The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-06-01, Page 4Grasp* at straws
--, _ _
2 3
ii :.•
- Fz•-• ..,
PLACE mouth tightly REMOVE your mouth, OPEN victim's mouth. TURN. VICTIM FACE UP
RAISE neck with one hand PULL lower law to cut around victim's mouth and RELEASE victim's nostrils.
and TILT head fully back position PINCH nostrils BLOW IN. The victim's LISTEN for air to come out
with the other hand shut to prevent air leakage
MAINTAIN downward
pressure on forehead,
chest should rise, of victim's lungs. LOOK for
the fall of the victim's
o c —r •
REPEAT steps 3 and 4 continuously. IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN : CHECK neck and
head positions, CLEAR mouth and throat of foreign substances.
Start immediately. Don't give up. Send someone for a doctor,
For infants and children, cover entire mouth and nose with your mouth. Use small puffs of
air about 20 times per minute.
Apply rescue breathing in case of DROWNING, CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK,
40 •
• •
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The annual
sucker play
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C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC
Publishers: J. M. Southcott, R, M. Southcott
Editor: Bill Batten
Advertising Manager: Howie Wright
Phone 235.1331
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CBC-TV has just announced I've mentioned it before,
that they will place more em- know, but it is worthwhile bring-
phasis on Canadian-produced en- ing the subject up again. The
tertainment and informationpro- usual television summer rerun
grams when the new TV season shows are totally outpaced this
opens in September. year with the full coverage of
Each Tuesday night, the net- EXPO 67, I don't know why, but
work will offer hour-long dramas I just took for granted that all
in full color. Robert Christie will coverage would be coming from
star in Hatch's Mill, John Vernon our own two Canadian networks,
will become the fighting coroner it's a delight to see that the
in Wojeck again and Gordon Pin- major networks in the USA are
sent will become Quentin Dur- now planning a fairly full sche-
gens MP for another year. dule to cover some EXPO ac-
Another 13 week public affairs tivities too. So each week it's
series will be called Extension— fresh and interesting material
Revolution Plus Fifty. Patrick from Montreal from what has
Watson will be the host. SPORTS turned out to be one of the
coverage will include the world greatest World Fairs of all time.
golf championship from Toronto; I'll try to keep you posted on as
specials on athletes who par- many scheduled specials as pos-
ticipate in the Pan American Bible,
Games in Winnipeg and cover-
age on the National Hockey Channel 10 movies for the
League expansion. next few days look excellent.
News and outside broadcast Film Festival presents Trapeze
coverage will centre around with Burt Lancaster, Tony Cur-
EXPO 67. A 13 week series is tis and Gina Lollobridgida. It's
chase uniforms for a hockey team.
Secondly, Reeve Boyle appears to
be of the opinion that because there
are "outsiders" on the rodeo commit-
tee, the town council should not assist.
This again should not be of prime
concern. Out-of-town folk use the local
bowling green s, youngsters from
throughout the area swim in the local
pool and the agricultural society grant
goes to an organization predominantly
composed of our rural neighbors.
We rather suspect Reeve Boyle
was grasping at straws when he came
up with that argument. He's never wor-
ried about rural youngsters being in-
volved in the minor ball or hockey pro-
grams and he's often driven out of his
way to pick up some of these young.
suers to take them to games.
He knows as well as any other
resident of town that we rely heavily
on the assistance of our rural neigh-
bors in community events, and the fact
is that Exeter exists in its present
state because "ousiders" shop, play,
worship and meet here.
Come on, Derry, bury the hatchet.
Reeve Derry Boyle's obstinacy in
bucking the local rodeo (excuse the
pun) is certainly not befitting a man
in his position and his reputation as
a sportsman.
We rather hesitate to enter a de-
bate on the subject again, but certain
inferences he makes about the rodeo
committee should be answered.
In the first place, he expressed
concern last week that loaning the
town grader and an operator for a mat-
ter of four hours was setting a prece-
That's doubtful. We realize council
must use caution in providing service
to local organizations, but there is no
reason why they can't be expected to
offer help to groups who are attempt-
ing to in turn help the town.
The loaning of the equipment
should be placed in the same category
as grants to the local lawn bowlers,
the swimming pool and charity organi-
It's a precedent not nearly as dan-
gerous as spending $200 to help pur-
Should curtail revelry
School boards should decide In last week's editorial on the dis-
couraging start of the summer season
at Grand Bend, we voiced the opinion
that stiff penalties against law breakers
in the early weeks of the summer may
act as a deterrent for further disturb-
Magistrate W. S. Pearson appears
to be of the same opinion, judging
from the fines levied, Thursday. Liquor
infractions resulted in penalties of $100
and youths charged with causing a dis-
turbance paid a minimum of $200.
