The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 18• '1.4 ?kl; this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week, Dobbs Motors LOOK AT THE SPECIALS Better than new '66 METEOR SS 33 hardtop, console, bucket seats, radio, yellow and black, 390 motor. '66 METEOR 2-door hardtop, A94607 '65 METEOR 500 Fordor, 352 cu. in., automatic, radio, black, white walls, A8428 '65 METEOR 2-door hardtop, completely equipped, A96169. '65 AUSTIN, 4 cyl., tutone, excellent, A98554 '62 FORD Galaxie sedan, new paint, 6 cyl. automatic, ex- cellent condition, A96507. '58 VOLKSWAGEN, 971.720 $295.00 SOUTH-END SERVICE Russ & Chuck Snell Exeter — 235-2322 • • AforiBUSED • M TIMES- ADVOCATE Pay. 18 Times-Advocate, December 15, 1%6 Grand Bend couple married 25 years By MRS, WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Orval Farrell celebrated their twent y-fifth wedding anniversary December 6, when they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ridley at a turkey dinner, It was also Mr. and MrS. Charles Gibbs' fifth wedding anniversary a nd Mr. Alex DesTardine's birthday. Saturday evening all the family and friends gathered at Corbett School, where Mr. and Mrs. Far- rell were entertained and were recipients of many beautiful gifts. Mrs. C. Roberts is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Plan party at Centralia MAKE MORE PUDDINGS The afternoon unit of Grand Bend UCW held a Christmas meeting Thursday in the church schoolroom with Mrs. Emery DesJardins conducting the wor- ship service and program. Mrs. Charles Reeves presided for the business. A pot luck supper was discussed for the congregational meeting in Jan- uary. Also more Christmas pud- dings will be made this week for sale. Mrs. Alex Hamilton was elect- ed leader for afternoon unit with Mrs. Douglas Gill as assistant and Mrs, Elgin Webb as secret- ary. Lunch was served by Mrs. Manford Luther and Mrs. Gar- net Patterson. An example of togetherness MR. AND MRS. ERIC HEYWOOD POSE WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FISH This is a real fish story By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The annual. Sunday School Christmas entertainment will be held in the schoolroom of t he United Church Saturday evening (Dec 17). White Gift Sunday will be observed Sunday morning. Mr. Murray Abbott is spending a few weeks with his daughter and son - n - law, Mr. & Mrs, Lloyd Maguire and family in Scotland and with his son Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Abbott and family in Niagara Falls. The Messengers met Sunday morning with Mrs. Harvey Smith in charge. Readings were given by Mary Shoebottom and Lois Elliott. Christmas stories were read by the leader. Mrs. Earl Dixon was hostess at her home on Wednesday of last week for the Christmas meeting of the Brinsley UCW. Twenty four ladies attended the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Haddock returned home from South Huron Hospital Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Howe and Alex were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Howe's brother, Mr, & Mrs. Campbell Stevenson and son at Avonbank. The oc- casion was a surprise dinner party honoring Mr. & Mrs. Howe on the i r 40th wedding anniver- sary, Relatives and friends pre- sented them with a beautiful blanket and lace tablecloth. Mr. W. R. Essery is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, having undergone sur- gery Friday. Steven Dixon of Ailsa Craig was a weekend visitor with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dixon. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Elliott re- turned home Sunday night fol- lowing a conducted trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. The trip was sponsored by the feed division of the Swift Canadian Company. They made the trip by jet. i n Mexico were economical. Haircuts cost 32 cents and it cost 40 cents to have a tire fixed after it had picked up a nail. However, they found the price of meals expensive. Eric, who took the trip for health reasons, reported it paid dividends in that regard. visited Mel Lamport, an uncle of Mr. Heywood. One of the most vivid aspects of the trip in Mexico, according to the local piper, was in seeing how poor the people are. "I've never seen such poor people," he said. Some aspects of their stay Mr. & Mrs. Eric Heywood returned Thursday from a "per- fect" holiday. Perfect in the sense they both caught the same number of fish ... at exactly the same time and there wasn't enough difference in the size of their catches to argue about. They recorded this harmonious feat while holidaying in Acapulco in Mexico. It was part of a six- week trip that took them over 10,300 miles. The Exeter couple went deep sea fishing only once in the two weeks they stayed in Acapulco and they each landed sailfish that measured slightly over nine feet and 125 pounds. The fish hit their respective bait at the same instant and their guides said it was the Church at Brinsley hold special service .41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"14 Er: LSMFT reading was given by Mrs. Jack Hodgson. Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Earl Morley, Mrs. Jack Trevithic and Mrs. Earl Lewis. Mrs. Pickering gave a talk on "The Tale of A Bale". Mrs. Harvey Morley, who has left recently and moved to Ailsa Craig, was presented with a gift from the society. Address was read by Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Jack Trevithick made the pre- sentation. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dixon and Group 3 ladies. By GORDON MORLEY BRINSLEY A White Gift service was held at Brinsley United Church Sun- day, Dec. 11, with the Sunday School staff assisting the Rev. John Davies with the service. The superintendent led the ser- vice with Dan Lewis leading in prayer. Scripture reading was read by John Stewardson. A story from Sweden "The Holy Night" reflecting on miracles happening in a needful hour was capably given by Miss Susan Morley. first time they'd ever seen that happen. Mr. and Mrs. Heywood had started out fishing at 8:00 a.m. and after getting their strikes in less than an hour, had their fish on board at 9:15 a,m. While reeling the whoppers in, the couple had to switch from chair to chair on the boat as the two fish crossed paths several times. One of the most fascinating points of the outing was watch- ing the fish being killed. Eric explained that sailfish are char- coal in color when they are pulled from the water, but as soon as they are killed by a blow at the base of the head with a club, they change into the multi-hewed specimens that adorn some trophy rooms. While the fishing outing pro- vided a unique record, it may not have been as unique as a day they spent in Mexico City. How- ever, the latter was unique in the contrast it provided. In the morning they attended the ballet and in the afternoon they viewed the bullfights. Eric reported he found the fights "quite interesting" and stated that a clean kill was no more cruel than the methods used in most slaughter houses. However, he said it was a bit hard watching one matador who had to drive his sword into a bull five times before he hit the right spot to end its life. During their 10,300-mile tour, the Heywoods didn't hit one bad stretch of road as they travelled down the east coast of Mexico and back up the west side be- fore visiting Las Vagas, Reno, Oregon, Washington State and then into the C an a di a n West. While on Vancouver Island, they Flower growers meet at Kirkton The annual meeting of the Kirk- given by Mrs. Jack Herm There ton Horticultural Society was held were 283 members and each in Aberdeen Hall December 6 with had received a box of petunias a good crowd attending. Each as a premium. member present was given a A report of the District 10 package of gladioli bulbs. A wel- annual meeting held in St. Marys come was extended by the pres- i n September was given by ident, Mrs. Fred Switzer. M r s. Russell Morrison. T h e A report of the activities of Kirkton Society is to host the the society during the year was annual !meting in 1967. Mr. James Burston of London showed pictures taken last sum- Floid service many beautiful scenes. mer in England which included Other numbers on the program at Greenway Stacey; electric guitar, Jim were accordion selection, Donna Bragg; songs by the Johns family; vocal duet, Janis Morley a n d Carol Johnston; piano solo, Karen Rodd; vocal solo, Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor. Mrs. Wallace Selves gave the report of the nominating com- mittee and Mr. Burston conducted the election of officers for 1967. Past President is Mrs. F r ed Switzer, president, Mrs. Jack Hern, vice-presidents, Miss Jean Copeland, Mrs. Jas.MacDougald; secretary - treas., M r s. Elson L y nn, assistant, M r s. James Willis, directors for one year, Mrs. Norman Brock, Mrs. Ern- est Peterson, Mrs. Phil Johns, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Mrs. Mac- Leod Mills; directors for two years, Mrs. Elmer Stevens, Mrs. Aldon Williams, Mrs. Clarence Schraeder, Mrs. Glenn Marshall, Mrs. Russell Morrison. A 11 present were invited t o gather around the tables which were decorated for the festive season and lunch was served. HARDTOPS WAGONS 1966 FORD country sedan, V-8 automatic, radio. "Our tractor manager's demonstrator." 90700X ... $3,150 1965 FORD country sedan, V-8 automatic. "Being driven by our parts manager." 87825X $2,640 1961 FALCON wagon, 6 cyl., standard transmission, very low mileage. 91018X $860 1961 METEOR wagon, 6 cyl. automatic. 82953X ..... $810 1961 FALCON wagon, 6 cyl., standard transmisron, radio. 91395X $750 SEDANS 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 4-door, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering. A95022 $2,750 1965 FORD Custom 500, 4-door, 6 cyl. automatic, radio. A94683 . . ....... . ... $2,200 1965 VALIANT V200 coach. A96854 $1,650 72- E.: 1964 FORD custom 4-door, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, A58670 $1,700 g- 1964 FORD custom 4-door, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. E1086 mission, very clean. E9767 $1,850 1964 FALCON 4-door, 6 cyl., standard trans- ... $1,320 1963 METEOR coach. A964614 $1,340 1959 RAMBLER sedan. 224947 $450 1959 AUSTIN sedan. 961409 $300 1959 METEOR 4-door, 6 cyl., standard transmission, radio. A94819 $550 1959 METEOR 2-door, 6 cyl., standard transmission, radio. A96948 $450 LI- E:. 1964 FORD Galaxie 500, 4-door hardtop, completely EE equipped. E9252 $11 8 1963 FORD Galaxie 500, 4-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, $:388 00 radio, power steering. A5718 1962 CHEVROLET hardtop. A97068 $1,650 1960 CHRYSLER Windsor, 4-door hardtop, loaded. A60431 $730 M ,„,,,,,„,,„:.,.„„,:,,,,,,.....„,,....,,!..,..,..,............,,...,...,.....,....,....,„....,,,,,..,,, In Time for Christmas .,., b: 13' g g g tf 1965 CHEV, IMPALA a :0.A A ti' 2 door hardtop, laoded, electric windows, power steering, power brakes, a 0 A 13' 327 cu. in. engine, automatic, radio, reverb-o-matic speakers. License :n. 13' L50223. $2295. JOIN PARADE Brinsley Young People along with Ailsa Craig added to the Santa Claus parade at Ailsa Craig Saturday with their contribution named "The old lady who lived in a Shoe". Those playing the leading roles were Paul Hodgson and Allen Amos. White Gift Service was ob- served in the United Church Sun- day. Rev G.E. Morrow was as- sisted in the service by Mr. Earl Steeper, Sr. Superintendent and by Miss Helen Brown who told the story. White Gifts are to be sent to the Salvation Army and money donations to the mission- ary and maintenance Fund. At the service next Sunday at 10 a.m. Rev. Morrow will be assisted by all the Youth Groups of the church in a Christmas message in song and spoken word. PERSONALS Brinsley United Church Sun- day School will hold its annual Christmas concert S atu r day evening, Dec. 17. Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Robinson and family were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robin- son and family. Brinsley United Church are invited to a carol and candle- light service at AilsaCraigUnit- ed Church Sunday evening, De- cember 18 at 7:30 pm. Miss Edna Morley has com- menced to nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital. HEAR "TALE OF A BALE" Brinsley UCW were invited to Mrs. Earl Dixon's home in Centralia for their December meeting. Mrs. Pickering opened the meeting and the Scripture 1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN b' 0 1965 CHEV IMPALA .31 4 door sedan. V-8 automatic, radio. License 281182. $2095. A .o, 1963 CHEV BELAIR $1295. 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic, radio. License 836095. 0 SS h' b: 0 V3 o 3 door hardtop, 6 cylinder stick. License A96119. $595. '4. & 1959 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 0. 11.7 0 4 door sedan, power steering, power brakes, etc. License E73534. $695. Install a SittUiLat digi.inettitej ® POWER HUMIDIFIER it makes Indoor Air Outdoor Fresh FREE ESTIMATES CUDMORE HEATING 373 Main St., Exeter 235-0487 way. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Donald McGregor are holidaying in Florida. Mrs. Jack Southcott and family of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Larmer vis- ited Sunday with friends in Sim- coe. The annual Sunday School Christmas concert of the United Church will be held Friday even- ing at 8.00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Woodburn have moved into Mrs. Wm. Eagleson's house north of Green- There are 106 national Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Stin Societies in the international Red Cross move- ment. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••001011 A 1965 CHEVY VAN a: iv g Western mirrors, extra seat, side windows, 10,000 miles. License C75595. $1795. Dobbs for Dodge SPECIAL PRICE ON HONDAS off season Christmas bargains You will be proud to be the second owner of these: SNOWMOBILES Moto — Ski — Capri & Zepher Polaris — Colt & Mustang Priced To Sell TRACTORS Cockshutt semi-mount mower '58 Scott Viner beet harvester, as is Champion oat roller $$$11255750 Oliver 70 tractor $180 '63 Allis Allis Chalmers Pitmanless mower, used very little $250 '53 M M Z tractor $330 '56 IHC forage harvester $45300 '48 Case D, above average $450 t"----- Oliver 3-furrow spring tip plow $490 Oliver baler, above average $480 El '62 Ford 4-furrow semi-mount plow $530 — '51 Ferguson 20-85 $550 g. '63 Ford 4-furrow 12" mount plow $550 "E-- '51 Oliver 77 $600 '57 Ford 6-61 '58 Cockshutt 5-40 $1,350 $1,400 '59 Dexta Diesel, LPTO $1,400 gi '60 Dexta Diesel LPTO $1,470 .:...t.":-.. '62 Dexta, gas '59 David Brown 9.50 '62 Massey SO '64 Massey 72 combine '62 Super Major '63 Super Major '64 Ford 4000 selecto speed diesel $2,195 $1,195 $1,595 $1,595 $1,595 $595 $395 1964 CHRYSLER Saratoga, 4-door hardtop with power and warranty. Lk. A97868 1963 VALIANT 4-door sedan with radio. Lk. A98970 1963 DODGE 4-door sedan, V-8 automatic. Lk. A95333 1963 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, automatic, radio. Lk. 968955 1963 FORD 500 wagon, V-8 automatic, radio. 1960 DODGE 4-door sedan, slant 6, Lic. A94836 . 1958 PONTIAC 4-door automatic, one owner car. Lic. 26403 DOBBS MOTORS LTD ARTHUR at BELLING .. $1,800 g. $2,000 E- $2,000 $2,300 $2,300 $2,400 . $2,450 7iiiiiIii110110111111111110011111111041101111111101110141111001011101111101110110101111111111111100110111111110 R LARRY SNIDE 235.1250 216 M ain South, Exeter 235-1486 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,r) MOTORS moToRs TRUCKSnr.24,k1FRoLRADN Main St. Exeter Phone: 235-1373 1.*ito?,i Of* ;:?..4101,e4 Lois21,1 *IS rtk,S aylt *IS tiwa toai dis *ki r~ 4t*AS Wis *IS *is WiS tr?1,14,1 avid w'is cms WiS t:EIS