HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-03-16, Page 11LOOK AT THE SPECIALS Better than new ,64 METEOR 4-door hardtop, automatic, radio, white walls, A95366 '66 METEOR 2-door hardtop, A94607 '65 METEOR 500 Fordor, 352 cu, in„ automatic, radio, black, white walls, A8428 '65 METEOR •2-door hardtop, completely equipped, A94169. '65 AUSTIN, 4 cyl., tutone, excellent, A98554 '59 AUSTIN 2-door, 980-141 `58 VOLKSWAGEN, 971.720 SOUTH END SERVICE Russ & Chuck Snell Exeter — 235.2322 24 hour Wrecker Service Nights Phone 235.2763 TRUCKS 61 FALCON RANCHERO 64 FORD PICKUP, style side, 8' box. C740045 64 FORD RANCHERO, v-a automatic. 064875 63 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP. 075852 63 ECONOLINE BUS. 1994B 63 FORD F950 tractor. C71025 62 FORD PICKUP. C71313 59 FORD 3/4 TON STAKE, C74584 47 FORD 3-ton dump stake. 071896 TRACTORS Ferguson loader 7 ft. spring tooth cultivator 41 ease S, PTO and pulley, above average 51 Ferguson 20.85 and loader 58 Cockshutt 540 57 Ford 661, live PTO 59 David Brown 950 62 Massey 50 61 Dexta Diesel, above average 61 Super S. Mat Times-Advocate, March 16, 1967 Pao. 11 13 For Sale 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 16 Properly For Sale 25 Auction Sales ZS Tenders Wanted TENDERS LOT 80' frontage, sanitary sewers available, storm drains, hard surface street. 13QX 543 Exeter. e; ethic 11 Properly For Rent MODERN furnished apartment, heat and water supplied, Cen- tral location, Suitable for two. Apply Bill's, Barber Shop, Dial 235.0915 or 227-4652. 2:9tfnc NICELY furnished, steam heat- ed apartment, 1 block from post office, $49,00 a month. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. Phone 235-2912. 3; laftic HOUSE — Modern bathroom, oil furnace, Possession April 1. Phone 296.4341 Thedfoed. 16:23* 1-BEDROOM apartment, laun- dry room with washing ma- chine, etc. Phone during the day 235-0270. 11;17tinc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 P,111- 12tfnc GOATS — 2 male kids, Lour months old. Phone 29/13 Gran- ton. 16c 2 PRESSURE Pumps, 1 deep well jet. Phone 29R3 Granton. lac MASSEY HARRIS 30 row crop With live hydraulic, in good condition; wagon and hay rack with 18" grain side. Phone a94- 6567. 16e 30 PIGS (chunks); 500 bales of alfalfa hay, Ralph Rowe, 11 miles west of Brinsley, 293.3055, 2 BOYS' SUITS, size 10 and 14; boy's jacket, size 14. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 16:23P FRAME BARN, 30' x 50', good steel roofing, timbers, 2" x 6" rafters, siding, etc. Apply to Cain's Mill Ltd, 16e PROPANE gas water heater, with controls, $20.00. Phone 262- 2230, 16c 3 MALE border Collie pups, 41 months old. Phone 228-6209, 16c Sprayer with 21 ft. boom; JD corn sheller; New Idea corn picker, No. 7; 3 grain augers, 21', 16', 12'; 2 trailers, one with steel box; IIIC corn plant- er, 2-row; 2000 Ile scales; hog crate and scales; Ebersel snow blower; tractor umbrella and chains, 10x28 tires; 1947 Fargo half ton truck; quantity of poultry equipment; hog feeders; cattle clippers; Jack-all jack; 75 ft. of 6" belt; IHC cream separator and strainer; exten- sloe ladder; paint sprayer; anew fence and Lumber; other small articles. 300 bales of oat straw; 1,000 bales first cut mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD: 2 double beds; single bed; student's desk; writing desk and library table; chest of drawers; china cabi- net and buffet; electric stove; fern stand and other pieces. TERMS: Cash day of sale. Farm is sold, Proprietor is not responsible for accidents. HARVEY HyDE, Proprietor HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer Phone 898-5330 Alvinston 9:16e 18 For Rent Are called for the purchase of swill and for the purchase of Kitchen By-products from Ca- nadian Forees Base Clinton for the period April 1st, 1967 to March 31st, 1968. Closing date for tenders is March 24th, 1967. Tenderers for the removal of swill are to quote a price per 100 pounds. The successful ten- derer will be required to re- move all