HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-04-13, Page 17Property in area changes ownership ANNOUNCEMENTS Tirnes•Advocato, April 13, 1961 Poo* 1 7 by Jean McLachlan 1-nowthr ey COLONIAL HOTEL at the GRAND BEND ONTARIO Phone 238-2371 Main Intersection + Entertainment ALL YEAR Thursday, Friday, Saturday Evenings SATURDAY MATINEES Oveut soup Exeter Teen Town presen ts: `The Shan-de-leers! Friday, April 14 8:30 - 11:30 At the Exeter Arena Admission: .75 with membership $1.00 without membership Slacks allowed We reserve the right to refuse admission GRAND OLE OPRY MUSIC SHOW & DANCE in person direct from Nashville Tenn. CHARLIE LOUVIN "SEE THE BIG MAN CRY" Canada's Singing Sweetheart MYRNA LORRIE "ARE YOU MINE" With THE LORRIE WAYNE t FLOYD SILLITO & SHOW BAND -r RYAN -7- HIS COUNTRY BAND Fri., April 21 - 8:30 pm Agricultural Coliseum STRATFORD, ONT, `TICKETS $2.00 in advance $2,50 night of show AVAILABLE - STAN BLOWES TRAVEL AGENCY & THE COLISEUM Centennial Doings In April 14 Centennial "Dress Up" DAY for Teachers, Staff and Students, Fashion Show, Prizes for Costumes etc, 30 —South Huron District Hospital, Open HouSe, 2 pm to 5 pm, Centennial Tea and Tour of Facilities by Board members, staff and Hospital Auxiliary. Period costumes invited, Exhibits of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and nursing methods and techniques through the years. I AD SPONSORED BY EXETER LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY TEA & BAKE SALE APR. 15 3 - 5 p.m. EXETER SCOUT HALL The Local Association of Guide and Scout Groups will hold their annual tea and bake sale this Saturday. This event had to be cancelled last Feb. 25 owing to the winters' worst snow storm. We hdpe to see everyone at the Tea who purchased tickets two months ago and wish to thank you for your patronage. "Cavalier Souvenir" featuring THE CAVALIERS Dashwood Community Centre April 15, 9 - 12 P.M. `Ambush Bay' Hugh O'Brien Mickey Rooney Color CHICKEN BARBECUE, sponsor- ed by Trivitt Memorial church, Wednesday, May 24, 5-7 pm. 4:13-5:4c T LITE Fri. and Sat. April 14, 15 Double Feature `Boy, Did I Get A Wrong Number Phyllis Diller Bob Hope Color The Academy of Musical Arts presents a Centenial Concert recital, HURON SOUTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL, Exeter, on April 15, 1967 8:00 p.m. Adults $1.00 Children under 12 free EUCHRE and DANCE on Fri., Apr. 14 LUCAN, ARENA Sponsored by the members of St.Patricles Anglican Church, Saintsbury, 8:00 to 1:30. Music by THE RAMBLERS Admission 75st HENSALL TEEN TOWN Dance Hensall Arena Auditorium Tek-Niques Slacks Allowed Sat., April 15 8:30 -. 11:30 Admission: $1.00 per person We reserve the right to refuse admission BIRTHS-- FINL AYSON— Mr. and Mrs. Laird Fialayson, RR 3 Kippen, announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Shelley Jean, at S out h Huron Hospital, April 7 — a sister for Sharon, Sue Anne and Sandra, GL ANVILL E —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glanville (nee MacDon- ald) Crediton, announce the birth of a son, Eugene Leslie, at South Huron Hospital, April 10— grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and first grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville. HEYWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heywood, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Tracy Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, April 4 a sister for Lisa. HAYDEN Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Hayden, Hensall, announce the birth of a daughter, at South Huron Hospital, April 11 — a sister for April Lynn. KERR—At Armstrong, B.C. April 8 to Rev. Howard and Mrs. Kerr, the former Marilyn Strang, a son, a brother for David. McCLOY — Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy (nee Hess) of D o n Mills, announce the birth of their daughter at East General Hospital, Toronto, April 6 — a sister for Katherine, Chris- tine, and Jimmy and grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Hess, Hensall. MUGFORD— Mr. and Mrs. James Mugford, announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Yvonne, at St. Joseph's Hospital, April 7 — a sister for Jamie. PRESZCATOR — Mr. and Mrs. James Preszcator (nee Jewitt), Kinburn, announce the birth of a daughter, Debora Diane, at Seaforth General Hospit al March 31 — a sister for Billie, first gratddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator. VAN DYK — Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dyk, RR 2 Kippen, an- nounce the birth of a son, Michael, at South Huron Hos- pital, April 6. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroed- er, Hensall, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Marion Evelyn, to George Vincent Sweeney, son of the late Victor Sweeney and (Marie Har- vey) Mrs. Mozart Gelinas of Zur- ich, the wedding to take place, April 29 at 2 pm at St. Boniface Church, Zurich. 