The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 10• /441i:lefe0Sr ASSOCIATE STORE EASY TERMS O. KEN SHAW EXETER ••••••:-.0 OPEN NIGHTS --Monday to Friday For Father and Mother, For the Home Excellent Selection CHRISTMAS LIGHT SETS From .99 HAIR DRYERS From 10*" ELECTRIC RAZORS CARPENTRY TOOLS WRENCH SETS CAR INTERIOR HEATERS BATTERY CHARGERS From 9.98 * ELECTRIC KETTLES * IRONS * FRY PANS * COFFEE PERCOLATORS * FLOOR POLISHERS * ELECTRIC BROOMS KODAK CARTRIDGE- G.E. FLASHCUBE Camera Kit 0 .99 SPECIAL SALE PRICE! BATTERIES INCLUDED SAVE! FOAM FILLED DELUXE HEAD REST 1.77 Compare at $6.00 Sale 41. GREAT SAVINGS IN A FLASH! Takes 12 jumbo black and white or color prints, 20 color slides tool Instant loading Kodak film cartridge, G.E. Flash-cube — take 4 flash pictures without reloading. Good list of stocking fillers Foam-Filled — Provides comfort and protection against whip- lash. Smart vinyl leatherette, electronically sealed cover. Chrome plated bracket adjusts to individual height require- ments. 53/4" x approx. 121/2" long, Red, Blue or Black, THE TIME IS NEAR—THE GIFTS ARE HERE talITSLIZT=7- • dmiscritMat 71•:, - - N. Special! GENUINE 0-CEDAR DUST MOP 4.95 Card Shuffler CAR AERIAL Compare at $5.85 — Sale COMPARE AT $8.95 5 .88 VALUE BATTERIES REGULAR $2,59 2." INCLUDED Deal yourself in on this one! Cut the cards — their shuffled in a snap. All steel enamel finish. Save! McGraw Edison Grand Prix Steering SAVE! 3-Section SAVE! ELECTRIC Wheel Cover 114" DRILL 9.99 REGULAR $1.49 VALUE COMPARE AT $13.95 .99 "Zoom-A-Lon" by O'CEDAR — the name speaks for the value! Exclusive new dust attracting yarn; will not mat — brisk shake and it's clean. Chrome plated, full floating swivel head detaches for washing. 48" hardwood handle. Quality-built electric drill. Power- ful 2,6 amp. motor, supreme gear- ed chuck, Key-lock tight trigger switch. Save! RAY-0-VAC 9 Volt Battery COMPARE • AT 89c Famous Ray-O-Vac, sealed in steel. Similar savings Ray-O-Vac below. Penlight (card of 4) Reg. $1.20.84 "C" Cell (card of 2) Reg. 60c .42 Famous WINCHESTER CELL Batteries Save 10 09 1/2 for .7 Canadian Tire offers famous Winchester clad-in-metal "D" cell batteries. Great for flashlights or battery operated Christmas toys. Come to grips with this sporty, racy design, Smart lace.on black leatherette, non-slip foam back- ing. Handsome chrome plated 3-section top mount aerial. Extends to a full 54" length. 3%.r•riN dek ve •rr..tiv.irrrririi4 Save! 14 Transistor Big Reduction! 'Magic' Reduced! Dial Type „Amoy .g DELUXE GUN and "PROCTOR" TOASTER Portable Radio Holster Set KEY CASE COMPARE AT $19,98 REGULAR 194 VALUE Tire Gauge 1.28 66 16 .68 REGULAR $1.59 VALUE 1.99 COMPAILIt AT $2.98 SALE PRICE 4 Ballades included BIG SAVINGS! Giant 36"x16" Hockey Game .44 COMPARE AT $7,95 — SALE True-to-life N.H.L. players move up and down the ice passing, checking real big league entertainment. All steel players, (Montreal and Toronto), Plastic timers, 2 pucks and score board. Nice gift idea for junior, BROILER COMPARE AT 514.95 9477 SALE PRICE Toasts, broils, grills, roasts, Ther- mostatic control prevents over- heating. Chrome plated. GENUINE DAISY B.B. GUN 8.88 Cap firing, all metal, 9", on.. like handle, leather holster, 3 "Hi-Fidelity” mode) by Master. craft. External power connection, earphone, high-low control. 7x41/2 x2". Top grain leather casing. Top grain cowhide — conceals keys. Lift Snap and keys appear. Large 1" key ring. 31/i. x 2" — Fits purse or pocket. Correct pressure increases tire life. Accurate, easy-to-read dial face. Measures 4 up to 50 lbs. tire pressure. SPECIAL SALE PRICE The perfect gift to fill that bare spot under tne tree, Includes LLB, shot and lubricating oil. 450 shot lever action carbines, QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED 44011Pra* 44 r'%4 EXTRA! CASH and CARRY BONUS COUPONS