HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-02-02, Page 8Pago Tirnes.Adv ate, February 2, 1907 .V.in MRS. ALEX DUNCAN 2 , . . . . . . , - WI discuss Centennial 1111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Establishes pen pa l s Crediton churches hold annuals Mrs, Wilfred Mack, authorized by the Council of Stephen Town- ship to prepare a history of the township, IS in Toronto complet- ing research at the Provincial chives. Mrs. Mary Gallup, Kirkton, mother of Mrs. Lorne Hodge, celebrated her eightieth birthday at a dinner held at the Centralia. Hotel Friday. Twenty-three members of the family were pre- sent for the happy occasion. Monday evening January 23 74 7 ,14 40. le4.40e04, Ready Mix (C)14-CRETE Plant 235.0833 Residence 228-6961 MCDOnELL Lid: JUMBO VALUE on all white APPLIANCES r oa r comet., have already been establialhei: the other let- ters have been sent and await replies. teorrespondents share olformatiou ‘el Ia l ides, school activities ,ovi lift , in general in their locality. ANNI: Al MEETING The annual ineetiue of the EUI3 church was held Thursday even- Mg January 26_ All funds of the church showed that obligations had been met and a balance left to he carried into 1907. Albert Gaiser was re-elected to another term as c h u r c 11 trustee, William Swartz to an- other as MOM her of the Cemetery Board. Mrs. U. F. Wenzel was re-appointed financial secretary and church treasurer. With be- quests revolved plans are afoot to purchase a film strip project- or and a communion table cloth and pulpit and lectern hangings. There was considerable discus- sion concerning the redecorating of the halls and auditorium of the building, the church's Centennial project. By MISS ELLA MORLOCK The annual meeting of the Unit- ed Church SundaySclwol was Held Tuesday evening „January 24, Re- ports given shtmed that 1066 had been a successful year. Plans were discussed for the summer Vecation School, andfor a Sunday School June. Officers appointed for 1907 are: Superintendent, Cliff Ken- eey; associates, Doug Lightfoot, Nelson Lamport, Cliff Russell, Earl Neil; secretary. Lorne Preszcator; treasurer. Mrs. Ed. Lamport; supply secretary and paper librarian, Mrs. Howard Lightfoot; attendance secretary, Rene Whitney, Wendy Neil; pro- gram committee. Mrs. Dot., Gel- loway, Mrs. Nelson Lamport; Pianists, Mrs, Charles Brown- ing, Ruth Hodge, F'lva Finkbeiner, Wendy Neil; missionary commit- tee, Mrs. Lorne Preszcator, Mrs, Ilene Mathers; temperance committee, Ed. Lamport, Rus- sell Finkbeiner; cradle roll, Mrs. Ross Pickering, Mrs. Cliff Rus- sell, Teachers are: Beginners, Shirley Pfaff and 'Wendy Neil; primary girls, Mrs, Nelson Lam- port and Ruth Hodge; primary boys, patsy Clark and Ruth Hodge; junior girls, Mrs. Cliff Kenney and Elaine Whitney; ju- nior boys, Richard Moon and Edward Preszcator; intermedi- ate boys and girls, Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner and Mrs. Earl Neil; Christian H elpers, Mrs. Ed. Lamport and Mrs. Russell Fink- beiner. GB churches plan to pray Exeter FRO! anniversaries a special meeting of the South Huron.Ministerial Association was held at the home of Rev. 4 Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg to bid farewell to Rev. & Mrs. J. P. Gendon of Exeter. Sixteen mem- bers of the Association were present. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Finkbeiner and family of Thornton spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner, Mrs. Cornelis Verkerk visit- ed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. • REFRIGERATORS • STOVES • AUTOMATIC WASHERS • WRINGER WASHERS & AUTOMATIC DRYERS :)e'can, •n to Tees- . easion • _. azinavor- EXETER were 'leteher ' .4 par- ale" Sil- eo,enship. Tta, is the son Trs. ohn marriage thee t t 18 Con 12 le see, e • .7 to Exeter treare Tna• By MRS. WELL-WOOD GILL GRAND BEND The World Day of Prayer will be held atSt. John's-by-the-Lake Anglican Church, Friday, Feb- ruary 10 at 2 pm with all churches in the community taking part' Mrs. Art Heist is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs, Ray Patterson is spend- ing this week with relatives in Toronto and Brampton. A Youth group and their lead- ers of Ea.stminster Presbyterian Church, Detroit, who spent the weekend at Beach O'Pines at- tended the Sunday morning wor- ship service at the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Welsh of Watford visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill. At the Sunday morning worship service Rev. G E. Morrow per- formed the sacrament of infant baptism for Jeffery Dave Green- wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Greenwood, Many friend s and relatives called to wish them well. CELEBRATE 55 YEARS Saturday evening the family and a few friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, James