HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-10-22, Page 1W EEKLI' EI)I'I`IO1 . 1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE, tlgure, wron ted i.. cloak. sad wearing o sombrero which completely shaded his coun- tenance, stepped forward, and desiring Diego to follow him, retired to • group of trees a short distance off. 'Friend," rid the geutlemao to the men• digest you have already served me feithfal- ly. Hare you the coorage to carry this let- ter to Donna Julia, std deliver it W her with. out wiUcsaes 1" Diejo, making the ugn of the Cross, took the note and walked over in the directiou of the house. The dauciug still coutinued in the saloon. Numerous couplers stepped gracefully in the gar bolero or the spirited fandango, strikin at iotervala their Ingbt castanets. Julih; feeling fatigued, had lef the dancers and was looking out on the night. The perfumed breeze tubed her cheek', which were flushed by some powerful emo tion. It was plain that, under • mask of gaiety, else was a prey to • bitter sorrow. - Her lip. trembled and her eyes were fixed on vacancy. But she was not ailuwe4 long to remain alone ; Don Rinaldo joined her, with hu countenance besmiu with happiuess.- Taking bet hand,be for the first time ventured to ,peak of lova ; for Donna Isabella. tearing that her daughter might betray her feelings, els never allowed ber to be alone with her lover. Hie m iniunete words were listened to m silence by Julia, but touud no echo w her heart. All mu silence ink the grounds ; the moon poured a flood of light over the whole scene ; the night ;s r. so calm that scarcely . breeze stirred thee night leaves. Julia trem- bled with emotion. " Ou such • night u this," she murmured, "Loteozo'pledp•ed hu vows to me in tbe palm grove, and received mine in return. The remembrance of these happy meetings and her present situation, on the eve of be- cootieg the wife of a loon fur whom she was going to commit • heavy sin. As ebe thus mused, a shudder pared through ber Game. " You are not well, my love." rid Rinal- do ; " the heat of the room fatigues a uu ; let r leave the gay assembly. The water is beautiful ; we cal walk on the terrace or de-. scend into the garden ; there we shall be alone," he added, pressing her hams. These tender expressions ooly ineroaeed her distress ; but at that 'uument • shadow prated the window,aed a whining voice cried °0t, "Charity, good lady, for a poor Chris• tianl" Julia, knowing"his voice, and sus- pecting 1, s errand, appeared ready to faint '• That miserable wretch .has frightened lou," said Don ltinaldo, thinking the beggar had alarmed her. "1 will hese him kicked into the road. Ifow did be get i:, ?" " Sl a mother hu given him leave to enter," re lied Julia, r• coveriug herself by • power ful effort; '•she knows the ton." The beggar now approached nearer, and again repeated his vuciferations.- Leaning over the balcony, as if to give him money, Julia received the letter ; then retiring • iittle apart, she read the tuhlowing words :- two ierdicants of Valencia. CRAFTER I. type beautiful semmer'■ evening a meudi- t, ■leo bed beea plying hu vocatiuo w of the villages In the environs of Vales - e leaf on bis return within half • mile of t city, when hr &Mention was attracted by the aspect of a boar, situated on the banks of the Oaadelorai. It was brilliantly illuminated p lead from the wtudows, which were all open, wide the Venetian blinds drawn up, came seeds of joyous music. 1'he mauuon,which rose dst • wilderness of verdure, was sar- by lovely gardens, tilled with • pro- f of lowers, and beds of orange, citron, Ile' other oriental trees : • broad avenue, bordered by shrubs terminated in a grove of palm, forming a shady retreat from the heat of the day. These charming grounds, which were only separated from the water by • low laurel hedge, were profusely oroameuted with statues, fout$aln., end cool grottos. drading t1Ab door open, Pedro, the beggar, ventured to eater, and, creeping along the kedge, which was some distance from the hour, stopped where he had a full view of the interior of the large and magnificent saloon from which the errands of revelry pro- ceeded. The walls of this superb apartment were tapestried with garlands of beautiful blossoms, and the reelection of countless wax tapers threw a softened light over &numerous and fashionable assemble , dressed jn the corace of the time of Philip IY. Among the ladies, there were many of great beauty, with tall and elegant forts, dark flashing eyes, trod tboir fine glossy hair sparkling with jewels. But there wu one yo .ng girl among them whose beasty was so remarkable, that the whole company pronounced her the queen of the fete. Duuna Julia was the dao hter of Donna isabella lel Marcos,. widow lady, who, having been left with three daughters ad a fortune, had sacrificed ber two eldest children by forcing them to the veil. The )wngest had bgpo sought in marriage b Don Rinaldo de Guzman, a young cavalier of good family and fortune ; . d ber proud and am- bitious mother, without co ulung her daugh- tr's inclinations, had accepted this brilliant offer. The festival of this night was in honor of their bridal, and the ceremony was to be performed by midnight. Julia looked eery lovely in her wedding dress, which eau enurely of white., Her hair was confined by a superb band of diamonds, •ad • snowy veil, [Ment to the back of her trot, added to the grace of her appearance. In no part of Spain are the women more cele- brated for their beaus than in Valencia ; and the softness- and salubrity of the climate is *apposed to ezert • powerful influence on their persons. Along the whole extent of the villa ran • broad do.e terrace,trellissd over with orange, jasmine, and other beautiful trees. A spark. Zang fountain rose in the middle, whose clear lad refreshing water kept thin charming spot always cool ad pleasant. As Pedro, Tying at hu ease on the rich verdure, contemplated the brilliant