HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-17, Page 6Present testaments to local nursing staff
The Ladies Auxiliary of the South Huron Gideons presented testaments to students in the South Huron
Hospital Registered Nurses Assistants Course, Thursday, Shown from the left: Miss B. Nagle, Miss M.
Edwards, Mrs. Morley Hall, who made the presentation, Miss B. Ducharme, Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, pre-
sident of the Gideon Auxiliary. T-A photo
Woman from Zurich area
installed as OES matron
• qs.
. . . photo by McDowell
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rediton pair celebrate
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Page Times.Advocate, November 17, 1966
Gideon's Auxiliary
present testaments log. Mr. Gerald Smith, who oper-
ates a barber shop in Exeter,
is their son.
Mr, and Mrs, Smith received
messages of congratulation from
Cudmore, after which refresh-
ments were served by the Gideon
Auxiliary. Mrs. F,va Burns thank-
ed the ladies for the entertain-
ment and gifts.
Mr. and Mrs,. William li.Smith
were married fifty years ago at
Pigeon, Michigan, in the home of
the bride, Miss Ida Welker.
There were 175 guests at the twi-
light ceremony with Miss Idella
Smith and Mr. Clayton Sims, the
attendants. The bridal party tra-
velled to Centralia by train, and
from. Centralia to Crediton by
Mr. Smith was a thresher for
thirty-five years and well known
throughout the community, In
195$ he sold his steam engine to
Hugh Adams of Kitchener. Each
year Mr. Adams displays the ma-
chine at the threshers' reunion,
Blyth, and in the Kitchener Santa
Claus parade. Later Mr. Smith
was an auctioneer of note, and
an employee Of RCAF Station
Centralia, Mrs. Smith was a
member of the EUB Church choir
for more than fifteen years, and
made friends throughout the com-
munity by her work in dressmak-
the Hori.J.RObarts and the Hon,
C. S. macNaught011, cards from a
host of friends and many beauti-
ful gifts including a golden purse
of money.
The ladies auxiliary of South
Huron. Gideon Camp, presented
eleven testaments to the RNA
graduating class of South Huron
Hospital Thursday evening in the
auxiliary rooms at the hospital.
Mrs. J. Delbridge, instructress,
Mrs. J. Meikle and Miss Dorena
Esecoses were guests.
The president Mrs, Edgar Cud-
more, after a brief address,
presided for a program. The
Scripture was read by Mrs. Earl
Desch of Zurich and Mrs. Mina
Talbot, c h ap lain, Hayfield ad-
dressed the class. The prayer
Of dedication was given by Mrs.
John Thompson of Seaforth. The
Testaments were presented to the
class by Mrs. Morley Hall, Ex-
eter and Mrs. John Thompson,
Seaforth. Mrs. Don Jolly, Exeter,
favored with a vocal solo, ac-
companied at the piano by Miss
Marion Triebner, Exeter.
A social hour of games and
contests were conducted by Mrs.
Elzar Mousseau and Mrs. Edgar
Mrs. Elgin McKinley was in-
stalled as worthy matron of Ex-
eter Chapter No. 222, Order of
the Eastern Star last Wednesday
evening. Mr. Stanley Love is
H & S hears
area teacher
Mr. Garnet Harland, principal
of J.A.D. McCurdy School, Cen-
tralia was guest speaker at the
meeting of Exeter Home and
School Association held in the
public school Monday evening.
Mr. Harland spoke on "Mod-
ern Mathematics" and stressed
that modern mathematics is the
place value system. He encourag-
ed audience participationthrough
discussion and a math question-
naire. He was introduced by Mr.
A. Idle and thanked by Mrs. B.
Danny Laing favored with vocal
solos accompanied by Mrs. Lyle
Little and Katherine Hall played
a piano solo.
Mrs,, Brine's room won the
parent attendance award. Lunch
was served by Grade 4 mothers.
