The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 16P. 0. King; vice president, Mrs. Jack Murdy; secretary, Mrs. T, C. McFarlane; treasurer, Mrs. Charles nagger; Dorcas secret- ary, Mrs. Wm. Haskett; assist- ant, Mrs. T. A. llodgins; edu- cational secretary, Mrs, Harold Hodgins; Family Life secretary (Little Helpers) Mrs. Jack Murdy; social service secretaries, Mrs, Harold Corbett and Mrs. Earl Atkinson; Living Message, Mrs. Wilson Hodgins, Mrs. El, 0. Lancaster read an interesting paper entitled "Wrappings for C hr ist ma s". Each parcel she said should des- ignate to whom sent, the donor, and instructions as to use. Mrs. Jack Murdy offered her home for the next meeting. Special Christmas refresh- Please turn to page 17 eoe,oe.4,4 ietit ekrzeould Poinsettia $2.00 - $5.00 Cyclamen $5.00 Pot Mums $3.00 - $5.00 Mixed Pots $2.50 Cut Leaf Philodendron $5.00 Mixed bouquets $1.00 Table centres, corsages, arrangements by order $2.50 and up, Nicholson's Flowers Lucan 227-4283 Writes book One of the most popular books to appear in the Lucan area in some time is "Sure an' this is Biddulph", written by Jennie Raycraft Lewis as a centennial project for the township. History book goes abroad Clerk Austin Hodgins of the Biddulph Council has been kept extra busy filling orders for "Sure An' This Biddulph", as many people are sending the book as a Christmas gift to former Lucan and Biddulph relatives and friends. Recently Mrs. Don Downs, formerly of Water St., Lucan, ordered three copies, one of which she sent to her sister Mrs. Merrill Edwards (the form- er Marion Coursey), who is now spending a year in Birmingham England, where Dr. Edwards, a professor of the University of New Brunswick, on Sabbatical leave, is attending Birmingham University. CGIT WORK MEETING Last Tuesday evening the CGIT "Middy Maids" and "The In- credible 13" met in the school- room to make favors for Thames- wood Lodge. The work meeting was followed by an executive meeting to finalize plans for the annual vesper service, Dec. 18 at 7:30 pm, at which time the new stained glass window will be dedicated. All youth groups are to be at the church at 7:15 pm. The only turkey with a handle. Pre. dressed Young Ca- nadian Top Valu Frozen Grade 'A' Tom TURKEYS. (18-24.1b size) Lb.470 TOP VALU CHRISTMAS JUMBO GUMS '1%7.. 39° LOWNEY'S CHEST ASSORTEDMixed poly ba9s TOP VALU FROZEN CHOCOLATES . . . .2 litb. $1.79 ORANGE JUICE ... 3 $1 FRASERVALE Fancy Frozen VEGETABLES, 4,1h 2-lb. goo CARNATION FANCY FROZEN FRENCH FRI ES (ogg e2gag 550, GOLDEN DEW PARCHMENT MARGARINE 3paecekjl 4 ,,Tgb;. 990 TOP VALU FRUIT FLAVOURED Gal ICE CREAM .I/2 l 29 . 0 Carton vo WHITE SWAN (ASST'D COLOURS) BATH ROOM TISSUE slro"gs $1 p-. PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE (spPaeg 791' SHIRL EY F tsI GAY APPLE PIE 24 x. 49 Ct LADY PATRICIA (Firm 13 1/2 -oz. 890 soQft) Tin HAI RSPRAY DARLING'S IGA Exeter, Lucan Page 16 Times-Advocate, December 15, 1966 Bazaar proceeds hit $497 Anglican ladies pick officers Lucan and district news Churches planning for Christmas PgNirgCCISTAL, HOLINESS The Life-liners meeting, Fri- day evening took the form of a discussion, with each member submitting his or her foremost question on religion or the Bible. Following the meeting a skating party was held at the arena from 11-12 pm. •correspondent; ,Miss. Line. Abbott can Anglican. A singsong was led by Rev. 0. W. Sach with Mrs. Sack at the piano. The worship service was held upstairs in the church, led by Sandra McLelland and Linda Smith followed by addresses in the new CE building by Rev. Warren Bruleigh (Toronto Plan- ning Fellowship) and Miss Gayle Phone 227420 Wilson (Co. of Young Canadians). Short discussions followed. COUPLES' CLUB DANCE The members of the Couples' Club held a successful dance at the Community Centre last Fri- day evening. The proceeds will go to the building fund. Lions, guests told about observatory Masons pick new officers At a meeting of the Irving Masonic Lodge 154, AF and AM held in the lodge room Thursday evening, officers were elected for 1967. Worshipful Master is Jens An- dersen; IPM, James Young; SW, Don Hodgins; JW, Rudy Engel; chaplain, Jack Murray; secret- ary, Cliff Culbert; Treasurer, Murray Hodgins; D of C, Calvin Haskett; SD, Clare Stanley; TD, Don Pettigrew; IG, Cecil Moody; tyler, Garry Mc- Falls; SS , J. W. Smith; JS, Les Kennedy. SPECIAL SPEAKER Wednesday evening Dec. 14, Rev. John Kimber of Calgary (Spanish American Inland Mis- sion) was the guest speaker, giv- ing an account of his work and showing