HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-11-26, Page 41,741ItlePt047` hie form • • othe.• • here Pki .. -am-,terowotist. while Abe grain dw• -Gwillt iota " eddy/him Mimed in his to 741141 11101 11.1 4Id,Mik po • freidAts to.tketief their appetite, .41111risnelA rel druak,-..Los imp every of WA Lion. Houle would riaa Tewomide do field, until they • 00Vie Keollieiou with tome oloet shot iwPcdtil.klttie peo,zres.. Others .yetioniti mina, weld Viruntuo around, and Ors ..iteenp bete lies 0111 to g01.° hotter Meet rt4f nor wow htorite would eheaire fowl r fide tosilk iile it dancing Matter, whit other..upplitAi *Le ateu•ia by einstling with theft firs brae- on. all sides, and Ihro topical a ith mi4111, and Slain. 0716711, Split W0171.1 In01'n et, illy along, ding their hinder poria utter thank as 1 Top. lyaed , and auother set nhowett their kit- ing prottegn,ities, 4, code...coring top a quirod itit eNry on; of their ROOF. potter. th C011130( a :di them. And the ptrfonnenee would be bmtight to p clip* by a s tegi inteWtefe<, in which 11 ould eimve; after which they wellla snore away the el-etu Louie i.. real drunken style, and wak-n op seemingly ttite recsivered, lint rultnritigi no doubt, lire 1..15d idle, like every other elewilen °mature ;titer a erten. What shame's! a di. -race! it su tor those to docou as to id ice themselvea. on $ Iced with the drunk ard ! Truly, the luierLan •ii tz•g a meet put e amps, - 1m tit itst ! Tter bin' no intereming .ftgamtion 1, the !tidier, will mute one r 'Jour readers Ix; kind entny.;fil to enitin tint come of socla aorta upon the hogs ' er, more plainty, what properties did the frumm bucks c int tin to Cid te an alL 4, it be jkit tibrly (lir ilili Mg All* et as li. Las mei os Ws setae' imW h. hoot it thyr tihx,Aurrit lb. .....b“......, .46rdeir *Ad and rang eine they ettnaked Anteldeptd, tied, in conemmeuee. ad the *boom •e,$ ie vest &Wm. The outbreak he albinism, to the aiiestenery party. tied sem the Lialop vies 1 st the head ol the blencv iv. mpitteipoie, The Dieui.smoite. huitiever, that line, as well lieeti 41444 tp eta: to OW in Mey 11.41•••• and aril, he • tyt, -they merited 110. pm moat. as no thersi rests 1. ',bole, Moline etelkt .n. Of all the i•opinsdnit, th • .,o be add. am ilmareite. and a* tem; 4, or the suaudiea art.11 find foods to keep ilo m Mt a lila of hymns. they alit 0e11 may antonialt (rIO. to•.•.1 ahem.- Timms., fiat ? - Pontiac l'i,isteer. ' A 3101e1 Composition. . - • le4a anti girl* ho ac pe. ples--d to km. whet Hi, write about, sod how t • ole it, Wien re parol b: them temjerr to Iasi yr • ..io Cyaitilttui ibe Astrid : Worrell- the coldest seseon yearIsemosta• • s noes its winter. 1. some crannies Abner genies in -the summer, mid "le11 ld 91717 111.711014. 1 wadi salter mune in mecum in t'lliceountry. Tue,, 11.01* d go e 'catingthorefou.„ and A'id clown kilt in tin.. trousers.; We solid arinebsil sithutit iettinz our fin.r.. cold -a toss grin go oat riding wou'dut,IterkiklIMILIKery liar id to on di. Of they do mite. It *nue. tome is ulster than ltd Des hien) ot :er seasub of the year. Thin is titte.nire ag intny maters mid Cristo am mirk at th lime. Inc gra rs mule batter in a than in ' Ulnae., whip\ lass th daft** dance before the die:event of • L.-boutets. Wider that • is left out dodos 1.01 by frees* al this sesion, Soatipehinotnno 1. node odes bid cisterns ca.:* Wkialitikt lard keep thins by thafant, • mid th freer.. liketEsy issreakfim a 'tont. Tarr boys jet. idseir stmti on when dr, ri.ver is frozen eter,Joid rime, play tag, 'break throe the let=ttiet wet alt (met (tome.Intea Wey tet d ,) fall nucl break their heads, aunt en- lle‘110.1014, he MOT, take? 11/101.•• .•. A ridged boy wee borrowed Mr sh..(ps end rts• D T tcith thew, ao44 could net moth hirn.-- klother toddle iwdgment wook1 overtake WM one (Ivy. Judgment toile. bate to be 'Tailoring 1 Tailoring 11 HUCH DUNLOP, I a vs T0itams0, 1r Orli/ 11F.I411.:11 FULLY INFOKIi • IL.. imbibe ol 60.1440h mid the ....rw....utwif rotiels) Mai le 1•. 'lace. the •Iii•ie Inc. ,. th. Lalel) eceup:4 b) 3Ir F. W. Hollis, 01 Nit B STREET„ sr...., (4 .1.1 0140 114 Nitolet Fromm, aid hopes , • Mini c...