HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 15choir and a cast of 15 members of the congregation with speaking parts took part. Lunch was served after by the ladies and youth of Crediton church. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Paul and Sharon visited with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Miller and family of Port Dover visited with Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Saturday. Ready Mix CONCRETE Plant 235-0833 Residence 228-6967 C.A. McDOWELL Ltd. By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD The December meeting o f Dashwood WI was family night. The standing committee conven- ors, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, Mrs. Emil Becker, Mrs. Milford Mer- ner and Mrs. Valentine Becker were in charge of a pot-luck supper, The directors, Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mrs. Emil Becker were in charge Centennial Project SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HS Any residents of the area that have any old photo- graphs of Exeter and area (1860.1920) and who would be willing to lend these pictures to the school are asked to contact Mr. Wooden at 235-0880. Safe return of the pictures is guaranteed. Ani•••••••...rtt Amor* mommoomft Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes Exclusive Healing Substance Relieves Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids. If you want satisfactory relief from `Itching Piles'—here's good news. A renowned research laboratory has found a unique healing substance that promptly relieves the burning itch and pain—actually shrinks hemorrhoids. This substance has been shown to produce a most effec- tive rate of healing. Its germ-killing properties also help prevent infection. In case after case "very striking improvement" was noted, even among cases of long standing. And this improvement was maintained over a period of months! This was accomplished by a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne)— which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulate growth of new tissue. Now l3io-Dyne is offered in ointment and suppository form called Preparation "II". Ask for it at all drug stores—satisfaction or money refunded. CORNWALL ROCKVILLE KINGSTON wig.tAg „ah. JURO .• 0 •• ••........ . . • :qwHAm Thousands of people will soon be eligible GET YOUR APPLICATION FORM TODAY! PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, BY AUTHORITY OF THE HONOURABLE ALLAN J. MacEACHEN Timis-Advocate, Dikciarnbir 15, 1966 Pap. 1 $ Saintsbury bride feted; ladies retain same slate & Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Fail greenlee Were guests Sunday -evening With Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis and Miss Sharon Davis is spending a few days at the home of Mr. & Mrs, George Woods, London. Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Elston, Centralia, M r. Clarence Flet- cher, Woodham, M r. William Lambourne, London, and Mr. ,84 Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis. Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Dobbs Sr. of Exeter visited with Mr. & Mrs. William Hill,Strath- roy, Mrs. Harry Carroll accom- panied M r s. Clifford Shipley, Lucan, to London Friday and visited with Miss Lillias Powell. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Peterson and family, London, were guests, Sat- urday, with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker, Miss Heather Davis and Miss Muriel Abbott, Whalen, attended the 4-H achievment day program held at South Huron High School, Exeter, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs.. Albert Dickies, Lambeth, and Mr. & Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Lucan, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Cool 228-6638 gaily decorated tree. Miss Sharon Davis escorted Mary to the seat of honor —Mrs. Hugh Davis gave a hurriorus read- ing. Mrs. Arthur Abbott con- ducted a contest whi ch Mrs. Heber Davis won. Mrs. Bill John- son conducted a second contest, won by Mrs. Maurice MacDonald. A lucky cup contest was won by Mrs. Harvey Latta. Mrs, Jack Dickins read an ad- dress and Mary's younger sister, Linda, and little Miss Nancy and Marylou Tindall presented the gifts and Mary's older sister, Mrs, Hamilton of Lucan and Miss Sharon Davis assisted the bride elect. Mary thanked all for the many beautiful and useful gifts. A. social hour followed. PERSONALS Mrs. Ron Carroll Ian and Bren- da spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Jim Mugford and Janice and Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr., Freddie and Patricia were Fri- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lou Marziali and Rosianne, London, and Sunday the Dobbs' accom- panied by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Santa comes to town Despite a heavy drizzle Santa Claus arrived in Exeter Saturday sitting in his sleigh fastened on a truck. The Old Man from the Northpole spent the afternoon in the Canadian Tire store where children lined up to have a chance to whisper their wishes to their idol. --T-A photo Greece has decided not to em- phasize its glorious past at Expo 67. Instead of lecturing the visitor on the great philosophical prin- ciples, its pavilion