HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-01-05, Page 3GARD•N•YARD
The new guaranteed income supplement is a monthly payment
of $30 which will be added to the present $75 Old Age
Security Pension if the pensioner has no other income.
However, if the pensioner has other income but it is less than
$720 a year ($60 a month) the pensioner still qualifies for a
supplement but on a reduced scale depending on his other
Every Old Age Security Pensioner is thus guaranteed a mini-
mum income of $105 a month.
Married Pensioners:
If both husband and wife receive the Old Age Security Pension, and have no other income, both
qualify for the $30 a month supplement, assuring them a minimum of $210 a month. If married
pensioners have a combined income of less than $1440 a year, not including their Old Age
Security pensions, each may qualify for a supplement at a reduced rate.
Application Forms:
An application form and a booklet containing details of the guaranteed income supplement will be
mailed to all Old Age Security pensioners during February. They will be asked to read the booklet
carefully and fill IN the application form at once. Married pensioners are asked that each fill in an
application form and mail the two in the same envelope, Income does not include war service
pensions, gifts from relatives and money from a number of other sources. A list of
items not considered as income is shown on the application form and in the informa-
tion booklet. Pensioners may receive help in preparing applications by contacting the Old Age
Security, Canada Pension ,Plan or Income Tax offices. Addresses are available in the booklet.
Payment Oates:
At least two months are required to deal with applications. Some pensioners will receive their
supplementary payments combined with their Old Age Security pension cheques in March, Others
will receive their combined payments in April. Pensioners entitled to a supplement as of January
1967 will have their payments back-clatcd to January.
Ng. 2 Tirnes.Advocate, January 5, 1967
that Investors Mutual is
by far Canada's largest
mutual fund?
145 Deer Park
Several enoy bowling
Many visit at Whalen
Several South Huron Jr. Farm-
ers from this community attended
a bowling tournament at Clinton,
Tuesday evening,
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Neil and
Donald with Mr. & Mrs. Len
Powell, London.
Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leon-
hardt, Thamesford.
Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley
and Miss Carole Foster were
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Mac
Allison, West McGillivray,
Several young people from the
community attended a New Years
eve party at the Allen Elston
home, Centralia.
Miss Carole Foster spent Fri-
day evening with Mr. & Mrs.
Ken Corbett, Rannock.
Mr. & Bev Westman and
Janice, Granton, were recent
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Percy
Jimmy Hodgins of the Univer-
sity of Guelph is spending the
vacation at his home here.
The Whalen Men's bowling
team entertained their wives and
families to dinner Wednesday ev-
ening at the Community Centre.
ville Gunning and Muriel, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Jaques and
family with Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Dobson, Kirkton.
Mr, & Mrs. Norman Brock and
Bill, Mrs. Mary Brock with Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Strong in Seaforth.
Mr. & Mrs. Ephriam Hern with
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Westcott and
family, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hera and
family with Mr. & Mrs. Don
Lankin, Lucan.
Mr. Vernon Hern returned
home Saturday evening after
spending the holidays in Jamai-
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hern at-
tended a surprise 25th wedding
anniversary party last Tuesday
evening at the home of Rev. &
Mrs. J. Wareham in Atwood.
• •-'-r•
•,e4 k •
Y4new410,,," wItatmol
with an c4hien4 sNo-Tilpto
Reign over teenage dance
The Exeter Arena was packed, Friday, when the Exeter Teen Town held their annual semi-formal
dance. Highlight of the evening was the naming of the King and Queen of the event, Linda Lowery and
Ken Davidson. The popular couple are shown above enjoying one of the latest dance manoeuvres prior
to being picked for their high offices. Some of the crowd is shown in the background. T-A photo Advertise
Put yourself BEHIND an Ariens SnoiThro and then ... let it snow, let it blow,
let it drift . . . let that weather get just as mean as it wants to get, Your
worries about "getting out", shoveling, and missed appointments or work
need never bother you again.
In the words of the younger generation, "you got it made".
Because Ariens gives you "self-propelled" operation. No pushing, jamming
or bucking into drifts or plowed-in driveways. With four speeds, you work at
the pace you want to work and a reverse allows you to turn around without
pushing and pulling. Two stage design principle handles heavy wet snow,
drifted packed snow or light little flurries . , . with equal ease, Four, five or
six horse power engine arid directional chute will move snow up to 30 feet ...
where it need not be handled again. A WORD OF CAUTION ... Before you buy.
(Figure out how to handle your neighbors,
they'll all want to borrow it.)
When you see this sign ... You're at the right
place . . . Just walk in and ask to see an
Ariens SNO-THRO.
Milt's Mower & Cycle
Exeter, Ont. Tel- 235-2940 That's the way to a more
profitable business.
Dashwood ladies' group
choose officers for year
New Years visitors in the com-
munity were:
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson of
Woodham, Mr. Wm. Thomson,
St. Marys, and Mr. & Mrs. La-
verne McCarter with Mr. & Mrs.
Edgar Baker.
