HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-02-02, Page 5William Gibson of BE-N-JAY BEAUTY SALON wishes to take this opportunity to thank all his clientele for their patronage while be was in business in Hensall. Times-Advocate, February 2, 1967 Page 5 Hensa1. and district news Thames Road pair mark anniversary CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 261-2002 Mrs, Bertha MacGrogeri Phan, 2624025 youth Sunday When the Young People will be in charge of the church service. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schoen- weiss and family of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert. By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Friday evening, January 20, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Cann entertained them to dinner at Knotty Pine Inn, Lon- don, and then to a theatre party, the occasion being their fortieth wedding anniversary, Thursday evening, January 26, Mr. and Mrs. FtegHodgert enter- tained 22 friends to a surprise social evening for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann (the formerIsabelle McCullagh) on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniver- sary. Among those present was Miss Mary Gardiner, one of the attendants at the wedding, Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton read an ad- dress and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell presented the bride and groom with a gift. Friday, January 27, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Merkley of London entertained the latter's brothers and sisters and their partners and the bridal couple Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cann to a dinner party. A presentation was made. Kin plan carnival to mark centennial mobile race, log cutting contest with cross cut saws for which cash prizes will be awarded. As an added attraction Saturday morning there will be a judging of snowmen made by the children of the town. There will be no entry fees for the sports contests. Anyone in- terested in entering the contest can contact members of the Kins- men Club. Preparing for big race One of the main events of the Hensel]. Kinsmen club's Winter carnival on February 11 will be pony cutter races, In the above picture, George Beer of Hensall has his family out for a ride in preparation for the upcoming event. T-A photo Hensall Reeve Minnie Noakes challenges Mayors or Reeves from Huron County to a snow shoe race Saturday, February 11 at Hensall Kinsmen Centennial Winter Carnival. Friday, Feb- ruary 10 activities include Old Tyme Dancing 9-? at the local arena. At the dance at 9;45 pm Kinsmen will be crowning the Snow Queen, contestants spon- sored by Hensall Businessmen. Saturday events include a par- ade at 1 pm from Hensall Town Hall, which will tour the back streets. There will be no prizes for floats but the Kinsmen will appreciate entries for the parade At 2 pm at the Park, pony cutter races, snow shoe races, snow- WI meets at Staffa KINETTES PLAN FLOAT The Hensall Kinettes met Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 25 at the home of Mrs. Harold Caldwell when guest for the evening was Chief Marching Mother Mrs. Grant McGregor. The Kinettes will have a float in the Kinsmen Winter Carnival Parade Saturday February 11 and a booth at Hensall Centen- nial Festivities July I. Next regular meeting will be February 8 for which Mrs. J. Drysdale will be hostess. The raffle was won by Mrs. Ron Wareing. The social committee conducted a contest won by the guest Mrs. McGregor. Exclusive FRIGIDAIRE Custom Imperial Super-Surge DISHWASHER Model DWJMK 3 Frigidaire colors or white COMMUNITY NIGHT Friday evening community night was held in Farquhar Hall with thirteen tables of euchre in play. Prizes for ladies high were won by Mrs. Ray Cottle; ladies low, Kathy Ferguson; lone hands, Wil- liam Ferguson; men's high, Ray Cottle; men's low, GrantHooper. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart. Review Canada's Exchange vows in local church Hensall United Church was the setting for a pretty wedding Fri- day, January 27 at '7 pm when Susan Sharon Stinson and Leslie James Riley exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. Harold F. Currie. The bride is the daughter of Mr. William Stinson of RR Hensall and the groom is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Riley of Hen- sail. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a street-length gown of white rayon, A-line, with metallic silver threads through- out the gown, sleeveless and fashioned with a boat collar. With it she wore large black trimmed hat, with black accessories and corsage of red roses. Maid of Honor, Miss Patricia Harris of RR 1, Cromarty, chose a street length dress of ice blue, styled with lace bodice and crepe skirt, black rimmed hat and ac- cessories in black. Her corsage was pink roses. Mr. William Noakes of Hensall was groomsman. The wedding reception was held in the Legion Hall, Hensall. The young couple will reside in the Fink Apartments onNelson Street. history ducted a game of "Two of a Kind." Mrs. Carter Kerslake pre- sided for the business. Mrs. Ed Chappel and Mrs. Tom Laing have purchased pictures of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip and they were displayed at the meet- ing. It was moved to send delegates to the Officers Conference at Guelph in May and the National UC congregation pick new officers PERSONAL Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morley of Ex- eter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hun- kin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde surprised Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson at their home on the occasion of their wedding an- niversary which was on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge of Exeter visited onSunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Sunday, February 5 will be Friends shower bride with gifts Miss Patricia Harris and Mrs. Ross Riley were co-hostesses for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Susan Stinson prior to her mar- riage Friday evening. Some sixty five friends, neighbors and rel- atives met to honor her in the Legion Hall, Hensall, which was decorated in pink and white motif. A program was presented con- sisting of readings by Mrs. Beat- rice Munn, Mrs. G. Carey, and duet by the Misses Janice Wright and Ruth Coleman. Mrs. Percy Harris read the presentation address and gifts were presented in a decorated basket to Susan by Wendy and Cheryl Riley. The bride-elect received a host of beautiful gifts for which she expressed her thanks and appreciation. Contests were enjoyed and refreshments served. Hall at night with the Norris Orchestra providing the music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simpson, Kirkton, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family, Per444 41,4 By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Mrs. Carter Kerslake was hos- tess for the "Agriculture and Canadian Industries" meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute held in her home Wednesday after- noon, Ja.nuary 25. Mrs. John Templeman pres- ided and commented on the motto "Good Fences Make Grod Neigh- bours". There were 21 members and one visitor present and the roll call was answered by nam- ing "The handiest labour saving device on the farm". Mrs. Rob- ert McCaughey favored with a trio of piano instrumentals. Mrs. Cecil Bowman comment- ed on the topic, "The Early History of Canada". She took the members on a cross Canada quiz, which everyone enjoyed. She also spoke on the Centennial Farms in Perth County and Mrs. Charles Douglas gave a reading on this same subject. Mrs. Sam Norris, Miss •Vera Hambley, Mrs. Ross McPhail and Mrs. John Templeman all gave readings on the past and present of farming. At the close of her topic Mrs. Bowman con- YOUR BEST BUY IS FRIGIDAIRE Soles with Service! DRYSDALE (neat HARDWARE Plan banquet for centennial Mrs. E. Rowe chaired the meeting of the L.A. executive of Guides and Brownies onTues- day, January 24 at Hensall United Church when plans were final- ized for the candy sale which will take place Saturday, Feb. 11. The mothers to deliver candy to Hensall United Church from 3:30 to 7 pm on Friday, Feb. 10. A Centennial mother and daugh- ter banquet for Guides and Brownies will take place Feb- ruary 22, 6 pm at Hensall United Church. Dial 262-2015 HENSALL Convention in Guelph in June. Mrs. Kerslake announced that Mrs. John Wallace, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. Bert Daynard and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery were the 4-H leaders for the next home- making club "Sleeping Gar- ments". The members decided to make and quilt two crib quilts at the March meeting, to enclose in the parcel with the sewing now being done for "War Memorial Hos- pital". There were many attractive winter table centres on display for the competition with Mrs. Larry Gerdiner the judge and Miss Olive Speare's arrangement being the winner. Mrs. Cecil Bowman had