HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-04-06, Page 11-4 16 Property For Sale -Continued from page 10 1,000 hens, right for dairy or beef, all implements, 2 miles from Clinton, Highway 8. SEAFORTH: 10 room house, oil furnace, bath, Price $8,000- MATH; a room two storey house, oil fernace, bath. BELGRAVE; 100 acres, 8 room house, furnace, bath, barn 48x65, 26 milk cows, 19 heifers, all the implements, 9 room house, oil furnace, bath; barn 40x50 on 2i acres land, one mile from Clinton on Highway 4, 113 acres, 8 room house, oil furnace, bath; barns 30x65, 20x90, milk house, bulk cooler, milk contract, 26 milk cows, 8 heifers, Jerseys; all the imple- ments, 100 acres, 10 room brick house, bath, furnace; barns 36x70, 52x116, hen house 24x96, silo 14x50, plenty of water, 2 miles from Clinton, Highway 4. AUBURN: 100 acres, 9 room house, bath; barn 48x65, silo, hen house. Price $16,500. 100 acres of land, barn 50x36, one mile from Clinton, High- way 4. 9 room house, bath, oil fur- nace; barn 30x35, hen house, 18 acres of land, Highway 4, Londesboro. 9 room house, Londesboro, $2,500. 8 room house with bath, oil furnace, fireplace, Walton. 100 acres, 8 room house, oil furnace, bath; barn 30x40, dou- ble garage, 35 acres workable, 65 acres mixed bush, 2 miles from Bayfield. 116 acres, 8 room house with bath, oil furnace; barns 40x50, 36x18, 22 milk cows, 12 heifers, all the implements, 3 miles from Clinton, Goderich town- ship. BENMILLER: 8 room house with bath, furnace; barn 40x60 on 9 acres of land. Price $8,500. 8 room brick house, oil fur- nace, bath; barn 40x60, on 20 acres of land, 3 miles from Clinton. Price $12,000, 8 room frame house; barn 36x50, 3 acres of land, 2 miles from Clinton. Price $6,000. 200 acres, 2 miles from Clin- ton; 10 room house, large barn, 25 milk cows, 30 heifers, with implements. Agent for John Bosveld, Broker London 6c 17 Property For Rent MODERN, LARGE 2 - bedroom apartment, garage, all utilities paid, reasonable rent. Call 234- 6301 Crediton. 6c MODERN unfurnished 2-bedroom apartment, steam heated, hot water supplied. Elmart Apts., Main St. Phone 235-1505 days; 235-2754 nights. 4:6tfnc NICELY furnished, steam heat- ed apartment, 1 block from post office, $49.00 a month. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. Phone 235-2912. 4:6tfric MODERN furnished apartment, heat and water supplied. Cen- tral location. Suitable for two. Apply Bill's Barber Shop. Dial 235-0915 or 227-4652. 2:9tfnc 1 BEDROOM apartment or 1 bed - sitting room apartment. Whilsmibh Senior Citizens, 235- 2473. 3:23tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, upper, private entrance, utilities paid, 1 mile west on Huron St. Dial 235-2427 or 235-1027. 3:23tfnc 250 ACRES of cash crop land, good for beans and corn. Phone 237-3536. 23:30:6c LUCAN-2 bedroom apartment, upper, immediate possession, all utilities paid. Phone 227-4254, 3:30ffnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, laun- dry room with washing ma- chine, etc. Phone during the day 235-0270. 11:17tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfac 18 For Rent ROOMS - Meals optional, TV. Phone 235-1153. 23:30;6:13* FLOG. : SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12: 13tfn c 19 For Sale or Rent 2-BEDROOM house with new furnace, If rented, stove and frig supplied. Phone 235-1894. 3:39ffne CREDITON - New 3-bedroom brick house, electric heat, full basement, low taxes. Phone 234- 6334. 3;23-4:27* 20 Wanted To Renf CENTENNIAL COSTUME, about size 18, for one event, Please call Mrs. Ed, Hearn 235-2443 after 4:00 p.m. 6c UNFURNISHED house by April 30, Three or more bedrooms, preferably in Exeter, Contact Office Manager Canadian Can- ners Ltd., 235.2445 or 235.0997, 6c HOUSE or apartment in Lucan vicinity. Phone 227-4245. 6c WE WOULD like to rent a 4- bedroom house with possible option to buy, Call Hal Flaro 228-6332. 