HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 7Times-Advocate, December 15, 1946 Page 7 4iowg,4,Phal 4V:90410 ;;4144* 40 AO iv.4,440.0-0#2.04,04,0p40,4*.wwpiowsgosa 3 1 Gentlemen: for a gift that counts Give 'HER "Something to wear" Free ,Gift Wrapping For Men Each $1.00 purchase entitles you to a ticket on a draw for BLANKET and SHEETS eieveziteteterteleleitereteile weiWeetteret. This Coupon Good For 10% off on all CHRISTMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Beaton's Bakery The house of Homemade Bread eetterteeteeteitenvieieeleilegrefiev 50c OFF EVERY ARTICLE with purchase over $5.00 so sure He's not about that fellow This youngster from the Kippen area wasn't too certain he enjoyed meeting Santa when the kindly gent stopped to shake hands with him on the street in Hensall, Saturday. No doubt he'll be more enthused about Santa after he looks under the tree on Christmas. --T-A photo IRWIN'S This coupon is worth 500 on purchase of Frying Pan 14.50 Electric Irons 12.95 Electric Kettle 8.49 Deluxe Mixer 14,50 Electric Mixer 12.95 Hair Dryer 8.50 More Hensall on page 5 LADIES WEAR HENSALL 46,011.34.Att,..4ww:4•,:?,,e,wAvm.F:4,4-.1,i.F.ko:vmpA.Ivemm.?Agmol imip,/,i-opmm .t.Nmptigt,1,0*.kiimiigm,:mmti.?.,t,,,:41t,..m.,;:?„4iittt•tti.?/,i-vq..,,a-znfr.,,,,.Fm,r, 1 . . • Nth 01111111 011 To help youth delegates UCW mark Christmas FUSS ELECTRIC a medley of Christmas selec- tions. Mrs. Dave Kyle closed th e meeting with a fitting devotional on the meaning of Christmas in a modern world, On behalf of all the ladies Mrs. Eddison Forrest extended a word of thanks to Mrs. Harold Currie for her in- spirational leadership and pre- sented her with a token of their appreciation. A social hour and lunch was convened by Mrs. Paul Pass- more and her committee. HENSALL This Coupon Worth A $1.00 on the Purchase of any Piece of of Stainless Steel Cookware — Now Till Christmas At 262-2237 5.0.eelk:,elizA4z-elemOi;;•-Oke. rgio. The Christmas General UCW meeting was held in an attrac- tive setting in the Fellowship Room with a large attendance. Mrs. Harold Currie opened the meeting with the story of the coming of the Lord and the ef- fect of other famous babies on the destiny and welfare of man- kind. Everyone joined in the carol, 0 Little Town of Beth- lehem. Mrs. Harvey Keys gave the report on the year's work of the Friendship and visitation com- mittee. Mrs. Eddison Forrest was named as new treasurer. A word of thanks was extended to Mrs. Mary Goodwin, treasur- HE NSALL loo CREST HARDWARE er for past five years. All members were urged to attend final business meeting Dec. 28, at 2.30 p.m. The UCW are again sponsoring two dele- gates from the Hi C group to the Toc Alpha convention. Mrs. Grant MacLean gave a humourous reading on Christ- mas shopping in July. Mrs. Wil- liam Fuss sang a solo, accom- panied by Mrs. J. Goddard. A short play "Gifts That Mon- ey Can't Buy" was portrayed by Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. B. McKin- ley, Mrs. R. Forrest, Mrs. G. MacLean, Mrs. V. Pyette, Mrs. J. Corbett and Mrs. R. Venner. Mrs. Robert Pryde favoured with _MON GIFT titei Hensall personals Tial tatVir allOata Again this season, we are giving away Crest money .54 on every dollar cash purchase redeemable any time in our toy department. Start saving now!! All our small appliances are priced at discount store prices See our Selection Gift Wrapped Free — Selection still g ood This Coupon. Worth Mr. Hein Rooseboom will leave December 21 from International Airport by jet for Holland, his native land, where he will spend Christmas with relatives whom he has not seen for 16 years. He will be away three weeks. Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Mousseau and Miss Cheryl Mousseau of Ridgetown visited over the week- MAKE DONATIONS Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion 468 met Wednesday evening, December '7 when nomi- nations were held conducted by past president John Simmons. A joint installation of officers of this Legion and Auxiliary will be held Friday, January 6, 1967. Five dollars was donated to the CNIB; $10 to the Legion Christ- mas Fund for hospitalized vet- erans in London; $25 to the Santa Claus party held in Hensall Sat- urday. Wilmer Dalrymple kindly do- nated a Canadian flag to the branch. end with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Mrs. Alberta MacBeath is a patient in Seaforth Community hospital undergoing treatment. Sunday December 18, there will be the regular service at 10 a.m. in Carmel Presbyterian Church, at 11 a.m. there will be especial Sunday School program in the church sanctuary when white gifts f o r children at the London Or- phanage will be presented. CREST HARDWARE HENSALL U. 10% off g on purchase of a JACKET g HENSALL ,,,44„.p,10,4,ii.,4ko.,;,,e,4,1e0u4,;:,;fa.,a...0.1i,..544:44i,e..1:,:e.,,,..,Ni„.;,;k4,co 4,,„e4,wwii.44.4i.,4:_vve.