Further evidence of Magistrate
Pearson's attempt to cut down on rev-
elry in the resort was the fact he didn't
give the youths any time to pay the
fine. Those without the cash in their
pockets went to jail.
Even in these affluent times, penal.-
the tale about an American chap
who joins a circus in Paris and
tries to persuade a top aerialist
to teach him the dangerous triple
somersault. That's Friday night
at 9 pm.
Then Blondie celebrates an
anniversary this Sunday after-
noon. On Tuesday afternoon, June
13th, Peter Sellers stars in the
Two Way Stretch. This is one of
the top S el l e r s movies. The
"carry-on" gang take over again
next Wednesday night at 11:35 pm
on Movie For Tonight. The film
is called Carry On Regardless,
So, again, you'll find top movie
fare on Channel 10.
ties of such magnitude should make
any holidayers in Grand Bend think
twice before they break Ontario's liquor
laws or become too vociferous in their
There may be those who think it
irregular that the penalties are higher
than the youths would face in their
home communities, but it must be re-
membered that the youths who create
problems in the resort are probably
acting in a far different manner than
they do in their home 'communities
* * *
Magistrate Pearson's approach
should work, and we wonder if it may
not be the deterrent required to cut
down on the increasing teenage drink-
ing in this district as well.
It's badly needed
planned on Northern Canada, and
election coverage, both Canadian
and American is scheduled, An-
other new Sunday night public
affairs program is on the draw-
ing board.
Six variety specials under the
title O'Keefe Centre Presents
will be seen once each month
starting in October. Top Ameri-
can and Canadian variety per-
formers will take part in the
series. A new adventure series
for children will start up this
Fall, It's called Barney Boomer,
Last season's programs to re-
turn include: Telescope, Flash-
back, Front Page Challenge, Don
Messer, Hymn Sing, Viewpoint,
Walt Disney Presents, Green
Acres, The Ed Sullivan Show,
Bonanza, Take Thirty, The For-
est Rangers, Zorro, RedSkelton,
Hogan's Heroes, The Man From
Uncle, Get Smart, Championship
Snooker, Championship Curling
and The Beverly Hillbillies.
New filmed-series shows in-
clude: The Danny Thomas Show,
High Chaparral, and Everywhere
A Chick Chick with Jerry van
So there you have the main
picture that CBC -TV will be
presenting when the good of fall
season rolls around again.
Good old Charlie Brown and
the entire gang from the comic
strip Peanuts will be back in
their fourth animated color car-
toon special next Wednesday
night, June 7th, on Channel 10.
... The Sins of Rachel Cade with
Angie Dickinson and Peter Finch
is the Film Festival presentation
this Friday night at 9 on 10.
The fir st-Man-to-orbit-the-
earth for America, John Glenn,
has signed to narrate a series
of documentaries for David Wolp-
er Productions. The shows will be
seen next January... ABC-TV
has announced that The Churchill
Wit will be one of the 12 ABC
Stage 68 shows next season. An-
other show will tell the story be-
hind the carol Silent Night...
CBS-TV plans to have interest-
ing people chat with HarryReas-
oner on a new show called Who,
What, When, Where, Why. Bill
Dana is the latest chappie to
throw his hat in the ring with
a late-night talk show. It's called
The Las Vegas Show and that
makes five on the market now.
* *
Don Messer and the Gang wind
up another TV season this Mon-
day night and then begin an around
Canada whirl-wind tour as a C en-
tennial project.
good food, night clubs, dancing,
an arcade, roller skating, min-
iature golf, drag racing, trampo-
lines, ice skating, and a museum
with relics of an old blacksmith's
shop, general store and barber
shop from a century ago,
There is an 18-hole golf course
and 16 miles of beach, with
excellent small-crafts harbor.
Taking the Blue Water Route
north, we pass through Brewster,
St. Joseph and Drysdale. This
is an invigorating drive along
Huron's shoreline with its wide
beaches and ready swimming,
away from the bustle of Grand
At Drysdale we turn inland
again, passing through Blake then
south to Zurich, a community
started by a Swiss in 1856. It
is, however, the present French
and German element which ac-
counts for the fine meals at the
local inn,
Continuing south to Highway 83
we find Dashwood, an industrious
village with a newly-renovated
hotel; turning east we come to
Hay, then Exeter—a thriving town
which holds four annual events—
a fall fair, a quarter horse show,
a rodeo and a skating carnival.
