HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-10-29, Page 3x ae Wrarasaslasls...: fly, • ,aril' 6I sabmisets.o• No. s, inweshlp of ttuarrWa. ADSIN'a•1 meal beast s aflal stein wnlaeme. Yat peruw- 4/114 HUOR DAVIDSON.. fialnlel 1,1.11.• gra •11981 ' 1°O 4111 'ts1MR°O lossol uotooldslitS *Asti oN- SOIJ.ON •411 •also p retarder nqi Jo U0I ay +oy 'mels �l /0 ea!IIID.J 041 qt!* tuvuiasoa aeg1Ua Pim plow augt w w,iw!Id4 +ilea ma Lent 'Il samba+ dada Lag1 mons 'inn ata aqt 'gnaw Swat tent *moot foe p.n1s et milted am Lay% seven argl Lq •wear .aO Jlegt ul 00�t'' N pow 'mho IRgl a ISJW ''N std I.'tb•,'"PI Pr. '03 yds!?: •r1a4a e.\vlt 14AfLORY AVd OJ envy So 'rum Arlt os '•M+1 (w':t all art Parr"'* dlwuu hoe ere Lam gsaoqity •g101 ;•••h yang Iq ��4r� eq of ,ou otlqud eql smart polo* Min '(1001$1) g4aopog 10 ilnoats hams gal' ') taissmwn-taaps „s m-smoPlI you ;saws 'T.�"a.!,, Moat m e1 0qW gute'toN •0 •n ar peg so when ward roto 1. 11'1 M .Id Ott Aa91 (.n4a quawq.lpsw3 war '10.8 • et date Lipman 2.. L1.aa0 bumidroO ) •a111Mp1sH lam pus Jim SO Qt e6ee, 9tk Od.a.r; 11 . NOTICE r hsr•b usio. tfrallbttel�0,a sem of land to the Township of Arte , m01ia. lleuuoek, Derby, Egremuh` G Ig, R011a.d, Mnl.nethon, Nutg�byd :I Sullivan an. Kjdenl.am, Grey, U. C. '.dl be ofie (as •a)pl y .1 lion, 01 the brace of tt.e OfIrwt AA.ni, - Jacanow, Esq.,in Dothan. on the Tie TIETH ofJAl.1tt't non. Conditions.-'f.ubbh. math, and lir arra minder in turce annual iaatalments, lith Ht. moss 'civ -111 IIS .1•911w{Ama01 snow am Amp 1•q1 :.!rind q,9.' asap sweat of Laq 'u•at ort 1.x1 aqi Joy 111(1 eopaaunaq .I.roaas4 I•a•n!I SII ani •+a T 'Dora ameamwnu aw(1 W 14.1.(11,1 1 0 M •heal 7 u a tl e 'i 10011W 17.1 0. p1 StrAaigmHAT Ta+faiylt/T IMMIX o , »�`t' 'DI l YG► Rs T • Ai.l rte -t i 'r 4¼er eal�e f 1�s. w,you 41 u auatlLLL1 LAtNS 4041114011/01011“0114:4? STAN DA It I) PUBLICATIONS jS ZpESY DEPA.RTNEEE. fit 1eL �iM' Wrest. w 1 MAT. Liam of the luta can 110 bad 0, ap niraliiiu to Ow De.•... .,k ur t9 the (. ue Agebt. ALSO, A 0003D ULilWrwrl Or i�D' MEDICAL •TEXT *' ,. BOOKS g+4►l _�1 0 'I�'0114.411. �_ 7RL HITAL]lONli, .� �ik TOIt si E n'A 01tO s, Cts EIIC>I:LI. tke s ata ` NAU.. •b,ANav oUsve ► r Pictures, together with a loll assortment of wkleh he often rat very Ion rotas, rot. Caa l �-Osna-1.0:1 .pl6. rra..I U. l(A la ge of books and Stationery, r b.iog•Ia.A ..d 6, usn.el. W. U.�dA.heejd. All 'kid_ •ora ad Lake Huron Railway. AgewiNNE CHILAp EXCIIRSIO There are 100 acre* cleared. 40 01 which tie nearly clew of Alone Odld. o (4.4111 t•_y,m � �t11, tri.rabte arrangements with the leading 1'ubtdhen of fa"""d Inca. 5660 bearing.10* 1' .0110 bribe lite York, Bu -•'f supply (arm wW d.da:nd. h r wdLm l noir of Thu I New Yurk, &.aloe nod Philadelphia, M it prepared to ear 1 all of their b..okr, m 41y Luke Boni, tad then are maks area raw wills, -y .