HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-03-23, Page 10MARCH SALE Corning Soon March 27 -April 1 HUNTLEY'S DRUG STORE EXETER PHONE 235-1070 For the Future Investment In Canada's Natural Resources Through CANADIAN GAS & ENERGY FUND LTD. These industries provide the cornerstone for the expansion of the Canadian economy by providing Energy, Power and Raw Materials for Future Industrial Development. Many in- vestors are j oined together in a Mutual Fund to gain the Professional Management and diversification few could achieve alone. Invest as little as $20.00 per month A GOOD INVESTMENT IS STILL THE SUREST ROAD TO FINANCIAL SECURITY Eleanor Hayter, District Manager, Grand Bend 238-2785 Representing CANADIAN SECURITY MANAGEMENT LIMITED, 170 Dundas Street, Suite 31, London, Ontario. Telephone 438-5171 Distributors of Canadian Gas & Energy Fund Ltd. Canadian Security Growth Fund Ltd. Hockey on Ultra-vision by Watch this year's Stanley Cup Playoffs through every exciting minute on this General Electric 19" Deluxe Portable with walnut grain finish. Its "Daylight Blue" Picture Tube provides increased contrast and brightness and the two front mounted 6" x 2" "Dyna- power" Speakers give true "at-the-game" sound reproduction. This year don't settle for a fuzzy puck you can't find until the close-up of the net. Get the best t get General Electric, (147912 complete with base) 1 9900 even less with your used set Russell Electric EXETER 235.0505 H. 11:1 111111.41.1. .0,11,0 00 DISPLAY Man (WIndows) gaol to 5100 Able Ageno DI$P nIshIng" a•cY e-$6-ngr"-Irain gencY, 175 51, OP CO.' Oulci ApinCy;1SO*Sw*iv.. CIV y MO-AEtrct1C DRA-Of. TO 1171A Sanilar or s; too od RKPlit..-afff IMO ga-Sait tho USk- Ink "Cjtr sil of $47Mtgal tkar"" Hire todaYi PARKER A9thtt. ISV W 44 CLERK Mumbles I Matins sooty •11/ oricinestimatina c#1; GL 6910. 41/11114ilehataRia flow iapI;rob4ii-i'AtolTetilli; Fold $90 qlorli Agency, 152 IV 17 s ECIITLGN iht 10) TORIA al hod P Av RUTIN alit imams shed ow 19_1112f cearard•MerrI11 Ammo., 37 W. 79 A Ni ts" 507 MAY ALAN RIC 1V1 EuUl Pett'Cat RI 5t XP111*-0PCI )epencl SIC IAN LOU' Agencyrm, excel 509 Sth A CLERK, ix AGENCY, 1044CO, E layout pct; 1. 119 Jr U, Pion-rren s1 t_31.4 Jr-147):975 rren St NYC tat InFi-$9 11 . Av CLERK.TyMs11, NMI $75. HORN Aiency, CLERICS, id at figs, Gitlin Agency 509 Sth CLK/Asst Elk TV Gd detis. Griffith rc -$1 Volume daater-N Y C. vicinit 11'. Waite Ajtency, 210 Madison NO) ifoyir4PER-9valat oral Oka ass Sa5 to start. PL 5-1259. IKTCPR. CO. INS PEC1ALTY AGENCY, 1: I IS W. 42 RM 202 • 41 A X Qum. Y. 509 5 , EG NNER-117 SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 DRAFTSMAN-ITr! yi5,TcLy1,10' , Ith F cLrig flinmr ,t2C15.1.RAr gency Co bbini on 1( John Rm LY , P/ B 0 W CONTACT Agencyklit E 41 MU 5.1674 COFFEE SN MGR $125 Hose/5 D Trok Triad Agency 11 W 42 EE. w/wa big Pot,. OriffittrAgency,* A Ave ELECL epees, mine .vt.. ittit.t. CLERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 r 3 Male Help Wanted 17 Properly For Rent 18 For Rent 9 Services 16 Property For Sale 13 For Sale 10 Livestock For Sale Page 10 March 23, 1967 Classified Rates YOUNG MAN to work in sheet metal shop. Experience pre- ferred, immediate, and steady employment. Write Box C H The Exeter Times-Advocate. 16:23c NO WORRY about money among good Rawleigh dealers. They work for themselves. Earn more than a boss can af- ford. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-202.813, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal, 23c GOOD OPPORTUNITY in meat processing and custom slaugh- tering plant. Experience pre- ferred. Apply in person, Exeter Frozen Foods. 16:23c 1-BEDROOM apartment, lawn- ROOMS - Meals optional, TV. dry room with washing ma- Phone 235-1153. 23:30:6:13* chine, etc. Phone during the day 235-0270. 11:17tfnc COMPLETE MOBILE SERVICE: Ornamental railings; TV tow- ers; antenna service; welding, Harding Railing Co., Jim Hardy 227-4439 Lucan. 12:Itfnc FARM - Approximately 85 acres workable land, good land, good buildings. Apply Box H A The Times-Advocate, Exeter, 23* MAN'S BROWN SUIT, size 38; lounging :pyjamas, size 12; dresses, sizes 12 and 16; 2 tweed jackets, size 10; 2 jack- ets, size 14; 2 coats, size 10 and 12. May he seen at Mid- Town Cleaners, 23:30c BALED HAY and straw, ap- proximately 600 bales, Phone 236.4765. 