HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-05-11, Page 9FWIO Marks 70th Anniversary The 70th anniversary of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario was marked by celebrations during the 19th annual Officers' Conference at the University of Guelph. Taking part in the anniversary events were: Mrs. W. W. Campbell, Stroud; Mrs. Harry Strang, Exeter; Mrs. R. Simpson, Cobourg and Mrs. C. Williamson, Peterborough. . . . Ont. Dept. of Agriculture and Food Women at Thames Road present skit on minister Includes paper, pennies Find records in school Times-Advocats, May 11, 1967 Page 9 The NEW QUACK St Quiet LAWN BOY THE BEST MOWER IN TOWN! By the makers of Johnson and Eyinrud• Outboard Motors. Model 3053 11( 'Oa 11111111 ; 85 9u P5 TRADE IN YOUR OLD MOWER! MILT'S MOWER & CYCLE '1 RAILAN LONG spent ThUrsday evening with Mr, Mrs. Eldon Kerr. NM, & Mrs. Eldon Kerr spent the weekend in Port Huron. Wandering troubadours will en- tertain visitors at Expo 67. Four mobile troubadour units, juggl- ers, singers, musicians and var- iety acts will follow the crowd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 0 • THIS ADV. IS WORTH • Oe • • $ • 7500 •• * 0 *Offer good from 11 — 18 May only • • • • ON YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING • • • SEE OVER 0 •• • • • • • (SORRY ONLY ONE ADV: PER PURCHASE) • •••••••••••••III••••••••• GAS THOR DRYER 174 9 8 REG. $225.95 2 weeks only. Hotson Propane 238-2005 GRAND BEND SPECIAL SAVINGS 1/2 % INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON THE MINIMUM MONTHLY BALANCE AND COMPOUNDED HALF-YEARLY. WITHDRAWALS AT ANYTIME WITHOUT SERVICE CHARGE. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST • $ I • • 11.1 • UNIROYAL WHOLESALE PRICES! WHOLESALE PRICES! WHOLESALE PRICES! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RAIN TIRES WHOLESALE PRICES! GET THEM AT YOUR LUCKY LICENCE SLMTERYM DEALERS TODAY UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PAY ON YOUR SUPERTEST CREDIT CARD IN LUCAN SEE SHORTY SOVEREIGN 227 4781 SNELL BROS LTD. 235-0660 CHARLIES AUTO SALES North-End SuperVest 235-0225 IN EXE TER SEE 425 Main St. By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD The United Church Women met last Wednesday evening with Mrs. Robert Cann and Mrs. Ken Dun- can as hostesses. Mrs. Lee Web- ber, program D convener, was in charge of the meeting. Scripture passages were given by Mrs. Murray Dawson, Mrs. Carl Hume, Mrs. Jas Anderson, Mrs. William Snow and Mrs. Ken Dun- can. A skit entitled "The Student Minister on A Home Mission" was given by Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs. Jack Stewart and Mrs. Lloyd Dalian- tyne. A vocal musical number was given by Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. William Snow, Mrs. Carl Hume and Mrs. Murray Dawson accompanied by Mrs. Reg Hod- gert. Mrs. Donald Kernick con- ducted Bible study. It was decided to have aStraw- berry supper Tuesday evening, Minister tells of experiences Rev. D. M. Guest of Centralia was guest speaker at the meeting of Main Street UCW afternoon unit held in the Sunday school rooms Thursday. His subject was "No greater call than the call of ministry." He outlined some of his experiences during his minis- try. The devotional on The Ten Commandments was led by Mrs. Mervyn Grainger. Mrs. Susan Link and Mrs. George Layton gave readings. Mrs. Harold Jef- fery favored with a piano in- strumental. Mrs. Grainger gave a reading "My Mother." A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Couple mark anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, Andrew St., were pleasantly sur- prised Thursday on the occasion of their 46th wedding anniver- sary by their family, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire, Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mey- ers, London. An anniversary dinner was served at 7 pm at Dufferin House Centralia for the immediate fam- ily. Music was provided and a social time spent. ?moo 7oided Mrs. Ralph Bailey spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ed Bissett, London. Mr. Gary Middleton attended a one-week short course in busi- ness administration at the Uni- versity of Guelph last week and has received word of his suc- cess in the tests. Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Ecker and family are spending this week at Expo. June 27. All former members are to be invited to the Centennial meeting June 6 in the church basement. Group 1 served lunch and a social time was spent. PERSONALS Miss Sharon Passmore, Mr. Wayne Mayer were among some of those who left Exeter Sunday evening for Expo returning home Wednesday evening. Rev. Stewart and Mrs. Miner, Charles and John, Mrs. William Rohde attended the Centennial church service Sunday evening at Kirkton. Mrs. Stewart Miner was guest speaker Monday evening last at Woodham when she spoke to the CGIT, Explorers and the UCW on The Indians. Mrs. William Rohde accompanied her to Wood- ham. Quite a number of ladies from this community attended the Hor- ticultural meeting at Kirkton