• �msulc. at ehAl" 4.wl j.6°. lkr ,neem.. erda. 1!'. Snbuilite f. Saone at Wholesale Prices. Applets J.Y. WNUr Ill. (Ja.d.r`"' 10 or to HENRY IN)l0'�, )sT tot: ..d.;.,,,,,r,,_, - Vide Semi IVccklp eiig,W1, MA rim Irk F f FRA11.'llEs OF 1 ATttLf� .��� . • . throw the Moiled Charity around the L'! "..1 or friendt w the warrior , > r�' NOTICE.v`1` TttE undenin teaul baring lawn aepw'led Ear - 1 ul the last Will enJ Tcsea,nel,l art the laic JAre• H.ntr,rul W'aw*nosh, hereby gives mottos Iran as br Mong a. .bolrltllein Ice.mo & . aro laselasetots toes -b..% _s See ,f6 made •mad ell bo,in•iotrammrrl the Court House. here ill d -���11r Johnston's rceceipe will he wm,cielse. HUGH JOHNSTON'. PATRICK NUGE1NT.. lloderia•h. () !ober Sltk, lutil. w311 ennouFFB SALE OF LANDS. U.0nd Coamwes m) 11 Y virtue of a writ 1 Has..vd Tenn, } LI Fier. Femes 1.1114 (0 stn: )7 out 01 Iter Maaeay's County Uuun of the tinned Cuomo., of Baron sod Bruce, and to we ,hr.e..d minim* the Imola aid tenements art W akem Box at .Or sod of ea - for Wain and George 1(-(o,:w41. EAecutun tM last will end Iv1arrwut art W 1LtaIu McCuntwll, deceased, 1 bane rased end taken so 1 ars uUoo all (be naht, tole std intermit w the .*J d111ewLul to enJ lothat venom petrel or taw t W lend mud prow.', samurai In the tuwn.bip .d C•Lortie . the county of Huron, toulsating by admemure• 14'i ,neo( one-inh moo acro wore .r leo.. 6010' 1.01 7A uumr..�ateiv 1.�.,iuin.'tu and ra' of the l.au- r in McConnell's Survey, being pan of A number w W t wwhl ul Ualorne; Ino. al the r n, Into intend 0111n• said deleti std, mond ot Comity in the of trots:( with tet he buildings :heron -reel ; war. nay' 14,e ui Int of boletus►, un Tues- day the fwonry-moth doe of 1rldenlrrr neat, at the hour of Twelve W ,be cl.s•k, uwo. JOHN MACDON.\Lit, r nem!, 11. 3t B. Sher,a'atn.•<,u..,rr.eh,t lied satisfaction. Gentlemen favoring us with their orders may rfEy o1 ON THURSDAY ,, 5th NOV,, INST. Ib•hJose, 11tni3. writ getting a well filling garment, made up. with the utmost"cate,at regards I Orderob to Workmanship, and cut according to the latest Fashions, and at moderate IUMAN NA'T'URE, we would indiscretions or shortcomings of but when . 1 DOWNRIGHT RASCAUTY D Pedlars Canvassers a fit' , ,� Asd Others,....ieiI I trustily, will he served on tltc wort liberal terms . AY SCHOOL AND OTHER LIBRARIES ,f3 •i s �a ' YMea as indent Trade Yriccs. d " THEO. J. MOORHOUSE. swill s °et. 27th, INS. • AND 1/lc ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE Are concerned, we would at heartily denounce. lir elute then the task in part to ntibel Protection -to the Honest, Frugal and Industrious, ■1 STRICTLY ADH0RISI) TO TM' EXCLUSIVELY CASH SYSTEM ! .. - STOCK THD