President Mrs. W. Read con-
ducted the business and announc-
ed that on Monday, November 21
at 8:30 pm at the public school
there will be a special meeting
for all interested parents with
members of the Home and School
Federation at which they will
explain what they are doing for
the youth of Canada.
. . . photo by Jack Doerr
Main St. group
is old-fashioned
The centennial theme was car-
ried out at the meeting last
Monday night of MainStreet UCW
evening unit by members wear-
ing old fashioned dresses and
by using coal oil lamps on the
Worship was led by Mrs, Ar-
nold Mathers. The scripture was
given in the form of a dialogue
by Mrs. Jim Hennessey and Mrs.
Mathers, Mrs. Al Kerr of Lon-
don favored with a solo accom-
panied by Mrs. R. McCaffrey.
Mrs. Wayne Tuckey read a poem
"This Was My Brother." The
program closed with Mrs. Mc-
Caffrey leading an old fashioned
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Concludes talk
by singing solo
The ladies of the WMC of
Exeter Pentecostal Church met
at the home of Mrs. E. Fink-
beiner Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Bruce Cann gave the
message of the afternoon, her
theme being "My Best for
Jesus". She concluded with an
appropriate solo. Mrs. Stuart
Triebner and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer
sang a duet.
Mrs. Milford Prouty gave the
highlights of the missionary con-
vention which was held in Wind-
sor. She also told about the
Alumni Home Going which was
held in Peterborough. There was
a season of prayer.
Mrs. Prouty presided for the
meeting and Mrs. Keith mcLaren
conducted the business.
worthy patron.
Associate Matron is Mrs. Ray
Mills; associate patron, Ray
Mills; secretary, Mrs, William
Middleton; treasurer, Miss Kath-
leen Hay; conductress, Mrs. Ar-
chie Etherington; associate con-
ductress, Mrs. Robert McKinley;
chaplain, Mrs. Garnet Patterson;
marshal, Mrs. Kenneth Parke;
organist, Mrs. Harry Strang;
A.dah, Mrs. Hedley May; Ruth,
Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, Esther, Mrs.
Henry Bierling; Martha, Mrs.
Irvin Playfoot; Electa, Mrs. Earl
Campbell; warder, Mrs. Leonard
Lovell; sentinel, Archie Ether-
The installing board included
installing matron, Mrs. Garnet
Patterson; installing patron, El-
gin McKinley; and Mrs. W. J. F.
Bell, Mrs, Clare McBride, Mrs.
Howard Truemner, Mrs. Rufus
Kestle and Mrs. Earl Campbell.
Assisting were past matrons and
past patrons.
prior to the installation in the
business period a letter was read
...coin South Huron Hospital Board
acknowledging a donation toward
laboratory equipment. A donation
was also made to the current
muscular dystrophy campaign.
Mr. HarryStrang presented
Mrs. Rufus Kestle with her
25 year pin in recognition of 25
years as a member of the Ex-
eter Chapter.
At the close of the installation
Mrs. Margaret Strang and Mr.
Harry Strang were presented with
their past matron's and past pat-
ron's jewels. Boys' Winter Jackets
To reside
Mr. and Mrs. William John
Yule are making their home in
Exeter following their honey-
moon in Nassau, Bahamas. Mr.
and Mrs. yule were married in
James Street United Church with
Rev. S. E. Lewis officiating Sat-
urday, November 5 at 3 pm.
The bride is the former
Willemtje Maria Berends, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Teunis
Berends, Simcoe St., Exeter and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Yule, RR 1
Science Hill, are parents of the
Gold mums, ferns and lighted
candles in candelabra formed
the floral background for the
ceremony. Robert Cam era n,
Hensall, organist of the church,
provided the wedding music and
Sizes 8-18
Wool & plaid
with hood
The Exeter unit of the Fed-
erated Women Teachers Assoc-
iation of Ontario held a supper
meeting in Main Street United
Church last Tuesday evening.
