HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-17, Page 16ANGLICAN Two Cubs Ken Lawrence and Sandy Leckie received their membership button for The Lea- gue of Loyalty at the Sunday ser- vice. The new organist, Mr. Ron- ald Alderton led the Jr, Choir in an anthem at the 11 o'clock church s ervice. UNITED The General UCW meeting was held in the schoolroom Thurs- day evening, with president, Mrs. Chas. Sovereign in the chair. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. E mer son Stanley, the theme being tO3rotherhood". A report was made of the executive meeting, where plans for the evening bazaar Dec. 2, had been made, Mrs. Wm. Froats reported on the work of the Explorers and Mrs. Murray Hodgins reported on the CGIT. A tape recording was heard of "Peggy Way and Women Folk". HI C Sunday evening, 21 members of the Lucan-Clandeboye HI-C met with Linda Smith chairing the meeting and Dale Froats, Grace Smith and Nancy Park leading in the worship service. It was reported the paper and bottle drive netted $29 for the support of the branch's orphan. It was decided to sell church cal- endars this year. A pot-luck supper was planned 50-Lb. 39 Bag ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE RED FRANKLIN APPLES 2' 79c ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE RED DELICIOUS APPLES sag,69g ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE 45g GLEN NEVIN To reside in district Page 18 November 17, 1.966 Quick work saves barn Lucan Baskets of bronze and gold mums formed the setting in the Blessed Sacrament Church, Lon- don at 1 pm Saturday, October 22, when Miss Jean Nanette Beattie and Joseph Francis Mcllhargey exchanged wedding vows and rings, with the Rev, T, J. Saigeon officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beattie of RI2 3 Ailsa Craig and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, William IVIc.Ilhargey, of RR 3 Lucan. Given in marriage by her , fath- er, the bride chose a floor-length formal gown of French crepe / featuring lily-point sleeves and scoop neckline, Chantilly lace ac- cented the empire style waist- line and also outlined the de- tachable cathedral train. A rose bud headpiece, held her four tier scalloped waist-length veil and she carried cascade of yellow roses, stephanotis, entwined with ivy, Miss Kathleen McIlhargey of London, sister of the groom, as maid of honor and Miss Mona Schade of Zurich as bridesinaid were gowned alike infloor-length emerald green peau de sole, The empir e-styled waist-I i n e and puritan sleeves were accented by chantilly lace. They wore green velvet bow and net headpieces and carried yellow and orange Delight roses, Mr. James Dewan of London was best man and Mr. Pat Mor- kin and Mr. Bill Beattie (brother of the bride) were ushers. Miss Kay Gordon of London, provided traditional wedding mu- sic and accompanied Miss Bon- and district news nie Watson of HR 2 Ailsa Craig, as soloist, who sang the "Wed- ding Prayer" and "'Ave Marla'', At a dinner and reception held in the Lucan Legion Ball, the bride's mother received in a street-length two-piece Sapphire blue puckered silk ensemble, with beige feather hat and accessories and pink rose corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who chose a street-length cocoa beige lace gown, with two toned brown feather hat and acces- sories and yellow rose corsage. For a honeymoon trip through Ontario, the bride changed to a navy and white two-piece suit with pink feather hat and gloves, blue accessories and pink and white carnation corsage, The couple will make their home at RR 3 Lucan. ti Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott A farm pond and the speedy work of Lucan firemen and neigh-, bors of Jac VanGeel's are credit- ed with saving the latter's barn When fire broke out Ina hay mow, Monday. A member of the VanGeelfam- ily noticed smoke coming out of the barn about 400 p.m, and investigation determined that the hay mow was smouldering at a depth of about five feet. After the Lucan Fire Depart- ment were called, the VanGeel family and neighbors managed to clear the barn of 100 head of cattle and some 30 sows. The firemen used up their tank of water quickly in fighting the fire and then hooked