a8QD1a1No or T YETNo Man Pa ment of Another's Debts. �hARG�� Ari' 'rii1:: GLASGOW HOUSE.' R. W. WALLACE For remember, LOSSES mast be counterbalanced by PROFITS, else the "Babinec Sheet at the end of the financial year will wear *dreary aspect. • JOHN FA18 A CO. WAVE JURE 018180 Ala anoatmure or LONDON MANTLES, PALETOTS & JACKETS, IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES 1 Thankful for the patronage we have received since our arrival in Goderich and which is gyenter than onr most sangnine expectations, we beg to d n toed ill the villa u(iautr . Fa08 Ir 1 ,ratr.•n mthe first r.mre..nm „ the and th, f Public generally, that his stork i state that our facilities for supplying our friends are better now than at GOD ATSsw Randy In,.IY a the reit ars. tw n, t bare far the resent and the approaching season, time—being now is almost daily receipt o[ articles in our seized mm to en to a Ju d to Inn mm�- Aaa,tettr,uaoaAt'esvane» ro and early calls aril oblige. 6 r d .. � � lj'rl��$ 10 cloths, Minnie," teed t L t nun gg of Woolen ten a, eapk'd Psly previous Brantford he u very complete, ntiord and Back township ▪ Thiele, jirutsJhear it 0 n t line' Pd I 1-1.1d•.,d'..m` AN IMMENSE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING ON w ,exr 1 Jull oder br sae nt rrrTH or NOV LMBaa, OR t 0.114 Hous, m the 1. w a Gunpowder Plot Anniversary ! HAND This mason, in order to meet more satisfactorily the wants u( I h ted n extra large Yw1T ware *1.10 U1 KA10 a MACNIFICENT STOCK OF Mto. t.t. /NM,AoAs, 1,01 wish they will 11.k. m Nether, 1a style dewed. y� Ood.rieb, eth Vct., 1843. my customers in the 1;1/Ah Department, have ample a stock of superfine Tweeds and Coatings. l have also reeogaged a Well known cntter,l(ICllAaD CAaa,w'hose style and fithave'Iken giving ungual..; Remember the exclusively Cash Store By P. Pot.laer Pinny Sher& 111 101 TOWN Or BRANTFORD. As athrd ad Tri will be ear. ries( Schedule col The above sadr .s po.itroul n(ti Tuesday the araatbrd and b. Pk, oa the folio 3 Ti.ns and Fare : D. KERR, Jr. & CO. prices. Whit Street. ' WINTER OVERCOATS. i have got a variety of the above garments,; made,up by.gnod:wo U• ted Counties or D Y. virtue til a Vint of Festadafiar ' Huron and Stowe,) Al Farm mood suet.ef.Yet ing rom f ire to.lmenty . . To W,l: 3 "sir"Y'a:.""')Clla"'nhe' • �y CANADIAN DiAN TWEEDS. It is not at all astoniehinq; Ironed Como es..l l ur.a and Win., and to mel. SC TCfi AND. CANA rcrtedas, at the east of mat rl,rmrnrwaeen. that Canadian Tweeds have got a World-wide fame, when we consider'. STORE W' ""lee 1, the eon " (�te. W 1qn..1il or,",, CHECKERED F tl ...r will ted tem.• that all het no quality of cloth or material prliauced in any country equals lotteries( 3rd Jay of November, 1>b Tema. rang. • HODEa1CH 6.00 a. r. sl 00 CLINTON ... .. 