HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-03-30, Page 1120 Wanted To Rent HOUSE IN LUCAN - One floor, modern. Call Howard Hodgson, Alisa Craig 293-3175 or Wilf Webb, Realtor, London. 30c 21 Property Wanted FARMS WANTED - All sizes. If you are thioking about sell- ing your farm please call Howard Hodgson 293.3175 cel- led at Ailsa Craig ItR, 2, or Wilf Webb Ltd., 432-2623 LOA- don-A Multiple Listing Services Realtor. 2:9:16:23:30* 22 Notices NOTICE Due to increased costs, we, the undersigned Mechanical Contractors, find it neces- sary to establish a charge out rate of $4.50 per hour as of April 1 1967. NORMAN FISCHER, Dashwood, Ontario GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD., Zurich, Ontario LEO'S PLUMBING & HEATING, Zurich, Ontario STADE & WEIDO, Zurich, Ontario LLOYD O'BRIEN, Zurich, Ontario TIEMAN'S HARDWARE, Dashwood, Ontario ED FINK PLUMBING, HEATING & ELECTRIC LTD„ Hensall, Ontario LORNE KLEINSTIVER PLUMBING & HEATING, Dashwood, Ontario H. C. TRUEMNER, Exeter, Ontario HODGE & SLAGHT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Crediton, Ontario JAKE'S PLUMBING & HEATING (L. Lindenfield) Exeter, Ontario 9:16:23:30c 14 Tenders Wanted 19 for Sale or Rent 2-BEDROOM house with new furnace. If rented, stove and frig supplied. Phone 235-1894. 3: Wine CREDITON - New 3-bedroom brick house, electric heat, fins basement, tow taxes. Phone 234- 0334, 3:23-4:27* UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND LTD. R. COWAN, DIVISION MANAGER, announces the Appointment of DON GAISER AS OUR REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS DISTRICT Mt. Geiser it a lifelong resident, lives at 313 Carling St., Exeter. He is fully qualified to handle all of DON GAISER UNITED'S SERVICES which inaludo - Life Insured Savings Plans - Growth investments - Registered Retirement Plans -Pension Plans and Imitediate tnearhe Plans. All inquiries attended to promptly, without obligation. $10,000 invested Jan,2/58 now worth, March 16/67, $28,934,42 PHONE 235-1543 Times-Advocate, March 30, 1967 Page 11 25 Auction Sales 5 Auction Sales. RAM STRAW: 125. hus: Russel oats, suitable for seed; 12$ bus. Rodney oats, suitable for seed; 700 lbs. Seaway seed beans: nuantity of loose straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: GE 9 cu. ft. refrigerator; Sunshine 4-burner electric stove; kitchen table and chairs; rockers; oc- casional chairs; Amherst up- right piano; daybed; dressers; beds; assortment dishes, seal- ers, crocks; cellar table and many other misc. items, No reserve as farm is $00. TERMS: Cash, ELMER RADER, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25 Auction 'Sales 1 caw carrying fourth calf, doe May 25; cow carrying fourth calf, due May 11; cow carrying fifth calf, due ,Tune 18; 2 cows carrying fifth calf, due April 1; caw recently fresh, ened, at foot; 2 cows car- rying second calf, due in April; 2 heifers due May 1 .and June , This is an extra good herd of cows and heifers selected from choice blood lines and producers. AU tests negative, DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Univer- sal milking machine including 3 units; Dari Kool 8-can milk cooler, like new. 150. bales of straw, TERMS: Cash. ARNOLD CANN, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 23:30c 25 Auction Sales uolcad6r; 2 - section diamond harrows; Mil tractor spreader; 2-wheel trailer; Ford pulley; Webster paint sprayer equipped with electric motor; galvanized water trough; butcher equip- ment including press and grind- er; extension ladder; walking plow; 200 ft. plastic hose; Briggs & Stratton garden trac- tor used one season; gas tank; weigh scales; block and tackle; grass seeder; tractor chains for 10x28 tires; hand sprayer; elec- tric fencer: cream separator; fanning mill; quantity lumber; barbed wire; cedar posts; set chime bells; chicken shelters; bag •truck; grease guns; forks; chains; shovels; snow fence; etc., etc. AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY PARKHILL DAM PROJECT TENDERS FOR GENERAL CONTRACT SEALED TENDER, addressed to the undersigned, and marked; "TENDER FOR GENERAL CONTRACT PARKHILL DAM PROJECT" will be received until 1:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, FRIDAY, 21st APRIL, 1967 for the