HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-02-23, Page 11ley, Wendy Neil and Gwen Fink-
beiner. Nancy Scott and Lana
Clark favoured with piano solos
and Elva Finkbeiner and Anne
Friends fete
Kippen pair
An enjoyable evening was spent
Friday, February 17 at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones,
Stanley Township, when their
neighbors of SS 14 Stanley gath-
ered to say farewell and extend
best wishes for a happy life in
their new home in Hensall. The
event was a complete surprise
to the Jones family. The evening
was spent in playing progressive
euchre. The winners were; ladies
high, Mrs. Wm McLachlan; lad-
ies low, Mrs. Frank Wright;
men's high, Howard Lemon;
men's low, Ted Robinson.
A presentation of a beautiful
picture was made to Jessie and
Wilmer by Allan Johnston. The
address was read by Mrs. Frank
Wright. Both the recipients re-
plied fittingly, thanking their
neighbors for the gift and invit-
ing all to visit them in their new
The Youth Fellowship of Kip-
pen and Brucefield churches held
a toboggan party Saturday even-
ing which was followed by lunch
at Brucefield church.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bell and
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of
Exeter left Friday for a two
weeks vacation in Florida.
Mr. Al Kyle returned home
Monday from South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, after spending the
past seven weeks following a car
accident in January.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and
son Marvin attended the funeral
of the late Ken Baxter at Le
Froy on Tuesday.
Mr. Sam Sims is a patient in
the Hospital at Goderich.
Miss Margaret Heist, a stu-
dent at the University in London,
spent the weekend at her home
REG from $79.95
$15.00 OFF
SUITS REG. from $59.00
$10.00 OFF
Dial 235.0270 Exeter
Ideal for decorative panels, room divi-
ders, sliding cabinet doors.
White, green and
primrose yellow.
They brought
Members of the Crediton Women's Institute joined in on the centen-
nial theme at their regular February meeting. Most of the ladies and
their guests from the 4-H girls' clubs were dressed up in early
back memories
1900's finery. From the left are, Mrs. Mel King, Mrs. Ted Lamport,
Mrs. Tom Triebner, Mrs. Earl Neil, Mrs. Don Davey, Mrs. Russell
ichig, Mrs. Lorne Hodge and Mrs. Walter Weber. —T-A photo
Centennial clothes are prominent
during Crediton Institute event
Rohde attended the fifth annual
Presbyterial of the United Church
Women at Wingham Tuesday.
Quite a number of the ladies
of the United Church Women
entertained the ladies at Mrs.
Pearce's Rest Hsme, Exeter,
Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann, Mr.
and Mrs. William Cann, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Dawson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Stone and Bob
were Friday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian, Barry and Barbara were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rowcliffe of Hensall.
Billy and Diane Caswell of
London are visiting with their
grandparent's, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell called on Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde Sunday evening.
Twenty-one members of the
Happy Doubles Club held a bowl-
ing party Saturday evening. Prize
winners were: high, Mrs. Lorne
Ballantyne, and Murray Dawson;
low, Mrs. Miner and Floyd Stew-
art. All went to Rether's Rest-
The March UCW meeting will
be held Wednesday afternoon,
March 1 in the church basement
with Mrs. Jack Duncan and Mrs.
Lee Webber as hostesses.
the month of May. To replace
Institute bowls which have been
borrowed and forgotten, all mem-
bers were asked to bring peanut
butter jars to be used for left-
over food. A section of cupboard
space has been reserved for
For the purpose of arranging
a display of antiques at the town-
ship centennial celebration in
June the following committee was
appointed: Mrs. Lorne Hodge,
Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mrs. Em-
mery Fahrner, Mrs. Ed Lamport.
The 4-H girls with Mrs. Cliff
Kenney as chairman provided the
program. They had a display of
dolls, one of which was one
hundred years old. A skit en-
titled "Details are Important"
was enacted. A second skit show-
ed clothes and accessories the
girls had made with Angela Mary
Morrissey as commentator.
Poems were read by Susan Mor-
Folk play euchre
at Thames Road
17 Properly For Rent
I-BEDROOM apartment, laun-
dry room with washing ma-
chine, etc. Phone during the
day 235-0270. 11;17tfne
UNFURNISHED apartment,
bedrooms, modern, in former
Simmon's Apt,. Phone 235-2012
after 6 p.m, 1.2tfne
18 For Rent
FLOOR SANDERS, electric —
Beavers Hardware, phone 235-
1033, Exeter. 12:13tine
19 For Sale or Rent
2 BEDROOM house, oil heated,
modern conveniences, available
March 1. Phone 235-1817, 2:9tfnc
MODERN 2-bedroom ranch
house with carport and screen-
ed patio; 4-piece bath, colored;
partitioned basement with show-
er. Phone 235-0116. 23*
20 Wanted To Rent
50 - 200 ACRES close to Exeter:
Phone 229-8832. 23:2c
21 Properly Wanted
2 OR 3 BEDROOM house in
good condition. Dial 262-5225.