23* REGISTERED Holstein heifer calves. Apply Bob Galloway 234-6279. 23c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due now. William Allen, Winchelsea. 43. 25 PIGS 8 weeks old. Phone Harold Butler, Lucan 227-4254. 23c 19 For Sale or Rent CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within 8 days First Insertion 4 0 PER WORD (Minimum 800) UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc CREDITON - New 3-bedroom brick house, electric heat, full basement, low taxes. Phone 234- 6334. 3:23-4:27* INCOME TAX returns com- pleted, $3.00 and up. George Eizenga, Box 35 Lucan. Phone 2274851, 2:16-4:27c FARMERS wanting their cattle sprayed for lice contact Bill Watson, 237.3306 Dashwood. 12:1tfnc 3 YEARS OLD, yellow brick house, attached garage. Three or four bedrooms, rec room, On lot 75' x 120', $15,900. Also cleared building lot next door, same size, $1,500. Riverview Heights. Phone 235-0592. 9tfnx 18 For Rent Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. PART HEREFORD and Holstein white faced calves. Apply Ted. Geoffrey, 236-4768. 23c 52 CHUNKS - 40 - 50 lbs. Call 262-5262 Hensall. 23c 14 Wanted To Buy FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc Second Insertion 3 1 2 0 PER WORD (Minimum 700) HIGH CHAIR or baby tenda in good condition. Phone 235-2472. 23c CALL JB AT 1863 WALLPAPERING, int erior painting, For free estimates phone Lloyd Greenacre 235-2616. 11: 10tfnc COWS & CALVES - Apply Box H A The Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 23* TIMBER - Best prices paid on all standing timber. Cash paid in advance. Write or call for free estimates, Special prices on walnut. Bill Poulton, Exeter. Phone 235-1153. 23:30:6* Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) VACUUM CLEANER Sales and service for all makes. Robert K. Peck, Zurich, Phone 262-5350 Hensall, 4tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill, 294-6321. 23tine 4 Female Help Wanted 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '59 FORD V-8 coach. Cheap car. Phone 235-0491 after 6. 23c HOUSEKEEPER - One child welcome. Apply Box B R The Times-Advocate, Exeter. 23;30c 16 Properly For Sale COSY 3 - BEDROOM 1i storey brick house, hot water furnace, good barn, fruits, 2 acres, Cred- iton, low taxes, $4700 down. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11: 24tfric THE CENTENNIAL OFFICE In business for one-tenth of a Century - HOMES - FARMS - BUSINESS - LOTS - MORTGAGE MONEY - TRUST CERTIFICATES 20o EXTRA 5 Help Wanted 13 For Sale If not paid in 8 days following publication. GIRL'S PINK spring coat, size 8, in good condition, Phone Mrs. Lloyd Rader, 237-3292, 23c FOR ONTARIO # 1 Sebago po- tatoes, call 234-6488. Main St., Crediton. 3:2-4:6c REFRIGERATOR in good work- ing order. Apply to Harry De Vries. Phone 235-0555 9tfnx FARROWING CRATES - Save baby pigs. All steel, easy ad- justment mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. 262-5282 or 236-4072. 12: Vine BOOKKEEPER EXETER NURSING HOME-24- hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate s e r v i c e, always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, phone 227-4254 or 227-4312 col- lect. 10:4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2031. or 238-2166. 8: Stine Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum two inches, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. The Times-Advocate invites ap- plications for an experienced bookkeeper capable of taking a full set of books up to trial balance. This is an interesting, diversified position in a modern airconditioned office. Excellent remuneration for person who has qualifications and can as- sume responsibility. Apply in own handwriting to Robert Southcott stating qualifications and experience. 16tfnc 5-YEAR-OLD ranch style home, attached garage, full basement, 3 bedrooms, oil heat, lots of cupboards. Lot 85'x125'. Phone 235-2115. 2:23tfnc JOHN BURKE OWNER TRANSFERRED-Must sell. Four or five bedroom ranch style, attached garage, den, dining room, large living room, fireplace, 4 pee. and 2 pee. bath, full basement, recre- ation room, landscaped, close to schools, downtown, etc., 7% mortgage. 