Originally Anglo-Saxon, it now
has many Dutch settlers, and
many fine old yellow-brick and
clay buildings still stand. Located
in Exeter is the picturesque
Riverview Park and a municipal
swimming pool. East on Highway
83 is the Morrison Dam recrea-
tion area and the Exeter golf
Further on we pass through
Farquhar, north to Russeldale,
through Munro to reach Mitchell
and then back to Stratford.
* * *
While that tour has probably
been taken by area residents on
a number of occasions, we wonder
how many really do stop and
think about some of the scenic
beauty or examples of old arch-
itecture to be found here.
The number of attractions list-
ed on some of the other tours
-- Please turn to page 5
certain sections. Two include
sections of South Huron, with the
emphasis being placed on Grand
A one-day tour from Stratford
through Southern Huron County
is the one affecting this district
the most. The details of the trip
are as follows:
Taking Highway 8 west, the
road leads to Sebringville, a town
named after its first settler, John
Sebring, an American who erect-
ed a sawmill there in 1840. Its
solid-brick hotel dates back to the
settlement's early history.
Turning south through Avon-
ton, then west, we come to Full-
arton; its original hotel still
stands, now serving as a general
store and post office. Turning
south to Science Hill, we are in
the midst of land settled through
the Canada Company, and many
township names in the area are
those of original settlers.
Going west again we pass
through the pleasant tree-lined
villages of Kirkton, Winchelsea
and Elimville to Centralia.
Centralia is a charming town
settled in 1833, with a church
built in "Carpenters' Gothic",
a style borrowed from old Eng-
land, topped off by a quaint four-
poster tower.
Heading towards Lake Huron,
we go through Crediton, a quiet
village with its maple-lined
streets, some houses with pat-
terned brickwork, and a fine
red-brick store. In the next ten
miles the breeze from the lake
can be felt, and after passing
through Shipka we come to the
drag-racing strip outside Grand
Bend—where the smell of burn-
ing rubber and the roar of the
high-compression engine s at-
tract thousands every Sunday
during the summer.
Grand Bend, a village of less
than 1,000 people, swells to 20,-
000 in summer, when it becomes
a Mecca for the swinging gener-
ation, who find accommodation
of all kinds—hotels and motels,
cottages and cabins, tourist
homes and rooms, campsites and
trailer grounds.
Grand Bend has everything—
sure as possible.
However, many communities of a
comparable size have traffic control
lights and most cities certainly have
lights in numbers that would corre-
spond to a ratio of one for every three
thousand residents. Certainly, many
city streets are not as heavily travel-
led as Highway 4.
On that basis we see no reason
why Exeter should be denied some
means of controlling traffic so pedes-
trians — especially our elderly citizens
and mothers pushing buggies with a
couple of youngsters in tow — can cross
the road in safety.
Fulfilling his nomination speech to
attempt to have some sort of traffic
control in downtown Exeter, Councillor
Ted Wright has succeeded in getting
council to request 'a traffic light at the
corner of Sanders and Main St.
This newspaper has supported
Councillor Wright in his opinion that
some means of controlling traffic is
required, and we are pleased to see
he has now moved ahead in the fight.
As he suggested, it may well be
that his idea will fall on deaf ears at
Toronto, but he's apparently prepared
for that as he has already told council
they may have to exert as much pres-
Threat to small business
John Roxburgh, Liberal member of
the House of Commons for Norfolk,
had a few words to say last week about
a very important segment of the Can-
adian economy.
"Autocratic bureauracy at all lev-
els of government is aiding in the
death of small business in Canada," he
said. Mr. Roxburgh entered the throne
speech debate with an appeal to the
federal government to take some of the
red tape load from small businessmen,
whose contribution to the economy is
important. He said that though the
throne speech was supposed to contain
"something for everyone" it left out
any consideration for the small busi-
He said that the Small Business
Loans Act looked good on paper but
so much red tape was involved in get-
ting loans that bankers advise appli-
cants to look elsewhere for the money.
"Somehow we have to make it pos-
sible for all practical forms of small
business to carry on so it can still be
able to not only play its part in the
future economy of the nation, but most
The yellow flower of the dande-
lion is a numerous quantity this
Immense quantities of tile are
being hauled through Crediton of
late. Some of the popular sizes
have been sold out for the time
Mr. W. J. Russell has received
papers during the week con-
firming his appointment to the
position of postmaster of Exeter.
The citizens of Exeter are
being liberally supplied with nice,
fresh white fish from Grand Bend
at frequent intervals.
important of all, in the opportunities
it offers for advancement to the people
of Canada," said the Member.