swill daily and to provide all containers and maintain them in sanitary con- dition- Tenderers must hold a licence from the Department of Agriculture to feed kitchen by- products to animals, Tenderers for the purchase of Kitchen By-products are to quote a price per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, suet and grease. The successful ten- derer will be required to re- move the by-products at least once a week and to provide all containers and maintain them in a sanitary condition. Any questions regarding ten- ders are to be referred to the Senior Supply Officer, Canadian Forces Base, Clinton, 16c BABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd, brown in color, in excellent condition, makes into car bed. Phone 227-4610 Lucah. 16c FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 1e:13tine new), hydra electric cylinder and hoses; Kongskilde 34 tooth cultivator; 12' land packer; 4 section harrows; 3 section har- rows; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; John Deere 4 row Planter, 2 years, (as new), adj. to 28"; Geld P.T.O. hammer mill; New Holland P.T.O. spreader; New Holland No. 55 role bar rake; Oliver 7' mower; Innis 4 row bean windrower; Innis 3 pt. bean puller with extension P.T.O. shaft; Oliver 2 row front mounted bean puller; 32' 6" Mayrath auger P,T.O.; 700 Allis Chalmers wagon, 16' flat rack; Cobey wagon, torpedo wagon (new); 2 gravity grain boxes; snow blower 3 pt.; trailer; 32' smoker elevator, 94 motor; 1 h.p. electric motor; Briggs & Stratton gas motor; 2 Du It cattle oilers; cedar posts, steel posts, used lumber; air com- pressor; skil saw; %" power drill; weed sprayer; two 200 gal. tanks; heat houser, WD; heat houser 1600; tractor chains; 8 ton hydraulic jack; quantity snow fence; 1 bolt assortment from Trans Continental Balt Co.; numerous household arti- cies. TERMS: Cash. CLARKE ZINN, Prop. EMILE MaeLENNAN, Auct, 16c niers B standard tractor in good condition; Ford standard tractor equipped with heavy duty Davis loader; Cho( half ton pickup truck; Fox forage harvester equipped with hay and corn attachments, perfect condition; 2 new Dion self un- loading forage harvester racks; 5-ton rubber lire wagon; 84ton rubber tire wagon, like new; MeDeering power take-off 12 ft. swather; MeHeering power take off 7 ft. mower; MeDeering 13- run grain and fertilizer drill; MeDeering 4-furrow plow; Mc- Deering 9 ft. stiff tooth cultiva- tor; M M 4-bar side delivery rake; Allis Chalmers 2-row muffler for el tractor; Me- Deering 5 section diamond har- rows; two 3-section diamond harrows; MeDeering inthroW 14-plate disc; Otaco tractor spreader; 3-drum steel roller; M.H. bean puller; circular saw, including extra blade; 5 ton hydraulic jack; Gem electric grinder; 14 ft. grain elevator; handyman jack; electric fencer; post hole digger; windlass; grass seeder; hay knife; bunt- ing pole; scythe; tractor um- brella; 2 grease •guns; 175 pieces 2x4-34 inches long; 2 fanning mills; single plow; root pulper; heavy anvil; vice; emery; pig trough; 100 ft. ce- ment forms; iron gates; air Compressor with paint attach- ment; gravel box; oil barrels and pump; chicken crates; 25 ft of 7 inch belt: 40 ft. 3 inch belt; ladders; Surge milking machine with 2 units; 7 milk cans; electric brooder; end posts; steel posts; quantity of tools: belt lacer; electric cat- tle clippers; milk cart; 150 ft. one inch piping; set sleighs; cutter; light sleigh; bag truck: block and tackle; quantity of cement blocks; 2 rolls snow fence; sling ropes; 8 sheets of galvanized sheeting; silo pipes; chains: forks; shovels. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Frigidaire 91 cu. ft. refrigera- tor, nearly new; chrome table; chesterfield; antique sofa and chair; swivel chair; kitchen cabinet; centre and end tables; television; kitchen chairs; cel- lar tables; beds; dressers; as- sortment of dishes and lamps; vases; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; sealers; crocks; light fixtures, etc., etc, No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth, Selling will start sharp at 12:30 p.m, TERMS: Cash, LEONARD ERB, Prop. DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16:23c 19 For Sale or Rent TRUCK TENDERS 16 Properly For Sale 00111004100111401114,011101110404141/4100110 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Hogs, Hay, Straw and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 3, CON. 1, HAY TWP., 1/2 mile north of Exeter, Hwy. 4 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS ANT) FARM MA- CHINERY — John Deere Stand- ard 2010 tractor equipped with 36A heavy duty loader, all in brand new condition; MeDeer- ing W4 Standard tractor in A-1 condition; John Deere No. 33 tractor spreader, like new; Kongskilde 3-point hitch 12 ft. cultivator; John Deere hydrau- lic lift 3-furrow plow; M.H. power take off 7 ft. mower; John Deere 15-run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber; Mc- Deering 3-bar side rake, like new; New Holland hay baler; rubber tire wagon; 4-section diamond harrows; steel water trough; snow fence; self pig feeder; self cattle oiler; sump pump; girl's bicycle; boy's bi- cycle, etc., etc. HAY AND STRAW— 200 bales straw; 2,500 bales mixed hay. HOGS — 28 Yorkshire stocker pigs. No reserve, farm sold. TERMS: Cash. FRED BISCHOFF, Prop. DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16:23c HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 2-BEDROOM white frame house, garage, on half acre of land, Huron St., new oil furnace, will sell reasonably. Phone 235-1305, 16* Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 30, 1967, for Se TON PICK UP TRUCK. One 1960 pick up truck to be traded in. For tender forms and speci- fications contact the Road Su- perintendent. ED. CHAPPEL, Road Superintendent, RR 1, Cromarty, Ont. Tel. Dublin 42r11 or 42r14 16:23c WANTED! 20 Wanted To Rent COSY 3 - BEDROOM 11 storey brick house, hot water furnace, good barn, fruits, 2 acres, Cred- iton, low taxes, $4700 down. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11:24tfne 5-YEAR-OLD ranch style home, attached garage, full basement, 3 bedrooms, oil beat, lots of cupboards. Lot 85'x125'. Phone 235-2115. 2:23tfrie OWNER TRANSFERRED—Must sell. Four or five bedroom ranch style, attached garage, den, dining room, large living room, fireplace, 4 pce. and 2 pee. bath, full basement, recre- ation room, landscaped, close to schools, downtown, etc., 7% mortgage. 404 Edward St. Dial 235-N-15. 2:23tfne ELIMVILLE — 2-bedroom brick home. New furnace, bath, etc. Must be sold to settle estate. Phone 235-2420. 10: 20tIne 0 DOBBS for DODGE GOOD USED CARS — CASH OR TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON A NEW 67 DODGE OR CHRYSLER MODERN unfurnished 2 bed- room house, preferably in Exe- ter, suitable for a three mem- ber family. Phone 235,2445, after 5:00 p.m. 235-0997, 16c 21 Property Wanted 1963 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8 automatic. Lic. E78610 $1,395 1963 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN automatic, radio. Lic. E78612 $1,395 1963 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8 automatic, radio, black with red trim. Lie. A84527 $1,295 1962 ENVOY 4-DOOR SEDAN Top economy. Lic. E80318 $595 1962 FALCON 2-DOOR STATION WAGON 6 cyl., radio, low mileage. Lic. 94670X $925 100 - 200 ACRES cash crop farm. Condition of house not impor- tant. State price and location. Apply Box C C The Exeter Times-Advocate. 9:16* FARMS WANTED — All sizes. If you are thinking about sell- ing your farm please call Howard Hodgson 293-3175 col- lect at Ailsa Craig RR 2, or Wilf Webb Ltd., 432.2623 Lon- don—A Multiple Listing Services Realtor. 