22 Notices
Notice is hereby given to all
residents of the Township of
Stephen that the municipality
will not be responsible for any
damage done to vehicles parked
on the side of township roads
during snow plowing operations.
Road Superintendent
Township of Stephen
Township of McGillivray
By-law No. 3 of 1967
A By-law for prohibiting the
throwing, placing or depos-
iting of refuse or other
matters on any highway or
WHEREAS it is deemed ex-
pedient to pass a By-law to
prohibit the throwing, placing
or depositing of dirt, filth,
glass, handbills, paper or other
rubbish or refuse or the car-
cass of any animal on any
highway or bridge within the
acted as a By-law of The Cor-
poration of the Township of
McGillivray as follows:
1. No person shall throw,
place or deposit any dint, filth,
glass, handbills, paper or other
rubbish or refuse, or the car-
cass of any animal, on any
highway or bridge within the
Corporation of the Township of
2, Any person convicted of a
breach of the provisions of this
By-law shall forfeit and pay at
the discretion of the convicting
Magistrate, a penalty not ex-
ceeding (exclusive of costs) the
sum of $100.00 for each offence.
Every such penalty shall be re-
coverable under The Summary
Convictions Act, all the provi-
sions of which shall apply here-
This Bylaw shall come into
farce and effect on the final
passing thereof.
READ a First, Second and
Third time, and passed this 6th
day of February, 1967.
W. J. AMOS, Clerk
23 Legal Notices
Estate of Gertrude Penel-
ophy Wragg, late of the
Township of Hay in the
County of Huron, Widow,
having claims against the
above mentioned Estate are re-
quired to send full particulars
of such claims to the under-
signed solicitor for the Admin-
istrator on or before the 11th
day of March, 1967 after which
date the Estate's assets will
be distributed having regard
only to claims that have been
then received.
mond at Maple Streets, London,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad-
ministrator. 16:23:2c
24 Tenders Wanted
be received by the Township
of Hay for the position of
Warble Fly Inspector for the
year 1967. Inspector must be
familiar with the Warble Fly
Act, and must keep an accurate
record of all cattle sprayed.
State salary expected on an
hourly basis and mileage. In-
spector to order the powder
needed from Township sup-
No. 2 — TENDERS will also
be received by the Township of
Hay for spraying the cattle for
Warble Fly Control for 1967.
The Township will supply the
powder. Tenders to state price
per head per spray. All work
to conform with the provisions
of the Act and amendments,
No. 3 — TENDERS are also
invited for the supply of Warble
Fly powder. Prices to be quoted
on 15 lb. and 1 lb. bags de-
livered to Township Hall, Zur-
ich, Ont.
Sealed tenders for each of
the above clearly marked as
to contents will be received by
the undersigned until Monday,
March 6, 1967, 12:00 noon.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Zurich, Ont. 16:23c
Sealed tenders will be re-
ceived by the undersigned until
12:00 noon, March 6, 1967 for
the supply of apprOximately
1,000 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder.
Prices to be quoted on vari-
ous sizes, including 15 lb. bags.
The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Township of Stephen,
Crediton, Ont. 16:23c
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gee and
Lannis, London visited Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman
spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo Pullman, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bryan and
Jeffrey, Granton, Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Baron, St. Marys, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Squire, Granton and Mr.
Ron Squire were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick,
London visited the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod-
gins on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman
visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Pullman, Brussels, at Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McCut-
cheon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bennett, Listowel were guests
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Finkbeiner.
Mrs. Arvid Bertans enter-
tained Saturday evening at a py-
jama party in honor of her daugh-
ter Dace's 13th birthday. Guests
were Miss Olga Zemitis, Dash-
wood and several girls from the
Guide troop, London.
Whalen Young People attended
a pot luck supper Sunday evening
with the Lucan Young People at
the United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dock-
ing, Munro and Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Parkinson, London, were
recent visitors with Mr. Frank
Parkinson and Glenn.
Miss Audrey Anderson, Strat-
ford spend several days during
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson
attended a banquet sponsored by
"Master Feeds" and “Finnies"
at St. Marys Collegiate Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Rawlings,
London, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Raw-
lings and Glenn, Clandeboye were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Neil,
-- Continued from page 5
Groomsman was Donald Clarke,
Grand Bend, brother of the
groom, and ushers were George
Shiels, Hensall, and Ken Wilcox,
A reception and dinner was
held in the church rooms and
Was followed by a reception in
Zurich Community Centre. The
bride's mother received guests
in an aqua blue lace dress with
white accessories and yellow
rose corsage. She was assisted
by the groom's aunt who chose a
gold metallic suit with pink rose
After a honeymoon inNorthern
Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke
will reside in Hensall.