Miss Claudia Griffiths of the
J.A.D. McCurdy School showed
pictures of her recent trip to
Europe, England and Scotland
and commented on the same.
President Mrs. Grace Brine
presided and conducted the bus-
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in Exeter
accompanied the soloists, Mrs.
Darlene Lee and Mrs. Marlene
Mathers, both of Exeter, who
sang The Wedding Prayer and
Bless This House.
Given in marriage by her fath-
er the bride chose a full-length
gown of peau de sole fashioned
with empire waistline, sabrina
neckline, lily point sleeves ac-
cented with lace appliques and
A-line skirt. Her full-1 engt h,
three-tier veil of Chantilly lace
held by a rosebud headpiece.
She carried a cascade bouquet
of white and gold roses inter-
twined with ivy.
Mrs. John Melzer, London,
was matron of honor for her
sister, gowned in turquoise blue
fashioned similarly to the bride's
with a Chantilly lace train. She
carried a nosegay of gold mums
with gold satin ribbon to the hem
of the dress. Bridesmaids were
Miss Mary Simpson, London and
Miss Dorothy Yule, sister of the
groom. They were dressed iden-
tically to the matron of honor.
Best man was John Melzer,
London, and ushering guests were
Case Zeehuisen, Exeter and Wal-
ter Yule, Science Hill.
A reception was held in Elim-
ville Hall where the bride's moth-
er received guests in a deep wine
crepe dress with inter wo ven
black flowers and black acces-
sories. The groom's mother chose
a two-piece suit of emerald green
For travelling the bride donned
a metallic orange dress with
brown simota fur coat and cor-
sage of a green cymbidium or-
Prior to her marriage the
bride was tendered a miscel-
laneous shower in Exeter Legion
Hall for which Mrs. Lloyd Simp-
son, Mrs. Walter Romaniuk, Mrs.
John Melzer, Miss Mary Simp-
son and Miss Sharon Sanders
were hostesses.
Misses Leona Alderson, Lily
Pan, and Bonnie Anderson, Gor-
don Swanson and Gordon Pifher of
Kingsway College, Oshawa spent
the weekend as guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Roy Alderson and Mabel.
As nearly everyone knows,
nail-polish remover gets ad-
hesive-tape marks off with speed
and ease.
with hood
with hood
Sorority study
poetry, music
At the meeting of Beta Sigma.
Phi Sorority Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Norman Amos,
Kirkton, the program "Poetry
into Music" was taken by Mrs.
William Essery and Mrs. Nor-
man Amos.
With the help of Mrs. Grace
Ross they tried to define the
difference between poetry and
music. Mrs. Ross gave demon-
strations of 3, .4 .and 5-tone
patterns at the piano.
Members arebuying gifts for
the Childreh's Aitl in Goderich.
Mrs. Robert Fletcher and Mrs.
Joe Wooden served lunch.
Miss Della Peart underwent
surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital
London, Sunday,
Mrs. Iris Gratton and daugh-
ters Diane and Debra of Los An-
geles, California, arrive today
(Thursday) to visit with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. Marjorie
Mrs. W. J. Beer is spending
a few days with her niece Mrs.
K. L. Werner in London.
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Ford and
family, Grand Bend, Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur Ford, town, visited over
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Kenneth Hern, Milton.
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Neil, town
and Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Neil, Cent-
ralia, visited with Mr. & Mrs.
M. E. Neil and family, of Garden
City and Royal Oak, Mich. Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Fl/Lt J.A, & Mrs. Cann, Mary
Ann, Cathy and Nancy of Belle-
ville, Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Fordham,
Kimberly and Lisa, Windsor,
spent the holiday weekend with
Mrs. Jean Mair and Mrs, E.
Mrs. M, C. Fletcher left Sunday
for Cupertino, Cal. to visit with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
& Mrs. Rex Balentine.
Ski jackets
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Hand Shell: Soaps and
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Blue Grass, June Geranium.
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