HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-05-11, Page 12S ALL IN Time WANT ADS kitoaMM4*&4AM4 19 For Sale or Rent 13 For Sale 17 Property for Rent May 11, 1967 9 Services 16 Properly For Sale CREDITON - New 3-bedroom brick house, electric heat, full basement, low taxes. Phone 234-6334. 11:18:2.5:1c THREE BEDROOM house 226 Andrew St., large barn, large rich garden, early possession. One storey 2-bedroom house 499 Market St., early possession, price reduced, easy terms. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 566 Main St., 235-0720. 5: I iffnc LOT, 75' x 120', in Riverview Heights, Phone 235-0592. 5:11tfnx Page 12 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1962 FORD 44 TON truck, 6 cyl., in better than average condition. Phone 229.6550. Ilc Classified Rates 4 Female Help Wanted WAITRESS for part time work. Apply Shamrock Restaurant, Lucan. Phone 227-4489. lie SECRETARY - Exeter law of- fice requires experienced typ- ists with shorthand. Apply in writing to Bell & Laughton, Exeter, 4 ; latfnc CONSUMER RESEARCH - One of Canada's foremost Market Research companies has open- ings for women to conduct in- terviews (personal and tele- phone) and gather opinions in connection with consumer sur- veys and public opinion polls. Positively no selling involved. Both daytime and evening work. Use of car desirable but not essential. Apply Canadian Facts Co. Limited, 49 Wellington St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. 4:11c 1959 AUSTIN RILEY, 4 in the floor, new tires, best offer. Call Bill Wright 235-0491. lic VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. Robert K. Peck, Zurich, Phone 262-5350 Hensall, 4tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321, 23tfnc GARDEN TRACTOR, used 21 h.p. Rota-Tiller, good condition, reasonably priced. Phone 238- 2486 after 6:30 p.m. line USED 9-piece dining room suite in good condition, Phone 234- 6286. 11c TENT TRAILERS, hard or soft tops; sales, rentals. Open eve- nings and weekends also. Dale's Sunoco, Exeter, phone 235-1710. 11:18c 1 BEDROOM apartment or 1 bed - silting room apartment. Whilsmith Senior Citizens, 235- 2473. 3:23tinc 2-BEDROOM apartment, upper, private entrance, utilities paid, 1 mile west on Huron St. Dial 235-2427 or 235-1027. 3:23tfnc APARTMENT in Shipka Hot and cold water, 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, also basement. Call 234-6277. 11;18:25c NEWLY FINISHED, nicely fur- nished apartment, 1 block from post office. Elliot Apts., over Canadian Tire Store. Phone 235-2912. 5:11tfnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, laun- dry room with washing ma- chine, etc. Phone during the day 235-0270. 11 : 17tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc COTTAGE at Port Blake, two miles north of Grand Bend. Apply Box 0 E The Exeter Times-Advocate. 4;11:18* 13 For Sale 20 Wanted To Rent 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, located in Exeter, Contact Canadian Can- ners, 235-2445. 11:18e CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within B days First Insertion 40 PER WORD (Minimum 800) SIMPLICITY wringer washers are guaranteed for 12 years. Reduced from $219 to $149,00. One only transistor radio with case, to install in your car, reduced from $75.00 to $25.00. Also chests of drawers, bunk beds, bedroom furniture, mat- tresses, cribs and many other items at very low prices. Sandy Elliot over Canadian Tire Store. Phone 235-2912. 5:11tfne GENERAL ELECTRIC 24 inch range; washing machine; cabi- net sink, suitable for cottage; crib mattress; New Williams sewing machine, needs minor repairs. Phone 235-1687. 11* SET OF truck racks to fit 8' pick-up box, complete with ridge pole; also baled hay. Phone 229-6167. 11* Second Insertion SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate s e r v i c e, always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, Phone 227-4254 or 227-4312 col- lect. 10:4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service, Phone Grand Bend 238- 2031 or 238-2166. 