• 41*01 f.00,01/111111P id ICIPM10011 le wont •olasso putlac petimirre. nererb. Apnl 13:.16113 111U°11 1.11)P Oir OYSTEI DEPOT smolottile Speech el the Xiisaof IT 0 lir IS Demmer!, 11111/helhe Of Deis:44th ban pee Flults, Fancy Good; Tobaccos, Aetteraiwg to the .iffeabiodet. or kali 0441. follou 10.; co :- ..1 bare every c in the victor/. t itoljustice of OW esnit. Lit•••1 *lint * t" SICAL INS11IUMENTS ••••ithfial behle:irigeni are Dealth .1 hear, Are e, the that it rook' he a c.iine a:sonst thin, t icon 9.044.4 NOIR, sail 0.4 ,ot that the 0 deu`Muli pares hid rat be.. lt, b tbe course o: 1. me wd if 11 t•eitime.i. OS 'rig the wirenei. mad Prownested-Sier deo p• nut 04 Iltdat Ona Item um ince of $..unitinavia, old J. id uf etc meth, *0 dime the fate of (*01*4, tt l'olund, ono of Nu tbero Itu'y. by L.;uf ore. ,o,oereid .4,1 empress4 by tlerroon govern .n it*, *lien 1 will dammed from the throne int 0'1 piorl.,iin Ine repuidie. I pan d .• .•• of my „Tooth in Swizerland; 1 1fat.. lima and imittletime el Oat gmeti try. and 1 am ronetlited that no ;e •..le 0. F. I me i. ,,01c - flied for the reputli sty. e .1 ;LAO Illy dear iteuielt people," tr 4/.11. I0F1141. A Visit to General Lee. A c III espo.oletil of the Rileigi. (Nott!I ".111'.) Progress, ou a vis,t lo.Gelt. Lse't irmy, • rites :- '. 1 041 (1001 pm' away to Girt. 1,e,'•1 head. tnips.: le, s, eli•vh toteist.ai or a e....ier ()legit ots pitched it. • grove of oaIdi ks, ren10#111 f am old lipretfig /suttee. . 1 towel Gen. 1.00 ON. , wig Ly a lo.: lire •S the tumuli tit 1.0 10111,ni.11 one of Isis aides, eti)oying a initial come* • rim beer • him It:nkt•e neesim. er Ilion my approaeb, she old he • o, w • t li ,P. t anwl3r. POMIIIV MOOS Odd it e me a medial wekewerto nis bailliq.b.rte a. (1 bad 111 sessoasowto Mane *hit ) Gon.lest is lit 110011160/ heats scdtpollo hope's!, moue c:•uw, and web. dimly of our final itiumph in thls.bloody atingle for S. -idiom it dep. rdvaiw. lie renturked. .. It im with us isidspetalenee tri sothieri." . . .. odds The folintrin4 is am .ezhibit at the forty, called into same *envie* in the Northern States, wader the sellkiniatmlian ot Pikeitlent Linen:2 : By ProcO motion, April 15, 1,1161 .. ;3,000 By Pr elhmation, Nil 3. 1461- • • 65.000 Bioko of %mama.% July 21,1861.. otiose By Ait d(Constees July 93,1901.. 93.040 Ily Proulabuition. July 1, In62.... 3(0,10f 0 lir Proclamation, Anoint 9, 1 t462 300,004. by Order July, 1063 . . 300,000 By Proel4auost, October 17,1863 300.0u0 1 I • I • IA; I I i 111 • mAkie Lamle am ;arm tome; the3per than Der, for: PAVID McALLISTER% w Boot & Snoe Store, TIT) Ill/Of Soutb of Kip' Bleck, - 3larkel Sqtart, rr DA' WILL FIND Tat mei Sias etel...edlne Sa et die low 1.4 yeatat. •A* ' ,,,,,sadams adervii Stoek. -nolo assio.N.TI:m.Is nix PINE TO auy 0 - tilirlf ONLY ! Or Tan IOW1 MI it nu er mama Mitt TOO listosca HURON --i.FOUNatit! CD MD 1113.; MIR AC .1E -W load luetslisseie, * biteresi m Ipor mot. • ' ! , 7'0111%11h P dE )1011141S: &nob 7 in IS co., 50 acres, South 8 In lot con, 60 acres, South 11 in 2d con., 100 *errs, Booth 21 io 3d et u., led acres Not th 20 in th con., 100 acres. ddrotht 1110 46 Coll., 100 metes, North 23 iu th con., 100 acre*. 1 41 MWl.relar OP flOWICK : r.v oda . 11' '‚'e 1;••oern-h Iowa. Loll 2 3 and 4 in TOWNSHIP OP GREY: vristl•n4W Mei 16.4. *Id *hie. „,a 15th eon., 100 acres each ▪ lt 'h.' '147' "2u- 1.0°48;2316 imnid143t elOji0i.,4e100.ar.1111, Oath, Ilic tr,r, h I 1 1011/ 01 Yoe% Mi ISO • CICiAR STOWE OF F. NITCHE, .ddltddIroi °I l"°W. 4164,0‘, ento.inal rd's Slatt•pr< Pair Ka Wen &net 64:14rfikli. Mel.** Law .000 4'K'' cheaper Ilia• two. Fs,* Ipmetbroolboomou. Laiwow d., hoofs Ihnelinie. , ' Von InIf oh.. WM a splesinal almortmeat or strays on head. ,i.mir-tarr, On quality of which cana011 ***4 rarer,. I/Wore 11.181"Alliw HOW. owl 81mai 01)114-.TEEjas tbereur.0.7s. '0'0' pur • in 1..61 wy le 4.1 to •ruslioini•re awl frvemic, .1 rwi liny bull rupthifkis,r ...wok* mina to nall sad emainine lbw 444% - n•=.4 L/3 ATTENTION! et tate resew. Weeded* al A WANT ED 200,030 VOLUM' EI Itnownle. plare-TWe Hope an* lit 4.0.16..1. Marto quanr. thaltra 6, rib A.,mt. 1004. far 10d-wit-ifilki 2/11 "MI '140 11142 'IN't•tePtio alondupis dams ox Duos •Lit • 11'l1* atts JO VI to) To buy Boots and Stces. song/ j*,. aln Iota tuna...tuo.) wow ire J 'hAlt sommerikh HEAD ouARTERs," 4'inbal, 4016 id1/1.ppidlis Avid 1•111 distan Lug ports •7 3DT_TINTOA..1ST'S Groat Boot and Shoe Store. p„een 111.fr STRUT, 14!..;%.6.41' ;g4 211 1.;,AVA!r;r1,; NA, TS A V.0 3111)ept, at lower rues noir ewer uSeed is 1.100.m. Is tenor, Penn Ida Sillendato pool io Cieni•M W•et.- siTtartsl the sees of ',oast ar,kasen rad he asisiu the hen he run ..ayua, lore an tubule SIMI rano,* mirpment L94 limetembertileidare-Ig." Week; Wee 11.met N43.