HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-10-08, Page 2,i wase a ns si 7 -Tb 11. T. L4vd , nfisrr- w be keto s r drawn, emt a -mat .tree. M to t q,d- , ,,, ' Y1r7 titite ef1T.i: `lr trap a+e erwhd t e Latero, palmed the mbelhuu 1. soh,o oar ( [ryamsmpp,, et h tp be tort in • saromeio. of arias 1 neaten the hopes sad pi -uptick of the re I k.Jere, sod •till i.e.essS the fists of farmgs Nurrventio.? Suck alta. sod i. i• jam se tree tet Hose aw of moiney are !esti.( denim fat- hssair wIttt the r.hts itOeseje wba .eemtb- offers. Whet tense bet the owned sets in dui dimities t -- - TALL Aai2>O6. of milieu, sect, wan us of the -- 1.al teem ed two or etre-e 'perste 00000der- seisy tsa5gh the any of Ee.Opit• an bey- 'tl.eei- .f a gs.l.]es.W. of .sarehy, N,rtk mud Souk, lite tot .kith h.s invited Louie M.p fe.a ea Meaieo. ---t • furan ($xgual. 00!DEIICI%, c. f OCP. b. 1864. TI=E "TRD/DERlrlt" 011 CANAD- IAN AFFAIRS. Promthe•greatinfluence it has exer- eired in the political affain of England fug a long eerie' of years, the Loodou Ti.m m, perhaps, justly entitled to the ,popular sobriquet of " The Thunderer." From the garroting Mohawks of the vast Metropolis to the proud autocrat of the Russia., evil -doers have had reason to feel the force of its lash -lordly criminals have quiled before it, authors have trembled in their dressing -gowns at its criticisms, the mouey-market#, in answer to im rumb- liege, hopeful or despondent, hs risen or declined, with unerring obedience of the acrcery in the thermometer. But, du, ere] the great thunderer, the Titan of the n ewspaper press, is controlled by fllable meu, is editors have like passions and frailties with the rest of mmkind. Of late years it has been accused, with soude dhow of justioe, of having endeavored to influence the mousy -market from cot en- tirely disiuterested motives, and, moreover, Cauadtana should be told, if they are not already awwe of the fact, that its ipso eisit does not carry such immediate con- vietion to the English Mind as of yore,and that it is not believed to have the entree to Cabinet Council, any more than Its suc- cessful and iufluenti.il contemporarics.- \ hile we admit that the ability of its management and its politic,' influence are still very great, it is equally certain that it is capable of taking a decidedly cr !line view of important questions. This is the ease, we humbly believe, with reference to its interference in our Canadian affairs, 1t assumes that we Canadians are folding oar arms in utter Indifference u to the speedy destruction which Brother Jona- tiam u about :o inflict upon ns, and in its own arrogant, insulting style it assumes that we are ready to annex ourselves to the (.'nited States. having laid down such fulae premises it cooly proceeds to tell us wbat we will lose by the transfer of al- legiance, -what we eey expect from our new owners. And it has the nasurance to a mounoe in the name of England that we may go to the Unittd Statee,or to Jericho, if we wish, that our lora will not be seri- ously felt by the Great British Empire. Now, every Canadian knows and feels in It1s soul that this is a dastardly libel upon a peepie who are just as loyal as any that live beneath the British Bag. What hare we done that this hectoring thuudercr should belie our every action as It does. lee are endeavoring to instil into the minds of our youth a military spirit, .and we do find them apt scholars -our legisla- tors are anxiously endeavoring to make all the defensive preparations that can be ex- peetnd from a thinly -inhabited colony, - and whoever tries to fasten upon our peo- ple a charge of disloyalty is utterly i. nor - ant of the sentimeoa by which our people .n actuated. What does the Louden TiNoes want w to do? -Leave our occu- pations and take up arms in a body ? Or are we to underst tr. ] that a standing army sufficient to repel any iovading force, how- ever formidable, nrnat be raised, equipped, and maintained as a quid-, ro-uo for Brit- ish protection'? In the name of all that ujust and reasonable how vin we do all this? -how perform impossibilities? Firm rn ourilyalty, and, it is to bin hoped, fully understanding what are our responsibilities, we fall upon the wen -grounded belief that the Times is uut, in this instance, at least, the mouthpiece of the British Government, and that Euglanl is not so very etrelas about our socussion, that she could not without something like a pang of regret, part with the key to her possessions io British North America, in the manner pointed oat by owr friend the Times. Wt have confidence enough in the Tetersn statesmen of England to believe that if the United Sates should hurl upon us ten men for every one that we could possibly raise, we would not to merely patted o] the back by the old lion. mid told to " pitch iib, 'em I " Every sane and unprejudiced .a. in the mother country knows that lay danger we may be pieced in, will be Owing almost entirely to some action on tit part of theIRaperialGovernDieuteiedthat it would be unjust, nay inherit r., to leave es to our own resources, in so far as nit lag men is erese,wmed. We do not believe tet Goldwia Smith would advise such The artistes of the Tann are a godassd to u portion of the Canadian press. Os .h. principle that everything is fair i• war, tea Tbsnderer's affront' are quietly pocketed, and it is aken for granted that the vis.. azpremed by it are thou of the British (lev.e.ent. What a aplendid witty fora *lap st the Ministry ! If 44:;`LP £o all stand will at home, u e takes 4 grssesa, it is berme tet Cartier -Mo- i jjkoeald Ministry is .o1 i. power! Aad we, w' eased* the.lwq