6:13c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 24 Tenders Wanted Township of Stephen TENDERS FOR DRAINAGE WORK Sealed tenders plainly marked Will be received by the under- signed not later than 5:00 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1967 for the excavation and cleaning out of approximately 6,300 lineal feet of open drain, known as the Walker Drain. Plan, profile and specifica- tions may be seen at the Town- ship Office, Main Street, Credi- ton, during office hours. Please •state date when work can be commenced. Each tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque for 10% of the amount of tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Stephen, P.O. Box 99, Crediton, Ont. 30;6c TENDERS INSTALLATION SANITARY SEWER TOWN OF EXETER Sealed tenders will be re- ceived at the Clerk's Office in the Town of Exeter up until 1;00 p.m. April 17 for the fol- lowing work: Approximately 1100 ft. of 10" asbestos pipe installed. Approximately 3200 ft. of 8" asbestos pipe installed. Approximately 2840 ft. of 5" 'lateral pipe installed. All materials including pipe, manholes, granular backfill sup- plied by municipality. Plans and specifications for this work will be obtainable at the Clerk's Office, (Signed) Supt. James Paisley 6:13c PAINTING VARIOUS ROOMS OF EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Full details may be obtained from Mr. Jack Pryde or Mr. A. B. Idle, principal. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, April 21. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. W. H. HODGSON Secretary-Treasurer 6:13c 15 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Grain, Household Effects, Etc., Etc. On the premises LOT 11, CON. 14, HAY TWP. 11 miles west of Dashwood, thence 2i miles north or 2b miles west of Zurich thence 2i miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, COMBINE and HARVESTER: 1953 Ferguson standard tractor, hydraulic lift, completely overhauled, like new, equipped with 3-furrow plow; Case standard tractor, in good condition; McKee shred- der harvester, equipped with piping, closed in 20 ft. forage harvester rack and heavy duty wagon; Case 77 combine, equip- ped with motor and all attach- ments, in new condition; MH 7 nine-foot pull type swather. FARM MACHINERY: MeDeer- ing 13-run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber, used one sea- son; New Holland 5-bar side rake, like new; Myers pull-type power take-off weed sprayer, recently purchased; McDeering 7 ft. binder; McDeering 3-point hitch 7 ft. spring tooth cultiva- tor; Ford 3-point hitch cultiva- tor; bean puller; 5-section dia- mond harrows; Fleury Bissell tractor disc; Buehler heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. grain box; rubber tire wagon and grain box; McDeering 6 ft. mower; 3-drum steel roller; Mayrath 48 ft, elevator; 20 ft. 6 inch grain auger; electric mo- tors; Helix 100 bushel capacity, equipped with power take-off, unloader; 2 - section diamond harrows; MH tractor spreader; 2-wheel trailer; Ford pulley; Webster paint sprayer equipped with electric motor; galvanized water trough; butcher equip- ment including press and grind- er; extension ladder; walking plow; 200 ft. plastic hose; Briggs & Stratton garden trac- tor used one season; gas tank; weigh scales; block and tackle; grass seeder; tractor chains for 10x28 tires; band sprayer; elec- tric fencer: cream separator; fanning mill; quantity lumber; barbed wire; cedar posts; set chime bells; chicken shelters; bag truck; grease guns; forks; chains; shovels; snow fence; etc., etc. GRAIN & STRAW: 125 bus. Russel oats, suitable for seed; 125 bus. Rodney oats, suieable for seed; 700 lbs. Seaway seed, beans: nuantity of loose straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: GE 9 eu, ft. refrigerator; Sunshine 4-burner electric stove: kitchen table and chairs; rockers; oc- 25 Auction Sales .......... casional chairs; Amherst up- right piano; daybed: dressers; beds; -assortment dishes,. seal- ers, pranks; cellar table and Many other misc. items. No reserve as farm is soil. TERMS: Cash. ELMER RADER, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30:6e Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable 150-Acre Farm, Tractor, Truck„ Auto, Farm Machinery, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 31, CON. 20, M c GILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 11 east of Corbett or 21 miles west of Mt. Carmel The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE - Parcel No. 1 consists of Lot 31, Con. 20, McGillivray Twp., 100 acres of land on which is situated well built white brick dwelling with modern conveniences. Newly in- stalled oil furnace. Large bank barn and drive shed, Land of choice clay loam, well drained. 