8 : 8tfnc 1 lir 2 0 PER WORD (Minimum 700) 5b H.P. EVINRUDE outboard, trouble free. Price $125. John Webster, phone 235.1450 eve- nings, 27:4:11c WE ARE NOW taking orders for choice strawberry plants- Red Coat, Sparkle, Cavalier, Catskill. They were grown from certified stock 1966. Come and see my plants. Phone 235-1414, L. V. Hogarth. 27:4:11* BLACK SUIT, satin stitch, size 12-14, smartly styled, like new; rose, satin finish dress, size 12-14. May be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners, 4:11* MOBILE HOME, Monarch 1964, 10 x 52 with a 4 ft, expando from the living room, 2 bed- rooms, furnished. Phone 294- 6158. 4:11c 12' KAYAK - Phone 235-0723. 4:11c Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) CALL Js AT 1863 23 Legal Notices OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. 21 Property Wanted HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER re- quires two or three bedroom house to rent or buy, near high school, no children. Oc- cupancy not required until August 1. Apply to Box F E B The Exeter Times-Advocate. 4:11c 7 Teachers Wanted 20 ¢ EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. STEPHEN TSA 1/2 cent per pound for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462.2614 License Number 85 C 67 We go any place any time. 3:16tfnc 18 For Rent REMEMBER MOTHER ROOMS - Meals optional, TV. Phone 235-1153. 11:18:25c GARAGE DOOR, 8x7 overhead, complete with hardware. Phone 238-2464. lie Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum two inches, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Pepper, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Pep- per, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 25th day of March 1967, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 20th day of May 1967, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont, 4: 11 : 18c Classifications ROCK PICKERS - Famous rock - o - matic pickers picks stones from 2" - 14". Two sizes available, 5' and 7'. Phone Dal- ton Walkom, Mitchell 348-8358. 4:20-5:25* On Sunday with a Gift of Quality and Beauty from WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS Pleasing you pleases us. lie GROW CUCUMBERS And make extra money-if you have 1/2 acre of land or more. We pay highest prices. All Hybrid Seed Free pick-up at gate. BICK'S OF CANADA Grading Station # 10 ALBERT KRAMERS, DUBLIN Phone 30R3 2:23-6:1c 8 Situations Wanted RCA VICTOR STEREO Record Sale ENERGETIC resourceful man, knowledge of accounts receiv- able, collection and bookkeep- ing is seeking a permanent po- sition in this field. Phone Lucan 227-4851. 11 : 18c GRADE 12 student would like baby sitting job for months of July and August. Phone 235- 1316 after 5:00 p.m. 4:11* 100 STEREO BEST SELLERS UNMATCHABLE PRICES "The Centennial Office" EXETER - 4 bedroom split- level located south of town on # 4 Highway. A kitchen full of cupboards, dining room, large living room with expensive wall-to-wall carpet. Heated with forced air oil. There is also a building at the rear suitable for workshop or business. Ap- proximately 1 acre of land and would qualify for V.L.A. mort- gaging. EXETER -- Three bedroom home only three years old lo- cated on Wellington Street, Tastefully decorated and well landscaped. Full basement is suitable for recreation room. EXETER - Older three bed- room house on Huron St. W. Asking $6,000.00. EXETER - Two bedroom house with well landscaped lot on An- drew St., $7,000.00. EXETER - Split level three bedroom home on Huron St. W. Asking $8,500 with $2,500 down. EXETER - Beautiful four bed- room home located in River- view Heights. Large living and dining room with wall-to-wall carpet. There are four large bedrooms, a large family room, two bathrooms and two-car ga- rage. This home is heated with modern electric heat and the nicely landscaped lot has a frontage of 157 feet. We would require at least $15,000 down payment on this, one of Exe- ter's most beautiful homes. BUSINESS BLOCK in Exeter with good renting apartments and two stores. This property is well maintained and has a rental income of over $500.00 per month. The vendor will ar- range reasonable terms for a responsible party. 