"No, I'm not the ski instruc-
tor. I thought YOU were."
The February meeting of the
Women's Institute was held Wed-
nesday evening February 15, with
the girls of the 4-H Club in at-
tendance. Most of the people
present were in centennial cos-
tume. Roll call was answered by
naming a favorite supper dish.
The business session was con-
ducted by the president, Mrs.
Lorne Hodge. It was decided to
have a historical tea later in the
year with the Historical Society
making arrangements for it. The
public relations committee was
assigned the task of looking after
the program to be presented to
Huronview residents on March
15, with the East Group prov-
iding the lunch.
Mrs. Earl Haist was appointed
delegate to the Officers' Con-
ference to be held at Guelph in
Community 1 Night was held
Thursday evening in Farquhar
Hall with eight tables of euchre
in play.
Prizes for ladies high went to
Darlene Passmore; ladies low,
Judith Cann; men's high, Alvin
Passmore; men's low, Howard
Cunnington; lone hands, Jas. Hod-
gert. Lunch was served by the
committee in charge, Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Hodgert and Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Rowe.
Mrs. Wayne 'Rowe held a
shower for her sister, Gladys
Carter of Clandeboye, bride-
elect of this Saturday.
Mrs. Stewart Miner, Mrs. Don-
ald Kernick and Mrs. William
Shipa pair
are honored
A very pleasant evening was
held in Blackbush School for
newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Vincent Saturday night. Crokinole
was enjoyed with high ladies
going to Mrs. Ken Baker; ladies
low, Mrs. Ferman Snider; men's
high, Les Adams; men's low,
Edwin Snider.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent were
called to the front and Mr. Glen
Webb read an address. They
were presented with a beautiful
bowl of flowers and a tri lamp.
Both made fitting replies.
During the evening Mrs. Katy
Vincent was presented with a
telephone chair by Mrs. Hugh
Morenz. Mrs. Les Adams read
the address. Mrs. Vincent has
taken up residence in Grand Bend
and will be greatly missed in
the community. Lunch was ser-
ved and a social time enjoyed by
one and all,
The euchre party with 16 tables
was well attended last Wednesday
evening with prizes for ladies
high going to Mrs. Ross Love;
ladies low, Mrs. Earl Picker-
ing; men's high, Wray SWeitzer;
most lone hands, Mrs. Cliff Rus-
sell; men's low, Rene I3ooger-
Lunch was served by the com-
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Sharpe, Mrs. Kathleen Houlahan
and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaak,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickering,
Mrs. Martha Pickering and Jim,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollin.
A euchre is planned for March
1 With the east group in charge.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner
and Mr. & Lee Gibtoti
have just returned from a visit
to Nashville, Tenn. where they
attended the Grand Ole' Opry
last Saturday night,
St. Paul's Fellowship Club and
United Church friends met In the
church basement Sunday evening,
The president Harold Davis,
opened the meeting.
Mr. Alex Gartenburg of Wood-
ham gave an interesting des-
cription of the trip taken by him
accompanied by his wife, com-
mencing from when they left
Toronto by plane Nov. 8, stopping
a short time in London, England,
on to Poland and Italy. Mr. Gar-
tenburg spent sometime in the
town of his birth in Poland, also
visited the cemetery where sev-
Darlene, Joanne and Bob
Templeman attended a birthday
party for Susan Eidt Sunday. A
toboggan party was enjoyed fol-
lowed by supper at the home of
Miss Ruth Ann Kemp, Munro.
Ronnie Scott, Mitchell, visited
over the weekend with Jim and
Bob Scott.
Ross McPhail, Henry Harburn
and Cliff Miller are attending the
Good Roads Convention in Tor-
onto, Monday to Wednesday of
this week.
The March of Dimes canvass
has been completed for 196'7 in
Hibbert Township with $216.00
collected. This is an increase of
$14.00 over the 1966 canvass.
Mrs. Irene Farewell, Zurich
is visiting for a few days with
her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Regier and family.
Miss Jane McCann of Mount
St. Joseph Academy, London, was
a weekend guest with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCann.
Mr. Charles Glavin returned
home Saturday after being a pat-
ient in St. Joseph's Hospital for
the past nine weeks.
Mr. Lawrence and Bill McCann
and Michael Ryan have returned
after a pleasant holiday spent
in sunny Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Regier
visited with relatives last Sat-
urday in Windsor.
