HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-10-08, Page 3NEW BOOKS £DDET'$ at/.ULI '�tolIE111LLw JIOUO. . "THE SOUTHERN WAR," • aid s5LLAao, er slgaiet.M. • AT EUTLE11 l K.41h SISIZTIE11151 b.dsy's, Loth.'*, tad Potence's, he Qycbr, al received AT awn.iors. e. A. HAYDON, YnterfOrrlit �iliinsr & Dressmaker. (tats or corm) s- Wanted for lb Mi.aery �' ptisg, rad do wad Plate Seal{•& aaweraoa-('otter d OIs,rh and Corer the OrearwA'I. r' Oct., I. awe Farm for Sale 114 iRICH TOWNSHIP. Limit's Bale of Lands. U.odGaran«}})))B:r=7.....".1.‘1"«.: ' T. wit 1 • Nor Iljteey.• Como lawiltiowinionvaorof Moo Orr awl ler rear Nur. the Lore sed 1.•r sere. dire Carer. sl , be ala .f the Horm. Derlr. Seri .1 Mar 101004 feed leW le ear d IM r,ehr this sad Warms of w arM pk,b . 1. ib. a rad to l alba Durham remeter grows d 11th fad near nap, worth h the To.wrhep d .wr..t and Cory d !rid. r b, JN* 0 r Fry are .4 i... reeh. Le the tar term sr bar wok tke hrid10. neer .tried. Wh.d Lear ..d w ri.a 1 .►.a eller for sale el wrise to the Uart Her in the raw. et (L.40.w , o. Terry the Shed `y r O...rh.r soap .t the hoar d Terre et reeler 1. aur. JOHN MACDONALD. Bhr(f, M •.H. b r. Pries, O=Tot setta: absrd'r Ore, r S w•14 Mow l6. I. f 13 S g Lel St, .tor Ruda. '° drrd, 'Bit MILES FROM GODEBICIT ! Atte Ns m11011 rums. 0. the pvaiu* nes then is • STONE HOUSE, d7 by 0, FLANK BARN, aid all ebr Impare- earr retweed e • lire * remhem. ►p AP*w the prOrm'(EO$O Darirda.,lo Orrin, Sept. 18, Iflet. wild FARE! FOR SALE ! IN SBEBIFF'S BALI OF LANDS. .dee_ FALL IMPORTATIONS ! .ADAM Hopi NORTH STREET, Ldzidon. d'w• TYi alar• has its=24 Q'sim 1 OUT a Iarp pstp• aid Ibak FALL IMPORTATIONS Mena seal •t aft 1) Y lis • Ewer sad Hew art ar«r,Ferri To we 1 ►fieri fatir Me rredr. r rid r . 5.t Mew Majesty's Cony Coen M the • 1eito4 Coarse =Hair and Iboee aid to w herr agataw the Isar sad ramr.ia d June (linen, at Ste see dthe Bank of Upper ca 1 have .reed and aka is uw+aros all It. rirt. Stu. aid err.. otitis raid 4.14..1. et .ad to the sorb belt d ltd trembler tree, Ertl Gree. veer Wren, walk area newts Hurd throe, and pen of 1.o. t sober for. North Hier Syme, walk foto Mon *beeves. it the .561.05 d Seerk- awplw..r Croy ellwro. ; arra Lot Nrrlrr sae, ta the twain oor•eer0a, od 1.9a ere. dere aid twelve, da the three weiceroa. the tower= dtayrsw. cm 11e art Carry of Snare ; whirr lands .r ream ee f shall user Mw alk at my .4. 0 /M Cowl Harr. is the Tows of Charter, .r Terrythe uotewlh der al October sr, at the nut d twelve of the melt, are. County of Huron. iiOT 1 (61 ouweree, Tows.lip M Hair, Igo wren 1, a the of purer -NAN, HEARRiS CO., 1tpherbr 1S, ISM. W36& FARM FOR SALE TO BE SOLD /AiMMo.. harrducrea of nod. Isere the Wee halt dl.t 34, w the 4th ova. Wa- ltof Sp.�• War roe clewed -16 sere. Meow ler ager up aid wry 4.o crop. A good hew - M log dwWaf booty and erg bee ; a young Gerard, 4c. it is god, lir wool lard, aid t. a VELI SETTLED NEIGHBORHOOD, wolf onward. To be sold at the JOHN MACDONAi.D, nerd H. 4 3. Sy S. POIA.oLe. Dewey Sherd. Steri/'. ore, Oot.sith, errSept.71k.1410. t SKEBIIF'S SALE OF LANDS. of BRITISH Dai GOODS IfntW Verret BY mere re writ of Fre Hurt air &we, dere Gapers rad wroth b.e bad. bright gnaw very are aW eue.rreare' e is the Hume Markets, •r work Sr ere fur els to thew C,Arer. •ed w the Trac is the Wester part M Upper Caere us the art sdv.atapous I.rrat. The Starers re are monist w brad their ear irepwtatter of ado wY; free rare.. reside, reed 0.1 041101 Majesty Cory Cwr of tee Curnly of dethrone, end a to Jxretul .