13c MARRIAGES — Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey, Mt. Carmel, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Irene Louise to Mr. Charles John Micallef, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Micallef of Windsor. The marriage took place at Sacred Heart Church, Windsor with Father Padelt officiating. The couple will reside in Windsor, Ont. 13* ANNOUNCEMENTS— Mrs. Orval Mellin is holding a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Maxine Mildred on April 22, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Friends, neighbors and relatives please accept this as an invita- tion. 13* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson are holding open house at their home Clandeboye, for their friends, relatives and neighbors on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Tuesday, April 18, 1967. No gifts please. 13c An invitation is extended to the relatives, friends and neigh- bors of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tay- lor to attend an open house at their home, 83 Huron St. East, on Sunday April 16, 1967 from 2-5 pm on the occasion of their 40th anniversary. No gifts please. 13* CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Mrs. Robert Carroll formerly Rosetta Lorena Stewart, wish to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for many kindnesses, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy shown during their recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. P. Elliott, the Ladies of Anderson UC, L.A. Ball Funeral Chapel, Dr. Davis and Dr. Hiscock and nurses and staff of St. Marys Memorial Hospital and for those who rendered services at the home. 13c To all our friends, neighbors and relatives we extend our grateful thanks for the lovely gift we received before leaving the farm and nice evening we spent together. Special thanks to all who helped at the time of the sale. All is greatly appreciated and we shall always remember your kindness. — Andy and Mary Carter. 13* The family of the late Chester Cornish would like to express their thanks and appreciation for the cards, flowers, gifts and kindness shown by their friends, neighbors and relatives. A spe- Cial thank you is given to RV. S. E. Lewis for his services) James St. UCW and Itopper- Hockey funeral home. 13* CARDS OF THANKS— I would like to convey my sin- cere and grateful thanks to all my friends and acquaintances who visited me and remembered me with cards and good wishes while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard and Dr. Walden and the nursing staff who gave me such devoted care and attention dur- ing my confinement 41 the hos- pital. — Ira Geiger. 13c I wish to thank the neighbors and friends who helped me while I had an injured foot. — Gordon Johnson. 13c I would like to say a sincere thank you to all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while a patient at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington. — Mrs. Eric Kennedy. 13c Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason would like to thank their many relatives, neighbors and friends for the many cards, flowers, chocolates, treats and visits to Gerald while he was in Clinton Hospital and since r eturning home. Special thanks to Rev. James, doctors and nursing staff, it was all appreciated. 13* We would like to say thank you to friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers, cards and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff and Dr. Ecker. —Mrs. Wayne O'Rourke and baby Carolyn Elizabeth. 13* I would like to thank all my friends in the Exeter area who sent cards and visited with me while I was a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London. Your thoughtfulness on my behalf was very much appreciated and will always be remembered. — Mrs. George Sereda. 13c We would like to thank our family for the delicious dinner served us on the occasion of our 55th wedding anniversary. Also thanks to our friends and neigh- bors for Easter cards. — Laura and John Simpson. 13* I wish to say thank you to my relatives, friends, and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards, gifts and prayers. Special thanks to the nursing staff and Dr. Ecker, Rev. and Mrs. Bodenham, while in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. Mrs. Isa- belle Wein. 13c I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives who re- membered me while in St. Jo- seph's Hospital with cards and visits. Thanks also to Dr. Wilson, Dr. Patterson and the nurses. — Mr. Lawrence Beckett. 13* We wish to extend our heart- felt thanks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbors for their acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, mass cards and beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Mrs. Vera Banks, Rev. Trimble, Lon- don rescue squad, police and firemen, nurses and doctors at Victoria Hospital, Rev. Jansen, employees of Kelvinator Indus- trial Association Local 27 for the lovely Bible, the pallbearers and to all who helped in any way, also the Murdy funer al home, Lucan, in the loss of our beloved brother. — The family of the late William Boyle. 