140 acres with good buildings located in the Varna area, with 115 workable. Buildings are in good repair and farm has nat- ural drainage to a ditch at the back end. This farm is not overpriced at $30,000.00. Vendor prefers all cash. 100 acres north of Crediton- $21,000.00 192 acres north-east of Kippen- $37,000.00 100 acres north-west of Exe- ter - $20,000.00 We have a 600-acre block lo- cated in Stephen Township with good buildings. A down pay- ment of not less than $50,000.00 would be required. 40% off Sale starts May 4 to 13 TRAINED & EQUIPPED to handle your ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING NEEDS Twelve years' experience. Call PATRICK WILDS 237-3616 Dashwood 23*tfnc Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. TABLE POTATOES - # 1 Se- bago, 75 lb. bags $1.25. Phone 237-3531, Vernon Schatz, Dash- wood. 4:20tinc REFRIGERATOR in good work- ing order. Apply to Harry De Vries. Phone 235-0555 9tfnx FARROWING CRATES - Save baby pigs. All steel, easy ad- justment mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troyer, RR. 2 Hensall. 262-5282 or 236-4072, 12:1tfnc 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices GRASS for several head cattle. Apply Harold Mawson, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, 293-3126. Ile EXPO - House trailer on lot near Expo, all conveniences, sleeps four, 3 - day minimum, June through October. Phone evenings 237-3654 or Gerald Mar- tene, Box 3 Dashwood. lie lg ACRES of good rich soil, suitable for cucumbers or mar- ket gardening. 181 William St., Exeter, phone 235-0736. 11:18c FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tinc requires a teacher for the SENIOR DIVISION of Stephen Central School for September 1967 1967-68 Salary Schedule in effect Min. Max. Category 1 - $4,000 $5,600 Category 2 - $4,200 $6,500 Category 3 - $4,500 $7,100 Category 4 - $4,900 $8,200 Apply stating qualifications, experience and name of pres- ent inspector to Wilmer D. Wein, Sec.-Treas., PO Box 40 Crediton, Ont. 11c STANDARD PRODUCTS (Stratford) Ltd. FOR PLANT "44, MITCHELL RUBBER PRESSMEN Steady work in modeiln plant. Starting rate $1.85 hour plus incentive. Off shift premium I I4 hour. Company paid benefits. APPLY AT 1030 Erie St. Stratford 271-3360 Exeter Electric ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc 9 Services 311 Main St., Exeter 4:11c GOOD USED overhead garage doors; one complete with hard- ware, formerly the door to the Grand Bend fire hall; one with- out hardware, formerly in front of police station before renova- tions. Interested parties may inspect same and leave bids with clerk before council meet- ing of May 29. Murray A. Des- Jardins, Clerk, Village of Grand Bend, 238-2141. 11c 1 Lost, Strayed RUGS CLEANED and recondi- tioned. Phone J. L. McKnight, 235-2126. 4:11-5:8c BRUCE REFRIGERATION Sales & Service, Grand Bend. We sell the ,best ,and service the rest. New and used bulk and can milk coolers and all Kelvinator appliances. Phone 238-2385. 3:23tfnc LAWN ROLLING-For Harvey's roller, call Bill at 235-1153. 11:18:25:1c LOST - In Lucan, Sat., April 29, lady's diamond ring. Finder contact 227-4275 Lucan after 5. Reward. 11c STRAYED - Red steer strayed several months ago to Lot 21, Con 3 McGillivray Township. Owner may have same by iden- tifying and paying expenses. Phone 227-4560. 11c CUSTOM SPRAYING - Duncan Etherington, 235-1628. 