(?sort the Isar aid .durmee ofJaree Sete. et Ib we of Prawn Esrv. 1 bar reed sr she le aid cuter, as the nem, tae sad serer of the rd deiverel, re sed to sl lbw part el Lot sumer leerly-oar, on ohs sada mer or the Donna Sur l the toweehiP4 &500 re the cowry of &maw whi.h i Iran a14 Mag 0a the reedy e t& off he neer Senses., amtaaiag 49y -fuer tow, more or It's ; when Issde sod *05er5101 Shall odor Meier at say ore se 140 Court Haar i■ the Tows of O.rdeno. am Terrythe Tar tern lb day f October rat, at STaher 1 Twelve of the clerk, era. Jot1N MACDONALD, Sherif, H. • a. By 8,,TSherhe-coce,O41 Deputy Sherif. 9tQ 9th ler. Sete.ler. BRITISH HARDWARE. whack. rum 11.00, aeae.Ctwr .n the Irare ray- tamenag dimes a E..gar, they are eared to ogre to berets or instal Isar, earthier wsk ray, if or srgrlld, rwaapes e w are - rents, eery of Urrdf, and perm. le the GROCERY DEPARTI[ENT w34 01 Tingle 0Dr0aM, The at.bm rib s Seder to receive hoes tier 1 Ur Meek •lw.tl050 a their peat eater WWI .teek d trill•rtsoer'teas, which they mere to art to the 'liar duly. ADAM HOPE k CO. Loudon, Sept 18th. 1863. w3441' SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. ABRAHAM SEM, Merchant Tailor Virginia Tobaccos! 1 T . subscribers oar for sale at pri- ors as low as ono be found .1.. - where, a choice assortment of TOBACCOS, Comprising Piste Apple, and & w Bide flee eat obeying. Anna Ricer stied Afefe.eor.. Choice Savored out smoki uus, is ld, sad is Ed Lumps in Vox- es and Cottle*, various brands. 5 lbs excellent Honey Dew To- bacco for el. D. KERR, Jr. R Co. 911th Sept., 1865. MARKET NEARS, 60DERI0H, His jest received • large and wdl-aror1 td stuck of notes (runes of DY virtue d a Writ e Huron sr sant., ).1) Fieri. M WF�mord To wit : 1 out Hew Comely Corn of the Cwr!! M Waterloo. end *0 me di- rected 5pam.t the Leah and tenements d Jere Somerville, at 1100 mot M James Work, 1 hive wird awl taken le Gaetano* all the rig= , tier LOWPRICE OF $1,200 in'mw10wl 01 the ear Dowedrid t, r aa the sad non fur. Pw anler�art.-'�' ter etahe router r'dr44.,,.. euepN lbheerwonIm OcIaso .uN.rW Mar L0 MeMIbetrowTi4..4 aWtahe Four-. lMIS amen. to item= HONOWO. rarer `a� Arr. ding t re to Marl Ileuses. on the pns.irs. A good title ter the Grows WI be erne. r33->< Sepence1•th.1113. --__-_ CASH FOR WHEAT ! SPIE seb.or bar are prepared to par the bigh- t eat marketpeere n ,rash, toe Nor, marke- .1r pea or tlm•s Wheat, delivered a nemWesr ahrm, ore tie V.�tsar!• V ANE V ERY h RC:IRALi . (falari.b,_Sert. 14th, ISM. .33-1.; COUNTERFEITS.. fii.u, nervier id pan d Lug ins r robes 14. Lot l.elsr 1, p..i of j 1 14v , t 14 WWI WOW sad 1.o4 .. L .,,.sow, Mete, pat•velyy by she aboto earned d 0.545.1, to liar eels Miller Joy earpiece .,d Juke M. Red; wk.b lee . and terra= I .hull offer Mr sale a say Olive is the ,-owl Horse .a the t.... of Clod - rah, w Turadev the Thad dry of November rat. at tar hour u( Terme M the chock. ewe. JOHN MACDONAI•D. eher.d, H. &13. .8y S. Pours, Deputy She'.1. Shen,. Ore, (lo.kt,rk, nth July, Iese. '( FALL & WINTER GOODS, And Taney el Fancy Artier, tech as Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Caps, 4c., Ac. Which hs is reposed to Cash. Oaderiuh. Sept. 11,'1%3. L vile rearmw1m have been palming „d W.SMpr the taybur.1 of the l: snare, rooster• hese( she.vmr.sWmiefr�. waralt lt arr sDrovers. Ap00b0 sea., tee, that 1 bare placed a .tamp epee my ,.Seesaw, and have .