6.35 I,00 AA1tWMHEY 6'42 ' 100, ,EAFO8TH . 647 ' 1�, O ARSON BROOK 1.13 a 76 M61CHELL... 739 " 70 ao VF�•Tr*ATFVRU ........ 8,41 p enterUCE .... ii ., b6 rLArrIVILLE 916 a 36 DRUMBW... 9.16 .. 36 IRONWOOD ...... ••••. 910 " 15 PAa10 HE Train will mop at 7th C inceoroe Lino, MIRE mut the Pome.pn taking the Weis thee., Intl prorate Tu•kets mat 4 limon. 11 Inlets* mop at Sebn.[YdL:. Pas.ngen from ren promo Tickets at Stretford. fie Borer - d•. Train wall atop at both these places on its 0. The Fare iaclnde, the journey 10 Brantford and bask. sal Tickets must be procured before taking Ane. Foil Fan being charged by condoctors. 15sitm& will he good for Blum on the follow- ing My. M Ma Delo leaving Braatfted at 7.10 A. M. .ad 11.40 P.:d. Bantle,• •rr.nernre'W •rc being made at amet(wd rut • full sod avid celebration. For pataeakus of which see printed Fre grammes. ,IETt'RNING.-The Train will leave Brant - MN r 7 F. )r. A. FELL, . harasser. .w16 October 18th, 1963. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. rkmea, jh the most fashions*. st: ic. I'ri(•rr rajtg-L GODERICH, C. W.4 � On., ISM. memonnetl, .sr, uton of .e mat .d d takes McConnell, er% deti<a.rd, t n... .,Catalina in dtertrou ly or to comfort. mews and rakes m Eaedu'wo .1 tar right, trek - 1 sad int. rest rt the same de:enderoe. en end to aIl (�,�,� thoK certain parcel. "r tracts nl land eat preml.. FOR GENTLEMEN'S EVERY -DAY WEAR, FOR TROUSERS, Market Square, Goderich. eitualr n the township of. G.I.,rne n rhe OR. SUITS, for the working man who must economise his mein., or fors m f Huron, ronnminz M admra.urcmeW is the Canadicn Tweeds at WALLACE'S; county n Two-ffbo of an ecrc o1 I.smd, to the amine mete Boy'a Clothing, uothlag eyue It,., b"" I .0 mantra. rt.ny-mane, im.ne- 'GLASGOW 1101, SF.. You girt an immense variety of every pattern in lately adpiloiulr to mod Ems .d the London !toad A ' I ` h the ,-nla0,e of Eof i. M;umberEr seen . those most desirable FUR'., 1 t f FURS t' ! t 1n Muffs, Boas Culls? leiatr pa14'uf Ihigird Lot number h:la i,leen tt the .ran cow -moon of 1'•1ann.., atnnw.d, number NmetT-nine, imnlr.Latrly Wyoming to and Ease of Andrew Street to Enerrr, nforemal. Ile('onnoll•, "(rrs-v. laser part on Urrl:nel Lot numt.•r St-VrelOt, the hot .,,nrrr.lon of 1111 horse lowusorp, Con -raid; vet, all heal• •neem brei. I mica oder tor rale at u,y elite u�'Yh^ Covet Hosr. In the town u1 u,wer . b, u day the Twrsle•ntsth day .4 Mpteaber begs, at he hour of Twelve m the t lo. k, no..n. JOHN M.ACIIO\ 11.0 :Mond, 11..11 B. By r. Pn(.r.0 s. A.puty S 0.11:6. al1erl0'. ..4.