HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-11-12, Page 41. . , " 0 , a I I lP , Ie'4"��', �, 11 .1 I - , . -rlN4go$rg7?- I , , I I I I -1 , , ,,4, 1 1 � _�._, . 1, � , " I , , I , ,t , . .i � . � ,, " �- "' �, 'a. , . _­fr_ ��.Irt I'l I �� , " . -', " '- ��,,.,, , , ,� it - " tiq 't��V-" " , � 1 , I , " , I ,�- I Ala, � . ..", , , . , , - ,',I�' i,,�, �- 4 , , . '. 1 �, # t , ,�., -;,,,,,,, 3 l" , _' N� tj I I , I , , I �IkI , 'W - - �,:, ,�s'j___;�; .,,�,� I , , . 94 1 1, �� - '. , " ,,,� - , I I � :, . 11 , "� ,i.q k � :�, � , , I �, , , I , , � , , " ,� ;,: pft,j�,,� . �, I - 11 i - '. i , , " , r: , 4, x_ � I 1, . ': ,,'� - . �', % , r � , , r . P,-'- I ""I"ti, , ". � .� , �% 7 � , � , ��' :; ' � ,_`� "' hr � " ' " ' � , �,� � " ' � s,var�,�!6-. �� � �y , , ", , �_ .,%, I , � � ;� '4 4,� ,4 , ,,�:, , � ��'�­�'- ,". A , �� - . , I � I I I , , , " , � � . 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I t" , * ii�. , _� --j. � , �� , , � ,,,� � s "� � , � �� � �,( I , I r � i� � '�' .,r r � �- I " � � - - " A , I" I. , , , " � , I I 'r- � I . , � �� . � I � I I . I r . , , � . �` ,( sib - , . "I , 0 I � r I I I " I il� 1, " , � , "I , � I , � ,4,� ,_, � , , , , I � . 1* . I I , , I I r� , , , st n lif,r !1:a�t4 r - I I �, i;:i? Z, - " . - . � I , , ­& ,, . . !JL4M � " ., I :i f , I 4 K�� , i� I - , 'Ik� ", �', '84ii,xsA - � � , 4 � , " 'i I ,� _'gw_� ,�,;,;, , __ � � . It , . , , I .,% 1�'#r .0 I I I - � . - -_ -_ _­ _ - - - -_ - - I ) I I -_ - --"% 11 � I . I I . - .1.. .. ... .�� � - I I - I . . 11 I . . . 1. ". 11 - ".... . I I - - I .. - . . -­ . ­_ ..-. - I -T. I I I - - - . - ,- - It I 41A I . U=WMAAW4W1A*ft I A too W�,;;, , #n4pJWW* Tkift. . _!,� ; __ 9"� ��i�!__ " I—— , - Morin r A IRt ]E 1! 'MI. - , . Nq I# I if �-� � 91 lailorings! f flST11 JEPOT H A R 11 11 .. si� . � M� ' � 2MIR "I A he' beir bma of . . j if I B 14 1 . . � � ,74 P': -"=="`w" 4�;'- X& *009 HUGH OUNLOPip ax � fk M* .,,. hation. d ag, N&'-HU,R0 N -, " I TOUND I. .. * a" Ilmv*� .. 4 on -1 6. the curkmoon : is Maw �011: Q( Hill - xml 11 I "I 0-� I d5; ,, . � __V6___14_02 � - - "to we inagaggo - :0- 'A 0 � "a PIZ3 C.IE .1 i � I , � w � t V� I I , . I - --% I W C> _W1 9�11 . .- � - � to n -_1 ­ - . - joadjam'- r. �WOULA) "SPOICTSVolls." INFO" - 11 � . ..''.-am. AAJ*" Ony+___�__AG& WW.jM.BW1PW1r-�L '!!.e "=-,. �- . n_@!�-,�wwi�Cmi of All==- , . r" awks-01 mu: I M a law *indent, Ic . 101, � P ��,� C1 . L 0 MOWbiwe'y,im*waAo j4pkamwkmm4 . . * tb_" options a LLe .him. Imp. in ", I" an J� , A ,' �L�� � � ' I r' I I I I 11111"s Timinflity � almoll homes my readimig I bomtwmd that Is. a ..i " "'"a Fluits, Fang Goods, Amos, " 0 - , . the P--- - ... "" 140 1111111111111111 only Ill ca a = W 11iltiliiiliiii � r,� ' ; ,� fI,; : P. ji � � nallsino I Kim $a the V de�pugh an laid up &AW .7 . I � - , I "I't I IA* a" Islosom of the 0 "11114 �IrIA" J�Clwr is lam a raw - lAtely occup�ed by Mr. F. W. Ifollitt, 11 Al -L -, Anti, Tug "LA� 0 1 . i, �. . taftouad-m&b� and T -sive 'we offift ,� � , L " r �� . aft I 1 IN to o" ;W IL. AMUSICAL IN;,�fs`ftUAt9-,T_S1 I 11-1 -410111:11 G f"FFItS ' ro �_� I , cvorvwom Of &a Township of A."46.100 of It 11111 itta Sending - am" post r are 02 WUT 0T`R11T, Arr, at 16. rr If F , - _.e,j fir.'s, 0 tonsil Mae E4401 'Iftea hownes", � I of Known. � of the N WbM " go 00� of L New. .1'" Is FL.k.0 mi -a I . tZa."JI!=1 tow" bill fk=x 4, -_ -- b� ilia a sees my sneak another so b1T-@­1r.496.:z= z ", ;.111.qd-­-.-.,_W,0i._1­1. CIGAR STORE OF F. NITCHE, _., � Stab Lakwan at I par -at. I each, � ad 1� M � Clellivesm, al him Crills, mad illat a � lei- z ,wer, . raw. palromf'. Welitstrect. G,". -I.. � .,I, ,-,I " �,­ @"a Von IN, in* of my Mft to Air Coun I syn of &be law when be pigs& " 4, 177 � I In the TOWN ad - Tment" w - HUGH DUKLOP. and HOOP 1100 T...&HIP or MultRIS: . = I 16, :: 86 . to &N, be boa coommiuA y" I Gaileach, Apwd 13, III0 wII-lvT Fir " Oystrirs, .';,, n 4mo is, L,,ba, ra I ,f, hi, Rod, Oand, STEAM ENGINE J,R,k1,'16,­j�, ,,, '=, . , - whu be dome to a emov, who always, om be". ('A,T, F;Lj.sTFR. 800111 I is I411, con., Zoo acres, J013N MA ­ - to wo do intention and my dog, -ad a 911,416 *01it '-PO 4111`9 1-1'111`00 . .w.4 - South 8 in lot Mo., bo .C,e�, .R. RUNCIMAN & CO. 9' abowit 111i; 4 IL , 7� sitivuldut4b; *#"a oX- 5j.3U0Ij - " allerep smossayimill me, " that without rb, we . . GEM19N&SPRING LSTF&ELI flouth 11 in 2d cuts., I 00 *Ctrs, 111hr 9. rescia", w Samoa& -it, .XL Z,Q -MV.1 ]LA M I 8-11, 21 in 3d coo., I ots oc,,., 0% 1=1112 'bre = ' I ' ' TU Magistrates inquired how it was tb&t the 4"�-) Ia onfrovIl Tells jo umtol &%I Acif 6s"joll: 1`11041A 20 in 46 con., I Coo &C, Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills, " lab ago, HMO. - ilia =& was &No) ad, " .( w but his cc in upmajill fu sarnjiwitir win opt. inimi-m- VOLUNTE ERS Yiers. Bell(I'AN, �I Cks 81W North 21 in 4b coo., I oil acres, 411 4 BALE OF LANDL -- Jaillwill Pu- P-11 ,littl of U., . Mailddu ollw �,cd�,..- if. -J tianourell North 13 in 4h Co.., loo.,,,,, Circular, Mulay and Bash Saw-liffill , SHER" Apobnot Yemen, air, I win -4sAd."- 1p^ iosti it, mw"�w Aonii i#41 - L'aned Co" oft Cj 'D Y virsus, -1 stores W,Aff . . ploo4v ""I 1.1"CliCilli, '%[ (1) I , I '1301lig, TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK; I Hiarms and I J-11, go Vww,i t-rals, im. I New is %be Clowspospers thm there worim fur ! $"JM"l 'A6230 i.ft 1941 $44sNoI is.