13c The family of the late Rudolph 0. Miller wishes to express their sincere thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather, our thanks for the many floral tributes, cards and messages of sympathy received. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Miss C laypole, nurses, stag Rev. Reinhart, Rev. Steinman for many acts of kindness shown during his stay at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, also wish to thank the pallbearers, Ladies Aid and all those who assisted in any way. All your kindness was sin- cerely appreciated and will al- ways be remembered. -- Martha Miller and family. 13c IN MEMORIAM — MacDONALD — In loving mem- ory of a dear son, Donald who passed away three years ago, April 12, 1964. I was not there to say goodbye, Perhaps it was just as well; I could never have said goodbye To a son, I loved so well. I mourn for you in silence, No eyes can see me weep; But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. —Dearly loved and sadly missed by Mother. 13* MacDONALD—In loving memory of a dear brother, Donald Mac- Donald, who passed away three years ago, April 12, 1964. Come to My heavenly garden And see in perfect bloom, The flower you loved so dearly And thought that I plucked too soon. Then you will know My reason, Though you will not know it to- day, Why in his promising manhood I took your brother away. — Lovingly remembered by Ted, Edna and family. 13c IN MEMORIAM --- MacDONALD--In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, Donald, who passed away three years ago April 12, 1964. Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longingloved for gone; nf r a smile from a None knows the t. pth of our deep regret, But we remember when others forget. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by sisters, broth- ers, sisters and brothers-in- law, nieces and nephews. 13* MacDONALD— In loving memory of my dear brother, Donald Evans MacDonald, who passed away three years ago, April 12, 1964. I will always remember the way he looked, The way he spoke and smiled; The little things he said and did, Are with me all the while; For down the lane of memories, The light is never dim; Until the stars forget to shine, I will remember him. — Sadly missed by sister Maxine and brother-in-law Lorne.13c MacDONALD— In loving memory of our dear uncle, Donald Evans MacDonald, who passed away three years ago, April 12, 1964. He left us quietly, His thoughts unknown; But left us a memory, We are proud to own. So treasure him, Lord, In your garden of rest; For when on earth, He was one of the best. Sadly missed by niece and nephew Wyann and Danny La- mont. 13c BAZAAR, BAKE SALE and TEA — sponsored by the WSWS of the EUB Church, Crediton in the Township Community Hall, Cred- iton on Saturday, April 15 at 2:30 pm. Among the articles of- fered for sale will be three quilts and a Centennial spread. 16:13c HURON HISTORICAL SOCIETY meeting on Monday, April 17 at 8:00 pm in Central Huron Second- ary School cafeteria, Clinton. Good attendance hoped for. 13c BENEFIT PARTY for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde, Brodhagen Hall, Wednesday, April 19. Let's give them our encouragement as a kindly gesture following their loss by fire. Royalaires Orches- tra. Donations received at door. Ladies please bring lunch. Any- one not wishing to attend may leave or send donations to Mrs. Earl Gethke, RR 3 Mitche11.13c EUCHRE — Legion Hall, Hensall, Thursday April 20, 8;30 pm. Ad- mission 504. Good prizes, lunch provided, proceeds, Sports Fund. Everybody welcome. Sponsored by Hensall Legion Auxiliary. 13:20c BAKE SALE —Saturday, April 22, 1967 at Huxtable's at 2:30 pm. Sponsored by Order of the East- ern Star. 13:20c SMORGASBORD — Hot Turkey and Ham Smorgasbord, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Sat- urday, April 22 from 5-'7 pm. Adults $1.50, children under 12 751. 13;20c DINNER MEETING—Huron County TB Ass'n annual dinner meeting, Legion Hall, Exeter on Monday, April 24. Tickets $1.00, available from Sam Skinner, phone 229-8252. 13:20c CENTENNIAL TEA and Tour at South Huron Hospital, April 30, 2-5 pm. Area residents who have pictures, books or other articles pertaining to Medical history, nursing, pharmacy or dentistry please contact Mrs. Elmer Bell, phone 235-1082. 13c First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars FREE JUST MINUTES FROM °RAND BEND AT SHIPKA 11111110 IN MEMORIAM MORLEY —In loving memory of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley, who both pass- ed away Easter Monday— Mother April 23, 1962 and Dad April 11, 1966. God knows how much we have missed you, As we journey on from day to day; And God knows our thoughts silently wander, To the spot where both you lay. —Sadly missed by their daugh- ter, Mrs. Marjorie Steeper and family. 13* MORLEY — In memory of a dear father and grandfather, Wes- ley Morley, who passed away April 11, 1966 and a dear mother and grandmother, who passed away April 23, 1962. Who shall say the grief is lessen- ed, Though the smile may hide the tears; Memories keep the wound still open, Despite the passing of the years. —Sadly missed by daughter Marion and Jack Hodgson and family. 