HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-11-12, Page 32ibe, P...1 Otte, THE LARGEST STOCK YET' ( team Clmlw tli playa ea the farm of Yr. Shipley, Chinos, ea Ihiday Isere. The they w as �musstp oraa,�blee,, arwine �y. The plyremeit u and title esh,me mea we ►•d • bud titer of it, sad lore mel• ecwparetieely some. Tb. otlatea }binlitlal Lad L$8T OF LETTERE •g masa ie IOeaeetiet edlb 'DbiM 1 IJG a the QuUne anti Aylimitert Husi•ry tools Lid Nwismber, 1463. Al'u.an Chas (2) Adair aosier :i • Alesender J Astir. J..ha 111 Aldermen James Kettle Rob% Touren* James Lillie it01!I8 Lane rhuu.aa 1.,)d Wu ser 'rum Asduir Abe MY sae net at all .deiced to the per Auger Lure u (2) 1 �..y+e: + w i r`r�•""""` pen, he14ua very nares, the and only beta{ Align )Ilia Maltheson Min of nae year', gleet" Wall the gram lung a d M elol Abrabrm W• 181011 111,ht tbet • beler hed' Buchanan MIs Angu Mis Angus 3atmty Fnucia :1jthsve bees secured, but we doubt nut Manure.1 Nis tel seseagew did the best they count in the iaeree a of the Society. Mr. Big[iw, the eSeieat end gentlemanly President of the Society, was on hated 1utw11betandieg the iter toren. The things ploughing ttiiter,,t'he plough. mos mad • rember u1 minim sat dame l0 au e[taIMat dinner at Yr. !loony's Hotel, when, is *be pleasures of Ile table the ere plsataatatlsa of to weather was quid forgot tea. The prises wen unaided as fol. l.ws :- Cubs .abs t. --Oyer eishtsea years of ap- his. ploughs -let, Juba Salkeld, 83: 2.4 AO:. McDonald, 83; 3rd, Ales. Menlo, ~• CLAN it. -Over eighteen nen of age - Amin). nen, 1,3 2nd, Witham Pwso•, $2; 3,d, \I'iflirm Hoh•ull, 81 CLAMS nr.-Under l8 yeue-Iron ploughs 1st, Stewart Kel)t,ugaf, 53 ; Tod, Wm. Wise. Burwell D Biretta Juba Bow bits Isabella Baster Lou., Ilaskerville Mary liirle J A ('apt Brandon IVm (2) Barker Wei tel. n. -Under 18 veers -wood ploughs. MsDsss* 53; 2nd, J. F. Dsle, 53; ea. Win, 8l. Considering the slats of the weather and Tlm held the ploughing was roll ezecuud. Had eireamatancea been mote favorrb:e, the dd11 of the ploughmen was equal to 1140 task of ma1ug • fetid superior to anything that has ever bees seen In Huron.-Coscrie . Cameron J C Cuttelun J+cub Cambia Juba. Cater uba- ('a:ter Mrs Cdslon John Cetera John Cousins Julio (duper Owen Cryan P Coltart IL.burt Cutters ltlsey Crewe s Crate. Sarah Curran Sarah Culver W A Carter, Breen & Carrot Dennis Chambers Hannah Cameron John 11 111•••-_- Fooa Esuu[u.-Mev. W. B. Tboruloe, ?teoot, England, says in a letter : •' Mrs. S. .L. Allen's Hair Restorer and Zyloba!samum ems perfect marrela. After Irving them six weeks, my extremely gray hair is restored to ile meatal color. I am satisfied it is ant a 4," The sale of tkaae articles is very Targe (a butes.. Sold b1 druggru everywhere. Depot, 198 Grasowlc► a., New York. TIIE MARKETS. Coinsure, NoT. lash. 1843. Fdt .bat, , d. 7 M a u.1'2 0 ".11.lo 0.6 s 0.70 o.306 • 0.32 Potatoes 0.30 a 0.35 Wool per lb 0.30 a 0.34 Hay, per to (mew)....... 17.00 • 7.50 Freak hatter 0.15 • 0.00 Ergs, per do.. o.... 0 10 • 0.00 $3.2. a 4.25 Pork 4.00 a 4.5d Kirke a.OV a 0.00 Di sley J Dundee J 7 Davy N Dean S1,iOm0a Ituonon 1Vm 1.111 4(1 Ann J Evans John Evens James F udoes 14•,40 Ear heart 11*m 8turoare -Fall wheat 80 a 85o.; .prim. 65 a 67e. Peas 37i a 40c. Oats .M a 9.5e. Toaoit o.