HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 12Pago Times-Advocate, December 15,. 1964
Seven 4-H club girls were presented with county honors at Achieve- Susan Gill, RR 3 Parkhill, Margaret Hunkin, RR 1 Kirkton and Judy
ment Day Saturday, left to right, Beth Snell, Dashwood, Emily Dyke- Mayer, RR 1 Kirkton.
man, RR 1 Centralia, Marie Langford, Exeter, Janet Hern, Woodham, . . . T-A photo
liSSI /AY g7 RE FOR YOU° Receiving provincial honor certificates and pins at Achievement
Day held at SHDHS Saturday were, left to right, Miss Sharon Fletcher,
RR 1 Woodham, Miss Kathy Hern, Woodham, Miss Diane Weber,
RR 3 Dashwood; MissJoyce Mayer, RR1 Kirkton, Mrs. Fred Beer,
district WI president who presented the honors,Miss Josephine West-
lake, Exeter. . . T-A photo Sweet, Smoked, Rindless
Instant Coffee Chase & Sanborn
Girls get county, Ontario awards
guest says they'll keep men fed
Devon 95d
tin 4U1
District WI President Mrs.
Fred Beer of Hensall in pre-
senting provincial a n d county
honor certificates and pins at
Achievement Day at SHDHS Sat-
urday afternoon remarked "The
men who get these girls will
be well fed."
"The girls" are the 4-H club
members who have completed
the project "The Supper Club"
and were demonstrating by means
of exhibits and skits that good
food is necessary to develop en-
ergy, efficiency and general good
Five 4-H club members have
completed 16 projects and were
presented with provincial honor
certificates and pins by Mrs.
Beer. They were Diane Weber,
RR 3 Dashwood, Sharon Flet-
cher, RR 1 Woodham, Joyce
Mayer, RR 1 Kirkton, Kathy Hern,
Woodham, and Josephine West-
lake, Exeter.
Receiving county honor cer-
tificates and pins for completing
six projects were Beth Snell,
Dashwood, Emily Dykeman, RR
Sweet Mixed Baby Dills, Bread & Butter
g qgrcgidvMrgrilee cft zlItitFAIVAMItzit:Mt:NiZi'AVIMVMrzgi'cridt:F.tzt:14.tcritt'clgledlt?:,totled..z:Mc?Atcktt=11,.i'ZV4t?Aii
pealing to the eye."
Gwen Finkbeiner of Crediton
1 club commented on that club's
exhibit "A Supper menu with the
Main Dish." concluding with the
statment "The food you serve
should give healthier bodies,"
Karen Jennison of the Grand
Bend club explained her club's
exhibit showing ways of serving
fruit and in her conclusion im-
itated Phyllis Diller in her TV
commercial for Aylmer soups.
The other ten clubs chose to
present skits. All members took
part in the skit for Elimville 11,
Let's Make Tea Biscuits. The
scene took place at Tillie's Tea
Tavern when two 4-H girls un-
dertook to show the chef how to
make tea biscuits. Cheryl Hern,
Betty Jean Miller of Elimville 11
showed how to set a table prop-
erly allowing 24 inches for each
place setting.
Similarly Dashwood Club 1
presented a skit Food Makes A
Difference with all members par-
ticipating; Crediton 11's skit,
"Let's Make Tea Biscuits" in-
1 Centralia, Janet Hern, Wood-
ham, Susan Gill, RR 3, Parkhill,
Marie Lang-ford, Exeter, Mar-
garet Hunkin, RR 1, Kirkton,
and Judy Mayer, RR 1 Kirkton.
Miss Sharon Carroll, Huron
home economist, presided for
the program and presented cer-
tificates of achievement to mem-
bers completing two projects and
and sterling silver 4-H Home-
making Club spoons to each girl
completing the project satisfac-
torily and to each leader who at-
tended both days of training
On exhibit were the record
books and four tea biscuits made
by each member. Record book
covers displayed such club names
as Supper Sals, Kitchen Chicks,
Cooking Queens, Dainty Dash-
wood Diners, Crediton Cookers,
Country Chefs or Gourmet Gals.
Exhibits were shown byElim-
ville 1 club in Variety in Sup-
per Menus with Yvonne Jaques
as commentator proving that
meals should be well-balanced,
well - planned, varied and ap-
oqtrt:FAvNoo?,c&t:?.alo*Cq#'C7,., 5?: 'qq;ed WAVNIVtrtqtfrt:7Ai Z.?<1 1:q.irtqt t":1" ;ti IVG1t3 !ts tg/'c,3 CZT,+d t:VQ ct?wc:NitO
volved Ruth Ann King, Dixie Am-
erongen, Linda Haugh and Wendy
Neil and Hurondale l's skit on the
same subject used Sharon Pass-
more and J. Mayer as partici-
All members took part in
Hurondale's skit "Food Guide
for Health" in which a survey
of food habits was taken at a
supermarket. "Our Dairy Food"
was demonstrated by Norma
Weigand and Joanne Hayter using
milk in white sauces to make
scalloped vegetables and sauces
for healthful foods.
Miss Carroll was assisted by
Miss Joyce Pirie, Elgin home
economist, and Mrs. Ian McAl-
lister, Zurich, and Miss Ruth
Axtmann, Walton, former home
Leaders of the Clubs were;
Creditonl, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins
and Mrs. L. Morley; Crediton 11,
Mrs. C. Kenny, Mrs. R. Fink-
beiner; Dashwood 1, Mrs. G.
Bender, Miss D. Weber; Dash-
wood 11, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs.