55 acres plowed, remainder in grass; 5 acres mixed bush. Never failing water supply. Parcel No. 2 - Consists of Lot east half 32, Con. 21, Mc- Gillivray Twp., 50 acres of land, 5 acres mixed bush, remainder all tillable. Land choice clay loam. Bank barn. Both farms in high state of cultivation and situated directly across from each other. Please Note: These farms will be offered in one lot, namely 150 acres. TERMS of Real Estate - 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. TRACTOR, TRUCK, AUTO - Cockshutt 30 standard tractor in good condition; 1951 Dodge truck with stock racks; 1956 Meteor 4-door sedan. FARM MACHINERY: McDeer- ing 3-furrow plow; MH 7i ft. spring tooth cultivator; Mc- Deering 13-run grain and ferti- lizer drill; McDeering 3-bar side rake; 3 and 4 section dia- mond harrows; 3-section spring tooth harrows; 2-drum steel roller; John Deere 2-row corn planter; McDeering power take- off 7 ft. mower; McDeering 2- row scuffler; Fleury Bissell horse-drawn disc; Oliver trac- tor disc; 2 rubber tire wagons; hay rack; gravel box; dump rake; horse - drawn manure spreader on rubber; colony house, 10x12; stone boat; 50-ft. belt; quantity of lumber; 4 bunches cedar shingles; cedar posts; Portland cutter; pig crate; set of scales; 2 steel water troughs; grain auger; 2 sets of sling ropes; iron kettle; 5 sheets galvanized sheeting; horse clippers; rifle; 200 jute bags; brooder stove; quantity of dry cord wood; cyclone seed- er; sausage grinder and press; chains; forks; shovels; tools; etc., etc, GRAIN: 600 bushel of mixed grain HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: GE deluxe 9 cu. ft. refrigerator; GE 4-burner electric stove, in new condition; GE washing ma- chine, recently purchased; GE 21 inch TV; 2-piece chesterfield; 2 china cabinets; GE vacuum cleaner; 2 bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; oak rock- ers: cedar chests; drop-leaf table; space 'heater; antique small box stove; coal and wood stove; assortment of dishes, etc., etc. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. TERMS: Cash. MRS. MADELINE SMITH, MRS. MARILYN THOMPSON, Executors for the estate of the late Joseph Ryan ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30:6c AUCTION SALE of School House and Contents in the VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 p.m, 2-ROOM BRICK SCHOOL, stoker furnace, drilled well, deep well pressure system, 13 acres of land, all contents of school building including desks, blackboards, books, maps, school bell and other items. TERMS: Cash. For further information con- tact Vern Alderdice, RR 2 Kip- pen, phone Hensall 262.5494, Chairman of Huron County School Area # 1. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 23;30:6c Clearing AUCTION SALE of 35 Purebred and Grade Holstein Cows; Young Cattle and Feed at LOT 16, CON. 8, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, li miles south of Woodham, just off No. 23 Highway, on TUESDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:30 p.m, Purebred bull, a grandson of Citation IL, whose dam was sold to France in the Canadian Show Case Herd; purebred cow due in April; 7 purebred cows fresh within the last month; 6 purebred cows, milking and re- bred; purebred heifer, milking and rebred; grade cow dee in May; 2 grade cows fresh; 25 Auction Sales grade heifer, milking and re- bred; 8 purebred heifer calves, suitable for 4-II club work; 4 grade heifer calves; 3 bull calves. FEED: 500 bales hay; 200 bales straw; 1,000 bus Rodney oats. This