into the farm pond and were thereby able to get enough water to douse the blaze. Damage was estimated at a- bout $1,000 to $1,500 by Mr. VanGeel. Much of that was water damage to about 00 tons of hay and feed, The VanGeel farm is located about one and a half miles north of Lucan. Cause of the blaze has not been determined exactly, but it is be- lieved it may have been caused by mice gnewingon electric wires and causing a short circuit. Phone 227,4255. School students remember dead In the Lucan public School a Remembrance Day assembly was held Thursday. Brenda Cook, Pat Holland, Esther Elzenga , Randy Kraal', Ricky Millman, Tim Stutt, Jeff Hermeston and June Donald- son read "Sentences of Remem- brance" and Patty Wright gave the "P rayer of Dedication", Class choral readings were also given. In the Biddulph Central school auditorium, David Garrett pre- sided for the Remembrance Day service. The Scripture was read by Janis Westman and choral readings by Grades 4 and 5, Music was directed by Mrs. Ivan Hearn. Wreaths were laid by David Smith and Billy Henderson. The guest speaker was Mr. J. W. Smith of Lucan, a past Legion president. . . . photo by Kumano MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH FRANCIS McILHARGEY Former leader feted by Cube Last Friday evening, 24 cubs and one scout were present at the cub meeting to do honor to former Cubmaster W, C, Moody. Senior sixer, Billy Goddard pre- sented Mr. Moody with a desk set and thanked him on behalf of the other cubs for his years of service as Cubmaster. Mr. Moody thanked the boys but said he needed no gift to remind him of the happy times he spent with them. Another guest was Mr. George Rueger of Alice St. Mr. Rueger had a rope for each boy and gave them their first lesson in knot- tying. He promised further les- sons when his work permitted him to attend. Two more boys were invested, Ricky Millman and Dannie Leckie and there was one new member, Albert Thompson, who trans- ferred from the Grand Bend pack. Bob Hughes "At. iliagic" —Professional Magician for Children and Adults— You can make your banquet or party an outstand- ing success by entertaining your guests with some of the finest magic from around the world, A Full Half Hour of * Fun * Colour * Mystery * Surprise BOOKING NOW -- CALL LONDON 438-6058 treasurer, Mrs, Ambrose Karla- ina. One Lucan member lost nine pounds during the week and wore a crown all evening, two lost five pounds each and one four and one- half pounds. TOPS ELECT OFFICERS At a meeting of the Lucan TOPS Club held at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hockey, officers were elected. Leader is Mrs. Eldon Hopps; co-leader, Mrs. Wayne Hockey; secretary, Mrs. Harry Bond Sr.; ••••••••••••••••••••• . . . photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. ROBERT E. HODGINS Friends shower bride with gifts Miss Betty Ann Young whose marriage to Harry J ohn Manders, took place in St. Patrick's Church Lucan, at 12 noon Saturday, No- vember 12, was honored with two prenuptial miscellaneous show- ers. The first was sponsored by Mrs. Joe Manders for St. Patrick Church friends and held in the old school. Mrs. Allan Hutcheson, Joan and Mary Margaret Young assisted the bride-elect open her many gifts. The evening was then spent playing bingo. The second shower was spon- sored by Mrs. David Varey and Miss Nancy Haskett and held in the home of Mrs. Jack Lankin. Mrs. Allan Hutcheson, and Miss Joan Young assisted their sister open her gifts. Winners of three games were Mary Margaret Young, Mrs. Al- lan Scott and Mrs. Don Lankin, Following the rehearsal Friday evening the bride's mother enter- tained the bridal party. Area couple married SAVE 28c SHIRLEY GAY sang, "0 Perfect Love" and "The Wedding Blessing". At a reception and dinner held in the church schoolroom the bride's mother received in a two piece red and gold brocade sheath, black accessories and white gardenia corsage, She was assisted by the groom's mother in a sky blue brocade sheath, matching hat, black accessories and pink gardenia corsage. Just as the guests were about to eat, the power went off and remained off for some twenty minutes. The candelabra were brought down from the church and made an