--01eptiiriag dOne w:1:, mimeo arial'd4. POPO,. ikni. DUNCAN. Ciodmirk, pi. 11, 14...t v33 T' AI LORING-I • DEll INC MOST 81NC 1.1: THANIN • it 0.r the vie, aferit.o 4.1 .64, soil beinwil.k, iowsorMer over w. 1 ..65,000 the mar. Weir - III 1.. 10110 184 r "e'tY r1/ fdr rwww sena. staficas of nein Lamborn , " litre :let Ala s'egh 100 114 sendulldbit;:lni'themaNtrit...1 vete t net in 1660 s.,r to.; the under cll..' to ati...t.1 4'; Carrying on FustGess Ext: iely now seional littio0w. tor pmedant aili foot sue no win It; 'mown Lao Jim. lit 110 prt .214).p 111 %AO Milli s! mem • 31+41, Pi+ in 0141 .410 te *1 'SLW it.tog 4111.1.0NY RI og may torn& VIC OS ''F'w J. '11".4 will "I pautur Atppi. o trot.:, 11111.4 pee* IpIn ati e. Wee atm.. 1 alspd pops £44, sgOT Oinfix :tout. 61.•nier Naltan) .1,..nn.orthm:ne sae! Napa pant psaurair 405. p•Ja.ij „ ~it Ito!..1•1 .3 mime as emsu mn; 30 )0 gan ..1 palMod "114 "••••0 *11'4*"8`181twit at6nI * nu • In s1.1 Stattiti...44 Inertsdiewa Los 111 and 32 in eon., 100 acreneach, - Lot 2ti in a eon.. 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 eon., 10.,,, Lots 33 arid 34 in 10 con., 100 acres each. TOWNAUP or TCR:EERRY K. E. 43 in 1 eon., 50 aco.s. • Apply to C9AILiet Ening' Esq ,Goderich, ar liteowsor, O TITOMALS GALT, rat Towodo... SINT-KISS trIal• • 1.11 0., .41 wabwilt_tide, #1 1..14 ; .. r • • „.. STEAM ENGiNa•WORIK 8, R. RUNOIMAN & CO., --- Manufacturers of Grist and i Flouring Mills, Circular, Mulay and Saj3h Saw -Mills, tHflitit3 III/ _A -S4-1-111\ SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS, Mowing and Reaping 2d.a.c.hines, Wood INNIFIS, C1T3X4-j. C)1,GleJS.ISTCA- PIACZAT.:TGleille• brass Castings tn.ole, and Blacksmiths' work done in a Dalt and Castings of any description made to order. stlso, all kinds of machinery repaired ou short notice. A large stuck of COOKING, PARLOUR AND PDX STOVES, Always on hand, Sogar Kettles, Wa;on and Pipe 71,xes. As oar patterns of the shove are of 'be mot approved kind, we would an inspection of our atm'. before purcissaieff elsewhere, as we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative prices for comb, ot proved Creslit. Old metal, Bram, Copteir, and all kinds of eroduce tale. in clammy,. Coderieb, October, 181t*,, w39 01 G! `.1. ... • A et • , M. rt E1 4, _ On 1 Binh and Fuuri lift Animals Stuffql, , I j.i.-„, 'VII g Preserved and net an in the oom in./en! wenhim. ' ..9 • .010 ''' -.6441,.. 11; to mitre. Cast. peal Go .11 toils of 1..ets and not. "4 clg _,,,N - 41"... , , ..4 Milk trwIe it foe aud, •t Ile. HeINTI141.1.8 -Ow, nA, ''.7 6... -..!1-1 • w litet.Gmes - e • ,s_ dgi g 4 • < i -05'' • .b4P••Pt, ......!\.....7.BIE ii . : ,. \ • 'Arlaagll "II POI RAS '11 ma BOC:41.01 r. AMR a", Lon am term am pug ca./ east Pin aqt so) leant to to ....N..; •tte.I ix" get ret foe HUN. .011 01 el•c91.1.111.•6•1•1 1,1 '03 1131IvallVD 'S C fie •iutrr,ftlke don't ...col 1 i Care shout it I i , WS 147, Tlo. rewire/1 by. and e 1 t , *." ,,00t of dm N..ti theta free Stut 1. : oodemployhvir none In* 6n4-rIllin f *frUmen. off / a vAka mt.: Aad a. b. A. fel ores Ina eXpertettee s. CLIIIrr I • °'. •11.010.11,` 110•C int., Province.h•vm,ti .., I 'It li . 1 1.0•Wene est. -tummy sind namminlinilionebe e ra. t fitA ts; hold astir cunt aith t ot:ier. Brother Bob let me jo on'a little *say one, when he t". Washington pieltpoekets strew the Iletsra of the towers sa'oons with ravens« firg.,.111,10 .-nweillow.. • haat.' hum net fel ode• fl.e Eutahexlmieults -in 5' 1005 Cdia c,... and I oepPer. ood the 'cd*"" **Pri44411'''re I Elm! .1„ 'war 4. Peatileady state. So it tlion:b1 ite paid more asteemie ye koWegis some t•t••111,1,. &IA vibe. IfinifikerChiefei 0000001 karst, they eter , elms • lee did:. so •• arostnoivibe,i palied Oa Etetpuckets' towel. me t- , ..4. 48./kit' , - Soo; 44in.. is smother wint.traport. 1 i CLOTHING CAN 'Bm MAN _,...0•N ‘., o : f Prrir:An..-- r Ian. spew 'h&j iii 40,,,,J.p, 10d ......1 (- Mr. Disrern it in • ;tate of hen' th let ith. emet.h..toto•et opal to the haw r....it•IoL- telet,/ fierte , _. .^18 *ft tr. stones • id harinpplie, it nu t mo antserag which ltilala.h* trim& much an11111- '4Wilh """ ' T‘4"1"ari44.4"4111. il the • keep,- rase bo.,. .. ••• *.i-- Out being 4 ingerous'y all, he has lately shown r"4."1.1, '1.3)/1' 3 1.‘':•••'•"4`ir .41.414.1 emizepl.. _ Ahoy/ 4 ta* 4 !yew; iir,,:. ley mmorns of holing vigor, tiat in • man w h. • ______. _ _ Thin .te Avout *peer Ile IMMO - .110 Ottitiz !"" oca•-m..1 ava/ known a day • 110laas ast" emir Ittoelho.l. tiond Ityd. - mdiestrons not to be dimerrded. • - UCTION SALE OF ___ --wools VALUABL,E The Xiag's Yutaka .,. .e. 8.m, of onr exchanges bare revived tie ' 0 usincss Clircctorg. f,11,1rmi, old but fed sil..7. were smiling orb,* somiLr• thn govern -vent, mere smite 1 in • twren. reek solluo4. 01,.,, s . - ie. IN.* Iiik.= M. 13.. luittact..u. sh n. elrael, No rx.inly the op. Orem' and• residence -Eno 8,..fIrre.tig831C partite yrketo sailer, said, if the conniany had ilan_MLI Dirkill -1.11.1 no objectitriv, 1,e noun! tell them a story.--• lite. Ilasnlitani. • 7be l'hiri:14 lir 11.u711 "*Pwr.. 0 Eti Yet C I. Ji 31, suaanto'N, &e . ottliv and iti .01ence -At Mi. Ach••••••,- /i eertuiv4ii4,:--1 3. 011 fettle Ill'ocr li,onipie; $1.erl. Codmork. •nthi always de hal a plift;1.4t..•••4r upon *bow judrowi Le 111.r. Clan. IN,... it ro. •p0.1e.1 rote d.tr Coal the kind a .41- Ala oxtidS.TA(Lit.Ery.-C4,1,..1..X.Z.0...N st.1.111 . inat't it Tett . Lis h-.,,3 t . Li, a lima; I: : 11.17 6 • .L 'IV I. IS' (REAL ESTATE' ✓ TOHONTOrOLLEG c. .-p• ;: ; ‘sTrt • ft, iN , Iocalm.1 Ibe Morlda- • • 14Ptoor. Ta..0....ro, hs, pool bee* added -TRA1TON 11/11. •k.. of • •.••••.•• o"1.-ra. ...tatninbed in Nor York, h••'••lphoe. Allmny. Troy, I1t14.1o, • ert-onl. Mom% Ch.. az.. and 74.1 -our O\ ACCOUNT OF TUE A nunaho: of poltic.gios. et of whom Tee ileevt them Coilemee •to impart to I THUS ANF1 1.0A N COMPANY n ft NI.o w.1 Loans thm0orb and prat -Seal toper named Juba 1)., 0 person who is retry prirRteTAN. • R • • • At-- 07(n,e91, n ' .1 I , • II' ; °cp.-tails ,t liminess they eia) T. B. MONTGOMERY, 81711123AL IIIION1111113111. E /NT 'JP I IR Ir. Slice -Over the Medical Nil BLOS 10 0(000 the PoIntc non ho 0111 persona 1.• .11 Opmattuee that no mium.mi to bowl w • ott/is.1 mower Arts1...• Ler. manned on Valestamed 0444, -thor,•"41 Connote -nu tiesmeork Parton!, r •tlenhon pod 10 the 'mu moon : eh:Wren'. term, mei Ow presser altos ut *10 Arland UNI•lb. Cliargos Alorierste oval Wee* Worterarted c3DERICH ) That MO. C.1•11.11. oxusicoexim 1 ostraitooxib... 0.1, tattiali. priors, • larml airai Of ht, Rd, Bud, and &oak 4'1, 13"151•141; OEBM'N & SPRING raft AL /V 17 XX.. SS .,; II9LAJINS' .1%1 Vitra, Bellows, St els q4 Moles mid Howl GLAriI5, r u t"±ithlt111.1:1.t COLO V AK WAS, Turpent.nc. 1.1.11 Pip. Wn1i, Cut lette libber Puking A lades F Platform.. and Coroner deolgo Crow -01*. enanw. Po, •ad itsstelow• r Cibinet-MaLre% tiard•rare; t•anarmatra and Julikrell T•eihr ; &Ana Markham; lloam Purr, mein.. oi all Linde ohm., Douse Idoold•nro ; Chopping, Brood 6 Hand Axes 3104*, Mood sod mire meelooled sieleeny Agent kit Allow cc Co.'. 11-41I/C11111114441 t, ric14:11 SCA With the Lames *tuck of SHELF HARDWABZ tli TES dialterza. Pamkamed Irma lawmfaetwers, awl for Ohl 67 W. E. GRACE. Oaderseh. Maw • 141.34 Illimliff 'aff.lt of Mlle -11 r•tlesi Count...a of IT rieue a • Wet of Vert Hume s• d Reece, Faris. mead oie To wit : •ew?. Costar Coe. of to "Mao ditre'lle*.e.41 •%000arer tIpt°111r"dart alasliklierarait Meld a trorsek Viet., Detriellamt, at dm sun ol Efarmil Hinder Plonnill, I lose Miami sod 'Mira is 7.0Oodisteli. as the nein, Ws aad imerems el ike dna dearedsaf. to sod to Ls A.01,411.1... Vbeill C.ostprseio• honk 4.! the thi311,1 I • lbw 1 eirasInp el ULM.; midtown oI i whieb lawn wog le owlets 1.0.11 otir fur mir at my ogre, la lbw eon Howe, he li• loW• as Gcalenth, a. I Denby. ike Fdllt t'im pi has - "F OM, as. 11weLbW r di Timbre Jape duck Mee. 011 NV i 36' Ch 1=1. 351 -EL • poACi " AND MADE TU °ELLA 01. J . C • 'Mc IN Tosii, • THE VICTORIA Opposite the Market. . . WANING MACIIINE ! :All hinds of repairing done, on most rew • °noble terms. • Itn37 ' Obtained the rigor es sit et the Provincial £m h.bition in 141i.kut. in Oki. POWEICS PATENT, ADO. S, GOD ERICII THIS WAGON & CARRIAGE LABOUR -WIN WHINE BA a 2! a, 0 t cs x -y HE would 'nominee to *be puble of Heron and &me that he hao on band sad will melte to tinier (*smarm, Weirone, Hoe own., &•. wItself will he sold cheap for cash or appromell Ardis. JOHN FASS3I0HE, Victoria Street, Gdilk•riab. AO la, 1113. na.9 ISAAC FREDRICK) Upper. Canada. 1 10. mmor to •ny College pi • .,,2,"41r.4•1••• r:•"4" W ATCII 31 h T: It \\I, E IV El los. and vier roes, .0116,011 WEST HT.. CIODERICH roao- mope. did wialsP"4- to. uirmi. BE S. 1.11 I i ;„. It. A rt- 'nor .y' , JAMB IL IYA T. itemA3t Flidh"•P go. MINT r ast Of Mr. Sto1s' Sa re in the .11rt 11 I' •• ihr 21 the Col - M. riti I . • . "xi .LER, ddlery. *• ••i• • A immmIlitiv•v• STILAT ic WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY IS El..