is a good producing herd. Plan to attend. The pro- prietor is giving up dairy farm- ing. No reserve-Terms Cash, LEONARD THACKER, Prop, W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE - St. Marys - 284.3796 6c Important AUCTION SALE of 50-Acre Grass Farm, Livestock, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed, House- hold Effects & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10, CON. 21, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 211 miles west of Shipka or 3 miles south of Grand Bend Highway 81 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 50-acre farm, Lot 8, Con. 18, Stephen Twp., li miles west of Shipka thence 1 mile south. Ap- proximately 6 acres mixed bush, remainder tillable land, clay loam, Ample water supply, Ideal grass farm. TERMS OR REAL ESTATE- 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to 'a rea- sonable reserve bid. Please Note: Mortgage terms can be arranged by contacting proprietor prior •to sale date, Property will be offered for sale at 3:00 p.m. April 6, INCLUDING livestock, trac- tor, farm machinery, feed and misc. items. No reserve, farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. J. VERN RIDLEY, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Beet Harvester Equipment, Truck, Auto, Hogs, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 23, CON. 13, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP First farm south of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, COMBINE, TRUCK, AUTO: John Deere 4010 diesel tractor used three seasons, in- cluding power steering and brakes, completely hydraulic, with John Deere 5-furrow semi- mounted plow; 1957 Oliver 88 diesel tractor with hydraulic controls; 1952 Ford 8N standard tractor with hydraulic controls; MH 22 Farmall type tractor equipped with bean and beet scuffler; John Deere No. 95 combine, with grain and corn head pick-up, recently pur- chased; 1957 Dodge truck with racks and hoist; 1960 Plymouth 4-door sedan, in good condition. FARM MACHINERY: John Deere No. 495 4-row corn plant- er; John Deere 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber; Kong- skilde 133 ft. cultivator, like new; New Holland 66 hay baler; New Holland 5-bar side rake, used one season; Int. 7 ft. cut power take-off mower; Int. 9 ft. cultivator; 33 ft. grain and bale elevator; 1965 power take- off model 350 Farm Hand beet harvester; Black Welder 2-row beet or turnip thinner; 9 ft. cultipacker; 3-furrow plow pack- er; 3-drum steel roller; Int. hammer mill; 16 ft. grain au- ger; 10-ton wagon; 5-ton wa- gon; Case 10 ft. heavy duty disc; 2 gravity boxes; Marr beet harvester and unloader; Farm Hand bale buncher; Int. power take-off 120 bus cap. manure spreader; lime spread- er; Int. bean windrower; truck weigh scales; forks; shovels, etc., etc. HOGS: 15 York and Lacombe choice sows, due from May 15 to June 1. HAY and GRAIN: 2,500 bales choice mixed hay; quantity of sweet clover seed; quantity of mixed seed grain. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to other in- terests. TERMS: Cash. ANDREW DIEPSTRATEN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Sc Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 50-Acre Farm, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT SOUTH HALF 13, CON, 5, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 2b miles east of Exeter thence lei mile south, on The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 15 at 12:30 pen. REAL ESTATE consists of South Half Lot 13, Con, 5, Us- borne Twp., 2 storey brick dwelling with all modern con- veniences. Two bank barns, drive shed and silo. Buildings in good state of. repair. Land choke day loam; 10 Ades 25 Auction Sales, gravel pit, remainder tillable. Please Note: Farm was sur- veyed and has immense gravel prospect. TERMS of Real Estate; 10% op day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, TRACTORS and FARM MA- CHINERY; Oliver 77 diesel standard 'tractor equipped with industrial manure loader and gravel bucket, in guaranteed A-1 condition; Oliver 66 