-Gth-Fall wheat 9k a 51. Spring 70 a 7111c. Oats 35 a 41c. - Peas 50 a 58e, Potatoes 115 a 35e., 35 to 40e retail. IM.grarAL. Spriog wheat 89 a Ole. Frewosd Areh Frost And J Frain 116 Fisher D Rut/triton Alex Farley Elizabeth ltiJgs Alexander Fitzgerald John Rowbert Francis Fis•l.•on Miss Mary Rut!e.t-re George rank Nelson Hutkdge - Flynn Pat IL l:ubson Hulte.t Ypx Robert (2) Rohern W It Itu(,•.rt3in Wm Glenn Alexander Gallagher Bridget Sutlier_rnd A K Gilmartin 3l141:00 Eutheilsud JMnte Graft M, Shaw Jtl..1 Orogen ( Li (2) Sharpe Lorenzo :!4.1411 lablitTfitfaltentf. Matsu J Miller Mr Mays Win M. 1\ in11o11 .\ Shit....aid Alexander McLellan Archibald Yelwud .1„n NI, K ,,ac (14 .117 Mt l:i.,na,. Catharine Mrllrurmid Douald McGuire Geurgu kit -Caul IIu[h McI)on„ell John McDianuid John McLeod John McClain J, Ln Mtlhrnn.(l John Mc.\ee Kennedy McKenzie W Mcl'ar,u,. �liehl YoAndreas Mr McLeod M McSwaiu Rudk (2) McI'heraon 11. dk )IcKimerny Timothy MrItoauld Nits Win IT Donald W T McIver I'm Nitsclle John Neeide Patrick Newton Thomas ' R. W. WALLACE CONVIDENCE OAMI TZ 1) N� 1.11C-r+r,.etw., a�atuwvmro•a :,weslrs,rw�,•.r ride sow; 11:.klysired!, led QIssber. , that his stock ( T INTIMATES w si, adapted t and the Public thecr.tllt, 4 1 cif Woolen ektthr, adapted for theprrprotand the ap>[In,achingwtsua,lEAtuuAa With the FRAILTIES Olid HUMAN NATURE, Vie *mold Is very complete, and early culla will oblige. (throw the Mantle of ('purity around Ibe indise•retions or ahortooniings of I AN IMMENSE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING °\ , bre Cher or friend; but when + II AN U. This 0camrn, in order to meet more satisfactorily the wants of lug k 1 8 superfine in lly; Tweeds 134.! Coatings. I have imported an rxdu large S �� (stock rf superfine heeds and Catings. 1 have ulsl reengsgcd a well BowNRIGHT I Iknown cutter, RICIIAno C'Aaa,whose style and fit have Leen givlug ynqual- stied satisfaction. Gentlemen favoring us with their orders may rely se -lgdUng a well illing &Hawed, ulnae op with The utmust cure, as reeitods' AND 'workmanship and cut according toile! latest Fushiuus, and at pwrirrate• O'Co, •ter Dant 11 O•',51•1 Owens Thos Pef ry C w L l'uluse r t`npt-J H Patton John Puuersos Janes (2) Farm Lot for Sale. prices. T JONFIDENCE 'WINTER IpVERCYIATS. 1 have gut a variety of the above garment., •1 uTT� H. OF made up by good work:nen, in the most fushiunaule style. Price rat:- 1 1J lJ 1133 ling from four to hoenly dors. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. It is not at all astonishing that Canadian Tweeds have got a world-wide fame, when we cunaidet that as yet no quality of cloth or material produced iu any country equals the Canadian fa durability0?it com/tlMt.• F FOR GENTLEMEN'S EVERY -DAY WEAR, FOR TROUSERS OR SUITS. for the working man who must economise Iiia means, or for Boy's Clothing, nothing equals the Canadian Tweeds at WALL.. cE'S• GLASGOW HOUSE. You get an immense variety of every pattern in those moat desirable goods. In Muffs, Boa. 1j FUS FURS!! FURS!!! FURS !!!ta, Cuff.'' and Collarcts,ntall prices. Splendid afsortmcnt of rich MINK MUFFS IAN BOAS. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! ! SHAWLS ! ! ! in gteat variety, att',l from the lowest quality to th'r best. WOOL SHAWLS manufactured, Clan! I and Fancy Plaids. D11 four to forty', Large assortment of FiLLED PAISLEY S4IAWI.S, /r i idollars. I DRESS GOODS ! DRES'S GOODS I ! To insure satisfaction to ems -1 tourers, the extensive variety In this d rtret has been selected with • Ave concerned, we would an beartil,r dsaulluoe. Br OM'S tht•n the task in part to ntftrd ntectio:i to the Honest, Frugal and Industrious, aY STRICTLY ADIICIIISG TO TOR EXCLUSIVELY CASH SYSTEM ! TIIU. ar:QO1al3o OF No Ilan Payment of Another's Debts MB G. A. HAYDOL, ♦ !a ry11Ax ►seer.= sr & brestmgker. ABN Merchant TallOI`eI, 1 (yze w .,noel.. Wilk •biiiiieii:f �0 !' Wasted me the $ l...tj isms .ea rolls a •�s7�J1 esd Oteemenki mrd. kr Mae dewrp Nal OF „ n Gere >,.- i i1FVil err Clair ted WWI* .......... aleph i. i( las.4, niry..oki l ell e thin. Lf 3ru Q• tet UOr _^ •,� A B UTWU. ESTATE FOR SALE. se00 *.A191 /a Ski. H$eek. £Wahl/ itisPion& of tm Orr ileHIMPur .m'o't And • vencty a Ever Aruehre, melt ea .,GG aleltr7hsala[ Nr ler 4:71:44`6" w `"`'re al.rrie tk` liar Shirts, Collars, Nsohtles. Capes erat t4.yW. Hear Rad c. w.li I, lc., %. t' owletAmio(11, t.lwesa lige e(ytWN.. - } its is est .red to Mi Oho" . mv11 • Atijr•0c (:mime:\ l..�Y., 1e LL c btora8, MONEY TO BE LENT For temrmbcr, LOSSES mast be countcrb:tlanetll by PROFITS, else the RalaneeSheet at the end of the fin tnci.tl yc.Ir will weir a dreary aspect. e a me ,seA1 great cam, and consists of 1•'RENCII ItekR1\O3, ENGLE KRI S,; VICTORIA .CORDS, COBOURGS AND LUSTRES, DELANI;S ANI)' CASHMERES, CIRCASSIAN CLOTIIS, ABERDEEN, GLASGOW ASO PERTII WINCEYS, NICKERBOCKER WINCLYS', in all the' leading colors, NORWICH POPLINS Aso F.1'PENT GRENOBBLE CLOTHS. MOURNING DRESS /%GODS. Spangle Wincey Skirts, 4 yard Gordon Nom Yellers ?era I wide, rich Black Glace Silks, from three and ama epene to ten shilling.. , Steuart! 1' I Flannels, Blankets, Prints, hosiery; Gloves, Scarfs.. The new Nubia or Tilley Ic'redkCloud Scarf." Ladies' plats. trimmed and plain, in endless want !y. ; • '1bo814ou Joseph I ALk XANDER'Si JOUyiNS AND DUC.S7'EA ti KID GLQYEO, Tres -maim Joseph Woolen Gloves. • Thayer 0 D (21 l 11 is impoeoible to enumerate the itnmenee and varied shoek now in 1 THE advertiser offers for sale the Emit Mad Lee l•9 erre. to all,llea,4 40 .tleid 'team and w of r111 ch eh, R The land t• good. and well nm - hood and Imitated. Good h'/ Wan soil hoe beam, end good beans,on-haul. W,u 4 sold Morel end ea erel tenet. Forpmrt,culan •e. ply ea the moment to JO'IN ELLIOTT. Nov. •a. 1063. w41-3n.-po-5&•$o 114•gi. Sha - Hawley Fl.. Welton K Helppnn Maria Kellet Hubert Holmes Bm ai Han is Thomas Henderson A E - I tiaaAtew Dario :vLtaon r''.Tid ' recommend themeefves to uny lady or gentleman who has a tars for 111e � Ood llarid - beautiful or can appreciate a good article when they see it. 1 Jinek 4v n W Wilson oa l amen Joh- GS. GIVE WALLACE'S A CALL, and be, assured that you will find! J;nek lsaa J Wilma JRobt Jad.ir John Whitely Rohl goods in abundance, to wit the most fastidious„in price, pattern and J..L. Str&h J Woo& S quahly [atlas Jams Young r - GLASGOW HOUSE, October :Ooh, ,1863. JAMBS W.ATSON, Pest master. NOTICE TO CHOPPERS ON 000D Improved Farms ! MITE. wr lra 11 or .. 