expert to neem net 4 --' .m wader the etas] anti) web a happy Acte of aloin is brought .hn.t. We tee bora hmwweer, heeewe r wen ..e.s..54 •0015 this W'sietylso ug polities! eiep.trap Asa it falls apse wt eeee, " s tale, gs owl IA`s r/f,dOsMe." Yee, Nis gaits pead3s ,, flA1 the truselel111 bowie et the T'l.m ase Wended le all is hesigi s shunt a Amer of IMl.iyl, Ii is O.tst. tlhal Ile ll.igyp, ()ynq, •a, At 1!d seem le •e min- -- a irativltst gleet Titmdttwr, COBCLCDED. The prisoner Drought wee found Roney by the jury of the crime of Manslaughter. That wu late on Friday eventog. Itis Lordship deferred paring aenteooe until next morning. On &atardry moruiog, after the ueual routine, John Drought win asked if be had anything to say why tea senteor of the court should oot be paused upon him. Hp maid : '' .ka tbs jury has tuned w guilty of Nandaeghter, I aulaialy declare before Almighty God end this Court that I never intended to take the man's life. I win greatly aggravated by the deceased and in a moment of pgeeiom struck the blow which deprived him of life. Sony I have been that it took place. I throw myself entirely upoo your Lordship's =t ey." The learned judge said the primmer had much to thank the jury for. They had taken his own view of the cue, and had, doubtless, made great allowance for' the circumstances under which the rash and unhappy occurrence hd taken pJace.- Ilad this not been the cue the verdict might have been different anti it might have been his sorrowful duty to be pass- ing the awful sonteo0. of death at that moment. From the evidence of hu past good couduct, and from enquiries he (the learned judge) had made with reference to that conduct, the prisoner had been saved four years in the penitentiary. - Nevertheless, he wished the prisoner and the public to understand that much a crime as he had been found guilty of could not pass with a I ght punishment, else every man who quarreled with his neighbor might raise his hand against Lu life, and, when called to answer fur his conduct, plead that he win very angry at the time. Were this course allowed, society would be most unsafe. The prisoner was im- pressively exhorted to thank his God that while he had by his wicked act seut a fellow creature unprepared to the grave, he was permitted to live to repcut of what he had done, which he believed he would do till his dying day. And what led liim to cowmit that terrible deed : a dispute about a piece ofground not much larger than would hide his own body after death. Such an act must be marked with severe puuishment, and his Lordship trusted the example thus made would teach others to restrain their paamons within proper bounds. The ecntenee of the court win, that the prisoner be imprisoned in the provincial penitentiary for the space of three yearn, at hard labor. TAe ()cern rs. Hannah Appleby, Ar- son. 11'm. Core, constable, gave the same evidence as in the trial of prisoner's hus- band. No other witnesses were examined. Verdict, Not Guilty. McDermott for defense. he lad pts hie (MePbail'e) rise et a ,Ota, then being .e tome .fie he eo.ld sate gentile wits. ' Bei. *ma Neave iia murk he had bun.wed aaaey and lensed it to Std. Wet. KobertOw,swers, said ►e believed the wrote shown him was is Steels hood. writing. V ordlce G betty. Being asked tf he had wthisti w say why the rstwe d the court should ax be passed upon him, Steel entered into a rambling apology for leis eooduct. 111. Lordship 'oieooed him to fear years in I'stsits.tiary aw the first coenvio tioa and Ave yon a the seeood, .t hard labor, both periods to be computed from thy same day. Harriao. kr ddtmae. The Queen vs. Michael Leeman, Aggra- vated Assault James Malloch, sworn, said he win the husband of Mary Malloch, livr w the township of McKillop. On the 6th of July lam the witness and his w.f endeavored to reeene a cow which the prisoner and his brother were maltreating. While oo tie road, prisoner held wituess while hu brother beat Mrs. Malloch in a most brutal manner, Arany endeavoring to drown her in a pond of water. Prinoo- er repeatedly urged his brother to follow the woman and give her more. He struck ber with a stick in the face, blinding her. Mary Mallough.-Is James Malloch's wife. Witness, at the nm of 2 40 an hour, rattled of her story, which corrobo- rated that of her husband in every particu- lar. Verliet, Guilty of Aggravated Assault. In paining sentence, Hu Lordship said he wa one of those old-fashioned persona who believed that the proper punishment for a wean found guilty of aiding and abetting or eating u principal in such hor- rible abuse of a soma] was the cart and cato'-niuo-taila ; but u this means of puniating such offenders through their cuticular feelings had been abolished, be wotild sentence the prisoner to a fine of $1Q and six months iu the common gaol at hard labor, which, he hoped, would teach him to behave better in future. One or two civil cases wen then di.pou- ed of and the court closed, u arrangements hd bleu made for the departure of His Lordship at 8 o'clock, by special train. - Several cases were left over, u remnants for some future occasion. Thtu ended one of the heaviest Assizes ever held with- in these counties. SCHOOL SECTioN No. 4, HuLLETT. -The first quarter in which thin school hu Leen under the charge of is present teacher, Mr. John Liwreuce, cam, 10 • close ou the 30th u1t. The quarterly examination took place on Thursday, the 1st inst. There were not • grear many present, owing, perhaps, to ube I feet that farmers in this pan of the country are busy .t present with their fa11 plowing, tc. lfowever,those who were present, both fathers