HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-05-11, Page 8lil Health? Se* your doctor first. Bring Your prescription to MIQDLETON'S DRUGS • Centralia Fcirmers Supply Ltd. Groin • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228w 6638 E thers Beauty Salon Grand Bend THE PERFECT GIFT FOR MOTHERS DAY The latest in hair styling and wig care. P,S. Mom: If Dad is planning to take you out for dinner, now is the time to get your hair done. Ethel Des Jardine Sharon Bullock Bonnie Jean MacGregor Wreatha Green Phone: 238-2412 Daily Monday to Saturday Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. TimesAdvocate, May 11, 1967 Page .0 Hospital head urges ladies to be informed about work ed lunch at the close of the Auxiliary meeting. Prior to the meeting Mrs.Mac- Gregor and Mrs. R. F. Slater of Hespeler, secretary of Dis- trict 1, along with Mrs. Ted 4nglish and guest of Wingham, Auxiliary, Mrs. Douglas Bart- tiff and guest of Clinton Auxil- iary and M)ss Viola Stafford and guest of St. Marys Auxiliary were entertained at luncheon at the home of Mrs. Qprald God- bolt, vice-president of District 1. Dispense hospitality as in former years Ladies of South Huron Hospital Auxiliary in costumes of yesteryear E. R. Hopper (right). Standing left to right are Miss Ruth Skinner, Served hearty old-fashioned cookies, tea and coffee at last week's Mrs. W. G. Seldon, Mrs. H. H. Cowen, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. hospital open house. Pouring tea were Mrs. M. Gans (left) and Mrs. Norman Walper, Mrs. E. R. Russell. T-A photo Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles day, April 30. The RNA Students are being entertained at the Fashion Show Thursday evening with lunch at the home of Mrs. Norman Wal- per, co-convener of the staff committee. Mrs. E. D, Bell reported on the success of open house April 30 which was a joint effort of the hospital Board and the Aux- iliary. Over 200 registered and were taken on a tour of the Hospital. An attractive display of pictures of the old Carling home and family, former local doctors and equipment used by them in olden days was arranged by Mrs. Jack Doerr and Mrs. Art Whilsmith in the board room. Servers in the tearoom wore centennial costumes and served old fashioned cookies and tea. A covered wagon on the streets Saturday afternoon called atten- tion to the event. Ladies of Grand Bend WI serv- EaF4G 'em Apt otam WI plans rally at Crediton hail Policeman talks to ladies' group Ladies of Caven Church were guests of James Street Unit 3 at their meeting Monday even- ing. Don Lonney's record "A Talk to Teen-Agers” was heard and discussion followed. Mrs. Harry Dougall, group leader, assisted by Mrs. Maurice Love conducted the worship period. Guest speaker was Constable John Wright of the local OPP detachment who spoke on "Drink- ing and Driving." He presented some very pertinent facts and answered questions from his audience. We are adding to the recipes the 4-H girls have filed for future use, some of which we gave last week. We hope they will honor mother on "her" day Sun- day by making some of these dishes and giving her a "break". This would please her more than an expensive gift, "This is a new era in which each of us must decide whether to be a participant or a spec- tator” said Mrs. Murray mac- Gregor of Galt, chairman olDis- trict 2 of Hospital AuxiliarieS, in speaking at the South iluron Hospital Auxiliary meeting Tues- day afternoon. Mrst Gerald Godbolt intro- duced Mrs. MacGregor whose theme was "The Well-Informed Auxiliary." Basing her remarks on the fact that "the more one knows about anything the more one is interested" she suggested frequent tours of the hospital having an expert in each de- partment to explain procedures; also having speakers from dif- ferent sections of the hospital such as the medical librarian or dietitian tell of their work. The speaker advocateddemon- strations of new equipment to the Auxiliary members espec- ially if they have financed its purchase. "A wonderful new working relationship is estab- lished with the administrator and staff of the hospital in this way" said Mrs. MacGregor. Mrs. Delmer Skinner chaired the meeting. Miss Ruth Skinner, buying convenor, reported the new flag and pole had been erect- ed in time for open house, Sun- oats and raisins. Blend thorough- ly. Drop by teaspoons onto greased baking sheets, about 2 inches apart. Bake in a moderate oven, 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 3 dozen cookies, SPICE DROP COOKIES The word cookie comes from the Dutch koekje meaning small cake. All kinds of cookies are popular with Canadianhomemak- ers who have adapted recipes from many countries to make use of convenient foods and modern equipment. 1 pkg spice cake mix (10 oz) 1/2 cup soft butter 2 tbsp water 2 eggs, unbeaten 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup raisins Empty half of cake mix into mixing bowl. Add butter, water and eggs. Beat well together. Add remaining cake mix, rolled Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (I3io-.Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores, Satisfaction or your nwney refunded. AT CONVOCATION Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Delbridge attended convocation exercises at which their son-in-law Pat- rick Goudey, participated in Tor- onto, Friday, May 5 and spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Patrick Goudey, Burling- ton. South Huron WI 45th District Annual is being held In Crediton Township Hall Wednesday, May 17 with registration at 9 am and session commencing at 9:30, The afternoon program begins at 1:30 pm. Ladies having centennial cos- tumes are asked to wear them. District President Mrs. Fred Beer will preside for the ses- sions. Dinner is being served at noon. 4 poached eggs 4 slices of bread, toasted Melt the cheese in top of double boiler over hot water kept at simmering temperature. Stir oc- casionally. Add cream or milk gradually, stirring constantly. Add season- ings. To poach eggs, bring water to boil in fry pan, add a pinch of salt. Break eggs, one at a time, in a saucer and slip into the water. Cook until set. Make toast. For each serving, cover toast with hot cheese sauce, top with poached egg. This is a popular Sunday supper dish. Serve with celery sticks, sliced tomatoes or crisp tossed salad. ° A nnounce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoogkamp, RR 3 Woodstock, announce the engagement of their daughter Grace to the Rev. Harmen Heeg. Miss Hoogkamp is an honors graduate of the University of Western Ontario. Mr. Heeg is the pastor of the Bethel Reformed Church in Exeter. ENGLISH TRIFLE This is atypicallyEnglish des- sert made in a variety of ways but basically it consists of cake, lady fingers or macaroons, moistened with fruit juice and arranged in layers with rasp- berry or other jam and soft cust- ard, chilled to blend the flavors and garnished simply or elab- orately to suit the occasion. Plain cake, about one-half of an 8" square or one small sponge cake. 1 15-oz pkg frozen sweetened raspberries, thawed 2 cup soft custard 1/2 cup whipping cream 2 tbsp toasted slivered almonds or 2 tbsp shredded coconut Cut cake in 1/2 inch slices and fit a layer in bottom of serving dish. Drain thawed raspberries, reserving the juice. Spoon rasp- berries over cake layer an d spread with half the chilled cust- ard. Cover with remaining c ak e slices, drizzle with about 1/3 cup raspberry juice or enough to moisten cake and spread with re- maining custard. Chill 2 hours or over night. At serving time whip cream, sweeten with 1 tbsp sugar and spread over trifle. Garnish with toasted almonds or coconut. CENTINNIAL WEE THURS., FRIDAY & SAT. MAY 11, 12 & 13 MIDDLETON'S DRUGS SOFT CUSTARD 2 cups milk 2 eggs 1/4 cup sugar pinch salt 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp almond flavoring Scald milk in top part of double boiler. Beat eggs and combine with sugar and salt. Gradually stir in a little of the scalded milk, return to double boiler and cook over simmering water, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens slightly and coats a metal spoon, Remove from heat immediately. C o ol quickly; stir in flavorings. Chill until ready for use. If custard cooks too long it will curdle. If this happens, place top part of double boiler in pan of cold water immediately and beat with rotary beater. COME ,Eym,!,E0Tu IT RH tSk lvr FLFOTO HKED IN 1867 FREE SILVER DOLLARS Married in Kirkton United Church Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ronald Francis were married recently by Rev. T, Elliott and will reside at RR 1 Kirkton, The bride is the former Helen Elizabeth Stephens, daughter of Mrs. Pearl Stephens and the late Andrew Stephens, Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Francis, RR 1 Kirkton, are parents of the groom. A reception was held at the Shillelagh, Lucan. — photo by Oliver FOR THE LUCKY BUYER AT THE CASH REGISTER WHEN THE BELL RINGS — A SILVER DOLLAR. IF NO WINNER THE DOLLAR GOES INTO THE JACKPOT FOR THE NEXT LUCKY WINNER. FREE NEEDLE KIT FOR THE FIRST 30 CUSTOMERS EACH AFTERNOON — & DIET RECIPE BOOKS. WELSH RABBIT Sometimes mis-named rare- bit, this dish has come down to us from the people of Wales in a variety of different ways. But cheese is still the main ingred- ient. 1/2 lb sharp process cheese 3/4 cup cream or evaporated milk 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp prepared mustard 7ot,cipt 47afrie4 a. MOTHER'S DAY THIS SUNDAY MAY 14 BAND AIDS Large Pkg Reg 49t ADRIENNE SHAMPOO Liquid Reg. 3.95 Reg, 2,50 Adrienne COCONUT OIL SHAMPOO QUIK BANDS SUN GLASSES SUCARYL LIQUID TOOTH PASTE croo TOOTH BRUSH Or. writ SPECIAL 2.50 SPECIAL 1.00 SPECIAL Reg ' 1.49 490 SPECIAL 594 30% Off SPECIAL 750 Ladies' SPECIAL Reg, 950 For Dandruff Reg. 894 SPECIAL 69 Save 200 SPECIAL 79 Most of our staff work 24 hours a day to bring you the freshest milk possible Exeter Dairy Ltd. Don't Forget "Mom" On Her Day. Buy her something to wear. May we suggest: A DRESS OR COAT, A BLOUSE OR SKIRT, SLIMS OR SWEATER, LINGERIE OR SLEEPWEAR, GLOVES, SCARF OR HANDBAG? Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz vis- ited Expo last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, town, and Miss Frances Johns, London, attended graduation ceremonies on Thursday at the Ryerson Polytechnical institute, Toronto, The former's Son, Jim Sweitzer, was among the grad- uates. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and M,s. Charles Fearman of Caledonia visited with Mrs. Myrtle Brown, William Street, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert South- cott, Mrs. Valeria. Armstrong, Miss Stella Southcott and Mrs. J. M. SouthcOtt attended the May Day festival at Alma College, St. Thomas, Saturday afternoon. Miss Jane Southeott returned home with them for the weekend. Mrs. A. J. SweitZer spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Albert Bowen of Guelph. Mrs. Kenneth Johns is in Tor- onto this week attending a een- ferenee of the Children's Aid SOCieties Of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Norman IVIC. Iltaith, Owen Sound, visited dur- ing the week With Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton and Mr. and mrt. W11- 11am smell. IRIA/ IN 'S LADIES WEAR Phone 215-2144 Exeter Reg, 2,50 Value Of SPECIAL 2,,'x26