$ point j, Slx­rx, l- AlIsw,C-IC1gaS% I To .. i ", , - � Nwd .ill .1 He, me I bhobed ;r=1z to be IK in so aft 7 sissum, ot pw.daA Coo i(jaii rusaw w9l Ill ,asset, LAU 3 3 &ad 4 in 15th con., too acres each P C"n of u�amm rage, aw to we = wom &K-rib@4 n laoiLaill j LK M B 04M. . IN Y-12 �__ pUM, FAINTS, 3 F' "' JA M Ir,' H Ca I n "" 3, A 60MAS sw�l__ 101"I. 0 parms 'gag ilisti, of -m GLASS, soNsons the ]asde sea te�to of Ue-i,y CA. ulf Mae* xx� . .0.1111 ow; ,paiii 1=Z Pima *03 q 'D 1H COLI)IT$. ()IL -S, 1179WNSHIp, Op (;REY: G.-slishr. j.h. (-;all Ise Law. mad I'll-,.. hills, �%!� X= not Itirea ill it many days , ATTENTION! rr1[1Fy1"1L-%A11-111wGi­ 1%1_,i,4C11j[1F1N1P,4P4, at use she Au".1 illak-ollm Merb-olua. Ill. V~ before the Goof above too wait let to a man -Vifuia P.MVIIII Ttirl-1-1 1-1p;, %4,­blXo1..d1H_sw 0.11,11iftistcon. 100acree, I imertiall flunk u(Commia, mad rise bask us IT 11 I LOIS 341arld 35 in 'it con. 100 serve each swill sad lalies, In Irs-=1 Wilk a wife and lessily. That man &ad bin IM.LOKV XVj 01 11173113V H" 11111m �", .. w..". ­ I ..I.ge; life. NVX Ggi�j Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con.' .4 rise intrist Ude Red almonew of the nod doho& fami will the be am ad in , �tjvv.i aq& al possigilsoat Al WAN't'l-All Jodi I Robber I'llickillig A Beldsg; I nod*" "Y" He bad " st ta"I. I 00 acres ench: Is q . Lot 24 , 6 con.. 99 act%%, .at. in .ad . L.As n�h- 9%, M *ad 930 hem in tell hem long bel we a, silly '41`11`1 lam I.' SE POWERS ("a It ore I was annoyed IN all al loss atispind Still ao!.pv pju.:1-.`: 200,000 VOLUNTEEES! rwo- A.) t ..'r, �" . I..; Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 acres 9 the market equalre in the menro of Otimsescil .1 oll'sa evening and eady in ilia morning with "Ite . .) .U." (-.__,n.4­x,nI. rd..,.j Claud Saunti; Lots 33 Sod 34 in I 0 coo., i 00 acres each. County of Huros I able, LAta Rou.buirs II anill 9 so Addle, med wobs4iom 160 *(SEM"81() l,ig-011011 Ill lio-Is If--"- 4 IN To buy Boots and Shoes. (;.L:.,., Xowing and Reaping X"hines, Wood Saws, '911latoaqUillApill ,,VMOP)WUPNf far, .A.k.e. H.,J�; t*&rPewL­'. Ill* South -6 offing Huron, Itood4a the -sit T 01 Goiltr1rch ..X'Q"ty Of U��.Whk'b I.:rm t9h,"Wigoinfiets. Wkwlw"athomo )Sau(,Cf W jt�.-. T-,:-; Illulli 3111cloarn i TOWNSHIP OF TURYBERIty a Cialles, in the 'Is,ftAj is nusli u! lu"ji!larif v!w4 jo.N 4 ,.b, CD11Mr_mWX-V".a.WC>XLM, C;V,&.W4CA- 3PT_6CXUC;,X1rM im'"""' 1 "-I' "it Ca" -I- 'it y - .Lt., I tl=; Court Hellenism the town ultlimlit Q- ebodris wom'd dones,mod I would "store 11'. reen to risk my life On the truth uf the aftertion eq ..., *a pai.W mol - 1. ijam 6, :!�_="- N. E. j 43 in I con., So .,,,,, bran Coatings made, and lilackawiths'worL done in a went and sishistwilia[ Minister, the 14.vitntesesih day .f,%..ewJwr=_=h.W theft the children practised the art of becom, ol A qzpw"v I 4.Nq. I i�wiq.". -VAL Chopping. Braad & Hand A Xea A ppiy to C3AjI.L4 WIDDIra, Esq., 0 oderich, us tiveletrut the O'likek, wous. ins UNSO40.6 of ac.ob&L& I have MM&MAU* A. sto. nv!41�,"a isini'liduala AT 1 .4 C"ttn;.s of any tire utalusaidlietoorder. Also, all Isiudso(machissonry led with the messistimir, but to so avail, for she lug" * ill 0.31211" I F,irs Iii,iij _j .Kit., ,r4ell-losill tankers. .)r to the Outlets rc7Z on short notice. A large stuck of JOUNWACDONALD, only &rvdos me, and calla me a wretched old IYU IT 0 JALW I 8 I Are, 1W 6sun, , (*­'. PLATF0111.14, mis Silent, H. a a. *J41AWIll SAIJ11 P419 JIM I ( is, N rt K ,('ALE -A. THOMAS GALT, V Q BY S. P.LIACU, Deputy Isher.K. beebakm4 &" wil IS me to remember that I was _ ' 1 ..34 1 -rlx,,::... COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, flogii ()ill-, UotheriCh. - earn & child myself, mad tk&t I cou!d not put '10 Great Boot and Shoe Btor%'w"tb,t-,v�!,-�" Or C, Am~. IMO I wn I gULF n"Wan ,A� 3MXZj_X)," CD.3p Alwaysenhand, Sugar Kettles, Waxonamid Pipe Bn%es. Asourpatt-ns oftheaboyeare Abe" 00 young Shoulders. wile"Ispoke M:C)0X9 ^CT0:4Z.1�1MAN. C10ITH SIDN WVAT STILELTt ofLhe most approved kind, viewouldoolicitan inspection of. our att,'k before purchasin mi 9 to the father Lk&t was winners for he said be "I Sousaa Ito Asti we.(-,ql felt .fil.d ITEHE you lwod and 1 .. viso'cot'Irls.. elsewhere, as we are offering the &We* at the loweat remunerative prices for caph, o! or &� SHIERT FIB SALE OF LANDS. wvmW knock me detwo stabs mind kick coy d..e . 0 -xch"ge. United Com y lowntairmorm _4 .7ill And the ' -ill -1., .11 Beg -luoaA rual "mi aql ins W hi`011 FALL A , N*D WINT98 .,wjW,Lb.M...I.t.rvrx,and for 341 provederedit- Old metal, BrukCoppwr, and all kinds of produce taiken in 4 *'= "`.'-=..Crnm, after as -. and that I linse a" of a. t"L. if I '"':�`I, ', "i ' I " BOO %:D S11101.*.11, .1 I.." fir., lb.m ron __.n.114 -led lw.q!l aq: � eukhttione Goderich. October, 1862. H..... 1 ,jB Y. did not admits his the isiolm -wilown, ,-0 " -- oft-ard . w39 To Wit: 11111tapetily'. County court of The am also told ist ill. I mrs"s maid, sad a jlaql ol squalls Ito to Cau j over TS ,,.,;,..c by W. E. GRACE. Pitroesilit, -11-Ir- paid to ('--tons Wark- the Unsted Counties Lit Hiatolk am onot4 a least I um. *03 V UMUMV07 ...,ong . ...... it if.. ",,_of ,-Q --knees, Dod'ies, Me, Ill. 1-41. ,1400 ad w - due is allsoems the Lemill, sod lowax, � comIl fies rat" tird L applicant that he .Ld by -,.. if.- I..4 troot­­�., A & I,.,... ....I-- ____ ,�lls �nl-.A Ineac Rassom. .1 the Sualid J� J� -gim I- ,r FOR SALE: , � , -,- ilea an artselir Chat M..A be -er-ti. , Sum, I lsas� maw saw takes a Execution MCI " , ,j6e 1"bettor "go,* ollber apartmenta, Slid - ­ 40rowoi � - , right, Late sad interest is %Us mad L�o�, in Zill, Am been, YU applicant &Lid be would .. �1­1. 'rimp'll %#.) I TS 19 and 19, list ltan�e South of Dur- .ad I. LAA Tweety,ru the " Concession. 8. 