gas tractor, row crop type equip- ped with 4-row snuffler, good condition; Mil 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; MH 10 ft. spring tooth cultivator; Allis Chalmers power take-off 4-bar side rake; Cockshutt tractor spreader; Case motor driven hay baler; 2-drum steel roller; Cockshutt 3-bar side rake; MH power take off 10 ft. swather; MI-I clipper combine; Fleury Bissell tractor disc; 2 rubber tire wagons with hay racks; 2 rubber tire trailers; MH 3-furrow plow; 4- section diamond harrows; Case single row power take-off corn nicker; bean puller; buzz saw; Mono chain saw; Universal milking machine, piping for 16 cows, in eluding 2 units; 10 milk cans; rubber tire wheel- barrow; fanning mill; 2 root pulpers; 42 ft. 4 inch pipe; Stewart cattle clippers; 2 col- ony houses; ear t h moving scoop; 250 gal. gas tank com- plete with pump; 2 hydro poles; 32 ft. extension ladder; assort- ment of lumber and plywood; antique double barrel Shotgun; electrical equipment; electric motors; scrap iron; quantity of stove wood; mail box; chains; forks; shovels, etc., etc. HAY and STRAW: 2,000 bales timothy and alfalfa hay; 300 bales oat straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3- piece bedroom suite; Westing- house clothes dryer; walnut post bedstead; dressers; buffet; chairs; tables; lamps; kitchen cabinet; chesterfield; picture frames; assortment of dishes; meat grinder; Sunbeam steam iron; crib; buggy; stroller; playpen; tricycle; wagon, etc. TERMS: Cash. MRS. LORRAINE FISCHER, Proprietress DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3592 6:13c Holstein DISPERSAL SALE of High Quality Holsteins and Dairy Equipment On the premises LOT 28, CON. 13, HAY TWP., 11 miles west of Zurich thence 2 miles north or 1/2 mile south of Blake. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 21 at 1:30 p.m. Sale -includes cows, heifers and calves with complete list in next week's issue. EDMUND ERB, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 16, CON. 8, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 5 miles east of Exeter on Huron St. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 14 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR, FARM MACHIN- ERY: Oliver Super 55 standard tractor equipped with pulley and 3-point hydraulic hitch, in A-1 condition; John Deere trail type wide bottom plow; MH 13-run grain and fertilizer drill, like new; MH 15-run grain drill; John Deere 8 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; John Deere 90 bushel tractor spreader; Allis Chalmers 7 ft, power take-off mower; horse drawn manure spreader on rubber; 2-drum steel roller; Int. 4-furrow disc plow; Deering 5 ft. mower; 5- section diamond harrows; 3- section lever harrows; Int, corn binder; MH hay loader; team disc; heavy duty wagon equip- ped with gravity box; horse drawn cultivator; 16 ft. hay rack; Buehler heavy duty wa- gon; gravel box; grain box; team scuffler; set of sleighs; World Type fertilizer spreader; Fairbanks Morse 11 inch ham- mer mill; 75 ft. 7 inch belt; heavy duty 2-wheel trailer; 2- wheel trailer with stock racks; 2 grain augers and motor; 3- point hitch snow blower, like new; set of logging sleighs; fanning mill; Stewart electric clippers; heavy duty electric drill; 500 gal. steel water tank; emery and motor; colony house; quantity of lumber; 3 •rolls of barb wire; tarpaulin for pick- up truck; cattle dehorner; grain bags and sacks; quantity dry stove wood; brass sleigh bells; set of chimes; iron kettle; 12 gauge shotgun; .22 rifle; steel water trough; Lawn Boy power mower; forks; shovels; chains, etc., etc. CATTLE: 21 choice Hereford and Durham cows, some with calves at foot, remainder to freshen in April and May. HAY and GRAIN; 1,500 bales mixed hay; 400 bushel mixed grain; quantity of baled and loose straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Round top dining room table including 6 chairs; buffet; kitch- en table and chairs; 2 bedroom suites; bureau; dressers; Coln- modes; steel bedstead; rug 9x121,3; rug 101x114; Serve' re 25 Auction Sales frigerator, recently purchased; Findlay coal and wood stove; electric radio; electric heater; crib; cradle: :high chair; fern. stand; quantity 'bedding; dish- es: antioue flour bin, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash, No reserve, the farm is sold. ROY COWARD, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6:13c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractor, Farm Machinery and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 11, CON. 4, HAY TWP., 21 miles south of Hensall or 21 miles north of Exeter thence 2 miles west The undersigned auctioneer received instruction's to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 18 at 1:30 p.m. TRACTOR, and FARM MA- CHINERY: Allis Chalmers C A tractor equipped with bean puller, in A-1 condition; Int. 15-run grain and fertilizer drill with power lift and markers, in new condition; Int. power lift stiff tooth cultivator; 3-section spring tooth harrows; John Deere side delivery rake; Cock- shutt mower; Int. horse drawn manure spreader; 3-section dia- mond harrows; Allis Chalmers 5-ton wagon; Turner all steel gravity box, like new; 7-ton New Idea rubber tire wagon equipped with 8-ply tires; com- bination grain box and hay rack; walking plow; circular saw; 20 ft. grain auger; tar- paulin 12x8; set of scales; quantity steel posts; fence stretcher; electric fencer; bag truck; 2 steel water tanks; muskrat traps; chicken wire; 300 ft, snow fence; wheelbarrow; iron kettle; tractor umbrella; quantity of lumber and cedar posts; set of sleighs; Portland cutter; hog wire; 30 ft. timber; poultry electric heater includ- ing 6 lamps; MH No. 9 cream separator; chicken feeders and fountains; ladder; gates; col- ony house 10x12; Cyclone grass seeder; lawn mower; chicken shelters; set of chime bells; team bells; chains; shovels; forks and other misc, items. No reserve as the farm is rented. TERMS: Cash, BEN TINNEY Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6:13c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Holstein Dairy Herd, Milking Equipment, Farm Machinery, Tractors, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 13, CON. 10, HAY TWP., 11 miles south of Zurich on paved road The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 at 12:30 p.m. Sale includes complete dairy herd consisting of 35 cows, heifers and calves. Also new line of modern dairy equipment. TRACTORS; Int. B 14 diesel standard tractor equipped with Geo, White loader; Allis Chal- mers C tractor equipped with scuffler; Dion 22x38 threshing machine, fully equipped; Kong- skilde swather; Int. hay crimp- er; New Holland hay baler; including full line of other ma- chinery. Watch for complete list of this important sale in next week's issue. WILLIAM BROWN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6c AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Forage Harvester Equipment and Antiques at LOT 10, NORTH BOUNDARY HAY TWP., 3 miles west of Kippen and lh mile east of Hillsgreen, on FRIDAY, APRIL 21 at 1:00 p.m, Oliver 60 tractor with 2-row snuffler and bean puller; Gehl forage harvester with hay and corn attachments; Gehl blower; 2 forage boxes and wagons; Gehl hammer mill; MH 15-run seed drill with markers; Mc- Deering 8' binder; McDeering 8b ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Mc- Deering 32 plate disc; MH 32 plate disc; 2 three section Mc- Deering lever harrows; Cock- shutt 4 bar side rake; McDeer- ing 3 furrow pull type plow; MH 2 furrow plow on rubber; McDeering 7' power mower; Little Giant 42' elevator; 2 drum steel roller; 2 three sec- tion diamond harrows; MH cream separator; fertilizer and grass seeder for back of trac- tor; emery and motor; circular saw with 30' blade; 2 cattle feeders on wagons; 50' wind- mill derrick; windmill motor; pump jack; 1,000 lb. scales; steel water trough; well wind- lass; 300' litter carrier track and bucket; hay fork car and 150' of rope; 2 hot water tanks, one with jacket; Stewart elec- tric clippers; 2-wheel trailer, new tires; anvil, 4 sling ropes; block