The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-12-15, Page 3One of last planes take off
This CF-100 is one of the last airplanes to leave CFB Centralia
-- and it did so in an unusual manner, Friday, It went out the front
gates and all the way to Lambeth behind a gravel truck. The stripped
down craft, which served as a “decoration" at Centralia, was bought
by the Lambeth Legion for $350. They plan to use It as a monument.
--T-A photo
Water, water, everywhere
The heavy rains of last week presented some problems to travellers on a few country roads in the area.
The above picture shows the flooded condition of the side road in Stephen township between concessions
four and six, a mile and a quarter north of the Crediton road. --T-A photo
Pay respects to Judge
Large crowd at funeral
Brewers Retail
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Your gardening friends will
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Where to Buy, How to Plant,
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Single Copies 50
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Year Round Rose Lore
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Offered help to better relations Times-Advacate, December 15, 1966
peg. :3.
Board won't be`punished'
As each deposit is sent
in by mail, we send you
a stamped, special en-
velope for your next de-
425 Main St. Exeter
Men's club
instal slate
It was installation of officers
at the AOTS meeting in James
St. United Church Monday even-
ing. President Jim McDougall,
of the Fullarton club, and his
officers, conducted the instal-
Percy McFalls conducted the
devotions after the supper at
7 pm. Mr. D. Martin sang a
solo and Alfred Aquilina played
several selections on his ac-
Carfrey Cann and Percy Mc-
Falls will have charge of the
courtesy car during January.
Plans for a centennial ser-
vice early in January are under
Police seeking
district cattle
Members of the Exeter OPP
detachment are investigating the
disappearance of three cattle
from the Usborne Township grass
farm of Francis Anderson, RR 1
Science Hill.
The farm is located on the sixth
concession of Usborne Township.
Two of the cattle are Holstein-
Durham, black in color and weigh
about 700 pounds. The other is a
red Durham weighing approxi-
mately 600 pounds. All three are
two years old.
They have been missing for
some time and anyone who may
have information to their
whereabouts is asked to contact
the Exeter OPP.
Rural Learners
mark Christmas
Fairfield Rural Learners held
their annual Chr istm as party
Monday night in Crediton Com-
munity Hall, with Mrs. Earl Haist
as chairman.
Christmas carols were sung
with Wendy Neil as pianist. Wendy
and Brenda played a piano duet,
and a folk song was given by
Allan Powe with his sister Marie
accompanying him. R e ad ings
were given by Marie Powe, Mrs.
Elmer Powe, and Mrs. Earl
Haist. A contest was conducted
by Mrs. Maurice Heist and Wendy
Neil and Marie Powe presented
a musical skit in costume.
The rest of the evening was
spent in playing lost heir and
euchre. Lunch was served.
The next meeting will be held
January 9 at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Powe.
Mrs. Phil Hern, Kathy and Jan-
et, Phyllis Taylor, Karen Kers-
lake, Joan Lynn and Barbara Gil-
fillan attended Achievement Day
Saturday at SHDHS.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters and
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hern attended
the Grand Masters' banquet Fri-
day night at the Legion Hall in
Mrs. John Hutton and Mrs.
Jessie Cousland and Lawrence
of Listowel visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Den-
nis and Dianne.
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fulton, Ste-
phen and Paul of Stratford visited
Saturday evening with Mr. &
Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and
Thank You
I wish to express my
thanks to the Hay Town-
ship voters who cast
their ballots for me in
the recent election.
Joe Hoffman
J udiciar y representatives,
solicitors, Huron County officials
and law enforcement bodies paid
final respects Wednesday to
Judge Frank Fingland, former
judge of Huron County.
The funeral service was held
at Wesley-Willis United Church.
Judge Fingland died at his home
in Clinton on Sunday, December
4 at the age of 72.
Rev. A.J,Mowatt, D.D., min-
ister of the church, described
the judge as a "man who obtained
without seeking it, an impressive
weight among his fellow men
because of the strength of his
forceful character — a charac-
ter which never coveted ease,
but deliberately chose the steep
and rugged path where duty led
the way and useless luxuries
dared not invade."