•e, a ils pr1 1d1. (, 4 : ` an 42el Jams. 1 t �OD� =0$ TLe shiny sale is reputed Wmd.T.esdar the 3rd am). of Solrmh•r. Hfi3, CABINET WAREHOUSE NEW BooKs (THIS OLD13sT IN THE COUNTY.) D. GORDON, CAi31 1,' 1' b1AK1t:Il2. AND UNDERTAKER, 8.a�eterem air bar now nn 11.11 • complete emmlmeet a Furniture, el kr W arrowr. WEST STREET, GODERICH, soca as Bair, Bureaus, Tables, Bedstead*, *,Har, 0... 000kingg (il.ted rea �t n variety, of Moulding Hamm Manufarlere and imported ! ! D. 0. bee always nn hand a HEAete se. RSFS .asment of COFFI1a. Also, TO HiRE. Or Lumber and Cordwood taken in es - aims for Furniture. w97 Gedaricb, 1111("t., 1196. MIL CONTRACT ! ADDEY'et LIFE OF "STONEWALL" JACKSON. "THE SOUTHERN WAR," 1y PELLA1lD1 of Q,cilmrad. FURS1 i[I•X'11 FURS ' SHAWLS ! .: , i the lowest gustily to he best WOOL SHAWLS manufactured Clan, aryl f array aP ' ► • Linn a At AMISS PAISLEY SHAWLS, from four to forty; _ �. • t J f dollars. . DRESS GOODS ! 1MESS I'S!! To insure iatisftotio to tomer-, the extensive variety in This departtgeat has bcett selected With} NOT BEING SO TAM 1.Itl�J�L�____AS SOME OTHERS great este, mW wf YR$NC11, MARINOS, ESP:INGL} RII't'S,1 1'Vtt` 711E VICTORIA'CORDS, OBOURl3S AND LUSTRES, DELA NES ANI)I CASHMERES, CIRCASSIAN CLOTHS, ABERDEEN, GLASGOW • Traits Of �IpmRllawn PERTH WiNOEYS, N•1CKERBOCKEIt WINCEYS, in all the Nature, Icadin ederr, NORWICIi PUI'LI'NS AND PATENT GRENiOBLEI• The undensigned has had the tniefortunc to lose by one of the late rkedadbn, CLAW lin .,J. and having jet • MOURN111G UlitE*ntkIDS.. FpJngle Wince' Skirts, 4yards� x A }IGH OPINION��qK OF MANKIND IN GENERAL, Ti. 1,ao re.odvcl to thM The Mantle of Charity over the whole, so that and Collarcts,wt all prices. Splendid aseonmenl of rich MINK ML FFS', f « I 1 AND BOAS. [HEj SHAWLS ' l SHAWLS ! t ! in• creat • variety, and from ..t. �ioo� _Sf;'4 t..11 1111.E SW, OW IMva041T, hie 119t Uri. a .101.'1 aJ♦oa}*-• e• PARIS & 1011001 801111111, O.dlettbe MD Dear 103- _ 1ewd ABS Merchant Tailor, eSIIala><, AAD!*10■r bas em received a largewdt'•twP FALL & WIS GOODS, J,td ■ varuav or Fa., *144 a,.sts0. Shirts, Collars, Neaktles, �#k' ke., he. Wbkh M 1. prepared to sell Chep Ifsf Cash: edrioh.g11.Intsat. sal_ GREAT SALE o► Fall Flower Bulbs! aY E. E. OWErrii. ...41tPkIti LILIES For ossa 111TIOINTHS, AIDED VLL t 124'.. to IG.Y. ('rUL1179, a•I1 tar.,, 1 75e. 'F dos., 114 tM 1N. CROCUS, all var. grroW DR,OPEL Plyanthus Narcissus, all wt.. CROWN IMPERIALS. mmama 1 BtaYmAILIIA. }I a1n OTHER FALL BULBS ARRIVING. 1 These HD,. ere thin Fall'. iuportdies, Direct from Holland, and compree all tee ter varieties. /Mr Come tad Sex. I daisegli, lath OK. . s,M THE EMPORIUM! wide, rich Black Glace Silks, from three and ninepence to ten shillings. Flannels, Blankets, Prints, hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs. The new Nubia or Cloud Scarf. •'Ladies' Hats, trimmed and plain,�in endless variety. ALEXANDER'S, JOUVINS AND DUCASTEAN KID GLOVES, Woolen