HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-01-19, Page 144
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Page 14 Times-Advocate, January 19, 1967 Cromarty pair report on Toc Alpha
Choir at Woodham Senior Citizens pick new slate
Parker assisted the hostess in
serving lunch.
Mrs. Cecil Bowman was elect-
ed president of the Senior Citiz-
ens' Club for 1967 at the meet-
ing held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. J. R, Jefferson Tuesday.
Mr. HaroldCarey was named as
vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Jeff-
erson, secretary and Mrs. R.
Dodds as treasurer. Mrs. Grace
Scott was returned to the po-
sition of press reporter. The past
president Mr. Darrell parker
opened the meeting. The election
of officers and business was fol-
lowed with a singsing.
Mrs. R. Dodds and Mrs. K.
McKellar are lunch convene r s
and Miss 0. Speare and Mrs. T.
Laing program committee for the
February meeting. Euchre was
enjoyed with four tables in play.
Mrs. Wilbur Miller and Mrs. D.
& Mts. Gordon Laing were Mr.
& Mrs. Chas, LaForge, Chas.
Jr. and Danny of Windsor,
Cromarty ladies who attended
the annual meeting of Stratford
Presbyterial in St. Andrew' s
church, Stratford were Mrs. T.
L. Scott, Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs.
M. Lamond, Mrs. C, McKaig,
Mrs. Wm. Harper, Mrs. James
Miller, Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs.
Mervin Dow, Mrs. Norman liar-
burn and Mrs. John Miller.
Mr. Alex Ramsey has returned
home from Seaforth Community
ily, Stratford, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Cleland and family, Listowel,
Mrs. Robert Laing and family,
Croniarty, Mr. & Mrs. Don Riehl
and family, RR 5 Stratford, Mr.
& Mrs. Norman Jefferson and
family, Munro, Mr. & Mrs, Chas.
LaForge and family, Windsor,
Miss Ina Jefferson and Mr. Wm.
Laidlaw, London.
Mr, Q. R. Francis and Mr.
& Mrs, Jack Town, Woodstock,
visited Thursday with Mr. & Mrs.
K. McKellar.
Weekend guests with Mr. &
Mrs. J. R. Jefferson and Mr.
elects new officers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker
opened their home Thursday ev-
ening for the annual meeting of
the United Church Choir. Fol-
lowing a short practice, the new
officers for 1967 were elected.
Honorary President is Rev,
J. C. King; president, Miss Jean
Copeland; secretary-treasurer,
Miss Sharon Thomson; social
committee, Misses June King,
Betty Jean Miller and Karen
Rodd; gowns and music com-
mittee, Mrs. Leonard Thacker,
Miss Jean Copeland, Mrs. Glenn
Copeland; new members, Miss
Jean Copeland, Mrs. Leonard
Nod Bocanquet By MRS. G. HOOPER
Mrs. John Morgan and Ralph of
Guelph, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hart-
wick, Stephanie and Janet of
Ebenezer were Sunday evening
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker
visited Sunday afternoon with Mr.
Fred Pattison of St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hartwick and
family of Bryanston were Satur-
day evening guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Wm. Jones.
Mr. & Mrs. Giadwyn Hooper
and Jeanette were Sunday after-
noon visitors of Mr. & Mrs.
Sam Facey of Wellburn.
Mr. & Mrs. ClaireSisson were
Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Petch of Strathroy.
Join in songs
Intent on singing the old fashioned hymns at Sunday's Centennial
service at James St. United Church are Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs.
Barbara Tiedeman and three year-old Kelly Tiedeman.— T-A photo
Women at Crediton
plan clothing drive
You bend
We'll mend
the morning service and to show
slides of her work in the even-
Mrs. Mervin Dow was hostess
for the January meeting of Crom-
arty church Ladies' Aid. The
president, Mrs. Gerald Carey
presided. The Scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. John Miller
and Mrs. Robert Laing led in
Eleveninembers and four
visitors answered the roll call by
naming their project for the Cen-
tennial year. A number of articles
for a layette were received. Mrs.
Carey read a number of interest-
ing facts concerning Expo 67.
Bonnie Miller and Br end a
Kerslake gave excellent reports
of their trip to Niagara Falls
as delegates to Toc Alpha. This
youth group met during Christ-
mas holidays to study alcohol
and it's effects on people. They
stressed the fact that it isn't
necessary to have alcohol to have
a good time.
Routine reports were given
by the secretary Mrs. R. Laing
and the treasurer Mrs. T. L.
Scott. Plans were made for a
congregational supper to be held
on St. Patrick's Day, March 17.
Mrs. Eldon Allen and Miss
Olive Speare were appo inted
lunch conveners and Mrs. John
T emplem an and Mrs. James
Miller, program committee for
next meeting.
Mrs. Laverne Wallace and
Miss Carol Ann Dow assisted
the hostess in serving lunch.
At a meeting of the Hibbert
Branch of the Bible Society held
in Cromarty churchSunday even-
ing, Mr. Charles Friend, Dublin,
was elected president and Mrs.
Lawrence Barker, Zion, as sec-
retary for current year.
Past president, Mr. Mervin
Dow presided and the secretary-
treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. Cliff Miller. A film strip
Living Harvest was presented
by Mr. Mervin Dow. Special mu-
sical numbers were contributed,
a trio by Misses Verna and
Beth Christie and Joan Dow of
Roy's and a duet by Misses Joan
Templeman and Brenda Kers-
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. J. R. Jefferson were Mr.
& Mrs. W. A. Chessell and fam-
Miss Teresa Murphy, a tea- •
cher in Oshawa, was a recent
visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Peter Burley, Mr. Burley and
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Whitney
and son of Seaforth have come
to the New Venice Farm where
Mr. Whitney is herdsman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance
attended the 57th wedding an-
niversary dinner at Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Vincent's, Grand Bend,
F riday.
Miss Barbara Blewett is teach-
ing in No. 1 Central School west
of Thedford. Miss Blewett made
an excellent debut on TV last
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs„ Clarence Haw-
kins and family have moved to
Kim Wilson of Sarnia spent
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Prance visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Bul-
lock, Zurich, last Wednesday.
John Inglis, contractor of Kit-
chener, is at the New Venice
Farm tiling on the Mollard line.
The Haig Farm will be seed-
ing in March, on the frost, by a
new method of broadcasting on
the former lake Smith, as was
done last year, where 300 acres
of fall wheat was also sown.
The UCW held their January
meeting Thursday afternoon in
the Sunday School rooms, with
good attendance for their first
meeting of the New Year. The
worship service was conducted
by Mrs. Robert Reid assisted by
Mrs. Earl Neil and Mrs. Wil-
liam Hodge.
Rev. Douglas Warren conduct-
ed a Bible study hour.
The president, Mrs. Cliff Ken-
ney, took charge of the business
meeting. Annual reports showing
the conclusion of a very good
year were presented by all com-
mittees. The minister then pre-
sided over the installation of of-
ficers for 1967.
At the close of the session
Mrs. Ed. Lamport conducted a
lively auction of baked goods and
fancy work. Hostesses were Mrs.
Robert Reid and Mrs. Nelson
L amport.
Women at Staffa
give flag for hail
The WSWS of the EUB Church
held their regular monthly meet-
ing last Thursday evening. The
topic, taken by Mrs. Lloyd Lam-
port and Mrs. Emerson Wein, had
as its theme "the salt of the
earth" with a view to the pene-
tration by Christian influence of
the entire community. The spirit-
ual life study was developed by
Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. Miss Carol
Hendrick rendered a piano solo,
Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg and Mrs.
Gordon Finkbeiner, a vocal duet.
Rev. Howard Zurbrigg took
charge of the meeting during the
presentation of annual reports
and the installation of officers for
1967; then the president, Mrs.
Ervin Ratz, led the business ses-
Plans were made for a used
clothing drive in the spring, for
the making of bandages, for the
preparation of blankets and quilts
to be donated to missions at the
February meeting, and for World
Service Day February 5 with
Miss Audrey Finkbeiner, mis-
sionary-on-furlough, to speak in
The January 11CW meeting was
el d Tuesday evening in the
church parlor. Thirty-five ladies
sat down to supper after which
several games were played while
the committee in charge cleared
up the kitchen.
Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson had
charge of the meeting and led
in the meditation. The scripture
was read by Mrs. James Mil-
ler and Mrs. William Dickey
led in prayer. Mrs. Ted Insley
favored with a piano solo. A
reading was given by Mrs. Lloyd
Cowdrey. Mrs. Leonard Thacker
gave a poem and Mrs. Parkin-
son read a story,
Mrs. Jack Constable of Lon-
don showed pictures taken in
Mexico while on her wedding
trip last summer,
Mrs. Robert Robinson con-
ducted the business. Plans were
made for a Valentine social in
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ford
and family of Kitchener were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. Dickey and family.