111. ad list that counitt, and left the C,airt musdAt __ I r?' wisou-sulurth' l4orim-K-Fit'l-k- "`*x- B ;7r(��< LO hem Rund, Kiolose. t�. I. the lowlandispol firsist evidentially of Fine r - N B.-iii,p-mig J..e wrah -.I.-- ­ - - OOT E &410"a "' W P. - , I , 70 1, j Loods the Litton of &I I present. - . � . tch. _-1 Blr6 Slid FmrfwW Animals Stied, 't, Olkv lit. C .an Htiuma, in Lb. Tow. at . . Qk-, lite, ------- LOT No. 77, 2ud Concoasion, Township of wbuh' W Wm. DUNCAN. ps'....."A and asit UP in th� .... ol.Naluml poantsom. <------- Kinloss. , ,y ,:ad tiesivinti I Amll offer *raft 1� - - 0,ideru-b, as Tuesday the 'Twearr-fourlis day of -I I reliki it - ftu � , God,rieb, Sept � I 4, l,G3 .;3 1 is�� 4 PT!!S� 'o"'i ( loth Paid for -11 londatirboilt; arid om� 1(1�1/�_ � -rmber mat, at thin hour a( Twelve 911' this i I a � ... i, ., � !�� LOT No. 7. lat Ran.,e, .South Durham Road, N It I - , . � N`lo CC& for -Istall"Ill', at MI. 3dcINT0SI"_0,,. jrjjr,.Mjg0.,jT0 COLLEG1134 In the deeperonj twilight of a sum . 11 Air, smaj� wIllit-06mos C. W- Greenock. ,I�h, stitun. . "'Cor -.,!� 'r. B. MONTGOMERY, - . -- -- - LOT No. 6A, Ist Itstige, South Durham JOLIN MACDONALD, evening, a pastor called as the reladen" I t ,*,�* - IS INSTITUTION, located soths, X�hunt- bliong, S. & IL 'his parishioners, and " will looked a 0 - a A Road. Kinc.rdine. . ooeet ?( . Tie*- ,ramrstrip - dy s. ri,o.jimcm, Deputy stinChr. 11 t� , 4 the doorway a lade boy with both himad. . - 2[ Meglft BURGICAL rL ,-- 1 171 -mins. Isi �uot.bveu sull" . H VMG In V Ill . _S >41�,-__ Is., 11 %%OT GVWS It BRYANT, I ATTON al; t, .8 elloo. a LOTS Nos. 3S and:39, 2nd Concession, Somb 61storoll's Usage. Guilkirwh. ( ;I!,) feuded ugw^rd% 1,.,kbn#r a time. . #a- - Cormuserrial College., em.61.4sed in N,u, York, Durham Road, Kincardine. l4th Alienist. ISO C KA; -6 it, . to :;�. '-liL 71EM5 6 9 0 IN I 11, L (M'�! ,,9 z - Philmitelphis, Allisolly. 7- ,. .� little firiffiffir I . I -114 Y, u imissired the minister. I . T Jr. - *_�_ -. 0 &C., VV LAetrent, Chicago na�l .,t. J- I , - A. B Solo, LOT G., Sth Concession, Brus�e. "" I '00" &C. 0 =11:i, - Sheriff 'a Sale of LandiL , Flying my kitat, air,' wait the prompt ]NORTGArip SM! 10 I P-4, X qr 11 S , The object a( thew Vollogra w sit wilain to TH E , FRONT 80 A erea of ;,oil : t os. 6. T, reply. Young Men told Lall,eti thorouA mad isr.1clictid 8 and 9, Vaillarld Concemi-In, Colborne. I I I . instruction in W.L-kerpoug-, U.n,inercod Law, I "'N' - I 'y"Tirose of a writ of 'Flying your kite V exclaimed the posdor; Ufa 012c"Wer ibe Medical llall,� Chequ tbn 1yert. tot Cash, , . H:ro. '.ad Zn�" are, recies sawitaill rat 11 "a sew-oo kite: yisas custswe Done ?I tiloilbrin The Pullin, that he will prK,rin . r ----_I_ _1I L Cianorwarvitil Antimissile, '-procerimis auxinnext, ILL CREAF IND ON CREDIT 1'. -1: 01 11.1 1118"y *. Volin of 'I kn­ it, sit.' responded the 1"; It - - ,1�eumani,hjp, corarapoistletil &-C, and W [it Apply to (;..,I.- Plites. .ad so.11so, there -led allsomw tile not set it, but I know it is there, for Ifede" Valuable 11ouse BEGY:Opmratoip�lkal am 'niousted 1. I.,... . - � Chet" for any deparbovat ,( business thry way it `cAT 95 I 1.0j..nd t��.t. of ho -as 111i &I tie nit Cb,.-. X. C. CAMERON, .f ...... "'Loom, I have witarl and nill-no E.- Allful, I ­ h inisserted or Vulenniev,I llubbtr, DAVID I - 1� :411� .4 scholarthips insisted in ranolo will emitle the 'oderick -.I.- all the- right. tale sad 'St."" .lit C ." Pott- I Arl,fican" ,',, 0011P � mdrat Ill cornph"t, his i,vitirm, .., say College Lit en95.271 (I If`uur&ZCcti.ns&rerlCup�n thingsabove, AND Lor JNTIIE, (11.1d".1vair,aodcoilloostrouGuni-work. I New Boot & Snose Store, Thommollilkitir,to media Let Nuarls-Turriltry- f Ii.rmo.- .ucroiroa paid fir thir relosinfion , * the chain, &.1 vi- -,an, without ad,la.I.-I T.wmb,?.t we Shelf bare, a sense i I hich Cannot I* .hildrer.'s u'lls, &I'd Ilic Pr'_ ­1 Two N, ' . s" r 1F' C> 3F1. 13L X . - chose, In i1s. Fnvt Coommwe,A the I .­ .1 Ill, lock, JE3 j _a j M. ,loarge. 'I'lle V,Illeire to open day mail even lag. ill ('.!rely is Bruee, con000.nist 1-itty mistalura. a., ural ours. . I - IPAW ...I". .". TOWN OF GODERIGH I firs Sos,b of &y JAME,i E. DAY, It"isix" PKIN,t - acere III I.rid, a­rroir lews; uslod. leads ma I- - - - Chargiri Af,d ... i-sid.11 11111.4 1111�,ollwasad ' " 11arklit SlIftlet, AND MADE TO ORDER, Flor finflarroalostrustion lAteame rall at the Cut- FOUOWERG PROPERTIES astrostalishall kc,4" SICAItA A It I ,sxd(.s,,a1ar,~Josmg I I 1�="Z 1116, CoNal-Carnow-1:11 a 1-1 All THF UMAN will -11 Ity ..,Ill. ,at lo, ,jr1k,:ltmes. 0,%elf. -11-ftnr Yor WjI.1, FfND THE r lv;rv,­-udf.r('wAlt dousse'" the .It. 0 .It Tuesday the 17"m;e1pardroonRed the reputation the v-,t,­4.I­u,rr ,,I -1, -timard on .cera�,� N H -A ,.n.m.ni ,upply ,,I "r, I V I.,next *-I bt rielic,ted Sit.tiA of %xia. I . T�rvnlot an. 1. IbW. -34w4A1,-Iy* ji 4' 1(4 ]L C, va "`U day 'a if lawry Setif' at ths hour I fewinswir letter C-111'. Awrt.. I..,,,. o. Goderich, uodi-r .ad in o ;roer xillovin, Atii=TANT, STKATIOV it C- 111E Noirl I I -!h 11".unt" . 'N"jP0P.' .4..,�][_J][�; T,vi,lve of she clock . Mosi I enjoyed i a I risland as a minedy fir at- w;,Itgupe,diti.-dt,!:e2,7,1,hl)dmyof0mri,,ber 1*0 ' * -, fillsor-cer .*-it hur "Irot O.de-h. The .7 . C. 1.111,11C I li-4 11 I , I � Westin; the pro--reCis of Clonsguirtion. An the ., d rissildc by W . ".a ki, she % ...... . -. ,,, Seat .,,I haud. Uulv o.0'ecaw per t6a.. it .seek , of -;w- very li-I q4n!ay. am] will In, Sold I - - . . 031 . 