Gloves. It is impossible to enumerate the immelme and varied stock now in WALLACE'S, suffice it to sly, that the greatest care end attention has been bestowed upon the purchase of the goods, and they cannot fail to AT BUTLER'S. recommend themselves to any lady or gentleman who has a tastefor the g Oa. MIS a bautiful or can appreciate a goodarticlewhen they ere it. I* GIVE 1VALLACE'S A CALL, and be assured that you will find. Oodcy's• Le=tic's, and Pf fereon's, for goods in abundance, to eel the most fastidioue, in price, pattern and October, all received quality. - AT BUTL=R'B. • —_ -- GLASGOW HOUSE, October 40th, 180, w39 TO RENT OR'SELL! ISAAC AN EXCELLENT ' AVF,RN STAND! (10NSISTiNG OF TW ELV F. ROOMS, with tI $ante !Amble r,had,prmpand lase louden, t the Vdiate of Btande, foarmhsp of Torre brrn.and kuowo 4y the naive of tier BL f'F. VAL1: nOTEL. and in the oecupatauu of the proprietor. 11. C. Penn. The property has large nddilinn ted ialprp1enewte. and is worthy the notice ofsrt7 nigh who i, seeking a home. 11. C. PUGH. , Oelobee 8tk, 1843. lir 374f ' rytENDRR3 dressed to the Pomtmmder wi be received at Qeebec esti! Naos, on ,lIp&T, lllb DECEMBER, 1863. ttla Ponveyaoe. of Iter Yyrsty's Mete, ..M a proposed Cornet for tour year., twelve CASH FOR WHEAT TH E mbicritems .re prcpand to pmt the 11.eh- M market prom m co.be tin pent, market - .i:. Fell .ad Spring Whew Ml,mwd u chair W uehoU1, e. the Wharf. V ANRVERY'A RUMBA I.L. rimae per one l each ..y, between • Ooderloh. sen. IOh, 181114, vr.1>}Im M a Craig and Railway Station 01 •Ir0 room "TRIi 1st JANUARY NEXT. to be made By Nand. 11)14"11.11:4 to be eoaveyed b.rco i. thei x1..01. t -Peel Ohm .wi Railway Trani - Ow Pat Olen, Sant, Seadayi.se.pted, at steel time as mar be rsgaieed. The Tourer to slaw re prime par Doable TpAirmiaroi from /he P. 0. and lltatiao) Wires ermtaintef I&ober laDerwa ginr to .oniitione of p otrr•ed Correct Idiefbe gee., see Mak forma of Tender may bh.blaiead, r the Pon Oma.' of Aire Coed and et the OMs .t M. wberiber. 0IL11CIiT OR PVIN, P. O. i "De d,.or *araern*Af Orr* j or. 1...i.a. c. w.,ls,1 ogm ., 119.81 ( ..1$2t1,o &hOoa 'Trustees. U ant, M rimm a,0, web mmogp, w�i �swinso.a« 1111 M w •blra.ote mos 'Waems mew. Intrr Ranee A. I. O., ► Perwmesis Rabid Mt. a.devseh r.o. STRAY STEERS. STRAYED from the pirIOWA of the reb- seriber, a Yoke of Steers,/ seed mpeel- ,wely 3 and a yearn •Irwwher,y red; about he same sir; ssppolwd to have gone towards wawamush or the northern part, of Colborte, but not together. , Perlis* Owls information of them will be reitahi to. .n b, ott.i , I .WVO 19, Hay7'4 0 Staeley, w'37'tpo STRAY HORSE! 0TRATIID PROD GODRIUCH Herm , with •hMNnr whit wkrvwks ea be naliee frdPui, a An walla betel mode b, rM nal., n. Ma menet (k laA Atm k tr tliele Amo, 11.ehy it* spans t Ana If ,Pen ode Any pastas 4Men Ing tem M rte .elernM' war he aenaMy reined. 