scene before him, • voice near him whispered, "Comrade, what brings yoi bete r' "I might rip. by asking you the same geestion," rephoed l'edro to Diego, the new. Diego who had retired, returned to his c. r. hiding -place. In a few minutes be saw • "I osier to .atisfy my curiosity," said woman, dressed in whit,. with her veil float - Diego. "1 Ind beard that Donn Julia was rope behind her. glide stealthily under the t. be married this evening ; &ad, r 1 under aces and tike the direction of the palm - stood that the wedding sea to take place al grove. The mendicant, who was very cur - Donna Isabelle s country house, 1 threw my out, crawled on his hands and knees after ber, wallet over my sboulder, and came to have s and arrived just in tine to see Donna Julia look at the bridegroom. ' in the arms of the tall stranger. After a few Diego. wbo was • good specimen of a rooft encs of silent emotion, Lorenzo, placing Spanish beggar, had occupied • niche in the the agitated girl no a fluwery bank, and ppoorch of the church of Nitre Ileme ever since knseling beide her, whispered. " A noble Is boyhood, a post which was hereditary in Spaniard never breaks his Ii+w. I am ready his family. As Diego eau speaking, Julia to Inarry you in the morning." approached at the open window, nn order to " ft is too late." faltered Julia • 'this is cae•pe the close air of the ball -nim ; and by my bridal fwurai ; but" she added, " why her side stood a tel and handsome man. did you disappear so soddenly without ex- "That is the intended bridegroom." said plaining; the care of your ahnc ce 7" Diego, "who u now speaking to Donna •' Sly father, wh„ee severity of character 1 1 " have before exp'ained to eon, suddenly arr,v- "Do you know her, then 1" rid Pedro. ed on the morning after 1 last saw yon, and u Yea," replied the other, " but, by cur obli •ed me immediately to accompany him to Indy, that is npt the countenance of the roan I she loves." " What can you know about the matter 1" cried Pedro. " "If you will have patience," said Diego, "I wilt tell you a tale of love wlnich will answer all your questions." " flood,'' avid Pedro, " i am ready." The soft serenity of the night, the purity of the heavens, studded with a thousand stars, gin a charm to this romantic spot, which was not unfelt by the mendicants, and, under its ineeence, Diego begun his story. " Doone Isabella del Marcor attend 5m•ss regularly et the church of Our Lady. She r always accompanied by Donn Julia, whom she gnarls with the most jealors care. She often speaks kindly to me, and the young lady never fails to place areal in toy hat. Her extreme beanty drew the attention of every cavalier who pared her on her nil. One morning I observed a gentleman,wbom 1 had seen many timee before, follow the two ladies at a respectful distance. When be saw .Item enter the church, he crooned over to when I was standing, and beekening me apart, sod, at the same time showing me a gold piece and • letter, Thu money shall be yours, if los will contrive to place this note in the hands of the young lady who has entered the church.' this period were so much tested, tat eO one attempted to dispute their will; Demi& ase• bells, therefore, listened to the is,Mtse of Father Autouio without attempting to jestify herself. I must be allowed," said the obdurate priest, " to art for you in this matter. 1 will seek your daughter and place her in a con- reul, wbere, by prayer and penitence, she may expiate her creme." iu vain Donna Isabella interfered for her bat daughter. lie was deaf to her prayers, and even threatened her with the horrors of the Inquisition if she dared to interfere. - Taking leave of ber in a cold and severe voice,he walked out of the hour on kat ere& d of 'engeu.cc. (Contineted on Second page.) (Xutan ignaI. GODERICII, C. W., OCT. 16, 1863. PARLIAMENT - CLOSE OF THE SESSION Ar last there comes a lull in the political storm. Parliament was Prorogued ycs- GODEItICH, C. W., THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1863. tions and the general feeling towards this 0? See Mr. Fair's edeertimement• Colony. Indeed, u we have poiutal out _ - - is another phren, our securities aro already ger The markets ate unchanged since rising in the British market. our last. We shall be in a position next week to give • resume of the Acts panned at the gyy- A meeting of the Rt G0o se's SO' present Session of Parliament and a care- eiety takes place to -night at the Maitland. fully prepared synopsis of the new Militia Bills, which have oume to hand in the amended fcnn. A QUESTION ANSWERED• In answer to the complaint of the exponent of the "new set," that the eessienhaecloeed without a distinct exposition of rte intend- ed action, on the part of the Ministry with regard to the admitted nec ssity for neer taxation, the Quebec Vrreury, says: "At `r thio season of the year, what injury or " inconvenience does the trade of the " country Buffer ' from the suspense corse- " gaent upon the admitted neconuity for " new taxation ?' Delay iu makiug ` a " distinct exposition of the intended ac- " tion' cannot Interfere with the Fall im- " ports, and depend upon it the ` action' " will Dome in time for the Spring busi- terday, and members arc speeding away to „noes. It is absurd to maintain that the their respective homes, heartily glad, we 1 ., ministerial inteutioua in respect of the (cel a of to tpant t from the turmoil old " tariff should be announced long beforo- strife of the past two en one. The ete,io0 os hand \Vhat Chancellor of the Ex - just terminated hasbecn one of the "torte- " chequer ever gave effect to the idea? feat ever witneaited in Canada. The the " What Finance Minister ever defeated pnrtanoe of the measures introduced, the „ his plana fur rue, ing an increased reve- thenly-barest but welldeflaed elate of " nuc by enabling importors to anticipate the two great parties, together with the „ the operation of new duties? " avowedwith the of the "nota " to chance The good sense of thecae observations places with the " ins," all combined to render the proceedings ■ntuually interes4 must be apparent to every sound Luapnee man. Suppose Mr. Ilolton had amnoues Ing. The torics fought weB. 10 the ed his intention to incrcme the duty on their old Icadera the. marched up to the Tea, Tobacco,Lcather,or any other article. assault again and again, and if the fates of political war at last decided against them. they have at least the satisfaction of knowing that they did their worst. Grand Trunk influence, Ottawa influence, Money influence, the influence of a partizan and du Richard Wilson; 3rd do Charles Oirvin. Best Y ears old gelding, W m Malloegh ; 2nd do Wm Clark. .Ileal row, Wiltian Young; end do Thos. Anderson ; 3rd do W illiau Y uuug. Best 2 years old heifer, N' illiam Young ; !sl do Th.mlas Aielerson. (lest bull, llezakiah lielps ; 2nd do Chu. Ginin. 3rd do Wm Malluugh. Rest rani, David McIlwain, 2nd, Charles (Tewin. hest year old ram, Thomas Pentland; 2r.l Jo Wm Durnin. Best rum lstub,David McIlwain; god Chas. Girvin. Meet ewe., Charles Girvin; 2nd du John ;ravage. Best ewe taints, John Savage; 2nd do Thee .ludersuu. flesh tu.nr, William Clark; 2nd do Wm Mal!o'Igh. Beat naw, Thomas Anderson; 2nd Ju Wm Mallough. .leer Mehl wheat, Wm Dunnin: 2nd du Chas Ginin ; 3rd do .00h. Savage. " lien spree„ wheat, David Mcllwtin; 2nd, John Serape,,.t; 3r'I, Charles Ohrin. Best oats, Charles Girvin, 2,d, Ileseki•b Help.. Ikst pens, David Mcilwain; 2nd, Charles Girvin. best barley, Charles Girrin; 2nd, James McKnight. hest butt"r, John Pentland; 2nJ, Charles (lircin ; 3'd. John `aeage. i est cher«', '(hoots Anderson; 2.d do Walter Treleaven. (feet II,utrtees, James McKnight; 2nd do James .McKnight. Beat ceras, Wm Young ; 2o.4, Ikon Swig (test full cloth, Wm Young ; 2rn1, Themes Andean ,n. Beat .retool, Thu .(ndenon; 2nd, Hese- kiah Ileltr. .:est blu,kets, Wm Poona ; 2,d, Willem .Isere*. Ileac quilt, Hezekiah Helps; 2nd, Charles Girrin. Best pair mite, Walter Treleaven; god do John Savage. .feet a-tt harnem, henry Bickle. - Beet s Ott horse &Does, Robert Pentland. June Permian, See'y. lie ' .luras MATCII.-A nfo-match will come off between the Stratford std Guderich Volunteers shortly, at this place. Ten men will ext selected front each ono - 11.07 w fire ag aimit an a{tial nuwber (row Stratford. - _ Rus.tw.ty.-About 000n yesterday as Mr. John Ford had backed his wagon, lades with bags of wheat, up to Mr. Sava- ge's store -brise, the horses took fright,snd breaking away rnn with furious speed to- wards the market house. An attempt was made to stop them, but m vain. The temfed aniivahn darted around the East side of the Market and & lust the chain fence, the front axle striking one of the posts and teariug it out of the ground.- TIte amcueeion caused the harness to break, and the Imrses with unabated speed flew on towards McInnes' store. Again they char eJ the fence ; one got well over, the other tripped in the chains and fell beavily on the hard *tract outside. This disen- gaged tbem,thc nigh horse galloping round the corner towards Andrew Donogh's, but keeping the street; the other, when he had Picked himself ap, dashed after his companion, taking the eido.walk for it. Fortunately there happened to be no chil- dren in the way. Although the whole aff:,ir was dance rous in the extreme, we are happy to sty no greater mischief was dnthe thau the breaking of harness and bruising of one of the horses. It is obvious the change' could not possibly have been effected in time to touch the Fall Importations, and being forwanted, merchants would only require to an- ticipate the action of parliament by Makin; preparation beforehand for the businms of GODERICH FOOT ARTILLERY. ' The following communication from headquarters, which speaks for lieelf, has bon lauded nes for publication : aDJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFiCe i .bit a n hour, I reinforced y die meas+ of t o iribet A brisk fight ensued, last oogg when our cavalry were compel ed to fell tuck len swim Drtltg a jt e- it u on their infantry ippon*, three miles from (hiek {el IM olliM Mrd Culp.nnea I tively Mlused that rare hie fallen W the nllht dank of use nem he hr stlat sw.M'a corps W Bragg. A M illi puwlnall solve all these peeblskY. Wrbinieton, Oet. 13, -The tulldwiIg M the Hers mdic WS the parties of the e mer ors Monday mo»Ilg r Eeedrtwrten Army 61 I1b Polnadke, 12th. a: m. -The trains have all come is wifely, is extelbat ceder. Kilpatrick sad have alto arrleeel at the river and ere i. Sd of batW. Our teethe ate sow i. p•silies se contest the Mtlr adv.sd of the dale/ who appears is fores south of the rear. _ I' do ant then • gpatrol eagsgs els wlU take At rhes [1.we another co uSiet reined. in which oar mtantry eupp.,r s weft worsted sod compelled to ee ire, the rebels rsptsring abut I00 of the 120th Naw York. Our cavalry again formed into liue and made a apleodid charge, anal recaptured all the prisoners takea except 15 or 20. Rebel reinforcements coming to the aml.t- &nee of the rebels, our fortes were pushed back W Culpepper, skirmishing all the way. Heavy Ineg thio afternoon itd,cated that the en j.geneent bad been renewed. Later rstelligeuce from the trout says oar forees have evacuated Culpepper. Such stores u could not 1re eonreniently carried wen burned. Their value however s tnfwg. THE AMERICAN WAR. 1t is repaired that the whole rebel army hes cro.aet the li.pidau. Funler that Gm. Mee&e Ms fallen back to the north lank of the Itappaheanock. Prisoners emetured un Saturday. nate that Lo,pstreet s corps hod retuned from the Scut west. This, however. in doubted. The rebels commaocd to cera the 1 I,idan on Thurubsy morning in the Direction Mat- tison Court .lunar with the evi•lenthintentnun of turning Oen'erel Moak'& right siog.