HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-01-19, Page 5Old South
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2 bags
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Times-Advocate, January 19, 1967 Page 5
and district news
Fair group pick .officers
tural. Societies from 1792 to 1966
at a cost of $5.90 a book. This
society has ordered a number
of these hooks, one to be placed
in the local library and one in
the Hensall School.
A centennial feature is under
consideration for the 196'7 Fair.
Next meeting will be February 28. CORRESPONDENTS
Mrs- Maude Hedderi, Phone 262-2002
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
Presbyterian ladies
choose new officers
Closing Specials
on Perms
C T. Christie
active worker regular $ 7.00 $ 5,00
regular $ 8.50 6.50
regular $10.00 $ 8.00
regular $12.50 _____.$10,00
regular $15.00 $12.00
This shop will close to
busioess Jan. 28, 1967.
Mrs. John Pollock of Goderich
was installed president for 196'7
at the annual meeting of Huron
Presbyterial of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyter-
ian Church In Canada, bald at
St. Andrew's Church, Clinton.
Mrs. Pollock succeeds Mrs. Wes.
Bradnock of Auburn. Rev. Robert
U. MacLean of Clinton gave the
opening devotions.
The session featured presenta-
The annual meeting of the Hen-
sail South Huron Agricultural
Society was held Friday, January
13 when 41gin Thompson, RR 3,
Kippen, was elected president for
a term of two years. Vice-pres-
idents are John Corbett, RR 1,
Exeter, and George Frayne, Us-
borne; secretary-treasurer, P.
L. McNaughton.
The treasurer reported that
1966 had been a profitable year
for the society. The 1961 date
for the Fair was set for June 20.
Hensall Feeder Calf Club have
distributed 113 calves this year
to be judged and auctioned at the
196'7 Fair.
As a Centennial project the
Ontario Association of Agricul-
tural Societies have undertaken
to compile and publish 300 page
book of the History of Agricul-
Miss Cassie Dougall who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital for several weeks, is
spending a few weeks with Mr. Hair Styling HENSALL
& Mrs. Jim Bengough, Hensall,
Mr. & Mrs. Don Kyle are
holidaying in Jamaica,
Be-N-Jay Present awards to trailer builders
At a recent dinner-dance attended by 225 personnel of General Coach Works of Canada, Hensall, gold
watches were presented to employees who had been with the company 10 years. Some of the recipients,
from the left: Alphonse Grenier, Alfred Smith, Jack Snell, Plant Manager J. K. Geary who made the
presentations, David M;llar, Napoleon Bedard, Andy 'manse, Nicholas Heykoop and Earl Gass. Missing
were Logan Cleave, William Kelly and Frank Smale.
Phone 262-2832
PS students entertain Wins $500
on Fri. 13th Tells of Sister's life
Glendon T. Christie, 60, died
very suddenly at his home early
Friday, January 13. He operated
the 5Q to a $1.00 store here for
eleven years, and recently dis-
posed of his business.
He was born at Morefield, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
An active member of Hensall
United Church, he was a mem-
ber of the Session, repi•esent-
ative to the Men's council of the
United Church, served as super-
intendent of the Sunday School
for many years, served on the
school board and was a member
of Huron Lodge 224 AF & AM
Hensall. The lodge conducted a
Masonic service at the funeral
home Saturday night at 9 pm.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Audrey Webster of Sea-
forth, and one daughter, Cath-
arine Anne.
Public funeral services were
held from the G. A. Whitney
Funeral Home, Seaforth, Mon-
day at 2 pm conducted by Rev,
Harold F. Currie of Hensall Un-
ited Church, who paid fitting
tribute to the life of the de-
ceased. Temporary entombment
was in Pioneer Memorial Maus-
oleum, Seaforth.
Bearers were Ronald Mock,
V. M. Pyette, Ross Forrest,
Dave Kyle, Walter Spencer, Har-
vey Keys; flower bearers,
Wilmer Ferguson and Donald
read a recipe for the New Year.
Mrs. Rodger Venner gave tour-
test remarks. President Mrs.
Beverly Beaton presided for the
business and Mrs. Jack Cor-
bett for the program.
Program convenors were Mrs.
Mary Funk and Mrs. Corbett.
Hostesses, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
and Mrs. Len Purdy.
At the Citizenship and Edu-
cation meeting of Hensall WI
held Wednesday evening, Jan-
uary 11, Sister Eileen Marie,
principal of the Separate School,
Zurich, was guest speaker,
speaking on the training and real
life of a Sister in the prepar-
ation for a total dedication to
the Apostlate.
The Sister outlined the history
of her community, The Sisters
of St. Joseph of London. This
community along with five other
similar groups of Sisters of St.