2:9: 16: 23: 30* 25 Auction Sales 22 Notices DOBBS MOTORS LIMITED NOTICE 235-1250 216 Main South, Exeter 235-1486 0041111•1111141110.0111000111•••0111000 Due to increased costs, we, the undersigned Mechanical Contractors, find it neces- sary to establish a charge out rate of $4,50 per hour as of April 1 1967. NORMAN FISCHER, Dashwood, Ontario GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD., Zurich, Ontario LEO'S PLUMBING & HEATING, Zurich, Ontario STADE & WEIDO, Zurich, Ontario LLOYD O'BRIEN, Zurich, Ontario TIEMAN'S HARDWARE, Dashwood, Ontario ED FINK PLUMBING, HEATING & ELECTRIC LTD„ Hensall, Ontario LORNE KLEINSTIVER PLUMBING & HEATING, Dashwood, Ontario H. C. TRUEMNER, Exeter, Ontario HODGE & SLAGHT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Crediton, Ontario JAKE'S PLUMBING & HEATING (L. Lindenfield) Exeter, Ontario ALF ANDRUS PLUMBING & HEATING, Exeter, Ontario. LSMFT CARS Holstein DISPERSAL SALE High Quality Holstein Dairy Cattle & Dairy Equipment On the premises, LOT 24, CON. USBORNE TWP. 1 mile north of Thames Road Church Highway 83 The undersigned a...eVaneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 1 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. ARNOLD CANN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c 66 FORD LTD 2 door hardtop, approximately 9,000 miles. Has everything but the kitchen sink. E79839 66 FAIRLANE XL Hardtop, approximately 8,000 miles, white with red interior. E78258 65 RAMBLER 669 Sedan, automatic, radio. Brought up in the ministry. E89957 65 CHEVELLE Wagon. Driven by a sedate lawyer. 94705X 65 PLYMOUTH Wagon, 4 door. 94658X 64 METEOR Sedan, V-8 automatic. E78621 63 FORD Sedan. E89591 63 GALAXIE 500 Sedan, a beauty, E77883 63 FAIRLANE Coach, 6 cyl. automatic. E77551 63 FORD 2 door hardtop, V-8 automatic, a beauty. E77884 62 DODGE Dart, automatic, E78623 62 MERCURY Coach, V-8 automatic. E78622 61 VAUXHALL Wagon. 94731X 61 FIAT Coach. A97933 59 FORD Sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, a good one. E78204 59 RAMBLER Wagon. 90704X 65 PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, loaded. E77557 6$ FORD Sedan, V-8 stick. E77561 65 PLYMOUTH Sedan, E77558 65 VALIANT V200 Coach. E77559 64 GALAXIE 500 2 door hardtop, loaded. E77564 64 GALAXIE 500 4 door hardtop, loaded. E77882 64 GALAXIE 500 hardtop, 6 cyl. E77879 64 FALCON Sedan, E77881 64 FORD Sedan. E77878 63 METEOR Coach, new motor. E77886 63 FORD XL Convertible, 4 speeds, radio. E77550 62 RAMBLER Sedan. E1628 61 FALCON Wagon. 91395X 61 FORD Sedan, V-8 automatic. A97333 59 AUSTIN Sedan, lady driven, 961409 59 RAMBLER Sedan. 224947 58 METEOR Wagon, 9232X 4 BEDROOM 2 storey house, large living room, separate din- ing room, family size kitchen, family room and and la baths, attached carport, forced air oil heat, at 171 Richmond St., Hen- sail or phone 262-2277. 16:23c RED BRICK house, 2 bedrooms, utility room, 4-piece bath, liv- ing room, good size kitchen and dining area, oil heat, separate garage, on 78'x76' lot, in Exe- ter. Phone 235-1008 after 6 p.m. 16:23c HORSEMAN'S PARADISE — $23,900 buys this lovely 45 acre estate on No, 4 Highway, south of Centralia. Choice 3 bedroom brick house in excellent condi- tion. Nearly new furnace and modern bath. Choice 32 x 60 barn. Excellent soil, all tiled and fully drained. For more information call Tim MacFar- lane, London 434-8824. Represent- ing George R. Johnston Real Estate Limited, Realtor, phone 768.1170 West Lorne. 9:16c 3 YEARS OLD, yellow brick house, attached garage. Three or four bedrooms, rec roam. On Let 75' x 120', $15,900. Also cleared building lot next door, same size, $1,500. Riverview . Heights. Phone 235-0592. 9tfnx 130 ACRES, 11 storey brick house with all conveniences; barn, hen house and implement shed; 115 acres workable land, well drained, plowed for spring crop; 5 miles from Exeter in Usborne twp.; spring posses- sion. 100 ACRES, 2 storey brick house with oil fur- nace; barn 36 x 90; 90 acres workable, 10 acres bush; spring fed pond; 7 miles from Exeter in Usborne twp, Phone Milne Pullen, St. Marys 284-3823. Harry E, Waghorn, Realtor, Queen . St., St, Marys. 284-2100. 