- Hoavy cavalry reinforcement have hero seol to the front. II u reported that rebel cavalry hold the gaps in the (lull Itun mountains. A large cavalry force, sent from here yesterday, however, will apwsd,ly dislodge them. Nsw Tom, Mkt. 13. The following special. relative to Itsraf- crises' uu,y, appears under • Washington date :- Thiele ate unchanged with the exception that the enemy have removed their artillery unecrup ulocts Press, were brought no inst Cram houkuutmoantain,wben They had shunt the Ministry, and yet, wonderful to t'e the Spring. A l afnotic trader would Awl eater GL3ERAL a OPYICEy len pieces m position, a ld upper W have un- I not, perhaps, atteinpt to evade the inenaa Qfelsxl , 13th October, 1803. somewhat withdrawn their forces. it is sup late, it der el. And now, when the co St 1 ant in nine t of a written ppousseod thcv will concentrate their artillery o0 ' cd dutiot•, but it is beet in all caeca to ter- P .11iaspon IG•I;go•. avoid placi0'• tem Wtion in MSc wa report from Bri ate Iajnr Deni on, Com- o P y' ll f V 1 ,acne eat the enemy's pier a are heavy, and try i.s beginning to eongratulat.e itself upon "Are you going- to break the solemn em Ile t ca front threatened tangent which gageueut which pas.ed between tis . !tefure Ix° I can believe in such treason, I must hear It surrounded it, disappointed politicians from your own lips. Meet me immcdidtely turn round and say they believe it is six in the palm -grove. 1. ave that hollow scree' of one and half a dozen of the other -that and return to rpm to whom you have rowed eternal fidelity." 'at best the eoul of the strife was a strug glc for place., in which there was no purity of motive on either side. The opposition, after making use of every element of mischief, has the assurance to charge to Ministry with having practiced the gross• est bribery in order to retain power. - There, fir instance, is the ease of M:. Foley : It is roundly 'asserted that the price of his vote against Galt's motion was the office given his son, to say nothing of the. offers made to himself' uersoually - Taking the tangible accusation into ac- count, it is only necessary to ,tate that the person who was succeded by Mr. Foley's son did not die until three or four days aft,r the vote was recorded against the Mad"rid," replied Lorenzo. " dared cot non -confidence uhotion. The fact is, thnt tell him of my engagement, as he would the hon. gentleman, with the exception of never, i am afraid, have forgiven a misalli• voti0' for JIr. Siootto's motion, hie gicen anee, as he would have termed it. Itut on arriving yesterday at this cit , accompanid by the Miniatry his support during tho mea- nly father, the first news i heard was of your sion. Then. again, there is not a particle intended marria;;e. Overwhelmed by des- "The stranger so took me by surprise and spoke with suchen air of anthorit), that f wee usable to refuse. When, tharefore, Donna Julia came out again, i managed, when the Argus eyes of the mother were turned &n- ether way, to fulfil my commission. i after- wards, out of cariosity, made many inquinee about the cavalier, but could never learn either hu name nr rink. After the morning have mentioned i had often the same of les to perform. ' About this tinge, Donna Isabella hued ee- easles to leave Valsacia for • ahort tim..- Ifeedsaghter tame te attenl mass se visual, bot me now seoompSnied by a deme► Thr person, who des very old end devout, id very little atyrition to her charge hon kept her eyes cotstently fixed on her book. The summger, when in armed of the absnhes of the mother, ventured to enter the church, and sone made a pentane' acgnsintence with the Loneq( lad) From that time the letters tar+.d ; the levers hal, no doubt, rnued eer.e other means of sommnnicntioc. At the mad of a fortnight Donna h abella retarned ; and a short time after, the young cavalier suddto r% druappe.re.. pair, i bare been hoecring about this spat in the bene of reiug ou ; and should no doubt have entered the saloon, had i not fortunately encountered Diego. But," continued the excited young man, his voice growing louder and looder, " I am here to carry you ol', in defi.see of my rival." Julia, interrupting him, inquired why ie had not applied to her mother. " l," said she, in a tremulous tone, "have thrown my- self a ber feet, and pleadal against this mw- riege. i have told her that i have note heart to bestow ; bot," she added. with a slight touch of indignation, " when asked the name and risk of my lover, 1 was obliged to be silent. You have so shrouded yourself in mystery, that I had nothing to replwir. My mutter, overwhelming me with reproaches, immediately named the tine for my wedding. I am to be married at midnight." " You shall never accomplish thin treach- ery 1' cried her loner. " 1 will hew yrs° from rough, and we are hippy to be able to hu isms even at the foot of the altar, If " A ♦jibes change soon took plate in the lad 's leeks. Rhe berame pais and sad. and 1 nun supeisad her in reers. Afhirs went ors is ilia way for some oma, when, ors flan• e yr f_ morning, ,m.ntnnsehis piapit,the peels publisb•d n • load voice the banns of mar rioge between Dom Rinaldo ole Orme sod Don.& Julia 4.1 Marcos. i, of eoones, its- that tt. ynang lady wall geieg to marry d.el,ing svaagm who had sent hr the Myra ; bat the east time i naw her, se she pet the real into my herd, AS ;Rule in R hvo .ts,teler! vnie•I 'My friend, pray Inc use, 1 Mss is I , weletbl•d that to. weali•g wet kentela plass se Desna isahalu'u ese mw] lseps, i seem sees a sr what 1 maid ,ems by *, heir el eke hell Magdalena b .tar! the wrens parson ! . r teuselee to be seen, ' said a 'deep 1•asU whish Os moot to premed from the l Oleee i ertdk rot the we. tim a Wl of proof that Mr. O'Halloran was bribed to vote f'or h u own party. It speaks little for the purity of the Oppoeition, that it hu such an unbounded faith In the po- tency of bribery. The intelligent reader will remember the time-honored sayiug that every man expects his neighbor to act up to his own standard of virtue, but no higher. Although the sesvion has given birth to diecuesions of almost interminable length upon topics entirely irrelevant to the object had in view when the House was called together, it has not been fruitle.s.