and mothers, seemed to t,.ke a deep iulereat in the proceedings, and we believe on the whole were very well pleased. The vari. d ow clans acquitted themselves pretty well for • couutry school is its first stages. STari•z ar Llourxi a. -During one of the late Leavy thunder storms' which parsed ibrough this par. of the country, a large hemlock tree, two feet in diameter, oe the farm of Mr. James .Men, Sr., in the town- ship of Hullett, ws struck by lightning and literally shivered into thousands of pieces, which were so scaueted s to corer nearly two acres of loud. PRESENTMENT. The Grand Jury handed in the follow- ing presentment : The Jurors of our Sov- .re.gn Lady the Queen, upon their oaths present that they have visited the Gaol and are wen satisfied with the manner in which, it appears, the affairs thereof are 000duoted. . The prisoners also expressed their satis- faction with the treatment they .receive frost the gaoler and his assistant. The Jurors regret that they cannot congratulate your Lordship upon the lightness of the calendar submitted to the court at this Assizes, and pray that tt Dory be long ere the Amite Calendar of these Counties shall again present so formid- able an array of crime u the Calendar submitted to ua on the present oocasioo has done. JOHN HOLMES, Foreman. Grand Jury lloom, Oct. 3, 1863. Thr Qw•e vs..Aagws Steil, forgery.- Angua McPhail win sworn and testified posidively that Steel hd not only forged his name to a note and an order but bad confislaed it and endeavored to account for hi. conduct by telling McPhail he win hard up. le B. Brown testified that he had heard a conversation between Steel and McPhail when the latter asked prisoner if he had River. Om loaeea vW ages maks as tel m Aettarm a tyerwl:, 1 . 3, lie :-1'he }Lina". ewer Rthes.e.y..kesr he wW 1. to dly &lard. Ne alarm Goa Nebel irk mea., s 1w sight, sad akueski.g -tet nbeleantalasr V S oro Nice Yoe", Oct S. -A Yew 011r s lesser to the " Heeled' Ornlia' ere growing b.W sed saeerw oe the Miri+uppi wren. tint Mw sleeved a three gun balerryJ `bout 4 tortes above Natchez, front which they fire) 15 Mots at the steamer tali, 5 of •hies went through ter, til .he ramped. `Soule eight or tea Yee sole lure bees feed into. The particulars of the captors of the Br{tiah steamer Sir Mm. Pill .pug that abs had ladled be, Liverpool cargo of arms, is'r lin Mexican waters, ad took on bond arts e 1,000 bales o(rotta4 'rhes the Frealth es thurities ordered her to leave the Methene waters, ■hick she did, coming over to tet American side of the short Se. Captain Soloed., of the yet iaels, 1ery prompd) .cut two officers avid a number of men and seised her, transterrm4 her officers and crew 10 tet Semisdr as ee1SoSen of war. Tii. vessel wen snot to New Orleans, Captain Hood, of the Brush ship Pppaadse. demanded an ezplatrstioo, which he received loom Captain /triled', iu elect that ahe had lauded cuulrsbasdof sarin Americas metes, sod bad contraband on board. Yellow fever preens at Yensaeola. Fort Monroe, Oc'. 4.-Tbe United Sake sweater Alaasu !sats solved tody fpm Charleston iter Irt Weduesday utght. Our works un Moms Island wen pevgrer ing rapidly. The reb l batteries Pal ow scream constantly but few casrrlues were reporod. Gen.Gilmore occasionally shells Sumter sad Johnson. Out monitor keeps Fon Modwie quiet Washington, Oct 4.-ComOuzder Bell, commanJiug the Veet Gulf aquadrue ire fear, hat inform.d the Nary Department that • peroicwus teener Lu appured on board the United Stats swamcis rep airing at New Or - leers, from which several destbe have re- eslmd. Some of the cases have been well M- ind; ye:luw teeer amt others are recognised by the names of peniiciuus sad congestive lever. Ile'rn the dsorder bag not extend ed rapid., w ear, and expreree the hope that ibe approaching colt weather will Sono check it. 'I he ocueis which suffered most are those lying the loueeat off the city. Ctnciouate, Oct. 4.-A special despatch to the Co..trciol, dated Cbata000ge, 30th, orfs 200 ambulances, soot within the enemj s lines ender • hag of truce, brought in over 500 of our wounded. 1Vbile in the enemy's hands they had nothing to eat but eurn broad Tia' rebels tremrd them very kindly, express- ing tbeir regret that they could rot peeriods better ford. They refuted to pe runt the 1 bodies of wounded or dcceaaed officer* to be removed. The enemy bolds 52 of our surgeons prieoo- ers of war. •- Oar ambulance' reiu-ned to the rebel li.ee with the wounded rebels who fell into oar bands. - Ituth armies are busy fortifyio,7. T'he pickets are within a stone's throw of each other. 1t u ascertained that the press report of the battle causes considerable wdignattos among the troops. The .tatemeol that Revuolds ad Brannon's Jivisior.s were thrown into ds. eider is incorrect l learn from Gen.Tboma. that tie obstiwu bravery of these commands iusurd die army's safety. Our mounded are coo.fortably situated. Washington, Um-. 4. -The formation of the State Government of Virginia s now com- plete. The capital s temporarily establsb- ed at Alexandria. The following are the names of the State officers:-Fra.eie H. Pierpont, Governor; L. 1'. C. Cowper. Liest.