unique setting for a candlelight meal, following which all went to tne Legion Hall for an evening of dancing. For a honeymoon trip to sou- thern United States, the bride changed to a mink-trimmed, al- mond beige wool bouche suit, mink pill-box hat, brown acces- sories and brown c ymbidium orchid corsage. The young couple will make their home at RR 1 Clandeboye. The bride is an employee of The London Free Press. PARENTS NIGHT Principal Fred Berdan reports the staff members were very pleased with the '75 to 80 percent attendance at the Parents' Night meeting, last Monday evening. Baskets of royal blue gladioli, white mums and ferns and a continuous line of lighted candle- abra extending the length of the sanctuary formed a picturesque setting in the Lucan United Church at 4 pm Saturday, No- vember 5, when Dorothy Patricia Sovereign and Robert Emanuel Hodgins exchanged marriage vows and rings, with the pastor, the Rev. G. \V. Sach officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Earl Sov- ereign of Princess St. Lucan and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hodgins of RR 1 Clan- deboye. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor- length, empire-styled sheath gown of white velvet, featuring elbow-length sleeves and round neckline. A chapel train cascaded from a rear shoulder bow. A crystal and seed pearl headpiece held her shoulder-length veil of French illusion. She carried a cascade of white orchids and stephanotis with royal blue leaves. Mrs. Thomas Sharpe of London, sister of the bride, as matron of honor and Miss Barbara McCon- nell of London, and Mrs. Jerry Noyes of RR 2 Denfield, as bridesmaids were gowned alike in floor-length, royal blue em- pire-styled velvet gowns with light blue net headpieces. They carried white muffs adorned with white orchids and blue leaves. Mr. Jerry Noyes of RR 2 Denfield was best man and Mr. Torn Sharpe and Mr. Carl Turner were ushers. Mrs. G. W. Sach provided tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Mrs. Harry Bond of RR 2 London who TOP VALU EVAPORATED HOT DOG OR HAMBURG BUNS MILK 16T-7roxs. 88' ST. WILLIAMS (WITH PECTIN) RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM 2 24-oz. 8 8C Jars TOP VALU CHOICE BARTLETT C Pears Ti 2 20-ns 69'. - PKGS. OF 8 PILLSBURY (Asst'd Flavours) 2 v 12- nn o Cake Mixes --.05 Pkgs. GRANULATED FINE White Sugar 1::. 750 TULIP PARCHMENT p1;:gb;, 88 * Margarine 3 BIG 'G' (ASST'D) 2 8 1/2 .1 Cereals Pkgs 69' . FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOUR Bog 79* DEL MONTE FANCY GREEN PEAS • • 588' 15- Tins oz. AJAX HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT t:t 880 Pkg. TOP VALU • 88 3-1b. Box 4 1-Pint 880 Bricks KADANA SWIFT FROZEN Meat Pies 3 8,-,7s. 88' POWDERED MILK • 6 Javex Liquid 6 4-oz.880 BLEACH I Plastic Ctners. • TOP YALU • Turkey • Chicken • Beef or • Bee( and Kidney CREAM ASSORTED FLAVOURS r CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I. POTATOES Tea Bags .,13 7(10 69' D iTtliiaTE FANCY TYLE CORN 5 15-oz. 080 Tins SAVE 8c Top Valu Bean 1•1b• COFFEE Bag Wr00000000000(10000000PON19,1 CUP PHIS VAIUNILI COUPON 1Y HARDY RAILING CO. Top Valu Complete Mobile Service Ornamental Railings TV Towers Antenna Service Welding 11 CLIP so IRIS VALUAULI COUPON AJOH000000000J000000001.10 for Dec. 11. Invitations will be sent to Ailsa Craig, Centralia and Granton. — ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 16-19 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES — JIM HARDY ANNUAL VISITATION Sunday was Visitation Sunday. The UCW served lunch to the 20 men chosen to go out in groups of two to call on all the members of the church. 6-9 LB. SIZE 227.4439 LUCAN FRESH (ICE PACKED) BROILER nnouncing the Opening of NEVIN MOTORS Ib• FRESH OVEN READY ROASTING CHICKENS WHERE LOW OVERHEAD MAKES THE PRICE RIGHT FOR YOU 3Y2-4 1/2 lb, Site Lb, • 4 N lb. 43' 45' Lb 59' • • 4 • THE TURKEY WITH A HANDLE TURKEYS 8-11-13.LB. FRESHEN CUT bNiCl<EN OR '''''' . TOP VALU FROZEN CHICKEN IN THE BASKET . TS Get our Low overhead price on a Pontiac Buick — Acadian GMC Trucks and Goodwill Used Cars Luton 227-4245 Exeter, Lucan DARLING'S IGA BETTY St ART'S IGA Grand Bend SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES