HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-02-09, Page 9GIFTS Fancy Heart Shaped Boxes of Candy by Jenny Lind $1.95 - $2. 95 - $3. 95 $3.50 -$6.95 Jenny Lind Candy Tastes The Best Colognes & Perfumes MIDDLETON &Mr PHONE 235-1570 EXETER Feb. 13 to 18 IT'S HOOVER WEEK AT RUSSELL ELECTRIC MONEY-SAVING CLEARANCE SALE FINE HOOVER FLOOR CARE APPLIANCES BUY NOW AND SAVE! HOOVER "Constellation" Vacuum Cleaner A, Floats on a cushion of air .. no more dragging and pushing ! .95 Complete with double-stretch hose, large disposable dirt bog, tool rack and tools — rug and floor nozzle, dusting brush, upholstery nozzle and crevice tool, Limited Quantities! Model 439 „ , Each HOOVER De Luxe Upright Cleaner 13, Removes deep, ground-in- dirt from your carpets and rugs. 2 speed motor shifts to "high" for extra suction power! Converts instantly to suction cleaner. Complete with wrap around bumper guard, headlight and disposable dirt bag. Limited Quantities! Model 701 1 each .95 HOOVER Twin-Brush Polisher C. Deep furniture guard prevents nicks end scrapes. Features 3 sets of pads . • , pads for applying wax, felt pads for buffing and lambswool pods for high gloss. Limited Quantities? Model 5337. 26 95 each RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 235-0505 EXETER Honor retiring firemen at Dashwood banquet farm north of Dashwood to Mr. Alvin Walper who gets immediate possession. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe of Toronto. spent Sunday with Mrs, Wes Wolfe, TOM Wolfe ac. compacted them home and visited with his parents, M. and Mrs.. Stuart Wolfe, prior to them leav,- ing for a two week visit to Florida. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Eagleson of Exeter accompanied them, Mr. and Mrs. john Snyder of Brantford spent the weekend with Mrs, Bertha Hayter, Mr. and Mrs, Mike Burke and daughter of Brampton spent the weekend with Milt Haugh, By MRS, ERVIN RADER. The annual banquet for the firemen and wives was held Wed. evening, Feb. 1 with dinner at the Dashwood Hotel. Fire Chief Harold Schroeder addressed the group and called on several others who spoke briefly. Two retiring firemen, Lorne Kleinstiver and Ken McCrae re- ceived a memento from the fire- men. James Hayter,r, etiring firechief also received a remem- brance. Harold Schroeder an- nounced that Clayton Pfile had given a donation to the firemen who aided in saving his shoe shop. Bunco followed at the com- munity centre. Winners were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter; con- solationists were Mrs. Harold Stire and Cliff Salmon, Cards and dancing rounded out the even- ing. Times-Advocate, February 9, 1967 Page 9 WSWS MEETING The WSWS meeting of the ladies of the Evangelical UB Church was held Friday, Feb. 3 with the Christian Social Relations com- mittee in charge and Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson convenor. All taking part were in costume of a cen- tury ago. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaiser and three children seated on a settee represented a family of a century ago,. Donald read from the scriptures, Mrs. Jean Anne Guenther pre- sided for the program seated in a rocking chair. Mrs. Stuart Wolfe was at a spinning wheel and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, a butter churn. A men's quartette, Jack Gaiser, Stuart Wolfe, Harry Hoffman and Mervyn Tieman sang old hymns and songs. Mrs. George Link recited Kipling's "Recessional". Mrs. Sylvia Wolfe read the 23rd Psalm from a German Bible. Rev. Merrill James lead in old- fashioned prayer, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson read from an old school reader, "Pioneer Life 100 Years Ago". Coal-oil lamps were used for lighting. To complete the scene homemade bread, apple butter and cheese were served during the social hour. Mrs. Letta Taylor, vice-pres- ident, presided for the business. World Day of Prayer will be held at Grand Bend Feb. 10 at 2 pm. Improvements at the parsonage were recommended by the com- mittee. The WSWS will present a program at Huronview March 28. The committee in charge is Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. Syd Baker and Mrs. Gordon Bender. A donation was received from Dashwood Men's Club for loan of dishes. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Ron Heimrich, principal Allan Taylor, Mrs. Arnold Mathers and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin. Back row, Ross Carter, Miss Faye Schlenker, Mrs. Charles Gowan, Mrs. Mervyn Carter, Mrs. Beth Batten and Mrs. Ross Haugh. T-A photo The early days of the three R's and the hickory stick were relived at Usborne Central school, Thursday when the staff and a large number of pupils wore centennial costumes. In the above picture, the teachers are shown in their 186'7 finery. Front row, from left, PERSONALS Mrs. Ernest Koehler, Mrs. Howard Klumpp and Mrs. Irvin Rader attended a meeting at the Court House, Goderich, Wednes- day afternoon Feb. 1 for librar- ians and board members to better understand the new county library system. Mr. Aaron Restemayer sold his Guiding on the go . Busy month for local gals 11111111111111111111119 Ladies see film of early clerics A film "There was a Bear in the Road" was shown by Mrs. S. E. Lewis at the James Street UCW General meeting last Tues- day evening. The film depicted the early history of Canada es, pecially of the itinerant preach- ers as they travelled from place to place. Mrs. Earl Shapton presided for the program which also included the devotional taken by Mrs. E. Bell and a solo by Brenda Dinney. President Mrs. Ken Ottewell conducted the business. The Korean girl adopted by the UCW has reached the age of 16 and will start dressmaking at five dollars a month. Another girl Kim Yong Ae has been adopted. Anniversary Sunday will be held May 28 with Mrs. Ethel Brant Monture as speaker. The World's Day of Prayer will be held in Trivitt Memorial Church Friday, February 10 at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Huron Presbyterial UCW will be held in Wingham United Church, Tuesday February 21 with Rev. Gordon Hunter as guest speaker. The budget for 1967 was pre- sented and the sum of $4042 will have to be raised to meet the al- location and other commitments . HIGHER INTEREST RATES much satisfaction from working with our young people. A big vote of thanks goes to our pre- vious leaders for their time and devotion given to Guiding. We have traced the history of Guiding in Exeter back to its beginning and hope to have this compiled and in print in the near future. Good luck and good Guiding! Guaranteed investment Certificates understanding citizens in the ir communities. Guides across Canada are un- dertaking special projects for our Canadian Centennial Year. Feb- ruary will be a very active month for Guides here in Exeter, and we hope that during the year our community will feel free to call upon us to help in any service projects as the oppor- tunities arise. Our local Scout House has been completely re-decorated within, and the Local association of the Guide-Scout Groups in town will hold their Annual tea and bake sale Feb. 25 at the Scout House. Brownies and Guides are already selling tickets for this event, and we are hoping for a bigger response this year than ever before. Again this year all groups 6 % BY MRS. ROBT LUXTON DISTRICT COMMISSIONER During the month of February the Guide-Scout Movement all aroung t h e world celebrates Guide-Scout week Feb. 20 to 26. This week is set aside that we may plan special events, wor- ship together with our communi- ty at the annual church parade, and especially to celebrate Feb. 22, the joint birthdays of our Founder, Lord Baden-Powell, and his wife, Lady Baden-Powell. To members of the movement, Feb. 22 is known as "Thinking Day". On this day we remember Guides and Scouts the world over, to wish them happiness and fun in their Guiding adventures, and to hope that the knowledge and sense of values which they learn may better equip them to take their place as useful happy and North Bosanquel for 1 year 6 1/4 % for 2 or 3 years 6 1/2 % for 4 or 5 years Available in amounts of $100.00 or more. 4n ideal investment for security and high return. By MRS, G. HOOPER Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson and Mrs. Jack Thompson attended the training school for 4-H club project Sleeping Garments Thursday and Friday at Mitchell. Lisa Vanexan of Waterloo spent the weekend with her grandpar- ents Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brine and family, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brine of Prospect Hill were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. William Jones Mrs. Lottie Jones, St. Marys was a Saturday guest. Miss Shirley Weekes, St. Marys was a Thursday overnight guest of Miss Jeanette Hooper. Misses Sharon Masse' and Veryl Hooper of Woodstock were Thursday and Friday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Giadwyn Hooper. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Patch of Strathroy spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mrs. William Jones enter- tained Thursday in honor of Don- na's birthday all the girls of Metropolitan school. They spent the afternoon tobogganing and skiing. All enjoyed the birthday supper. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson had as their guests Saturday even- ing Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gras- by, Debbie and Linda of London. Debbie was celebrating her fifth birthday. Youth aids cleric at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Sunday morning members of the Messengers sat in a body in the church. Douglas Rohde, president of the Ynuth Fellow- ship Club, assisted Rev. Stewart Miner with the service. Misses Joanne Hodgert and Judith Cann read the Scripture. III Health ? By MRS. WM. WALTERS Miss Carolyn Kellett of Thames Road visited over the weekend with Dianne Hutton. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny of Crediton visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara, Penny re- maining for a couple of days. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dayman and family of Kippen visitedSun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. & Mrs. Murray Coward and Jeffery of Sunshine Line visited Friday with Mrs. John Coward. will have window displays in local stores, and the church parade will be held Feb. 26 at Main St. United Church. More details of these events will be in next week's paper. Each of our girls' groups have new leaders this year. With the 1st Brownie Pack is Mrs. Bob Callingham as Brown Owl, Susan Wooden - Packie; 2nd Pack, Mrs. Ron Anderson Brown Owl and Mrs. Bruce Shaw is Tawny Owl. Guide Captain is Mrs. Keith Coates and Mrs. Ben Fisher is Lieutenant of the Company. Cap- tain of the Exeter District Air Ranger Crew is Mrs. J. Gibson. Mrs. Gibson will: be leaving town in March, and we have been very fortunate in securing Mrs. Paul Regier as Captain for the Rangers. Mrs. Regier will be known to many as the former Katharine page who earned her Gold Cord as a member of the Exeter Guide Co. We have Rangers from both Exeter and Hensel' in the crew as it covers South Huron District. The girls range in age from 14 to 18, and we would welcome any girls who are of this age and would be interested in Ran- gers. We heartily welcome all our new leaders and hope they will thoroughly enjoy their associa- tion with the movement, and gain Play euchre at Woodham See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Mr. & Mrs. Art Greenless of Parkhill visited Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Nordstrom and Robert last Wed- nesday. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gotelaer Jr. David and Peter of Ridge- town visited Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. John Kelder visit- ed Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Nordstrom and Robert Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Desjardine and David of Dashwood visited Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance last Thurs- day. Mrs. H. Prance, Mrs. Gordon Gotelaer Jr., David and Peter visited Mr. & Mrs. Norman Vin- cent, Grand Bend, Saturday, Misses Barbara and Mary Blewett made an excellent debut on CFPL-TV at 11 am Sunday telling about Japan. The ski run, tow and toboggan slide in Pinery Park are popu- lar sports. Wm. Blewett has secured a position in Brantford. By MISS JEAN COP! AND The Black Night Lodge held a euchre in the orange Hall on Friday evening with ten tables in play. Prize winners were: men' s high score, Mr. Lloyd Cowdrey; lone _hands, Mr. Allen Berry; ladies high score, Mrs. Lillian Dobbs; lone hands, Mrs. Myrtle Doupe; lucky draw, Mrs. Russell Morley, Arnold Cann, Mrs. William Rohde favored with a piano solo. A Christian Stewarship readi ng was given by Mrs. Ken Duncan and a reading by Mrs. R-ohde. M r s, Donald Kernick presi- dent, took charge of the meet- ing when she conducted Bible study. Mrs. Arnold Cann read a letter from the missionary for prayer, Miss Vera Lyon. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. James Harris, Carolyn, Robbie and Patti of Windsor were Sunday guests with. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Harris. Ginger, Debbie and John Love of Gran Bend spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cann. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Lamport left Monday for California for three weeks to visit Mr. & Mrs. John Critz, Quite a number of parents at- tended the centennial program at Usborne Central School Thurs- day. World Day of Prayer Service will be held Friday, February 10 in Thames Road Church at 2 p.m. when the Elimville ladies will join in the service. The Happy Doubles Club will have their bowling party Satur- day evening February 18. STUDY CHURCH'S ACTION The UCW met last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Robert Mayer and Mrs. Lloyd Knight as hostesses. Mrs. Ross Hod- gert, program B. convener, was in charge of the meeting, as- sisted by Mrs. William Johns. A chapter from the study book "Churches Where the Action Is" was given by Mrs. Jack Duncan, Mrs. Fleming Simpson and Mrs. Cook Book -- Continued from page 8 piece of soft leather and whit- ing and rub hard. The proprietor of one of the oldest silver es- tablishments in Philadelphia says that housekeepers ruin their silver in soap suds, as it makes it look like pewter. Sorority see disease film PERSONALS Messrs Maurice Komonski and Bill Walwatt of Vancouver visit- ed for a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen and family. Miss Mary McAllister of Lis- towel was a weekend guest with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell, Terri and Scott visited Thursday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara of Shipka. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore and family of Thames Road visit- ed with Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and family Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pam- ela and Calvin entertained on Sunday for Calvin's birthday, Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler and Da- vid, Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna, Mrs. John Butters and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rodd. Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Grain • Peed • Cement Building Supplie d Coal 228-6638 TO WASH CARPETS Spread the carpet where you can use a brush; take Irish po- tatoes and scrape them into a pail or tub of water and let them stand over night, using one peck to clean a large carpet; two pails of water is sufficient to let them stand in and you can add more when ready to use; Add two ounces of beef gall and use with a brush, as in scrubbing a floor; the particles of potato will help cleanse; when dry, brush with a broom or stiff brush. RECEIPT FOR A COLD One pound of liverwort put into four quarts of water and boiled down to one quart, add, While warm, a quarter pound of ball liquorice and a quarter pound of loaf sugar; when cool add a pint of gin. Dose — half a large Wineglass half an hour before each meal. In reading the book one cat- ches a glimpse of life in Canada in the early years and we are indebted to Mrs. Fetcher for sharing the book with us. Mrs. Jim Hyde, lIensall pre- sident of the London Branch and secretary of the Ontario As- sociation of Cystic Fibrosis, showed a film "The Song of the Night Lark", at the meeting of Beta Sigma phi Sorority held at the home of Mrs. Robert Fletcher Tuesday evening. After the showing of the film which dealt with cystic fibrosis Mrs. Hyde answered questions asked by the group. Plans were finalized for the Centennial Bali Friday, February 17 and it was decided to have a float in Exeter Teen Town parade March 24. Mrs. Ron Bogart and Mrs. Robert Chaffe assisted the host- ess during the 'social hour, Schoolmasters of the past THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY OFFICES:- Forest Sarnia Petrolia Strathroy Contact our representative John Burke 235-1863 Exeter