- Gove.nor: L. A. Hogan, Secrw of State; G. T. Smith, Treasurer; L. W. Webb, Adi- tor; F'. E. Foster, Adjutapt General, and It Boer e, Attorney General. A Uenhatu laltre.a egad "" n. "MmytiiOn e rw"i .t C. li W ten •feral g etMmsa. and Oemedtsa l' 5.5 Rmr. pt' as t .ase t flu leadastly myeeeganmak b bead • tale- jrr.pb Its from tw mty to Fort O.rry, sod tMoe ate w eatery et tet t3RSbMrMwee gore• hReeky Meeensies w the Peelle. flewt•..a wined so have r - ar..d, Ned from them we Imus t►.t the early e•eptstio. of t he Bee is plead heyted eey prb plreoeg nnaadg+tie . ledged, issuer ha.. wwilll be gulf .!shed da ari aag ahs r= .rot 11.ma 0sruseeatareb.ildiag. .mar Asia, dawn the .alio)) of the Alt aor, a.d themme K . to rte to Behring s Streik..here it will meet the Ii.a or liisam oce n the Aw.ri. w eoatiueot, ties cuuueetag tete aiew and old world 'tin hoods ■bleb it s to Ire bpd will a re- r again be sevend. Mltlaug mf tw taw line will he . tm use of Nisch bensdt to ow awn moe•Ir7 us well r to Canada. The Califonia company will 1. Mager have • aosopoly of the sews betweee the Wasters ..d tet £•mese so.ees of the °octi.mnt, .d beside the Norton nam is something` like a tho.r.d edea the shorter, costiug les and 'be ders able to make better sera Wee the tra.amiesioe of ds• patches. Another fact c000ected with this subject indicates a mew .od most impormat moremeat in the dadopment of the A.eri- can cuuune.t, It m the atentios of the company to promote and establish • cordon ofsettlemeou at abort detaw•es entirely across the coutiuent OJo, readers will remember that, with the exception oe this one surveyed b Stevens for tbs Pacific Railway, the Northen roat., from the capacities et tea soil and climate is the only one that oaa sustain a presperom population from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Recent discoveries have proved beyond a question that large gold depuaiue east upon the hed waters of the Saskatob•- was, ad • railway s already projected wast from Fort Garry. Perhaps io or.e and prob. ably t.. two decades at moat we shall hen • direct line of railway over this sorthern route acrose the continent. Tae readers of these columns know that north ad west of lake Dtararasrza Act7sov -0e Mord• Superioe, lies whet has been .ppropriaml) evening last a most distressing and fatal secs' called "the undeveloped portion of the North g.ot uceaned •t Windsor, C. W.t by rhieh American Coutiaaat' -a country rut io es- J. R. Tibbet, an employee of< the Great mot, sad ohm° ag"rkolar.l, mineral ad Western Railway, lost Gia life. The eireum- mommere,sI ration, a tt it w eoatain an is Stances attending the lamentable occurrent•. mets' population, with all that er pe000m •n u follows: -Mr. Tubbeta was engaged io ad sustain the highest typo of our bC rvti.s ro„niog an engine io the yard, •ted whoa our civiliauion. Not many genentious can pie the cattle alum stepped dose uppwonc the track beton it wtll become • cast •lid powerful a plat up. eeunectm$ link. 'While in the .moire i ilielC .ct of regatntng hie pouuoo on the engine, he The icyiof t world has loosa known that au eauybi between tbe n on thues engine the pdiey of the old Hiioson 8•y Compry , sad the "abuts," and thrust into an aperture "u borrowed from Japan. They alwara dd of .0t more than four inches io width. II bile all they possibly could to discourage settle in this !eogiue lbe eogiue mored along fur a meat, and a knowled.e of the climate and tee ! couiderable dist a en crushiov and mangling resource. of the country the governed ora ' the uofortun• i tance, cr u, ao awful angler. cattecendy tbe francti ap of the old 1 o noels• ! As sown ea possible, the engine was stopped, y 'g ad the fireman, by the ted of assistance, tion More paned into the hands of a wiser i prorwpt'y removed the injured man to hs reai- and more energetic company,who have adopt. , dente, where he lived about three hours. He .d • policy in secords.ce with the more just learn • wife and three yuuhg clildren to sad liberal views of the •ge. They will pro- ' mourn his loss. I1e was about thirty yeas mom tie their ant of the country by all the , of age and • natite of England. Nearly 8 means in their power, •red lbs line of tele- yes azo be aarituwly csc• d being killed graph now projected is the first fruit of their during a eoIli.ion on the (!great western.-- enitghtened management. I Detroit TSTb.ne. . la this conuecuon it gives us pleasure to' add that arrangements have been perfected ! ' to purh forward the Pacific Railroad of Min. ! A Faga orCowatacz.-EosrJbodykoowe scoot& to meet the wants of thin nen develop-' that sugar often was mut from New York by sant. It will probably reach the Britsb this route to Montreal. Yesterday. for the American line in the vicinity of Pembina,and first time, a .ergo of auger from Montreal for thence be pushed forward to the valley of the New York, arrived here via the Champlain Saskatcnawaa much sooner than our mom meal. The Coad• owner of this sugar fer- sanguine readers would dare to predict It merly bought in New Yort, .d usually re - it understood that the President of the Cum- reired by this line some fifty cargoes a )ear; pry, Mr. Edmund Rice, hu made arrange I Lan now instead of buying io the New York menu with EnglishcepiWims to furnish funds hooves. he le selling totLew, importing direct for the work u fast se they shall he wanted from C :'.