% 1 R 110 ON volowir 5"rf In the best Style & Warranted. afiefaitiasi mist lits nob ant 01.1.111,11JO t - -4- seettsavt 'per matins, he sorbet elm le. TleIntoses. M. D. C. M. tosurri and nallid him 11 it 001.1 d rotn. ri i -Air ‘ix spitogoN. (,„4", Janpft*r told Imo it would emoted be , 44.4na c.N, Maranoal : and h.. onb'es &parted. en.t.hea.ai. 11OMEOPATitle PHYRICI A N. Bt.& AA osier ire. Resolence at Mr. T. 1..0e eSer., VICSUrial Street, (Vinton. A. T. HUM, 71 0., v I.,.4 Turn. ligroin M. D. Simone; Jim', ff14•11,..01. Arw Vn•lo 7. o.44www DB. A. WORTITINGTON, Part,ICI 1N, 3-.', win .1 teed, part,, ninety. to dioceses eland An,. km Oper•Inne. open the 110. MIOWW• V.I.. A...C. 15. 1w474e NVIOnami TIOUNI‘li4-41144.1(1104\ ett Moho: fthehowt, t. WU - • 'Clvoinser "Mrimat literall.1. (113'IL E \tilstEliit A PROVINCI11 Len.1 urveree. Coe. sad' flevefonm. '}444eel 00 knew,' ..J *1.. rustic.' lq 'my 14.„,,tinn pawn, Ilindwien. .1.10 ua toM 'Lad Jw, piney, did he tell you,' wiled th 8Cenelyer Or re v.: inMen. CI V 11. ENO I N FERst, PROVINC111 LAND arrerot•dre God,II 1* 1*. ski and isa, Ls .16. ow' traleol L. Kaiontar. K. Ilisnit.•. wv 3.1 /env. W pw tway144ploirz they mot a county nmitsoo porseka•it. 11- &dins 41 them to return, f be, 'it *71 rettai ly rain.' Thee miontemonnstely upon him and tot4s.*1 00. B402.4 viten.; 9tilesborrever, they 11 WOIeI tot Verily; uken rho .eonicIe a 0111* beery shower -tiierig, op, 1107 a e4theschtoi thronh to dm shin. a-bro the7 )1: 4 marvel *3 Oie peace the kiss reprifuroded the ; hilueo, her very se. enedy• amt a eau:layman; -add Le, 'ond be knows • great des' ni e than you; for be told b teasel rani elaesie t)171. l.14 -eso it remold toot.' Ti. kiog thobsbe Irealsis welkin.; rops:o. *ad mnt Inc the cepftrahntan, . imide his in't„ said 11044 1:soe you liner tiroo:4 crag?' *if& kisk! lea •Ither milesty,* rep'id the rustic. Xt011019..71vr the sounteynna away, • frocuritt; the JaCk aid of him, put lion Oh • 1.14•111.) ill pitiltwo,.twe 044.4. HMV ad J,.bn. lnokieg rari 1.,movittaim. LANU all'11VNYOR ANT ides' Lis.% male a vitt • L WWI 11•6•••,,Ckatoa JO, 1,, 'V I -eke. ' 'alter so.' toyeired 6.4 11.0410111 04M ly. 'Why. ever otter slam ton s J ,hn,witi, 111 JrAlek ttettAldtnes wont* • • 1... The War le New •- sittrZetikfzw.ti4oils•4. stoutes limn% .r40(tp. thal. " all =41.M114011•11 ..t off the interior it is 1 briber EinnirodinS id SIM trine ere siessalled. Beni 01them. it is he- ' hewed in A art laud will be murdered b.f., I can fet to Ws .,i', -.f distrims. All 0.• asoorevoolpes It m 40 pa* et -se• o sod., S10*00, worLine•:ther at garriene doe ea .• puireilum the isawis a ails so pourrot a prise se tIss ows. T. town 11011t5irsittmi4141. ( ll ,or mon *01401 ,1, in ims detailed 1 1. sqlw AAA oat isasit Iro, in *h., htid 101 altie tithe to boot alb, 11. Imaimpa.,, 1 ea,e4 shoos wool work dess-slai st to aq, nara. Unreal na0. 4400 l m. ir see*Lytle., Se • ead eloa was es sees as 11 04. li,red keselpillap MOW Intim ws eight day Jto • Ow au4 wasp Ow air bee rim Eh 411110111111 ha AM Imam kb mot ails% ameba lad hem amporwasorrob &Nem notrtel& 1. AND sr ItVEVOI. Enamel r, 0. dateetr. tag of ore.) dertertel.w. and A rob oral Plao• Lanai Willinseod Wad md. Ho trotter. Ion. _ - 1. 311. 11•0011% Glet151113113J/MoutgaVirsrateni." 1. et, . AV. Ciantondi /4 liTI4IIIIINW424. DEMERS IN Elfril mei Orearwealia WM*, Witreh.. 1.4 ins promptl; stievidml to 11 . _ John CNme.....41. (INN' ER A 1. CtillillitatiON AGENT erneromoshomw fressnsI Ilrath. ker 0711110<vemorumoeyr. • odor.. Re•MP Mar.Vd.matafianrannent W. Julm Raw" clOWItIMMIOnti MOW conrr 01 Qamm*. Areal. CommiMmhee, ke A Um MO Fire Towo L•lo Ilar Siam pan r 1.4. kw map. or .1sairme so pro400*. ' parann ono '1141 protralm. iinell•Worn. P.*. . bet ,,Ortroist shallots rOltitiltritsitaisigewt d, Ir Noon me nt ••• L4ea anralree penslapt alloadow. Iteilhtfertirs :TCWN U CIiRCi1,FARM FOR SALE u.da,(19 Plated Jewelry, Watches. TO BE Comontwily on hand *0*4000 bs irrin111.• lir M &a.m... lei , . t Lusdan15:11 GL Pelee*, Is63. x. . tro,ee rower Of link. 111 Volif11.11. 1114a N LIAM Sit tl,WAIN 10110. ahoy, juilre in Ilw NI .4nvissons et the warrol. p gir, roti-ty Intl 101yd.-a..O."! eit the m., ei„e sad 'Maier. mere Of ee. This 14 AN EXCELLFST FAR1I! Ano:T. three . Was Godarich tlt • rood Crate! ro-st. 111.0.11 ).