construction of the Parkhill Dam Project including earth fill dams, concrete con- trol structure, highway bridge and Cameron - Gillies Relief Channel, Contract Documents may be obtained from M. M. Dillon Limited, 88.90 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario (post- al address: P.O. Box 219, Sta- tion "K", Toronto 12, Ontario) on deposit of Twenty-Five Dol- lars ($25,00) per set, made pay- able to the Treasurer of the Ausable River Conservation Authority and returnable to bona-fide bidders when the doc- uments are returned to M. M. Dillon Limited, in good condi- tion. The Authority itself to accept the lowest or any tender. MRS. C. HUME, Secretary-Treasurer. Ausable River Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 459, EXETER, Ontario, 30c Township of Stephen TENDERS FOR DRAINAGE WORK Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under- signed not later than. 5;00 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1967 for the excavation and cleaning out of approximately 6,300 lineal feet of open drain, known as the Walker Drain. Plan, profile and specifica- tions may be seen at the Town- ship Office, Main Street, Credi- ton, during office hours, Please state date when work can be commenced. Each tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque for 10% of the amount of tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, WILMAR D. WEIN, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Stephen, P.O. Box 99, Crediton, Ont. 30:6c does not bind BEINTONE Hearing Aid SERVICE CENTRE at MIDDLETON'S DRUGS EXETER Thursday, April 6 - 1 to 3 p.m. PHONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items to be held in the EXETER ARENA in the Town of Exeter The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public •auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 2 oc- casional chairs; chrome table and chairs; Philco med. size refrigerator; Norge 4 - burner electric stove; G E electric washing machine. (Above men- tioned items in new condition). RCA 21" television including ro- tator; end tables; coffee table; antique student desk; card ta- ble, 4 chairs; cedar chests; magazine rack; antique folding hall rack; mantel clock; foot stool; numerous mirrors; hu- midifier; wicker rocker; tri- lights; table lamps; 2 coal oil lamps; sewing machine; mod- ern 3-piece bedroom suite; oak bedstead; 2 dressers; steel baby bed; toilet set; dining room chairs; small rocker; high chair; radio; pictures, frames; brass jardiniere; vacuum clean- er; 2 clothes hampers; cur- tains; drapes; mats; large as- sortment bedding, quilts, com- forters, linen s, bedspreads; fancy work; glassware; silver- ware; set of dishes; kitchen utensils; novelties; 20 fancy cups and saucers; sandwich toaster; aluminum ware; hot plate; ironing board; new med. size space heater; step ladder; extension ladder; lawn roller; rubber hose; garden tools, etc. TERMS: Cash. GLEN McKNIGHT, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 23 : 30c TENDER FOR GRASS CUTTING TOWN OF EXETER Tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office until 1 p.m. April 3, 1967 for mowing grass with tractor mower in the Mu- nicipality of the Town of Exe- ter. Please state price per hour and equipment to be used, JAMES PAISLEY, Works Superintendent 23:30c AUCTION SALE of School House and Contents in the VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 p.m. 2-ROOM BRICK SCHOOL, stoker furnace, drilled well, deep well pressure system, 1/ acres of land, all contents of school building including desks, blackboards, book s, maps, school bell and other items. TERMS: Cash. For further information con- tact Vern Alderdice, RR 2 Kip- pen, phone Hensall 262-5494, Chairman of Huron County School Area # 1. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 23;30:6c TOWN OF EXETER Tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office until 1 p.m. April 3, 1967 for the following: Approximately 1,820 cu. yds. of earth on William St. and 1,900 cu. yds of earth on Vic- toria St. to be excavated and hauled to site at Riverview Park. Price per cu. yd. required for this work under the supervision of Works Superintendent. JAMES PAISLEY, Works Superintendent STREET EXCAVATION TENDERS FOR 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Cattle, Implements, Hay and Grain LOT 15, BAYFIELD ROAD, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 1 mile west of Varna, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m, sharp CATTLE: Hereford bull 21 yrs. old; 4 Hereford and Dur- ham cows with calves at foot; Hereford cow due time of sale; 5 cows springing June & July; 9 yearlings, Hereford and Dur- ham; 5 steers; 4 heifers, IMPLEMENTS: Case tractor, 1949 Model D; John Deere trac- tor with 3-point hitch scuffler attachment; 5 section harrows; 3 section harrows (light); 10 ft. John Deere cultivator; 12 ft. Massey Harris disc harrow; 6 ft. one-way disc; 15-run McCor- mick Deering double disc seed drill; seeder; 3 furrow Interna- tional ace bottom plow; Mc- Cormick Deering manure spreader; pea harvester; Case 6 ft. combine with clover at- tachment; 7 ft. Massey Harris binder suitable for swathing; Gehl forage harvester with corn attachments; Gehl blower with pipes; 2 forage harvester wa- gons; 7 ft, Case mower, 3 pt. hitch; hopper; Case side deliv- ery rake; 1951 Dodge truck; trailer; 1,000 lb. scales; flat hay rack; electric brooder; bag truck; lumber; wheelbarrow; 2 sugar kettles; forks; shovels; barrels. Bedsteads, stove, crocks. POULTRY: 100 Hybrid hens 1 year old. HAY & GRAIN: 10 ton good cut hiay; 500 bales mixed hay; 500 bus. Rodney oats suitable for seed; 100 bus, barley. TERMS: Cash, No reserve-farm sold. LEE McCONNELL, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 23:30c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 16, CON. 8, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 5 miles east of Exeter on Huron St., on FRIDAY, APRIL 14 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list in following is- sue. ROY COWARD, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30c THE AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites tenders for a NEW GAS ENGINE TRACTOR Sealed tenders marked "Ten- der for Tractor" will be re- ceived by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario until twelve o'clock noon E.S.T. on Thurs- day, April 6, 1967. Details and specifications for this tractor may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Old Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. C. Hume, Sec'y-Treas., Ausable River Conservation Authority Box 459, Exeter, Ontario 23:30c :30c AT WEBSTER SIGNS EXETER 235.0680 176 Victoria W. Important AUCTION SALE of 50-Acre Grass Farm, Livestock, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed, House- hold Effects & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10, CON. 21, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 21 miles west of Shipka or 3 miles south of Grand Bend Highway 81 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 50-acre farm, Lot 8, Con. 18, Stephen Twp., li miles west of Shipka thence 1 mile south. Ap- proximately 6 acres mixed bush, remainder tillable land, clay loam. Ample water supply. Ideal grass farm. TERMS OR REAL ESTATE.- 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 clays. Sold subject to a tea- sOnable reserve bid. • Holstein DISPERSAL SALE High Quality Holstein Dairy Cattle & Dairy Equipment On the premises, LOT 24, CON, 6, USBORNE TOWNSHIP i mile north of Thames Road Church Highway 83 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 1 at 1:30 p.m. Holstein cow carrying second calf due April 5; cow milking, recently bred; cow milking; cow carrying Second calf, due May 8; cow milking, fourth calf; cow carrying fourth calf, due sale date; cow carrying fourth calf, calf at foot; cow carrying third calf, due May 28; cow fresh one week, calf at foot; cow carrying second calf, due April 21; cow fresh two weeks, Calf at foot; cow carrying fourth calf, due sale date; cow carrying third calf, due April 14; eew carrying third calf, due May 7; cow carrying second calf, due May THE AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites tenders for a NEW FLAIL TYPE MOWER Sealed tenders marked "Ten- der for Mower" will be re- ceived by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario until twelve o'clock noon E.S.T. on Thurs- day, April 6, 1967. Details and specifications for this mower