11:18* DEAD STOCK FOR FRESH DEAD, DISABLED COWS AND HORSES WE PAY 1/2 0 PER LB. WEIGHING OVER 500 POUNDS Small animals also picked up. For the most prompt and cour- teous service in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License No. 390-C-65 3:23.5:25* 14 Wanted To Buy INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns, disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 489 Main St., Exeter, 235- 2263 after 6 p.m. 4:20-5:25e GRADER & OPERATOR avail- able to do custom drainage back filling and general grader work. Phone 227-4721 day or night. 5:4tfnc ANYONE WANTING to have barns whitewashed contact Bill Watson, 237-3306 Dashwood. 5:11tfnc 2 Found GOOD, CLEAN FURNITURE or household effects. Phone 294- 6948, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon or from 2:30 to 5 p.m. 27:4:11:18* GOLD PENCIL, Scripto, with 3 engraved initials, 2 of them "D,R,". Apply at Times-Advo- cate. 11* 15 Wanted DACHSHUNDS, TOY MAN- CHESTER and FOX TERRIERS. Large well-kept kennels. Tattoo- ing, stud service, Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 4:6tfnc FOR ONTARIO # 1 Sebago po- tatoes, call 234-6488. Main St., Crediton. 4:20-6:8c 8 MILK CANS and cooler. Phone 229-6411. 4:11* 1966 SUZUKI, 150 c.c., very low mileage, good condition, Phone 235-0232 at noon or after 5 p.m. 4:llc 3 Male Help Wanted CAII.LE FOR GRASS - Phone 237-3356. 4:11c ROOF SHINGLED AND REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES 10 Years' Experience Work Guaranteed PHONE 234-6307 JOE REGIER CREDITON 5:11tfnc APPRENTICE butcher wanted. Apply Exeter Frozen Foods. 16 Property For Sale SEPTIC TANKS pumped. Imme- diate service. Phone Harvey Dale, 527-1406 Seaforth. 3:30-5:25* SERVICE BREAKER, 60 amp., and 4 circuit panel with stove block. Complete $10. Ideal for farm welder. Phone 235-1820. 11:18c LABOURER to work in tile factory. Phone 227-4721. 5:4tfne TRUCK DRIVER-25 years old, preferably married man, year round job. All inquiries will be confidential. Please write Box 113 Dashwood. 4:11* RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, rec room, 4 bedrooms, dining room, attached garage. 6i.%. Phone 235-0592. 5:11tfnx ELIMVILLE - 2-bedroom brick home. New furnace, bath, etc. Must be sold to settle estate. Phone 235-2420. 10;20tfnc BUNGALOW - Three bedroom, centrally located in Exeter. Three-piece bath and two-piece powder room. Oil heat, $8,000. Phone 235-0763, 187 Main Street. 4:27tfnc JOHN BURKE ATTENTION Egg Producers - Free washing, compare our grading. Top prices paid for A's and undergrades. To get your eggs picked up, call "Mitch", Parkhill Creamery, 294-6265, 30:13:27:11c CUSTOM SAWING - No tree too large. Remove your dead elms. Phone 235-1153. 11:18:25:1c 10 Livestock For Sale Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire and Wind Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 4:27tfnc 10 PIGS - 75 - 100 lbs. Alvin Lewis, 1 mile south of West McGillivray. lie 44 WEANER PIGS 7 weeks old. Don Ducharme, RR 2 Zurich, 236-4760. lie 17 Property For Rent 21" DUMONT TV; stereo com- bination; GE vacuum cleaner; continental single bed; TV aer- ial. Phone 228-6253. 11:18c 2 BARNS, in Hensall. Must be removed, Make me an offer. Phone Hensall 262-2395, morn- ings or after 6 p.m. 11:18:25c POTATOES, Sebago No. 1; also seed potatoes; 4 miles west of Hensall on 84 Highway. Phone 236.4038. 11:18:25:1* FLOWER GIRL dress, yellow, floor length, size 5. Phone 235- 2756. lie BLACK MALE PONY - Apply Bert Bax, RR 1 Woodham, after 6 p.m. 11c MAN for Centralia Farmers' Supply Ltd. Phone 228-6638. lie SUPERINTENDENT for Port Franks conservation area to as- sist and supervise high school students on weekends and holi- days. Apply Ausable River Con- servation Authority, Exeter 235- 2610 or Parkhill 294-6121. lie BUILDING INSPECTOR for the Township of McGillivray. Appli- cations will be received by the undersigned for the position of building inspector for the town- ship of McGillivray. Applications to be in by June 5, 1967. Fur- ther particulars may be ob- tained from the undersigned. W. J. Amos, Clerk, Twp, of McGillivray. 