9:16:23:30c Important AUCTION SALE of 50-Acre Grass Farm, Livestock, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10, CON. 21, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 21 miles west of Shipka or 3 miles south of Grand Bend Highway 81 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list of sale •in fol- lowing issue. .1. VERN RIDLEY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c 2375 2010 1650 1460 1960 1660 1660 1160 1550 1350 1630 975 650 690 175 250 140 9:16:23:30c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Holstein Dairy Cattle, Hogs, Tractors, Truck, Forage Harvester Equipment, Farm Machin- ery, Grain, Household Ef- fects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 21, CON. 7, HAY TWP, 21 miles east of Zurich or 31 miles west of Hensall, Hwy. 84 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 28 at 12:30 p.m. HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE— Cow carrying second calf due before sale date; cow milking with calf at fool, rebred Jan. 2 carrying second calf; cow milking, calf at foot, bred Dec. 26 carrying fourth calf; heifer fresh one month; cow fresh 6 week, calf at foot; cow milk- ing, Calf fat foot; cow milking bred Aug. 16 second calf; heif- er due latter part of March; cow milking due in May carry- ing second calf; cow due sale date; cow milking bred Sept. 30 carrying third calf; cow milking due Sept. 20 carrying third calf; cow carrying second calf due sale date; cow recent- ly freshened, calf at foot; cow carrying second calf due sale date; 5 Holstein heifers recent- ly bred; 4 Holstein yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 4 part Hereford and Holstein heifers; 2 Holstein Steers rising 2 years old. HOGS — 10 Yotkshire hogs averaging 185 lbs, each; 9 Yorkshire shoats averaging 100 11)S. each. HAY & GRAIN — 500 bushel choice quality mixed grain; 8 bushel seed beans; 15 bushel seed Oats; quahlity cob eorn; 75 bales Mixed hay. TRACTORS, TRUCK AND FORAGE HARVESTER EQUIP- MENT — MeDeering W-0 stand- ard tractor, recently overhauled in good condition; Allis OW- NOTICE Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Machinery, Hay, Straw and Household Effects FOR HARVEY HYDE, LOT 32, CON. 2, USBORNE TOWNSHIP n miles east of Highway 4, midway between Hensall and Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK: Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due in April; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due in July; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., milking; Holstein cow, 7 yrs., due in May; 3 Holstein heifers due April, May and June; 4 Holstein heifers, 11 yrs., open; 2 Holstein heif- ers, 1 yr.; 16 white face stock- er steers; 5 white face calves; 2 small calves; Holstein heifer, fresh in Dec.; 22 York chunks. MACHINERY: IHC tractor 300 utility with 3-furrow ace bot- tom plow and pulley; IHC trac- tor A, 2-row cultivator, bean puller and 5-ft. mounted mow- er; MIS 20 row-crop tractor with 2-row cultivator; INC 13- disc drill, fertilizer and grass seeder; INC stiff tooth cultiva- tor, 'Mt.; IHC double disc, 10- ft.; IIIC cultipacker, 9 ft.; IHC spring tooth harrows, 3-sec.; INC drag harrows, 4-sec.; steel 8-ft,; Cockshutt 4-bar side rake; New Holland forage harvester, both heads; New Hon land forage blower, 40-ft. pipe; IHC balet No, 45; INC manure spreader 200; New Holland bale elevator, 18-ft.; Mil swather, p.t.e., 9 ft.; INC combine, eke No. 52; Cobey wagon with 750 x 16 8-ply tires and grain box; wagon, 100-bus, grain box; Cockshutt wagon, 750)06 tires, false end gate forage box; tubber tired wagon, 6.ply tires, Holland electric ratchet winch Holland etlectric ratchet winch for forage box; Sprayiteder TWO BEDROOM house, 499 Market St., furnace, 3 pee bath, low down payment acceptable; Three bedroom house, 373 Marl- borough St., 3 pee bath, partial basement, oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 566 Main St. 235-0720. 2:2tfnc BUNGALOW — Full basement, Small down payment, easy monthly instalments, 6% •inter- est, Phone 235-2942. 3:16tfnc BUNGALOW — Five, years old, 2 bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, utility room, garag c, land- scaped, good location. Phone 235-2345. 