may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Old Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not fieeSSatily tideepted. Mrs. C. Ilutne, Sec'y-Treas, Atisable River Conservation Authority Box 450, Exeter, Ontario 23:30c 25 Auction Sales clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, oft).. bine, Farm. Machinery, Grain, Household Effects, Etc„ Etc. On the premises LOT 11, CON. 14, HAY TWP. 14 miles west of Dashwood, thence 25 miles north or 25 miles west of Zurich thence 25 miles south, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, COMBINE and HARVESTER: 1953 Ferguson standard tractor, hydraulic lift, completely overhauled, like new, equipped with 3-furrow plow; Case standard tractor, in good condition; McKee shred- der harvester, equipped with piping, closed in 20 ft. forage harvester rack and heavy duty wagon; Case 77 combine, equip- ped with, motor and all attach- ments, in new condition; MH 7 nine-foot pull type swather. FARM MACHINERY: McDeer- ing 13 run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber, used one sea- son; New Holland 5-bar side rake, like new; Myers pull-type power take-off weed sprayer, recently purchased; McDeering 7 ft. binder; McDeering 3-point hitch 7 ft. spring tooth cultiva- tor; Ford 3-point hitch cultiva- tor; bean puller; 5-section dia- mond harrows; Fleury Bissell tractor disc; Buehler heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. grain box; rubber tire wagon and grain box; McDeering 6 ft. mower; 3-drum steel roller; Mayrath 48 ft. elevator; 20 ft. 6 inch grain auger; electric mo- tors; Helix 100 bushel capacity, equipped with power take-off, 25 Auction Sales Please Note: Mortgage tetra can be arranged by contacting proprietor prior to sale date. Property will be offered for sale at 3;00 p.m. April 6. LIVESTOCK: Hereford coNv fresh one week, second calf at foot; Hereford cow fresh two weeks, second calf at foot; Holstein cow fresh since Dec., calf at foot; part Ayrshire and Durham cow fresh since Jan., calf at foot; red Durham cow due in April; Holstein heifer due in April; 2 part Hereford and Holstein cows due in April; red Durham cow due before sale date; 2 Holstein yearling steers; 4 Hereford yearling heifers; 6 Hereford and Dur- ham grass cattle. TRACTOR AND FARM MA- CHINERY: Avery standard tractor, recently overhauled, in guaranteed condition; 2-furrow hydraulic plow; Oliver 2-furrow pull type plow; McDeering 13- run grain and fertilizer drill; M. M. 16-run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber; McDeering 75 ft. spring tooth cultivator; Mc- Deering 2$-plate tractor disc; McDeering 6 ft. binder; Mc- Deering 6 ft. mower; M.H. bean puller; Cockshutt tractor manure spreader on rubber; Case 4-bar •side delivery rake; 4-section diamond harrows; Cockshutt team spreader; rub- ber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 21 ft, 4 inch grain auger; walking plow; Viking electric cream separator; 35 ft. wind- mill frame; rubber tire wheel- barrow; 2 electric motors; steel piping; electric motors; set of scales; fanning mill; Universal 3-gal, sprayer; 135 ft. hay fork rope; forks; shovels; chains, etc. FEED: Quantity baled hay and straw; quantity of grass seed; 125 bushel mixed grain. Quantity of household effects. No reserve, farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. J. VERN RIDLEY, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 23:30c Clearing AUCTION SALE FOR BILL McMILLAN, Staffa East Half of Lot 22, Con. 6, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 1 mile north and 11 miles west of Staffa or 7 miles south-east of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 o'clock sharp Sale consists of cattle, hogs, machinery, feed and household effects. Full list will appear in next week's issue, BILL McMILLAN, Proprietor LARRY GARDINER, Auctioneer DONALD KERNICK, Clerk 30c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Beet Harvester Equipment, Truck, Auto, Hogs and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 23, CON. 13, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP First farm south of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. Sale includes John Deere 40 10 diesel tractor used three sea- sons, including power steering and brakes, completely hydrau- lic with John Deere 