S. Wolf; Elimville 1, Mrs. N.
J a qu e s, Miss Sharon Fletcher;
Elimville 11, Mrs. RossSkinner,
Mrs. J. Johns; Elimville 111,
Mrs. T. Hern, Mrs. K. Hern;
Grand Bend, Mrs. S. Devine,
Mrs. N. Taylor; Hurondale 1,
Mrs. D. Etherington, Mrs. A.
Cann; Hurondale 11, Mrs. Wm.
Dougall, Mrs. H. Russell; Huron-
dale 111, Mrs. Robert Down, Mrs.
Lorne Porter.
Zipper Skin Tangerines
California Celery Stalks
Fancy Mac Apples
210s doz. 29
Size 30 ea. 254
3 lbs. 290
The next project for spring
196'7 will be "A World of Food
in Canada" with emphasis on
early Canada, Heritage from New
France, the British Tradition,
Foods of Northern Europe and
Canadian Foods, Oriental style.
A centennial party will complete
the project.
Project for Fall 196'7 will be
"Cotton Accessories for the Club
Girl's Bedroom." SUPERIOR
• Silver Shower for sparkling
clean cutlery
• Twin-Rack for easy reach load-
ing and unloading
• Rinse-Glo dispenser permits
rinse agent to be added auto-
• Faucet-Flo lets you use faucet
when dishwater is operating,
• 4-cycle pushbutton control, in-
clueing "Rinse & Hold" autom-
atically gives you "just right"
dishwashing for each type of
• Texolite countertop.
Including Famous Thoro-
Wash action for thorough-
ly washed & scrubbed
6-oz. Jar
Bacon Tomato Juice Heinz Fancy 48-oz, tin
lb. 79 t iti
Maple Leaf Mincemeat Large 48-oz.
tf King Size Fab 401 off
3 ruir ri rcifefsLoufs141u Reg.
1s' Jelly Powder Deal Pkgs. 1.00 g Boned & Rolled
Green Giant
Green Giant 15 oz. 5/1.00 i Pork Shoulder .,1
h' Medium Small Peas
Niblets Corn ; A
with bread stuffing
A 12-oz. tins 5/1000 4 31:
V. 0. Apple Juice Scotian Gold Vitaminized 48-oz. 3/1.00 P lb. 590 a
iT . Li
; Pickles - Mix or Match Heinz 16-oz. Jars 3/1.00 b..,....„„,.„..,,,„,,,..„...4 1.
Sirloin 1 White Swan Tissue 4 Roll Pack 554 A
4 A
Sunnyvale Peaches 28-oz. Fancy 390 1
1V ,L g: T-Bone Steak A 4
Tropical Fruit Salad O.T.F.
f treinsh 2/59I 1
1-lb. bag you gri1n5;izt . Hostess Coffee
694 .g
11. lb. 89 . ,„ ii
f,i WaZI;ZWA.;):5•S ;7-' ;';',.;'72::/.;%.1
A g Niblets Corn Green Giant 550 ,0
a Copaco Pure Pork
Old South Orange Juke
2-lb. bag
12 oz. 2/890 §
A 1 Sausage :,
vs: 2.,
VlIttl*tillft*.tt'rsft'S:?f41::?.tt'cr?..e;i Ai't:Mt=?;k112N'izgizi't:?,t4Vq.tilll'AV?..tvc%?:ed'f,i's;W:RAtitc4i;kittVNI*ii::?.kig,,
Country Style
2 11
FRUITS & VEGETA BLES ---- 't, lb. 49 g g
1 Cottage Rolls
i 34's Cry-O-Vac A .0
lb. 690 §.....................1
Schneivler's No. 1
A .0
1 Chicken Legs g
Phone 235-0212 FREE Delivery
1 c a 0
g g
lb. 0 7 .0 6..
In casts
Mrs. Nora Sylvester, Sarnia,
formerly of Exeter, fell on the
ice last Wednesday and fractured
her left arm.
Miss Ann Creech, SHDHS col-
umnist, fractured her left ankle
during PT period at SHDHS last
Thursday morning. She is wear-
ing a walking cast.
wavgavoiwaiatiermaloviieiwituvio.Nemoktlumovauitmgo4kt,,Pgas .wamo.P.aniA•NowttgwNiztoPkt, 'Pfrio.w..wi:aftwatow,mo.oliargozwaviimri.kwo.Nizoioxt* ;•4144a.cikmariesANio-NisiVistVzs.41,041.
In your home, an automatic dish-
washer by Canadian General E-
lectric can end forever the daily
drudgery of washing dishes by
hand. In a matter of minutes after
your meal is finished, the dishes
are out of the way, to be washed
and dried automatically. With
CGE's exclusive Thoro-Wash
action they come out sparkling
clean and more germ free without
any messy hand-rinsing or scrap-
ing beforehand. Inaddition, your
finest china and crystal is cradl-
ed and protected by the vinyl-
cushioned interior. And the large
capacity of CGE dishwashers
permits once-a-day washing if
you wish, leaving you free to do
more important things.
Gifts For The House
at Wringer Washer &
Clothes Dryer
Christmas Special $269.00
Christmas raw Coupons 235-0505
Dinneti Furniture
467 Main St.
We have so many gift items we cannot begin to list them all.
Why Not Come In And Look
Or give us a call. 432 Main South EXETER
' Exeter, Ontario g
rilidltvitiSt44t 4'WA Ot.i'-144 Old 2.4.10Micl?.4.10Nici'A6 W46ePidV4itIFSit?"4 Oo tlt.4 0'4 Wid et?Ag
g Phone 235-0173
ion4`renvote604,40,0040 ppiwpfremsisogoo414.010 ,•itt,14,040 Wa tootootoomooti,oltioNotiatomotiocooNiovol4NoNovico3NoNorooNotootkopooNioNotottgen. 4`ito5 Nio4yo..toomeowioNoto54Yiotiio5>r0