Honorary pallbearers wer e
Mr. Justice Frank Donnelly and
Mr. Justice Campbell Grant, both
of Toronto and formerly of God-
erich and Walkerton respectiv-
ely; Judge A.R. Willmott, Toron-
to, Chief Judge of the County
GB nominate
— Continued from front page
Monday meeting had been called
to fill the vacancy on the Stephen
Township School board brought
about by the retirement of W. F.B.
He had been nominated at t h e
first nomination but did not
Nominated Monday night were
Melvin Douglas and James Con-
nelly, and it appeared as though
the resort electors would have
to go to the polls for the second
time this month also.
However, Connelly decided not
to force the election and did
not qualify. He had been defeated
in an election last Monday for
one of the four council seats.
Courts in Ontario; Perth County
Judge Harold D. Lang, Stratford;
Huron County Judge R.S. Heth-
erington, Wingham; Bruce County
Bean men
help OFU
White bean gowers in Huron
and Perth counties called on
their marketing board to give
financial assistance to the On-
tario Farmers' Union Monday
during the growers' annual dis-
trict meeting in Zurich.
The Ontario Bean Producers'
Marketing Board now gives about
$750 annually to the Ontario Fed-
eration of Agriculture, normally
regarded as the largest farm
organization in Ontario.
The meeting asked that the
same amount be given to the
OFU, a growing farm group that
has become recognized as a rival
to the older federation.
One grower tried to have the
OFA annual grant discontinued
altogether in favor of the $750
going to the farmers' union but
his motion was ruled out of
Growers also asked the mar-
keting board to study establish-
ment of an agency-type marketing
plan whereby it would handle
100 per cent of the crop sim-
ilar to the hog and tobacco boards.
The bean board now handles only
that portion offered to it by
private dealers as surplus sim-
ilar to the wheat board's op-
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ellerington,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
family and William Wright spent
the weekend in Chatham visiting
Judge Stuart MacKenzie, Walker-
ton; Peel County Judge E.W.
Grant, Brampton; Lambton Coun-
ty Judge Roland Carscallen,
Sarnia; Huron County Magistrate
Glenn Hays, Goderich; Huron
County Crown Attorney, William
G. Cochrane, Goderich; Goderich
Police Chief, Fred Minshall;
Group Captain Keith Greenaway,
Base Commander, Canadian
Forces Base Clinton; Huron
County Warden Ken Stewart; Ben
Case and Stewart Scott, George-
town; H. M. Montheith, Kitchener;
Elmer A. Bell, Q.C., Exeter;
Patrick McConnell, Q.C., A.Y,
McLean and Dr. J. A. Munn,
all of Seaforth; Ivan Kalbfleisch,
Zurich; Clinton's Mayor, Don
Symons; William Abernathy,
Toronto; Cockburn Hays, Q.C.,
Goderich; Registrar of Huron
County, Harry Ford; Harry Ball,
A. J. McMurray, Art Knight, Fred
Sloman, Garnet Harland, H,C.
Lawson and Morley Counter, all
of Clinton.
Active pallbearers were James
Donnelly, Q,C., J.K. Hunter and
William Prest, all of Goderich;
Beecher Menzies, Clinton; Don-
ald I. Stewart, Seaforth and Ken
Johnston, Clinton.
Flowerbearers were Wilfred
Jervis, Hal Hartley, William
Hearn and William Cook all of
Members of the SHDHS board
were told Tuesday that the on-
tario Teachers' Federation will
probably not do anything that
would jeopardize the board' s
ability to hire teachers because
of their recent action in asking
Principal Douglas Palmer and
Vice-Principal Joseph Wooden
if they would be willing to re-
That information was passed
along by board chairman Ken
Johns and Garnet Hicks, who
last week met with representa-
tives of the Teachers' Federa-
tion who had been asked to visit
the school by Mr. Palmer and
Mr. Wooden.
Hicks said he didn't think the
Federation would "punish the
board" by taking steps that might
make it difficult for them to
hire teachers.
Johns termed the meet ing
"very pleasant" and "helpful",
reporting on some of the sug-
gestions made by the Federa-
He said the representatives
had indicated they would be
pleased to meet with the board
in the new year to acquaint them
with proper procedures regard-
ing relationships between the
board and the staff,
The Federation recommended
the board use caution in dis-
cussion of board affairs where
matters of confidence are in-
Hicks explained further that
they had been told that if a teach-
er could not present matters to
the board by means of the Vice-
Principal or Principal, the teach-
er should take the matter up
with the Federation.