56117M*ACDONALD, . smail)ust.l.w mat . I h.re of tWlownol Oodench, , arproter, 14' I he 1.1 pam I I . sin,im,,ii-star,tiber li,.,,W�a Gootersell tow.. I fibe.1r, H. & & urwc=lt a arge a . %OW I . A THP TIME TO BUY . -, .. Very Reason 09.r,(6J,rie`m`vI`­ , . title atleution of your iut,r and the wak of I. filter Caresda ,,I I he 2ut! part, . I Opposite tht� Market. rs, it may be GODERICH I - � ­_ �; " . able Term! "vS.b"C,-rr19'­ 19, L'stio') �b, ev in,; to them to know how they are prep" on I c' Ail kinds of repftiring done, on innal r' ,. I! --�� 13th 0".. Ittill. I vw- ad bay Chet,, .1 1) .Me-% I uter"is, Vibirre you will :� OTS No.. 117, 118. 1 19, 120, J33,149, in the - - ,- ""-";T-­d-­ K-itn'suni--fing- a--- wli�u used " a cure. , - ., .,. � &our a lady the daugh 1 ha's la"d I's re -'e' UtUrday 21stdayof November, I A. ":.I be, Worth ,t %;mr, laxtery. You will led ill, enable terills. ,, a3l en, -1 .. ,,, ,j rising Village of Rivernihile in theeously ter of a clergynasin in I I'll, WAGO E 1-1 .-xl-.t rat -W, children'., youill.1, __ - , I . � , I , Sheriff 'a Sale of Lands. N &CARE I., G . Bruce. Thoi Village is aleatesti on'the Cents the Wess �1 Ireland, who has the at lork, ao -it. ,,, I�tsdrlrntong number 9M ,;,o.%&sxI&,. '.L "2o' -slip -poi -p 111" PU_ ER'S PATENT, AU. , . pood to-tur"n Kov-sidnic and Walkerton, the is - vo*= gnat ..... �rwrs= "R=..Ir­4.,a I I .,wb .I* Otx1er:Ch. . r Men't, kere I.". 23 jir. ,,-at I I�espser tha':; ; CASH FOR WOOL w C.orty Town .8 Win, e. United Count -'-f Y ,I:r 17 W,,I,-(Fmp a �imi..g -l.unk tit- ScIc, With . " ---- --:�J,-__ ,,aW,W�*. I--*- The statute. � Harmin sad Sittiev., � I r" Tual wil allso A" a oplewdul wasortmert of Sou used fur ths; broth, " you call . I -Co" TEE. VICTORTa I To we: .ftay%. C., 4r i"% MT finis syrup, am the common large It I AT TUIC r Avenue,tallue .wu of Kincanirovi and Lute 47, ,be UnsuriC.-a., ,.i lorhs.F�rl.wdtts things that creep about the gardans cari�3 The Inellent Dwell it ng-buze , I loom blaw-mi-tore, it,- q -1-t? .( will, I. (assix 'I' 49,60,31 1 32 and 63. to the Village of Itivers- sine.111ree od allools.1 thir Landit .ad tem. ri ot their bonsom along with them. They are cc - fir, .6. 75 nit 76, W-4 aide of V~a Street, leowd &W placed on a large Climb, mad plead am trop, fisilly'nitit-A tell and exa- If* -y. , so the'romist L f Macomber, County of hirace. . ;= in.- t. rarehift 8-im sad Moo Goderich Wool Factoj -d . Lh4rodaw, at the -it ad EdWW4 !, " ,WASHiNG MACHINE I .- -6. I have strolmor and Lakir. In - Tillotson, which ban IniAll, been thoroughly re- I. -_ volcial El- ,� , ""', full " with dark sugar. Thee anoth- psuard. 0 totark nit themselcm before pmw&&.mg east� , 0,,T.:,l,,] the -,T - zv .t it... P- I ­ix Nonit, is 3,4. 6, on the Norib 0(tbe Dog, .-.;,Esr:'. nrhir right. I'll. .ad ontirrit" of the L. F-particularas -' �� HEIgulnerlibm, n -,I--, g thank. 1. Ill. i I"Llt-I to 1,11111"it, or lbbl. Lou, Market ,queer, so the Vill.wro(Kintropilime, .xjds,wNdasl,,o, mad to Lot Nurribeitzi.x, . the = hem to prevent them fis T esissiturner, kw ­ liberal lo.p­1 C.I.oded T 11 IS FUN culave-ole *..Ali .4 the (;.Otmf zaninjaiway; w-Arnt 11"Ptylt'y MCDER31OTT, 2W 4% xx XX :111 EL 6 t C3. 1-3r I The vai-Jarr We'. thankful Aw paot rose, Co. ... ty of new*, Coolant, ... C ."--qumu� of an ext morning the slyrup -re of land rio-h. will, the I-Ithas- the- ,.,be I ourwithip of Ausibelooll Country L, - 8ol"t,.Ir forthe Mortaj%es. - - - Qoj _*1d jaxt say so an,l-ew4om� and linew.m. to him in the Wool C-dirig, ('loth I) -,.z ,ad .= which an been made during the Di4ht Is 90 Dstwd()ctobr,31ui, j,43. w,4104d H E stubm-rillier arould announce to the pishise It""a "ill 1" We snost Woom awl Wisoli Itor cush, MaNuforlurIng honjorae, would first to %late lhat MCH Also, I,,* I Ir -,,,,l s- the ihirloon R ­j. -1 for wh ,ch laoxg. .ad k.menawals I "I otho. am nal. at be Inat off Cold bottled, and a table,apoots - T of , flitron, nod Writer that he has ,-a hand "l-II51"T-ifil burytioem, at DAVID McAl, No expenst, has taren (I nix waxoo) -parril lit list- LIBOUR-HMG INE tS. on ibe'��,, " -rdew the Lhortoon K,,.I,,n the ... ) .dkv, ,,, the C -,t liciame, Is. the tow. vir fill I taken th me ti raw a day. A I ittle . nd *11 k looatirrconime,x, �,.,ago,,,, Il_ u.srEK*I1_ Crop "erythi-2 in fina t -lam order; end Its i Tovewthip its Kosomnline, Containing .50 ImaltiI 6oderich, ua Turxday, thir FrAbday of loan. I may be added to davor the broth. reveal &c., w1ock will be itc-4 C6,p lot -b ., Froxeo,!e, 1W plar-roo Daiwa Suoth Of r2fired the -rv,,".fe%jxcrirrnrvd wv,krnc,.V'Z1, W Aki ti,sited bli, The B­-.fAfr,­1t4r..&md . warb. partually,-leare 1. ory uext� at the hol,r of Twelve 4 Ow clock a K.V*. S. it. M"ULL �iqwsmam. be able, loss. dox date, to execute onten it, dirchired I,- be Ilia first yet bri%ight order L�orx3l &ail 22on Went oid, o (Auern irtreert I. soon. 10C.Ozza"s should at be mug" twice. .ppeovedcredit. I main. ,ceady The Taverns Koseardine. T AUCTION SALE, 1 us "m " o JOHN PASSMORF G.k,..i,. VIS Allsc.�. J-43 T amount in the al,ove buttineliat in all it.- rmtri� tbra""Al"'s 111"W'"I'le""'a"a 1`0 JOHN IdACDONAW L i;;, " . A to get out of repair. Fiat particul.. apply 1. Is is really a flood thing; but of course will ? " 103-.31-3ass] own brionclavii. Parties, a. heretofore, emong I'm. mearke"ll and n""'id"" � sot eure Ia it day." I have spoken Ia a [ad , Vid4ris eLfc4u 0-d- Is, saista , will seldoin fail in ivettingibeir W0,141 The clue -not proce" a carried by The rapid IRA LEWIS, By 14 lltt,u�a, Deputy ,,,g,,:.