and tackle; wire stretch- er; four 14 h.p. motors; 2 heavy steel barrels, one with pump; electric feed cooker; electric time clock; electric fan for hen house; 1,000 chick elec- tric brooder; three 1,000 chick coal brooders; pump sprayer; automatic water fountain; 10 self feeders for hens; 2 electric heaters; 3 electric fencers; Bendix washing machine; type- 25 Auction Sales writer; 1957 Ford sedan in good. .condition and other articles. ANTIQUES: Steamer trunk; 8-day -clock; settee; barrel churn; butter bowl; handmade cradle; iron kettle; sausage grinder; sausage .staffer; apple peeler and numerous other arti- cles. TERMS: Cash, ROSS LOVE, Prop. JAS, McALLISTER, Clerk HECTOR McNEIL, Auct. 6:13:20e Clearing AUCTION SALE FOR BILL McMILLAN, Staffa East Half of Lot 22, Con. 6, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 1 mile north and 1i miles west of Staffa or 7 miles south-east of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 o'clock sharp LIVESTOCK consists of 53 cattle, mostly of Durham and Hereford cross: 7 cows with calves at side and not rebred; 6 cows due soon, bred Here- ford; farrow cow; 18 good stockers Durham and Hereford cross, 700.900 lbs., in good shape for grass; 2 steers, 600 lbs., black white faced; 6 smaller stockers Durham and Hereford cross; 6 open Holstein heifers, some big enough to breed. HOGS; 4 good York sows, 3 of these bred 2 months; 22 chunks; 8 weaners; good York hog (Filson stock). MACHINERY: 44 Massey Har- ris tractor; Ford 8N tractor with Freeman loader and snow bucket; Oliver 62-T baler, like new; 32 foot George White ele- vator (skeleton) with motor; Oliver side rake on rubber; George White heavy duty wa- gon complete with rack; 95 bushel manure spreader; Deer- burn cultivator for Ford trac- tor; 8 ft. McCormick stiff •tooth cultivator; 8 ft. Massey Harris double disc; No. 16, 8 ft. Mas- sey Harris binder, like new; 11 ft. grain auger; 32 ft, extension ladder; aluminum wheelbar- row; Universal milking machine and pipeline for 12 cows com- plete with motor; Star 8-can milk cooler (spray), 1i years old; cement mixer with motor; fanning mill and many miscel- laneous items found on a farm too numerous to mention. FEED: 500 bushels of mixed grain; 700 bales of mixed hay; 400 bales of straw; 14 bushels of timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two beds with springs and mattress; 3 dressers (1 antique); baby crib and mattress; an antique round table; dining room suite with buffet and china cabinet, table and 6 chairs and many miscellaneous items. There will be a booth on the grounds. No reserve as farm is sold, TERMS: Cash. 5% sales tax in effect. BILL McMILLAN, Proprietor LARRY GARDINER, Auctioneer DONALD KERNICK, Clerk 6c Clearing AUCTION SALE of 2 Tractors; Self Propelled Combine; a Full Line of Power Implements; Hogs; Feed and Furniture at LOT 30, SOUTH THAMES ROAD, FULLARTON TWP., 11 miles west of Russeldale on No. 83 Highway, on THURSDAY, APRIL 13 at 12:30 p.m. HOGS: 5 York sows with lit- ters; 4 York sows due time of sale; York boar, 2 yrs. old. IMPLEMENTS: Nuffield die- sel tractor, model 460 with heat houser; I H C super C tractor with manure loader and chains; I H C No. 93 self propelled com- bine with pickup, bean equip- ment and all attachments, near- ly new; New Holland p.t.o. baler, nearly new; I H C 7 ft. power mower; Little Giant 32 ft. bale elevator; M.H. 4 bar side rake; 16 disc I H C power fertilizer drill; M.F. 32 plate 3 pt. hitch double disc; I H C 3 pt. hitch No. 36 plow; 3 sec- tion spring tooth cultivators; Geo. White wheel type cultiva- tor; 2 row corn planter; I H C 2 row corn scuffler; set of har- rows; I H C 8 ft. double disc; C 2 furrow plow; bean puller; snow blower; heavy duty rubber tired wagon and flat rack; I H C 100 bus. p.t.o. manure spreader, nearly new; Poile, 11 25 Auction Sales Continental large capacity weed sprayer on rubber; hammer mill; root pulper; 4 inch n ft, grain auger; 2 row turnip seed- er; air compressor; Pioneer chain saw; quantity of wire; quantity of fertilizer; milking