Mrs. Lloyd Smith visited for
a few days with her parents
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brock of De-
Mr. Jack Rundle visited Sun-
day with his grandmother, Mrs.
W. Payne and Jim of London.
Miss Lynn Robinson of Fourth
Line was a weekend visitor with
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine.
Mrs. Harry Ford is spending
some time at the home of Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Dickey and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland,
Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna en-
tertained Saturday evening to
honour five members of the fam-
ily who have birthdays this month.
Guests present were Mr. & Mrs.
Geo. Wheeler and David, Mrs.
John Butters, Mr. & Mrs. John
Rodd, Pamela and Calvin and
Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean. Cyn-
thia and her Uncle John were
celebrating birthdays that day
while Ellen's was on the fifth.
Miss Mary McAlister of Lis-
towel spent the weekend with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Webber.
Mrs. Arthur Hopkin was a
Friday guest with Mrs. Gordon
Jones of St. Marys.
The Black Knights Lodge held
a euchre in the hall Friday
evening with ten tables in play.
Prize winners were: ladies high
score, Mrs. Harold O'Brien;
ladies lone hands, Mrs. Lawrence
Beckett, men's high score, Mr.
Tom Coward; lone hands, Mr.
Max Switzer; ladies lucky draw,
Mrs. Max Switzer.
Recalls past
--Continued from page 4
wants to be goin' goin' all the
Our interview with Mr. Cottle
ended on this rather open-ended
observation upon human nature's
vagaries. We could have listened
for hours to this gentleman, who
certainly has been a goin' concern
for all of his 9'7 years.
We're grateful, on behalf of
this town, to Jim Cottle for giving
us a glimpse of a past we pay
tribute to this Centennial Year
and which I'm sure we will all
cherish and learn from even
if we are perched on the edge of
the crater Copernicus.
Hunter-Duvar & Sons
Guide posts
-- Continued from page 4
memorized from my mother's
Thou shalt have no other Gods but
Before no image bow the knee
Take not the name of God in vain
Nor do the sabbath day profane
To thy father and mother be true
See that thou no murder do
From unclean thoughts and deeds
What is another's take not for gain
Upon the record cast not a blot
What is thy neighbor's covet not.
RR 1 Woodham
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll
attended the Middlesex Feder-
ation of Agriculture annual meet-
ing and luncheon at Ilderton on
Saturday. Their children, Ian and
Brenda, spent the day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ab-
bott, Whalen.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mac-
Donald, Lucan, were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Davis and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs,
Freddie and Patti were guests
Tuesday with Mrs. Irene Marz-
iali and Rosanne, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
are still holidaying in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall,
Nancy and Marylou were guests
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Mrs.
Peter Sovereign, Faren and Fer-
lin were guests also.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis ac-
companied by Mrs. Robt. Cole-
man, Lucan, spent Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Aif Dickins, Lon-
don. Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Davis and Jeffrey Young
of Lucan were guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald,
and Sunday they were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young,
Miss Sharon Davis, London,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. Carter Kerslake (presi-
dent) and Mrs. Russell Worden
(secretary-treasurer) attended
the inaugural meeting of the Hib-
bert Township council and on
behalf of the members of the
Staffa Women's Institute pre-
sented the council with a new
Canadian Flag for the township
hall. Rev. A. H. Daynard dedi-
cated the flag which is one of
the Institute's centennial pro-
Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian
were host and hostess for a pro-
gressive euchre party Friday
evening, January 13, sponsored
by the Staffa Womens' Institute.
There were 10 tables in play
with prizes for ladies high going
to Mrs. Tom Colquhoun; ladies
low, Miss Vera Hambley; gents
high, Bev Taylor; gents low,
Alvin Worden; nearest birthday,
Mrs. Ross McPhail; lone hands,
Roy MacDonald.
The next card party is to be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Smale, Friday, Feb-
ruary 10.
able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth
are accompanying Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Miller, Grand Bend, on a
motor trip to California.
Miss Sharon Knott, Carling-
ford, was a Wednesday evening
guest of Fay Templeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowcliffe,
Ilensall, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller
and family.
Miss Fay Templeman was a
Thursday night guest of Miss
Debbie Inman, Monkton.
