HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-06-01, Page 13FANCIES 44
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Putch a se Your
Pleasing You Pleases Us,
o with
Amok 1, 1967 .Pitrt 13 ,smarty resident dies
Women study Indians
Pests at the marriage of mr.
Neil D o I rn a g e and Lorretta
Willette, at Our Lady Of Perpet-
ual Help Church, Toronto, Sat-
urday, the reception following
at Town and Country.
Try rolling scoops of ice cream
in cookie crumbs •or crushed
cornflakes and then drizzling with
maple syrup. This is a real
party treat.
ad at the May meeting of the
Marian Ritchie Auxiliary. The
scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. Larry Gardiner.
The study on the "Indians In
Canada" was presented by Mrs.
John Ternmernan and Mrs. Lloyd
Miller assisted by Mrs. Gerald
Carey, Mrs. Gordon Laing and
Mrs. Chas Douglas. Ten mem-
bers answered the roll call with
a “Historic event in the Life of
the Presbyterian Church"
Mrs. Lorne Elliott gave as her
topic an article from the Glad
Tidings. Mrs. Gerald Carey gave
a reading "The Library".
M.r. & Mrs. John Wallace,
Debbie and Nancy Elliott, Mrs.
George Wallace, Miss Olive
Speare and Mrs. Verna Brooks
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Percy Adams, Blyth.
Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Heagy of
London and Mrs. Mary Clarke
of Wyoming, USA spent Monday
with Mrs. George Wallace and
Mrs. Verna Brooks.
Saturday visitprs with Mr. &
Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr.
& Mrs. Burnell Wilker of Sarnia.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Marquardt
Janet and David visited with Mr.
& Mrs. Gardiner on Sunday.
P et e r Z ankowski, Barbara
Gardiner and Carol Ann Dow
were among the Mitchell District
High School Grade 13 graduates.
Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Dow and Carol
Ann attended the graduation ban-
quet at Brodhagen Community
centre Wednesday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. RobertDodds were
Joseph Henry (Harry) Norris
Sr. '76, of RR 1 Cromarty, died
Thursday alternoOn in Seaforth
Community Hospital. He had been
in failing health for the past
three years.
Bern in Hibbert Township Mr.
Norris had farmed In the area
all his life until retiring seven
years ago. Active in community
affairs he served several terms
on the Hibbert
to am 01 h township counc il
and was
arty Presbyterian Church.
He was married to the former
Emma McPherson who prede-
ceased him in 1959. Surviving are
three sons, Ray of Weston; Hugh
and Robert of Cromarty; eight
daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Winona)
Jacobi, Kippen; Mrs. William
(Beryl) Storey, Bullet Township;
Mrs. Donald (Hazel) McLeod,
Ailsa Craig; Mrs. John (Mar-
garet) McDougall, Stratford;
Mrs. Orville (Lila) Storey, Mc-
Killop Township; Mrs. Hugh
(Donna) Flynn, Londsboro; Mrs.
Ray (Dorothy) Davis, Belton;
Mrs. Robert (Celia) Hubert,
Stratford; two brothers, Hugh
of Kippen, and William of De-
troit, two sisters, Mrs. J o h n
Drake, Staffa, Mrs. Louis Kiel,
Vancouver; 34 grandchildren and
five great grand children.
Funeral service, conducted by
Rev. J. C. Boyne, Exeter was
held at the G. A. Whitney fun-
eral home Seaforth on Saturday.
The Pentecostal WMC met at
the home of Mrs. Milford Protity
Thursday with Mrs. F.. E. Rhude
in the chair in the absence of
President Mrs. Keith McLaren.
Mrs. Ervine Eggert gave a
talk on "The Test of a Christian's
Life." Mrs. Edgar Cucimore read
a letter from a missionary in
Hong Kong. A session of prayer
There were 14 ladies present.
Mrs. Stewart Triebner assisted
the hostess during the social
e,te coma,
dte eitide
since the crowning of the first
Queen, who crowned Mrs. Wells.
She has lost 46 pounds since
starting in the cluh.
The Queen was presented with
a corsage by Mrs. Douglas Gould
and a gift of jewelry by Mrs.
Stanley Frayne. Mrs. Wells and
Mrs. Frayne were presented with
a cup and saucer by Mrs. Garnet
Shipman for perfect attendance.
Membership has increased in
the club and a total of 623 pounds
have been lost in the last six
months. Mrs. Barb Capling, Clin-
ton, Mrs. Lyla Thompson, Bruce -
field, and Mrs. Wells were the
winners of a contest held in the
last month and were presented
with gift certificates at the meet-
ing May 23, A flower centre-
piece was won by Mrs. B. Jaques.
