HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-17, Page 7MAKE THAT STEAMED CARROT PUDDING FOR CHRISTMAS NOW Gilts for AU 'ailkt lat101::Niz?.tittFAtaili.isPieet«VM<IaNctvgrocnitomP BUY NOW Electric razors • Heating pads Billfolds • Brush, comb and mirror sets. Brut • Old Spice • Citation sets for men. Du Barry • Chanel • Faberge for ladies. Ladies Home Beauty Razors 24.95 set Get your Christmas Shopping Coupons here. MIDDLETON Drugs § 1 ...,.....„..., PHONE 235-1570 EXETER 3 ladies to donate Cromarty service held for graduate Whalen By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WFIALEN The U.C.W. of Whalen church met last Wednesday at Mrs. Ham- ilton Hodgin's home with ten answering the roll call. Mrs. Hodgins and Mrs. Duffield were hostesses. Mrs. McLeod Mills reported on the sectional meeting held at Elimville church October 28. The nominating committee hand- ed in their list of officers for the coming year and they were accepted and will be installed at the December meeting. Members are asked to bring fruit, eggs and a gift at next meeting which will be sent to the Thas. Allway Home, London for Christmas. White Gift Sunday will be Dec- ember 18. Donations will go to Overseas Relief Fund. Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Pullman gave readings. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley spent the week end at Tober- rnory. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Gwen were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Scott, Parkhill. Mrs. 0. E. Webb and Miss Grace Lindsay, Granton were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. John Massey, St. Marys, spent a few days during last week with Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire. Jimmy Hodgins attended award Night at Mitchell, Thursday even- ing and was presented with a trophy for obtaining the highest points on Achievement Day in the Beef Club. Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman Visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Sam Giles, Science Hill. Mrs. Myrtle Shorthill and Miss Cora Nuttycomb, London were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baillie. Miss Sylvia Elligson and Mr. Jim Foster, Stratford spent the week end with Mr. & Mrs. La- verne Morley. Mesdames Gordon Johnson, Alton Neil, McLeod Mills, Hamil- ton Hodgins, Cleve Pullman, Jos. Wheliham, Jas O'Shea, and Jas Blake attended the Kirkton Hort- icultural Society bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Sat- urday. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Mills and Lynn, Daphne, Saskatchewan are visiting Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills and other relatives for a few weeks. Joan Hodgins and Ann Harlton were hostesses for a miscellan- eous shower in honor of Willa Harlton, bride elect of Saturday, at Glendale School, Friday even- ing. Mr, & Mrs. Ken Hodgson and Brian were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Birtch, St. This season's carrot crop has been an exceptionally fine one. Carrots will remain one of our best buys for sometime to come. STEAMED CARROT PUDDING This carrot pudding can be made to serve 8 to 10 people for $1.30, 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 1/2 tp baking soda 1 1/2 cups sugar (half dark brown and half granulated) 3 /4 tp salt 1 tp cloves 1 tp cinnamon 1 tp nutmeg 3 tbl butter 3 eggs well beaten 1 1/2 cups grated raw carrot 1 1/2 cups grated raw potato 1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1 cup seeded raisins 1 cup currants 1 cup dates Sift flour, soda, salt and spices. $tir butter into eggs in large Mrs. A. Shakalmins, Detroit, op- era singer, and sister of Mrs. Beitans took part in the concert. Jackie Finkbeiner spent the week end with Carole Foster. Mrs. Norman Hodgins, Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Gwen attend- ed the St. Pauls Anglican church Bazaar, Kirkton, Thursday. bowl, Stir in flour mixture and remaining Ingredients. Mix well, Turn into a prepared mold, cover securely with aluminum foil. Put In steamer or place on a trivet in a large, deep kettle; add enough boiling water to come halfway up side of mold. Simmer with cover on 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Remove from kettle and cool to lukewarm: remove from mold. Cock completely. Wrap in alum- inum foil. To serve, unwrap pudding, steam 30 minutes or until heated through. Serve with hard sauce. SPECIAL MEAT LOAF Have you used carrots in meat loaf? They make a loaf quite special. This recipe calls for 4 pounds of ground meat—any combination. We heard James Beard in one of his TV cooking demonstrations say he liked a mixture of three kinds of meat in making a loaf. Pork gave the loaf moisture and lightness, veal lent its gelatinous qualities to make the meat combine well and beef gave it "stability and solid- ity," 4 lbs ground meat, any com- bination 1 small onion 2 cups carrots 2 cups bread crumbs 3 eggs 1 tp pepper 1 tbl salt 1 cup chili sauce 1 cup milk Sage if desired. Put onion and carrots through the grinder. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Bake in a moderate oven, 32$ to 350 de- grees for 1 1/g hours. Cover for the first part of baking time and spread with Piquant Sauce for the remainder of baking time, PIQUANT SAUCE 3 tbl brown sugar 1/4 cup catsup 1/4 tp nutmeg 1 tp dry mustard Mix together and spread over meat loaf, t5y MRS. KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY CGIT graduation service for Bonnie Kerslake was held in Cromarty church Sunday after- noon with CGIT group and WMS members attending. PERSONALS Cromarty and Staffa ladies were well represented at the Thames Road United church ba- zaar which was held last Wed- nesday afternoon. Assisting with the program preceding the sale of goods were, Mrs. Alex Gardi- ner, Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Mrs. Cliff Miller and Mrs. Gerald Carey who sang a double duet, with Mrs, K. McKellar as ac- companist. Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGhee and family of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker, Mrs. Carol Kennedy, Trevis and Gavin and Miss Ondre Ken- nedy of Toronto visited with Mr. & Mrs. M. Lanirnond recently. Mrs, J. R, Jefferson spent Sat- urday at 'the Royal Winter Fair with members of Kirkton cultural Society who went on their annual bus trip. Mr. .& Mrs. K. McKellar visited Please turn to page 10 Install a (Skuitte diumnatie POWER HUMIDIFIER it makes Indoor Air Outdoor Fresh FREE ESTIMATES CUDMORE HEATING 373 Main St., Exeter 235-0487 Gather fruit, eggs, gifts Thomas. They also visited with Mrs . Hodgson's father M r. Campbell Birtch, who is a pa- tient at St. Thomas Elgin Mem- orial Hospital. Edgewood Jr. Farmers met at the home of Grant and Allen Hodgins, Tuesday evening. Mr. & Mrs, Norman Hodgins, Allen and Mr. Percy Hodgins attended a farewell party at St. Pauls Anglican church Kirkton, Friday evening for Rev. Lyle Bennett, Mrs. Bennett, Tom and Bob on their departure from Kirkton December 1st. During the evening Rev, and Mrs. Ben- nett, Tom and Bob were pre- sented with gifts. Gordon Hodgins is attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn were guests on Saturday at Open House and dinner at Pine Crest Inn on the occasion of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Foster, St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Beitans and family were in Toronto Sun- day for the 15th anniversary of the Latvian by-weeklynewspaper. 111 Health? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Times-Advocate, November 17, 1966 For children of all ages CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 4( CORNINGWARE Gift Sets $15.88 BEATTY APPLIANCES FISHER'S HARDWARE G.E. HOUSHOLD APPLIANCES& pp Christmas Draw Coupons 391 Main St. Exeter 235-2190 =2Nizt,,e= ;44:* ;g2 ,51:45 A WHALE of a SALE from Tulip Margarine 3 lb. Family Pack Tenderflake Lard 1 lb. Prints Cheddar Cheese SpreadmapleLea, Maple Leaf Canned Ham T%Zlb.tin$7.69 Snowflake Shortening 790 21/2 lb. Plastic Maple Leaf Cheese Slices 8 oz. Pkg.3/1.00 Chum Dog Food Gi°nvsei=" case'05f7..t±;s5.159/1.00 Lean Meaty Spareribs lb. 590 Minced Ham lb. Cottage Rolls Sweet Pickled Turkey Broilers Fresh Grade 'A' Cryovac 1/2 's lb. 5 90 6 — 8 lb. average lb. 430 590 (bulk pock) lb. 690 . B reakfast Bacon swee, Smoked Rindless 890 T Bone Steaks lb. OPEN FRIDAY NITES UNTIL 9 P.M. FROZEN FOODS Haddock Fish and Chips High,. 24 oz. Clover Cream Ice Cream %z gallon 3 - 1 lb. Prints 870 2/490 16..490 590 890 Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon,. tm570 490 990 330 490 2 /6 90 Nestle's Quik Nescafe Instant Coffee Pouch Pak Cake Mixes Shirriffs Marmalade Drink Del Monte Pineapple- Grapefruit 1 1/1 lb. Bonus Pack Good Morning Monarch 48 oz. tin tin 6 oz. Jar 24 oz. Jar 2 Pkgs. H ot Chocolate Mother Parkers 2 lb. Bag ABC Laundry Detergent Peanut Butter Club House PEI Potatoes Florida Grapefruit Imported Green Onions U.S. No., White creamy smooth 4 lb. or Pink 25 lb. Makes 32 Cups 790 Heavy Duty Blue 59 0 Giant Size 96s jar 2 bunches 770 $1.39 890 10f.690 Carrots 3 lb. Poly Bag 190 A st SUPERIOR) Food Market Limited xeter Phone 235-0212