• • re. le ..61 woke .4.m...hw IWO. o• proponll • in* Hew, ow linmel Sam. • elms' aud gpud eil amirlhe home. ..arratrinewl. Ken ed 1, St . rt11.31 11 liitneeren*lesieJ--14acra. .(a.1 .4 r▪ ut up and wady go crop A 11”011 • d•Ohite home •ni tun her.; • young lord.er. It Is good.liard Wood land„nd min 0 fiat SETTLED NEICHNOM am, Pol. To bit acid."' Ile NOTICE! The Municpal Councii LOW PRICE is OF $1200, C., TIIE 111eioh. a 10 (1111 on tone. For o ln*. he p1K14. te T ,, kir Diet/AMER XIXT Or o I itl,1 I LAI; 0111 e 42...s. Ind ••.d pse.. ; • br',an. • yommitkir •oir• 1.4.7 tioli . d iteN•41the prevision*. Aga/ Noe "a th• OWlifillIP OF GODERIOil • 1663,) ows will 1. Penternier I 11 INTEND 10 4030 • By -Law lo Arline come, k41,011111IIIIp 01 fa Aeriekhei.! 34., of I..its N.. the &teth:. t maid, in the 411 Co wessioo. At la .34 son 1:,, .4*. eof•• des riled as *1. : pat of Lot 12. ceostneetiog et the diem.* e five chain!. wormy links ft, twos* thin Kmt 100 th south Weoter'y angie of said Lot ; t Arne Awe alPfth lir Owns seventy links, them. doe west five rlhaln, seventy lints: then. doe north one chain ; the -ice due owe Anion seventy 44, ks ; thence due tooth term chains ovvesity bolt. to lha sinitnerly 4*014* loon flind 101 ; II Inc doe . rut 141011n hebaihrg c.mtsit ahoessor. soart, oar ow, one rood mid rootlet.. perches of lanl. Peal • Lot 13, cornet own n r at t he diatsnc, al fin einem and seventy lints t 41 • eon,. thili ea.. *row the sotb-metwiy angle of*, los 1diem, doe moth twenty eh one lorl. ek• 100*4101of • .11 tot v thence due met ehain ; thence due mints tmoity ehaii fur: 440111 ,411 sheth• rly limit of said lot drenet..1.4. so,j eh•ii to th• 00e 0 Imp emomorn adonemerem• t twi same sis poetess 04 .04. Mt el 1.4 14, tomm•oria4 tha the• Minn of five chains se enty links nn't a ,•• uot am awn been t 0 swath westerly angle of*. loi ; thence doe emit ewe elvaist ; thence 4., nnath twenty elsaies forty helm to the mini My hem if said lot thence due sem 00, chain to the phase belinnim ennui. in, 10110M1004.0 leemo teW six paraka I 1,164.0•1614.4 aa tho dinmarr 0( 4111 ileee 1.0ooty 0.01 d iammo doe worth tweet) cosies folly r01111 ohs sneth westerly ang.le of....*: i .1 "lot bti10044t timid let; di•oto teas ; threw Mama twenty Areas hoop "sowscoosaawrt:414.1.44..44"t4"4"1"rwo; stid"."""e1.47porehipol"Pi 44.5.-4160 opt A tom (.0r. .V. b.d!.Pit..awIor1N ;o•.etl.•1e, 1r1uvlo1ee.l,.n t 07aMW. ..s,l.h4 o1I•4/ e1e,l18o1s1l.4ii110 I.otos4N• e,.bm.tIe•.el.i1sw.e,,..Iaet1.Inivai1., l rsWp1•e3 hl•.aC•e.'•nln.••d .r . -•1 , 1.-p 04att.rt4u .ion.l0•ttirht.'me1 Pt•i'idtktesAr ri10u0WIirlm1,ka1i d.. ,I. FARM FOeVN l •we`wo• toteie nut. ta 1 ..ntimilthe"4.ooDE- icH T o MIwontof ,.,t. aid'toy 1•`..0 .01 I,1.( .4,40, 1 • 1 pil •4 ItA.4.1r the Fink(.40 .400 011h. Ml .001elp 11o1.r. h. .lationg mhaeemetirm OMRdtNbtEDmil 1I.• a• rt. o Ilie at,n.,no41. 0...n010, I .8,1 ton ..wow ot 41 ltiiS /M waninihei Me0111.. or..r 01 11.. 1, woe *o.1.we a ...dewe d • 4 0• 0.4 (lvn. 70ere • ;aloof epoprly. ., 00...m,. Tie •used"2,,54„.1. nnIto on. tab • t.es• 1he .l.. 4... talmP44.;1 i 1:e,. h •nd ..14.1 kora thtpi.,e 113() e*hoot 7 titles .the 114)0114 IIa.ea& N.to, JOHNrt.v.. or..11.ELIRER.I 1,Ten !FREE OF STU rust minble fano, 14 13, * (404.-,., 1 ownoh.p, t l l ho aE•/• 1• W , 14 0 roof wie glHwta1iei.,r..;nlA,.4enhrld•irT a re 1 athe 7 II, 14.. inner, tb«oo, 90ve 3r1.161.- TO R E31 l . Weend Aloft,,10 l •CR LIIbeA., .4t10 Sol..ore, tor . her rod , F e lul nntruutrucan L . .a ‘ aw " d J,. a t e l n a n n4•Orloar.TeaeAVERN •ilanS"d s • n n , l e t o n t AN EX S O T *Li'., 1 e i, 0t1*0*, A E r h t oem 0.1. TRN1N, coxmvoo m Iel lga t ,44 oa*,111to 11 *41.01 _ COLN fERFEITS!_ ORf la d eu 'rt olo e .sto • sIt Na. m . 4 r o L e n sn.0t e W •.iwWh esY^e. r n1oa wn,rh•e l•dyee a %VINO.her nuf• to...hlt sn. •,r* do*wrn* e# .b *4. • *eanrtut PM. I* theCaMadi...10. oer 01op.*164.4 so tey sem• M. and Amine lol when . denni*Mthe yut.eviio• 7 0...rel 1 Co: O w e I r m a * 1 h '.' ' ' r . v . a i n n . , o o a n o n o f t h I f r 1 VALEeeA 51 Lee U o . 1 1 *1.. Prept*,t I : a Sd d E l ..Adl ieo, s a m o r '.40„Ont0e notice o •home K TtLi sa. -.t a T t.• I o o c h o o l or l . u m .1 t e m y s imv ap rh e l m .. .o. . 1. : • • oa eotwWnnwora st s'r . . s . . .i1 , e s .ms . .4 . w o o r 00 /41zo M A l,N•a WL e i Or rW e l SsA . . 4 1 „ „ 0 .e 4 r o tg C e n rlei lllk wah .0 o m e a a s a r. 