-150(4 the wrap- per, he., e, that .roe can fad to we the ran- gele r herr the thee dealers will croakee.. dthem safety by Wi- ng ore rare aid ark Pi& and fChetmyst, ad 1 MO- WN s'mere or teen reit peau.,. o true whores whathe old style ea Wae, it they are .n ee- rier pa14110'. 1 will merry Ihem to' err o gler say owe rapier -that r to wry, aril ger the frons to say rpm and M'ck, it reran aOrhe6eae toe Is day MNo niter. Ime3. 'fork. Mark. Law, New THOMAS HOLLOWAY. wen Sheriff's Sale of Lands. Use 400.01 eas .N) DT vett M a writ d Haps and Bruce,`} D Fiera Facies weed o.1 To tin: d Her M.jery'e ('only Con of Ow CeitedClwrtrs o' heron aid Mr<. lad to me ,1*otd arise the Laid& and ter - meets .d Arklatbe d Muir. Seer., &1 the mil of Join IJowacy Bryce, Jane. Playfsir, John McMurray's, Samuel Lunn end Jobs S Arra, I has ve,eterrl aid takes ae Eareowe, all the rye, tole and m.10004 .t the and De nala.l u i sell Cheap for .11 JOHN FAIR & CO. RILL 5a0R, On MONDAY, the 14th Instant, • erLIXDID aeUORT1MIT or New Fall Dry Goode. Oudrrich, 811 Feld., 1963. sw106 MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANADA • AGZRCI ASSOCILT1011 1 D --wit/ WITI ,ALL f3rC)C,E1113. 3. V. DETLOR & SON avtr Fastmersjilechanice, the Ladies, and all persons in seamy of ut callinspect their very large stock of FALL and WIN- TER GOODS, comprising 3 OF BU3IN1_..3� 3. NEW Cottons, Dress Goods, Mantles, Shawls, Ladies' Mata, Furs, Boots and Shoes, Ready -Made Clothing Fresh COFFEES. Grimed and Uagrowrd. A good Stock of the above delight ful beverage, including the famous DANDELION COFFEE, 25cts pe+f lb.„at �,�t D. KERR Jr. A Co.'s. Goderich, C.W ., Sept. 28, 1863. Sara .0C11.1,00 Large Faads fir la`estacat! 1 PUN IMPROVED FARMS ! CAUTION. /MS ie to forbid salt persons purchasing err A. negotiating two Notes of .hand giteo in favor of Henry C. (rook, for the ms 011154 sad MOO 10, due 11 months from date, as I hairs sot received view for the same. ARTHUR CHURCHILL Ooderieb, Sept. 29.1863. w35'3t NaiWnd Cao., Goderich t'p, near Bohm* Tills. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE. /ROM raalous or From Three to Seven Years. Fur further information, apply to • A. IL ROC HF.. Manager, Wellington Street. (nearly npreste the Par- liament unliam.ent Buirop.) fon,uto.- Or to CI) 1KLi?S WILDER, *freer Ouleries and to led umber (I0woi -obree es yuoa<ron ice,g, 1S. -The AsreiAtios have go Agents a .07 B. ss 140 wwrn.p o> CountyMlira • eonatam* Oar HO rare er kr: Writ Leel. .ad termer 1nail offer fur alk at my orae, n the Coven H.nre, In be Tows of Orrick, w Tsr say the b.gbth day 0' De- realor rat, at the hour "'amen et the clock, soon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sber,I'H. t B. Fr 0. Pn..L00e, *pry (Jiv1 e•benre e,O.nl w33 Seth Metre, 1!03. _-- FARM STOCK, &C. foratIFF'S SALE OF LAND (laded Counters d)j DY rotor of i wrote orts of Heron .pd Bruce, } 1) Ferri Fume recd owl To )M Her Majesty's Court M Comarr Plena. Cogger C0 « a lf.e Cannly d W tenor, awl Countyi= d the 'Cai d Corer a. M. TRUMAN is instructed by Mr. 6%•11 • Hew/ Morley to sell by Auction os W Fara. Walsall coocerion, Goderick t.. ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 16, 1863. C0New.l r 11 o'clock, the .edereeati- sasd Fre atom via : _ _ 14. Mares, 3 Fillies 4 yearling Colts. 5 Analog Colts, 1 do two hew old, 4 a, 6 Co 3 ,lee of Ores, Dead Hama, r Cori w Calf, ►, 4 do Steen 3 cd 4 1 wold. 6 ith sundry various io sem, .tow 69 Sheep. aril - Terms of Sal.. -16 months credit allowed by titniibisi approved joists notes. Wsd Odd.ric4, Sept. 3711, 1863. pan M the Promote. s ter M Herr aid awl to me directed Laver aidTerra-re oJame.Br- rres, James aid id Heir Ohre.o1 *he mite M twee Hanley, Che Hndry and Wil- liam ,Mliars McKee. 1 kers send aid take. in Err lir all the rigs, tote sad ,.levet or the rid Ter feriae% e- ferae% is sed to 6.01 !Mae .s the Mann craw rad or tee ww..b.p or Brent, retaining oo. Marred acme; Lot one in the weed co error. ni mad mw.rk.p. twigging* a.y wits; also I at Vireos or tIte mesh of Creek, error kitty ore ere trot !7 a *he Sad corresin0, aid 4.na 14 tied 12 in the 3rd roommate , N. D. R. et the lowrklp of ala in lbs rr/oire mhandfed .Seere;e, runty M &ad rid aro : which I airs rid terewaa 1 Wail err 401 sale et say ore in the caw How e. the Tow= tloder.eb. a Tray the Terry- Morn erryMonk day M Hoverter next, at the hoer of Twelve w the Luck, sere. JOHN MACDONALD. HA. S tar S. Pommes, Dopey Seam. Brill se Ore, Orrick, f O IN► Ar ier.l6A t SUEBUTS SALE OF LANDS. Mortgage Sale ! EllUAB.E FARM IN HOWICKI Augur 1(41, 14161. .w103w31-6m-a. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS Unded C:nrI.e d)i�Y virtue 04 a Writ r Harr and Bruce. )} JI1 t'rr Farms tweed rut To wit: of Her Majesty'. Co.ly Coon of the Curd Cowen o(' . urea an -1 Brw e, RAS 10 r directed agree' the lands aid ter e - mew a Michael Tillery. et Ihe fait et Jobe &Mrce, 1 bare seized ad takes in ey.cutiu. IM following: ■Il the regal, ami. amid interest M' the mid decedent is and w lea two a the third concessive d the towrhip r • nenoCk ea the Courtly M Hou.<, which her sal tenements 1 shall eller Go re at myr, ore el the Tow. d Underacb.00 Tuesday the Eighth day el Deces:Mr wit, et the boar of Tweet, d'the Mock, goon. JOHN 'MACDONALD. " Sheriff H.& B. Ey S. Pounce, ty Sheriff. Sheriff'. C tie., l odelek, 1 .M to FCS., 166:. t SHERIFF'S SALL OF LANDS. CH IfM OEOROS M. TRUEMAN WILL 1.11*estrus. St kis A.cties Rooms n p.d.ris� gado and by virtue of s power 'of sale +.neared is a mods Mortgage, Ads the si:/sgat1 Ay of Oetober.A • D. 18►I, • gad lode by Amos R. Senna, of the Tone- ' ont' dip d H.e'isb, i. the County of Hoots, woes, sod esseis VoilsAss Tl..aios �( oerrich,Ids w, Sheave Iseldq the S`lad by W Wein, 1813, At 13 o'dosk, sons, Punctually, all that 'VALUABLE TAW[ 1 1 Ueded Craters Mi it virtr 14 three Write H ao. sad Sore, )Det teen Facer. it rt: eon and of Her Majesty's Plow • et Common Pled ra alet the rale ridoe temr.a°,,, sen Gamble. John U.I* Its Lewis or Throe et the the mead Malcolm Meiners the C.re- marl Bask teCrmd5, end the Mask d Uppee Gear t hive reed and take. re t secure- all ecur -al the rigs, ter aid timer el the mrd defesd- O