13* MORLEY — In loving memory of a mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morley, who passed away April 23, 1962 and April 11, 1966. They are gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of them are always near. — Remembered by their daugh- ter Jessie, Earl and family.l3c ANDERSON — In loving memory of Merle (Herb) Anderson who passed away April 13, 1959. Now that eight years has gone, Your memory still lingers on; Memories are like threads of gold, And it will never grow old. — Sadly missed by your family. 13* HAWKSHAW In fond memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Ida Hawk- shaw who passed away one year ago, April 11, 1966. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. — Doris and Roy. RADER — In loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away suddenly one year ago April 11, 1966. We often sit and think of him, When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak, When all other things decay, Our love for him will still Keep green and never fade away. — Lovingly remembered by his wife Leona and family. 13* SMITH — In loving memory of our dear parents, Mary Ann and John S. Smith, who passed away April 15, 1959 and Oct. 12, 1954. Their memory is as dear today As in the hour they passed away; Time changes many things But love and memory ever clings. — Ever remembered by their family. 13c WASMAN — In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law, Law- rence Edward Wasman, who passed away two years ago April 13, 1965. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Alvin Cornish. 13* CENTENNIAL CONCERT Mr. W. C. Allison has sold his farm on Highway 83, to his neigh- bor Mr. Edwin Miller. The farm consists of 150 acres and has been in the Allison family since 1054 when it was purchased from the Canada Company. The Tham- es Road United Church is situat- ed on the corner of the farm. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills, who came to Exeter nine and a half years ago from Kirkton, have sold their home on William St. to Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Roulston who get possession May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are moving into a new home in St. Marys. * Mr. Melvin Reed Con. 2 Us- borne, has sold his farm to Mr. Lloyd Jones of Hwy 4 south of Exeter. Mr. Reed expects to move to Exeter. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Bar- rett, Edward St. have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Perry, Senior St. Mr. Barrett Portraits from the past Centennial FASHION SHOW Thurs. May 11, 1967 8:15 p.m. S.H.D.H.S. ADMISSION adults $1.00, students .50 Sponsored by Beta Sigma Sorority Old Fashioned DANCE at Dashwood Community Centre FRI. APR. 14 Music by the Astronauts Sponsored by the Dashwood W.I. Centennial dress optional ADMISSION $1.25 Prizes PRESENTATION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. JOHN VARLEY (nee Carter) Sat. Apr. 15 ZURICH ARENA Music by the CHANDELIERS Ladies please bring lunch EVERYONE WELCOME was formerly manager of Vic- toria and Grey Trust in Exeter but was transferred to St. Marys. Mr,and Mrs. Barrett and four daughters, Paula, Claudia, An- drea and Roberta will move to St. Marys on completion of the school term. The SHILLELAGH In Lucan Has Dancing NIGHTLY Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thurs. Floyd & Jim with guitar, drums & organ Fri. & Sat., Bleke Emmons with Dave Priest Trio Fun for all ages at The Shillelagh, in the lounge, dining lounge or restaurant. Banquet and motel rooms attached. Everyone parties at The Shillelagh. Licenced and no cover charge. 227-441 I Lucan BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8:00 GALA REOPENING FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Open Fri. and Sat. Only ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON FRIDAY, APRIL 14 ONLY — DOUBLE FEATURE — DR. GOLDFOOT & THE BIKINI MACHINE Vincent Price, Frankie Avalon Dwayne Hickman COLOR SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY PLUS FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD Nick Adams SHOWN AT 8:00 P.M. ONLY SAT., APRIL 15 ONLY — DOUBLE FEATURE — CAR RACING ACTION REDLINE 7000 James Caen, Gail Hire SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY COLOR (Adult Entertainment) PLUS THE U.N.C.L.E. MEN IN "SPY WITH MY FACE" Robert Vaughn, David Mc- Callum, Sento Berger COLOR (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 8:00 P.M. ONLY COMING NEXT FRIDAY "WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS" Connie Francis "Son of a Gunfighter" L-7 '24 JACKPOT Exeter Legion Hall April 13, 9 p.m. 7-2 $ 4d 5i sOci n ca l ls Ea== Sponsored by Ladies'.Auxiliary Adm i s s i o n 1 El No one under 16 years of age for 15 rounds F.= will be admitted. 511111111111111111111111111811111111111IIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111181111111111181811111811111111111118111