„,;,;k,..,,„k..;,4.vm,,,pi.,„..,,,,N5.w.i....,;,..w,„,i,i.,,aa.o „,,;,:. r • FZ F — MAJESTIC Everything's more fun with an AGFAMATIC Taylor's f. Ready-to-Wear 1 His neighbour Happy Harry On the other hand's ecstatic He knows he simply can't go wrong With his new Agfamatic! THIS COUPON GOOD FOR $25.00 on a purchase of a Rogers Majestic A pessimist is Dismal Dan No camera fun has he To friends who do, he scowls and says "It's too complex for me” Wertece eeereee Wet ile%treee te%1 We We eN Welete We We We we tee ‘% *4 :Y CWriiitifrin4cas GrOitifrs 9;04A de Puidif Color, Black & White Television For pictures you can't wait to show! 3 STEREO HiFi Set n Lodge plans to see pies The Lodge Hall lovely in Christmas motif was the setting for the Christmas party of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday even- ing December 7, with a large attendance. The report of the Centennial meeting held Wednesday of last week November 30 was given. It was decided to have a super duper dessert euchre and bake sale in March. It was also de- cided to contact Miss Joanne Egellson, student to the United Nations in June 1966 sponsored by the lodges of this district, to show pictures of her trip in Jan- uary 1967, which will be open to the public. A donation was made to the War Memorial Sick Childrens' Hospital, London. Members ex- changed gifts during a social hour, and a Christmas lunch was served, Christmas treats were delivered to shut in members of this lodge by members. CORRECTION In the report of the annual Meeting of the Hensall associa- tion of Girl Guides and Brownies, it was reported that Mrs. E. Rowe was appointed District Commissioner for 1967. This was in error, it should read Mrs. Rowe was appointed chairman of the local association. ....Come in for a FREE demonstration WILSON'S DRUG STORE 'Henson Phone 262-2019 Pe we ore we wewe Wewe W4twv*wva WOlovalsi.ti-Welve wAS 4224We tWei WieWe'w,e We we We We t*filsonilaNs Wti•We co,d'We Wecwti we-wc,t:Mr HENSALL TV AND APPLIANCES Sales & Service 262-2933 4,tiawitvAi.vo• Henson Se to $1. The Friendly Store *AVM C;i41W410941 WOWt4 AnilaMIWWWWW.47kW,4tAMAVA"WiAIVI4Wia T. C. JOYNT TAKE ORE Of YON 111,11$ 116 King St, & Son 262- 2119 AN AttVelgeigeWeltileigelgeWieroile.WneviteWie WeWerWeWeWeWevite WletWeWe Wte WeWe Wif This Coupon is worth $1" on each purchase of 10.00 and over T. C. Joynt & Son Christmas Shop this at HENSALL 120 King St. HENSALL 262-2016 AMMINVESMIZZOVIMONMSfirotIVIMMUWAMM. Christmas Special J. Bonthron & Son CHESTERFIELD SUITES up to 40% discount THIS COUPON WORTH $1 00 on each purchase of $10.00 Except CheSterfiercis SMART GLOVES. Warmth in leather style for his bands at JoyM's. 3 A I J. BONTHR014 & SON PYJAMAS . 4 The new- est styles, warm and corn• fortabie at Joyrit's, SPORTSHIRTS . bright colored leisure, indoors or outo at Joynt's. SWgATERS . Styled lit Mohair for good looks and long wear at Joynt's. HAT GIFT CERTIFICATES weke,044Nize.htt,0,thastiio•NoN10:,:oPrioeiloe,k$rktaNiaN:5NOVagikANio4N45e0SVO•eist ,wameateiaileiteimailetiaii,totit44040.eirawar*4040144.14i*itif ti.w4iNe4*40friia,wrot, Deliver parcels to area shut-ins Forty Christmas packages were packed and delivered Thursday, December 8 by the friendship and visitation com- mittee of lieneall United Church for the shut-ins of the congrega- tion. Committee in charge of the project included Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson (convener), Mrs. liar- vey Keys, Mrs, J, Ferguson, Mrs. R, J. Drysdale, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. I,.orne Hay, Mrs. Wm. Clement. Mr, V. M. Pyette, CNIB cam- paign chairman for Hensell and district, has announced that $392.15 has been received to date. Arnold ladies to treat kids The Christmas meeting of the Arnold Circle Dec. 12 was cel- ebrated by candlelight, withpoin- settias, bells and stars and Christmas hymns played in the background, A manger scene with Mrs, AL Hoggarth as Joseph, Mrs. R. Vanstone as Mary and Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. S. Bell and Pauline, the Three Wise Men presented a skit. The worship period "Come to Christmas" was conducted by Mrs. Boggarth and Mrs. Van- stone. p resident Mrs. Bob Bell chaired the meeting for the business and called on all mem- bers to help fill the Christmas bags with home made candy this Dec. 18 when the Sunday School will present a white gift service at 11 o'clock in the church aud- itorium. Decorating for the coming Christmas season in the church will be in charge of Mrs. J. Baker, M r s. H. Bonthron, Mrs. G. Schwalm and Mrs. H. Campbell. fl A A 4 ti THE WORLD'S MOST WANTED COLOUR SLIDE CAMERA (fully automatic, of course) UNDER $65.00 Men's billfolds, gloves, ties, Ladies' lingerie, jewelry, china, sewing baskets. Table centres. Girls' blouses, sweaters, novelties and cosmetics. Boys' shirts, ties, cuff links, books and games. Free One 40 inch hockey stick with each $5.00 purchase