St., on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent inplay- ing progressive euchre. Last Tuesday evening they were entertained to dinner at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flicks. • .. e their rrlilee John Mrs. J. R. leeely, Kingston and ai e.eng) Pe.ssmore, aitie ee. Dimes march returns $700 Twenty nine Marching Mothers canvassed the town Monday night for the March of Dimes and real- ized $685.02. The Legion Auxil- iary members are quite pleased and are hoping to make the amount to $700 when the donations from the boxes in the places of business are collected. Canadian General Electric Refrigerators sale priced from 189.00 RUSSELL ELECTRIC .Art Schretider, St. Marys. The Crediton Cubs and Scouts secured $85 by appearing on the CFPL-TV program Act Fast Sunday evening, Mrs. Hero Id Thorne represented the group in the acting out of a charade. Monday evening January 30 a group of friends honored Mrs. Lorne Morlock with a surprise birthday party. Because it is Centennial Year, they went to her home dressed in costume of long ago, 235.0505 riduc cleric t Kirkton HEAR OF CENTENNIAL EVENTS At the meeting of the Women's Institute held Wednesday evening January 25, roll call was answer- ed by citing a newspaper column most enjoyed. That of Ann Land- ers proved the most popular. Mrs. William Geiser chaired the program portion of the meet- ing. After the singing of 0 Can- ada, Mrs. Walter Weber diseuss- ed the motto (the who has books never lacks a friend", and Miss Carol Hendrick rendered a piano solo. Mr. T. J. McCauley, Exeter, secretary of the C entennial Com- mittee outlined progress made toward the celebration of Cen- tennial in Exeter and the sur- rounding area. He listed dates that have been taken for project- ed events and showed pictures. Mrs. William Gaiser reviewed the history and resources of Saskatchewan and Alberta. There was a good collection of pic- tures and mementos of the two provinces on the display table. During the business session it was decided to entertain patients at Huronview on March 15, and to cater for the banquet of the Federation of Agriculture later in the spring. Mrs. Harvey Hod- gins asked that everyone come to the February meeting of the Institute in Centennial costume. Those not in costume are to be fined 50a. Hostesses were Mrs. John Morrissey, Mrs. Walter Weber, Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner, Mrs. Clayton Sims and Mrs. William Gaiser. 7ciatg ?aide-4 GETS PEN PALS AS PROJECT Miss Linda Haugh has her own Centennial project - contact with a pen pal in each of Canada's provinces and in the Northwest Territories. She secured the ad- dresses in the provinces from a weekly paper that lists pen pal requests. The address in the Territories was found in a book used by the church's Youth Fel- lowship. Linda started her pro- ject on New Year's Day. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS The in.leation :service of Rev. Sant to the. aarishes of Peers Kirkror., St. Thomas, Grante end et. eeatriek's Saints- bur_v. was I in $t. Paul's, frret: r ii ting were Bis- ea. e Georgian Bay . Rev. Maur , - *-eener, Rev. Tot aeeen , St rat- arees of St. ed. Rev. Perkins n!' ea. Rev. George Ham- arei Rev. T. El- Leta ref le.reper, Teeeed. social tee. caurch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wright are vacationing in Florida. Messrs. Lloyd Miller and Wil- liam Wright spent last week in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fletcher and Denise have returned from a three-week holiday in Florida. The Washington Squares, local folk-singing group, were in Lon- don, Monday night taping a show which will appear on CFPL-TV Sunday, February 5 at 11 am. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil are attending a convention in Wash- ington, D.C. eefiq Kirkton ;i te m wad e .t- rPtary. ee al; all eel Bess ees- Jne hoard Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles G Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bantor of Sunset Dr. Gederich, were at the Rose Bud Inn recently and will reopen in May. Wm, Nordstrom spent Monday in London. De Los Stebbins is quite ill in St. Marys hospital, London, fol- lowing a period of exposure in August, in his gravel pit before discovered. Mr. Robert Nordstrom has re- turned to school in Pefrolia fol- lowing an attack of flu. Mrs. L. G. Haigmeir is ill in Victoria hospital, London. Wm. Nordstrom is very busy in his workshop - radio and TV repair and part time in the Pinery Park. 81 Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place Most important of all • results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance t Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. 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Chips Farm 694 SUPERIOR7 EFOOD MARKET*1 Phone Delivery TIL 9 OPEN 2354)212 IRE FRIDAY NIGHTS