`bo`v4 IM'7�& y April Id, 160. earqfwd lZibc sausine day. in little to carry house with action .fthtt ur.lerm she X.,bi.e. mail Not by 026 Barrisiter. Godersells. ,i . who attributed her own recovery from con- ill' fem I Ca<311MUEES rl XCrZX ­ ., -Afixr, lhrre�y , fistroff'. I.tbi.r, (joijertirs, I 11 J� . al I.xhng thit iihl�t- _____ I ___ 3.1 0,-I.,b­. ISh3. W37 Ill lmmption to the am of this receipt, cod-liver "' ess"Zinjury it, the 6-1 Iisbru � , with a roach ,- - loth A,r a ,plar-Illy ol good, eLmn Woo, jam, q r a . , U to amogthm bar; mind �X TUB Or The lostbriattra,ket price will be paul in cai4fr quentily .1 mosp Ilan undir the Ior.l­&A. - - =v6=rippemrytoumnewm & , FARM FOR SALE GABNET WAREIROUSE Itc,m, bass, .Cid wel -L,d. riviateus: I,C-" whis hal,lir u -I Ilic.. me ism" ketys TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNZ " SAW -MU & FARM Sheriff's Sale of Islands. - assails boiled in veal broth to have elfleculd a 1W that thronach'sin, It,'"pat'li, .1 thong "no . ABOUT I I --- - THOICAS LOGAN. work in fig. Lour, as .�os bl. .cc,,op,,.h,, inch. , - a rinct c rot. a consumptive patient. .71 - - , , - ', Goderisrh Mills. Sib May 180. .16"114 day by the ordinary 1- -, ill" 1�1"Xtl U4116.31.11E;. 11to"(1--alitio.01E)y vinue of a writ of out)'ieet sl� I think, well worthy of attention ',�]X. 1dIj,ES FROM WDERICII I TO BE SOLD , - - ... " If uron . nd Hrisce, � IJ Fw. Far..& leaned *4 , ._ , .. � . -it the Ume ad "boo HE subae,Iiher is draroma of selling a Istrusid To tell: i1of tier lif.jr.ty's Cosiall and *airy I'litim's C, , , , i. and one find a-hatif from ill& N arth Oravel Itoad. FARMlifyistir harx1reo a, "oflaorl. Lincibe I . . . ", 1 5� Saring 4-5 , I Corot afthr i'votedCountics of Ifunro. nod Bruce, - - � I . 1, West hall 4 Lot 34, on if. 41h ro.. of W6-1 = r T Walter Pau -M)II, witfusted an Los ", (110 . doet-led .gam -A the Lewd. mill tes- M. TRUEMAN is Instructed by the r wasswit.. Ithess,16arroselemal-115w.rell-4orw i� . __ , C, - __1.1 \__ ,,_� Alrd t -4A.- ,,ftA, &.-P g-erady enid. . arrit.), %.W Low. Lak� ,"buire, Sta.l,r, 7 wi I11�o..0l.("=Iolxs;d Ill.", sew., .I the Ill. �;, A . , b). Im;I lug A gem lssrw� � I -1 I t'j � ­ -la_d hfo� below Iffol-firU. The ruill is in firrit russi running J,Ihn Dourwy Bryce, imines oil og ,=up and restly for e -p. ; G. penri-, Mit. PcTax FrismoiL, to Sol me boo- -j 1.2 be- 0 T..Ot . ! - i 0 , t ,U , The ,I ... I, -.I ... so-d jerions ;.in -timber so -Me , suoincos juirectorp. public Auction, &I In a ; I . t .f boir-and harins, snien.thrin a tug trial express Old", and the- as a r eupplyof M, r- Is, siol.-I (;as. and 1.2 T;;: 'If - + libushood. is led by a froot) ,pro,jt I Ia- ...-) -I orchard,tie. lingood,lairdwoo,11mad.andosts, . . I 11 'C' � il ,bw ne'll I .1,1.1 . �.'h. - --- ____ - _ I q. %. _ 91. thesirwalor.h.4-t.l.: r taken In Estecusion, a I t e 22 � . it Meet;. There am SO io-res of title f -I arv4 land in right, title arid utterext of it, Amid Disladmint 1 - Ir. W. (TUF OLD99T IN TAR COGIM.) 46, --a-- e_% 0 J. J. Wright, Clinton Ilorl; Its- Fredle", , . with the still. whx,h will hc vold with mod ,,, Lot mother Tweaty-illows, in evoiremonsim, tebftr464 M. n., I Jeweller. W T Lox Segital infer- Alex ,,.- : roft-cl.on I" AUCTION ROOMS IN G001RICE WFIL S'ETT1.19 RUGHBORHOD i CoAt! �� �p I I jr - it it desired far The pinat Some, Them its a good H, in the tow -lop ,4 111nolf .ad CLetuary of firsew PHYSICIAN 0 i r. surlyth; il. h�Aios, Ir" .; P .1 r Nola". 1) oni , ., .. I SPROEON, ke-, GOVSKICH. � 0 *AS. fif,f , riu.0ibl." - li-I ON OW kA- Vor lineticuldits, pence, &c., cono-oor, (hie H-drad A, -em, wilove or ISM; dooll Orrms and roule, ce-Ust Street, 3rd ON well wak-red. To tie sold at The - D. GOTMN r, a #� Zlp 0 .- R ­1.6+7*�Jsi ��ielr (:it. apply ,a The priviousell I.- whk-b 1-6 and i-rissents, I shall offer for oak .WA of flows Hotel. . �16.16 I I �A I .4 =M Itionton.., Eoq.; Her. Vilex. 1111skictier Saturday, 21st day of November, III63. ' I � Many sithern is ... . .... i; 1.1 1. W',,lied, if or,wassmilry: WILLIAM MARTI%. - ,oY6Ifi­,o, if- (',,,In Home. in ilia Taiwan al (! -J-Vn% lRazzlUtcan. m :� . Nil. w3l -otli,rsch, or T.oulay the F.,flith day ot De - 11;-r AN' &M ]1 `* I I "" - at noun, LOW 101bilICE OF $IP200, "11" - - -:: "t "' A ` 1� it I Stanley. OOL 2, I - - - 'ViStse, mitt, at the hour W Twelve of too .Wait, HYSICIAN, SURGEON, &,;:6 AND UNDERTAKIIIN, W * s, " . 1 5 CASH PRICE ON -LY 66-60. noun. I POdkv and Reaklesomi-Al Me& AcLAnDlov- TRA T I'FRI' SUPERIOR FAR31' I porte"Sh"n'ligil"'i "" t' -w- For le"b" fawnt", i ma.dix-t­ am bell saw ow hand a season, L I ,e" , I ,- I , 11� I JOHN' MACD "4ALID - � i .0 Anwl, C , I . I.. apply to Th .... nor Hsilaw�,, pinter of '111mesm- I I -I". $0 Th,!1ol-r,I­ 6-inx ro­lis-d .!Ise r-Zt I.," B . E OWN losing cosor,oard of part of f,c,t 9 and part oft,et Lit"mrs, mod 1 -of Agent. Mirl jitio I j m_nwurmI Ia Furniture, at his Wwansom. , , , . I ( Af Right. tilt III-- t -so, of hu"., - n., Peer .d TOM OR is I;, 8 port.- a, De,,oty Otbenff, � .; or "' R I = to -pply the .6rioar.ot wl.., h lo- -'-I. . it .I. - , :3131r. 412holist. 10,na ,be Iljb,.a_.x.: jousa.h­ of cothower ".1nicti,oathoplarrosix,%. Air,' -A ­!- I,- axe I wim r sn--=. - GODXUM � - - bill "Ilia (Nh-,(i,.k�,b, . LATF OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HU W. D., 100 a ,.,if lead (noirs, or I,P,) *be., jj (',,..n will be ---:,, r. I ," Allston, 1-4631. -h sue und- cultivation anti clear ot September I!tb. Is vu- iorry As TAARUIE-T PS,&C. / . '. tw'ilhb't'bo�".'P�.I'il'i"'.'.I'�'-�-""'.',I'h ".'1'�"h'.mx,'d-W`v, AN EXCRINLIENT I W22 son Road. (Mr.Th�nm*ok�8t� arre"oftelot I � torwele,lomiso I..!