The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-04-20, Page 5Hensal and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Rhona) 2624002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 202.20x5 Institute chooses Couple mark centennial officers anniversary Teaching by original methods Readin', ritin' and 'rithmetic, taught to the tune of the hickory stick is the message SHDHS librarian Vic Dinnin is trying to put across to Ken Westlake, Jane Pyette and Mary Lynn Kennedy at the centennial celebrations of SHDHS, Friday. T-A photo Hensall personals ‘"4.5•00.4 AfigMHOMUVAMBESSMZSMENNEWS2IMP,);ems -AP '5*- Budget-priced FRIGIDAIRE Flowing Heat Dryer! Model DATK FRIGIDAIRE Sales th Service DRYSDALE (neat HARDWARE Dial 262.2015 HENSALL Finn 3 Days 20% OFF On All Sizes Of Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS Canada's Largest Selling Vitamins Wilson's Drug Store Hensall ofmniaMerkk*51.1%*t.:, AWF GROCERIES SALADA TEA BAGS KELLOGG 'S SFLAKES DESSERT TOPPING DREAM WHIP G EAL OLD D111 LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE KRAFT SLICES GIANT SIZE, DEAL PACK SPIC & SPAN KIWI SHOE POLISH AEIViiii E ST POLY BAGS McLAREN'S MARASCHINO CHERRIES MINIT RICE PRODUCE CANADA NO. I POTATOES PORK LOIN Whole or Half lb. 550 PORK CHOPS Loin lb. 590 WIENERS 2 ib. 890 BLADE ROAST lb. 590 RIB ROAST Prime lb. 690 STEWING BEEF lb. 590 POT ROAST Chuck or Rolled l6.494 2 lb. 890 FROZEN FOODS BIRDS EYE RASPBERRIES 15 OZ. PKG. 390 10 LB. BAG 2 /5 90 FLAKES 7zee Super Save Anniversary Cake WITH $15.00 ORDER OR MORE (reg. 494) ?tee Draw on Child's Writing Desk DRAW TO BE MADE AT 6:00 P.M. SAT., APR. 22 GROUND BEEF MARKET] HENSALL- ONTARIO 60s 16 OZ. PKG. 4 OZ. PKG. 6Y2 OZ. TIN 48 OZ. TIN 16 OZ. 2 TINS 6 OZ. 26" X 36" 12 OZ. JAR 79' 2/79' 49' 2/771 2/75' 69' 89' 39' 79' 10's 69' 49' 45' 14 OZ. PKG, Be a master changer-of-address when you move go to the Post Office, get free change of address cards, fill them out and be on your way (no postage required) let the rest of the world know where you are and you will get your mail promptly FOR POSTAL INFORMATION see THE YELLOW PAGES OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK Mrs. V. M. Pyette was elected president of Hensall WI at its annual meeting last Wednesday evening. She succeeds Mrs. Bev- erly Beaton, who has beenpresi- dent for the past two years. Vice-presidents are Mxs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling; assistant, Mrs. Robert Elgie; press reporter, Mrs. R. M. Peck; district dir- ector, Mrs. Beverly Beaton; alternate, Mrs. R. A. Orr; resol- utions committee, Mrs. Carl Payne; branch directors, Mrs. Complete quilts at Chiselhurst Chiselhurst UCW held the April meeting in the church basement. Mrs. T. Brintnell presided, open- ing with a poem "Spring Song". Mrs. Clarence Coleman was in charge of the worship the theme being "Christ's call To Th e Messiah ship". She was assisted by Mrs. Wm. Brintnell. Mrs. Harold Currie gave the Bible study "The Church And The World", followed with a film, "Religionwith early set- tlers." Mrs. A. Ross provided the program having the ladies sing a Centennial hymn. Eight custom quilts and one crib quilt were quilted this winter by the ladies. The crib quilt and four blankets will be forwarded for overseas relief. A bakeless bake sale proved very successful. Hostesses were Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs. Russell Brock, Mrs. Ross Riley. Mary Funk, Mrs. E. Riley and Mrs. Pearl Koehler; card con- vener, Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. Inez McEwen; pianists, Miss Greta Laramie and Mrs. T. Sherritt, Standing committees, agric- ultural and Canadian industries, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Maude Hedden; citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. Mary Funk; home economics and health, Mr.s. Wes Richardson, Mrs. Waner Carlile; public re- lations, Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; historical research, Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. Robert Elgie; Tweedsmuir His- tory, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Miss Mattie Ellis, Mrs. Len Purdy. Mrs. John Corbett brought in the slate of officers and Mrs. Carl Payne conducted the election. Reports of standing committees were given. In the program arranged by Miss Greta Lammie, Mrs. Robert Elgie discussed the "Care of Electrical Appliances," Miss Lammie spoke on the purchase and care of pianos. Mrs. Bruce Cann of Exeter was soloist ac- companied by her daughter, Cathy. President Mrs. Beaton con- ducted the business. Mrs. Pyette Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Beaton are voting delegates to the District Annual to be held in Crediton May 17. Mrs. R. A. Orr sub- mitted a report of the Spring Board meeting held in Hensall April 4. The Centennial tea will be held Monday, May 15, 2:30 to 5 pm. in the Legion Hall. The centennial project of the Hensall WI will be a brochure compiled depict- ing early days in Hensall to be offered for sale later. Retiring president Mrs. Beaton was presented with a gift given By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE • Monday evening in the church basement Youth Fellowship Club had three films shown namely "The Living Stone","The Monkey Who Would Be King" and "Down North". The program also included ac- cordion selections by Darlene Passmore and Calvin Rohde; piano selections by Joanne Hod- gert and Marlene Stewart; vocal duet by Elaine Johns and Sandra Skinner. Candy was sold. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. John McLauchlan of Lambeth were Friday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Miss Pat Bauer of Monkton spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Kernick. Gary Shipman of Exeter spent the weekend with Jimmy Snow. Mr. & Mrs. James Miller of Woodham, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Con- stable of London visited with Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller, Sat- urday evening. Mr. & Mrs. William Snow visit- ed Saturday evening with Mrs. Luker of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cam- eron celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary Friday, April 14 and celebrated the occasionon Sunday, April 16 with a family dinner at their home attended by immediate families. Their marriage of fifty years ago was solemnized at Varna Presbyterian Manse by the Rev. Johnson. Attendants were Mrs. Charles Stelck of Varna, sister of the bride, and George Arm- strong of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron have resided in Hensall since their marriage and in the same house and have one son, Robert B. Cameron. Former resident dies in hospital Mrs. P ear s y Graham, 83, widow of the late Archie Graham, and the former Matilda Pearson Scott, of Huronview, formerly of Hensall, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, Wednesday April 12 where she was admitted as a patient on Monday of that week. She was born in Sebringville, and lived in Hensall for many years. She had been a resident of Huronview for seven years. Surviving are several nieces and nephews. Public funeral services were held Saturday April 15 from Bon- thron Funeral Home, Hensall, conducted by Rev. Harold F. Currie. Burial was in Hensall Union cemetery. by Mrs. Elgie. Miss Amy Lam- mie offered courtesy remarks. Program conveners were Mrs. J. Ferguson and Miss Greta Lam- mie, hostesses, Mrs. Jarvis Hor- ton and Mrs. John Skea. Messrs Neil and Lloyd Miner of Inwood were Sunday guests with their brother, Rev. Stewart Miner and Mrs. Miner. Mr. & Mrs. William Thomson of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson and family of Wood- ham, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Alan and Connie were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde, the occasion be- ing the birthdays of Clarence and Scott Thomson, Mrs. Glenn Jef- fery and Calvin Rohde all being within two weeks. Several from this community attended the Academy of Musical Arts Musical Tribute to our Cen- tennial at South Huron District High School Saturday evening. "Hello . . . Hello . . . Is that you, Sam?" "Yeah, this is Sam." It doesn't sound like Sam." "This is Sam." "Are you sure this is Sam?" "Certainly, this is Sam!" "Well, listen Sam, this is Bill. Lend me fifty dollars." "All right. I'll tell him when he comes in." Hensall Kinettes met at the home of Mrs. Harold Knight Wed- nesday April 12. It was vice- presidents night and vice- president Mrs. Robert Caldwell toolc the chair. The date of the Spring Rummage sale was set for Saturday, May 6 at the local arena. Ten dollars was donated to the Cancer Fund and $50 to the Kinsmen national project, a training centr e for retarded children. Nominations and election of officers was held. Past Presi- dent is Mrs. James Hyde; presi- dent, Mrs. Robert Caldwell; vice- president, Mrs. Ron Wareing; secretary, M r s. John Baker; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Knight; registrar, Mrs. Ken Chettleburg; bulletin editor, Mrs. Wm. Fuss; The raffle was won by Mrs. Harold Caldwell. A birthday tea was held for Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Wm, Mickle, Mrs. H. Knight and Mrs. J. Hyde, who were pre- sented with gifts. Euchre Was played and the winners were Mrs. Chettleburgh and. Mrs. FOR THE BEST IN TV SERVICE 236-4094 ZURICH McADAMS TV Times-Advocate, April 20, 1907 Page Kinettes pick slate, enjoy euchre play Flowers in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church and Hensall United Church Sunday morning were in memory of the late Mrs. Pearsy Graham. Mr. Russell Erratt of Varna, has purchased the home of the late Mrs. Rheta Charles on King St., and gets possession August 1. Mr. Norman E. Cook, who has been a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, where he under- went surgery, returned home Wednesday of last week. Mr. Wilmer Dalrymple, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned home. Mrs. pearl Shaddick returned home after spending a week with her sister, Miss Elvira Church- ill in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. George Hess spent the week end with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family of Don Mills. Mr. Cecil Kipfer, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent sur- gery on his back, came home Fri- day, Mr. Robert Keys of Burlington accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Anna Keys of Exeter, visited recently with Mrs. John E. Mc- Ewen and also with Mr. John E. McEwen who is a patient at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder re- turned home this week of t e r spending the winter months in Stratford and Sarnia. Miss Marion Schroeder of Lon- don is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz of Dashwood were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCurdy have returned from a two weeks vacation spent in the British Isles, arriving home Monday of this week. Mrs. Grant Bisback and Cindy, Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Grant Mc- Clinchey, were guests of Zurich Lions Club at their dinner meet- ing Monday night, Mrs. Campbell, president of Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary presented a cheque for $93.00 for Crippled Children's Easter Seal Campaign. Mrs. Ed Fink is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Thames Road youth shown two pictures