Joseph make up a substantial
part of the 52,000 Roman Cath-
The draw for the grand winner
of Hensall Kinsmen weekly draw
was held at a dance at the local
arena Friday evening, January
13, and the lucky winner of $500,
whose ticket was the last one
drawn, was Alf Scholl of Al's
Supersave Market, who was not
present when his ticket was
Twelve prize winners in the
weekly draws of $25.00 were:
Mike Hodger t, Exeter; Jack
Cleave, Zurich; Charles Hay,
Hensall; Ward Kraft, Exeter;
Glen Nixon, Hensall; Ken Carter,
North Bay; Bob Erb, Hensall;
Howard Scene, Hensall; Jack Mc-
Kenzie, Hensall; Harold Willert,
Zurich; Albert Brenzil, Toronto;
Al Scholl, Hensall,
In charge of the project was
Bob Caldwell, chairman of the
ways and means committee of the
Kinsmen club.
Lion of annual reports from the
various secretaries, which were
most encouraging. Plans were
discussed for the Centennial Year
The 196'7 Synodical meetings
are to be held at St. Andrews
Church, Stratford, April 18-19
and 20, with Miss Jessie Fraser
of Seaforth to be delegate.
Miss Hazel McDonald of
Goderich, missionary returned
from Taiwan, gave an inspiring
message before installing the
officers for 1967. They are: hon-
orary president, Mrs. A. Taylor,
Goderich; past president, Mrs.
W. Bradnock, Auburn; president,
Mrs. J. Pollock, Goderich; vice-
presidents, Mrs. H. Hyde, Hen-
sall, Mrs. G. Schwalm, Hensall,
Miss Flora McDonald, Goderich;
corresponding sec., Mrs. R.
Dyke, Goderich; treasurer, Mrs.
J. A. McConnell, Goderich; press
sec., Mrs. W. R. Kerslake, Sea-
forth; supply sec., Mrs. E. Far-
quhar, Clinton.
Secretaries of Departments -
afternoon and evening groups,
Mrs. J. Dunbar, Belgrave; child-
ren's groups, Mrs. Donald Haines
Goderich; CGIT, Mrs. W. Brad-
nock, Auburn; home helpers,
Mrs. H. Hyde, Hensall; welcome
& welfare, Mrs. Wellington Good,
Blyth; Glad Tidings, Mrs. 0. G.
Anderson, Belgrave; literature
and library, Mrs. W. Sanderson,
Auburn; life membership, Mrs.
Walter Shortreed, Blyth; histor-
ian, Mrs. Albert Taylor, God-
erich; financial committee, Mrs.
J. A. McConnel and Mrs. Calvin
Cutt, both of Goderich. Hensall personals
nWa:ria Xi • "?e,MISX.REMO
Hospital, Exeter, returned to her
home this week.
Mr. Murdock Morrison of the
Varna-Goshen charge conducted
the morning service in Hensall
United Church Sunday morning,
while the minister Rev, Harold
F. Currie conducted the Sacra-
ments of Holy Communion for the
people there.
Mrs. E. R. Davis is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mr. Anthony Van Dyke and
Terrence, of Three Rivers, Que-
bec, are guests this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol,
olic Sisters in Canada today.
The preparation for this life
takes a total of eight years train-
ing during which time each Sis-
ter prepares for a life long
quest for virtue, generous spirit
of good will, a desire to love,
serve and share in the spirit
of her community motto, ,,The
love of Christ has gathered us
together in one".
Sister Eileen went on to say
that a Sister's most important
role is that of being a witness
for Christ and to be a witness
means to live in such a way
that one's life would not make
sense if God did not exist. Sis-
ter Eileen, who was introduced
by Mrs. James Bengough, has
taught schools in Windsor, St.
Thomas, Ingersoll and London
before coming to Zurich.
Roll call was "Name an in-
teresting Centennial Project".
The program included a piano
duet by Billy and Joey Bengough.
Mrs. Laird Jacobi on the staff
of Hensall Public School intro-
duced several students who par-
ticipated: from grade 8, Anne
Keys, who spoke on The late
President J. F. Kennedy; grade
8, Beth Troyer speaking on Sir
John A. MacDonald; grade 8,
Katherine McEwen, piano solos;
from grade 4, Ann Knight, Nancy
Stretton, Linda Beer, with piano
solos and Mrs. Jack Corbett
Kinettes ready
for dimes plea
Mrs. Robt. Caldwell was hos-
tess for the meeting of Hensall
Kinette Club last Wednesday ev-
ening. An invitation to attend a
joint meeting of the Kinette Clubs
of London and East London was
accepted. A letter was read from
their adopted Italian child,
Recruiting chairman, Mrs.