Many chuckles were heard
when Johns reported the Federa-
tion representatives had noted
there cis no substitute for good
public relations".
No sooner had Hicks finished
his last comment, than one mem-
ber wanted to know if he was
“all through?"
They then quickly delved into
discussion of a party, which at-
tracted mach more Interest from
— Continued from front page
Davis was fined $30 on the un-
necessary noise charge and $25
for speeding.
In other traffic charges heard:
William T. Murch, Clinton, was
fined $20 and costs for following
another vehicle too closely.
Murch had been driving a school
bus and rammed into the rear of
a car making a turn off High-
way 4 in the Hensall area on
November 15.
William A. Siebert, Zurich,
was fined $5 for improper park-
Joseph Regier, RR 3 Dash-
wood, was fined $35 and costs
for travelling at a speed of 90
in a 60 m.p.h. zone on Dec-
ember 3.
Elgin Kipfer, Zurich, was fined
$5 for improper parking.
Rev. J. E. Kelly, Clinton paid
$10 for attaining a speed of 45 in
a 30 zone.
Andrew C. Anderson, Dash-
wood, and Augustus J. Barth,
London, were each fined $10 for
exceeding the speed limit by 10
miles per hour.
A form,er Exeter resident, Bill
Chambers, has been elected pre-
sident of the Clinton Legion.
Chambers was fire chief in Ex-
eter prior to joining the fire brig-
ade at CFB Clinton
most members and took up more
During the Tuesday meeting,
members voted to go into corn-
mittee-of-the-whole and Prin-
cipal Douglas Palmer, Business
Administrator W, D. Burton and
the press were excluded from
the sessions.
As usual, the board failed to
follow the generally accepted
rules for the conduct of meet-
ings. They didn't Indicate what
topic the committee-of-the-
whole would discuss, nor did they
appoint a new chairman to pre-
side for the closed session.
When the meeting was opened
again, they made no report from
the committee-of-the-whole to
the regular meeting.
It is not known whether they
were discussing their r ec ent
problems or whether they were
tackling some new ones.
The only other mention of the
recent problem at the school
was contained In the report of
Principal Douglas Palmer. He
said the publicity of the problem
between the board, Principal and
Vice-Principal did affect the staff
and students initially, but by De-
cember 5 a normal t ea c hi ng
situation was restored.
"With the difficulties created
by the addition to the school the
students have enough problems
without any more being added,"
Mr. Palmer stated. trl sincerely
Five receive
more money
Five more winners have claim-
ed their prizes in the Exeter
Board of Trade Christmas pro-
Mrs. Jack Taylor, RR 3 Ex-
eter, won one of the $25 prizes,
while three Exeter residents
picked up $5 each, They were
Mrs. Cliff McDonald, Mrs. Glenn
Robinson and Mlss Minnie Hern.
Another winner was Mrs. D.
W. Dunkerley of CFB Centralia,
The winning tickets drawn last
Saturday appear in this issue.
Draws will be held on the next two
weekends with the final draw on
Christmas eve including a jack-
pot of $250.
A total of $525 will be given
away in the promotion.
Hay paid
for project
The centennial project of the
township of Hay has been com-
Council learned at their latest
meeting that grants totalling $4,-
004.00 had been received from
the two levels of government to
aid financing of the $6,000 picnic
The pavillion is located on a
two acre site near the lake-
shore, a mile and a quarter south
of St.4oseph.
In other business, council:
Accepted a petition from own-
ers situated in the watershed of
the Wildfong Drain to have re-
pair and clean-out work done.
Township drainage engineer C.
P. Corbett of Lucan was appoint-
ed to do the necessary survey
work. This work is to be carried
out on the drain located at the
easterly end of the township.
hope that our academic results
are not further affected by this
Other information in his re-
The school raised $57,12 for
the Poppy Fund and staged a
Remembrance Day service,
Reports have been distributed
to the students and the results
were termed "average", •$We
are hopeful that some students
Will do much better by the mid-
term repOrt after seeing their
first report,"
A Wrge number attended Par-
ents' Night.
School enrolment has dropped
to 748 and another 117 are at-
tending classes at Clinton,
Night school enrolment has
dropped from 131 to 116,
No Service