Conforming to paperwork demands
and meeting those for social benefits
leaves little time for the small business-
man to contribute to his own enter-
prise. Incorporated business is better
equipped and staffed to cope with
these requirements.
With the continuing trend toward
amalgamation into larger business,
farming and fishing operations, some
thought should be given to easing re-
strictions in the wife's part in a small
business he said. "Let's not forget this
group is the lifeblood of our economy.
It is the remainder of the few left who
are ambitious enough to work longer
than the five day week.
"If their will to work is curtailed
by an overbearing bureaucracy, then
the nation could become stagnated by
two classes — those wishing shorter
and shorter work weeks and those sit-
ting comfortably at the top."
—Wingham Advance-Times
Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924
local linemen in and around Ex-
A monster church parade was
held in Grand Bend with services
in the United Church sponsored
by Greenway LOL with about
300 Orangemen and women in
At the eighth annual Kirkton
Preliminary Juvenile contest
Friday night Adjudicator W. R.
Goulding of London selected 18
numbers from a total of 37 entries
to compete in the final Juvenile
Contest at the Kirkton Garden
Nineteen members of the Ex-
eter Legion met at Lloyd Rey-
nolds farm and hoed and blocked
two acres of sugar beets in one
and a half hours. Mr. Reynolds
was laid up with a sore back.
Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ont,
s,e411111A11 wifit4 p.
W. J. Routly was appointed
road superintendent of Usborne
R. N. Creech has resigned his
position as treasurer of the Ex-
eter Agricultural Society and
Clark Fisher, secretary , h a s
been appointed to take his place.
Pat Hopper recently celebrated
her birthday with a party for the
Babies of Britain. In place of
birthday gifts each guest brought
a gift for a baby in Britain.
Fifty-five Japanese lads from
British Columbia arrived at Cen-
tralia station in their own spec-
ial car Thursday to work in the
sugar beet fields of which there
are about 1,200 acres in this
district. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dep't, Ottawa,
and for Payment of Postage in Cash
Before leaving Exeter, our for-
mer advertising manager Val
Baltkalns penned a letter to the
editor pointing out the flashing
lights on school buses were hard
to detect on a bright, sunny day.
This is an opinion shared by
many people, but to date no
concrete steps have been taken
to improve on the situation.
We think this is a matter that
should be discussed by all area
school boards which use buses
to transport students to their
schools. If the lights are not
easily detected, then the boards
should ask the department of
education and the department of
transport to devise a better
means of warning motorists that
the bus is stopped to discharge
students and that the motorists
must stop.
In some states across the bor-
der, school buses have signal
arms which extend from the side
of the bus when it is stopped
and these are quite easily seen
by motorists approaching from
both ways. A signal that extends
above the bus may also be bene-
However, while we think the
present system can be improved,
there is no question that some
motorists fail to drive with
proper caution when approaching
As soon as a motorist sees
a bus on the highway, he should
realize that it is almost a fore-
gone conclusion that it will be
stopping at laneways ahead and
the driver should be prepared
for such stops.
Entertained a school teacher
friend Saturday night who is in-
dustriously working towards his
Bachelor of Arts degree. Seems
this is the thing to do these
days to get ahead in the pro-
However, in our discussion,
yours truly expressed the opin-
ion it was really a waste of his
time to be attending university
summer courses in view of the
fact these courses do little to
improve his ability as a teacher.
While knowledge never goes
amiss, we can't help thinking
it would be much more profit-
able for both he and his students
if he were able to attain a degree
by taking subjects that would
improve his ability to teach.
Obviously, the English, polit-
ics, math, science and philos-
ophy subjects taken at university
are out of the realm of interest
of elementary school students
and so very little of the know-
ledge he gains from taking such
courses can be passed onto his
While the department of edu-
cation does offer many valuable
summer courses that pertain to
teaching in schools, this chap
can't attend because he has to
have his university degree.
It would appear to be time that
the department set up a course
for teachers that would enable
them to attain a degree and at
the same time provide them with
the instruction required to be-
come a better teacher.
It appears rather foolish that
our friend will be able to advance
in his chosen profession once he
attains a university degree, al-
though few of the courses he is
taking at university will really
improve his teaching or admin-
istrative abilities,
This is just another example
of the fact too much importance
is given a university education,
when a more practical education
would be more beneficial.