on display many gifts and souvenirs which she had received from her pen friend in Australia as her special feature. DINNER & RECEPTION The Staffa UCW catered to the wedding dinner following the marriage of Miss Bernice Sey- eau and Mr. Ken Coulson held in Staffa United Church Saturday January 28. A reception was held in Staffa "How do you spell 'sense'?" "What kind — common, or dol- lars and cents?" "Neither. I mean I haven't seen my friend 'sense' last month." Fresh by Walter Spencer, clerk. The nominating committee con- sisting of James McGregor, Rob- ert Caldwell, Jack Simmons and Eric Mansfield were authorized to fill vacancies on the com- mittee of Stewards. Mr. Edison Forrest was elect- ed to a three year term as clerk of the congregation. The 1967 budget prepared by the finance committee and pre- sented by the convener James McGregor was accepted by the congregation. In 1967 this con- gregation will be enrolled on the "Every-Family Plan" to receive the official church paper "The United Church Observer". Rev. Currie expressed apprec- iation to all members and espec- ially to the officials for their leadership in the affairs of the church during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pyette paid trib- ute to the minister and his wife on behalf of the congregation. MEASURE THESE FOOD SPECIALS Chicken Fryers WEEK END SPECIALS FOR FEBRUARY 2, 3, 4 /67. FROZEN FOOD 3-4 lb. average lb 3U 454 each FRENCH FRIES Supreme 2 lb. bag The annual congregational meeting of Hensel' United Church was preceded by a pot luck din- ner served by the UCW Wednes- day evening, January 25, Follow- ing dinner, a hearty sing-song was led by Mrs. James McAl- lister with Miss Greta Lammie at the piano. Preceding the business meet- ing a short program was pre- sented with Mrs. Rodger Venner reading an original poem, Mrs. Dave Kyle, a humorous reading and a piano instrumental by Mrs. Robert Pryde. The devotional period conducted by Rev. Harold F. Currie included a silent trib- ute to those who have passed away since the last annual meet- ing. The business meeting was chaired by the minister with minutes being read and record- ed by Mr. William Mickle, clerk of the congregation. The reports for the past year's work of the church and its organizations were presented in printed form and reviewed by all present. They indicated an increase in steward- ship of time, ability and posses- sions to the life and work of the church. The 1966 Missionary and Maintenance budget was met and exceeded over 1965 as well as the local treasury of the church. The Session report was presented Loin or Butt Pork Chops lb 6U McCormick's Plan reunion in Blanshard Whole Pork Loins Chef Boyardee for your freezer lb. 57C By MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moffatt and family spent the weekend at Ridgetown at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt together with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mousseau of Hensall attended a curling bonspeil Saturday at Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons and Jimmy of Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Donald. Mrs. Alf Moffatt and Mrs. R. T, Bailey left Sunday by plane for a vacation at Vero Beach, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson left by plane last week for a few weeks' vacation at Boynton Beach, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth are holidaying in Florida. Mr. William Gibson left by jet Wednesday from Melton airport for Canberra, Australia, where he will take up residence. Kippen East Women's Institute held a successful Dessert Euchre and bake sale in Hensall Legion Hall Wednesday, Jan. 25 which netted $55. Nineteen tables were in play for the euchre with seven prizes, two firsts, two seconds, two consolations, and one lone hand awarded. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle entertained their family Sunday to a turkey dinner and all the members were able to be pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mickle, Pamela, Judith and John; Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David and Tommy, Waterloo; Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamilton; Mr. Robert and Miss Ann Mickle, UWO, and Mrs. Mickle's sister, Mrs. Florence Joynt. Miss Annie Consitt, who is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland of Hensall will celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary quietly on February 5. The February meeting of Hen- salt Women's Institute, Wednes- day Feb. 8 