-.. Is. vrm.h .. prKii-rif I July 1, -62. - Was. Purx-ois. TJA% BodoWsk H&ir, " L I--- w 11 ­a�; - I-, 'TAND! SHERIFF'S SALE OF LA - -I is '�% , ' ,hy .11.,.,n.',I.e -Z TAVERN is ". " ;h ..,in,th.parininsto a FRAMIC HOUSF I'ans, Nod W,n,.,,mvj CliniTist GN Moulding ;; UDERICH!:::�. NEW FRAME MARX. 0114('111AIti), two,reek, - . -4i,lil to-, _0--, ,'I W". h ,t Idlis With r ' , , ./ Wit, ]IA. Bic I towmah. B& ". C. M� lir�l 1, ­,,,, (;!saw., in variety, Of - , � �-,,I-jI.'o,,­cy_I in the I NSISTING OF T1% LLVE ROO - me through Lbe land, with otliscreovirtrasic"� I -, - ,-, C. W. , . ON 'Clanwilix"Citionol,be - .1 -4 ,,..,-,d t, C of Y vwtvw o(Ilaren v raper HYSICIAN SURORMN, &C., (graduate r - I--- Colarl"table S4,,d,pump and large wardies I Han -­ ."ICIII's 4()I-' ls_4�v],U, : !Ilow ii1aullteture and Imporlell . *__mxm2 - JAII ,be -5- fls`::.Z=,�B Filter pass, nisuists:, a P McGill Calloge, himureal;1, Lr, &*a-. 1,11"I 110 RTGAGE SALE' I I as 0, der'!ixorets 0 ibet Jr:ossuress. . , V I- Mistrionte in I Iti Alluers;ejownsbipol'Tro-n. To Wn: If'. Missiles" Co. 1 vlbw3l On.f.torlh .(the pneehm- money ('A-411, hal- i I ,h.uId 1. jb­,,s,ft,, I. -I I'm"'. ,wIxforif 1. be ' y the using of the HEUE .1 the fjoilitill c000l,t, of lifirm and iv " an-- res. n on or ,I,, 8 year. mi, � 40 JUI 1-o.A. N 1) ! D. G. has . x- I III hand a e,in to - " it wad, conassitunwate wuh the g-tw3et. r. V*AVTn'0_77F4 and in the occupation of to ne diresvioll assums I be Los& suj�=:& .A,. Ir. Otoinhoil. M. ID., ,;.", .. an y E:7 . . at6l; C -'s-ELIEft. the proprietor, H. C. III no. The property -'olinno. Fort,rx, at the ,aot. �,i milrdork G. A. olin The poe, fireed upon. lwt--t ofCOFFINS. Al" A. 01 . ONROPATHIC PlIlYSICIAN, SUR- sjo,._.h. chr.jig. I..j. w4O4hJ 51TVATED Assorfr I I Cittes room Tat TO 1111*1. , Kieps- SI.,G-li bee large addition@ and improvements, arid in Executor .1 tbe laxt will .sul,�.-.1 oiDnosill V Gordon, deceased, Wintant Itheown.k. johe H soon, ke. Resistance " Mr. T. Ifew. November 319,111 Ism W32 worthy Ilia notice of any m&n who is we lag I ' . ,buips. Vwtoria Street, CTintan. ,,0114,ml-r &,,I C.,da,oissl taken in al- DIVISION COURTS 6 . , irdner and Robert U. Gauthier. Ele,ulon, ,j FARM FOR 8- -A _LE ! TOWN OF GODERICH! an". f- � arsailbre. - ____ a home. the Ism will sad S"�t 14 Thowm. Giordwev, A. T. 5oLL, IM&S"ans"Com: Tom III wCust, - ___ - U-sletn,'is. T4 CC, I,, ISO. w27 W. C. PUGH. d-evnerd, sod AlerIts"dir. ('sinveres, I be,. wined 0 EL)X- - HURON & BRUCE. fliclober Pth, 1,46.1. W37-tf sell taken in Fx-ot,o. .1; Iffe.ighl, It". .oil _ o�t j 11;Z:711. D., i4w York Is I�Dl,:R .,,'%D BY %1RTUE OF A PUW. � ler".1 .1 the samil drs.Wamt in audso Lot Itisonte, 'It U RR .fS issued in (Two Two, Range ll�in iketowistahipco linteler sad ,ons - Ill!", *9&4k� - ule-c""t M OCTOBER, 1863. .1k 1'. .. co"folsimir le. a'" . - - Cast; 71111. A. WORTHINGTON, GODETICHTOWNSI"! One snarl., of U128,Q) -.: .... � o 9 . leads and t--x ­au, I Ifiall fir; for -We at Chy " '-f - till Div., Godlc,ich, Monday 12th. . - A' my .give in the (;~ Mount, in the town of V Town ,If (i..I!::hh, . Z ft part: nit" & A DR. HULL'S "" _Cqsf� PHY"itICIAN, SUHGEON, like, will at- 1fonC;Z,)rt li but %if,-. (for the purpose of - swed P.mm",Iv. to Aboossew of nod marginal FREE OF STUMPS. bar. Ift Of Clinton. Tuesday, l3th. ri,L, no Tuomd.y ilia Firms daw of glainjoh, " I. dowe.) ,if ilia second part: and jobs I 1 ftd. As Ilorp"rhy,:,Wed=. 14th. A& CONTRACT ! I-IQT-T= next, at she hour o Twelve ofib� elock,gon, "ME"= T"n"'.be'. MI 6. I "L (will -IT RAT valml,he saran, 1,,l 13, 54h,.~e_n,. WNS�Iyrnaur. of Avranelisis in .'4 _* A I S& -0 Fiteter, irsida, . JOHN MACDONALTL - . T U.&MI.T.W.allop, .1 -it the Empire 4 France, P -4iire, U II.Aelhiid 1 fth 44 Dungannon. Tuesday 204h. x, FNDERS oddrejolifill t,j the Pattrommiter ft Is. ro e 1%,"if, j ff-21, - ad the i their rumide Ill the Geneial, will he rct�tived al Quebec until - - yz - _"`N"""` M'g:wort', ;vA % ife,afi," i .to ,n, la". - 'I TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 4' MILES FROM G0DERICII Asi-I j hu T Aromatic Physic mwritr�o;"%,.� . nir wfuns"m r I . ll.d? I � 9 A "-Y- conywyesuer. &c. waiA.-&-, - I 0 . . DECEXBER, 1863. N-,Qn, on 24th Atimust. tW3. W" .. of, I.. it too phirly With shol-I M -I- cle-ecil. . q-000,Iv,-rrv­' Ksmand Grssc�, and by bm rutrig, ed to the Illis Div., Wroxeter, vaturdai * 8th. FRIDAY, 11th DECEMBER, IN ' ' F having been .1 I _3 fron I- Them witooll waler ots, ilia preewc. isid Jobs W. St -3 mour; -defsult sot Goderich, Tu"dsT, 5th. �, irbou� '%Voaab.r-td. The above in= will be " on rroxon,bie teri- mads in the due paywrot jf,,,j,o(, I Silk it Clinton, Wednesday, 16th. For the ronveyance of Tier Majesty's 114h; AN bheriff'a Sftle of Idondlb. * I�ff, - :,,. .-I-ANTIPPROVINCIAL Apply to JOHN FINLAY Ind 11 Harporhey, Thursday 17tb. on a propo" Contmet for four year% lwel;; Ymportant Family Medicine. I .. I,,, ,ani . - so -4. 000 and Itessith,mev. IAD 11 .1 fintes per week each way, tetween r If ,.~ .( 0 arm as, 1660A- SLOWN4 Ginlaw"... viba noo River, i.O. 5th Exeter, Saturday, 191h. 1`01'. the ,am .(dwroarm of ilia Humwall nritil B Fill" re'lon fousi -0 Ifornst, If-sinher 31r,1, IOU. W464M 11 $Ill 1 Dunprinon, Tuesday 22nd. of N ,':,- A I'TIIE AUCTION MA IJ q)i, I 4: e LIVER AND STOXACH, Com" �; we : fuess Her th, Bar Id. " Anarsday, 23rd. I :ad a the 17 at. of Hq i;;". ICOMV"r Als Alarvidgmawas XYL011111ALSAAW"Wil Ailsa Nil and Railwal Station, . Come dirrewd egarod The IAN& ,adies, IVII. 911110124111i PROVINCIAIi, EXCELLENT FARM FOR BILE ndig.Mion, ffilions, aflocijons, Palpitation al 0 IlLargrom-,or., 60111no-Kow'.1111airk, ' The ffew&I was,exatiff" FVGJP.,Esso� ftr ALI (it Ten A. All. I he art, Costi,ii-asim nf the Flowitilmi, Stick. -IJ-bmca��,stibem,ialbe Elonan ;;�te,".? Messis. SMA111 & ThOMPSON CIN A�tl Fn.,v 9011"6 Sorhiry,l bow arestedoodialres in r., )It mille.cli JIM sx-m. ol es­lf,at Ia. * other enis r-tI40- 04 The nobt. filne sad Internal of ithe -it, va" sud refine IAN& a'sm""d and F(t�..XkX.4.od6,�.7,W.11. ol,li-liflielt] - . THE lift Witter an opening geotle physic is imanind. I - .w-=,W.""Ow , R. COOPER, Headache, Piles, tfsondic%, and ail D116 al. In -ad to L". mathrr Steven ..I I -M-1. - P. K. liv.DN.R. The , Kingston Street, f;,,irjicf,, in he 0 = and &or. �o tokii-Ca'st: j W& Ft. re ., ,(so -lets so a ed, 48 ol w0och *,, rusudir 1. un, ____ . 