The Mid-Western Regional
Tourist Council has just com-
pleted its second brochure listing
tours and accommodation in the
counties of Perth, Huron, Water-
loo and Wellington. There are is
tours set out in the publication
and It Is hoped they will en-
courage the travelling public to
become more familiar With this
The first tour covers the entire
area, while the others include
Paid in Advance Circulation, September 30, 1966, 4,427
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $5.00 Per Year; USA $7.00
Tranquillity is the most eva-
sive thing in the world. At least,
it is if you have a family. There
must be a few rich, happy bach-
elors who can put their feet up,
read a book and take a trip with-
out becoming involved in several
hundred irritations.
Every spring I go through the
same routine, and I can't under-
stand why an intelligent man can
be so stupid and suckered an-
nually. All it proves to me is
that experience teaches you noth-
ing, contrary to the old saw.
Each year, May beckons like
a beautiful maiden clad in the
flimsiest of draperies. Every
year I pursue her, panting (or
puffing). And each year she turns
out to be an old bat garbed in
potato sacks, with a wart on her
nose, falsies, and bad breath.
The worst of the Winter's grind
is over. And I look for green
leaves and a warm breeze, for
a soft rain and a warm sun, for
a little cool fishing and some hot
golf, a little puttering in the yard.
Nothing, wild, colorful or exotic.
Just a touch of tranquillity. And
every May it eludes me with
the ease an eel would elude an
Mostly, it's the Old Lady's
fault. Like many women, she
begins to see all that shabbi-
ness, in the yellow Spring sun-
light, and acts accordingly. For
a solid month, I've been look-
ing at drapery material, wall-
paper and chesterfield cover-
ing. Saturday night, I'd had en-
ough. I told her flatly that I
didn't care if she decorated the
whole house in pink and purple,
but to include me out.
Then I get a one-hour lec-
ture, citing various neighbors
and brothers-in-law, on my
short-comings as a husband. So
I finally tell her which of the
materials I detest. And then she
tells me what rotten taste I
And I bridle. Yes, I literally
bridle. It's quite a trick. I tell
her I like the chesterfield as it
is. We've only had it 16 years.
I ask her What's wrong with
the drapes We have? I refuse
to admit the rug needs clean-
ing. And then, as they say, the
fat is in the fire, sputtering in
all directions and burning pain-
fully when It hits.
G. John Goman, public school
inspector for Huron, has suc-
cessfully completed the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Education.
Mr. Ross Faber, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Rochus Faber, Kippen,
graduated from Ridgetown Agric-
ultural College Wednesday after-
Ron Heimrich, senior grade
teacher at Exeter Public School;
resigned to accept a position at J. A. D. McCurdy School, RCAF
Station Centralia.
A. J. "Jake!'Sweitzer, Exeter,
WAS One of three Lions elected as
Canadian directors of the inter-
national service organization at
the convention Of Ontario and
Quebec clubs In Peterborough
this week.
Mr. Harry Page, his wife and
family, formerly of St. Cathar-
Ines are moving to Exeter, Mr.
Page has been transferred by the
IIEPC and he Will work with
And I stomp out into the back-
yard, quivering with rage, and
fear, and glare at the "com-
post heap"; a pile of old leaves
and stones I didn't get raked
last fall. And she stomps right
after me and glares at me. And
I stomp right in again and blurt
defiantly, "Well, have it your own
way, dear."
That's the only way to settle
that. And I thought everything
was cleared up and I might get
a smidgeon of tranquillity. What
a hope. Our prodigal turned up the
next day, and we had to kill a
roast of beef. And I was expected
to take him aside and have a
"good talk" with him and
"straighten him out."
He was tanned and fit, with
a beard that makes him look
like a minor prophet. Had just
had a pleasant six weeks, bum-
ming around Mexico and the
Southern states. Worked for his
keep, here and there, from sell-
ing fruit in a market to being
a servant for a wealthy couple.
He's 19.
Had broken a finger, Indian
wrestling on the beach at Aca-
nulco. A mexican doctor set it,
badly, and it has to be rebro-
ken and reset.
How do you have a "good,
straight talk" with a kid who
just grins, listens to the blast,
and says, politely, "Dad, I have
all my life to go to college and
settle down to a job and raise
a family. What's the rush'?" What
It . offends my puritan up-
bringing, the whole protestant
ethic of hard work, and the cap-
italist-materialist outlook of our
society. But I can't help a sneak-
ing agreement with him.
I've been hacking away for
20 years, and have wound up
with a couple of kookie kids, a
kookie wife, a car owned by the
bank, a good-sized mortgage and
a job that Is draining my life
away, drop by drop. What, in-
deed, is the rush?
Oh, well. Now the family has
decided we're going to Expo, and
there goes the last hope of a
modicum of tranquillity. And what
the heck! Tranquillity is for old
guys. And / ain't an old guy, he
said shakily.
There's always next Spring.