in the Legion Hall at 8:15 pm will be a Valentine party, each member to please bring a guest and introduce her at roll call. Ten members of Hensel]. Kin- ette Club, plus four volunteers and Marching Mother Mrs. Grant McGregor, canvassed the village Monday evening for the March of Dimes campaign and collected $184.65. size) 2 packs (plus deposit) York Rural Learners told of history 60"s (plus 15 free) lb. 49 2/39t 1 lb. bags 2 /694 15Y2-oz. 554 3 lbs. 894 8 16.oz. 94 2 /79t 28-oz. 2/69t 48-oz. tin 2 /5 9 79C 15-oz. 2/394 6..z. (14 off pack) 68t 6-ox. j ar (25¢ off pa9c:19999Ct Aloha 'HADDOCK FILLETS Nighhoor HEAD LETTUCE No., imported GROCERIES MARSHMALLOWS PIZZA PIE MIX SHORTENING Bake.,, COKES or SPRITE 6 b°"le "ck (1°.°1. GHERKIN PICKLES PEACHES Fancy Austral brand PINEAPPLE JUICE TEA BAGS Nabob KIDNEY BEANS Stokely FURNITURE POLISH SOUPS Clark's INSTANT COFFEE Fresh Spare Ribs 59C Beef or Pork Liver lb 354 By MRS. G. HOOPER BLANSHARD The 8th line Community held their social evening at Metro- politan School Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones and Mr. & Mrs, Gladwyn Hooper in charge. There were 13 tables of progressive euchre in play. The ladies high prize went to Mrs. Elmer Stevens; ladies lone, Mrs. Claire Sissons; ladies low, Beverely Youngson; men's high, George Carter; men's lone, Doug Dunnell; men's low, Larry Mc- C orquodale. Malcolm Spence took charge of the business. It was decided- to hold an old boys' reunion this summer. Giadwyn Hooper, Jack Thomson and Jack Youngson were appointed to look after it. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson are Committee for February. Lunch was served and social time spent All joined in singing Congratu- lations to M. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary Saturday. Go to school on a skidoo Pledge Friday turned out to be one of the stormiest days of the winter with roads impassable and school buses cancelled for the day, but that did not stop the children of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soldan, who reside on a farm north of Hen- sail on highway 4 from attending school at Hensall. Robert 9, Cathy 7, and Karen 6, thorotighly enjoy- ed their trip into Hensall because their father took them en a skidoo. They usually take the btis to the public school. 10. oz. tomato or vegetable Sniders Minced Ham lb. 55C Mother Parker's Hensall couple 51 years wed Mr. and Mrs. Rey Consitt ob- served their fifty-first wedding anniversary Sunday, January 29 and were entertained to a family dinner at hotel Hensall arranged by members of their family. Present were their seine and daughterein-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Jabk Crihsitt, Heneall, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt of Kippen, and thole MARKET] §4, HENSALL- ONTARIO Hamburg Steak 49C Fairfield Rural Learners met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport, with 19 in attendance. Mrs. Lamport gave the history of their farm from its purchase in 1849 by Andrew Walker who was first reeve of Stephen Town- ship. He bought the 100 acres for 80 pounds 15 shillings from the Canada Land Co. His son Robert Walker bought it in 1873. In 1889 John Bowden had the deed registered in his name and the farm remained in the Bowden family until 1948 When it was bought by Ed Lamport, the pre- sent owner. The history of the Wilson farm was also given by Mrs, Lamport from the birth of Charles Wil- son in 1818 and the emigration of he and his Wife and two Child- ren from England in 1843. He moved to the farm in Stephen Township in 1844. It passed from father to son until November, 1965 when it was Sold to John Glavin. So it was hi the family for 160 years. The price paid in 1844 was 20 pounds. Mrs. Melvin King read apoem. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Heist. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Langford and family were Saturday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs, Ross Lang- ford of Exeter who Were Celebrat- ing their 25th wedding anni- versary. Miss Rah G. Hopper of Toronto Misses Veryl Ilooper and Rose- mary 'Volker of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Clare and Jean- ette, Veryl and Rosemary re- turned to Woodstock nurse-in- training school having spent the past three months at Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto. Misses Roselhary Volkes and Veryl Hooper attended the 68th class halfway party at 401 plaza Saturday evening and were later guests of Miss Carol Harwood of Hickson.