404 Edward St. Dial 235-2835. 2:23tfnc ELDIVILLE - 2-bedroom brick home. New furnace, bath, etc. Must be sold to settle estate. Phone 235-2420. 10: 20tfnc LOT - 80' frontage, sanitary sewers available, storm drains, hard surface street. Box 543 Exeter. 23c TWO BEDROOM house, 499 Market St., furnace, 3 pee bath, low down payment acceptable; Three bedroom house, 373 Marl- borough St., 3 pee bath, partial basement, oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 566 Main St. 235-0720. 2: 2tfne BUNGALOW - Full basement. Small down payment, easy monthly instalments, 6% inter- est. Phone 235-2942. 3:16tfne BUNGALOW - Five years old, 2 bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, utility room, g a r a g e, land- scaped, good location. Phone 235-2345, 9:16:23c RED BRICK house, 2 bedrooms, utility room, 4-piece bath, liv- ing room, good size kitchen and dining area, oil heat, separate garage, on 78'x76' lot, in Exe- ter. Phone 235-1008 after 6 p.m. 16:23c Limited Devon Building Phone 235-1863 "Let your hair down Grow a beard" 1:5tfnc Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. 8 Situations Wanted 17 Property For Rent ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc WOULD LIKE to do typing in my own home. Phone 235-1016.. 23c MODERN furnished apartment, heat and water supplied. Cen- tral location. Suitable for two. Apply Bill's Barber Shop. Dial 235-0915 or 227-4652. 2 : 9tinc 1 BEDROOM apartment or 1 bed - sitting room apartment. Whilsmith Senior Citizens, 235- 2473. 3:23tfnc HOUSE. - Modern bathroom, oil furnace. Possession April 1. Phone 296-4341 Thedford. 16:23* 2-BEDROOM apartment, upper, private entrance, utilities paid, 1 mile west on Huron St. Dial 235-2427 or 235-1027. 3:23tfnc 3-ROOM apartment, downstairs, furnished, heated, self-contain- ed, private entrance. Apply 145 Victoria St., Exeter. 23c 65-ACRE FARM, all plowed, 1 mile east of Mt. Carmel, Apply J, Mahoney, phone 237-3298. 23:30c 2/2, cent per pound for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 85 C 67 We go any place any time. 3:16tfne GIRL WOULD LIKE baby sit- ting every night, dependable. Phone 235-2025. 23c DACHSHUNDS, Toy Manchester and Fox Terriers, smooth, short coated pets. Visitors, inquiries invited. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 9tfnc SEBAGO # 1 potatoes at 20 a lb. 4 miles west of Hensall on 84 highway or 2 niiles east of Zurich. Phone 2364038. 2: 23-3 : 30c 9 Services CUSTOM SAWING - No tree too large. Remove your dead elms. Phone 235-1153. 23:30:6:13* SILOS - For poured concrete silos 14 ft. to 30 ft. in diam- eter, call D & R Silos and Ele- vators, RR 5 Mitchell. Phone 347-2793. 3:23-4:27c BRICK WORK - Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work; fireplaces built; basements re- paired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, Box 335 Seaforth. Phone 527-1332. 3: 16tfnc TRI-TOWN Bookkeeping Serv- ice, serving Huron county. Five years' experience in all phases of bookkeeping. Call collect 482-9260. 1: 5tfnc SILOS - A solid, poured-con- crete silo offers greater strength and longer life-does a better, safer storage job, yet the cost is often less than other types. Let us quote you prices, financ- ing and construction arrange- ments for a poured-concrete silo or liquid manure tank. Write Solid Silos Ltd., London, or phone London 432-7106, eve- nings 438-3778; or Forest 622R31. 20:30:6:13c SINGER - Sales, Service, Rent- als - Your bonded authorized representative will be in Exeter district every Tuesday, Phone Walper's Tip-Top 235-0991 or G. Courtney 227-4884 Lucan after 6. Singer Co. of Canada Ltd., 206 Dundas St., London, 432-7193. 2:9tfnc GROW CUCUMBERS And make extra money-if you have 1/2 acre of land or more. We pay highest prices. All Hybrid Seed Free pick-up at gate. BICK'S OF CANADA Grading Station # 10 ALBERT KRAMERS, DUBLIN Phone 30R3 2:23-6:1c 400 BALES of wheat straw; 3,000 bales of timothy, red' clover and alfalfa, crimped, choice hay. Phone 262.5203. 23* GENERAL mobile home, 50'x10', 2 bedrooms, excellent condition, to be removed from lot. Phone 228-6252. 