* to. Montreal, io.tead of the New to carry it forward with all reasonable din- York t., o.se. import* for him. The same patch. And right hen tet. deep interest is tbe 1'.cl in respect to lbs importation of which our city - and tete Northwest Move in less -5f ,ntre•1 fooled, got her teas .is New (he'e movements can be readily seen ted York, oow New''Yort gets that and many appreciated. Tbe outlet for all the rest far- other important articles of importation vu ole country of which we have spoken, and of Montrea . The change s undoubtedly owing this pro' ted rail.ay to tare Pacific, must, to (he orcessity importer, feel of seeking • os from S,wtharepton oh the 22d att., se. from she nature of things. be around the ueutnl flag in order to escape the rebel erns - rived off tLia point at noon to-dy. saath end of Lake Michigan. The country ere. The war has bad • very marked e8het The City of Ba'timore tad Jn a had arrived I north of Lake Superi.,r, for many betodrec. opo the Canada trade -the present trade out. of mike, a loo mountainous, cold and inhoe- being exceedingly light There s hardly a The Landon ' Times' says that the fate of ppiableio allow of • e,.nrection between the load in this trade oow passing the Northern (i rand Trunk Railway of Canada and the canal, when it formerly amounted to twenty. gre&t northern road to the Pacific. Right Little has goon into Canada this year but coal. here iu Chicago s where these great cone- little rnnte. from there but lumber.- 7Yoy neral lines wi!1 find their most southerly 1f7 it, Salado,. AMERICAN I UILINoLooicsL Jot's-, NAL.-1'hia Journal, edited by one of the firm of Fowler k \Vella, N. Y., is one of the most readable papers Chet comes to our able. No young man can read its' pages without being lutproved in mind, and perhaps in body. TEE AMEBJO 1 Wee. Lorttiki .tg, Om. 2.-A Chsta000ge des patch of tbe 28th ult., received this morning, reports that Gen. Whisker received • severe 6esb wound in the engagement of the 20th, het mill eumaals hs brigade. His loss s heavy, being about 950 killed, wounded .nd missing -the latter ven amslL All hs staff except one were killed or wounded. Hit brrig.ade consisted of the 95th and 115th 1111. nom, 2d Michigan and Stfth Ohio, sggreget. iu,y about 2,800 men, a bo fought with terrific energy sad effect from one p. m. tr11 the neat night and, anted by the second brigade ,of Merideo's division, beat back three divieio a with great slaughter. Lieut. -Col. Clarke, of the 19th 1d., and Kennan, of the 11516, were killed. Col. Lefore, of Stedman'' di. vision, Granger's corps, who made the attack on the enemy's right wing on the 20th, win killed. Col. Baseborn we wounded. Canto, October 3. -Tete neamer Robert Ca.pbelf, from St. Louis to Vicksburg. Neu fired b ineendiariet on Tuesday morning, near 5litik..'. llend. The flame. spre.d so rapidly that th, passengers were forced a jump overboard before the boat could be got to shore. Seventy-two lives are known to be lost. Advices from Little Rock to the 25th .It males that over 2.000 Arkansu ri i iest. bad jollied ow army at different poi. ts. The railroad between Duval's Bluff and Little lock s in charge of Col. Mende, broth- er of Oen. Meade. T1. steamer Liberte, with 200 bales of .orlon, h.s arrivd from below. The incendiary of tb. steamer Campbell i bel erect to be a white man, painted black, .he left the boat shoe. Miliken's Bed. The Mempas BlUet is of the I et .y. A bard of $ueriliss entered Brownsville, brok. up a relypinrs meeting, received .11 the young eau and negrnes s eonserimt, and roabr'd the piece et all valuables. Frg.,el eawJrry7 from 1'on Pillo. are pureeing taem. Niek Ns.aon'e guerillas are conscripting in the 1.ighborhoud of Danville. Now Ton, Ont 4. -The fl.rolls Wath. lagan de.pateb gays :-The recent rids ay gs.rilies open the cavalry ea.p at Iangeiy captured all tie horse of the whole compay, .ed thirteen mate aslooging to t4 soeoal t. fie whet camp was sa:o.rp, r.MI .rhoefdes have deela..,d an d dk11e semben of tbeer p..o4d 6ieen ad mea ca *imbued, .rd .rdered them to date Ths is i. direct ntnlMtis. of Ibe cartel, Mea. aotwithesandma1 the beery balmier of .g. eks•ge .Rama thw., they relase in 4,Ine, a.7 sf err eo..ide sd o6ke,m seg alts retain • Is . nwa liar et rising.. mines,.. 'katt lar.1.0 cite leaser to the Herold saw the mein toady of Gen. Iirk't metered wen ene.apgtt, r the 1 Mb of Bepsesean .veer tett !teal r Ne auris•• ..es.nw i sulnis ad m sear till mew Vamesllllro_. bel.., wham the 1 stele, e it TTutor. .n'Mreses.rmi m Aarlirr le sar (b ,, ens. e. w Rte fora., heed lltwtbnr, Aribloeem r AlsiWvs, g r.w pray ne+essws, sed w ev.e.egp,ya d tag 'gentry this tide M Alstandri .Ned ear )1.4 Amval of the "Buena." CAP& Rare- Oct. 2. --The meamalhip Sako- A ERM a. !!!""'!ti A lbueist 0sbeel, tit t>r SUO , 'MiahA the beet wwa nee wi ter's i7, Was hlaiieg with be .anted sus Of tbeee sera miuihd Rideal bo,s. Seem bw Ms. their trek !omni, Bet eon as fete. W eebld beat A .t41. the mast., s ds.awaed look Was fastened eta s copy book, Won, eedde517, heki.d bee Lack Rens sharp 554 deer a road.g snack, Aa 'tare • battery of blies Let or I. one ueaodu. kir. ew▪ .kww Ili`~ glt• Naw asssewiek N New At.a I min, win a.pppposin tt Yr. itoyd >itjfaees !new• duet the'a+lwi g serve, of the latereoh sbel Mai1.s, roam. CANADIAN Tomaooe.-A hergd quantity of tobacco hr base gr.wn this m ar ik Canada Wast, awesy Wa.ers te Kest having r.ieed from Su m teeny saes. Ths etop s maid to have does welt Tobneso W aiso her , seasmfully rained ie tet towesbgm of Lower Canada. " Wkst'e test r' the startled .ester cries ; "That, tbir" a lisping imp replies, " Week William Wilthos, ifyo. piestb, " I thew him kith Theshunah Pe.&M." With frown to maks ..atom thrill, The atrslr ihend.nd " Come bee, Wilt" Lib wretch o'seakw f. km track With moles ckumb ea his back, Will hang tic heed is fear hod .due, Ad to the awed premien game, A great, green, bashtul simpletoe- The rout of all good natured fun. With stale suppressed, and birch upraised, The master deadeed, "r. am.zed "Thai yon, my largest pupil should Be guilty of r set so ride, Before the whole m school, to boot, Whet evil Beane put you to it?" "' Twos Abe herself; sir,"sobbed the Id, "Iddn'tmeantobesobad, Bat when Susannah shook her curie Ad whispered, I wen ' fraid oL girls Ad dement kir a baby's du11, 1 coukl'nt Aad it, sir, at all, But up and kiwd her oo the spot i know, I know, that I ought not, But somehow, from hie looks I knew Bight well, she hied o' wished me a " Charleston u virtually decided, ]g fall u only a q.retial of time. -Tbe • Times' Bays tlut Mr. Mason seat to Earl Ituas ll on Monday • noti9catioo that he has been irat:vcted be tbe Richmond Gorern- trade, end here it the great central city of! men[ au witbdrs. from Eu land. , transfer ad exchange fur butb eaheard' of b it-saaur roe Lantu.