will feature a 20th century illustration of Plato's observation, "How Pleasant Man can be when he is Man." By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY Mrs. Hugh Davis carried out the Christmas theme and dec- orations for the December Guild meeting at her home Wednesday, Dec. 7. With ten ladies present, an exchange of Christmas gifts took place, Mrs. Hugh Davis President, presided. Gifts were donated by the group to shut-ins. Reports were read. Miss Sharon Davis presided for the election of officers after the president thanked all the mem- bers for their co-operation dur- ing her two years in office. Owing to the fact that the new rector will not be present until after the new year it was decided that all officers continue for the present time, with the exception of the secretary for boxed cards. Mrs. Maurice MacDonald was elected to that office. The meet- ing closed and a social hour fol- owed with Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald and Mrs. Heber Davis assisting the hostess. Mrs. Charles Atkinson moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and assistants. The mystery prize donated by Mrs. Clarence Davis was won by Mrs. Hugh Davis. HONOR BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Jack Dickins and Mrs. Bob Tindall were joint hostesses at the home of Mrs. Tindall Wednesday evening, for a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Mary Korrevaar, bride elect. The holiday colors were car- ried out in decorations and parcels, which were placed on a NOTICE to parents of students attending Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. Please be advised that students first report cards will be issued to them Friday, December 16 FOR THE BEST IN TV SERVICE 236-4094 ZURICH McADAMS TV Canada Pension Plan. RETIREMENT PENSIONS BECOME PAYABLE IN JANUARY 1967 Mobile lab tests local operation Last week, two young chemists pulled their mobile lab up at Tuckey Beverages Ltd. to perform several tests on the products being turned out at the local bottling plant. The mobile Pepsi Cola lab travels coast to coast and covers 35,000 miles annually. It takes about two years to complete the entire circuit of Pepsi bottlers. They test the water at the plants, the product, housekeeping and the mechanical equip- ment. Paul Thompson, left, is showing plant manager Art Gaiser one of the tests, while Bob Aitken works on the right. The local plant was reported "entirely satisfactory". --T-A photo Are you eligible? Entertain families If you have been contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, and if you will be age 68 or over by March 31, 1967, contact your Canada Pension Plan District Office now. Contributors who are under 70 years of age must have retired from regular employment to qualify. Those who are age 70 or over may qualify without retiring. Dashwood WI hold party YOUR DISTRICT OFFICE IS SHOWN ON THIS MAP of the program. A skit and sing song preceded bunco. Winners at bunco, were; boys, John Becker, girls; Margaret Merner; men, Hugh Boyle; ladies, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. PERSONALS The CNIB were very much pleased with the response from Dashwood which was much larger than previous years. Recently the Bethany Sisters Sunday School class of the Evan- gelical UB church met in the church basement for an evening of fellowship. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill James sang a duet. Rev. James showed colored films of the Dashwood congregation and vacation trips. Lunch was served by the committee. Sunday evening the Dashwood Evangelical UB chu rch, pre- sented a cantata "His Star Still Shines" at EUB church. The out. The staff will also be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the Retirement Pension. Don't delay I Visit or write your Canada Pension Plan District Office now! Your District Office will supply you with the application form that starts your pension cheque coming. The efficient, friendly staff will offer you every assistance. They will be pleased to help you fill out your application, and explain how your pension is worked HAWKESBURY • BARRYS BAY 1dUNTSVIELE Melvin: "You look much bet- ter.without your glasses." Mergatroid: "So do you." ONTARIO 08 RIIA. • BANCROFT SOUN* COLLINGWOOD: • BARRIE NORTH YORK BELLEVILLE • PICTON SCARBOROUGH 2805 Eglinton Avenue E., Scarborough ETOBICOKE GPA OSHAWA GODERICH ETOBICOKE 3269 Bloor Street W. TORONTO 004°' SARNIA *LONDON • ST. THOMAS li on-TON ST, CATHARINES NORTH YORK 5841 Yongo Street, Newtonbrook Plaza, Willowdale KINGSTON Federal Building, Clarence Street •NIAGARA FALLS TORONTO 25 St. Clair Avenue East OTTAWA 255 Argyle Avenue PETERBOROUGH Unemployment Insurance Commission Building 411 Water Street HAMILTON National Revenue Building, 160 Main Street West LONDON Toronto•Dominion Bank Bldg., 365 Richmond St. ST. CATHARINES 360 St. Paul Street KITCHENER-WATERLOO 220 King Street East, Kitchener WINDSOR Unemployment Insurance Commission Bldg., 441 University Avenue W. STANDARD PRODUCTS (STRATFORD) LIMITED Plant No. 4, Arthur St, MITCHELL Requires Men for a variety of Production Jobs We offer good earning possibilities in a clean, mod- ern plant and a complete range of employee benefits See or phone Mr. C. ritzgeorge 348-8471