Mrs. Paul Hajas and daughter
Margeret spent the weekend
visiting in Detroit, Mich.
Mr. Pat McCann suffered a
leg injury last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Rourke
were lucky parents last Friday
when they suffered a close call
with a car-train accident south
of Exeter. The front end of the
car was torn off in the coll:sion.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rock and
Sharon, Wallaceburg, visited
over the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Carey and family.
eral of his war buddies were
buried. Mr. Burns Blackler
thanked Mr. Gartenburg on behalf
of everyone present for a most
enlighting description of their
Lunch was served by the ladies
and a social time followedduring
which everyone enjoyed looking
at post cards brought home by
the Gartenburgs on their trip.
St. Paul's Church Woman's
Auxiliary met Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. Alex Irvine.
Mrs. Schaefer presided and
Scripture passage was read by
Mrs. Burns Blackler.
Mrs. S. J. Bell gave a paper
on the World Day of Prayer
A committee of Mesdames.
Waghorn, Smith, Irvine, Schaef-
er and Davis were appointed to
look after Centennial dessert tea
Wednesday, March 29. Mrs. Wag-
horn conducted a contest. Lunch
was provided by Mrs. L. Cope-
land, Mrs. Burns Blackler and
Mr. Ern Cowdrey is a patient
in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital.
Misses Dawn Blackler and
Betty Jean Gran of Toronto spent
the weekend with Mrs. Maurice
Mrs. Bernice Robinson of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Scott and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irvine visit-
ed Sunday with Mrs. J. Bishop
and Mr's. R. Rathburnof Tornntn.
The hall board sponsored a
progressive euchre in Aberdeen
Hall Monday evening.
Prize winners were: ladies
high, Mrs. Junior Doupe; lone
hands, Mrs. Cliff Scott; men's
high, Harry Rodd; lone hands,
Heber Shute.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Morphy
of Hyde Park, Miss Mary New-
combe of Masonville visitedSun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Scott.
Mrs. Wm. Waghorn is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mrs. John Coward visited Mon-
day with Mrs. Newton Clarke in
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton and
family visited Tuesday evening
with Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Grubb and
Michael at Farquhar.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sparling of
London visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mt s. Freeman Horne.
Husband, whispering to wife,
who is chattering away with their
hostess: '"You've dropped one
more name than she has we'd
better go while you're ahead."
Times-Advocate, February 23, 1967
Page 11
Group at .Kirkton
told of Poland trip
Morrissey with a vocal duet. A
chorus of 4-H girls who attend
Stephen Central School sang two
The province assigned for
study was Ontario. Susan Davey
outlined the history of the prov-
ince and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins,
its geography. Mrs. Hodgin's
daughter, Mary, assisted her
mother by pointing out on a wall
map places that were referred
to. There was a display of liter-
ature dealing with Ontario.
Finally the 4-H girls served
lunch to the Institute members.
The menu chosen included fruit
bread, cheese, and mixed black
and green tea,
Saturday the Institute held a
highly successful rummage sale
in the Township Hall. Downstairs
piles of clothing and household
articles tempted browsing shop-
Upstairs Mr. William Smith,
assisted by Mr. Lorne Hodge,
Mr. William Averill, Mr. Sam
King and Mr. Lloyd Hey, con-
ducted a lively and good-hum-
ored auction of other worth-
while articles which had been
Following their regular meet-
ing at Crediton on Wednesday,
February 15, twenty-nine cubs
accompanied by four leaders pro-
ceeded to Exeter to enjoy a tour
of the Times-Advocate building.
They learned much about how a
weekly paper is produced.
The redecorating of the in-
terior of the EUB Church is
proceeding apace. The work is
being done by Messrs. Laverne
and Eldon Heywood of Exeter.
The color chosen is a clear
blue with white trim and the
overall effect with the stained
glass windows and varnished
beams is found to be highly
Several from this area attended
the funeral of Mr. Kenneth Baxter
at Barrie Tuesday, February 14.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Syl-
vester Wuerth and Peter, Mr.
Lloyd Wein, Mr. Wilmer Wein,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock,
Mrs. Emerson Wein, Miss Lil-
lian Heist and Miss Nola Feist.
Ill Health ?
See your doctor first.
Bring your prescription to
15 Branches Throughout
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This Weekk BEST BUYS
in CONKLIN Country
24" x 48" Painted Panels
Only the most expensive veneers are
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For the ultimate in luxury
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Often mistaken for arborite. Comes in
golden glitter on white, block or cham-
paigne; beige Milano marble; black
marble etc. Lasts a lifetime; 1/16"
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ey down; easy terms.
Exeter, 235-1422
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4' x 8' $18" k.