Misses Janet and Edna Miller,
London, visited over the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Miller.
The pupils and teachers of the
Hibbert Township area schools
enjoyed an afternoon skating at
Mitchell arena on Friday, Jan-
uary 13.
The second meeting of the sew-
ing course "More About Fin-
ishes" was held at the home of
the leader, Mrs. Carter Kers-
lake Wednesday evening, January
11 with eight ladies present. Mrs.
Kerslake discussed neck facings
and hemming with everyone mak-
ing samples.
The ladies of the Staffa UCW
held an all day quilting in the
family life centre Friday.
Lloyd Miller, who has been
confined to his home for the past
two weeks with the mumps, is
58 FORD Wagon. 92632X 175
59 AUSTIN Sedan, lady driven. 961409 250
59 BUICK Sedan. A64288 300
60 VALIANT Sedan. 995253 325
59 MERCEDES Sedan. E8805 340
59 RAMBLER Sedan. 224947 325
60 CHRYSLER 4 door hardtop. A60431 650
63 VOLKSWAGEN. A95595 775
63 METEOR Coach. A94614 1225
63 FORD 4 door hardtop. A5718 1225
65 VALIANT V200 Coach. A96854 1575
64 FORD Sedan. A58670 1625
64 GALAXIE 500 hardtop, 6 cyl. A58426 , . ... 1775
64 GALAXIE 500 2 door hardtop, loaded. A97446 2000
65 FORD Sedan, 6 automatic. A94683 2100
66 FORD Custom 6 Sedan. A67535 2325
65 FORD Wagon. 87825X 2575
66 FORD Wagon. 90700X 3100
61 GMC PICKUP. V24798 875
54 MERCURY PICKUP. C74437 375
Ferguson loader . 100
7 ft. spring tooth cultivator 125
53 M M "Z" 250
56 IHC Harvester, motor driven 375
3 furrow Oliver trip beam plow 470
Oliver baler, above average 450
58 Cockshutt 540 1225
57 Ford 661, live PTO 1350
60 Dexta Diesel 1425
59 David Brown 950 1650
62 Massey 50, 4-row scuffler and bean puller 1950
61 Super Major 2200
65 New Super Major
Allis Chalmers D17 gas
Anyone wishing ride to Orfeda Show in
Toronto, Jan 25 to 28, please contact us
Ford, Pollicino, Falcon, Ford Trucks
Miss Kathy Benedict, London,
is a guest at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Wilmar Wein.
Mrs. Elmer Lawson has re-
turned to Victoria Hospital for
further treatment.
Mr. & Mrs. William French,
St. Catharines, and Mrs. Beat-
rice Tait, Hamilton, visited with
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner.
Miss Karen Finkbeiner, Wat-
erloo and Miss Ella Mae Sch-
lenker, Ayr, spent the weekend
at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Last Friday evening forty-one
members of the two senior class-
es of the EUB Sunday School en-
joyed dinner at the Dashwood
Hotel, followed by a devotional
program, the election of officers,
and a game of progressive
crokinole in the Sunday School
rooms. Mrs. Ross Krueger was
appointed president of the wo-
men's Bible Class, Mr. Steve
Dundas of the men's.
Mr. Everett Fahrner recalls
that many years ago Crediton
published a weekly paper "The
Crediton Star". The printing shop
was the building now used as a
barber shop. If anyone has copies
of "The Crediton Star" in his
possession, those involved in
centennial preparation for the
community would appreciate
hearing about them,
Thursday, January 12, Wilmar
Wein attended a day-long seminar
for municipal clerks at the Holi-
day Inn, London. The seminar
was conducted by the provincial
Department of Municipal Affairs.
The house cat is believed to be a
cross between the sacred cat of
Egypt and the European wildcat.
are "you" stuck
in a rut???
Just can't seem to get going. Is it due
to your iron inefficiency to gain enough
traction? Do you just keep digging in
deeper and deeper? Is that what's both-
ering you chum? Well don't let it get
you down
For the Fastest Towing Service in' Town
Get Your Exeter Centennial Bumper Stinkers Here
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automatic. Lic. 9081X .... . $995
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automatic, radio. Lic. 968955 $1,495
1963 FORD 500 WAGON,
V-8 automatic, radio . , $1,495
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automatic, one owner car. Lic. 26403 $295
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216 Main South, Exeter
2354250 235.1486