Harold Caldwell, announced that
anyone wishing to volunteer as
Marching Mothers for the March
of Dimes campaign January 30
should phone Mrs. Caldwell 262-
2401. Raffle was won by Mrs.
J. W. Drysdale.
Quality Used Cars
Your Mercury Dealer
'65 MERCURY 2 -door Hardtop, loaded with
extras, still has factory warranty. A-94860
'64 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door Hardtop,
V-8 automatic. E-6364
'64 FORD XL 2-door Hardtop. A-97546
'64 METEOR 6 cyl. standard. E-6462
'63 PONTIAC 4-door, 6 cyl. standard,
very clean. E-81343
'63 GALAXIE 2-dr. Hardtop, loaded A-96168
'61 METEOR 4-door A-97773
'61 FALCON 2-door. E-8892
'60 THAMES pickup
'58 CHEVROLET Stake with hoist
'57 FORD Half-Ton
'52 FORD 1-ton with rack and hoist
Meteor, Comet,
Hwy 4 South
Presbyterial elects officers
Huron Presbyterian Presbyterial, held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
church, Clinton, elected officers for 1967. Back row from left to
right are Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hensall, second vice-president;
Mrs. J. A. McConnell, Goderich, treasurer; Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hen-
sall, second vice-president; front, left to right, Mrs. John Pollock,
president, and Mrs. R. Dyke, secretary, both of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drover,
Cromarty, received a phone call
to congratulate them on their
50th wedding anniversary from
Mrs. Drover's brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Bell, Seattle, Washington.
Sunday next, January 22, at
St. Pauls Anglican Church at 6
pm, the Apostalic Rite of Con-
firmation will be administered
by Bishop Appleyard of Georgian
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Hillier, London.
Miss Etta Jarrott of Stratford
visited this week with Mr. and
Mrs. John E. McEwen.
Mrs. M. A. C. Richardson is
a patient in Clinton Public Hos-
Mrs. Edna Caldwell in com-
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McClinchey of Clinton left last
week by motor to spend the
winter months in Florida.
Miss Marion Schroeder re-
turned to London after spending
a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schroeder.
Mr. W. Murdoch Stewart, FSA
Consulting Actuary, Mrs. Stew-
art and son Donald of Lake For-
rest, Ill., USA called on relat-
ives here and visited with the
former's father, Mr. Duncan
Stewart, who celbrated his 100th
birthday Saturday at Huronview,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Daley and
Steven of London were weekend
visitors with Mrs. Daley's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Par-
ker and Patsy.
Mrs. Mae Rowcliffe, who has
been a patient in South Huron
Study Start of Church
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held its
first meeting of the New Year
Monday evening, January 16, with
president Mrs. Robt. Bell pre-
siding. Nine members answered
the roll call.
In Centennial costumes Mrs.
Mildred Bell, Mrs. Douglas Shir-
ray and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
had charge of the program and
worship, and also the topic ,,The
Beginning of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada".
Hostesses Mrs. Roland Van-
stone and Mrs. Jim Bell served
oven in a
range mat's
budget many
poem ,,The Old Country Store".
Hostesses Mrs. Jack Brintnell
and Mrs. Alvin Cole served lunch.
Plan Meeting
The annual meeting and con-
gregational dinner of Hensall Un-
ited Church will be held in
Fellowship Hall Wednesday, Jan-
uary 25. Dinner to be served at
7 pm followed by a briefbusiness
session. A program is being
CP & T .Euchre
Winners at the CP&T Euchre
held in the IOOF Lodge Hall
Friday evening were: ladies 1st,
Mrs. Jack Brintnell; low, Mrs.
Ted Taylor; men's 1st, Ted Tay-
lor; low, Jim McAllister; lime
hands, Percy Campbell.
The basket of groceries was
won by Glenn Bell, and the box
of Chocolates, Mr. Skinner, Ex-
clean arena
Sales with Service 1
Dial 262.2015
On January 11, Sir John A.
MacDonald's birthday, the school
children were given a half day
off school. Several members of
the Hensall Teen Town spent
the afternoon and the evening
cleaning, scrubbing and waxing
the auditorium at the Community
These girls and boys have
proven that if given a job to
do, they are most co-operative
and willing to do it well. The
thanks of the community is forth-
coming to this group for their
efforts to prove they, too, are
responsible citizens who will be
in charge of local affairs in the
near future. It is to be hoped
that the public will appreciate
their efforts and use the atidi4
torium accordingly. This, by the
way, was a small part of the
Centennial project of the local
Teen Town.
Study Church Then and Now
Chiselhurst United Church
Women met Tuesday, January 10
in the church schdolroom with
Mrs. R. Taylor, president, in the
Mrs. Harold parker had the
Worship "The Church of this
Day" assisted by Mrs. Percy
Harris. Mrs. Ben Stoneman pre-
sented the study ',Protestants in
the Maritimes 200 years ago."
The president closed With a