1.10 „ r nn01w101 by Attica a• 1 is pay rat w .,reas ..a. 10 • .ua.0 ..ra 4010111w Le 011 .0:00., 0..1 furor, h, t'..unty ..1.11.000. al earm. Wer rare. Huede.no 04.0 nut ..o. 0,1.- ., .nutM wall p4..... .• 1.-.. that row( maw .el ;mai. mal 4 coed (0 .1 tare brawn., soh them . Wk J.ct .f the p1pny wthey t AAA wile to I.,re.w. JOAN GALT. $.ala,, Oa.4 004her 0440. ds., 10 w a "s 001.00llw olka Thankful for, the patrueage we hay.,reccivcd since our arrival in Galetilh, and which is greater than our most sangainc expectations, we beg to .tate that nut facilities for anpplying our fiicnds are better now than at any preve.IIs time -'being uow iii almost daily rt'ccipt of articles let our line. Valentine Jahn WALLACE'S, suffice it to saw, that the greatest care and attention has; Remember the exclusively Cash Store COIINT EITS 1 ITAVINO, atter much trouble seal r.wwdrrehle 1. earrnos, J.'n, vr•rsd Ote party whit h1• bean wuntrrk•n,ne Inv 0.114 n, the (.,,.do, Mal bay - tog r..•,vct: • rw deme Lar .1 all tb.re w wh.nn 11.ry were 11.,08. and kati•e had what redl10,n. J ul w.h counlcrlc,l, Jraru,..I, rode the proper err;ot talon to 1n•crul a n. urlcn ,Peale,uun- tertrrin., ; •rv1 be. , Neff yls.( that rune but the yen.. rite now 11 the market. 1 hate• tithe to tka coneh.aom, t0 ur41•r to prrvrut uu..y0.110 toll. Jesters to ,uy tune •.lal3.eal rr.n.rl,rr. .04 to 11wups 11.4 01 11 p us rr.,uuJ Ibr pat u1 wait rrm:Jww, but bats 1.114 C0161 111. At berwu- f THOMAS H01.1.OW.AY. W Maden Lane' 4cw Tort. 413-31e,• been bestowed upon the purchase of the goods, and they cannot tail tea D. KERR, ir. & CO., 'West Street. THE subscriber is desirous of having num N to 00 rosea &eared Wad leaned, nn :01 Nu. MOM roe. of Stanley, hl .13 . 1rua, Hat& ld a 14 settee tram Sauatb, the proton 'warmth - sag ruck work to Imre the tae 1.1 tbe hind tor • term of yrntn he &gree upon taprymeat. )•w rertber,.n,tmase ppapple oM le ))to the undagned.Krut- 9na hn. �y�GEORGE McDONALD. p• rie,sy, Nor. a, ISP, w4l•aeex Flt BILE, TEIRT OBFAP ! AFARM of 100 mem of {lett. Si nuke from •}ODEIIICH, 60 aro ele.red, "rat. Road ,mads Isedne thereto. Time wall be gives for a Melte po•tto& of the lurches& Money or fur- ther perttenan appy sol. B. GORDON, Esq., a•beamr, tendered', or to W M. SEYMOUR & CO. Odericb, 9111 November. IMP. .41 -If STEER LOST ! .40 • IOW BOOTS NOTIC}i ■• TIIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNI)('NCE THAT 111.1 II1S 11'ST ItETCI::v'• FROM TIIE The Municipal Council. waw 'Yo>rl5.. Tratd.e• Males tv 3-, GOUERICII, C. W., 20th Oct , 1965. NEW EOOIS! ! CHECKERED STORE STILAYED frau the premise. of the subscriber. Ydbsre. re ,pro[ lot, • who. Weer strnlel w,ib red. Small bares. loth 1ckad. 5.300 re- ward .41 be Sires 10 an, person pang toluene - Use leading to ►r rteco HENRY RUTT LE. caboose, Nevemher MOM. wtl•tn OF TIIE WITH AN O3VOUAI.!.Z I.tlG1: AND VARIED ASIO1tTMIE51T OF TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH I STANDARD PUBLICATIONS " , IT . ,(1,UCl;[a6Ca x►xT uF i11C rt.:1.11 YCIa �1 O�, • 1443.) J. the deviation road, ut the 4th Commotion, ' I� 7J Tilt INTEND to rasa a Ry. !tea to [ell or eonrey • " ALSO, A 0001) /ELECTION OF STANDARDTEXT BL'31C� MEDICAL Market Square, Goderich. STRAYED SHE ! L"e09t the whu-nter, nee ewe, rin oe the sipb E ear"l,w tar mark rift. sear. ens meat ata beth .ere •• 1," Int mark of . I afiwmauoa es said ,beep will be tbsathay reworded by JOHN McIIARDY. IOU eea.,cdboree. w4te01-.n FOR SALE. IN r& tf ERY DEPARTMENT OF LATERATURE. 