McGillivray WI was hostess to
Cloverdale and Riverview
branches with the setting of the
18th century for the program in
West McGillivray Hall. Many of
the members came in Centennial
The program included skits,
readings, a humorous pantomime,
musical numbers and a duet of
several old-time songs. Each
branch gave its history. Several
ancestral pictures were on dis-
play giving an idea of the fash-
ions of the 18th century.
Antique articles were on dis-
play including coal-oil lanterns
and lamps being lit and set in
the windows. Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1V1111man and
family of Lambeth, held a sur-
prise dinner party at their sum-
mer home at Port Frank inhonor
of Mrs. Millman's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Godbolt of Ex-
eter, the occasion being their
forty-fifth wedding anniversary.
Also present were Mr. God-
bolt's sister and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pym of
Wingham and nieces and neph-
ews from Kincardine, Exete r,
Kirkton and London.
The couple were presented with
two chairs. Another daughter
(Pauline), Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Dyck and family of Pineimuta,
Manitoba, were unable to be
Mrs. Laverne Wells was
crowned the second Queen of the
local Tops club having lost the
most weight in the three months
Mrs. Norman Harburn presid-
erously over the joined cake
edges. Then using the pink frost-
ing, in a cake decorating tube or
a paper cornucopia, pipe on lines
of frosting to resemble ribs of an
umbrella, Make a knob of pink
ium speed, alternately blend in
remaining confectioners' sugar
and 2 tbl milk, beating after each
addition. Add butter, 1 tbl at a
time, beating well after each
addition. Makes about 2 1 /2 cups
frosting, enough for two Bride-
Couple mark
Licences, Permits and Fees
The Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend
By-Law # 16, 1956
This by-law applies to the licencing of Billiard
tables, Bowling alleys, Trampoline beds, Dance
halls, Miniature golf, Dodgems, Ferris wheels,
Kiddies' rides and any ocher similar device or
Licences must also be obtained for Nickolodeons
and all coin-operated machines, with the exception of
of vending machines.
By-Law #5 - 1951, and amendment, Transient Traders $200.00
By-Law #6 - 1951 Taxi Licence
$ 10.00
By-Law #1 ,4 - 1951 Hawkers and Peddlers
$ 50.00
By-Law #26 - 1952 Commercial Dumping Licence
BY Thursday, June 15, 1967 or MORE DEFINITE ACTION
Peter DeJong, Howard Green, Douglas Martin, John Teevins
S howers celebrate exciting
things about to happen. They're
a sign of warm affection and
well-wishing to the guest of honor
from her closest friends.
For the table centrepiece make
a bride-to-be-cake. Made simply
with a package of cake mix,
decorated with a frosting this
cake will delight the guest of
honor and her friends. If the
gathering is fairly large you'll
want to make two,
The only trick about it, is in
the cutting of the cake to make
the correct umbrella shape. For
this, mark the measured points
on the cake with picks and place
all pieces on the platter or tray
BEFORE you begin frosting. If
you haven't a large enough tray
or platter, use a piece of heavy
cardboard covered with alum-
inum foil. use a generous amount
of frosting, rounding the corners
to obtain the desired contours.
Twelve Registered Nur sing
Assistants in training received
their caps Friday afternoon at
South Huron Hospital.
The class includes Mrs. Joan
Fite, Exeter, Misses Yvonne
Steeper, Parkhill; Mary Ellen
Hallahan, Blyth; Lana Renwick,
Teeswater; Della Wiebe, Fullar-
ton; Barbara Scott, St. Paul's;
Helen Livermore, Clinton; Nancy
Mason, Belgrave; Donna Button,
Lucknow; Ladeena Latour, Ex-
eter; Ellen Lindsay, Hayfield;
Wibbina Bylsma, Blyth.
7exatot 70-Ala
Mr. M, F. Gladman of Van-
couver, B.C., who with Mrs.
Gladman visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard
last week, took a heart spell
Sunday and is confined to South
Huron Hospital.
Rev. and Mrs. S. E, Lewis,
Peter and Ann spent last week
at Expo.
Mrs. J. H. Jones was able to
leave South Huron Hospital Tues-
day after a lengthy stay. She
will visit with her daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Mor-
awetz at Peterborough. Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Jones of Kitchener
visited with her Sunday.
Mr. A. J. Sweitzer was taken
ill at Lions Club meeting Thurs-
day and is a patient in South
Huron Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. William Batten,
Scott and Steven visited Thurs-
day in Milton with Mr. and Mrs.
William Pollen and Timothy,
also in Toronto. Sunday they
spent with Mr. and Mrs. George
Pearson in Burgessville.