1.6tInx 2 BOYS' SUITS, size 10 and 14; boy's jacket, size 14, May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 16:23c Lost LOADING CHUTE off cattle truck between Corbett and Hen- sail on March 16. Finder please phone Norman Hodgins at 294- 6567. 23c 3,i0 ACRES of cash crop land, good for beans and corn. Phone 237-3536. 23:30:6c 3 Male Help Wanted TRAINED & EQUIPPED to handle your 15 RUN International drill; 8 in. International hammermill; 8 ft, Massey-Harris double tooth cul- tivator; 2 wheel trailer; s/4 h.p. Leeland electric motor. Phone 238-2675. 23" YOUNG MAN PREFERABLY EXPERIENCED FOR PUC WORK in the ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING NEEDS 130 ACRES, 1i storey brick house with all conveniences; barn, hen house and implement shed; 115 acres workable land, well drained, plowed for spring crop; 5 miles from Exeter in Usborne twp.; spring posses- sion. 100 ACRES, 2 storey brick house with oil fur- nace; barn 36 x 90; 90 acres workable, 10 acres bush; spring fed pond; 7 miles from Exeter in Usborne twp. Phone Milne Pullen, St. Marys 284-3823. Harry E. Waghorn, Realtor, Queen St., St. Marys. 284-2100. RED COAT and three - piece corduroy outfit, Both size three. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 23c 23" TELEVISION, radio and stereo combination, new condi- tion. Asking $299.000, cost $649.00 new. Phone 235-2725. 23* GIRL'S RED COAT, size 8. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners, 23e Twelve years' experience. Call VILLAGE OF HENSALL PATRICK WILDS Written applications to H. D. Page, Hensall PUC, Hensall, by April 1, 1967. 16 : 23c 237-3616 Dashwood 23*tfnc DEAD STOCK LOCAL MAN REQUIRED FOR FRESH DEAD, DISABLED COWS AND HORSES WE PAY 1/2 0 PER LB. WEIGHING OVER 500 POUNDS Small animals also picked up. For the most prompt and cour- teous service in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License No. 390-C-65 3:23.5:25* 3 GALVANIZED wire rabbit cages, 5 sections to each cage, excellent condition. Phone Jim Darling 235-2794 after -6:00 p.m. 23* I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age 21 to 70, Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Contact now! Alvin Rau, RR 2 Zurich, Ont. Phone 236-4877 after 6 p.m. 9:16:23:30c Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. CONCRETE SILOS - Farmers interested in a silo 14 ft. in diameter contact us while still a few openings. Twenty-eight years' experience. Wes Hugill & Son, Zurich. 236-4928. 16: 23: 2: 9c CRIB & MA'TT'RESS, natural finish, $10.00: Lloyd stroller, 35.00; chrome high chair, $5.00. Phone 228-6833. Apply 127 Ken- sington Crescent, Huron Park. 23c Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coa I BRUCE REFRIGERATION Sales & Service, Grand Bend. We sell the best and service the rest. New and used bulk and can milk coolers and all Kelvinator appliances. Phone 238-2385. 3 : Z3tfne 10 Livestock For Sale FOR YOUR carpentering, plas- tering and bricklaying needs, phone Leeland Restemayer, Dashwood 237-3544. 2:9:16:23c IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 2 MARES - Western broke, ride or drive. Bob Denomme, corner Carling St. and High- way 83, Exeter. 23* 228-6638 PLASTERING and stucco; ceil- ing repairs and alterations. Phone Lucan 227-4717. 2:16-3:23c AT EASTER MEAT BUYS 59 ° CONKLIN COMPANY LUMBER LTD. FURNITURE BY WEBSTER REFINISHING CUSTOM DESIGNED * BRANCH MANAGER * OUTSIDE SALESMEN • INSIDE SALESMEN • SALES TRAINEES Phone 235-0680 HAM ROASTS 59 °16. WEBSTER SIGNS - •.v.a.'," ' '‘ "..,..1k, N.S. lar,.... ' ...../ c•Nor4.,:".„,"ie""y:,-.....,--,,,,-,,,,,,:...,..,,,cr.e.-,... Victoria St., Exeter Experience in retail building materials preferable but not essential. Stine FRESH SIDE PORK 59 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 27269 Dead Animal Licence No, 82-C-67 3:23ane PORK LOIN ROASTS ,,,59i PORK RIBS 59‘ lb. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Reply in writing stating age, education, experience and personal history to J. ECCOTE CONKLIN LUMBER COMPANY Ltd. KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO 23c COCA-COLA 28 ox. Size A 100 Plus If for 111 Deposit MERNER'S MEAT MARKET Phone 237-3314 DASHWOOD