'Township of Go derieh,tneiDT Par: of. Lots No. 12, 13, 14 and 15, the boundaries whereof are chart:bed as follows...viz: 1u.t of Lot' 12, commencing at the distance of five ciwir.s, seventy links, in a Comae der Eoot lioei the Sorlh Westerly angle of sad Lot; t:.en.e due north six chains seventy links, theuee due west fire chains seventy links; thence due nn,lh our chain; thence .:,:c east six therm, seventy lil.ks ; thence due south seven chains setenty links W the southernn limit of said lot ; thence dun west one chain to the plate of beginning, containini,by adroeasere• men1, one sere. one rood mud fourteen pet dies of laud. Pert of IAA 13, commencing at the distance of five chains and seventy holes oe a course due east from the south easterly angle of said lot ; thence due north twenty chains furry links to the limit of aid !ut ; thence due wt one chain ; ' forty links to scuttled, limit of said let: A LOT ANil WELL FINISHED how, No. 549, a hoose with 8 rooms, sear the railway station. Apply to DAVID LAWSON, Jr. O,1.neb, 7th Nov., 1863. sw11•3mrsx T IA LORING ! GREAT ,al. 01 �' Fall Flower BuibS he Na a. Ov'EN'8. HYACINTHS, NIKED TIB., 121e. to t5e in '1�1E�L11" l; all veer.. 73e. 11 des., 54 tis pROCU8, all var. SNOW DROPS' Flys/glib NMttiasas, .11 Talc DAYS' HOTEL, CROWN tMPER ALb. O9 rut na.tVEL GOAD, NEAR WROXETER, iiii'rJ1'i� ltw�J1 f37 ]�1 X. TIE auhy.rilser, re retu-nlnp thanl, to tae PAN.' ear Ib: very liberal prlronal.r IrNuw- ,d 01100 hu11_,...:1011r whole 0.1 h•.u-c was in .a w•flwirbgl Na1C-Irltwlhr opptdtl:aily 1.f •1/- wet,. 1.w:et,. hw 1141117 11 111•111111 mJ Ibr 1011,1.0 generally, I the tact dst h,+ 8 .a• now •don11 ort•ommlr Jrouo irfe..w 01110144,4 m4e C'umwr, and there- fore 1,11, Sha, no • proper anenno,l 10 huane.nt he wel114411 merit Ilse abrin o ,•tomage h• erto bestowed np,.n hue. Let •n ,lain• -mss Or .leer irtmrtaat udirdn0I persuade )v4 Into the Labe that it is all the saute ea hells, )ou e , a. W router or not, beettlIs nut on!r ,a lea note• wt ,n Ih•t plan, but u 3 ridesaero. br say nod that is 1,11- e10We, and Ihsree..e met I80,.,nine to tteln,..en T rswsler, Walls -duo, &r . rill hod •• Oars 11oe1'• on the 010111 sn7L1 mart, 02.01 a maw Gr - pod MA: 6m.., hoard ponttur+t. 10 Wrotolrr, and ..s. pe,t •,porus at-mm.0oela.on Mala hearty ,rlass•e at soy Lour of Ja•: x n,nit. Our •tae` lou,.• is the ,18u4 r ,imus ,n toe ,00nly (e•,ly hoots, pe,wapslrseeplel) loo • view of the hoe ane. H tt, Mamma, R. 311.11* Wal L. Bo& Wo'. Nrve Map "i the Comity. tY Iu. worried in Summer for low Ilsluupi VH.1ltLEI DAYS, .044-1 Fool/ 4w. OTHER FALL BULBS ASAP/Md. These Bulbs are Shia F'ra's mportatio•h, Direct from Holland, Wad cimpri .e tell the err tf r&rallies. Atm Cunt reed S0(.-TNs Oudern•h. 13, Ort., Iha3. awl! it EN It CTF .11i3'r DEPARTMENTAL h { A\n Parliamentary Agent, TRR ANSACTS BUSINESS WiTTRY, !:rot►• .1.40.11 filmier Conrn.0r•t Ik'- n{10eomnnl•; T•1114111111,44_ gtopth for twbe)rlderm'T I Mention) takes .