111 - a the firis resipp, o,tall. .1, I, Nelson, 'low "16.0 I'" ;��;-,- -"' ons, C0;;7&ri to be mad. Hy Hand. in 060 Towl"ip of 0"quosk '" C'..W .1 -y --", of Ito, ... I- (bootillisrefloiff.suff L=. I . THIS MEDICINX Iwo .IT&, Carl, 50 bearing. ,,-,.,, our" =_-*�: A. ClUm!" I bWfbT C*rti(7 file abowe to be a true Mails to be conveyed between the even. ~a WSW by .A. 111mly. -h- Rigidify The I41h day OfX01T.11BER F* "ill -1 LAIA. ~h. I- Ilia sions, mmewe or win **I. 1%. f.". .Aj d'drunself. It in Within I Ind. ot list IT Nov= PA� Cory Of 0%e omposal, its ontemil of Record � Aillia, Cmiz Post Office and Itailway Trarrl- OOKAMS NO IMMY Chevron 0 wb.h I..& &ad wers, 'VONURVFTORA\'D Lak. Ittled. arid Able* are fri &.1 saw, modl. A. 1). 1, 63, .I 12 of I tie clock, a ,o,a. 4 poet offiers, d0j, Sundays extiteple.f, at m.WZ=&.d" odes fur onto a my .00. 0 am 00" LWVINCIAL I.A , I&Cute I ling A CIT4 covisow,CNB"o. July 1, -61. gh-0, Arbors howle'Ar-, were of limit. via At"toof 0 go or Affol this day, purSusot to the % Oft ANY OTHER D&LIZTERIOUS DRU�9. Appl;1. J. 8. (M)RDI ON. (to lirr. Is. � Drils. red. . lloww is the. ritilsis, sir"ohne,en, as fw,�Lfl x. 15 z.% R& Pu,h livrow an I THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY VIZ: , TO I"Y.Ile.,.Ie,Lol Veil. rhluw; MW 'ill ad Dreember wast,at the hour Jobe ll~oou. Oro* HENNY libilloWV, a .I-- - 2.6foothdow 4�1~ Mrk of thir Pence, Huron nod [trace, The 'renders to gr .(T a ROVIN(litAl. LAND SURVEYOR, on "wilit. till and singular limit'-fitin paelrel ,,, free Ise .�5� offlit. ofthe Trii�. JOHN MACDONALD, .= tation.) own a" __ - I tire. Purvermir of wristry On.b- 23. IM . C, : Clark ofthe Pee". j I (to and from the 1'. 0. tj BUNG VERY PALATABLE. al lfw= so" - P r,PAPO 41"AiLdpimise"lluat'-di,ing a ... I brine Cl. -.% visficit 0, %to (Igdoriels. VIC Is Sept., 1 F163. i, -11 bed Satires containing ariber ii(orma it will toolueor Car it. �t. ft�l", or .baA�. doew4sim, sod Amb~�l lithiss wsw.mlW; n the j sions (P. ".a at a. Cassr. Odes - tion all to conditions of p oposed Contract It in aimply a I I to I., welvalit, , 1 v Ito erl-gy PA -4. If. 4. r. o - osmmtimd still rolood. . NOTICE. ft'"Oliz = - - *a he W4`01. and blank (,'Iran -f-Terlder nnny sad . Istesinhv -i- w the P4 --h, The witirsolit .1 9yjjR;,;rj6;UamrS, Dripmet Fibme. A�"mao, Mat 1 Ia - '"' life .I.- I 1. bouly Awn -a. worries of'", onist,i,­S, 14F ..I.-4" hostril" lic,re .pri..." F- -LU I IA 51111" OF GODE CH �'SWN,md LANDS FOR SALE. he OM&iood, at I be Post OfIlices of Ailm Craig Thot M,d,,., himolir eery pl_p�at to she real*. ompL NL Ian. I W" - (M WNGUIFER HURVIMOR laic J- "-may W %'6 -2 --lob, 1--thr Is— I I -1,ft&WA Cosivis,& or-�C;karloft GILTIEk I " 7onse, (In, X_ ". .� "' T ent.ni ilia 1.0 Will And T,wou-tout ilia IN THE eoj�" .1 sov amed *I the Office rifthis, sulthre *11ter. .am I-- 'evy p'"to, Sash lboar."veown.be , . , r. 1,01 11111 IT V RIFFIN, ho- b- .,ritened Stab --. (, SHIMY" ILAICE OF LILIFix. e Absed Agent! dad Ce. met Iso-nd-, a.$- that it. k-tl.lr Nol-M.H.,id, A- being eo,u-,xwd of I�K, of Litt No. ,% Wb� ans, ,.quit.. amanest, 4.=j?,. , ITtor. Allow., Ithob-It. ilre Nxe.I . , 0 relf, A GREAT BARGAM! newill.. Jk� r. J 0 #jlo 4 11 ""W 61 am witua.0, � ", - I: blailaosd 4 'o"Ceistaka, at mo� hill POST orriew Tw-Irrr 11, ,.,. W it has b� -.0thellim) it Coo am tjoad CANDmin of so- q I he ismill T.I., .1,,p,.t 11 I till great waresixims, sod in likely to mpg � -a ol.fow a., iB rieri florin. ism" ams � 00 comirl ,.I- L- Cis.. - If -,-,=. .= .:X&�= Ia 00 'WON& r OT so sod O" anal 17. stawwasion It. '­- Lo-dola, C. W., 23rd OeL, P163 W29.3t I a. 1117. 0**"" a 41117"C'.. Sense -.J.n -,Otfta-4.4 Mr. ).&ft4� . . Illaiderivit, cost 'imina 142 .erits Can, or i'm 110111 W ___ 1.j orrwrn��tniftioff -tiout Vil) 0, -, .,he, O.Od-� me a F.ril -A plexr,tom phrase. To ve t or mer ,Dlat,vcc as . I DUAL911111111 IN rRIJTT -vt w-1111 be OEM -i- ,(,be I, sotigIng t" flat )at. U, ralwasee rum coostr (low I a = URItRRYV94 1)"d miller Pnwer of 4ole; .Vorj . 1, FamrTPAL BALM Or"= I = b. AGNWTS: IT . No" (hommeafti Tame, Shmb% ke. &* . HUGH JURNSTAw a" at the offi,o of the q.ohcnal,.,%�,7.� ,II, to riwisminClaw P-Irrij orl'simool; the 11-exilt'll, ,.I- SHtR.,,i so SAU &W Im"DS. PARNWIR & U&rrLz: 11. Joan.., *,A the trade tion -wring -ill a -z (--amot of the V C1Cmw possfor wousimlial go. I a PATRICK YMOZFi. ile" -7 be "rixi"d 14 &;,Ply,,, iii, J W HS "AM ftNjiI,, Iff-TA Of, We. ad 7.41.,W. - --g-- -I 'be li-em - wasulaii ad7 b- at glis maw 1;4 ..ill 0 '44stm - '49TV y w! of a writ ad Oobwk4, Moulton rhb. IM. ilia � invu, F�I-, G.de- I or to ,he Sol .&.Cast ofilso, Imenelismi. The ­I-sithso, .. is- 1-a, ,d C dr -iso flux fACw1m *,at TCmmqmCsmft�rj.= , .Sol%. 0_1~1. ' .('. ­,xt to resm 97 por Seem. "ah. - A -.11 "w= I'Vm,";;:�Z(B rel". 111irtmoi, ,, "al SH.!. ,.. ,! �. SALE Olp I"1118 -" j`- ""'- "a "@Wb nit us - as ilia Hsv blinjasay'a (rear, tlbwko ft� 86 ow w - ,a O.W.Cill. NT ..111116. nu Uit "ars' ."s, far ,all ents, 004 Dole- ster"rad hy I Mo. of Jossim =,- lm,d 6" ftiwa 0 C111.1111SX&AL COMMISSION AOIL ILI 141>11t ' CAMIZAOX A RLWOOli, To it: o( hous M,K-, I I..w=. lw - roam at Chet rafted . lliolsedor,l for V,Tfg.:,. & III b=._1r2t.,Sv-,�­rev1w TI. it' -w!" .fpf.