9:16:23c CLEARING FARM SALE Farms Rented Excellent Implement Sale FOR MR. JOHN W. and ELWYN J. BRYAN, Lot 10. Concession 12, Bian- shard Twp., 11 miles north of Granton, 5 miles west of Pros- pect Hill, 3 miles east of Hwy. 23 at Whalen Corners, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 at 1:00 p.m. IMPLEMENTS, FEED and DAIRY EQUIPMENT All implements are in excel- lent shape and comparatively new. FEED & SEED — 275 bales oat straw; 400 lbs. of grass seed. IMPLEMENTS — 2 Int. M tractors, 1 row crop & 1 wide front end; 12' M.H. No. 90 spe- cial combine with floating pick up; 3 George White 5 ton wa- gons and flat racks; 2 gravity boxes, 1 Kilbros and 1 Turner; Int. 7 ft. mower, mounted; New Idea 7 ft. mower, 1 yr.; M.H. 6 bar rake on rubber; Massey Ferguson No. 10 p.t,o. baler; 2 John Deere 17 run seed drills with fertilizer and grass seeders, 1 year old and 3 years old; Int. 10 ft. cultiva- tor on rubber; Kongskilde 91' cultivator and land harrows; Massey Ferguson 101' wheeled disc with, 20" blades, 1 year; M.H. 10 ft. double disc; 4 sec- tion Int. drag harrows; New Holland 140 bus. p.t,o. spreader, 11 yrs.; Int, 95 bus. spreader; Case 95 bus. spreader; Spray- motor weed sprayer, fully equipped mounted on adjustable trailer with 200 gal. fibreglass tank; Mayrath 40' bale elevator; 2 Int. Ace bottom 3 furrow pull type plows; 2 sets of 5 section diamond harrows, new; Int. 3 drum roller; 2 Int. No. 6 hammer mills; Int. 4 row beet and bean scuffler fit H or M Int.; Cockshutt 4 row pull type beet and bean scuffler; p.t.o. fertilizer and grass seed- er; 20' grain auger, 5"; 2 wheeled floats for transporting implements; 2 rolls new woven wire; 400 ft. 3/1 " plastic hose; 2 heat housers fit either H or M tractor; cutter; Gehl self un- loading wagon. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — Two Surge single unit milkers with motor, pump and piping for 34 cows; 20 80 lb. milk cans, pails, etc. Lunch available by the Gran- ton United Church Women, Unit 3. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON & HUGH FIT SON Clerks — Kennedy & Nichols 16c Farm Sold — Clearing AUCTION SALE of Holstein Cattle, Machinery and Household Articles FOR MR. ANDREW CARTER LOT 27, CON. 1, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 1/L mile south of Clandeboye, on SATURDAY, MARCH 18 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 3 Holstein cows due in March; 2 Holstein cows, milking and re-bred; 2 Holstein cows, milking and open; 2 Holstein cows due in April; red polled cow, milking; few calves. HENS: 19 Rhode Island red yearling hens. MACHINERY: J. D. A It •trac- tor, p.t.o. etc., complete; Oliver 3-furrow plow on rubber; M & M 28-plate double disc; M. H. 9' stiff tooth cultivator; M.H. 4-wheeled spreader on rubber; J,D. mole ditcher; M.H. 13-run hoe drill; Cobey rubber tired wagon and rack; steel tired wagon; M.H. 8' binder on rub- ber, excellent condition; Geo. White 28x50 thresher with cut- ter, belts, complete; buzz saw; air compressor; breeching har- ness and collars; root pulper; dehorner; general misc. tools, etc. found at a clearing farm sale; some scrap. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Woods 2-unit milker, piping for 10 cows; 10 milk cans, strainers, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Few antique dishes, etc.; chrome kitchen set, table and 2 chairs; 2 complete bedroom suites; dou- ble bed; odd chairs and tables; couch; bedding; rocking chairs; cook stove, etc. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON & TOM ROBSON 16c Complete DISPERSAL SALE of Choice Holstein Cows, Dairy Equipment, Farm Machinery, Straw and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 12. CON. NORTH BOUNDARY, BIDDULPH TWP. vs mile west of Whalen Corners or 5 miles east of Centralia The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 at 1:00 p.m. HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE— Cow due April 19; cow milking, recently freshened; cow fresh• ened Feb. 18, calf at foot; cow freshened March 5, calf at foot; cow milking, due June 29; cow freshened Feb. 7, calf at foot; purebred Holstein cow due April 16; purebred Holstein cow freshened Feb. 8, calf at foot; cow milking, due in Aug.; cow milking, due May 14; cow freshened Feb. 21, calf at foot; cow freshened Feb, 25, calf at foot; cow due to freshen sale date; heifer, first calf due May 1; heifer milking, due Aug. 25; cow due before sale date; cow due April 9; cow due May 24; cow due April 12; cow fresh 2 months, calf at foot; cow due before sale date; cow fresh 6 weeks, calf at foot; Holstein heifer due latter part of March; 5 Holstein heifers due latter part of April and May. This is an extra good herd of cattle. Inspection invited. All tests negative. FARM MACHINERY, DAIRY EQUIPMENT—Case 7 ft. power take-off mower; New Holland NO. 33 crop chopper, like new; M,H. 12 inch bottom 3-furrow plow on rubber; Ontario 15-run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber; 2 heavy duty rubber tire wagons; Surge milking ma- chine including 2 units, piping for 22 cows, pails, strainers, 20 milk cans. STRAW-200 bales oat straw. No Reserve Terms—Cash. GERALD SAMPLONIUS, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c Township of Usborne Has established the Exeter Veterinary Clinic and the Kirkton Veterinary Clinic ae dog pounds for the con- venience of ratepayers in disposing of stray dogs. H. H. G. Strang, Clerk 16:23c 1050 1325 1550 1300 24 Tenders Wanted Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Farms, Trac. tor, Truck, Auto, Complete Line Farm Machinery and Household Effects On the premises LOT 31, CON. 20, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 11 east of Corbett or 21 miles west of Mt, Carmel The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to „sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. Complete list of this impor- tant sale in next week's issue. MRS. MADELINE SMITH, MRS, MARILYN THOMPSON, Executors for the estate of the late Joe Ryan ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneet 160 TENDERS for Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, for one 30" electric range; one refrigerator, left hand door, Ito fit opening 34x75. Tenders to be clearly Marked and in the hands of the SecsTreas J, E, Caldwell, Hensall, by March 25, 1967. 16c CALL JB AT 1863 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and Some Household Effects FOR CLARKE ZINN Lot 2, concession 9, Ashfield Township, 3 corners south and 3 corners west of Lucknow; or 2 eorners north and 3 corners west of Dungannon; or 4 miles east of Kintail off Highway 21 THURSDAY, MARCH 23 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS: 1600 Cockshutt, 2 years old, 1700 hours, gas, like new, adjustable wheels; WI) Allis Chalmers with loader, g- row scuffler, 4-row bean tool bar. MACHINERY: 1V1.11. 92 SP combine with cab, rasp bar eylinder (above average), 2- tew corn header, sunflower header, pickup, scour Wee, spike tooth cylindet and bean attachments; Cockshutt 4 hot torn serni Mounted plow (like GRAVEL TENDERS THE CENTENNIAL OFFICE In business for one-tenth of a Century — HOMES — FARMS • BUSINESS - LOTS — MORTGAGE MONEY TRUST CERTIFICATES 100 125 350 750 1150 1300 1575 1775 1750 2200 Tenders will be accepted at the office of the Town Clerk, 394 Main St„ Exeter, up to 5:00 p.m. March 11, 1967 for the fol- lowing: Approximately 4,000 Cu. yds. DHO Approved B Gravel Approximately 2,500 cu. yds. DIM Approved Crushed A Gravel Approximately 6,000 cu. yds. Granular Back All materials to be priced per ethic yard, supplied and placed to satisfaction of superintendent in eharge, JAMES PAISLEY, Sup't 'Awe of Exeter JOHN BURKE LARRY SNIDER MOTORS Limited Devon Building Phone 235.1863 "Let your hair down — GtoW a beard" 1;5tfnc Ford, Fairlane, Falcon, Ford Trucks Phone 235.1640 Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. Exeter _L.