-Angllog s now Mr. Mawa procea e to Paris. the coat:meet Of their effect upon the peep- I one of the most fashionable amusesaots (o, ladies. The Princess of Wales s frequently to be seen, rod in hand, ort the banks of the I)ee or its tributaries. Lady Caroline Oordoo tla Tluetl.• Lennox 'sceatly went fishing on the `Spey, and met with remarkable eceem, taking two A Bill bas been introduced by Mr. Stirtoo, rilse of eight ad s -ball p000d* each ; aid, a the object of which s to prevent the wth day or two after, bur ladyship caught a salmon and spread of the Canadian Thstle. Is title wetgbiog some eighteen pouadr. will, therefore, commend itself to every in telligent farmer, for the, rapidity with welch - the description of tk:mlo spreads, if allowed Riana.-Tb. having • boy ore girl seems to go to s is truly astonishing. T'he want, to have been • power reserved is the hands therefore, o a law to prevent their growth. of the great and wss Creator of all. T*e re. hu hero bong felt by the agricultural cote- lade. proportion, the world over legitimate muoity. Its really a very greet grievanee and illegitimate, gives about one `undred ad thee,. painauking fenmer .ho wee hs beat six males to one buadred females. 1n the endeavors to get rid of thistles, should be manufacturing end agrieoltarwl district. of thwarted l* his efforts, perhaps, by a slovenly England the proportion is identical. seeming nod careless tai5bbor, a.4 null he bas ao I to show that the aide iso is Dot diminished redrew. The Bill makes it the due) of every by crowded bosses. aafrwek vegetables, bad owner of land, under the penalty of tee dol- yapoes poverty, ad the like ; bat it does Lars, so destroy all thimlss growiug on their seem that luxury. inaction, and brain labor lead, as often as is oeowry to prevent eke. give two per teat. Ie. of boys. 71e g•reaf- from gang to see.l. Il .leo makes it impers. ell tAisten ave teen apt m have Boas; Ie. tire that the Overseen of Highway to see ape se heve vigorous children ; leas apt to tut all the thistles oo the highways ar. de. bavr ehildre. at all; and she. they do troyed before they go togged le case o boa them they are mon likely to 41. seer. Dai resident 'and owners,no notice r uired The determining powe1 of ssx SKIM thee far to be given them ; but the Overseen of Higgh- to b. in tb. wnmr, bet voluntarily so; she ways shell proceed to their dotraetioa T e being adapted, r old .an is as 111.1, to have expense attending the currying out the pro- a sr es a young one, which is contrary to visions of the Bill shell be paid in tks meu- geserwlly nKKivedofrudor.-Hdt,Joerma time out of the Townshi Treasery ; but of DeoItA shall afmrw.r.ie he collected from the owner of land from which the thistles .ere ,lesiroy- ed, in the same manner .e the township axes aro levied. Ths is tbe outline of the provis- ions of the Bill, and we feel .seared it ■ owe that will be highly •cesptable to the tarter. generally. • L France' sato that a Federal Steam Parity rd the deatioy of our city, it wen rnrTetlr 1.d arrived at Rrust fro.. Madeira Loving ben,.ut with another Federal enr- reu. is pursuit of the Florida. The Florida leaves Itreat on the 23rd, complete) repaired and proceeds immediately to meet the seOsd corvette which s at Lsbon, and attack r before elle ran be joured by the one u Brest .-hick i. repairing. ' La Fn•rce'',y that the Federal earvstte liear'ge .ill 4 treated al Brsst fib the Florida. 15,th Lelligersna will enjoy the fame adrae,nles, The Confedente loan w roted at 29 • French rectea G7 a 84c. Consols 931 a 73 fur mousy. 0n the nth of October Napoleon wt11 as rein the Mexican depetation oe im reap from Trierk. The memorial deplomstigoe rya that Eog- land bin e,,tcred into an roysgemeot w ac knowledge the present Meme•.. Government as woo sa Matimillian assnesees m the de. patntion his host acrepaneS. England and 1a race will then accredit the o6leisl repnsso- lativer. Englad Ina ppreened to kv.r .vary ansa for the real.mUo. of • los. •Slsaru7 to place Mexico is • position Io 1.111 bet ob- ligations sherd. Lt Frown save that If the tkeee Powers make • rommon communication to Regale, ft .ill be of a different character to the ordinary note, ad in diplomatic Irguege receive another ams. The P.,rif inarns's consider the iaaer1 os in the Alonitear of the Polish momsrandase tantamount to a moral recogsitioe r belli- gerenu. At Frankfort th. Fedeoum Dkt apvolodd a eomaittee 900 the Hoiwin q.5500 5. Nebo reported in faor of t1. !Idea emostien been carried oat. The eomlwittee reoom- men4.4 the taking !mesio. by ah dm(si,- t'* 1,•, of the e n 1)503*, .d the eolr 6,000 Ilaove ' and tlsgr t ospa notes of the .ill he taws as tet Ito Urluber. Ri'SSIA. The Russian Emperor in a spend k.4 pew. mod tefunoe end exe.eded privilegMe •1350551 iron paled gonbosY. with tanea, will.0 rnmen, it ay s e IMa loses iQ A00 can, its MI Finland. L The Car receivd the Fi.g d the Greeks m St Petersburg un the 558*.. No more have le ghee to wovd Oige•ra- POLAND. fh. R..sn5 .gees MMased en As lath el Iwtewwn,m ..e at M,laanm es the I lth. 1.bants Lstomd a gum w•q/ M The Rimming bad ptadw.d unseal Mesas to Warms. D&43ARR. A C.pen►sge. 4 io3* mpw, r the 1 sup towards pleei.g the racy re • wile ' tag, the war .i.ietsr iMO a dared the . 5 .e.kl iso to tee 6lld M m tet war eh.ega by October let ..r r r Aete*T aro !Mame keit Ye1... ilet.rrbe, Mi, «I bw seed Bra A. A. AIM.'. W ,mafl dassmara its 5wtdaal god wait1 1O" w5he het m im 5sie Ia desired ed withut ►7 m snail r sr bold- T►. lair (h.Sdt I f.ttrida tbei bit - mmd b .y a Aoki lay_D a " ffb*,•. Dope% 13e6wsuww Me eh useless bete to speculate. Cana PORT OF GODSIIICH. AUCTION SALE OF Prat Stock, &c4 Itl.tub ae 1Fe Fs.s eeeuper wt Mr. JG*!f MrLt.N, heron arwr Demob Tavern, •haat se rrtw Item Ooderisa, se W edawdsy, Oot . lath, 18Al, Ai l l e'eleek, a. i. Godersh, October 0. 1003. .34 Ia October 0, Ida, 3790 bbl. 6.a., 103 kegs I.rd, 29 18. tobacco, 240 bides, 50 bels naw. -B. A L H. 1t Ssiota, 2100 bW. salt -B. t L. H. B. Bo., 4664 bbl. Alar, 126 do whiskey, 0 do oil, 11 e.s..ah.y 36 bag. rags. -B. A L. 11.It. Tecumseh, 14,179 bu.Mls corn, VanEvery t R..b•ll. Maitland. 16,200 brbel. wb..t, do. W. H. Merritt, 6054 bushels rum, do G. C. Drew, 200 toss coal do Niagara, 3172 bN. flour. 1273 green hid.., 800 bb. floor, B. t L. B. B., 250 bags mill feed for Saginaw. 8t....r Brae. with large quantities of goods for Lake port. 'girt/. On Wednesday. Sept Ikb, the wife of Mr. Robert Rogseeos, of the *owlish 7 of Hallett, of•sea Os Sunda , 36ik the wife d Mr. George W.u,ofthe ow.s►ip of Rastt, of a sea. On the same day also, the wife of Mr. Il► yid Hill, of the Township of Hullet, of• 0011. .ILAO1 TO cotIIritioes. Mr.Coekborn hes inbodueed a Bill rthoris ing Township and Co.Coeneik to par By laws for the payment of the trowelling saps... of sa ben at a rate sot exceeding tee crab per le. in all ca.m when a graler sem Me ready bees paid the exrem a be n ai. so the e.rporatio. within three mouth* fro. 1110 posing of this Act acDtMrTIOI 01 1.x50 SOL/ FOS Tais.. Mr. Conger hes i.lrad•red a Bill for the object of extending the time fee r.4r.pioo of land sold for arrears of bum m 20 )enrS, instead of one year esu present At tk. sad of one year the purchaser may tiler lat0 pea. .mien, het .itb 21 years the e.em, . ey ran dew. by milker 8 per ert ntenm oa the perdu..one7 ad the Tale* of the a proye.eet* .ode y the p.eeb.r. Hartll-W.mur. Railway. Martian kayo tuna held in Flom mod Fee. gi m devise asses for osnmreetiag a wlway tremGcelph to time viltagw The resole. ion peened Tare eoa0med to the ,dna of a short aramb A1., ad dM met eatmmnhte the broader schema of a toed going though she Cone* .f Br.m a Lube Berm_. Perhaps tb* pdr of the. eder*s .ifl e d ten it 10*s1 d* eats hett*r ties wee de, tut it gonna to r that they wood s000.pls► taair purpaee 1.uor by *roelaehg ihe.eelw .ith ib0 fetal of tb Wseg3 IAm Tweets le tp-,pggael17 i.enaeebd M the emaakastbm M a 11la..d tbrwb Ansa Fee Bees of thea See .use teat ..w gem news tb Ile. (' r Nessler erg (b wares .i s test of .*entry .b. Ned* em.sully bleep m es Y morrsd. Tim. an i.paevieg G £eeea sad.Yrtbei4 rd tie lore eey i le desk tie a oMtM is ammo a teat! Am to Riewtaa se !beim wwM M qw .b► Rfvt Eay rim og tbwif-00011. ., tam . At the rreidesee of the bride's father, by the Rev. E. w. Image, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. 'F. J. Rooittoaa, Merchent, to Meas Euu J., eldest daughter of Joao Tertiaysa, Eq., all of Lockuow. DAVIS-WUITE-In Clinton on the 30th Sept. by the Rev. Mr. Hei er, Mr. Silo Davi. to Mws Mary Eljxabeth White. 101 re. Oo Sunday, the 27th alt., Hannah Jane, youngest d.ughter of Mr. Andrew Dooegh, Oodaricb, aged 9 months ad ten days. Su'ru-too or Batrnooae Azo Wastalo- Tow.-A sigeifie•nt hint i. given, ie a tetter to the Commere.al Aleerfissr, descriptive of tb. hf4b " hviag " at Washinggton :-"The tte.•d for accommodations for the Ibouands .0 beeseinm ie Washington, allded to i a rerst srr, hes reared snob • pint that prier have shot ap tc a fearful Agan. The gesetios of renting hn.. is Baltimore, ad making arr•ngsmsem for train b.twaea that city std the a aeeommmdate that clam d people. s heia, •elated. Already a 'Ona• sews' Usioe bus bees forted here to break dsvu tet auebi et prate so. raliag the ems." Tim Leedo. Okla relates the 1b11e.- ing eerie. feeidest r -t tow dols age • gsetlema. nsidiog is W.rd Tereae•,Heeda, wen infer ed by a peeler y that • ra .• W Sewn 1•m Lis bedroom, bhe window ef 003.3* wee Mea 'rte gs•Jers, seevealy adit. i'ag the 5107, treaty stein, amid found, sore e.1 yrs. 4 'Meets a lie tag • pang may u • snot, from .kith he apeelilJ drew forte a breast pie, and made a,oe.. i tthe oopenhe 'lis gay a s.. t10s4 sed aimed • ►:e. u it• ht tis bird woe ao geek for hi.. •ed t few sway uw ad Ne. Hendon, with tk• giius.i.g pia is ik swath. Hd W bN set bees eb.evv.d i. w GM.eiaoe set, tie erovsak i• the boom woad -'-seeda7 herr bens blamed free the rwbiery t}' The taews o.Qep1i4 y Mr. Joh 31, Ouollph, .,ted y An se Mea abs. Shp eT Mr. le► W..45. ie the p} A 5.. .1 A.A rale' le (brdiiK R gla. wiry .f dinning .Ito ball b. dews b/ were. wsastly Itd • Ye K stent 1. ewer o ala ti v .d w flk,w.r ant. .smell w Mishima 1s10e s 5jay V- deek am* A. beim h.. tie this w lore pm lie int meetly 8TRAY HORSE! !STRAYED FROM 0ODRt♦CM .sees tet rah tlel*..a Ysek Ce.edlaa s Hier, with s hale whits esreek ember kiehed, a few .ha. hems .a.1e b, tet matter im W My I let a.4 r a hale bees, har►(tbe man ( ahe.rt 1 rea'e or Aay perm s dtdrrmr, 7 him w 1M.hnxibt wdl 4 e.usdy iamb sig r.PNmI Omb.ds 17iisst tee 0.1. 