- A vast number of private and other Bills of minor onnsequence have been pushed ADVANCE IN CANADIAN SECU• RITIES. The Hamilton Tuna says that private o° with W prevent bloodshed, you must fol- arty that others of greater importance have a an mending for the day a ivision o 'o un- ill germ to carry well They Ao1J both teen at the Review held at Toronto on the Lockout Sluocarr and Mission IGdge, bo h 8th inst.. of which division the Corps un- which they tiwewrrwll. uab°t6 16e Ith and dor your command formed a part, and of 5th inst fh• :, however, inffirt 1 , lfi,magc the conduct of which the Brigade -Major booed a um.:n,; three men Jul_ k ilii!;. one sp lks in the highest tercets. I shall tot I;urse. We hive several Ironer eat eutrench- fail to call the attention of Ilia Excellency ?tants, amt extensive earthwori,o are Miller. Naw Yoax, Oet. 13. The Wrhingtrnt 'Republican' of last even- iag costumed the following, which the eeonw would not allow W he telegraphed to the Peer ` - W e have information from the front, this morning, that (len. M,' fide's army bas fallen back to toes side of the Reppahalock, follow- ed by Lee's aeer, which s ear greet force. Abet half a mile from tbe south site of that river the enemy male a feint of moving up the ,alley, ou the southern bank of the 11ob ertson river, ad our cavalry, coder Ituford, crossed at Germania ford and took premiuon of the earthwork•. W ben out f ,rce was all cross, the enemy crane open Buford in great forcc,droee hiul .crone the ever, without time to destroy the eiMsing, std pursued him W Rappahannock station. Kilpatrick, with a force of cavalry and ass tillery which had made a reconnow.nce near Madison Court 'louse, was rut off yesterday evening. on the road to Culpepper, by a par tioo'of Esall'a corps. which was formed acmes the only road by which he could retreat, in twelve ranks, with.twu regiments on each lank. Kilpatrick was compelled to elarge direct- ly into the c./ de ret, there mak by the ens my:s formation. He led the charge In person, telling kis moo that they must de or die. - The rivalry cut its way through, under a eon- centrale'I fire,such as hardly been esperieneed by our troops during the war, ad pre re's% hs rear, with his artillery, retired throug I alppeepper. - _ Kilpatnek's loss in killed e OwrTsii anr,,,nted to 150. PLReu y. Fort Monroe, Oct. 14.- - he U. .Meer trsersport Fahkec, Goan C%ssiWies de M i 10th, arrived sere this .Idrwi.g. She W i. tow the gohoat M.djes for tap ire, whirr Aaob .,U Fryiag nen shoals, on 8swd•y lam f all her men were saved. The Fahke. leri.Z! the report that the ',bele attempted to der troj the Irerrid•s ors the night of Ile 5th, bj approaching her In • tmtall steamer amidships( 7 be conc, lion was tntuewdd.s. It k.oeh.d' down the bulwarks lad injeted oihb thrts.- The hell of the Iroander s ir'.red She it considered torpedo {woof. The enemydl' steamer was badly damages l severml of hat nOn ithe nig* of the d atother . letl),t w.4' mad, to destroy toe Irunaldes. Tim e•o..tj was d'wrovered rod driven off. A Nervy tis ward i rid to here been offend by the lair ser of Ch.rlesto. for the destruction of ted Ironsides. Active operations are daily en" Peeled. deices received to Quebec on Tuesday iiae on I - Philadelphia, Oet. 13. that C ad' 't had the Commander ' Ch' f h' rq fl 'tis Th t (the enemy ■ppKn,s lea bt not tb 1 8r, tering returns (mm I a have been ad trounce an tars M'curl ictus ' -In- a t0 t f ye a • re. Grin retention of the merits of yon. ourps, ° B J" ° varhoed two per cent. on the first of Oc • of the s Crit shown b officers and mat retake art attack in front bat b eanp'ul r b eei►e i, which when compared with the sols p 7 abandon Chattanno;ga, by apmply holding as I of 1A60 when Conic had 31,000 rojority, show the followin result •-Altoxna, Rlair county, Wo.leao 69 majont • • urtin charged, taking 800 riennen sod o.e ►.tis " ° I to S.vural chs sero awl stab ccunly, 1Ycdwand, 5 majoritj: •Cortin pin 7• rge. o.d.o toter when the Finance Muntster's state in being present at two reviews within me ;,, our present p" s tine .nth their army m our g Ment and the Government Militia Scheme short a period -it, is gratifying tome fro front n y g d ) H 1 113 k reem•uhur • Iurtbampton had renelted England.• This is encouraa ing news, indeed be a medium of conveying to is, Excel- lency a communic.'ttion of so pleasing a , es. - character respecting the merits of one of INTELLIGENT CONTRABANDS " the extreme western corps of the Province, AND DESERTERS. and 1 trust you will long; maint'tin the _ dented position as to efficiency and per- yts of the most ataxtlino, items of news (yeti°" iia drill, which public report cc - o receive through the tele grnplt relative c"rds to the Guderich Company of Foot " rebel " movements, are brought into e federal lines by negroes or deserters. ow any person of common-sense can coin information thus received reliable is ore than we can imagine. In the era- uut of even the most intcllig,•ent of con- Capt. Ras"+ ado• Vd. Foot Artillery, rabands, phrenology sts tell us, the or,•an Gclericly 1'. C. f Wonder is always largely developed ; COLBOUSE COUP NCII. PBO enceumbo, in his cagcrncen to enlighten . CEDINOS. (say sensation -mongers generally con - rives to have some wonderful story . to A menet. et the Municipal Jouncil of late. By a alight stretch of the imag- Coll°£' held at the raven of John Rom, Smith', MOO o, Thursday the 2die May, &tion be magnetics a company of soldiers lob. . SO w to th H d m tis h gre t re in Artillery. I have the honor to bo, Sir, Ione ob'dt. servantc,, 1i. POIVELL, Lieet.