4• 11: c el�a lesyfavkb. �b0d, FREDRICK) IVATCIINIAKER AND JEWELLER, WEST. 8T.. OODERICH, I' ri Mer E'est-n( Mr. Storer' Saddlery. WATCHES, ' CLOCKS ANO IEWELRY It1.1•UnriU ON roil(:T •.•.earl'. In the best Style & Warranted. ALA... • •..1n s•m*Twr•T M neat& elatedrJewetrl, Watches. • Gossamaly o. hone mitt o.rr.Me" to t• as r•nsen•e4 Sr WO, snooty 14(nded. o,i,.,, eelle ersier. tem mensal DAYS' HOTEL, ON TIIR OIIAVLL R(.AP, NEAR WROXETER, ether[ .040 is MVY1mg 1Mnkv to for Alperin On laid wary Lhe4N v.Waa04' heonw- ,d .p h' -.erre * , while 11 h r as 0 •, an(. 'b..j Male-t.10etpi nT of ap- pointee 1rtt.mnr Itw.l .44 aha ►are rr penerrno. of Hee GPI tbm int tar win .tura wesera11,- 41tiw isle,► to now se sA. Caere. awl lore trusts tNts that by a propse aaosrios to borer he Ina Milt mPrr the dear. of peteats' hero. Isee Tat .1901 how. t.e on 1w4P-11aa or roller Osemererri irdiviirl permed. you Irma Me Whet dime • ma the mom • bather 000 note W,leter we ase, Meows jot Delo . his aorta mot is thee ph... int r 1 alNwamoan. b/ may nod that r tn,- alaM., aid therefore travail... going to 141m.w. Tr/Ranier, W.lkalos, Ro-. .en End " Dor Rotel" Oft OW roma g*1M moo. shiny • stile he - '01 the ce Greer h0ur1 w.IW1,r wre ed any Many set.'r.yrlr at aa/ ter d 411 '.w w' stir slew Ilea . for now 'monodrama int re wary (mor Imm1, Mpi, ame1alial )4 Por�"d_ .twin .r .M p12:10N li0srel�r114 int a.b•., GRAMM $aTL I,eVaa*e le WON • 1,,9, • J1i' Mar' Fee 1NlglaPie re at. ih. Mahe e �eia.•� sa Mi/IGiSO7f m A GA,a00.41 A Win. PALMS ,y ya,°' tSlli 4gOT aollf8+ ie., dee. %4 IS AGAIN ItKPLENISHED wog V.116.3L41.. 1340 The Goad may not be male 'to J. V. DETLOR & SON Invite Farmers, Mechanics, the Ladies, and all persons in eearek et bargains, to dell and inspect their very large stock of FALL and WIN• TER GOODS, comprising OF BUSINESS. I R'�1i!�N1r NEW FRESH Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Coffees, Rices, Spices, Painis, Oils, Cottons, Dress Goods, Mantles, Shawls, Ladies' Hats, ,; Furs, suffer with the Onifty i Boots and Shoes, Reddy-MHdc Clothing ( LAElE1r HAiti)W IL. &t ., dee. Their Stock of DRY GOODS will be found very complete, and largr's rhea any heretofore imported. - The DRESS GOODS are worthy of special attention. Ilgr Having purchased a large lot of TOBACCO, they, ars enabled! to sell a good article at 25ete. per pound.', (op. The anbweriberw wish thin early to intimate that all Notes and Accounts are expected to be paid punctually and in full. To austaln their credit, and to enable them to ..It for small probes, they aro oati- pelted to insist on immediate payment. JOHN O. DETLOR & SON .41 And at the/sane time he aware, the public