Tuesday evening. Kenneth Hunkin is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Miss Margaret Kernick at- tended Expo over the weekend. One hundred and twenty students left Stratford by train Thursday returning home Sunday. Mrs. Almer Passmore at- tended a WI Officers Conference at the Guelph University Wed- nesday and Thursday of last week. Those who also attended from this district were Mrs. Earl Haist of Crediton, Mrs. Harry Strang, Exeter, Mrs. Philip Hern, Win- chelsea, and Mrs. John Temple- man of Staffa. They all went on H &S officers are installed The Home & School meeting Monday night featured a Canadian theme with the Exeter public School Glee Club under the di- rection of Mr. Lawrence Wein singing four Canadian songs and the showing of two Canadianfilms "The Romance of Transporta- tion in Canada" and the "Cele- bration of Canada". President Mrs. R. W. Read conducted the business. After a discussion and vote it was de- cided to remain as members of the Home & School Federation. Rev. H. A. Seegmiller install- ed the new officers for 1967- 68; President is Mrs. Ken Otte- well; past president, Mrs. R. W. Read; vice-presidents, Mrs. R. Murley, Mrs. B. Perry; treasur- er, Mrs. G. Dobbs; assistant, Mrs. D. MacGregor; secretary, Mrs. Robert Pooley; assistant, Mrs. D. Geiser; Grade mother, Mrs. B. Skinner; historian, Mrs. D. A. Ecker; school notices, Mrs. Ron Bogart; membership, Mrs. J. Corbett; Program, Mrs. J. Fuller, Mrs. D. McIver, Mrs. C. Atthill, Mrs. A. Lindenfield, Mrs. F. Tilley; social, Mrs. D. Gould, Mrs. G. Webb, Mrs. D. Harrison, Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. E. Simmons, Mrs. B. Preszcator, Mrs. J. Burke, Mrs. S. Frayne. Lunch was served bythe Grade 2 mothers. By MISS ELLA MORLOCK CREDITON During the demolition of the Crediton Public School the cor- nerstone was opened last Thurs- day morning. The galvanized iron box containing the records had warped and the contents deter- iorated, The handwriting on sev- eral sheets of paper has faded to such an extent that it is illeg- 'ible. Only one of the photographs still shows a picture-that of the first school. The contents in- clude a copy of the c$London Advertiser" and of the "London Free Press" 25 June, 1906, a one-cent piece dated 1897, a ten- cent piece dated 1900, a metal token for 10C in merchandise at the store of Sam Brown, and a written list of the following names: Rev. J. A, Andrew, Rev. E. H. Bean. Trustees - Samuel Brown, Michael Finkbeiner, Wil- liam Wenzel. Teachers, Claude Bluett, Clara Kienzle, Ethel Far- row. Stone laid by Wm Lewis Esq. The newspapers are ten pages each and cost 2C.. Advertisements offer muslin at 12 1/2C a yard, linoleum at 37 1/2C per sq. yard and ladies fawn coats at $4.75. Among the news items the London M.H.O. alleges a certain doctor violated the health act in a diphtheria case. Sara Bern- hardt renews her youth by act- ing in tents, skating rinks, dance halls, and the canned meat plants of Canada are being investigated by the Dominion Government be- cause of recent disclosures in Chicago. EUB ANNIVERSARY Sunday, May 7, the congreg- ation of the EUB Church cele- brated its 116th anniversary. Dr. E. E. Hallman of Kitchener,Can- ada Conference Superintendent, was guest speaker. In the morn- ing the theme of his address was "My Church", in the even- ing "My God". Special music was provided by the choir and by Miss Doris Schwartz, Mrs. Gordon Fink- beiner, Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg and Mr. Don Finkbeiner. REPRESENT FAMILIES OF OLD The monthly meeting of the WSWS of the EUB Church was held Thursday evening, May 4, with Mrs. Lorne Morlock, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall of Sandusky, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart Janice, Sandra and Michael were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann. Exeter' Clayton Sims, Mrs. Ed Hendrick and Miss Kathy Schenk in charge of the program. The topic was "Being Christian in Family Re- lationships". Those in charge were dressed in centennial fashion to repres- ent a family of one hundred years ago. Music was provided by two old-time phonographs. Miss Katherine Ratz gave a read- ing entitled "Mother" and Miss Carol Hendrick, a piano solo. Mrs. G. E. Wenzel spoke on the spiritual life topic. During the business session appreciation was expressed to all those who helped to make the bazaar and bake sale an out- standing success. The sum of $35 was voted toward the branch treasury as a centennial don- ation, and plans were made to cater at the Teachers Feder- ation banquet May 30. Mrs. Ervin Ratz gave a report on the con- vention held at Elmira April 26 and 27. Hostesses were Mrs. Emerson Wein, Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Mrs. Ervin Ratz. FETE COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Galloway have moved into the home they purchased from Mrs. Garnet Hill. Last Friday evening their former At the Mt. Carmel biennial meeting for the choosing of ex- ecutives Wednesday, May 3, Mrs. Clement McCann was elected president with Mrs. Lawrence McCann, past president. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Arn- old McCann, Mrs. Patrick Glav- in, Mrs. Patrick Sullivan; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Clare O'Rourke; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Thomas Ryan; treasurer, Mrs. William Muller; Councillors, Mrs. Donald Regier, Mrs. Norman Breen, Mrs. Steph- en Dietrich, Miss Bernadine Madden, Mrs. Lorne Dietrich; Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Jack McCann, Mrs. Jerome Denom- me, Mrs. Joseph Glavin, Mrs. John Morrissey. Conveners: spiritual, Mrs. William Regier, education, Mrs. Lee Regier, citizenship and im- migration, Mrs. Harry Vanoesch, social action, Mrs. Mary Trainor; social welfare, Mrs. Ada Dietrich; radio and TV, Mrs. Gerald Regan, resolutions, Mrs. John Hall, magazines, Mrs. neighbours gathered to wish them well. Ron. AM erongen ent ertained with his electric guitar and rounds of Lost Heir were played. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway were presented with a, set of TV tables. The address was read by Mrs. Nelson Larriport, the presentation made by Mrs. Howard Lightfoot. Lunch was served. PERSONALS Miss Sandra Taylor, student at London Teachers' College, has accepted a position in Sarnia. Word has been received of the death at Brampton of Mrs. Leslie Walker. Mrs. Walker lived in this district for several years while her husband, Flight Lieu- tenant Walker, was stationed at Centralia. Mr. Freeman Morlock is a patient at South Huron Hospital. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman of Bluevale called on him, then came to Crediton to enjoy the evening anniversary service at the EUB Church. Mr. Lorne Preszcator and Reverend Douglas Warren at- tended Officers Graduation exer- cises at Canadian Forces Base, Clinton, Friday, as guests of Flight Lieutenant Robert Graham. FL/LT Graham has now returned to British Columbia. Leonard Dietrich, report forms, Mrs. Clement McCann. North Bosanquet Ws. Jerry Bax entertained children at a party Saturday Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance, Mrs. Wm Gill, Steven and Brian spent Thursday in Toronto. The amateur variety show at No. 1 Central Bosanquet school was attended by a capacity audi- ence Friday evening at the second performance. Reforestation at the Pinery Park is carried on by a party of 20. Charles Pawlinski and Mr. & Mrs. Ken Romphf, newlyweds, were entertained at a party at SS No. 17, Klondyke School, Fri- day evening with presentations. The former goes to Strathroy. Bog land is no exception to getting stuck —almost out of sight in present weather. By MRS. NO Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lostell, RR 3 Kippen, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary Sunday with a turkey and ham dinner in their honor at the home of their daughter and • son-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pridham,Crom- arty. The table was centered with a three-tier wedding cake flanked by pink and white candles. They were married in Hensall by Rev. young on May 1, 1937, having farmed all their We. Mrs. Lostell is the former Margaret O'Brien, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Ex- eter and Mr. Lostell is the eldest son of Mrs. J. M. Lostell and the late Mr. Lostell of Frobisher, Saskatchewan. They have a family of four: Mrs. Harold (Phyllis) Parsons of Seaforth, Mrs. Glen (Donelda) Sturgeon of Gcderich, Mrs. Wayne (Susie Mae) Prid- ham, Cromarty, and Lloyd at home, and six grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Brien Exeter and 45 relatives attended from Exeter, Hensall, Kippen, Goderich, Seaforth, Varna, Kirk- ton, Cromarty, London and Sar- nia. They were recipients of lovely gifts including a pearl serving set and gifts of money. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Campbell and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ken McClure and family and Mr. Guy Dorrance of McKillop Township the bus trip from Guelph to the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead at St. George Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Luther of Sarnia were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jef- fery. Mr. and Mrs. William Snow and Bob, Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Glenn and Bob Hume attended "1867 and All That" at Central Huron High School at Clinton Friday evening. Mrs. Donald Kernick and Mary, Mrs. Jack Stewart and Mrs. Wil- liam Rohde attended the Cen- tennial Tea at Main St. United Church Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore and family attended Woodham Sunday School anniver- sary Sunday and were guests later with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore, Darlene and Dale attended James St. Sunday School anniversary Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. James Earl of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart, Nancy, Deborah and Diane of Sarnia were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart. Mt. Carmel women choose new officers