-Col. e De A. G. M., l"T. C. low me." not been loot night of. The Militia and "i sill never follow yon," said Jolpa, ib • Volunteer Bille have passed both Mouses, firm voice, " but as your wife. 1n that char• and oro Dow arc rt and reel of the law acter 1 am content to live in obscurity -work pR pe for you, and, if necessary, share your misery." of the land. That the new scheme u per- " By the honor of a gentleman. I will wed fed ,re will trot assert, but we do candidly you," said Lorenzo, "but we must keep nur union • secret for a short lire. I em my believe that it is the best that could have tether's only child, and we most trent to tine been adopted ander existing circumstanod, u, soften hs resentment. I will immediately It yidce fir t classifleatioa of lace you with an oto lady, with whom Pier lodged when 1 get bee•me acquainted with the whole fghting force of the Province, yon. Bat time prennes-the music hen carr- a reuouahle amount of drill, the edeas- ed, and yon will be muwd." lion of of6oers,-which alone u a great Jost as he fiaisbsd speaking, a murmur of voices was heard, and when the mother, fol- recommendation, -a due encouragement lowed b] her friends, entered the palm -ghee of Volunteering, and depends more for ib in search of her eh. I. all that Teesaina! of the lovely Julia was her diamond band sad enoOB1u'ful working opom the patriotism d bridal veil. the people than the ezprmditnre of large Donna i abelle, who had witnessed tbe severs of nhcwey. If the penphe tri Canada purifies of her two eldest children without aiiedding • tear, uttered hitter lamentations really wish to show England that they are t the dnnppearane-e o hoe for whom Abe had incere in their attachment to the mother anticiptt sn brilliant a future. Don Rinal• e0antq and to maintain intact the mer do ie 1 tee hnwla imaoediaaly, end ea hr panion mu het • paring Iaacy, its was moo mate ennneetio. at pre sant exiatieg bre i,lr''s : hr,"•'h' d m th h d to a battalion, and at a pinch he can (ascribe, with characteristic volubility, °cement, the natore of which he no orc understands than the man in the oon. Time after time the stories of ese '• intelligent" gentlemen of color aye proven to be (not very) cunningly- eviscd fable's, and gull from day to day t Present. Themes Ilassey, Reeve. Messrs. Idelley, Spence, and Youn j, Councillors. The meeting for the (hurt of Itevis,o. nn the Asanssavnt 1h,d1 of the Township, held his drr, and t',ere he m; no appeals *;aeon the same, the (toll was pawed by this Coun- cil. Mored by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. 41,enre, That the Trustees of t',e School See - min in us with their artillery and breaking our .lues of communication by cav- alry rai,:s io o•u rear. Che last pn,: of their pmgremme is now being carried out by the .heeler cavalry, which tunneled to cross the Tennessee at Cottonport Fern near Nashville. After crossing, the main body moved right on iia a northerly direction. A part of the force fell iia with the train of the 14th corps near Anderson, in the Sequotclwy Valley, •tem -,o e l off the teamsters, and destroyed between 200 and 300 wagons, about thirty of which were lorded with ammunition, and the remainder with clothing and supplies. The mules could not run off, and they shot to the numher of several hundred u they were leaving the scene of deatnction. The colonel, conmandi,ng a cavalry dives on, came up with • part of his command, consiaing of the 2nd indiana. 1st Wisconsin, and let blast Tennessee cavalry, attacke,l them at once, and hal a running fight with them to Dunlap, in which 120 rebels were killed and wounded, and sixt of our men, including nine officers, were killed std wows ded. Our men used their sabres alone. With the Resistance of reinforcemenu already se rived, movements will soon be made that It is hoped will dries the enemy from our front. The army is still well .upphied with every thing but clothing and blankets, the want of which, in this onas°ahly cold weather, causes considerable suffering All the wounded able to bear removal have been sent north Tito emeealties in the late battles will not lino of this Township having made applica- the dose is repeated with little or no vans- tion for the amount of School monies dee too. We do do not wonoer that the poor from the non l:rd.leut Taxes for the t yew negro spire hit yarns about amfederato 'bat the ail"ent dee to each Schoo tiectpon .huuld hr pari to them on or before the 2511, weakome and mnatentation, but we arc of Decem'ar nevi, -Carried. 7 he Slunicipal ('.euncil of Colborne held a meeting at the Nile Tavern on Wednesday the 23rd day of September, 1563. The Reeve sod Councillors present Bade tows not bang in news which is I! eau moved by Nr. Wm. Ynonz,seeosded the ht worth of bein a hal over he Slr. Spence, I het Janes Mcbonogh ad ug 7 g T P J:hn hart a as be accepted as secedes fur the whole country, and yet in ninety-nine onset oat of a hundred theme statements eo soiled. teases the ten nowntrie't, they mutt take When all the goes. had • .parsed, Doe.& hold a the new law hoith a rill. (hat of lsebelta, who, tee late, saw the error ahe had committed, sent for her cnefMor, Father Parliament there should nett and we tend Antnnin, etre ws' • bigot, aed, b,seeemehie win net be anything like factions nppwd- W ill bman sympathy, errei ed • powered t m. A union of &11 pieties must be intmate in the famil of Dopa laalh•lla.