tint GOODS WILL -SE SOLD AT OLD PRICES (And Cheaper, if pilaible,) tad No Advantage takea of Recent Losses 11 THE IIIGiIEST PRICE PLAID 1�9c'tsbc� Fde • � oR >sA E�`1O()L, �SEPSKIN1J , t) MAY PROiNCEt ake%t ligt REMOVAL* It IN CASH—NOT IN STORE "SHIN-PLASTERVIPARKER & CATTLE, OODERiCH, 25th Sept , 1863. AND HHAi)E TO ORDER, .T. C. sr M1c'1 N'1'(31.4I1. Opposite the 4lrrket. All kinds of repelling done, e nable errals. T. Is. est moat rear wn3i MON GOMERY, etrxatcAL ,a0"Aat3.t - l) J ' 'I' I M OIce---Ortr the Medical Hall, Ty Efts to inform the ruiwu• that he will perform 13 ■0 (pneumas tarn am Palmated to ben 11 . . kiln m..n,r. Anile,* feelh ,asertedl rr4+sm ai Rabbet (Rohl, It'.,, 114 Costt..es• Ifem-work. Pe14w.ar an.nttns pad to the rc.niatino r 4,,Nr..4 bsa41., .a. tin 9na•►0Mrm 01- Ile. N lnnl a1M. Clow. Afadwooremd d1 1r -.o1 War•wr.1 1'1.:RMs•. Owatt. w_ Ile -A ...want ..rpt' of Torok Pow.M. ewe n1 ha*J. thole all ewes e/. Ono. 11 MISS G. A. HAYDON, worn.. , neje Milliner & Dressmaker. (ter. M (0.100m a a-*.� _.W/_ w..ad .w1 n...ww.ki1 . sod sl.m Int Plsi. 4vn15. a�Y'•• ---rz , et (:her -h •1A C1hhew. rronvowlkrae alvr Rnre.,Gal .r►'s. 1 A COMP T.ETE Afte011TRS1<T 10F FAMILY GROCERIES ! Wines, BrandiesGin, Rum, Ale, Porter, Pickles, auces, &c., dcc., . s 1 ANY -Lk— 0J )N 1iANrD. • (;(111ER1Cil, lard October, 1Mt9. • J. Y. S. KIRK. ws3 . 1 . /ISS MARI IAN LOCAL T a' i N' T MIIIINER AND DRESSMAKER I - .R'. -lea" Res1D51Cs -Moire% Sttrrdeeet, four, doers marsh d M'VoikalbraWasam Ir Ms ale) n lbs l.. MOSSY TO LIiSD rano ,misereI so M s per root l e'.1 a se U at b..nd rPd pro;'s." ilEIOt. Lel 22,411i 3, 6odericb Ip,, 111.:1 a,:1Or8D To THe Store formerly occupied by Twomey & Mask, 1"A1tS3ONP' 141.0 stint' a addition to their. uI he.ey supply of Drills, Patent Qweprw•ag A erne evoke Ned, *1wrdr. wM 17 maws pe'bre ted TM Wee le /ell lops/ ea grew *Wet sol 11(14'• sot sty mArmm++ sly be Amen, us Neer soar • application (rtes. *..d�.in ww pn •ml•..dk. (IMO rent wl 1p 111110e. g0MCM .te Il ,intone tM► fin+. swellserieletev on band a large (Mc 01 +e, dip has AGRICULTURAL SEE DSI imporded directly from mo of the nldrm andnuta reliable home. in (tlattg.w{t SlNaaai. 7151 H•18 'Lao *16C1IT8 A LOT Or ►alta TEAS, COFFEES TOBACCOES, Willett they oder at very low prices. Mao, P Ear MI WI b 1tQ D x.. x gitiebistasi rot Medical and Fetal, rte. 00bicatC0. Apra 1, 143• enIdattyir REMOVED. r�q1Ia 1 Mt wadi neem tb• tevwl- 1 �i.g palest• be* b. ►.,.01.1.4 re Do N0,0e r■.� (9 u^ -tell it Or. J. FRt*Ntem ,ao... .r armor. see Imams. assess on - JULM AUL?", ins L taWnaenti !found. 40, I AMA. mi the 4Li.O kstw'D0 Aare. Sm rawrivermirkostIMO wed Rune, Tb on* o0AeoeA.a4.w0411s1+1- 44(4' .d. Aso 11it w.rw w.wa. m.t. Ai s.. �tM *Sr 1 w11wM ••'m- � r itssMn ar*forl