•borne ofPgv,yr 111.8. �Ilu,, n,�re Oat are.; e.; 1:c.. aro . for Panni a meg r newt C•.rada. w elaswbere. iliii lll�i - i.A'1iL1- 131131.1:14,- • NOT BEING SO FA:IILIAR AS SOME OTHERS - 'WITll THE --i Vetosrixv. . =Waw xv., C twee, &c 1.�tsttc, \%%•\reott�\%c " (riOt� oils, And other Pictures, together with a full assortment of ; Baser Traits of Iluhihu� Nature, i )reams Good3, All kinds of Blank Books and Stationery, • Which he offers at very tote rales, roll Asa. THE EMPO1IIUM!. IS AGAIN REPLENISHED WITH ' t%dX.o c a o wale - J. - - J. V. DETLOR It SOX,.. Invite Farmers, Mechanic.,.the Ladies, mid all persons in settee¢( bargains, to call and ' their eery WWII Mork of FALL aid *�. GoODs, caulpriaWO OBE R• Y 'i ' f iCB OF BUSINL'.BS. NEW C IThe wndeniclled ba+hal '.h„ mieflrtun" to leo h; one of thelate 2kcda•iler•, `lantIcs, Harinz personally concluded h;Jhly G Torable arras menta with the leading P•h: share of and hating yet ` New Yur!1, Iio,wn and Philadelphia, he is pr.tnrreJ to supply all of their 8;,.0110, i0 any ? hill �`' l!, quantity, at Publishers Lowest Wholesale Prices. h thencedee south twenty chains Dealers Pedlars, Canvassers, th.nee due west, one chain to the place of . .And others, requiring a quantity, will he served on the most liberai tonne. 0.)'n rein •. a, contamm • by admeusetemeut two seea ao f Let six pecbtes of Lind. tut1 X:11. A331s1biNS, Rpavans Sts MOST PINC1nETHANKS be the vee, Satweiee eer,0re5ement be he. . toneleed Mort he co...o ...4d heeineer ie Gods - to r• Ibr Marrs aoeght' in ehint oll•* 8111.1 berms ew teemed r0dnws Ibr SUNDAY SCHOOL AND OTHER LIBRARIES n , IJ commencing at the die.' taneeof five chainssetenty links on a costae F'urnishc 1 at Lo:re,t Track Priv .. due east from t: a south westerly angle of said T lot ; thence due east one chain; thence dee THEO.17 . MOORHOIISE. Death twenty chains fan lima to the month erly limit t slid let; th.nce due west one Sus.t:. Orrr'c, Oct. 227th, 1063. sr.:`) chain to the place 61 beginning. containing by admeasurement two acres and six percbts of land. Part of Lot 15, commencing at the distance of five chains seventy links on a course due east from the south westerly ante of said lot: thence dee north twenty chums forty links to the limit of said let; thence due eat one chain ; thence due south twenty chains forty links to side road ; thence due west one chain to the placeofbeginuing, containing by ad. THE SOUTHERN WAR," measurement two acres and six perches oI 1.1 land. 111:r.1..tHD, of A true ropy. laming on Business Extensively, �apk.�ln` a bat ere -SIM oink -worn. Bed .,t) A.be1Me..hrexpirr000es Caller Is .•aped to neem te the Pro.iati, Nieu we.rnwl 00 hada.•,.lml1VMy and ohneewdhny is Hem,R.w, e,ee11•���ay 4wtoime enr,rinen, ted bowie( Mew • Qolmiie ewe 0f Ibe Pri�lpall E .ttstales to ms sibilant*. er'eY1ad• tissasLg paws tea QGOTE1NO CAN BE MADE . r,y, a111Il,1�,a, Mead he the tow Rastas S- . arta r tiere0se or YewasM• ,.t7teq.1 Coignes,em."fNY. T NEW BOOKS Adjourned 'Sale or A HiGH OPINION OF MANKIND IN GENERAL, II , h1, r:•,,,lvc1 to throw the 31antle of Charity over the whole, sit that The Good may not be made to suffer with the Guilty 1,,1 at the saute time he assures the public that GOODS WU BE SOLD AT OLD PRICES! \rent Cheaper, it Mbit,) awl No Advantage taken of Recent Losses ! ! AUnE\-'8 LIFG OF' "STONEWALL" JACKSON. ' LANDS FOR TAXES. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR AT BUTLER'S.o next' SHEEPSKINS Tuesday the I7th day of Nay, next >F fir ,> PROD U C%t Yeternon's, for TOWN OF GODERICH� VAIATABLE IABX :For Sale, Cheap JOHN 5IiA11•, Township Clerk. Tnwambip of Galerieh, October 301h, 1863. .40'41 CtayTa 1 ell d tent 97, . - t, rn tbe 17 l/wmN, 04 Mossis. Apptr rn JOHN K -ells Ainlerville, 11. yfALiCi . Morris, 40• Mom* I ertentsi.r 0 .wen 1h' preemies. •TRAY HOR•E. NOTIOE CAME into I3. premises of the eub•cnber, on the 11td o' (lnobet m red sail white now, with a email prow of Mr UM born, old • .hurt tail. The owew s .r•;w nal t.. mote property, Per eslawe0 Wed ROBERT °RAHAIf, Por A14n, A.00eld. Pon Allen , November 31►,1993. .1041 td as lam solo ernes sheat Am SEED OATS. THE subscriber hes nn hand a Ilnanlitr of very superior Black Tariannn Oso (noticed in the "Signal a few weeks ago) .hire he is selling for seed at 50cts per bush- el. Patten wishing to secure 10105 of it will ,do well to portholes at once. H. HiNCKS, 4th eon., Oodench. NOwemter 3rd, 1863, .40 St 8 BRAY NBIRER. 2g•AMa m the r�a•Q•e.aS of Oe ales., ltlei e.. Eat a..1 Woo, shwa ,.w eras I ass bre enM/wa s m. 1mM tMntr head ran- •ON nm WOO wAd.A yet• Nom Naiad eras orb Ilea oar, a '•0 be pet le les Head ad tai. L80AUI)Y FItJ011. u�yn�Iw Nub slob eemea,1 wi NItTiCE IS IIERF:I1Y GIVE\ that 0111 ,h. lauds now nm.a,uir untold for Tea - es will be again. tofferetl fur sale on MAC gZ Go.lcy's, Leslie's, and October, alt received • OL • AT $T7TLEA'S. at the heur of Twelve o'clock, noon. Im east -HOT Ili STORE 1311111 -PLASTERS." JOHY 1dACD"412). rlaewif, H. � 1/. C U RDW 0 0 D Sheri $1 O Oct., galls (,oc 11162 :,lent Ladies' Hats, Furs, Boots; and Shod, Ready -!lade Clothing WANTEDI ISAAC FREDRICK, THE SUBS(' til mitt raceme TENDERS on bobaa of The eon nl ..'('ani- I o, Hove end Rene, few the d.a4Trr et tee t'mintiest Oleg, �- Brandies • ftuden.1, of a : Wines, , Qin, Rum, Ale, Porter FRES Sugars% Teas, ' . . T Tobaccoss Coti`ees, Rices, Spices, Paints, Oils, OLdt 31' Ip H�i1�OW bJR1 , Acte., &4114 Their Stock of DRY GOODS wiU'be foasd very complete, and larger than my heretofore imported. • !- The DRESS GOODS are worthy of special attentl{ht. I +f' Having purchased a large keit df TOBACCO, they are enabled to sell a good article at Sheets. *pound:: 03 -The snb'eribcre Wish thus early to intimate that all Notes ails Accounts arc expected to be paid punctually and in full. TO suateiri their credit, and to enable thein to sell for small profits, they are coma polled to insist on immediate payment. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON. 1 OODERICii, 25th Se:,t., 1763. REMOVAL. PARKER & CATTLE, HATE a1{r10VrD TO TNR r It MPT.P.TE A S S O R *-M K v T OF Store formerly ocongiel by Twomey & Blank, FAMILY GROCERIES ('•AME. onto the p'em,OO of the .b•c-tber. Fear halt of lot 21, 911. rn0. Wew.n"d. tea Ibe 1.100' 5001 01 An1NM 1aaf,i1 18 Helfer, Oe.Otee 1 ran ,*1 lathe eine, on 01,wllele, ka11M cul lri leeks white: .00,14. mot ow 6.re1.d. 1be ow,nr s ., ...,ltd 10 pow* paapnr, pay .3psnse0 and tete Wer awe). DAN. DOMIVIN w•w•wmsa, iNe. Ma, TRY. wM'w( _ TILACTIURWAIrerED 1 TWO HUNDRED CORDS U...0.1 mound 90.1 01•1•1...1 Ire. from 1.,w4 Mrd bock log •. Three routs or tr. HATCHMAKEK AND JEWELLER,. Heuser to he •"••,nerd.1 Attethe mope 1n be A -nerved Immedrn d' ioet7 awe the WIST ST.. OODILRICla, roslrart auhea.'Ihe rvmainarr to he Ml..rref a 011 Nrxt door Fast of Mr. Got1s' Saddlery loutTun.1. mal ba• nerved upon at the n,ne ,v ••1•1f MI,w[, bel the whole novo to fu.nrhed ort or WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY 11(011R011 (11 !SHORT VtrIli- ' The 15th Day of MARCH next, In the best Style &Warranted. 1, F 1 CD,* mbesabesm alev see al ote. Nr S, W AmwmM, .f dodger% Ap o'..o ,•1 bell • I n tea lot dam esealkan. Y es' ...- Ism r~1e 'e HUGS DAVWW)N, ft/solos 1, 191. Vasa Malay To the et,fau, awl or tee Center, who .ill mem ed wed a PIwueel lewel(7, Watches. I nthe e ume •0., km• - wd1 M 0.03 1, end the Clnrtrw t l'ntwrnoy n0 Mai end .mltapd le M m00r'•••''-'' A y .1 N dip MOND rliff)11 o M m the nib.. w the Omniww' Clem, Ondmy erich, f mese army maaled. to erOm•aea $100 to i� 000 DOLLARS rt.e.nei Iola .GV • Pickles, Sauces, &c., &c., A I AWV.A.Ytl \CONT II 41 n? GOHER1f lt, 93rd ONnber, 1863. MONEY! Os Wednesday lb. iRth day of NOV , 1011••,,.1 .term n•0lerk, 0",wr.'w. TM forty ' waas.»e w,R soma' to 1wo,ud calf wf .^ &won • 10slw teethe dee samte r1011m'l .• t(a.AI.0aT ,,, ., a 4,, Mu(e•'0 '• Ta.' Irene hot tee ,memo,►' Meth ham. blm.ew r & f tare." ,n tam ('•may M n Ro.. Thr ra • d.adm sweet the awes ,.er0othorwaw shone' rewo.beo . Ino o erred reay.0.er, m .simivy ad at. 'o" .a 10 rvew. two . P.\LMLR, D. A.RITCHIA•it. g... mono. room .wt4-'( Ibr IAd Tereme. aeder,ee.. . elle rl ears WANTEDnwr op,.. fowl. tmewl pn•Ar11'bto In. honed ' Pea rushee u-,"r.xn•. a.n. •Tadt to (Jews YosilT, Sherwood Homo, Klweaadina; A. prow, nr A. Vette eye Fine., Cam done ; or earl K (urea, Of Y. C. Creases, of o40011b. N1 -e• J. Y. S. HIRE. w 3'J 1 I'AlIM .)� S' Drugs, L.00I�; ha.� Where, a addition to their weal i vhyn ripply alrlre stook of Medticises, lay they AGRICULTURAL SEEDS? Imported directly from one of the oldest and most rehablb pulite ie (iMQow, Scottsvillel THltr *ATlr A1,80 aac1IVVO A (4.41 o, wanes TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCOES/ w08011 they o!ier at very low prices. Auer. .vu•I QII_ A3aTLIQtToits. ls, L For Moldier and Falsity sae. h 9, Ifni) wvt:.D2,1717 flUDBRICH, Agri e t ,y dgms1 ♦ LOT' fir 11011.1.1.1111T LAND 1:0R SALE JOHN FAIR 8. OO. CONVEYANCII1G`I 1 I. w I U DFarresteo rMa troth iN M't 1•: 1' ii T(: N ! „,fell► "¢slow on SA.TVEDAY, the 1703 Ialateslte e,,,,, 1' 1oT N.. 11, Ner11 s arwdwr) p t•.Yyea i 1M 1•,+t of ... a1 gwl0ys •mt be• a rcwMc'e aa0na77r xf'r ria a , Wads'' 11 lad ,ra.te.are arul sm 1 •o IbM dill retro 1 sal , ,w 110 Tow04" of raasnew rater, 1 . pow seas se•Mwy CAATO ' 'err'•~'"" own* sore,,,, Ih.� � � PARIS & LONOON WHETS, tees 1.eees..d. TM .w r ,treat f, mita• area• el�Olsilrks•^ � a�aeRy I.w Sfo•r� .r .d10p .f ■raserDwl (1a. 1►ort of he h at tlAi,T T 6,.0 , bel•ere . aye easel • •satin -at., Apply to R WiLJIS. Pwasompos,err. rh0,,MQ. w4�t reedreua, ISth flet.. 11•111. e.1 a•,ez'' t wis,awl�a