11:18e PART-TIME group sales man- ager. Work in home area. No personal selling. If you desire we will show you our sales program in your area for one week, thereafter you can de- cide how interested you are in this opportunity as a part-time manager. Write Volume Distrib- utors Limited, 883 Hamilton Road, London. 16 years in S. S. products for homes and restaurants, 4:11:18c NEW 2-BEDROOM house, oil heat, possession June 1. Phone 235-0395. 5:4tfnc CREDITON - VLA 2-bedroom red brick house, 5 years old, full basement, 2 acres land. Apply Box BP, Exeter Times- Advocate. 27:4:11c LARGE 3-bedroom home, large living room with dining area, wall-to-wall carpet, full base- ment, hot water heating. Phone 235-2803. 4;11* FOR YOUR carpentering, plas- tering and bricklaying needs phone Leeland Restemayer, Dashwood 237-3544. 4:6-5:25c SINGER - Sales, Service, Rent- als - Your bonded authorized representative will be in Exeter district every Tuesday. Phone Walper's Tip-Top 235-0991 or G. Courtney 227-4884 Lucan after 6. Singer Co. of Canada Ltd., 203 Dundas St., London, 432-7193. 2: 9tfnc 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale CAR FOR SALE - American Rambler convertible, 6 cylin- der, automatic, one owner, low mileage. Phone 235-2536, Wil- liam Stanlake, 11;18c 3 BED SPRINGS; 2 hot water tanks; writing desk; 2 enamel kitchen sinks. Phone 238-2236 Grand Bend. 11* 11' CABIN TRAILER; 1950 In- ternational pick-up with closed in van. Phone 234-6424 Crediton Friday nights or weekends. 11* 3-BEDROOM BRICK, modern, excellent condition, basement, recreation room, oil heat, sewer, garage. Reasonable. Call 235- 2776 Exeter, 11;18* MODERN unfurnished 2-bedroom apartment, steam heated, hot water supplied. Elmart Apts., Main St. Phone 235-1505 days; 235.2754 nights. 4:6tfnc SMALL APARTMENT, available now. Phone 235-0382. 11c " USED CARS at W DOBBS for DODGE WALLPAPERING, interior painting. For free estimates phone Lloyd Greenacre 235-2616. 11: 10tfnc '63 FALCON Futura, V8 stand- ard, bucket seats, low mileage, good condition. Phone 235-0311 after 5:00 p.m. 5:4tfnx COLEMAN'S FURNITURE BY WEBSTER ESTATE 1966 Volkswagen, fast back, 1600 series, radio, back- up lights, 3,464 miles, like new. Phone Parkhill 294.6465, lie 65 CHRYSLER Sedan, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear window defogger, E81951. 2495 64 FORD Custom 500 Sedan, privately owned, E78324 1595 63 DODGE 330 Sedan, V8 automatic, real sharp, E78610 ... . 63 'LAURENTIAN Sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, 40,000 original miles, new tires, E78612. REFINISHING CUSTOM DESIGNED 63 DODGE 220 Sedan, 6 cyl., red interior, black exterior, 40,000 one-owner miles, E79437 62 ENVOY 4-Door Sedan, true economy, E80318. $595 GRAND BEND RIVER RD, S. OF BRIDGE IrBOLOGNA 45' BEEF LIVER L. 35' 5tfnc HAMBURG 3 LB, 121 WOODWORKING PERSONNEL Phone 235-0680 WEBSTER SIGNS Victoria St., Exeter FISHERMAN'S COVE 1345 1345 1195 495 62 FALCON Station Wagon, 6 cyl., radio, custom in- terior, 94670X 62 PARISIENNE 2-Door Hardtop, 6 cyl. automatic, real beauty, E77622 62 CHRYSLER 4 door, P. S., P B., E89393 61 CHEVROLET Sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, radio, nice one, E79905 925 CHICKEN & CHIPS ••• FISH & CHIPS •••• SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone: 238-2025 1195 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT at the Dashwood branch of DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 27269 Dead Animal Licence No. 82-C-67 3;23tfne 1195 Dashwood Industries Ltd. ReasOnable Pay plus all Fringe Benefits Experience Not Required please phone 237-3638 or write to the attention of Mr, Gerry Kading for interview appoint- anent. lic 795 MERNER' DOBBS MOTORS LIMITED CUSTOM KILLING & PROCESSING All meat double wrapped To prevent freezer burn MEAT MARKET Phone 237-3314 2351250 216 Main, Exeter 235.1130 11100410/14114114111411111111100004114104104011111 DASHWOOD 4