Mrs. Harvey Pollen is spend-
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs.
William Pollen in Milton. Mrs.
Norman Walper returned home
Sunday after spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Pollen.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sheppard.
Parkhill celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary May 22.
A family dinner was held at
their home on Sunday, May 21.
Open house was held during the
Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard retired
to Parkhill 15 years ago from
McGillivray Township.
The couple have four children;
Mrs. Gordon (Grace) Fraser,
Parkhill; Mrs. David (Elsie) Hol-
land, Mrs. Duncan (Thelma) Mc-
Naughton, both of St. Marys; one
son, Harry Sheppard, Dashwood.
There are 18 grandchildren and
18 great-grandchildren.
1 round 8" layer cake
Butter Frosting
Red food coloring
Candy wafers in pastel colors
1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
Miniature marshmallows
Prepare 8-inch layers from a
package of cake mix or use a
favorite recipe. Cool cake com-
pletely. (Reserve second layer
for another cake.)
To make cake, measure in
1 1/4 inches from outside edge
of cake layer towards center.
With a sharp knife cut straight
across the cake from this point
to each outside edge. Then cut
the small cut-off portion in half.
(See diagram 1).
Place the large cake piece
on a serving plate or tray and
arrange the two small cake sec-
tions at either side to form
umbrella. Do this by putting the
long straight edges of the small
pieces against the lower curved
sides of the cake. (See diagram 2).
Prepare butter frosting. Tint
1/4 cup of the frosting pink with
red food coloring and set aside.
Cover top and sides of umbrella
cake with frosting, swirling gen-
frosting at top for point of um-
Place pastel-colored candy
wafers on the frosting to make a
polka-dot design. Pat coconut
generously on sides of cake and
sprinkle remaining coconut over
top. String miniature marshmal-
lows on a long tooth pick or stick
for umbrella handle and stick
into cake,
1/3 cup cold milk
1 tp vanilla
1 envelope whipped topping mix
1 pound confectioners' sugar
2 tbl milk
3 tbl soft butter
Combine 1/3 cup milk, vanilla
and topping mix in large bowl.
Add about half of the confection-
ers' sugar; blend well, then whip
at high speed until mixture thick-
ens—about two minutes. At med-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLellan and
girls visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Dickert at Clif-
Mr. and 1VIrs. Edgar McBride,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McBride
and boys attended the graduation
of their daughter Sharon, Tues-
day afternoon, May 30 at Uni-
versity of Western Ontario.
Mr. Oswald Brown QC and
Mrs. Brown of Detroit, Mrs.
Marguerite Ulch of Windsor,
Mrs. Ed Little and Marcia of
Hensall were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. N. Long.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Chas. Atkinson were Mr.
& Mrs. Jas. Eagleson of Park-
hill, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kemp and
son John of London.
Miss Birdine McFalls RN of
Detroit spent two weeks vacation
with her parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Alex McFalls, They all visited
with another daughter, Mr. &
Mrs. Ross Lester of Brigden.
Mr. & Mrs. Ardeen Randall of
Wyoming spent a few days last
week with Mr. &-Mrs. Mervin
Elston and also visited with oth-
er relatives.
Miss Nancy Mason, in train-
ing at South Huron Hospital, was
a guest of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner, Friday
and Saturday. Sunday they spent
the day with the former's moth-
er and father, Mr. & Mrs. Ken
Mason, Belgrave and attended an-
niversary services in their
Mr. & Mrs. C. Hoonaard ac-
companied by the latter's brother
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Van Duyn of
Kirkton motored to Ottawa Fri-
day to attend the wedding of their
youngest son, Clem, who was
married Saturday at 3 pm to
Miss Mislien Dignard. They also
attended the reception following.
Miss Judy Dickey, Londo n
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. John Dickey.
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Dickey were Miss Bernadette
Comeau and Mr. Joe Warren,
Miss Linda Dickey, Danny and
Howard Benoit, all of London.
Nott Bosanquet
Peter Gctelaer is visiting his
grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. H.
Prance while his parents, Mr.
& Mrs. G. Gctelaer Jr and David
are at Expo, Montreal, this week.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Desjardine and
Steven visited Mr. & Mrs. H.
Prance on Monday.
1RCR is having tests for NCO
courses this week at Ipperwash.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Vincent
and Ira and Miss Gail Dummigan
of Grand Bend visited Mr. &
Mrs. H. Prance on Sunday.
A Centennial train from Sarnia
with steam engine and nine coach-
es passed through laSt Sunday,
10 am to Stratford returning at
5 pm, Even the baggage Oar and
all coaches were well filled.