't 1 P O W 54..mi0 - tarimemirhit 111.4"61611. *1114t li31 i, 7 AS sowedoilelle tbth:nront401 . I:7.1: re ,ettl thew moire it u sleep:els ati CORM ru. tion,esaily worked, and Out wrIot I *10 eel 001 ,4 ,**0.f, • The etranwas process ut elbemed by lb! rapid mtuia atlas water to :be No hate. and mit by p,uogra er sodised, Wormy eindiliwp the Injury lo *be 0..+1 f•hor., with a nitsob eptannly oll wisp 11.0 tinder. tho hand-Itinhwg mons. crnmfm who bale inewl Swab ere mit. &MAW the "Mebane es tansdeo' IN dome al wo,.1* work in two hours.' ram 1.e aer.w.p/ eked te day by lbc Ordinary yrores, the. Saving 4-5 c`f at Vale ad libou Altd...e.PlAiras of word. The undermentioned Tenons prnehesed Ma - Atom. sod haents anon Steen • Nu hat ripen thew mune satreforson 4. .1. Wright, 1/'iron I1ter1; Intac Fintrrick, Jweller; W. 1. cos, Slowed • fee; Ale:. las myth; ft. Mono., Ley ; Cater Nolan; 13. Cons - Ming; Polk toblon., Eo. 1k If I. -n; Peter Cil ium; K. Hunt -imam Kee.I Kee. Cit*. EkirIor, Many caber untnes uttgtt. be added, it noremary. I CASH PRICE ONLY 86.50. Sobeenher having pitrebmisd the Just.; Right. for thel.neniy of Huron, 1 nom Mend lo eopply the inachine.of mlirk be siMit. • ir 6'. iferientmoured mat ad who tem it veil 0*0 (drama with the rapidity sod emir with %which au other0 wee te•Iltut see Alamo. n performed. - Ladies wt1 Ander a 1 cror l.y ahowtne the ma- chine to tie Tuned 01 their re•tileinee, .0 wiveh 11 *II be eilivrynd le the pror.i.,,,, Sigma Ithouttl nta be p.o.-10'm. Ail ihe ••ft de..iroi. to Mat the Mente •10oti4.1 le theiroutil...- tettoll 11(111 *.lttg 1. 05 al wal noninestniete wish OW A. CULTEI.1; K.1 dretoh. 1(0yrniber ird, 143 wit • • WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER 1 AND XYLOISALSANIUM ? e,ovmmkt,a,c"vat eitvoivoym. WM. 0 A BEICEBUR. 111•1001 rovarerwr Min. Pao. C.t.o„v T Cat wine .• I 007 cheerfully slid my l'. *007 dna of insotoross tetras to the groat entos 111ra P. A, Al'. Weser. Bait 10000 .04 Zylonoliw cerriat. 74 T city"wy mir t. ebastool 1.14. assand lse. adi ••.10 .s trod spot" try 3 If CoRaRLL, Pt T. Cley 1 on -eared II OM II MIMI,. Tin *Eng of *0. 0.1, weve& we rwteowl X how Wang gm to 0. wistroi mid Wow MII win." Ow* 1. WM', lemattln, L 17 wet tory w 5000mem to the nod 0*ee.1 mow The, Woe raniend 07 balr *ism 0 woo be& mi. WOW "my, to 111. wigged maw • Rae A. WEISTER, Wow "I Ism won ow may 17....• we. an arm WWII. WI Raw. 11 latn, awl Wade . le um son la tome wowb 10. 411•18...nerro ' don do evsasorst wy eon 8014 by be Dmwain tbramiadenl Wo1111 0111/00131A1. 011.13* 07111001 Is. 1M Gralnick Itrut, NumerousCertificatts as above. IIONEY lemon' ; trnprovAirrt4 0.11-5* emotant rarely a Tooth Poo -'re JOHN NACOONALN kost so hood. Oslo id men Der8.z. 10,Isbenal "Unit If 113. CH4::31:0117TELILN:Clii3. • af37 CABINET WAIIE1181114 netiin T1 -. 14....,,..,,.. .c.f.,rattc.:1By rett.45.4s a writ .04, . e tlitirlif i il Court of Ille roModifjaell.... Cr 11110e• Odd awe, To wn : i at Urinnilr:oloWe Contn7 1 • . sod to me dnortel wain Niit bosh ..d 1.4e- . • imaunimi...... ' • i; mem. of Aseinhube Muir. *Wein the 0111 01 • • 1W i`kz7•:1-4;. '4t7,..,:.2.2r6„„:,:g;;4..0t - 1 he ftm.1 soeta w Eimideva. •11 the • . rsht, bile and interv•I of Ihr sad Deleadant la (THE ULL.WST IN THE COUNTY.) GOviitalr, .......i.., D.O RDMV se ley ober, the Co11er, sa . in urt 0.0/..• X o whit 1 I .,-.1. end avaement. 1 aball Wier twailef AA.Ni3DiNiur.FE' nAATImlflEit,7 to:07.m 7.1:,:x.:Yrtz, JOHN 1 ACM:WA I.H, IMaisaiortun-s atop_ lass son 01 lan.ait a emm/100 8heng H. tc 2 100111011101Fonutoroot hi. Waredidild, AT s. p,, .„., (...,,,,, stmok ^!__ II wzor STREET. SOMMER, i,v,t;:ittune. arell •/I -- -.Sofas, BOrtella hl es, Hedairads. Hair,is auparprRai LE . op LAND. Cone tad Ifsw4ersted Chsirs.,.clit ifoeldint - and L'oti•iny, (Amulet, in variety. of Home maaaractate aid imparted.t! Miro. ami Core. LI t ten kilmal• 111.01‘a • ., United Count sr• of FIJI *who of lime v rem y . meim Caniarter ILO. I 01 the rad./ ( astislie, of nom. and Drury ...L. 9. G. mil meats no hand a enuithte Me lo na*meted sw% Me Lamb amillimmkesuoi sa, linen. of COFFINS. at,.., nuAusas sok.- L00.4 0 is..0.... 1*...004 60..a.... Tu HIRE. Eseentia • 1 ;kr lam 4401 and imenwient a. Donald tr. Lumbe, ind• cord..04 takee, 10 (>0.1... Ore...rd. '40411.30Mrs IlLe..wark.• loin el- III•trdner nod hebert N. Ciontdoer. Executors t..I close,' for Furniture. - . 110 (004 wit 010 snowman oi Thome. (Jainism Jeer wry. er .1, •nd A.es•rd... Comer.% J have ant Lodersok, Vth OM • le43. asal talion ii Ennmnon at We eftWa„ weed' verem .' the rant achnifoul In •nd I, Lot Number . - _ _ - - Two, Hoon• Ion Iheievrocerree flafilty. asellakaa- tr of Rano. c•nt•ro..r 1.a 01110 tomanoinall; DR. HULL'S vtee1r.11lad 10001..010 I;71.4ome at iy.thtom om.to:a LIQUID • Aroinstic Physic • mportant Family Medicine. FOR the rare of dm am nor the LIVER AND STOBIACH, Palpilatton el the Heart. Costive,. so et the Bowels, Rick. 11.34ae4*e. Piles, d.inndice, and all other casts where aa opening gentle 3171( 11 t m H CONTAINS NO MERCURY, OR ANY OTHER DIILETEalotai DRUG. BEING VERY PALATABLE. It *04mower 1.4 ,Jr •ide If tittltivo It1 •011.1) • helpmate to nitnee. (Maw rtrvIrly ..rfel a healthy dela:on I bu 1•400.1” 0.11e *mot le 1111. Iwtwe I 1,1 1.1.1 g het re. It. muclr.r. Ni.hein, horny very Firmest to Ore Mel.. must ern popelby until Mime invidet. who have LA, 045.e00-41 00000.111 ()num thl, Aiwa, Itlitalsoh. c. Where*,, 1 An. bre. twed it hes mar '1*v11 orral mascot, and • 14iety 10 1111301'wile •11 ..1Ler notittinest 00 04.14 and pleasant physa. AGENTS: Pinnrna CATTla letaa , Mid the IOW rener•lh. .47 - • DIVISIONlli HURON & BRUCE. OCTOBR, 1863. bit; Ma' 1014* " Oink" lah. tod " Harperhey. • dIAPOrfri, Ifilh. 4411* " Norete, Tow 'CI 3511. 6111 " ertotenws. Tinweity teth! D0.11111.12.R, le 40 h 201 61h 4116 7t7 Tlie„ Wdolteter, Sword... 5t4*. " Goderich, Tu'•drir, 13t4*. Clnton 0 trInearly lith. " Ilsrpoehry. 1 hsease, 17111. • 1.0 01 ilauigann00, •110 aday Rio a., Beetelort, Phi 14 1,14.6.14 rd oafs, 234. .11 no A. M. ',Ito COOPERL ni 40- coo. I certify the silwor to to • trim eo,y am emonsl, 01 estemel itospord (hie Wee, manmaat ta he swim,. LAN 1.1Z,1FLQ, Clork he l'eaoa HOMO aild• ilItsofoair dri1. Plea% 4. 0.J -,4h. FIAli Pope., IONS. 1 .11 Ilo.," ..4t 09 NOTICE I li TOE twee =Jr. er=emealliell'.6meey 4 et n• IMAM. 0001.,Ioncylee 41484 4310.140. tom en. ..a inn awe lbw W4. *MA lie tie. Ihnimardlor liollenett. Mown W. • F otIOXiter .0111110 ItSid ,a) es.TOo atee • two= .0 40, in Inc., nod • mime Il• onnosiod an porn rammer. tramanna and mar ber swim. 1108127 GRA NA , M of Oak - On Tooadoir ana P.na dna a Dreember brat, at the hour at T,1.., ina Mork , worm - • .1 t 1101.414 I44,j5UNA I *ploy Illarilf.igejwitirk, A .1 ti ;la bkoriff Solo of Lits.' 111urt Olid lbws. Fen Telia Mord oat Vain,: Counties .1101114 veto. 01 • wnt 01 I ffoutto; and ..*4 ditersed irikAtitt weals '4301., Conwroo. ,41 Ike MOW 13411/111/ S.1.11•1y. II mice MIRO &W 1.. kr. Est" rhino, •1 ri• lit, ante and inlet,* of the •••I to Lour mauler asd !1P441* tem.e. mesh oittitel lis n• 11,0,1 .111, owaideop ot (..reloolt ColeMT"01 Rime, .....amine edatmomemem Foy mem ul Load. smuts. L• dome word uf 011110416. (014.04. 110*,,,., mental. %b.0 1411•111.1"4/00" mem. I .0.4. 0., fer mit at iwy oleo wAite Vont flintow on the 1 own (43mr I h. 0. 1 wieidaglir VIA day to leminetor seatel alleIftrpt ea threloct. noe4. JOHN II ACISIMIALIL iVntIF Pt Vt. sc. 5. Pomo( 0.111WT 318014. 11bent'. Owlortstli. f Nett 13. 1/103. aunturs SLE OF LA Bali Untied Comoro. of) L 1 eimm of 0MP.* ql Heron onit Honer. 13 fed Poem* .000, ro. T• et Her Mapittrt br CAM ,*31 ,1,, *oiled C.,untes c4 11111/1 and to ate aneelad egraluel We lard. and um e- mend el TiSpey, et the riot in Joio Illmee, I have mr•ard moil oar, in mmeetime the folk env" r Ike kin Ob. ililenta Ile1111 MI sat* Si is o eoworwoos w the Immo ••• as the (.4010le tildtsrs 1100•4 tont leneintlinv I okall * nide W. aiim tiat.”p ifl. *1.4 7 ow • of ervIer taws poidat if...Ca/oh day a _On ct.*, Mal, at die ta Twit*, of Ike 600, "lbw. . - JOHN SIACIONV.D, 116..17 10318 a, Orient, 84.0141 0hevill'a Oodervell, IN Pon. 1101. Sheriff 's Safe of --- Heo. mid Voce, I fie ('*4104 Cninmes of i 1' 1,11 T. vir__ .1 • of Hr. 1100,.,..,rifle, Mad lo no roiled agroatilp Janda ...1 Irina." nt 1 ... 164 In t aka of ehriont ' rhom Imre wrr i. end 1.9,..•1II. . etottioe an ;he Per lolo owl 101e101 I 110.140 noon. 'Whir, la to Lot Numb. Tyret three, m the Pm.. 17 MOO 11110 • Brsat la tbe Comely A Ibmeo, wil.1.1.71..a` semi Mined. woe dr /gm ; wille illionnould leer Ilt:111=11:4114111 14 is.-,..rati dm .4/spew, Sell. III the bow T mi.. Mike elm*, am. • ' JOHN 11AC12O51Aitikolort _ _ itherelf, N.Alf IL fasitPotnota, Onunr111,0111. •-•411 ' No tram 4 vio lith troto184111111. ni.. , .0. . h writ •ty Conn a. Weed N. thaw ffrifilMill9 pe4.41,1 Pas SA' Iaes6.1;iss, seeno LA low