a film. Friday night, Dec. 16, the Life- liners will present the play, "The Babe of Bethlehem". Anglican In the absence of the president, Mrs. P. 0. King, the vice pre- sident Mrs. Jack Murdy, pre- sided at the December meeting of the Sr. Woman's Auxiliary, held at the home of Mrs. Harold Hod- gins, last Wednesday afternoon. There was a good attendance, The secretary read a letter from Mrs. Leah McLeggett which gave the names of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Harding of Dauphin, Manit- oba as the branch's new prayer partner, to succeed Miss Lilies Powell who has retired. Miss Lina Abbott of the nom- inating committee presented the 1967 slate of officers. Honorary President is Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster; president, Mrs. First newsreel showed arrival of delegates to a French national photographers convention in 1895. pleted. During the evening the London Lions presented their hosts with two white ferrets, which no doubt will be passed on to some other branch before many month s hence. The annual turkey bingo for Dec. 13 was arranged and held in the Legion Hall. The next meeting will be on Dec. 20 to enable members to bring their wives. The New Year's Centennial Dance will be held at the Com- munity Centre, Sat. Dec. 31, with dancing from 9 to 12 pm, follow- ed by buffet luncheon. The execu- tive will be in charge of this dance. Following last Monday's dinner a zone meeting was held, with Lion Wilfred Logan of Thorn- dale in charge. One of the guests was Lion Bill Amos, District Governor. Mrs. Kay Egan's group of the Ladies' Guild catered for the dinner. A total of 48 Lions sat down to a turkey dinner in the Anglican Church basement last Monday evening. Visitors were present from Ilderton, Parkhill, Thorn- dale, and North London, as well as a number from the Lucan Le- gion. The evening began with a hos- pitality hour at the Lucan Shil- lelagh Motor Motel from 6 to 7:15 before moving down to the church. Five door prizes were given out, but names of winners not recorded. The guest speaker was Dr. W, H. Wehlaw, of the observa- tory staff of the University of Western Ontario, who spoke on the new observatory to be built near Elginfield. Dr. Wehlaw out- lined why this location had been selected. It was necessary to find a site near the city and yet re- mote from smoke and light inter- ference. He said it would take two years to erect the telescope so it will probably be 1969 before the observatory will be corn- UNITED The first part of the December General UCW meeting was held in the church last Thursday even- ing. The Jr. choir, directed by the pastor sang, P re sident Mrs. Charles Sovereign thanked the choir, Rev, and Mrs. Sach, and choir-mother, Mrs. Ivan Hearn for service rendered throughout the year. Mrs. C. H, George and Mrs. H. B. Langford had charge of the worship service. The business part of the meeting was held in the Dr. Strangway room, where it was announced that the Pres- byterial annual meeting would be held Feb. 16 at Wesley UC London. It was announced also that the net proceeds from the recent bazaar and tea am punt e d to $497.69. Annual reports were presented and treasurer, Mrs. Roger Heath, reported a splendid f inancial year. Mr. Sack presided for the elec- tion of officers but the full slate will not be available until after the January meeting. Mrs. Mur- ray Hodgins moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Charles Sovereign for her faithful service, as lead- er, during the past two years. During the social half hour all enjoyed each other's Christmas cake and cookies. Hi C At 5:30 pm 64 young people sat down to a pot luck supper when the Lucan-Clandeboye HiC were hosts to young people from Ailsa Craig United and Anglican, Brinsley UC, Granton UC and Lu- District horse lives to be 32 Prince is dead. A 32-year-old horse died last week on the farm of Mr. Lorne Hodgins, RR 1 Lucan and a feeling of sadness and loneliness fills the heart of 16-year-old Brian and his par- ents. Purchased as a colt by the late Mr. Labannah Hodgins, the horse lived with three generations of the Hodgins family-Labannah, Lorne and Brian. When his mate died two years ago. Prince retired from active service and became a star- boarder and pet on the Hodgins farm, He was a great pet of the whole family but especially of Brian's, who took great plea- sure riding him around the farm. By a strange co-incidence the late Labannah Hodgins died 16- years ago last week and also 26 years ago last week, Prince made his first "solo" trip, when driven to Exeter and Hensall by Messrs Lorne Hodgins and Don Abbott. From then on prince worked either double or single. WITH QUALITY FOODS AT LOW PRICES ! GRADE 'A' TOM YOUNG CANADIAN PRE-DRESSED Christmas has arrived (19-24 lb. Si ze) TURKEYS Teaches Cubs few new games Owing to sickness, no cubs were invested at last F r iday night's cub meeting, when 22 cubs met at the Scout Hall. An uncle of cub John Sleeghs, Mr. Henry Van DerVen of London offered his services as Baloo. Mr. Van DerVen, who has had experience with cub work inHol- land, taught the Lucan cubs some new games. The previous sema- phore lesson was reviewed and the third circle taught. A hike, was planned for the Christmas vacation, through the farm of Mr. Ron Crozier. Colds, ills befall kids The Lucan and Biddulph Christmas concerts will be held in the latter school, Dec. 21 and 22. The children will see the concert Thursday morning, but as a special treat from the teach- ers, will see the film "Tom Thumb". At present in Lucan school colds are the biggest problem. There are also cases of pink eye, chicken pox and mumps. Weighty club, to be watched Thursday night was a record breaking night for the Lucan TOPS club, with a 100% attend- ance and a total weight loss of 19 lbs. One Lucan member was queen for the night with a weekly loss of four pounds. Another member received her gold ribbon and star for having shed a total of 10 lbs. All others lost from two to three pounds. No member re- ceived a turtle for a small loss and no one had to take home a little pink pig. Next Thursday will be Open Night when anyone interested in seeing the club will be made welcome. The meeting will be held in the Cochrane store (the former Skylark Beauty Salon) on Main St. beginning at 8 pm. Three dietitians from Victoria Hospital, London, will be the guest speakers. lb. Had you walked, or driven, on Main St. Saturday, you would have concluded that it is be- ginning to look and sound like Christmas in Lucan. From a window over the Haskett Furni- ture Store, again resounded the old familiar carols. The hydro commission and businessmen have not only dec- orated the tall tree on Mr. J. S. Radcliffe's lawn and strung lights across the street, but Mr. Jim Freeman had the inspiration to attach small lighted Christmas trees on the top of all hydro poles in the main business block. The effect is most original and im- pressive. Each day more and more resid- ents are putting up their Christ- mas decorations. Lucan Personal Items eee:•.e.4.eie ESSEX PACKERS SHORT SHANK, A 5 SMOKED PICNICS Lb. c TABLE READY 7 9. TRIMMED Lb. PORK CHOPS COLEMAN'S ES 9 SIDE BACON 9g COLEMAN'S EPICURE SLICED _lb. 79 Pkg. being installed, which will no doubt, add to the mud situation. Mrs. Charlie Powers broke her left arm when she fell in her home. U=A-VAVAVA-V===.4 = ESSEX PACKERS SAUSAGE GREEN GIANT FANCY N I BLET CORN . 5 1;1",:* GREEN GIANT FANCY 515-oz. $1 •.tr.490 Tray Pack 1-lb. 694t Mrs. James Hodgins of London, formerly of William St. Lucan, fell in her home last Monday and broke her hip. She was taken to Victoria Hospital, where it was necessary to operate to instal a pin. Mrs. H. S. Stanley held her Christmas dinner Sunday, when Mr. & Mrs, Al Bromwich and family of Toronto were home, for the weekend. Mr. Charles Karpas of Tor- onto, who has taken over the Cent- ral Hotel is getting settled and opened up the dining-room last Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamilton of London, were Saturday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Graham of Chatham, Mrs. Annie Fairies who under- went surgery on her knee at St. Joseph's Hospital, is still suf- fering greatly. While skiing at Byron, last week, Miss Joan Young, daugh- ter of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Young broke her left ankle. Mrs. Laura Morgan, las t Thursday, was Lucan's repre- sentative at the Huron District Scouter's Club meeting, held at Brucefield. Mrs. William Shipway is again a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, as she had to have her ankle reset last Friday. Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell and family of London were Sun- day guests of Mr. & Sherid- an Mr. & Mrs. David Maynard of London had a dinner party Sunday evening for Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier and family. Mrs. P. 0. King who under- went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital was able to be brought home Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Frost and Small daughter of Hornpayne are spending a few weeks with Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Frost. Save your stamps from your Christmas mail for the Bible Society, Every stamp assists a little, A large drain on Beech St. is GREEN PEAS SALADE; P l DRESSING CRANBERRY SAUCE CAKE MIXES (Asstd. Flavours) 18-19-oz. 100 Pkg. o• • MAXWELL HOUSE (Special Pack) . ' YY ''` INSTANT COFFEE 6 Jar -oz; ORANGERED ROSE Pkg.700 TEA BAGS of 60 • • TOP VALU 41 1-kb. u SHORTENING . . . . Ags pkgs. -• m • (Whole or Jellied) Ocean Spray WE GIVE GOLD BOND . STAMPS Seek more time in library hours ST. PATRICK SCHOOL NEWS The staff of St. Patrick's Sep- arate were so pleased with the 95% attendance at parents' Night -last Wed, that letters of apprecia- tion were sent out to the par- ents. Recently a party of 34 enjoyed a dinner at the Iroquois Hotel London, when the school board entertained the staff, music teacher, custodian and wife or husband of each. The date of the annual Christ- mas concert has had to be chang- ed from Dec, 21 to Dec. 20. - SAVE 13c When Supervisor, Mrs. Rose Atkinson was at a meeting at the Middlesex Co. Library, Nov. 16 she was presented with some Christmas decorations. S inc e then she has received two tables, eight stack-away chairs, a swivel chair, a magazine rack, new shelves for the west wall and a case for children's books, so Lucan's library has a new look for Christmas. At a local Board Meeting in the library Thursday evening it was decided to send a recom- mendation to London that the library be kept open on Thurs- day evening from 7-9 pm as well as dates now open. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll 111111111111 FRESH FROM THE ORIENT STOKELY'S FANCY Rec news TOMATO JUICE By J. E. BURT .19 MANDARIN $ ORANGES of4 Doz. jr°3c. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll 1 The race for first place in the South Middlesex hock e y league has changed hands in the past week, with Ailsa Craig tak- ing over top spot with a pair of wins last week, while the Lucan merchants dropped a pair. Craig is now in first place with .14 points followed by Lucan with 13; Lee & Stewart 12; Con- crete pipe ? Edgewood 6 and Ilderton with 6, In minor hockey Friday night the Lambeth pee wee's walloped Lucan by an 8-0 score. The Bantams were clobbered almost as badly but the midgets get a bit of revenge with an 8-4 win, paced by their star defenceman Dennis Burt with three goals and one assist. All the teams from Lucan were sporting new sweaters, I presume that the pee wees and bantams wanted to keep them that way, but the midgets are old enough to know that they are to play hockey in so they did just that. We had a very busy day here Sunday, bee, 11, with public skat- ing being big again and then a large skating party, The St. Wil- librord skating Club of London were in for the evening with ap- proximately 250 people, GOLDEN YELLOW .CHIQUITA LUCAN RECEIVED ITS SHARE When the weatherman dumped out his over-supply of water last week he didn't forget Lucan. What a mess! Cellars never before flooded, received a share. Several Lucanites were up all Wednesday night in an attempt to keep water out of their furnaces. Sump pumps worked over time. All low lying gardens were flood- ed. The Scout Hall was surround- ed and the old ball diamond look- ed like a miniature lake. The Cubs must have a stand- in with the weatherman for some time during Thursday night he "sopped" up the water in front of the Scout Hall enabling the Cubs to hold their Friday meet- ing as usual. ---- SAVE 24c - BANANAS 2 „is 33c (111:;:.) 69' CANADA COOKING NO, ONIONS sit 49° SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 0000 0000 1111. 50' /50'ism CUP INIS VARIA811 COUPON 9-ox. $ Jars FREE COLD MONO STAMPS ava. ans.,rg, SPECIRL, BABY BONUS OFFE RL* _ Oa VS L0.2.3 TOP VALU ASSORTED JAMS, JELLIES MARMALADES 414,7wil o f I LI: THIS VPIUMILI COUPON : PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 14 - 17 INCLUSIVE. WE. RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES mile 50,, HURRY! HURRY! If you hurry, you can still avail yourself of the suggestion to send a subscription, to The Exeter Times-Advocate, as a ChrittitaS gift, to some relative or friend, Kindly phone Ling E, Abbott 22'7-4255 at once , so a 'F-A gift card Can be sent before Christmas, Six subscriptions have already been received. 0000 0000000000000000000 SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES BETTY & ART'S IGA brand Bend Most visitors to Expo 67 will come from an area within 600 miles of Montreal. 1