5-furrow semi mounted plow; 1957 Oliver 88 diesel tractor with hydraulic controls, in A-1 condition; 1952 Ford 8N standard tractor with hydraulic controls; M.H. 22 Farmall type tractor with scuf- fler; John Deere No, 95 com- bine with grain and corn head pick-up, recently purchased; 1957 Dodge truck with racks and 'hoist; 1960 Plymouth 4-door sedan; John Deere 4-row corn planter; John Deere 15-run grain and fertilizer drill on rub- ber; 13/ ft. Kongskilde cultiva- tor; New Holland 66 hay baler; New Holland 5-bar side rake, used one season; Int. power take-off mower; 42 ft. bale ele- vator. Complete list of sale in next week's issue, ANDREW DIEPSTRATEN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30c 25 Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable 150-Acre Farm, Tractor, Truck Auto, Farm Machinery, House- hold Effects and Misc, Items On the premises LOT 31, CON, 20, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP east of Corbett or 25 miles west of Mt. Carmel The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE - Parcel No. 1 consists of Lot 31, Con. 20, McGillivray Twp., 100 acres of land on which is situated well built white brick dwelling with modern conveniences, Newly in- stalled oil furnace. Large bank barn and drive shed. Land of choice clay loam, well drained, 55 acres plowed, remainder in grass; 5 acres mixed bush. Never failing water supply, Parcel No, 2 - Consists of Lot east half 32, Con. 21, Mc- Gillivray Twp., 50 acres of land, 5 acres mixed bush, remainder all tillable. Land choice clay loam. Bank barn. Both farms in high state of cultivation and situated directly across from each other. Please Note: These farms will be offered in one lot, namely 150 acres. TERMS of Real Estate - 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve hid. TRACTOR, TRUCK, AUTO - Cockshutt 30 standard tractor in good condition; 1951 Dodge truck with stock racks; 1956 Meteor 4-door sedan. FARM MACHINERY: McDeer- ing 3-furrow plow; MH 75 ft. spring tooth cultivator; Mc- Deering 13-run grain and ferti- lizer drill; McDeering 3-bar side rake; 3 and 4 section dia- mond harrows; 3-section spring tooth harrows; 2-drum steel roller; John Deere 2-row corn planter; McDeering power take- off 7 ft. mower; McDeering 2- row scuffler; Fleury Bissell horse-drawn disc; Oliver trac- tor disc; 2 rubber tire wagons; hay rack; gravel box; dump rake; horse - drawn manure spreader on rubber; colony house, 10x12; stone boat; 50-ft. belt; quantity of lumber; 4 bunches cedar shingles; cedar posts; Portland cutter; pig crate; set of scales; 2 steel water troughs; grain auger; 2 sets of sling ropes; iron kettle; 5 sheets galvanized sheeting; horse clippers; rifle; 200 jute bags; brooder stove; quantity of dry cord wood; cyclone seed- er; sausage grinder and press; chains; forks; shovels; tools; etc., etc. GRAIN: 600 bushel of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: GE deluxe 9 cu, ft, refrigerator; GE 4-burner electric stove, in new condition; GE washing ma- chine, recently purchased; GE 21 inch TV; 2-piece chesterfield; 2 china cabinets; GE vacuum cleaner; 2 bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; oak rock- ers: cedar chests; drop-leaf table; space heater; antique small box stove; coal and wood stove; assortment of dishes, etc., etc. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. TERMS: Cash. MRS. MADELINE SMITH, MRS. MARILYN THOMPSON, Executors for the estate of the late Joseph Ryan ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30;6c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 50-Acre Farm, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT SOUTH HALF 13, CON. 5, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 25 miles east of Exeter, Y2 mile south, on SATURDAY, APRIL 15 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list in following is- sues, MRS. LORRAINE FISCHER, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30c Anything you start we can "finish" THE PAINT POT Of AlliATEX PAINTS SAVE 45% over • •• Only WHEN YOU BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE 1 GALLON $100 1 QUART THE PAINT POT Only 25° WHEN YOU BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE ALI. FIRST Quality Products 10 days only,