1, Qaohae 0, 110 .e0.8 COUNTY OF HURONI AGRICULTURAL GOCIETT'/ PLOUGHING MATO$1 JOHN FAIR & CO. SATS JUST OPENED Atic AI$ODTMEMT or LONDON MANTLES, PALETOTS A JACKETS, IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES ! Teti erre also 0I 5150 A MAGNIFICENT STOCK or ' o. of\.e .UaLtevimsks, From whteb tby will Make to Order, u aur style demised. Goderieb, 0th OH., 1863. TBit ANNUAL PLODUHINO MATOY UI, the shore dummy will take peer. we its lint ofMa. loam Oaimer.s, Bealird Rud. anal gee ad a-baIf mics front Oedema Tea.. ew WeBesday, 'list October. iaetsK/ 'When the fallowing prism wig yrs ewardd i MEN-Iie H.a. Woad MrD.aed'epren, get M , roc irs prise, M1, Mo t. (ah, do Boy. eider the age a emNem. years a .the 80001)'1 d ......... „. 3.4, du d, ......... 4 4U, do do .. 1 013., do du .. 6 ams, -Ito, a •0trsace lee of el fie a sea- ...bere of the ttorwty,a.d 301.5ebsem se rmed before competing ; >..1, Math of pesmg . ug mut kr than I:sehae. 3. All ou.psinonm bee . tet ground at 9 u clock, e. a. 4. The ploughing to ro niknie a 10 o'clock, a..., pie. cagey. 5 Nu em.Mance to tw grecs him We .ekes ars set. 1. Eaeb allotment sinew ewes thud Ma• acre. 7. AO to tee Aashad ea. beiam Iwer .✓elei1, p. m. N. 1L -A Dinner will be provide( for tet pluugh- mes and then, (need* immediately Mier the Mate► u Dasa's Hovau., Cot.neb. G. M. TRU EMAN, Oodeneh, October 3,d, 18i. e • 9 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United Coumies of DY vine o(s writ el Ys. - Huns ad &twm. dniwt b.po.amad per To wit : 1 n Facto lamed oM of Her Ma1rtv'e Consty Goon of tet Untd Veeat1. el Huns ad Brugge. ■d to me dirw-Nd agaimt the 1 ends and !engem:. a Deeaer Ee.un. Jame+ Baird, Alexander Bard sd Joh. sl elm run of Aseu. &nigh. 1 hay. aciaed takes k Earn-utwa all the right, tele ad .Imes of the sail deleda•ta, a and w tlr 8u.►Wes corner of Duo Thirty nee, avae.snn A., LAU masse, n tet township of K.essrdk• . Ho mousey of Br.rs. s-oss.iag bee alm.seete.ens t.o sene sed a -bait a led, mors o e km, s.4 . sr web the Steak M,0 ad Mao►am y t3.a..a g whch bae sd ketenes 1 ehs8 offer for ria as say oMce is the Court Hoa. na the tow. of Oed- cr.cb, da Ttrowday the Tw iy.wrsad day sf Repts.brr met, u the lens of Twelve .f w cloak, soca. JOHN MACD(INALD, 85.n,H.t1. By 8. Po_Locs, Dep. ty Sbeot Skirt's (rales, tIudsrich, t 14th Aug.. Illlq. ( twig The above sale u p stpond rut Tamey the 6 3. a (ktober neat. JOHNMACDONALD, By S. Por.,.ace, Dep,ty Bbeof. 1heeiI 'e Uig:, liodenrb, + toad Sep., 11a3. ` .36 The above sale s farther paetpo.ed ua41l Tussmay the 20th October, inst. MONEY TO LEND \ mprored porn. set per reeel ; Woo . le . hundred pp..deos tole■ property - J. B. GORDON. weur5fi l CANADA, OUR HOE THE BURr4CR18ER has ire. a !paused Ap.t m thu town fur the sate of the .t "British Americas Magazine, Wh.cb ,e specially adapted to the want. d tae great Canadian pudic. The Int of rootnnanon e.brere. every wnt.-r d4 note .w etre Proviat-w. Members 1, 2, 3, 4 ad A sow redy. Prkm a etc. each. T. J. MOOIIHOU8E. Parcels of Stationery Ia yasstities to wit Country Dealers, at Lo.. set Whole.sle Bim', u the SIGNAL' OFFICE Beek aid Statielery Depst. BepL 61h, len. NOTICE. . CAME inb the !prnenes.d fthe Mtweriaer. ea 0e tl tmy . sat ore, Moe cult a yawn ant 9rhe imiw.0il .,p''mw prsre properly. pan wag.. sure. JOHN CORNYN. O.(+ber Ise, 1•m. want wre.gtm , Surgical Instruments Found. LATELY, oe the County Line between feld and Dor , a panel oo.te miag Surge gal istruments. The owns can eventide Ms 55.5 of the finder try a piag m the B.gwsl u se, ad oa paying fort a drmrm...t. M■r 1611, I0.3. ewT7wm CHANCERY NOTICE to CREDITORS. 's ■rigrttagatentli. Mortgage Sale ! VALUABLE LAND ARD hiIL PROPERTY ! i n?iDER a piewm a1 gale eontail ed in . e•e- Vv .M mstyper, .bkk will he pmdawl at NS time of eal., aide by Jnsepk Walker acrd wif+, then will he oired for sate, u the Amtion Roo.. of Mswg. Wakefeld, Ceara t C.o., n Toronto, re Tseeday the 20th day ef Orlober.;1863, At 12 o'clock, noon, tet folln.ing Ink of teed is the Townshipp of Boast, is the County of &see. Firs : 36 away more or iso , being part cf Lot No. 29, k the let cower - deo. Meath d the Dwhe. Road, .red forming the Town Lot of the no. Tow. of Welber toe. On tbi Lot than is .netd a Fleur Mi11, is good repair, bona[ 1 etas of.leea.I also, a Saw M 1a geed working ardir, . 4.ellieg booms mid blaakas1111. shop. Noma 60 Maws, Wee L,ot 2L ke the sed eaa.erioa. anew 5f els Dmb.. Aged. Tbid : 38 ae.A part et let 18, k the tat eeem..ie , eaaa .1 the hares. Red, .d .e. of W Images. !tear. Fourth : 11 Menti 1tpb,, Meets bait el LeskoA meat 11sfl ttlsmli d the wore ham psrf0i.a` M rWKlty et Tse :.a wag • IN CHANCERY: BET% FEN Mary Parsooa, Georg. Henry Par- sons, Jag!., r.,.eMu3, maw.. boas,.-:foesr Morland sd lob• Had•n, Plai,mt ti, Aa. John McDonald, Jnhn Beset Laing, •ad Jobe Buren, Drjedman, fC1a8UANT to a Decree made in thi. as sense, dazed the FHIh day of M.y, 18tH, the Creditors of the late firm of John NeDoe, .ld A Co., of the Town n1 (loderi h ie tbs Coe.ty of Huron. (which Ness en. e( the Defendant John McDonald .d Persona. late of the .mid Town of Merr►rt eemmened, the testator m the pleading. mentioned, .he eiad oe oe d oma the Autea.tk day of September, 1867,) ore+, parson or y their solicitor se or before the Twenty -First day of tkteber, 1M3 a acme is s.d preys their debts Meese r , aq ay Chemhrn IN TRE TOWN OF O0DBRIQgp otborwimt the) trip be pe empt ily . hem ell breaks .54,, tet did d..oen,, d•7 all see'end day of November, 1 eek et pea of the clock ie tet 0or.eoen, et my sear Cheesberti i &ppmsed for heariag and .A ismeaieg epos (bs Jmism Dated at ooderiea, this FIN hay of asp. Camber, 1843. DAViSON A TOW&, Ptaietifrs Solleiteem OdSsrl& Ern .13 Id Master M