- d c f oar defeaasn a» b M y to obey urd.rn, .red that I.mgntreei s torose it eau ley bis p,reer,on she had pled h.r sheer pm lve times and, in algowt rho whole go.e Noted by Mr. ithlnas, secsrnmrlri k► Mr. ware s►,t a *seat them. The Ions of hart.. ds.ghtere nn • sonerit, acrd he ear err eagry plass. in .. dieiemt p,siitinn, otlerwion hr bee. ap. The public may rest eh Yoong. That • Ity ,. be p,aoneol that all nhwd tea ,,ret the ge,r ennld he dYtpucdy when u hint Mor twotsrf for in.rryong h8r we n t r wen 1.11 bwek b the ll4P" oared that no firth is W be pat in the dnga running •t lar tis ah*II ►red mar bis de middle t ehild. r pekst was pet tM . red seen from the mountem t..pe. mlddlr agh, Mt hu f cis ha,i not mh•t do J.1 \I F •evenity which is the .aro •eenmp•oi ie w 1 M W urnyovos, ()rt 121k. • rensen er Iiia ,)e the ennlr&ry, ►ds wand _ Firle oe aatmrday a ►n of revelry he- aoenlrnanee or whieb the wont pasraaer had R*^ Dee R th& esT WMk cm her way down eke ale Iongins to RdpaWrk's diulaierm sarmpud i left their indelible •tamp. H. was tell en4 rnnshnemwsa nn tM sreth n{ Rn►.vwam4 m.sgn w pnwan, hie Bwehesd ear wria►Ig Bier. They wan .wadrod hl & Iwwr fano egd 11 rye. had w siu,lar and tmplrsea.t I I `tn'Mt] &t flee Nlwhw of repel cavalry, amply smpp'N'f h7 refine Avpwv.ai°" (yrs I.ering the sena*. o(j"ta Msrq war ren rob h] an Au.namn vwwd asset artillery ender commend oof amen et sesemhnnn, he ewarchetmrd the as sae• (her with reproaches. and told bis ■ b.1 brought this aigrae a m+ herself y ate rol- losvieg hit commis. The prim le Spain ett surprised that he finds such a credulous audience in the Northern Staten.. But the negro ia fairly eclipsed by the de erter Hardly a day that some rene- R„bert I'roudf,nt al Collector. -Carried. M. red by Mr. Young, arrowed teyl Mr. tarn not b bt Bold -bloated lice. The poor Ithy"as,That the Township Clerk abe.lri h ve ilei fur eats *mitts. -Carried. Oet ro may tell • 'monstrous 6b and, at the Mored bJ Sir. libynu, seen n.ded by Mr. time, imagine he ie uttering the Malloy, That- the p e*ti.m of Robert Me- 1n truth , but the deserter lice of Ilat'f7• petying Inc rem"vat from Sebonl Ibis malice aforetho ht" and as a matter nun Ne, 1 to the \t' awuroah AAhool, 1. ng grwn.red.-Carried. daaleulation. What better could be ex- A meeting wa held at the tavern of flat', peeted of him ? We hold that a man who Miller, Int con., W. I)., on 3.tarday the 10th is mean enough to desert hie colors is of OCWber, at 1 o'clock. capable of any rasoalitf''an &should not be The It..een. and all the Councillors pew• believed on his oath. Having deucrted cera t his friends, he ass quite ready to give the )tor I 1., Sir. 4penM, Meona«f by Mr. worst ble aawunt of them, and if a Malloy. That the I ro er• brag tIe a ism of pnsu e15 W asset is aha Ing • Drid e over tha lie is wanted be u just the man for the crek at Miller's Ghat Mill, provi.Ied seed job. Anoording to rho deeming gentry brut le i.s m.o le i' a ,ahrtantpal manner. Bragg't army was dennitalised long stab, ..need in nmtnl,nent by Mr. Y1 0g, That ria wm be grantvrl, a the asmr is ism prhata Lee's foram heti malted away into thin property. the same seconded he Mr. Mem•. air, Richmond was starved oat, Charles sn ■n there en ao deed for the road giro ,o the Tawnshin. leo. wan road) b m down ape. eta knees The Reece gave the eating rote in laver b Oilmonr, Davin has beet. deed four or of the amendment, ear r -- Very Latest War Newfii Special Dispatch to the 8. W. 8y.d1 A BATTLE FOUGHT NEAR ••CATTLNT'S STATION. Naw Youft, lake. reser correspondence, Army of t e Peter orae, 14th, nays : The enemy made two des perste and aseemerful attempts toffy t.' whip thio army in detail lad destroy e r ttuinr but in both most signally failed. Just at daybreak, between Canker's sasr tion and Auburn, Stuart ttrde a simslta.eosr attack upon (lenersl Otegg'a god arwuy corpse Almost the first intimation gives of their Peet encs mss the opening of their batteries epos the 2nd corp.. Our troops wen speedily id position. The relay was repslsed wick sows aiderable loss. Lame in the afternoon, AIM made another dash to est off the lead mepso Ile first attacked the rear of the 5th sorpy kaling 3 of the Pe.Mylvaaia ilsssr,• ... b wounding 15 or 20 &sore, when tie hoed of the Zed corps bed reached Kee Hill made a terrible onslaught tf• boli soeisr The god corps was on the Mase of th Re It track, sad the .mbankwt was these breastwork. The seamy charged at sad climbed sp lie' embankment, when • portion of the 10d corps of 3. Union township, Se ulykill county, 241 mnjnrity- • coasidcrable democratic gain. Wilkesh.M, i.uo me Ce.-Curun, Pe, a Curtis gain of last year of I b9. Kau Minch chunk, Carbon County -Curtin. 11 ; pm, 2+j, Easton and South Eutaton, Northamppivnae County- Curtin, 146 ; gain, 55. Bed,lers- baro -Woodward, 59, • Democratic anis of lei. b. lees then 15,000. On Thursday, the rebels from the opposite aide of the river fired into nur wagons an,l am- bulance trains peering over the ;alley road, woe•, ling two men and killing and wounding severe' mules. They seem determined onembernnssingour trarpurtati"n in every possible way. The forted of te heeler, after burnin a par tion of Shelbyville, were attecked by Colonel Crook. not far from that ptace,"n Wedneelay. We kilted 120 of the enemy, took 300 prison- er and there pieces of artillery. The rebels were persue,. ,f y our fi,rast in the direction of Fsyetemlle, overtaken, and 300 *sore prisoners tout by them. _ At tart account* they were mast o oeiir way into the interior, closely pea 7 cavalry, which . regarded sufficient to take twee of thea,. Rally has crnceedthe Tennessee with 1000, men. lie rend through lotrlansville on the Memphis and c'harteaton Inroad oro Thera day, •rod m ole off in the tureens* of Winches. ter. On Friday night they drove in our pick- ets at the um,"'l the' side of Cowan. Some d.mwgs was donne by throwing down stones, tut to no gnat extent sad the obstructions Se. Sones, Newfoundland, Oet. 13. The eteamuhip Afr,'z, in a dense fog, struck near Cape Race at ten o'clock last night. The ship wu put shoat before she struck, but Wok ground fore, aft, and aspd- shits, and remained on the rocks half an hour. There wu a cosiderable w on, with u southerly wind. Tho ship was mueh d•r. aged; the boats vele got reedy. het aot launched. After an hoer the shin lnated.aad the pempit speedily eleared her. Capt. Supe then headed fnr .talitax, bot afterwards thought it prudent to hew ap for here. The cargo is mach dwmnged. The ship makes a god deal of water. Sr. Joan, Oct. 12. The China, frogs New York,for Liverpool, Cape Raee at nine o clock, a. m., oh undey. The news from New York, rf 9mmeday evening was pat on board. hale been remnvel. ( lenerel II ,raker sent a force 1 night to that pant, but the rebels del not eenton an attack. There reins to be gR nod remo.e 1br truer '. ins that the rebels Iwl a fight nm'w"ffpp theNa- 'eiven lam Moatay, ie which 500 or `00 were kilted lad wounl.d. tkeaeru,s ennform the ataanoent, hat differ r tn the cane' anul the fee" engaged Owe remrr. a Ihu the Georges troops nafssd S eros. the Chickam►J°", and that Wither's div*iun was sent down ,n mmpe! there. The cher thou toe rename.