machine, pump, motor, piping for 40 cows, 3 Surge units, one Wenwood unit; cream separa- tor; cattle clippers; stable fan, like new; extension ladder; steel water trough; set scales; logs; steel and wood fence posts; quantity of lumber; quantity of scrap iron; forks; shovels; tools, etc., etc. FEED: 2,000 bales of hay; 1,000 bales of straw. TRUCKS: 1962 Ford 700 dump truck; 1954 Ford 1/2 ton truck. FURNITURE: Bedroom suite complete; writing desk; coffee table; Honer electric piano; 2 oil stoves; propane gas heater; 2 bicycles; child's swing; 28 ft. TV tower; storm windows; flower stand; lawn chairs; new intercom, never used and other items. No Reserve - Terms Cash ACHIEL VERHULST, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE - St, Marys -284-3796 Extensive AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Machinery at LOT 25, CON. 2 McKILLOP TOWNSHIP, first farm north of Seaforth, on FRIDAY, APRIL 14 et 12:00 o'clock sharp MACHINERY: Massey Ferg- uson Super 90 diesel tractor, fully equipped, 1100 hrs., 4 fur- row 14 inch plow; Massey Har- ris 44 diesel tractor; Massey Harris 33 gas tractor; Allis Chalmers C tractor, snuffler and bean puller; Ford tractor with manure loader; plow; gravel scoop; 6 ft. mower; 410 Massey Ferguson 12 ft. com- bine, fully equipped, used two seasons; 12 ft. self propelled swather; Gehl forage harvester with corn and hay head, used 2 seasons; Allis Chalmers corn and hay blower; McCormick Deering 15 disc seed drill; two 3 furrow drag plows; Continen- tal post hole auger; steel far- rowing crate; 3 cultivators; 10 ft. spring tooth; 10 ft. McCor- mick Deering stiff tooth; Kong- skilde 113 ft. cultivator; 6 ft. one-way disc; 12 section dia- mond harrows; 3 drum land roller; 2 tractor discs, 8 and 10 ft.; fertilizer spreader, 3 pt. hitch; 35 ft. 6 inch grain au- ger; 14 ft, 6 inch grain auger; McCormick hammer mill; 76 ft. belt; 4 bar side rake; 10 ft. culti packer; Spraymitor weed sprayer, 22 ft. boom; Cockshutt m a n u r e spreader; 5 ton Case wagon; 5 ton Cock- shutt wagon; 2 forage boxes, self unloaders; grain box, 160 bus. (new); blacksmith anvil; forge and electric welder; 1947 3 ton Fargo stake truck and tarp; horse trailer; 'sleigh; cut- ter; 2 wheel farm trailer with stock rack; fanning mill; racing bike in A-1 condition; race har- ness; set of hobbles; electric grain dryer; battery charger; electric fencer; chain saw; elec- tric bench saw; emery with 1/2 h.p. motor; electric drive emery V2 h.p.; 32 boxes bolts and nuts, new; bench vice; 3 unit Universal pump: 3 Surge pails; electric 800 lb. Viking cream separator; 3 new spools barb wire; plank; lumber; 10 gal. hand sprayer; 100 cedar pasts, 6 and 8 inch tops; 6 and 4 inch tile; scrap iron. CATELE: 13 Holstein cows, 10 fresh and others due to freshen; 2 brown Swiss cows; 10 young Hereford calves; 14 Hereford heifers and steers, 2 yrs. old; 16 Hereford steers and heifers, 1 yr. old. PIGS: Registered English York hog, 1 yr. old; 5 York and Landrace sows with litters; 3 York and Landrace sows due in one month; 20 York and Landrace chunks; pig troughs. 12 hens and crates; 16 ft. cattle feeders; power lawn mower; loading chute; shovels; forks; chains; tools. FEED: 11 ton hog concen- trate; v2 ton pig starter pel- lets; 15 bags of milk cow con- centrate; hog and cattle min- eral, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; 21 ft. deep freeze and other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Lunch booth. Farm sold. TERMS: Cash. GRAHAM KERR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk Hensel' - Zurich - St. Josephs' Shipka - Centralia - Mount Carmel Corbett - Greenway Dashwood Times-Advocate, April 6, 1967 Phone 238-2122 for free pickup & delivery Use your window cord or see one of our agents GRAND BEND CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS ritee Voteickagig, Oecial MEN'S SPORTS r 90 COATS Cleaned & Pressed Taylor's Ready-to-wear 13ob Merner's Barbershop Gascho Clothing -Esso Servi ce Shipka Store Calcott's Variety -General Store General Store General Store Verne Schat2