cosmetics; patent medicines; toys; decorations; stock tonic; work clothes; men's, ladies' and children's wear; shoes; gloves; sewing nations; dishes and glassware; camping supplies; school sup- plies; clocks; watches; gar- den supplies; brushes; barn sprays; rifle & shotgun shells; films; linen; oil lamp chim- neys; radios. Wednesday, June 7 at 1:00 p.m. EQUIPMENT: 12 ft. milk and butter cooler; 10 ft. freezer; meat slicer; cash register; scales; coke cooler; reflector mirror; counters; 20 display shelves and stands; nail bins; display counters; peg boards and hangers; egg grading ma- OMSIP needs to know... What's new in your family? Those important events in your family interest OMSIP tool The Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan needs your help in keeping your file up-to-date... so that, for instance, you get instant coverage of your new baby...or your own cover- age when you lurn twenty-one...perhaps even reduced rates if you should lose your income! We suggest you tear out this check-list and keep it handy—and do let us know about these changes in your family. A Change of Address. Moving's a busy time but please take a minute to drop us a line. Marital Status, When you get married, you'll wont to put your wife on your own OMSIP contract, Birth. Please advise OMSIP within 30 cloys after the baby is born, or adopted, so you'll get effective coverage immediately. Otherwise, there's a 3 month wait- ing period after notification. Turning twenty-one. When a dependant comes of age, he is no longer covered by his parent's contract and must take out his own coverage. Again, let us know within 30 days for continuous coverage, or you must expect a 3 month waiting period after notification. Loss in Income. If your income is reduced or stopped because of unemployment, illness, disability or retirement: you may be eligible for premium assistance. Please make special application to OMSIP. Old Age Pension. If you ore receiving Federal Old Age Security, you do not re- ceive OMSIP coverage automatically. So if you wish to join OMSIP, please apply. Death. Upon the death of a contract holder, the new head of household should notify OMSIP. Please let us know as well if a dependant dies. This information, kept up-to-dote in your file, helps make !Aire your OMSIP claims ore settled fast. Elul whenever you write OMSIP, be sure to include your name, address and contract number: Address all OMSIP correspondence to: OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto 7, Ontario. OMSIP helps payyour doctor bills..0MSIP pays 90°i of O.M.A. scheduled fees,