* tr.,pa hat refused time the enemy were forced bock with groat slaughter, leaving their killed .od wounded in our hands, A rapid artil.ery fire was kept ap by both Rides until loug after dark, when the missy gave up sod retreated i have not been able to obtain a fell seeoa.f of the wounded, but it is not lrga- Capt. 1tall was killed. Whe. the e.sel charged sp the Railroad, finding tMmrleef i. a d'ng.ro.s place, they wsvad these hie& is token .f surrender. At thi time Captain Ball .prang to the top of *1....b.r. rots and • volley was fated at him, torr .hots Woe ing effect Ottr train. are all safe. There was some artillry pr'aotaaa this morning near the Rappahannock, bas . without much damage. The flrat Vermont lo.t a quad af' Ilia sent to co,munioate with Ge.. Gregg, about 20 in all. Oar army behaved handsom ly. Col. James ]k. Mammos, 42nd N. i e commanding Sed B:igodle, was killed. Several other teens .f the eta were killed. let Min.. 1 killed and 2e we..i.4. 1M The .4egtio, from Itootee, left hen at one ,'clock, for (palway. She did not come into the harbor• and w n.mber of packages of iss- (("eo tense and much ,reveled mitered for the Newfoundland telegraph lire were espied le Galway. Irl rr,.o, 1.30 a.m. From she return received tonight, Peen. ad Ohio have gone Inion. Ils,,rex, Oet. 11. The rebel steamer, R. t:. Lee, ■ix days from Wilmington direct, arrived here this morning with about 30 peewe •.'re en hoard. !the was char rel by . Federal 'l,lockaler lard has a shot bole in hen. Miele, N2 killed and i1 ensues/ The em' allies in the 3rel Brigade were 12 killed, 06 worded lad 36 ming. 1n the 4th ►regi f 3rd 41v., the loss was 14 i. sariagr we' t1e.l td 1111.4. Crwoirnan, lith.- See'y Chn.e adir._wl a crowd in Color last aight. Hr ear gr+tented the peoople n. them victory ..4 t1. good edhet it would base, wet o.1y le tb erode oft t risers it ane t, ..4 & (land. of the f' t and oy tn the hearts of the samy. Bad they given 10,000 mai. only. it would see haw .0,1 d, 1st the greed 100.1111 W due the bummer Mr. Chase lett Columbws thin noesis* for Washington. Nsw Tn•c, 16th. The strainer rrive ifrom the kb.ked- i.g goadrrm today. O. the l 11k thn ilalawn captured the. blockade running steamer Spaulding with • rateable saago from N caro.. She bd a Brew 125 mem1 and four rebel eo rl* ea board; ail Spalding was w tercel het April by the gunboat Pui sod meat b Resto s where the was ease M rsermlos- b' w e b New whale els Ii edea g at a► Sr Plana a, thewee ran the we the flak Alto into Chiri.dia, wee lrwith • hrrt cargo of gotta.. IBth she v»s employed is Clorlrsso hlasMhy eerryiig trenna, Ae. WellogIsh 164. The Brew frigate ' NittEssa,' M lwleq is nearly reedy L. sea. Har deprave Ms hem lea yei for treasefa grew. Whits Its wavy dey/h nest protege as =say seaws r d y tree► the numbr is he ehesi. lutes, 1 •• Qoesi. • w0 . 1Q hhe!•is rear. s t A1• rheas rtd by es'51. tM ww of whish veasd ani prim reseei Igetr Yost, OIl IP. Amide.. a Wt. vena►1. axr,LLli ass Cnaal. rrna. The Treei Man's. henna eormpontienee, dated nhe 7th, Melee thnt an ma• d.mwr wssAune the Iron.ides by the repot torpedo that is is senou.ly c ntereplatel agement her North to repair." (nur eeralry picket bets were attacked at the sane time. it sot thought the Meer would soron rnmke • demon 'ration on oar grit with their ram•, as three Of oar monitors are sheet Two devi 1 - tardsd i remove harbor obstructiows r arrived. Valets wenthinsp s turn. seas, the rebels regal. entire poanasion of the harbor. w' awwl In?OM, (et. 13. Bp.erial to tlhe frrwtid.-Th. military sites tins today shows tut the rebels hem aban- dowd their apparent psrptr. 61 leaking )teed., std have withdrawn Wean& the Rap: din. 1t therefwe looks ea thoejh their late movement is muse cover to military demon - Meati ns on their part elsewhere. It it bees quiet in the front to -da . 7 nbsae,s special, Weakingtnn, Ott. 13. - To discover the exact troth with .yard t the esitite-y sitatiou in front of Watergtos w next W tmpreeihle. The wildest ata toast contradictory remors prevail. At Alexa.c dries where lingpiment sullen and Mraggkwe are edbeted, the Ment. ay. tal1 of talk Wheat the overwhelmin numbers of la., and the ahrterty retreat of Meade. The ran , ekes (ten. Merle le moviwg hie mo s pertly lair orators Masi tome days cgs, e.d .rsip V erntsegs.ae• 1 r.santfy devsMp.d Tigris. 1 the wetsy .ho would alone he e d dh • sora npselee stnfmrw.at of Me areueme ts.- a iine and holiday whiskey -pane of the old e]ntenn. Tf, in the mwrue of time, im- vemenu can be made, mad • ochre per het organuatinm brought a t, a etbr , memntisie nor mow most ha, w Canada fw the (lanadiana." Reek en midair" of heartu.lm ism rear pert, eamnot int b exert a 11wu ,iriul iolesens at htlmi bosh with regard to oar Mmiel e*Iw r wsLRY era p . sayings of deserters rue intelligent orm- trah,ndt." _ m - 1 LIST OF reeewtiy the sebr. Merritt, of (krderi.lh, Awarded by the AdtGeld and Wamara a„g Aprieu tura in snneiderahly i.jurad. No damn p was immerser, on the Pth day of Oeenbr, done to bis Barge, which coasted 1 1 nf1A I Wheat. beet mare esi (sal, Natuna. Clrk 1 ilei Bar+ ssrwsrs ppoemrena. The infantry herr wee nee e11 As regarda (Mw. ia,.'s whsreahoer, prpr.m kwalt. dnrr,ros. sod nesahered allot OJ1001 &d eavee'g'd'. eonlictial Nome" .re dsse mesa (Jim thin re hand, rt r amid be ks bora sept e .' ' ul