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Jaques,
Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bowers,
Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Jaques
and John, Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald Gaiser and family, Il-
derton, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Van
Alstine, London, Mr. & Mrs.
Bill Jaques, Toronto, Mr.& Mrs.
Ken McCarter, Zurich with Mr.
& Mrs. Cliff Jaques and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Ferguson,
Whalen with Mr. & Mrs. Keith
Hern and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Everard Miller,
Grand Bend, with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Hern.
Mr. & Mrs. Torn Brock with
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hern.
Mr. & Mrs. John Tookey, Lon-
don, Miss Margaret Johns, Elim-
vale, with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Hern and family.
Out of the community were;
Mr. & Mrs. Angus Earl in
St. Marys with Mr. & Mrs. Milne
Mr. & Mrs. RayJaques,Steven
and Susan with Mr. & Mrs. Mel-
The WSWS officers of the Evan-
gelical UB Church for 196'7 are:
president, Mrs. Carl Oest-
reicher, vice-president, Mrs.
Letta Taylor, secretary, Mrs.
Howard Klumpp, assistant, Mrs.
Stuart Wolfe, local affairs treas-
urer, Mrs. Harold Kellerman,
WSWS treasurer, Mrs. Sydney
Year's eve at 9;30 pm. A fel-
lowship time of games and lunch
was enjoyed. The evening was
completed by a worship period
to end the old year and begin
the new.
Dashwood EUB church obser-
ved centennial Sunday Jan. 1
with a special processional by the
choir. Mrs. Ronald Snell of Lon-
don was the guest soloist for the
Mr. Bud Reakes and Mr. John
Ziler of London with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ziler.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wein and
Lea Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wein of Sudbury, Miss
Erma Wein of Clinton with Mrs.
Hilda Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Freuchtel
and family of Huntington, West
Virginia, with Mr. and Mrs. Hil-
ton Ford.
Convenors of groups, Spiritual
Life, Mrs. Eben Weigand; Christ-
ian Social Relations, Mrs. Lloyd
Eagleson; Missionary Education,
Mrs. Charles Snell; Membership
and Attendance, Mrs. Mervyn
Tiernan; Youth Fellowship sec-
retary, Mrs. Merrill James;
children's work secretary, Mrs.
Hugh Boyle; assistants, Mrs.
Gerald Mason and Mrs. Lloyd
Guenther; memorial cards and
flowers, Mrs. Harry Hoffman;
sympathy and get-well cards,
Mrs. Arthur Haugh; pianist, Mrs.
Mervyn Tieman; assistant, Mrs.
Merrill James; press reporter,
Mrs. Howard Klumpp; lunch dir-
ector, Mrs. Ross Guenther; sun-
shine director, Mrs. Donald
New Years visitors In the com-
munity were; Mr. & Mrs. Allen
Tindall, Wiarton, Mrs. Madeline
Tindall and Melody, Mrs. Mabel
Nicholson and Ricky, Listowel.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott and
Miss Janice Abbott, Lucan with
Mr. & Mrs. Art Abbott.
Miss Cora Nuttycomb and Mrs.
Myrtle Shorthill, London, with
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Bailie.
Mr. & Mrs. A. Apse Sr. and
Mr, and mrs. V. Apse, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Beltans.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lu-
can, Mr. & Mrs. F. Squire,
Granton, and Mr. Ron Squire with
Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Foster, Strat-
ford, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cann
and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cann,
London, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gouds-
ward and Joey, Melrose with Mr.
and Mrs. Laverne Morley.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mit-
chell and Mrs. Bristol Holden,
St. Marys with Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Hodgins
and family, Mr. & Mrs. Law-
rence Hodgins and family, Mrs.
Chas Grose and Karen; Lucan,
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
and family, ,Mr. & Mrs. Lyle
Worrall, Denfield and Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Mardlin, Wesley with
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins.
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Langton,
London with Mrs. Myrland Duf-
field and family.
New Years visitors away were:
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins
and family with Mr. & Mrs.
Leonard Thacker, Woodham,
Sunday and with Mr. & Mrs.
Andrew Standeaven, Avonbank,
Mr. & Mrs. Arvid 13eitans at
a New Years party with Mr.
& Mrs. E. Beite, London, Sat-
Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Sue Ann and Paul with Mr. John
Massey and family, St. Marys,
Mr. Ron Squire with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber and
family with Mr. Bob Johns, Elim-
Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills
and boys with Mr. & Mrs. Don
Davies, Sombra.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson
and family with Mr. & Mrs. Jas.
Love, Grand Bend Sunday and
with Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Johnson,
London, on Monday.
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman
Roy and Ronnie with Mrs. Flor-
ence Johns, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins,
Grant and Allen with Mr. &
Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins
and Burton with Mr. & Mrs. Aus-
tin Grose, Glanworth.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. French Laura,
Earl and Joe with Mr. & Mrs.
Gary Parkinson. St. Marys.
Mrs. Amelia Willert, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Genttner, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken McCrae of Dashwood
attended the inaugural cere-
monies, reception and ball as
personal guests of Governor and
Mrs. George Romney, Lt. Gov.,
and Mrs. William Milliken, US
Senator and Mrs. Robert T. Grif-
fin at the State Capital in Lans-
ing, Mich., Monday, January 2.
Mrs. Rose Laub of Exeter,
Mrs. Hilda Wein, Mr. Elmer
Weido of Crediton, Mrs. Alma
Willert and John with Mr. and
Mrs. Vyrne Weido and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rader,
David, Paul and Sharon with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls
at London.
Five young people, James
Guenther, John Guenther, Orville
James, Dean Oestreicher and
Gordon Weigand who had com-
pleted the course "The Christ-
ian Way" took membership vows
in the Evangelical United Breth-
ren Church.
Members of Dashwood Evan-
gelical UB church gathered in
the Sunday School rooms New
List draw winners
at Kippen market
District farmer
dies in hospital
Elmore P. Daters, 69, of Dash-
wood, ratired farmer, passed
away at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, Monday, Dec. 26. He had
been in failing health for some
Besides his wife, the former
Laura Schumacher, he is sur-
vived by one daughter, Mar-
guerite, (Mrs. Lorne Luther),
Grand Bend, three sons, Howard
and Eldon, Dashwood, Earl,
Grand Bend, two sisters, Mrs.
Victoria Dedels, Kitchener, Miss
Anna Daters, Zurich; two bro-
thers, Edward, Zurich, Rev. Al-
bert, Brampton, also 15 grand-
The body rested at the T. Harry
Hoffman funeral home u nt
Thursday, Dec. 29 when funeral
service was conducted by Rev.
George Reinhart from the Hof-
fman funeral home. Interment
was in the Lutheran cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Sam and
Herbert Miller, Elgin Rader,
Vernon Schatz, Ron Braid and
Mervyn Tieman.
In a Christmas draw at Dick-
ert's store winners were: First
prize, Wm. Workman, Exeter;
second prize, Leonard Lovell,
Kippen and third prize, Mrs.
Robert McGregor, Kippen.
London, also spent some of the
holidays with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Jackson and sisters.
Mrs. Hazel Blake and daugh-
ter Roxy of London were New
Year's guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Vivan Cooper and family.
Miss Grace Riley has return-
ed to Kingston where she is af-
filiating at the Ontario Hospital.
She spent New Year's weekend
with her parents, M. & Mrs.
Nelson Riley and family.
Those that spent New Year's
Day with Mr. & Mrs. Grant Love
of Caro, Mich. included: Mr. &
Mrs. John A. Cooper, David and
Bob, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McBride
and Sharon, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
McBride and family and Mr. &
Mrs. Bob Dalrymple and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Baird and
Frank Coates
dies in hospital
Frank Coates, 68, a lifelong
resident of this community, died
in South Huron Hospital, Sun-
day, January 1.
He was born in Usborne Town-
ship, a son of the late Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Coates. A brother
Thomas Coates predeceased him.
He has been a resident of Exeter
for many years, in later years
making his home with Miss Verna
Coates, Albert St.
Surviving are several cousins.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. S.E. Lewis at the
Hopper-Hockey funeral h o rn e,
Exeter, on Wednesday, January 4.
Interment was in Exeter Ceme-
Pallbearers were Messrs Roy
lance and Allen Westcott, Ken
Hockey, Whitney, Jack and Mau-
rice Coates.
Let us develop and print your films
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um ow Iwo in Me nom Mt ism No mot IN MN an
Two heads are better than
one except when both are be-
hind the same steering wheel.
Mrs. Eleanor McKenzie is
spending the winter months in
Miss Sharon McBride of the
University of Western Ontario
spent the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Mc-
LAC and Mrs. J. D. Bozzato
and Dana of Foymount, Ont. CFB
spent a week with her parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Kyle and Al.
Last Monday, Mrs. Marguerite
Ulch, Windsor, Mr. & Mrs. Os-
wald Brown, Detroit and Mr. &
Mrs. Ed. Little and daughters,
Hensall, helped celebrate Mr.
Norman Long's 82nd birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. John McGregor
and family spent New Years week-
end with friends in Orillia.
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Hood re-
turned home Sunday after spend-
ing the holidays with their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Ross Carter of Chatham.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gibson,
Wroxeter, M. & Mrs. J. W.
Gibson and family, Wroxeter,
Miss Daisy Gibson, Waterloo,
Mr. Bill Gibson, Hensall and
Mr. Bill Wilson of London were
New Year's guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Wilfred Mellis.
Mr. & Mrs. Ed, Little and
Cheryl of Hensall spent New
Year's day with Mr. & Mrs.
N. Long.
Miss Dorothy Jackson, RN who
is on the staff of General Hos-
• pital, Hamilton, spent part of
the holidays with her parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jackson and
Miss Wilma Jackson, nurse-
in-training at `Victoria Hospital,