- ..I F_-, 1104W cosestno (a T fivin, ,IA ugwwd al tho ti�2t os"_)O� 114 is , ., as ilia land. am or --flow *ad I. raw 0,.,#.d sagova ,be Lands .ad T- "ovess ,,:rt" of a Wrk do train off The riffilig. L - No P a MI M �B I lsm�p ".%a cut lb."41% is nod to Lin Nwas a this, kill" r U , V " a I Sib Its, I quadirly traill 'M 0601,1140dinewill ruirniss of Pranx,is WiLik�. al the owd of janues - � �1FV*"`W-;:;= FARM TO in%TuJNT I T:"Wdfitlww" Rime Majowl"l, Comfy asm of the Uwambill or afrowt, �.ftoft ", - T7___ -M - I . mi I A0Y 0 . M. TRI7111MAN fl..Msser. I It— -,N.A tua fillrom is Itzeswitra Con" of the r%w as &iwl aft,*, bw"Nd mr-ams; I.,4 goo Am The Meeting ron - .1, -m C"N'w" I V'�� P "it Asefivarister, A ppresmer, ie. nit the right. 1-110 wadrosseamil of the will dirk -11- a sid to nin distavalarl sorefia" So Load- .wd till el. ill . ikftu WAMM. FOR SALE. I ; , 14 Land Agent. resm1w its 1111110ebs.4 T,", al the wh so, rof to 60 Dow -**.a KOK= IN Two OOtTWr or XW W Gnvd 28K Osfta& I W,r- sad I* Lat wasetws, Twoote-orilea. Easo f,woo-ing NIT "quo I do lag 6- A R- ,p,CV - Goothis it L. July 7114 I M. *23 M-� T.Tali @IA Los somathitir Talent ) I b --.WA final , ,41111 It Is �� V fiIII I to . DZM VM be ,*M,ed by ,W. .ad,, . 'al &bill in al, 0.,144 yousto It - .111 the ,low hille 11, 9" ... .L 1, I =I C -7--w-C.-I at ad" P", .111, 4 1 00 ACRES. I Won Q�.4tw�&U hostile the ,.1hallitit o(= .;6=4. 6-,.# awi a" 24 wast In I IML rrid (IT .As 11 -all *-it C,'OMT 0 Orlit-n. roalsooliff Iii ahoomw sod fill-- a( Ilia -.1 41*9"" in a" to fill anommus 10 I V SONDA Y. OW bill der a I . � 127!:60_4 I'll"Ifth"al- ..".... 0. of the " P� is t;ed% tor Ifir "ohing Is lan mi) 1, mill , too, .1 me'se, 6, ill. ii-Ques um; -it r - . voinsp .4 . __ _. . __ = I- IN Ille, lbrall --.a- of Ill. lourewhip a -I--'--- - - . . __ -AV@ft ZiA L 07 Veteran. out- , ..be. (axan friasjs� '" . 710 fthad Tftstws. -m ~ how -- of ­', earist- to the - C.40.- " = �,= !: 111111111, W. a. Vi4li-, i Ch.tioniffing law An Inn L i.60 I - ill it-; Wb" IAMN& MW kWM@Bogft I arbasis boo asell w6wh 1 eal now. .ad 6 astIro theas joh. 0, --. age mi. .Sis a a" Eft Ise 88" 41 my O&M in ON C�ona House in ��111 1h1"1140:._.1W`a=- z 7 IWW. = - .. . R,m*-# va,,,,,,. Tft Telims., at my moo. to "I fer ob as of ." I WISMM*fPAW4 -h.Wdfpoo§ bas quality. bigh, ,, .., welf ot - Immill . 0*. 6"AY14SWIM ' A 11`1111ACH&R. n Imp. .1 ftr-�. with firwi =TOW 8 of 0-414Ub. " =t1hal to� the T." af 0-b.,w4.- the Righth &I as 69 I a do Dominations, ..., T, in ftoe4Ag Tows of . go Timpaim, Chw= . W%UW ag4mb,6 = 3 4.61 Wd "In : oneeput Ism, __ � - Im Cris = . lemma of Newomishom, al at Tvmioe of Pjmmtw omit, as *in Mm of Twels. or am Of Now. a obs, - __ onlw" Go a "Itre = Veal, a W. po'k.n. ". . 04vis wile we plang. as &~ mWas !:.;.-;&,j as = T=tv&o I Alttll 0DINIM07 --- 1. dMft = powitaxor fwb= " 'no , � - -N Lot 11 11.= Will of we I .8 Apply to 00 annual OWA. Tbans, .0 9 it, flbwls� lith cun...mo.szr� _�itr%- '*nO" l(ACDONALIX " '* MRN MA(-MIWAI^ no" 41 f9mor" 46wel:1, &V is . I -1 boo me. Mrl7b][AM 0 lag bt-m.4 I we limit.. . lbp I" (% I Mi I as Al& I =-F*W�1"`_ cobw 0% , , 046 ow Poebift% Interim F� P-6 2'. Wilk. mpois xis bill few ju C . OpReew - ans ,&.#a. fterw M. ift 1111. IIIII41111111 I ==."a Or is BOB 01181111110NA, OW riell. .1 taw bw or "ft-,.&,� � W41C.41 , ;1ZX GOOT) 14 `x - Cantonese - I" Ammm. - I Care INC. Par"I"FA, ..."oft" ft .W. Am, losposty ft,4 front ciesuffew look. Ion. --' WGVWA*. oillps'.11.1tar f,j. I 0=1 (lam. Ill S. %4%-� ilia � I 1. I I I . , :'AS. ;, � '7...*. "A on. OWL wovm ~ -,U 4*0.4 togin. #- .6 - F. 0. , "a = ot*-% I - a I Do @WL. =11"b's I *a I . - V.9 I - - ,O�, , � -.1 ''. , " I I - � . - I" - ,,j I � . 11% z It - * - ­ - ' __ I � W*�� � I I 11��l - pr a "�:�(, 111� 4 ' ' � - ' � 'A iR .IF 1, j�r WSTf%fW1101NE � 9�- - -,- - "Ir -i 1% - sa�,�_ ­rwi 41 . . 3e , * - 1 6-. f_; " r ,_ , 11 61.15C ,�') " I I r', r]" I sit, I ( -.1 k-'111", 41h9 j� I - 6 I I am "* &" imil a. ii. &.a" I 1 I " "--;f ILI. - - I I ., . il . , , I - , I '. .L . " t �" - -%*,�* , � " , ". - ` , , _ #"*�-;.Vv, ')A,,� 1� "It, �. � . 1 41"" , ., � 1, � 1. I I � - - J,� I .,*A , , - , � 4',� 't; "'i q- . is'' �, I � � , I 040la�­ � , , �­'Visnost,.i0i ��A, I .L 1� I - , " r ,� �"�i, �( '7' , - 'l -Iii `444�� ,,, ,#,_ " � I �, 1',�k* , , � � . , " I �,,­� ,­ �jg,� �, - � . . "t "'"'W_ I . . 11 . � ­�f : ­�,, .,� " ,,l j _ ­tj,­,, 1 ,4 � � -L ,rW'ra��' ;r , , ,,� "', - � I"L " �, I I , 1;,� "I XL? - '­ lart y" '_ r; ;it I I � ,, i� 'I 1� , 9 ,W ,'# � - �, ,� , ­ � �'! 111, , -s4: 1 *`It , ., ,� .* " t - � 1 4 � k I'll .. 'f, r i �1, Z, �! , , ,L, L ,*.�,_ ­, ., �, � �4� , - , .0 i r� � . ' " I , .1 L . 11 �� �:�_ ' I .1 . ,�,, , ,. I � �, 1;�Jst j O� � W , ' I 1� � , , I . jr�,_ ��llf'j 4& c�" !,4"'! ", r � I, lc�_,,T, � ; � " ,�Fj��"A I � 't - l,'li!, � I � I , I I " r . . . I . �� 'r, ,71,� r,�� �"Ohk +"j.'41.',j, _'kL. 11?.'1­­ I I'll, , I , li. 4 4, C�� , , ,i, , I I , - � �' � -A,f ��, � I � � . . . . . , r, I 1� I I - , '� , �k­ k I , ,, I " W`-11 4"",� 1 ,, � I , '. . I ,` - ,1,* QTV t . , , - I ,� V*0 1. - ; I- �1, ,�, I ''I I � I . I ",�- � , . 11 �, . I I I I � I �, - , � , , . I . .-, I -, it r I I I (S 4 �,v � , L4_ � , ., , " " . I 01 I ..i'L �*-­ t'#�­ I "�­�­ � 11A I * __ - I - _.­x&�,__­,xAxxx1x_�_ - I _ . _­ I 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 A : - �!-110`* - �, , � -.,.AA- * - - . J, �' its � I ,,, , ! , " _,:.&i&_.&_ - I I , ,a ----i------.;-��� i 101.0 